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Cheryl Hines’ Enthusiasm for Donald Trump Could Not Be More Curbed

RFK Jr.'s wife has expressed disdain for the GOP candidate since his first term: "I thought, 'I'm not going to make it through these four years.'"

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by Anonymousreply 47August 25, 2024 12:18 AM

That OP Pic looks like a horror movie...

by Anonymousreply 1August 23, 2024 7:28 PM

Don’t believe a word from this “actress”

by Anonymousreply 2August 23, 2024 7:42 PM

Amazing that her real-life husband turned out to be an even bigger prick than her TV husband ...

by Anonymousreply 3August 23, 2024 8:12 PM

These two must share a lot of mutual admiration and respect for one another, or they would not have made it this far.


by Anonymousreply 4August 23, 2024 8:35 PM

Or they both could be emotional cripples who can't stand being single and would rather be in a hollow, empty, meaningless "marriage," R4.

by Anonymousreply 5August 23, 2024 8:48 PM

My God, I hope the sex is worth it.

by Anonymousreply 6August 23, 2024 8:57 PM

There are plenty of hot, crazy men who won't get you canceled in Hollywood. And the access to Kennedys is now truly over. What exactly is his use to her any longer?

by Anonymousreply 7August 23, 2024 9:00 PM

[quote] My God, I hope the sex is worth it.

I doubt it's the sex that keeps her in the marriage.

by Anonymousreply 8August 23, 2024 9:12 PM

I forgot she was married to him. How can she stand it?

by Anonymousreply 9August 23, 2024 9:21 PM

That was a word salad and she doesn't seem down-to-earth, to me. She's 58, so old enough to know about "Camelot" and all that bullshit. She probably likes status and the money.

by Anonymousreply 10August 23, 2024 9:58 PM

I’m pissed that Larry David won’t call this whore out. Larry!! Step up dude!!!! She’s part of FASCISM in America, take her ass down!

by Anonymousreply 11August 23, 2024 10:09 PM

Cheryl is a cunt.

by Anonymousreply 12August 23, 2024 10:14 PM

She's a car wash cunt!

by Anonymousreply 13August 23, 2024 10:21 PM

She was my teacher at The Groundlings as I said in another thread.

She was a little white-trashy,

by Anonymousreply 14August 24, 2024 2:21 AM

MAGA has fully embraced this talentless twat!

I hope the fuckin' gash is happy.

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by Anonymousreply 15August 24, 2024 2:26 AM

What does she see in dead eyed POS. RFK jr can’t string together a credible sentence. He belongs with dump.

by Anonymousreply 16August 24, 2024 2:36 AM

When you think you've scored, marrying into an illustrious (but dysfunctional) family and manage to pick the most dysfunctional one.

by Anonymousreply 17August 24, 2024 2:52 AM

R12 for the win!

by Anonymousreply 18August 24, 2024 2:53 AM

Maybe she caught his brainworms

by Anonymousreply 19August 24, 2024 3:27 AM

She married Froggy tho

by Anonymousreply 20August 24, 2024 3:29 AM

She is not 58

by Anonymousreply 21August 24, 2024 3:34 AM

Her statement on Twitter sounds like she's laying the groundwork for explaining "it's not like you think, these are good people who I know want what's best for our country".

She's gross for being involved. I would pay the charity of his choice $200 to hear Larry's unfiltered thoughts.

by Anonymousreply 22August 24, 2024 3:40 AM

Hollywood’s own facelifted, concerned Susan Collins.

by Anonymousreply 23August 24, 2024 3:45 AM

I'm glad she's staying on a sinking ship. Her Hollywood career is over unless she plans to be next Gina Carano and do movies for Ben Shapiro.

by Anonymousreply 24August 24, 2024 3:46 AM

It’s so odd, she and Tig Notaro had one of my favourite podcasts where they reviewed documentaries and goofed around and made each other laugh. She seemed like such a decent person, and very funny.

Then her bizarro husband announced to he was running for president and her podcast abruptly ended. I guess she had to devote herself full-time to taking care of the worm-infested dead bear molester.

by Anonymousreply 25August 24, 2024 3:46 AM

"I’m pissed that Larry David won’t call this whore out."

R11, are YOU responsible for all the crazy political beliefs of all YOUR ex-coworkers?

by Anonymousreply 26August 24, 2024 3:48 AM

God, he’s so hideous on every level.

