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People who will probably be president over the next 50 years

Kim Kardashian. She’s got that social justice warrior thing and a desire to obtain power. America is so stupid I really wouldn’t be surprised if they elected her.

by Anonymousreply 66July 11, 2024 9:02 AM

At this point I'll take her over the two current options.

by Anonymousreply 1June 8, 2024 3:17 PM

I feel Kim would probably be a better president than trump if she had the right people around her.

by Anonymousreply 2June 8, 2024 8:03 PM

I don't think she'll be relevant in 20 years.

by Anonymousreply 3June 8, 2024 11:23 PM

Wait, what about me!

by Anonymousreply 4June 8, 2024 11:42 PM

Taylor Swift

by Anonymousreply 5June 8, 2024 11:46 PM

AOC and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The race is on for which one will be the first female president.

by Anonymousreply 6June 8, 2024 11:49 PM

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will NEVER be president. She's mean, charmless, ugly and way too conservative for 70% of Americans.

by Anonymousreply 7June 8, 2024 11:53 PM

Gretchen Whitmer, Andy Bashear, Pete Buttigieg.

by Anonymousreply 8June 8, 2024 11:54 PM

Sharon Stone has the guts, the determination, the intellect and the sophistication to lead this great nation of ours into its most prosperous future.

by Anonymousreply 9June 8, 2024 11:57 PM

At the turn of the century, could anyone have predicted that the likes of Obama, Trump or Biden would be elected president in the next twenty years?

by Anonymousreply 10June 9, 2024 12:24 AM

Josh Shapiro

by Anonymousreply 11June 9, 2024 12:30 AM

[quote] AOC and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The race is on for which one will be the first female president.

AOC is a far left progressive and she has zero chance of ever being elected POTUS.

by Anonymousreply 12June 9, 2024 12:50 AM

[quote] AOC is a far left progressive and she has zero chance of ever being elected POTUS.

After the election of Trump, anything now seems possible.

by Anonymousreply 13June 9, 2024 12:54 AM

Ivanka Trump, Gavin Newsom.

by Anonymousreply 14June 9, 2024 12:56 AM

If Haley Stevens didn't have such an awful Michigan accent, she would be an ideal president. Moderate Democrat who seems quite down to earth.

by Anonymousreply 15June 9, 2024 12:56 AM

Chelsea Clinton. Best of both her parents.

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by Anonymousreply 16June 9, 2024 1:02 AM

[quote] If Haley Stevens didn't have such an awful Michigan accent

That is not a Michigan accent.

by Anonymousreply 17June 9, 2024 1:07 AM

Check out the film Idiocracy. That’s your answer

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by Anonymousreply 18June 9, 2024 1:11 AM

R10, "The likes of" is a negative phrase. You put Obama and Biden in that column, and omit Dubya?

by Anonymousreply 19June 9, 2024 1:17 AM

Yeah, OP. "Probably" Kim K. Okay.

by Anonymousreply 20June 9, 2024 1:19 AM

I omitted W, R19, because he was, as a governor of Texas & son of a former president, already the favorite to succeed Clinton at the turn of the century.

by Anonymousreply 21June 9, 2024 1:23 AM

Chloe Sevigny.

She looks just like The Father of Our Country, so she's a shoo-in.

by Anonymousreply 22June 9, 2024 1:28 AM

I think R8 is onto something. Andy Beshear has already done the impossible: he won Kentucky's gubernatorial election as a Democrat in 2019. And then he was REELECTED in 2023! (Seriously, has *anyone* else done the same, at least in the post-2008 era?)

And while I know there's a lot of bitching about AOC, the question was over the next FIFTY years. Is she likely to win (or even run) in 2028? Probably not. In 2040? Another story entirely, and impossible to predict.

by Anonymousreply 23June 9, 2024 1:46 AM

R23, it’s not THAT rare that Beshear was re-elected. See Larry Hogan in deep blue Maryland. Voters in both red & blue states have a different relationship with their governors. Certainly different than from their senators. Personally popular governors tend to be re-elected. But that doesn’t translate to national offices, as Hogan will learn this year. As would Beshear if he ran for the Senate. And don’t think for a moment he’d win Kentucky’s electoral votes if he ever ran for president.

by Anonymousreply 24June 9, 2024 1:55 AM

I don't think Gavin Newsom would have much of a chance. He comes off as too smug and condescending.

by Anonymousreply 25June 9, 2024 3:15 AM

I don't think AOC will ever be president, but it was her questioning of Cohen that led to the NY trial.

by Anonymousreply 26June 9, 2024 3:35 AM

I think in order for Josh Shapiro to a win presidential race, Christian Nationalism and anti-Semitism would have been greatly reduced. Loons like Nick Fuentes, Kanye, and others have fueled the fire too much for extremists in recent years.

I don't think Gretchen Whitmer will run for president. She may just want to finish out her second term as Michigan governor and then live the rest of her life in peace and privacy. The MAGATS and others have been quite nasty to her in Michigan.

by Anonymousreply 27June 9, 2024 3:50 AM

[quote] I don't think Gretchen Whitmer will run for president.

