The Internet has changed the world in good ways as well as bad. It's so easy to solve your problems by online study, when before you had to go to great effort to find the books, the research papers, etc., and even then, much was out of date but how would you know that?
Now, so much data is at your fingertips that you can solve many of your own problems that wouldn't have been possible before. And in the US, the Internet is available to more people than ever.
For disabled or elderly, there are resources that didn't exist 100 or even 50 years ago, a blip in the history of time. Home health, either through Medicaid or for pay at $30 an hour or so - delivery services available in many more places than before the pandemic - uber eats, grocery deliveries, instacart, etc.
There's access to entertainment, not just the two or three networks like before, but from all over the world - from the past, as well. Same with music, books, just about anything you can think of.
There are medical breakthroughs as well - and you can research that for yourself, online, and you can access psychiatrists online - specialized ones for your particular problems, when 100, even 50 years ago, you were just stuck with whatever paltry and expensive psychologists or whatever nearby.
I could go on... The world is a wonderland, in a way, in ways it never was before - and couldn't even have been imagined before. I'm so happy that I lived long enough to see it and benefit from it!