Described as an "ambient slasher movie", it follows a hulking supernatural killer who is awakened from his grave in the woods and begins brutalizing a group of young people staying nearby in a cabin. Yes, clearly inspired by "Friday the 13th", but the gimmick is that it's mainly told from the killer's point of view. I saw it tonight and while it is certainly slowgoing in parts, it is beautifully shot and very atmospheric. There is some extremely over-the-top gore too. I thought it was a neat, low-stakes experiment of a slasher movie. It gets bonus points for bringing Lauren-Marie Taylor back to the screen in a notable role (some of you bitches might remember her from "Friday the 13th: Part 2" and "Girls Nite Out"—a decent actress and seems like a really cool lady).
I saw it last night. I'm usually bored by slashers but it was pretty good. By making the movie from the killer's POV they were able to avoid a lot of cliches. The deaths were horrifying even though you saw them coming. I'd recommend it.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | May 31, 2024 9:57 PM |
The PR person who came up with "ambient slasher" deserves a vicious slap.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | May 31, 2024 10:47 PM |
The yoga girl murder was absolutely heinous in the best way possible
by Anonymous | reply 4 | June 1, 2024 6:17 PM |
For those who have seen the movie, how does it build suspense and tension from that POV, let alone a plot? Don’t you see it all coming?
by Anonymous | reply 5 | June 1, 2024 9:13 PM |
R5 there really isn't any tension, at least in my opinion (though I've read other reviews where people say the opposite). Everything happens with a very casual nature (no musical score either), but the kills are at times extraordinarily gory and the cinematography and locations are quite breathtaking, which makes it worthwhile IMO. It really is at its core just an art movie that is toying with perspective on a well-worn genre. Many people will not like it, but if you go in with this in mind, it is a pretty enjoyable and low stakes watch.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | June 2, 2024 12:14 AM |
I saw it today. I'm a huge Friday the 13th fan, so the concept of this was really intriguing. Good atmosphere and amazing kills (the yoga girl kill made my jaw drop). I liked how all the plot beats from an entire slasher film were happening off screen.
But despite all this, I found it kind of empty and a little tedious. Half of the film is just watching a guy roam the forest. The "killer POV" hook isn't even maintained throughout the film. The explanation for why Johnny even kills in the first place was kind of vague. It was a missed opportunity to explain that from Johnny's POV, like in a flashback or something. And the ending monologue could have been cut down.
Interesting idea, lackluster execution.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | June 2, 2024 3:15 AM |
R6 I think of the final shot of the woman staring into the forest is extremely tense.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | June 2, 2024 3:20 AM |
Lauren-Marie Taylor is minor slasher royalty to some of us for her role in "Friday the 13th: Part 2". Love her. It was nice to see her on the big screen again after so many decades have passed. I imagine this movie and its release has been a trip for her--like it or not, it's had a huge buzz and given the type of film it is (indie arthouse slasher hybrid), the fact that it's gotten a major theatrical release is kind of miraculous.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | June 2, 2024 3:45 AM |
It got a (surprisingly) favorable review in The New York Times
by Anonymous | reply 10 | June 2, 2024 4:50 AM |
Just saw this today. I thought it was very enjoyable. I liked how the victims were on the periphery and we could only pick up clues here and the.
The initial kill was hindered by a bad actor who runs sooo slowly to try and get away. And I think the ending goes on a bit too long but that may be because I was waiting for a big twist that never came.
I liked the lack of tension- you always see the killer approaching -and the lack of music.
And that killing of the yoga girl. Good god.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | June 9, 2024 12:41 AM |
Now I need someone to spoil the yoga girl kill.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | June 9, 2024 12:46 AM |
^^never mind, I did a Reddit search. I don’t think I want to see this.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | June 9, 2024 12:49 AM |
I listened to a couple interviews with the cast (one with Lauren-Marie Taylor, and another with Charlotte Creaghan, who played the yoga girl Aurora) and they apparently reshot a great deal of the film in 2022 after the director was unhappy with the original locations they were using when they first began filming in 2021. It seems a lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into making this movie.
I don't know what the budget was, but I'm assuming it wasn't much, so it's nice to see the film has made $3 million and counting at the box office. Combined with the revenue they'll get from streaming when it goes onto Shudder, they definitely turned a profit here (and made something somewhat unique and with a bit of artistic merit). As a cinephile who particularly loves horror movies, I am always glad to see indie underdogs like this succeed. The fact that it has a "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes is also almost unheard of for a horror movie, let alone a gory slasher flick.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | June 9, 2024 12:57 AM |
R13 I think the yoga girl kill is one of the main reasons people WANT to see this lol
by Anonymous | reply 15 | June 9, 2024 12:57 AM |
The yoga girl kill wouldn't be out of place in Mortal Kombat.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | June 9, 2024 1:07 AM |
I loved the last act - the Slasher Film always in the last act becomes about "the final girl" and how she must become like the killer in order to survive, and how she's haunted forever after by what she's been through, and this movie finds a way to invert all of that, just like the first two-thirds do with the typical slasher formula. I found those last moments incredibly tense, and in a way that lingered with me - I felt uneasy for hours after it finished. I loved to see somebody mess with the formula like this - we have approximately one billion routine slasher movies if that's all a person wants to see; I loved watching somebody who clearly knows them well play about with the tropes.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | June 9, 2024 1:17 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 18 | June 9, 2024 2:01 AM |
He looks like the Zodiac killer.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | June 9, 2024 6:10 AM |
I love horror movies so I'll have to watch this.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | June 9, 2024 6:33 AM |
Descriptions of the yoga kill make it sound just ridiculously over the top. I wouldn't enjoy this. When the murders defy the laws of physics, there's no point in seeing something like this.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | June 9, 2024 6:47 AM |
The yoga kill was over-the-top but it’s a slasher film.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | June 10, 2024 10:40 PM |
I'm going to see it for a second time tonight (have to drive about a half hour this time to see it) before it leaves my area—it only lasted about two weeks and is now down to two theaters where it's only playing single late night showings. It'll be gone by next week. I really liked it. It'll probably be on Shudder this summer and available for streaming/digital purchase elsewhere (same as IFC's "Late Night with the Devil").
by Anonymous | reply 23 | June 15, 2024 10:32 PM |
Dropped on Amazon Prime/other platforms for digital purchase today.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | June 28, 2024 6:08 AM |