Tim Skubick, the longtime dean of Michigan political correspondents, agrees with you.

by Anonymousreply 28June 9, 2024 7:26 AM

[quote] Sarah Huckabee Sanders will NEVER be president. She's mean, charmless, ugly and way too conservative for 70% of Americans

I suspect a lot of shit talking about her looks went on behind her back when she was in DC and probably shit talking still goes on. Even with the weight loss from Ozempic or whatever she took, she still looks like hideous and mannish. She is the ugliest current female governor. Kristi Noem and Gretchen Whitmer are plastic surgery and botox addicts--they are still better looking than Huckabeast.

I bet there is some audio recordings out there of Trump and others making fun of how Huckabeast looks or looked in the past when she was heavier. It's probably the same with Marjorie Taylor Greene, there's probably GOP guys who are nice to her in person, but they probably crack Cavewoman or Geico jokes behind her back. I would love it if some audio recording came out of Trump shit talking MTG because she would probably have a meltdown.

by Anonymousreply 29June 10, 2024 4:30 AM

Jasmine Crockett, she's no bullshit. I get a good vibe from her.

by Anonymousreply 30June 10, 2024 5:02 AM

^Too bad she’s from Texas.

by Anonymousreply 31June 10, 2024 5:41 AM

Vanna White

by Anonymousreply 32June 10, 2024 5:46 AM

[quote]R10/R21: I omitted W, because he was, as a governor of Texas & son of a former president, already the favorite to succeed Clinton at the turn of the century.

The favorite of PNAC and the Neocons, sure, but not really anybody else. Just as in the case of Trump, for certain observers, little that subsequently happened under Dubya was a surprise.

There was nothing improbable about a Joe Biden candidacy, R10.

by Anonymousreply 33June 10, 2024 11:04 AM

J Lo

by Anonymousreply 34June 10, 2024 11:49 AM

Yes, R10, at the turn of the century many could have predicted thst Joe Biden, a long-serving senator, would be elected president.

He is an utterly conventional choice.

by Anonymousreply 35June 10, 2024 11:55 AM

Jon Ossoff

by Anonymousreply 36June 10, 2024 12:44 PM

Regrettably, JD Vance.

by Anonymousreply 37June 10, 2024 2:28 PM

Patti Lupone. The press conferences would be wild.

by Anonymousreply 38June 10, 2024 2:47 PM

Jason Carter

by Anonymousreply 39June 10, 2024 3:38 PM

Keeping with the Georgia theme, Raphael Warnock.

by Anonymousreply 40June 10, 2024 3:41 PM

No matter what the GOP gerrymandered hold on congressional seats says the country as a whole is trending leftward -- so much so that AOC isn't even the furthest "far left" person anymore; she gets tons of shit from the real far left. I wouldn't be at all surprised if in 20 years she seems entirely establishment and middle-of-the-road. Especially once climate change really starts fucking up everybody's lives in that time.

by Anonymousreply 41June 10, 2024 3:58 PM

It's not shifting left fast enough. I wonder if people are so stupid that they'll continue to ignore the climate issues?

I just got an alert with the weather report. May's temperatures were 3 degrees Celsius higher than any May since they started recording the temps. Last May (2023) was the third-warmest.

Three degrees warmer means if it continues, we're fucked.

by Anonymousreply 42June 10, 2024 4:35 PM

The Rock. Seriously.

by Anonymousreply 43June 12, 2024 1:00 AM

[quote]"The likes of" is a negative phrase

"The likes of" is a neutral phrase that can be used in both a positive and negative context. Plucked from the web:

"Along with the likes of Newton and Archimedes, Gauss was one of math's titans"

"With TENET, Nolan has marked his name along with the likes of Hitchcock and Kubrick"

"She's almost an elder statesman today along with the likes of Joni Mitchell and James Taylor"

"Along with the likes of the Clash, Sex Pistols, The Jam, Buzzcocks, Undertones, Sham 69, Stranglers, et al – Stiff Little Fingers were at the forefront of the punk movement"

by Anonymousreply 44June 12, 2024 6:00 AM

I’d pick her over Trump.

by Anonymousreply 45June 12, 2024 7:26 AM

I'd take Kim K over Trump any day. She's a fan of prison reform, so she has at least a smidge of compassion. She recognizes the Armenian genocide - good!

