This is in some ways a big deal because the Palace explicitly banned it from being shown again after it was originally shown on British TV. it never officially was shown in the US or ever again in the UK. It was a documentary made with their explicit cooperation by the BBC with the purpose of demystiufying them, but they hated the reaction to it.
This being said, be warned that it is incredibly boring, which was in part why it was so heavily criticized when it came out back on the day. Still, it's paradoxically fascinating getting such a good if dull close-up of the Windsors living their lives. The Queen was only 43 at the time and still somewhat pretty (for an ordinary person, of course--NOT by Hollywood standards). Charles was at his homeliest, although he had a nice body (there are shots of him water-skiing). Anne looks really cool. Edward was only five years old when this was shot.
This may be taken down quickly, so if you're interested, you may want to watch it while you can.