Hello. I discovered this wonderful site nearly 3 years ago and you people here are so funny and fearless. I rarely create but felt obliged to do so after discovering something rather shocking today. I’m a retired dental assistant having been a full time housewife and mama bear of 2 cubs lol for the past ten years. Anyways after the settlement from my divorce, I decided to return to college as a full time student. Online classes rock. My own computer recently broke and I needed to do some research for a paper for my politics and psychology class which is due at midnight tonight. Anyways, I decided I needed to get this done and didn’t really feel like going to Best Buy to get my own computer serviced. I swear I wasn’t snooping but I went into my oldest son’s bedroom and logged into his laptop. I remembered I knew the password from a science project I helped him on freshman year. I was unnerved when I found gay porn in the hidden chrome tabs while browsing the web.
My son is 17 yrs old and captain of the football team. He is actually at a game right now which I usually attend but it’s cold and I think I may be catching a cold lol. My son has only ever dated girls since the 7th grade. He doesn’t act stereotypically gay and is the quarterback on the team. He is a big Billie Ellish fan but I thought that may be normal for both guys and girls his age. I would totally love and embrace him but this is all just so surprising to me. It makes me think he is struggling with his sexuality. Or perhaps maybe a friend was using his computer? He has one gay friend who sometimes spends the night. His uncle, my ex husband’s youngest brother, is also gay. Should I confront him about this to help him deal? His younger brother who is turning 13 next week, idolizes him. Positive recommendations on what I should do, are welcomed.