"Willfully obtuse."
I guess that means people don't like my question. If I asked this about Claire Labine, for example, when she took over GL, folks could trot out their favorite Ryan's Hope or GH storylines.
So, Michelle has never been a head writer except briefly at GH meaning the answer to my question is there really aren't any stories she came up with other than in her roles as breakdown or script writer. Or none that people can cite. And now, she's being given an entire canvas to create. I wish her every success in the world, and I pray that BTG is given time to find its legs as all new shows do. I recall Sunset Beach improving VASTLY after a time; by the show's finale, it was one of my favorites.
Time will tell how the show performs. If Guza is co-head writer, I pray there's no mob influence with an anti-hero/anti-villain. Perhaps BTG will be a huge hit? There's no guarantee that past success will lead to future success. Look at Reilly's efforts with DAYS, which were must-see TV, and Passions, which, sadly, was laughable.
One thing BTG literally can't do is muck up its own history. It doesn't have one yet.
Datalounge wasn't around when Brad became hw of B&B in the mid-90s. But I believe Brad was part of the show's writing team since the show's inception and he was mentored by his father and there was a period of time after Bill turned over the head writing reins to Brad that Bill continued on as executive story consultant.
It was a unique situation. Plus, Brad had the benefit of working alongside for years with Jack Smith, one of his dad's writers at Y&R.
Personally, B&B drives me nuts the way the show ignores its own history. Brooke STUNNED that someone would take over Forrester, really? Brooke? Steffy playing holier than though over Hope giving Finn a drunken smooch after her antics? I just can't.
This is a BIG investment that CBS, P&G and the NAACP are making. If BTG succeeds, perhaps P&G will revisit reviving their axed shows.