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Why did Hollywood Love Trump so much

He couldn’t have been that good of an actor. Did anyone realize he was trash pre-2011 besides Rosie O’ Donnell?

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by Anonymousreply 42August 19, 2024 1:24 AM

You’ve said something critical about Trump — proves authentic blackness!

by Anonymousreply 1August 16, 2024 2:45 AM

R1 what in the crackhead hell?

by Anonymousreply 2August 16, 2024 2:47 AM

He was fun and entertaining. He was also a liberal. I only stopped liking him when people started taking him seriously to become President.

by Anonymousreply 3August 16, 2024 2:52 AM


by Anonymousreply 4August 16, 2024 2:54 AM

Because of fucking?

by Anonymousreply 5August 16, 2024 2:57 AM
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by Anonymousreply 6August 16, 2024 3:39 AM

He wanted to get out there and grab some big titty pussy. They can't do anything because you're famous.

by Anonymousreply 7August 16, 2024 3:41 AM

R6 They might be giants. Omg. Time really is a flat circle. A friend of mine from high school was huge fan of theirs. But something else also happened today which gave me intense Deja vu from that time period.

by Anonymousreply 8August 16, 2024 3:45 AM

He's a living, breathing cartoon.

by Anonymousreply 9August 16, 2024 3:48 AM

Cartoon of a buffoon

by Anonymousreply 10August 16, 2024 4:18 AM

[quote] They might be giants. Omg. Time really is a flat circle. A friend of mine from high school was huge fan of theirs. But something else also happened today which gave me intense Deja vu from that time period.

No one cares, junkie. Go snort yourself into oblivion.

by Anonymousreply 11August 17, 2024 5:54 AM

He’s not a junkie and in fact it’s insulting for you to call someone pretending to be a black person “junkie.”

by Anonymousreply 12August 17, 2024 6:02 AM

[Quote] They might be giants. Omg. Time really is a flat circle.

So when will you?

by Anonymousreply 13August 17, 2024 6:02 AM

[quote] He’s not a junkie and in fact it’s insulting for you to call someone pretending to be a black person “junkie.”

I'm only helping to validate his fake race.

by Anonymousreply 14August 17, 2024 6:15 AM

R11 you get more unhinged and bitter with every post. The fact that you would go around and stalk someone asserting for them to kill themselves says a lot about your character. Think about what you are doing. Just think. I’m not even self righteous but look at the time and energy you are wasting. You could walk out your home today and get killed by a spree shooter or get in a car accident and your online activity was for you advocating that someone OD. In the words of Tamar Braxton “get yo life”.

by Anonymousreply 15August 17, 2024 2:00 PM

The fact that you cannot believe a black person would know who They may be against is is just so mafuckin ignorant. I don’t care, I like a lot of this site so I ain’t go now where bitch. But your ass is ignorant as a motherfucker. What you do for a living.

by Anonymousreply 16August 17, 2024 2:02 PM

They may be giants* is

by Anonymousreply 17August 17, 2024 2:03 PM

Hollywood didn't "love" him; if studios wanted to film on his properties, he would negotiate a cameo or have his name mentioned. Nothing more.

by Anonymousreply 18August 17, 2024 2:05 PM

R18 Fresh Prince of Bel Air was filmed in Burbank. I remember seeing him in other film and movies too when I was little kid outside of Home Alone, because I’m guessing the Trump towers is what you are alluding to.

by Anonymousreply 19August 17, 2024 2:07 PM

I think New York has always had his number. But he got a Hollywood boost from The Apprentice, which I guess made him relatable to viewers? His presidency and politicking, though, have shown what an incredibly stupid person he really is. He has no business acumen. And he reportedly stinks.

by Anonymousreply 20August 17, 2024 2:08 PM

R3, he was fun? He made fun of people, unwittily, for decades. That reality show was atrocious.

by Anonymousreply 21August 17, 2024 2:09 PM

I really think Trump was a passive racist who felt humiliated when in his eyes the first black president had the gall to call him out on his bullshit in front an audience. You be surprise how many boomers grew up around really internalizing that black people are less than them.

by Anonymousreply 22August 17, 2024 2:12 PM

R22 - I don’t think there ever was anything passive about his racism. He was raised in it.

by Anonymousreply 23August 17, 2024 2:21 PM

He has a cameo in an episode of SATC that pops up in reruns on E! once in a while. I cringe.

by Anonymousreply 24August 17, 2024 2:21 PM

[quote]I really think Trump was a passive racist who felt humiliated when in his eyes the first black president had the gall to call him out on his bullshit in front an audience.

