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I'm just going to do what I want from now on

For so long I've been telling myself "Oh, I'm too old and ugly to do this and that," and constantly putting myself down and getting in my own way. Insecure, whiney, pathetic. From now on, I'll live how I want, even if people do make fun of me or call me too old to try.

by Anonymousreply 21June 9, 2024 9:51 PM

What is it you want to do exactly? What age are you?

by Anonymousreply 1June 9, 2024 11:49 AM

Good for you, OP. Would that we all lived life that way.

by Anonymousreply 2June 9, 2024 11:50 AM


I'm 44 and have a boring life. I want to party more and also want to start attending community theatre. People have been telling me that it's too late and that I shouldn't embarrass myself. They also told me I'm too old to go sunbathing, and that I shouldn't go back to community college because I'm too old to start a new career. They also said I shouldn't go to the carnival because the rides will break my neck and give me a heart attack.

by Anonymousreply 3June 9, 2024 12:02 PM

"If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you."

by Anonymousreply 4June 9, 2024 12:04 PM

R3 ffs, you're 44 not 84. You're relatively young! I'm in my mid-30s and if people spoke to me like that i'd tell them to fuck off. You do whatever makes you happy

by Anonymousreply 5June 9, 2024 12:34 PM

You need new friends.

Congrats OP

by Anonymousreply 6June 9, 2024 12:38 PM

OP-Why did you wait so long?

by Anonymousreply 7June 9, 2024 1:21 PM

By people do you mean your overbearing mother?

by Anonymousreply 8June 9, 2024 1:39 PM

More power to you, op! You only get one go-round in this life.

by Anonymousreply 9June 9, 2024 1:51 PM

OP/r3 Who is "they" you speak of? Clearly not real friends. Get off your ass, who the fuck cares what someone else thinks? Any one of us - old or young - could get hit by a car, or get some catastrophic disease. I hardly think on our deathbed we'd think "I sure am glad I sat around and listened to negative people - now I can die peacefully." NOPE. You are taking the right attitude, now go get a tan already.

by Anonymousreply 10June 9, 2024 1:54 PM

I dedicate this song/music video to op.

It’s My Life by Wendy O. Williams

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by Anonymousreply 11June 9, 2024 2:41 PM

What do you mean by "party"? Are we talking copious amounts of drugs? Because that would be something you shouldn't do, that ship has sailed, drugs now are more stepped on than Vadge's welcome mat, not to mention the killer fentanyl. But as for the rest, do it! I'm 51, I'm about to go buy some new shorts, and luckily I'm already very tan. My good friend went back to school and got her master's at 60 and has a great new job now.

Some younger people annoy the shit out of me, but some bring tears to my eyes with their fierceness and acceptance. I was at work (cushy rehab) talking to a 29 year old about how much I loved her outfit, jean shorts, low boots, sweater. And I said how I loved that look but didn't think I could pull it off because I'm too old. She glared at me and said, "that's bullshit, you can wear whatever the fuck you want!" and walked away, and I swear I almost burst into tears (MARY!). And she's right. Even the very young and beautiful can point out 10 problem spots on themselves and feel self conscious about how they look. Don't let the bullshit in your head hold you back, and don't take any shit from anyone! Let this song be your summer theme.

"Tell me Can you imagine For a second Tryin' half the things You ever wanted to? Well, that's just what I do, so hooray for me, and fuck you"

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by Anonymousreply 12June 9, 2024 4:35 PM

Just don't wear leggings.

by Anonymousreply 13June 9, 2024 4:42 PM

[quote] They also told me I'm too old to go sunbathing,…

You misheard. They said you were too white to go sunbathing

by Anonymousreply 14June 9, 2024 4:52 PM

OP’s manifesto before eating that second pack of Ho-Hos

by Anonymousreply 15June 9, 2024 4:52 PM

watch this entire segment and then tell us you are too old to do/start something new.

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by Anonymousreply 16June 9, 2024 7:12 PM

You'll be swell, OP...

by Anonymousreply 17June 9, 2024 7:14 PM

If I want to stand outdoors and yell cockadoodledo, I do it.

by Anonymousreply 18June 9, 2024 9:37 PM

[quote] I want to party more and also want to start attending community theatre. People have been telling me that it's too late and that I shouldn't embarrass myself. They also told me I'm too old to go sunbathing, and that I shouldn't go back to community college because I'm too old to start a new career. They also said I shouldn't go to the carnival because the rides will break my neck and give me a heart attack.

Your "friends" sound like assholes.

Yeah, everything sounds do-able except "party more." If that involves drinking more and drugging more, forget it.

Sunbathing: go to a dermatologist and see what they say. I don't see a problem with 15-20 minutes out in the sun (with sunscreen).

Community college: Go for it, especially if it leads to a new career.

by Anonymousreply 19June 9, 2024 9:44 PM

Are you asking their opinion or worse, permission, OP?

by Anonymousreply 20June 9, 2024 9:50 PM

Libby Wolfson is there for you OP!

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by Anonymousreply 21June 9, 2024 9:51 PM
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