In Flint, Michigan
This is one of the more interesting modern phenomena. Until four or five years ago perpetrators of decades-old crimes were probably breathing pretty easy, and the first set of criminals detected through forensic genealogy (which I am assuming in this case) must have been truly shocked when police arrived. Now every criminal must be wondering every day, “Did I leave DNA behind? Did they keep the evidence file ?”
by Anonymous | reply 1 | October 12, 2024 1:47 AM |
Sorry. I didn’t realize the degree of stupidity that lurked here. To forestall a further barrage of stupidity from you, I will specify that, when I say Clinton never went nude as First Lady, I mean in her official.capacity and not that she never bathed.
Let me know if your brain needs help with anything else.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | October 12, 2024 1:53 AM |
Has r2's brain processed that he posted on tge wrong thread?
R1 - not genealogy. Saved scrapings from underneath the victim's nails were saved. The perpetrator was nabbed for another crime and there was a hit for his DNA. Special funds were alloted that allowed for hiring two retired detectives and a technical person.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | October 12, 2024 2:44 AM |
So the dude probably got some head, head regrets afterwards and killed the guy. Why else would he be hanging around a Popular cruising spot. Also the animal looks like a fat pig, hideous foul thing he is.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | October 12, 2024 3:07 AM |