PASSIVE? ever heard of the central park five? or the time he called cast members of his show "illiterate" (rich, coming from him) because they were black? or that his father was sued in court housing discrimination? holy, shit! there is NOTHING passive about turmp's racism. it simply defines everything he does and thinks

by Anonymousreply 25August 17, 2024 2:57 PM

[Quote] I'm only helping to validate his fake race.

Hi Defacto.

by Anonymousreply 26August 17, 2024 3:25 PM

Is this the new Teacake?

by Anonymousreply 27August 17, 2024 3:29 PM

They never gave him an Emmy.

by Anonymousreply 28August 17, 2024 4:09 PM

R25 yes I know about the Central Park 5. That was 1990 right. I’m saying liberal Hollywood put him on a pedestal for 20 years after that. That’s what so appalling.

Rosie O’ Donnell is the only celeb I’ve ever known to go in on his ass, rightfully so, before the birtherism.

by Anonymousreply 29August 17, 2024 4:19 PM

The area they lived in while he grew up had lots of European immigrant families, & most were über racist, even in Queens.

Queens is divided into different sections, where specific ethnic populations used to somewhat be “expected” to live in. The Greeks had Astoria, the Dominicans & Puerto Ricans had Jackson Heights, the Germans & other Europeans had parts of Jamaica & Woodside, and closely shared neighborhoods with the Orthodox Jews who also had Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, etc. Blacks were mostly in the Bronx, Harlem, & some very tiny pockets of parts of Brooklyn, which was filled with mostly Italians & Hasidic Jews. I forget where the Russians were, but anyhow, that’s how the boroughs in NYC worked back then, OP. I may have screwed up on some of the people who lived where, but the point still stands… NY was a melting pot, but sorta not.

NYC was very, very segregated in the 60s, however less, through the 80s, & eventually through the lates 90s, but some areas still remain as such.

Racism was the norm. The difference was, that once one hit Manhattan, it was harder to notice it, as the city was accessible to all with a job there and/or money to live smack dab in it. Same with the Village, where the racism wasn’t in your face as much, as creativity was the main currency there.

It’s not surprising he grew up as a racist. MANY New Yorkers did.

That said, most New Yorkers were quite liberal, specifically in the Manhattan and Village areas. Long Island, Staten Island were very conservative, and I believe they still are. Lots of cops, firefighters & first responders moved out there, and it was the same with areas of Northern Jersey, yet that was mostly middle to upper middle class, to wealthy Jewish families who wanted out of the city, into the suburbs.

Conservative New Yorkers in Manhattan are VERY different from conservatives who live anywhere else in the United States. They want as little taxes paid out of their pockets like conservatives elsewhere, but they’re VERY socially liberal for the most part, as they’re constantly exposed to the arts, which are basically all & most forms of entertainment in NYC.

This is where Trump emerged from, OP. In his particular situation, time and place, he was very liberal, but fundamentally raised with the worst of what social conservatism means in forms of segregation. Unsurprisingly, one of the reasons why he appeals to the rust belt, the Midwestern conservatives, as well as the southern ones, that is rarely highlighted, is that he’s a native New Yorker, & New Yorkers are constantly so exposed to different cultures within a tiny island, they tend to & can get along with and appeal to almost anyone from anywhere, if they want to.

Unlike the old stereotype, New Yorkers of all stripes are very friendly and usually quite warm. On the streets they’re focused & stand off-ish but beyond that? Most New Yorkers have little issues communicating and appealing to others cross culturally. And so his being born into a racist family, & due to massive exposure while on The Apprentice, he appeals to all hicks & white supremacists, alike.

