Based on the novel by Anita Shreve, it follows a photographer (Catherine McCormack) who accompanies her husband (Sean Penn) and brother and sister-in-law (Josh Lucas and Elizabeth Hurley) to the Isles of Shoals while researching a double-murder that occurred there in 1873, the details of which are recounted in a parallel narrative. Sarah Polley, Katrin Cartlidge, Ciarán Hinds, and Vinessa Shaw star in the period piece story, which is semi-fictionalized but based on a real crime. The film was a box office train wreck and a critical failure, though Bigelow felt it was her most personal work to date. While it admittedly has its flaws, I find it a rather haunting, somber film with great performances from all involved. The contemporary story (largely set aboard a yacht) has a sunny, hazy atmosphere that contrasts nicely with the chilly historical drama.
Let's discuss the underrated Kathryn Bigelow film "The Weight of Water" (2000)
by Anonymous | reply 1 | December 21, 2024 2:22 PM |
The true story of the murders interwoven in the film is fascinating.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | December 21, 2024 2:22 PM |