Democrats have created a very narrow “path forward” which alienates many people (like those uncomfortable with gender ideology) and looks down on the values of people who are poor or rural.
Chris Murphy says that Democrats are losing because of intolerance
by Anonymous | reply 34 | November 11, 2024 11:19 AM |
Op you’ll be banned because you just described 99 % of posters on the DL
by Anonymous | reply 1 | November 10, 2024 9:06 PM |
The other day I was watching Abby on CNN and this one pundit got so angry at Shermichael Singleton for simply using the word boy as he was trying to provide his insight regarding the tranny ads in Pennsylvania and how regular fucking families responded to it. It was crazy. He wouldn’t let him finish his sentence, that’s how self righteous he was. Abby had to calm everyone down. It was just crazy. These people are nuts.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | November 10, 2024 9:08 PM |
Trump caused everyone to freak out, dig in, and fight for their rights in his first term because he scared everyone so much, then George Floyd exacerbated things, and then all the Repugs laughed as we all figured out what was "too far" instead of creating a plan for THEIR extreme bullshit.
And you all fell for it. Well fucking done.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | November 10, 2024 9:11 PM |
Just wait 2 years. Trump and the GOP will overreach and the economy will be in shambles. The same trans-loving Dems will win Congress
by Anonymous | reply 4 | November 10, 2024 9:17 PM |
[quote]He wouldn’t let him finish his sentence, that’s how self righteous he was.
Crazy r2 He interrupted Singleton and kept saying, “I’m not going to allow transphobia at this table.” He kept talking and would not allow anyone else to speak. As though that’s going to persuade anyone.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | November 10, 2024 9:17 PM |
[quote] looks down on the values of people who are poor or rural.
Absolutely . I look down on the values of anymore who selects a felonious rapist insurrectionist for the highest office on earth. We do not share the same values.
The fact that democracy and freedoms are being shredded as a result of their amoral choices makes me despise them even more.
I hold them in utter contempt.
By the way, they have always looked down at me as a gay man, even though that has zero impact on their lives. But their feelings are far more important.
They are devoid of empathy, celebrate their ignorance and look down upon knowledge and education. Again, we don’t share the same values.
The irony is that their celebration of depravity will make me richer and them even poorer. Not that they know what irony is.
The next time a tornado destroys an Oklahoma trailer park and the Red Cross asks for relief donations, I’ll divert my funds to a local gay organization, women’s shelter or children’s hospital.
Fuck them.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | November 10, 2024 9:18 PM |
Oh this is an excellent clip.
Most liberals would be abhorred at the kind of language policing going on here, or seeing a white man shouting down a black man who chose to talk in a quiet respectful voice.
I do believe at some level the embrace of transgender issues by people like this comes not from sympathy to transgender individuals but simply because these people want a pulpit to deride other people whom they encounter in their daily life. For example this helium voice Jewish queen won’t ever lecture Ruby and Zelda at the Piggly Wiggly, but he will meet someone like Shermichael every day in New York, a professional black person who is largely cosmopolitan but may not agree on a lot of issues on the cultural avant-garde, as Black Americans often have culturally conservative attitudes due to the church being the backbone of many Black communities.
Similarly, the attitude of many of the Black campus protesters was belligerent to people simply who were of Jewish background or who supported Israel’s right to exist.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | November 10, 2024 9:24 PM |
R6, I guess you owned the MAGAts. Too bad the Dems don't know what the voters want.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | November 10, 2024 9:27 PM |
Biden does play a huge role in this. But also Nancy Pelosi herself and all the fucking gatekeepers who knew that man’s mind wasn’t right and covered the shit up. I hold Kamala less at fault for that because she has to be loyal and they essentially have to have a oneness. Kamala does bears responsibility for fucking losing though. She had to out on this joy persona because stupid ass fucking Americans are so motherfucking ignorant, that any assertive type woman comes across as a bitch.
This would have been a difficult year for the Dems to maintain the presidency but not impossible. I hold Biden at 80% fault for refusing to step down and honor his word.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | November 10, 2024 9:33 PM |
[quote] [R6], I guess you owned the MAGAts. Too bad the Dems don't know what the voters want.
They want cheap stuff and prices to return to pre-COVID levels.
That’s it. And it’s not happening. Ever.
This overintellectualizing is a waste of time and misses the point.
Carville has lost his touch, but “It’s the economy stupid” has always been the greatest campaign strategy.
Inflation was brutal and impossible to escape.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | November 10, 2024 9:41 PM |
You might not agree with his politics but Shermichael, handsome and suave, is a class act.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | November 10, 2024 9:41 PM |
Shermichael was right. They're boys. They shouldn't be playing girls' sports. The idiot shouting him down is everything that's wrong with the left and why they lost.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | November 10, 2024 9:43 PM |
Chris Murphy is an idiot and doesn't matter. None of the opinions matter at this point. Don't waste your time reading or listening to any of them. Spare yourselves. The Christian dictatorship is already proceeding full steam ahead. There is nothing the Democrats can do. We're now on the timeline of an accelerated deterioration of society and the planet.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | November 10, 2024 9:55 PM |
[quote]She had to out on this joy persona because stupid ass fucking Americans are so motherfucking ignorant, that any assertive type woman comes across as a bitch.
I never thought of it that way but you're right.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | November 10, 2024 10:03 PM |
He’s correct.
