Many years ago I worked on 57th Street and during lunch I would go to Rizzoli's to flip through the Italian and French gossip magazines. A popular subject unlike here was the incredibly handsome prince of Spain Felipe. I believe he was going to Georgetown University at the time. I thought goddamn he's handsome. And he's a prince to boot. Life is so unfair.
Anyway recently a Spanish video popped up on my youtube feed and I have no idea why. I do not speak Spanish nor do I seek out Spanish subject videos. Even though I do not speak Spanish I do speak Italian so that might have helped a tiny bit in getting the gist of what was being said. It also helped that she kept using the word homosexual. The gist was Felipe is really a homosexual and his wife is a beard with a number of male lovers. Underneath all the comments were in Spanish but could be translated into english with everyone saying how scandalous this was, that the Spanish monarchy is a joke first with the corruption of the former king and now with the current king being gay and the queen in actuality being a cold nympho bitch who has no problem being a beard for the perks.
Has this been discussed anywhere? This is the very first time I've heard it and I've never seen a discussion of it on DL(yes the search function is still shit I don't care what people say.) Felipe has gotten very old looking very fast. Here's a picture of him when he made me swoon.