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Seattle parents charged in possible attempted honor killing of daughter

Her parents planned to send her to Iraq to marry an older man.

The daughter tried to run away from her abusive parents with her boyfriend, but they showed up at school where her father tried to choke her to death.

This story is nuts.

One student captured video footage of the attack.

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by Anonymousreply 39November 25, 2024 12:27 PM

Let's look into deportations for every family member except her. If they're on a green card, revoke immediately. Don't make that township spend its valuable LE and DA's money on people who never intended to follow our laws. Seize their assets and property and make them pay for their plane tickets back.

OF COURSE, the daughter is the *only* legitimate asylum seeker. That status should be granted to her post haste.

by Anonymousreply 1November 18, 2024 7:26 AM

Absolutely vile. That poor girl. She deserves so much better.

by Anonymousreply 2November 18, 2024 7:33 AM

Keep it in the basement. This is amateur hour, indeed.

by Anonymousreply 3November 18, 2024 7:34 AM

This is what our poor Palestinian friends are fighting for!

by Anonymousreply 4November 18, 2024 10:15 AM

Those poor parents.

by Anonymousreply 5November 18, 2024 10:54 AM

[quote]This is what our poor Palestinian friends are fighting for!

That and a spot of paedophilia R4

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by Anonymousreply 6November 18, 2024 11:01 AM

The story just got worse. He was horrifically abusive to her younger autistic brother.

[QUOTE]'She said her father "hits" her younger brother "way more" and it is "disgusting",' the officer wrote. The girl said her brother was autistic and 'didn't know any better'.

[QUOTE]"She said one time her father shoved food in the brother's mouth and he was "choking" on it.

[QUOTE]"She said the second incident her father took her brother to work with him who in turn "tasted" the "blue thing" in the urinal. She said her dad got mad at him and "hurt" her brother with the belt, which left bruises all over his back.

[QUOTE]'She said the third time her brother was in the bathroom and he "pooped" on the floor. She said her dad got upset with him and shoved the poop in his mouth to make him "taste it".

[QUOTE]The officer wrote that the girl alleged her father threw a watermelon at her brother's back, who then fell over and the fruit 'broke open all over his back'.

It's the DM, so I won't bother linking.

by Anonymousreply 7November 23, 2024 7:54 PM

They love our money, not our values.

by Anonymousreply 8November 23, 2024 7:56 PM

It would be funny if they were one of the Muslim Trump voters and end up getting deported over this.

by Anonymousreply 9November 23, 2024 8:03 PM

r8 they should be deported, but lets not act like we don't have plenty of our own homegrown crazies domestic violencing their way through life.

by Anonymousreply 10November 23, 2024 8:03 PM

The parents are definitely on the deportation list now. Steve Miller showed that video to Trump and he gave the hand signal that means "remove these very nasty people from our great country. "

by Anonymousreply 11November 23, 2024 8:05 PM

These Muslims should never be allowed in. They don't assimilate and don't believe they have to obey any laws other than those in the Quran.

by Anonymousreply 12November 23, 2024 8:09 PM

There are intolerant Muslim cultures that do not share Western values whose immigrants refuse assimilation. But I believe this family would be regarded as deviant in their own culture. Some people, regardless of birthplace, are bad seeds. Their psychopathy, anger, and risk-taking are off the charts. I mean they're immigrants, maybe just on green card status, and they risk committing a public murder?

by Anonymousreply 13November 23, 2024 8:13 PM

How awful for that girls, and others who have suffer such mistreatment. How can anyone treat their child this way?

by Anonymousreply 14November 23, 2024 8:35 PM

There's NO way the autistic son remains in that household; I hope CPS has him already.

I wonder if the "teen" girl is closer to 18, or 13/14?

If she's 18 or under, CPS needs to remove her, as well.

Those parents will NEVER change; remember the teen girl in St. Louis who was murdered by her parents because she was dating a boy--a BLACK boy?

The entire murder was caught on audio by the FBI who were monitoring the Dad and his business the Feds claimed were tied to/funding terrorists. It is still chilling to hear the mother saying "Die, my darling."

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by Anonymousreply 15November 23, 2024 8:48 PM

from the above article re Tina Isa: "As a result of the case, some Palestinian families residing in the U.S. sent their children back to Palestine to avoid them undergoing Americanization."

Smooth move.

by Anonymousreply 16November 23, 2024 9:18 PM

R16 - yep - and people sit here and think Palestinians are angelic.

The Seattle case is disgusting - thinking you can just kill your daughter in public.