What the hell is wrong with her?

by Anonymousreply 27August 24, 2024 3:49 AM

The Kennedy family lawyers probably drew up an iron-clad prenup that would mean she walks away with pennies

by Anonymousreply 28August 24, 2024 3:50 AM

Ambition and social climbing. She (successfully) sought to land herself a spot in that strange category of people that are so rich and powerful and selfish that politics and even plain social norms are beneath their notice. Another example of this sort of person is Wendi Deng - her relationships with some of the most questionable men on the planet are so confounding, but it's literally because her desire to be rich and untouchable outweighs any care about her public image or the negative impact her partners are having on the world. And it's not just people who do this via their intimate relationships - I include in this group those CEOs who donate huge amounts to both Republicans and Democrats. They don't care who wins, or what swathes of the public criticize their donations, because they'll be fine either way. They're just waiting for their money to translate into influence.

by Anonymousreply 29August 24, 2024 3:54 AM

R25 I am 100% sure that her husband’s political bullshit is the reason that Tig Notaro bowed out of their podcast together. Cheryl tried to continue doing it with Rachael Harris, but it only lasted a couple of episodes. Meanwhile, Tig’s new podcast is ridiculously popular.

by Anonymousreply 30August 24, 2024 3:57 AM

I remember people kept waiting for her to “straighten him out” or the manufactured stories she was leaving him then like, nah just a pipe dream, she’s Tammy Wynette.

by Anonymousreply 31August 24, 2024 3:59 AM

Maybe she's just as retarded and nutty as he is and it's just as simple as that. To me, it doesn't make any sense to assume she's any kind of way just because she is good at reading funny lines in a script. Just like it doesn't make any sense to assume he's like his father or uncle just because he's related to them.

by Anonymousreply 32August 24, 2024 4:03 AM

She thought “oh score, I married a Kennedy I’ll be the next Jackie O”. Wrong.

by Anonymousreply 33August 24, 2024 4:28 AM

Right now she'd settle for being the next Carole Radziwill.

by Anonymousreply 34August 24, 2024 4:32 AM

Cheryl dear, never stick your dick in the crazy. Your man is a nut case. Remember when he was name dropping the famous he'd hung out with? Epstein, Madoff, Bill Cosby, Trump,Jared from Subway,,,

by Anonymousreply 35August 24, 2024 4:43 AM

R35, in this case, I think you mean never let crazy stick its dick in you, but either way it fits.

by Anonymousreply 36August 24, 2024 6:25 AM

I was with a right winger for seven years. He had a fucking Reagan portrait on his office wall! I was a Clinton loving, Gore loving, Kerry (well, I wanted Dean) loving lefty.

He was the best fuck, the best husband (well domestic partner), the best man I've ever been with. Just a rock of a human being. We got along great. We had a sense of humor about our differences. And we had a million other things in common to focus on.

Sometimes love transcends politics.

That said, if my ex publicly endorsed Trump I would have dumped him! It was very different times back then.

by Anonymousreply 37August 24, 2024 7:39 AM

Is she the one with teeth like piano keys?

by Anonymousreply 38August 24, 2024 7:55 AM

Her pussy stinks.

by Anonymousreply 39August 24, 2024 7:59 AM

She must be dickmitized! Sadly I have been like this as well at certain points in my life.

by Anonymousreply 40August 24, 2024 7:59 AM

What kind of reptile does he resemble?

by Anonymousreply 41August 24, 2024 8:03 AM

God is he a troll…

by Anonymousreply 42August 24, 2024 8:22 AM

Do you think he shoots his poison all over her big teeth then pushes down her throat with his thick index finger?

by Anonymousreply 43August 24, 2024 8:37 AM

[quote] I was with a right winger for seven years. He had a fucking Reagan portrait on his office wall! I was a Clinton loving, Gore loving, Kerry (well, I wanted Dean) loving lefty. He was the best fuck, the best husband (well domestic partner), the best man I've ever been with.


by Anonymousreply 44August 24, 2024 6:00 PM
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by Anonymousreply 45August 25, 2024 12:10 AM

Whenever I see her I think of that early “Curb” episode where Larry forgets to guard the bathroom door at a party and someone walks in on her.

She tells him something like, “It was the WORST possible moment for someone to walk in”… which makes me think she was wiping her ass… which makes me think she shits at strangers’ houses at parties.

That’s all I can think of when I see her.

Gwenyth beware.

by Anonymousreply 46August 25, 2024 12:16 AM

Apparently, people are savaging her on social media while she's busy blocking them. Welcome to your new life, Cheryl.

by Anonymousreply 47August 25, 2024 12:18 AM
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