[quote]I didn't even realize Irish-born Colm Meaney was a naturalized U.S. citizen. Dead to me.
I'm pretty sure that he isn't, r86. He and his wife live in Majorca. All it takes is for some DL-er (r83) to make a claim that Meaney is a Trumpster, offering no proof, and Colm is "dead to" you? No thought of checking it out yourself?
[quote]Sorry [R205]. The left leaning Dr. Bashir actor has stated over the years (when talking about their behind-the-scenes relationship) that they were on opposite sides of every political issue but they agreed to disagreed [sic] for the sake of argument. That makes him a US style rightie [sic] republican ("pro life", anti-immigration, anti-LGBT, pro military warhawk, etc.) & not some left leaning "Euro conservative".
You and r83 are wrong, r205. Dead wrong. Meany has always been, in his own words, "left of the left". From the linked article:
[quote]As an early teen, he joined Sinn Féin due to their left-leaning policies. Politics would be an influence throughout his career.
A direct quote from Meaney:
[quote]It’s fucking Thatcherism, Reaganism, the neoliberals and the trickle-down economy that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael both bought into, [the idea] that the market will sort everything out. Bollocks.”
You offered no link regarding what you claim "Dr Bashir " said regarding his and Colm's political arguments, r206. . The closest thing I could find was that Colm Meaney and Alexander Siddig (the actor who portrayed Dr Bashir) was that the two frequently went out drinking. They fought often, though it would appear mostly about English/Irish and class matters, rather than politics.
Got a link ? I suspect you imagined it, just like all the rest of the things that you assumed about Meaney ("pro life", anti-immigration, anti-LGBT, pro military warhawk, etc."). Do you have a link proving *any* of those things?
r205 is right, and you , r83, and r207 are wrong.