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Meet your new least favorite Cabinette couple: Jacob Helberg & Keith Rabois

They're married. They're mega-rich. They work in tech & venture-capital circles. And they're all-in on Trump, despite even the odious Peter Thiel severing ties with him. đŸ€ą


Soon after a Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty of falsifying business records last month, the former president headed uptown to a restaurant, where a dinner party awaited him. Trump, who appeared unfazed by the conviction, walked in with a smile on his face, greeted by about 20 supporters and members of his innermost circle. The crowd included his son Eric, longtime ally and billionaire John Catsimatidis and a more recent addition to the crew, Palantir adviser Jacob Helberg.

The group dined on a choice of steak or fish and threw out suggestions for vice president. It was at least the third time Helberg, who has donated $1 million to Trump’s campaign, had been in the same room with the candidate in the last several months. “I believe that conviction was 100% political,” said Helberg, 34, when I met him at the Waldorf Astoria in Washington, a week after the trial. (He declined to discuss the dinner’s details.)

In a presidential election year marked by stark division, Helberg has emerged from the sidelines of politics and tech as a rising GOP power broker with a rare ability to flow between different worlds—acting as a link between Silicon Valley and Washington while holding sway with liberals and conservatives alike.

For a time, he existed mostly out of the limelight, serving on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a little-known but decades-old group created by Congress to monitor trade between the two countries. As part of that role, he would meet with policymakers like Republican Congressman Steve Scalise every few weeks to push for a ban on TikTok, the hit social media app critics have blasted as a national security threat based on its ties to China.

Then in May he vaulted to greater attention when his annual Hill and Valley Forum attracted national headlines for the first time. As its name suggests, the event is a conclave for Silicon Valley and Capitol Hill leaders, and this year it concentrated on artificial intelligence and, naturally, China. Speakers came from both sides of the aisles—senators including Republican Lindsey Graham and Democrat Cory Booker—while Helberg leveraged his Palantir connections to get CEO Alex Karp on the stage, too. A pre-recorded Trump video closed out the day. [Ed. Gee, what do Lindsey & Cory have in common...]

As Trump tries to win a return to the White House, he is attempting to wrestle back support from the business elites—backing that evaporated over the course of two impeachments, an insurrection and a global pandemic. (He even lost Peter Thiel: The billionaire offered hefty support to Trump in his first White House run and funded Trump protĂ©gĂ©s in 2020 but has declined to give anything to GOP candidates this year.) Just a week ago, though, Trump made a rare trip to San Francisco for a pricey fundraiser thrown by “All In” podcast co-host David Sacks. Helberg attended. “It was amazing to see that so many people in the Bay Area are now willing to support the president’s election campaign,” Helberg said.

Biden still maintains a wide swath of support in liberal-leaning Silicon Valley and other parts of corporate America. He has done his own Bay Area fundraisers and has deployed Hollywood billionaire Jeff Katzenberg to help him collect more money.

Nonetheless, Republicans see an opportunity to win more support from tech leaders who are dissatisfied with the Biden administration, and especially with his Federal Trade Commission chair, Lina Khan. Helberg, a onetime Democrat and former Google policy adviser who is married to venture capitalist Keith Rabois, is already playing an increasing role in that GOP courtship of Silicon Valley. And should Trump prevail, he is well positioned to catapult to even greater influence.

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by Anonymousreply 10June 25, 2024 6:28 PM

Details of how the couple got together. Jacob used to be a Democrat FFS! Also the story of how he got Palpatined over to the dark side.


Helberg, who holds both French and American citizenship, studied international affairs as a George Washington University undergraduate before enrolling in the SciencesPo Law School in Paris for all of one semester. It took one visit to a large law firm to make Helberg realize he had “no interest in being a career attorney.”

So Helberg decided to follow an older sister to Los Angeles. He was there for less than a year before friends in Silicon Valley convinced him to move up north. He was quickly swept into the tech world, briefly co-founding a breast cancer screening startup and working for GeoQuant, a software company that used data to measure geopolitical issues, such as the stability of governments.