I personally highly doubt that Trump actually supports Neo-Nazis, or that he hates Jews or blacks. He attended good schools, & most educators in NY educate WELL. New Yorkers are not usually dumb, or completely uncultured. They know better. But he’s a showman, & he will say and do whatever makes him win, because he was taught to be ruthless & that trait was taught to him by his father & Roy Cohn… a Jew. Go figure.

It’s complicated. Never was a term better applied to anyone as it is to DJT.

Hollywood never loved Trump. The media did and ALWAYS will, however, & that’s why he will never go away. Don’t mistake the media with Hollywood. They’re in the same bedroom but not necessarily sharing the same bed.

by Anonymousreply 30August 17, 2024 4:26 PM

Well I hate to say it because I know for a fact NBC executives HATE IT when this is said but: without the Apprentice, wouldn't have Donald Trump as a former President or him running again now. For years Trump was just a tabloid darling. He was outspoken, and yes as someone else noted, used to be liberal. New York both loved and loathed him. But yah, NBC execs hate it when this is said. I won't name names who put that program on. They know who they are! LOL.

by Anonymousreply 31August 17, 2024 4:37 PM

[quote] Is this the new Teacake?

Yes. So full of shit and meth. Couldn't you tell?

by Anonymousreply 32August 17, 2024 4:40 PM

R30 I actually know that Trump grew up in Queens when its demographics where very very different from what it is today. There weren’t no Guyanese and Colombians, in Queens like that when Trump was growing up. I wasn’t merely asking why he is racist just the fact that it went unnoticed for 25 years. He had to have some slip ups. Then again, Harvey Weinstein was raping women for 30 years, while being loved by Hollywood feminists. But like the late great Paul Mooney said “complexion for the protection”.

by Anonymousreply 33August 17, 2024 6:59 PM

No one cares what you have to say, methhead.

by Anonymousreply 34August 17, 2024 7:26 PM

I think his appeal to Hollywood was that he was a celebrity from OUTSIDE the worlds of Entertainment & Sports. There just weren't many of those around in the '80s-early '90s. He was a novelty -- like Dr. Ruth (who also appeared in shit-ton of episodic tv).

by Anonymousreply 35August 17, 2024 8:14 PM

Because he's a character. A big, absurd character. And when that character is not trying to run the nation, it's amusing. And he was willing to kiss ass when he needed to and get in stupid fights when he needed to.

And the apprentice? Him saying "You're fired!" to people who were mostly entitled cunts and kiss asses themselves was entertaining to people.

But, of course, that show is why he was able to become President. Because of the nature of editing and reality TV, every decision he made was presented as the correct one. This made him look like a good decision maker. And here we are.

by Anonymousreply 36August 17, 2024 8:27 PM

R35 🤔 That makes sense.

by Anonymousreply 37August 17, 2024 9:45 PM

I didn't mind his cameo on The Nanny in 1996 (my favorite show at the time). He was on-screen for 45 seconds & uttered a grand total of 19 words. And it was mildly amusing.

It also felt more plausible (or organic?) than some of his other '90s sitcom cameos? Being set in NYC, Max & Fran hob-knobbing with the rich & famous, etc. And the Trumps had been mentioned before. Ivana Trump was at the backers party in the pilot episode. We never saw her, just Fran waving & wishing her goodnight from the front door. (paraphrasing) "Goodnight, Eye-vana!! Don't worry, honey, you'll find someone new!"

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by Anonymousreply 38August 17, 2024 10:05 PM


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by Anonymousreply 39August 18, 2024 9:15 PM

That’s 6 different shows, Home Alone, the Little Rascals, his own show, a celebrity spinoff. The cunt was everywhere.

by Anonymousreply 40August 19, 2024 1:16 AM

I won’t lie there was something sexy about middle aged Trump. Now he is one of the ugliest creatures I have ever seen and doesn’t look like he could have ever been attractive.

by Anonymousreply 41August 19, 2024 1:22 AM

Stupidity, OP.

by Anonymousreply 42August 19, 2024 1:24 AM
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