Thank God she got away - and fuck those parents. But there are probably thousands of them in the US.

by Anonymousreply 17November 23, 2024 9:21 PM

A similar incident to this happened in 2008 involving two girls (Saraj and Amina Said). Unfortunately, neither survived. It's super sad. But the situation was exactly the same. The father was trying to send the eldest daughter off to Egypt to marry some old man and when she refused he killed her and her sister. The 911 call from the younger daughter is chilling.

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by Anonymousreply 18November 23, 2024 10:44 PM

I hope LBC doesn’t get wind of this. Shelagh Fogerty would be racing to Twitter to defend the parents.

by Anonymousreply 19November 23, 2024 10:48 PM

R15 Wasn’t that story on Forensic Files?

by Anonymousreply 20November 23, 2024 11:27 PM

I actually knew a woman when I was in the Army whose father committed such a murder. She was an Albanian from NYC and was in my barracks. The four of us used to hang out: my Puerto Rican gf, me, Blondie (the Albanian non-practicing Muslim girl who had very long blonde hair) and her gf Myrna, a white Cuban from Miami who looked more PA Dutch than I did.

Blondie had been looking to escape her family, so while her father was in prison (which no one in their community held against him, since he had done an honorable thing), she enlisted on the "buddy system" with her gf, who later became my gf. They spent three years getting stationed everywhere together and even came to W. Germany together, which is where we met.

She was a tall, slim, beautiful woman who'd learned fluent Spanish (and spoke English and Albanian as well) on the streets of the South Bronx. Very continental. I had never seen anyone kiss someone on both cheeks before. She had a sexy, lethargic accent to her English.

When she got out of the Army, she went back to NYC and found a black boyfriend, tall and handsome. I spent a weekend at their place where we all shot heroin, a habit she and I had picked up while stationed in Germany.

I never saw her again, but a few years ago, when I was trying to find my old Army buddies, I looked her up (she had a very distinctive name which I remembered precisely). I actually found her in the Social Security death index. She'd died in Miami at 42. Her father probably outlived her. But at least she escaped.

by Anonymousreply 21November 24, 2024 12:20 AM

There was a case in Canada some years ago where three daughters and a first wife were drowned when the father pushed their car into a canal.

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by Anonymousreply 22November 24, 2024 12:26 AM

Oh yes, murdering your family makes you a hero! I’m so proud you to have absolved yourself of their sins! Now you can hold your head high up in your own head. Because you don’t live in that world any longer!

by Anonymousreply 23November 24, 2024 12:46 AM

There's no defense of what these or any other similar parents have done or tried to do. However, this also happens among Hindus (particularly when the family of a married girl has not paid their full dowry) Sikhs, and other groups. This is essentially a very bad behavior normalized in societies we would term primitive in the sense that they regard women as property - first owned by parents and then owned by husbands.

It's not universal, or even that common (statistics say that it happens to perhaps 5000 women per year, a tiny percentage of the world's population) - but horrifying. In fundamentalist societies who are not likely to listen to outsiders, it's really necessary for the clergy to forcefully oppose this kind of behavior.

by Anonymousreply 24November 24, 2024 12:53 AM

From the second article (Shafia family murders)

"The murders gave rise to the debate about the relationship between honour killing and Islam. Islamic organizations based in Canada condemned the murders. The Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, along with other Canadian Muslim organizations, have publicly denounced domestic violence and honour killing as un-Islamic.[29] Ali Falih Altaie, the family imam, said that the murders were unforgivable; he also cautioned against associating honour crimes with Islam, calling the actions incompatible with any religion.[30][31]

In 2012 imams from across Canada and the U.S. issued a moral ruling officially condemning honour killings, domestic violence, and misogyny as un-Islamic. Thirty-four imams belonging to the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, including a handful of American members, signed the fatwa in an effort to counter misinterpretations of the Qur'an.[32]

Afghan Canadians In an interview with CTV News, the Afghan Embassy in Ottawa condemned the murders of the four members of the Shafia family. The embassy called the deaths of the three teenage sisters and their father's first wife a heinous crime against humanity. Moreover, they claimed that this kind of crime is not part of Afghan or Islamic culture and is not acceptable in any way.[33]

It is that sort of reaction that needs to happen each and every time that such a murder or attempted murder takes place.

by Anonymousreply 25November 24, 2024 12:59 AM

You could die and come back in 500 years and these ignorant motherfuckers would not have changed one bit. I am sick to bastard death of these fuckers invading western countries with their misogyny and hate, all the while spitting on western values. The only thing worse are those who make excuses / try to sane wash them like several on this board who are too stupid to realize how much they themselves are hated by them.

by Anonymousreply 26November 24, 2024 1:07 AM

Yep, R25.