Democrats have alienated the working class, Christians, white people, straight people, and men.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | November 10, 2024 10:05 PM |
Since my thoughts on the election thread was deleted, I’ll state it on here. The democrats need to engage in intense social media propaganda. There is no other way. People simply do not watch legacy media, “the news” anymore. Trump got nearly 50% of people under the age of 30. When the fuck has a motherfucking Republican got that much of the youth vote. You have a whole generation of people under 30 who remember a pre Covid world when their parents were doing well economically and diversity was cool but boys weren’t playing in girl sports.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | November 10, 2024 10:11 PM |
In the last few days, lots of people seem to have suggested the Democrats essentially become right wing to "win America back".
"It seems like not being transphobic, being pro-choice and not hating gay people alienated the average American and that's why they voted Trump. We need to learn from our mistakes and change direction. So, from Monday, we need to say we are no longer in favour of trans rights, gay rights or women's rights. This will ensure the Democrats win in 2028!"
Okay I'm exaggerating a little, but you don't just abandon your party's main views after a defeat...
by Anonymous | reply 17 | November 10, 2024 10:25 PM |
Nancy Pelosi also should have never let Trump sign his name on them damn checks. The Dems should have fought tooth and nail over that.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | November 10, 2024 10:33 PM |
[quote] Chris Murphy is an idiot and doesn't matter. None of the opinions matter at this point. Don't waste your time reading or listening to any of them.
Including yours, i take it.
thanks for giving us permission to put you on ignore.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | November 10, 2024 10:35 PM |
The majority of Americans decided based on the Economy and Migration that Dems didn't care about them. That alone was enough to vote Repub. Most have no interest in Trans athletes. The Dems had one thing to hang their campaign on, Abortion. There is no plan to ban it nationwide despite what people say to get your tighty whiteys in an uproar.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | November 10, 2024 10:45 PM |
Nah, it’s just the majority of Americans are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time. They’d rather believe fairy tales told by a pathological liar when the least bit of googling would’ve told them the truth.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | November 10, 2024 11:36 PM |
My onlyfans will be live in January!
by Anonymous | reply 22 | November 10, 2024 11:53 PM |
All of America will be beating off to that hot sexy bitch Rachel Levine!
by Anonymous | reply 23 | November 11, 2024 12:02 AM |
We should ask Murphy why intolerance on the part of the GOP managed to work so well for them this time, and pretty much every other time.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | November 11, 2024 3:56 AM |
Dems abandoned Christians? Seriously? Democrats lost Evangelicals and hardcore Catholics when both groups decided to condense their theological down to “gay bad, abortion murder” That happened 40+ years ago and if you think that Dems can win them back by 2026 then they’ve completely lost the plot.
I think we’re just in the hysterical, straw clutching phase right now.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | November 11, 2024 4:05 AM |
And Donald Trump- born with a silver spoon in his mouth- just panders to them for votes. He'll do nothing for them (maybe Religious Freedom). He went to a grocery store for the first time in his life this year for a photo op.
The hillbillies think he's one of them because he's crude, misogynistic and always in legal trouble. He made good, but he hasn't forgotten them. When will those checks start coming again?
by Anonymous | reply 26 | November 11, 2024 4:05 AM |
But it's okay for poor, rural people to look down on LGBT people, non-white, people or the libs....right?
by Anonymous | reply 27 | November 11, 2024 4:13 AM |
How quickly we’ve all forgotten that Trump campaigned calling us scum, vermin, enemies, trash. And that’s just American born Democrats. Let’s not get started on the adjectives he lobbed at immigrants. I guess we “elites” are not supposed to have feelings. We’re not supposed to take offence. If he lost, we’d be balls deep in his stolen election conspiracy. He would not concede. We’d be facing 1/6 2.0 and not a single person at Fox would be asking Republicans to understand suburban Democrats and stop using demeaning language.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | November 11, 2024 4:23 AM |
I copied this from my hillbilly neighbor's Facebook. Apparently they think the President is a combo of Santa Claus, Daddy Warbucks and Jesus. How about lifting yourself up and being ambitious? Stop looking for "help":
"Well there is a old saying charity must start at home when your government turns it back on there own people and they wanna run for office again it’s only natural. The people gonna turn their backs on them specially all the people down in Florida who suffered with the hurricane and the other states as well"
by Anonymous | reply 29 | November 11, 2024 4:29 AM |
He didn’t say a damn thing about supporting trans people, OP. It’s all about economics and alienation.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | November 11, 2024 4:41 AM |
But I want blue toenails and 3 husbands!
by Anonymous | reply 31 | November 11, 2024 5:13 AM |
R7 I like you.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | November 11, 2024 5:13 AM |
The Dems are taking way too much responsibility for this loss--and yes, they have to. They have to come out with all these statements about leaving the working class behind, inflation, etc., (when it was a worldwide problem), The US economy has been the envy of the world for the past year. Unemployment is at an all-time low, and the stock market is soaring.
But okay fine, if people say they are hurting, then you have to believe them. But Trump does not know how to create jobs--and he is not going to do so.
So yes, the Dems lost because of a perceived bad economy. But the Dems also lost--and no one can say it--because the United States is overwhelmingly filled with motherfucking stupid people beyond words along with bigoted assholes who would vote for a liar, criminal and rapist rather than a black woman or any woman. Sure the Dems made mistakes, but it's next to impossible to fix stupid and change racist misogynists who continually vote against their own self-interest.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | November 11, 2024 6:28 AM |
R33 You said “it’s impossible to fix stupid and change racist misogynists who continually vote against their own self-interest.”
Make that make sense. Liberals want college educated feminists who announce their pronouns, identify as atheists and struggle with white guilt.
You can’t attack straight white Christian men and then bully them into voting for a party that calls them evil.
You guys hate them to the core but want them to vote because you think it’s actually in their best interest to vote for a party that thinks they’re racist and sexists and idiots.
They don’t vote against their own interest.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | November 11, 2024 11:19 AM |