Along the way, he found Rabois. The two first met in 2015, at TechCrunch’s Crunchies awards. “I thought he was really interesting and pretty mysterious,” Helberg recalled. “I had no idea that he was a ruby-red Republican.”

A few dates in, Helberg, then a proud Democrat, praised the Clintons, unaware that Rabois had previously worked with Ken Starr, who, of course, had led Bill Clinton’s 1998 impeachment. “He just kind of looked at me, smiled and said, ‘Wow, you’re really a Clinton groupie,’” Helberg recalled with a laugh.

About two years later, Helberg proposed. The two married beside the ocean in St. Barts. In the lead-up to the big day, Helberg filled an entire hotel room with five racks of bespoke suits: “He owned more clothes than the rest of the group combined,” Delian Asparouhov, a Founders Fund partner and Rabois protĂ©gĂ©, recalled with a laugh. [Ed.: MARY!] In addition to Asparouhov, other wedding guests included OpenAI’s Sam Altman, Stripe’s Patrick Collison and Founders Fund founder Peter Thiel...

In 2021, he penned “The Wires of War,” a Simon & Schuster–published book about foreign adversaries using technology to wage war against the U.S. Republican Kevin McCarthy, then the House’s minority leader, was a fan and displayed it in his office. “He and I had a very long dinner, actually, in this restaurant,” Helberg said, motioning around the mahogany-lined room, “where he basically convinced me to switch parties.”

At the time, any notoriety Helberg had in political circles was for throwing money behind Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign. But he had become frustrated by the younger generation of Democrats seemingly skewing further and further left, as well as the rise of anti-meritocratic ideology. “I was on the fence at the time, and I told [McCarthy], ‘Look, I’m concerned that if I switch parties, the Democrats will forever resent me and Republicans won’t trust me,” Helberg said. “He convinced me to do it and take a leap of faith.”

by Anonymousreply 1June 21, 2024 5:18 PM

Shorter Helberg: I won't be one the gays that gets rounded up for the camps when Trump becomes president!

by Anonymousreply 2June 21, 2024 5:28 PM

What a pair of nasty self-serving cunts.

by Anonymousreply 3June 21, 2024 5:54 PM

I had to google their pics. Helberg's not bad, but HOLY FUCK does Rabois look like a troll!!

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by Anonymousreply 4June 21, 2024 6:22 PM

Jacob = gayface for days

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by Anonymousreply 5June 21, 2024 6:24 PM

Dayum Gurl better have the dick of death to score with anyone

by Anonymousreply 6June 21, 2024 6:25 PM

[quote] Speakers came from both sides of the aisles—senators including Republican Lindsey Graham

When I try to have a private moment with our President Trump, bitch keeps getting in the way.

by Anonymousreply 7June 23, 2024 12:19 PM

Dirtball scumbag fags desperately trying to get a fellow dirtball scumbag reelected President.

These two assholes may have plenty of money, but they're too stupid to realize that their boy, when traveling in the company of religious conservatives, is trashing them and their "lifestyle" choices and calling them degenerates.

by Anonymousreply 8June 23, 2024 12:25 PM

An anecdote about the husband:

[quote] While at Stanford, he became acquainted with Peter Thiel, then-editor and co-founder of The Stanford Review. Rabois later contributed to the libertarian newspaper.[11] Rabois was one of several students reprimanded for shouting homophobic slurs outside an instructor's home, including the suggestion that the instructor "die of AIDS." Rabois stated that the incident was designed to challenge Stanford's rules on student speech.

by Anonymousreply 9June 23, 2024 2:24 PM

They are vile. They donate to anti-gay politicians like Chuck Grassley and Marco Rubio

And Rabois left Square because he sexually harassed a male underling there

by Anonymousreply 10June 25, 2024 6:28 PM
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