I watched Forensic Files from its debut to the day Peter Thomas retired and died, and this was one of the Top Ten worst cases they ever aired.

by Anonymousreply 27November 24, 2024 1:11 AM

Obviously not all Muslims are extremists, and my family’s story proves how varied Muslim experiences can be. My father, a Palestinian who moved to Brazil as a child, immigrated to the U.S. in 1962 with my mom a Brazilian native. He called himself Muslim but never went to mosque or followed strict practices. My mom, a Catholic who didn’t attend church, introduced Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter into our home. My dad didn’t care—it wasn’t his thing, but he didn’t object either.

At 14, in 1978, I came out as gay. My dad wasn’t thrilled—mainly because I wouldn’t have kids to carry on the family name—but he didn’t fight me on it or stop loving me. When I told him I wasn’t religious, he accepted that too. My sister, a stunning beauty, lived like a typical American teen. She dated and embraced American culture, which embarrassed my dad at times, but he didn’t overreact.

I never saw myself as Arab, and religion was never a part of my identity. From what my dad shared, Palestinians before the creation of Israel weren’t very religious either. For him, Islam was cultural, not strict or dogmatic.

This shows how diverse Muslims are. Many value peace and family over tradition and don’t fit into the extreme stereotypes so often portrayed.

by Anonymousreply 28November 24, 2024 1:26 AM

[quote] You could die and come back in 500 years and these ignorant motherfuckers would not have changed one bit.

No, that is simply not true. 500 years ago, the vast majority of people in this thing we've decided to call "The West" would pretty much be on the father's side. Most would say, well, yeah, trying to kill her is unfortunate, but you know, she's gotta obey her parents and she's gotta accept whatever old husband they picked out for her. And pretty much for the exact same reasons: well, God wants it this way and if you don't want it to be like this, it's cause you hate God.

What we need to do is always insist on Enlightenment values, above all the value of not simply believing every bullshit blathering nonsense that comes out of "holy books." And that's not just about Muslim immigrants, it's about all the homegrown, been here for generations Christians, like the cunt in Oklahoma who wants to mandate bible worship in all the public schools. It's a constant struggle, and I fear we may be losing it right now.

by Anonymousreply 29November 24, 2024 1:30 AM

r28, your father married a Western white woman. How religious could you really expect him to be? Both my parents are Muslim, and although they were not religious, they were not "cool" like my schoolmates' parents. All my cousins lived the same way too. There's definitely an underlying repressiveness in Muslim culture that isn't there in Western culture.

by Anonymousreply 30November 24, 2024 5:05 AM

[quote]your father married a Western white woman. How religious could you really expect him to be?

r30 Did you not watch the video I posted at r18? That man married an American White woman and still committed that heinous act. Clearly, that didn't matter.

by Anonymousreply 31November 24, 2024 5:33 AM

Look, if Beyone can dance on a private yacht for some Saudi prince that's paying the record company a boatlaod of cash, then folks should be able to pawn their daughter off to to a Middle East dynasty without concern. It's the new world.

by Anonymousreply 32November 24, 2024 7:04 AM

[quote] your father married a Western white woman. How religious could you really expect him to be?

Ask Sally Field.

by Anonymousreply 33November 24, 2024 9:16 AM

They were doing the little whore a favor. Now mind your business, you preening fairies.

by Anonymousreply 34November 24, 2024 10:08 AM

[QUOTE]I actually found her in the Social Security death index. She'd died in Miami at 42. Her father probably outlived her. But at least she escaped.

I assume she ODed? If she was an addict maybe she never really escaped.

by Anonymousreply 35November 24, 2024 9:49 PM

R24 - just because only 5,000 women are killed per year in honor killings on record doesn't mean there aren't more that aren't covered up - or that the threat of these killings, allow for the physical and mental abuse of hundreds of millions of women.

Imagine if 5,000 men were being killed by their mothers and sisters each year. It's not a small amount.

by Anonymousreply 36November 24, 2024 10:01 PM

On top of the murder figures I wonder how many girls and young women choose suicide over having to marry and become a broodmare and lifelong slave to some gross old man? I'm thinking about women in Yemen who are committing mass suicide rather than face the fate of rape by combatants in that war. And I guarantee you those deaths will never be acknowledged or counted.

by Anonymousreply 37November 24, 2024 10:15 PM

I will never understand these fucking people...honor killings, FGM, global jihad, modern day slavery (I think they stopped castrating all the males, though), suicide bombers, massacring your infidel neighbors because your allah tells you to and it is your straight to paradise card to do so, public beheading and amputations, gang raping thousands of girls, making the age of consent 9 to emulate the mass murdering prophet of peace.

by Anonymousreply 38November 24, 2024 10:28 PM

R36, your last paragraph ruins a decent post.

by Anonymousreply 39November 25, 2024 12:27 PM
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