Ricky accidently discovers Lucy's OnlyFans page and pretends to a rich oil sheik to see if he could get her to show her muff or to meet up to "titch' her a lesson, he explains to Fred.
Lucy plays coy at first but finally agrees to meet in person for $100 but only if it is with all the lights out in the empty apartment 3-G the Mertz's have been unsuccessfully trying to let out and that they also not speak during the meeting as she has a cold. Prince "Amir" agrees and assures her there will be no need for words and he is "fluent in language of love."
Lucy gets Ethel to hide in the closet to ensure her safety and instructs her that if she stomps her foot two times then everything's o.k., but if she stomps her foot three times Ethyl is to barge out of the closet blowing a whistle and banging a pot.
Meanwhile, Ricky makes plans with Fred to hide in the different closet with his cell phone ready to film it all to "cash her the act!"
On the day of the meetup Ricky arrives in full sheik garb, replete with feathered turban and curled pointy shoes and enters the empty dark apartment and hear a strange gravely voice:
"Over here, lover boy!"
At first Ricky is confused as he thought they were to meet in silence but once he feels a pair of hands groping him through his rented kurtah, and before he can give Fred his own signal he is pulled down on the floor, pushed back and feels his thick 10 uncut inches slide nto a familiar loose wet pussy and he instinctly begins to buck violently.
In the closet Ethyl hears the hard pounding on the floor, gets confused and bursts out banging her pot and blowing her whistle. Fred, in his own closet, hears the racket and charges out live-streaming and switches on the lights as the apartment door is flung open!
MRS TRUMBLE: I'm trying dear, I'm trying!
LUCY: We were SUPPOSED to meet at 3:15, not 3:00!! WaaAAAH! YOU TRICKED ME!!
FRED: Come on, honeybunch, let's go and let these kids work it out!
FRED: I was taking to Mrs Trumble!
ETHYL: Oh, honestly!
...and scene.