She may not be a genius but I believe her heart's in the right place.

by Anonymousreply 46June 12, 2024 7:52 AM

Kim K sounded like a 7-year-old when she told her sister "I decided I'm going to run for THE mayor of Glendale." How is she going to manage the presidency?

by Anonymousreply 47June 12, 2024 8:01 AM


by Anonymousreply 48June 12, 2024 8:13 AM

R10 yes Biden, easily.

by Anonymousreply 49June 12, 2024 8:43 AM

I would vote for Kim K over any of the current. She probably won't have dementia for a long while.

by Anonymousreply 50June 12, 2024 8:50 AM

R49, are you positing that Biden would easily have been predicted as a likely president at the turn of the century? Or that he would not have been? Your post is ambiguous.

by Anonymousreply 51June 12, 2024 8:50 AM

My post is perfectly grammatical based on the question at r10. You're a dumb cunt. People could have predicted in 2000 Biden would be President. Not a far-fetched idea at all based on Biden's Senatorial career to that date.

by Anonymousreply 52June 12, 2024 9:08 AM

It will be a very old, right-wing man that Lindsey will latch onto. He’ll be age 69 next month, so the guy will be in his late 70s, or 80s, even the 90s. Chuck Grassley comes to mind.

by Anonymousreply 53June 12, 2024 9:22 AM

I was trying to giving you the benefit of the doubt, R52. And then you proceed to attack me. What a deeply unhappy person you must be. And no, after Biden’s early, embarrassing, exit from the ‘88 campaign, & his subsequent Senate career, including his handling of the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing, a future Biden presidency was not seriously in the offing at the turn of the century. Witness his moribund ‘08 campaign.

by Anonymousreply 54June 12, 2024 9:25 AM

Opinions may vary, you twat.

And if you can read, a number of posters in your own thread consider you a twat.

by Anonymousreply 55June 12, 2024 9:32 AM

^ My thread?!?

by Anonymousreply 56June 12, 2024 11:10 AM

Joe Biden in '72 as a newly-elected 29-year US senator had future president written all over him. But his presidential sheen had long worn off by the turn of the century.

by Anonymousreply 57June 12, 2024 12:11 PM

One of the Obama daughters.

by Anonymousreply 58June 12, 2024 2:57 PM

Coleman Hughes, if he were interested in a career in politics (which I doubt).

I would like to see someone like climate activist Parker Liautaud:

[quote]Parker Liautaud is a polar explorer and a leading climate change campaigner.

[quote]At age 19, he became the fastest, unsupported person ever to ski to the South Pole, and is the youngest person to reach both poles. Liautaud has undertaken three expeditions to the North Pole since turning 15 years old, and his expeditions always aim to draw attention to the immediate need for action to address climate change. In December 2013, he was named in Time Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list of people changing the world, and in March 2014, was honoured by The White House as a Champion of Change for Engaging the Next Generation of Conservation Leaders.

[quote]On December 24, 2013, Parker Liautaud completed the Willis Resilience Expedition, a 349 mile trek from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole. He broke the previous record held by Norwegian explorers, by almost 4 days when he reached the South Pole after 18 days, 4 hours and 43 minutes. The Willis Resilience Expedition, featured a 16-episode live show dedicated to climate change, which hosted 25 debates and discussions on the issue with leading experts from the scientific community, the private sector, NGOs, and government. On the return trip Liautaud took 6.5-foot-deep earth samples, which researchers at GNS New Zealand are analysing for changes in composition that could shed light on the pace of climate change in the region.

[quote]Liautaud has partnered with leading academic institutions, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, GNS New Zealand and others, to conduct research on the climate system. He has also worked closely with the United Nations Foundation and the Yale Climate and Energy Institute on the communication of climate science.

[quote]Parker Liautaud is also an ambassador for One Young World, which gathers together young leaders from around the world, helping them make lasting connections to create positive change. With One Young World, he has shared the same stage as Kofi Annan and Sir Bob Geldof, has addressed over 1200 delegates from 190 countries, and led several initiatives with other One Young World Ambassadors.

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by Anonymousreply 59June 12, 2024 3:04 PM

Abigail Spanberger

by Anonymousreply 60July 10, 2024 6:42 PM

I could definitely see Kim Kardashian running for president and winning. Look, I have said this before, but the Kardashians have earned your respect at this point. Kim and Kris in particular. But any family that can spin nothing into something like the Kardashian-Jenner family has been able to do ... well, what's more American than that?

by Anonymousreply 61July 10, 2024 6:46 PM

[quote] People who will probably be president over the next 50 years

It's 50/50 as to whether we'll even HAVE a democracy in the next 5 to 10 years.

by Anonymousreply 62July 10, 2024 7:03 PM

The pickens are lean. It will only get worse. The other thing is, it’s sounds like a terrible job. So many expectations that don’t pan out, the hate and badmouthing, constant criticism regardless if any good you might be able to do if congress didn’t block you. To have to work with, deal with, go out with, have dinner parties with people in DC you can’t trust or it’s blatant dislike and when they leave the resume the bullshit talking. I don’t think there’s any more courtesy left in politics. Not to mention they wanna kill you.

by Anonymousreply 63July 11, 2024 8:47 AM

The day has come when I don’t hate that idea R61. Pretty sure they’re not MAGAts except for they who can not be mentioned.

by Anonymousreply 64July 11, 2024 8:53 AM

Plus they have their own money.

by Anonymousreply 65July 11, 2024 8:54 AM

Timothée Chalamet. I just see that for him.

by Anonymousreply 66July 11, 2024 9:02 AM
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