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Dateline Port Charles: Bipolar Breakdowns, Funeral Blues and Pikeman Mystery

How low will Sonny go as he spirals downward in his bipolar breakdown?

What will the longterm ramifications of Gregory's death be? Will Finn drink himself into a stupor?

Will Anna and Jason figure out the connection between Brennan and Valentin and solve the Pikeman mystery?

How long before Mason and Julia, errr, Fergus and Alexis end up in bed?

Continue your discussion of the Port Charles happenings here.

by Anonymousreply 600June 24, 2024 5:36 PM

Link to previous GH thread.

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by Anonymousreply 1May 30, 2024 8:21 AM

Don't write Ava out, please! She's the spice in an otherwise very mild dish.

by Anonymousreply 2May 30, 2024 11:38 AM

Ava is a villain and we need her! Plus MW is one of the best. So many other characters / actors should be written out first…

by Anonymousreply 3May 30, 2024 6:16 PM

Carolyn Hennessy's post about Johnny is getting a lot of attention on X.

People naming who the MAGAs are (Eden? That surprised me.) and quoting NLG that she will out her MAGA co-stars in her book.

Someone calling out the Brennan actor for reposting Carolyn's post and also her subsequent post attempting to clarify and make it all stop.

Brennan actor is going to have to delete his X account again if he continues supporting the likes of LW and now CH. 🤣

by Anonymousreply 4May 30, 2024 11:35 PM

I don’t think it’s MAGA to call for murderers to be locked up.

by Anonymousreply 5May 30, 2024 11:54 PM

I agree r5.

Unfortunately, Carolyn was already disliked for being MAGA and an Ingo supporter so people are jumping at the opportunity to take her to task. NLG stoking the fires with her threats of revealing co-star's affiliations isn't helping matters.

I was being facetious about Brennan guy aligning with the wrong people and having to delete his account but in reality, it's scary that people are making it their mission to provoke him into deleting again.

There seems to be a learning curve for these new soap actors as to how much to engage with fans AND co-stars on social media. Soaps fans are rabid on SM, they make DLers look tame. I just read; I don't contribute there as I don't have the fortitude.

by Anonymousreply 6May 31, 2024 12:18 AM

Is Cyrus still in Port Charles? When was the last time we saw him?

by Anonymousreply 7May 31, 2024 1:18 AM

You know who is not a Trump / MaGA supporter…Jeff Kober…wonder how Cyrus and Alexis would work as a pairing?

by Anonymousreply 8May 31, 2024 1:23 AM

R2 R3 Supposedly, she would've already been off the show if not for Patrick Mulcahey advocating for her to stay. Now that he's off himself, her future is apparently up in the air. Nathan Varni and Frank Valentini both love her, yet they both loved Roger Howarth, as well as Michael Easton. Korte is reportedly not a fan of Ava's.

by Anonymousreply 9May 31, 2024 6:18 AM

R7 R8 Cyrus is still in Port Charles. The last time he was seen I believe was in April, when Cyrus went to Anna about pressing charges against Sonny? He did film an episode of Chicago Med, which aired on May 22nd, although that shouldn't have interfered with any scheduled appearances on GH. He probably just didn't fit into their current storylines, at the moment.

Cyrus is supposed to date Heather, although with PM out, who knows now

by Anonymousreply 10May 31, 2024 6:25 AM

June and July are supposed to be "action packed" with the culmination of PM's contributions, leading directly into Korte's solo

by Anonymousreply 11May 31, 2024 6:26 AM

The Molly actress is doing a good job. But they need to break up Molly and T. Both would be more interesting with others.

by Anonymousreply 12May 31, 2024 6:33 AM

Nancy Lee Grahn did not publicly wish Kelly Monaco a Happy Birthday, which she did for Rebecca Herbst; Nancy Lee also still has her personal event scheduled for the same day and time as Monaco's, this summer. Nancy Lee was reportedly pissed when Kelly skipped out on her event, though Kate Mansi and Kristen Vaganos showed up there.

by Anonymousreply 13May 31, 2024 6:36 AM

R12 She's doing a great job. She's actually really close with Nancy Lee, who couldn't be bothered with neither Holiday Mia Kriegel nor Brooke Anne Smith. Kelly Monaco wasn't close with them either, however she's also reportedly not close to Kristen Vaganos, who besides Nancy Lee, is extremely close to both Kate Mansi and Dominic.

by Anonymousreply 14May 31, 2024 6:40 AM

*Kristen Vaganos has become extremely close with Nancy Lee, Kate Mansi and Dominic Zamprogna.

by Anonymousreply 15May 31, 2024 6:42 AM

I like Adam Harrington.

Any scoop on him or how things are going for him at GH or Jagger's future? Has Mo offered to mentor him? 🤣

He seems well received by the viewers. He's trying to be a good cheerleader for GH on social media.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 16May 31, 2024 7:17 AM

R16 No scoop, except he wants to cut his hair, though Frank and the network won't let him. He seems to be doing fine and along with Charles Mesure, they're fan favorites. It's a little easier for Charles since he's not playing a recast. Although, Adam J. apparently didn't Ace his "Chemistry tests" with both Finola and Laura Wright, while Charles did.

by Anonymousreply 17May 31, 2024 7:52 AM

[quote]Adam J. apparently didn't Ace his "Chemistry tests" with both Finola and Laura Wright, while Charles did

Too bad Kelly Thiebaud isn't around, I bet she and Adam would have chemistry.

by Anonymousreply 18May 31, 2024 9:00 AM

Loving the updates (and tea). I haven't watched GH for years but found a youtube channel with clips, and Nancy Lee is looking fabulous! I can't believe she's 68 years old!

Her voice was a little quivery though, but that sometimes happens. I don't think there's a voice lift operation to fix it, but maybe...

by Anonymousreply 19May 31, 2024 9:12 AM

R18 Too bad Kelly Thiebaud isn't around-yet. She'd more than likely have chemistry with him and there's always possibilities for her to return. Finola primarily wants Anna with Valentin, while Laura obviously wants Carly with Jason, with Korte being a fan of both couples, so Adam J. shouldn't be with either of them anyway lol

by Anonymousreply 20May 31, 2024 10:01 AM

R19 You're not in the minority, for viewership has dwindled significantly over the past couple of months. Nancy Lee does look great for 68; the voice, yes, is always a giveaway. That's actually not a bad idea, vocal cord surgery for a more youthful voice....

by Anonymousreply 21May 31, 2024 10:05 AM

The women who go the face lift route (NLG, MW) look infinitely better than those that go the filler/botox route.

by Anonymousreply 22May 31, 2024 10:09 AM

R22 You think Nancy Lee & Maura had full-on face lifts? I've noticed there are differences, though I thought they were both using fillers. Others are Laura Wright, Kelly Monaco, Cynthia Watros- those are off the top of my head.

Not sure of the validity of this or not, but I have heard that Frank actually encourages it somewhat, not as blatant as Gloria Monty encouraging cocaine use to keep the actresses skinny, but that he actually prefers those types of modifications. Monaco caught a little flak when she claimed that her swollen lips were from a "spider bite."

by Anonymousreply 23May 31, 2024 10:18 AM

I just saw a photo of Greg Vaughn. He looks good. Is he content at DOOL or would he like a change of scenery?

by Anonymousreply 24May 31, 2024 3:09 PM

I’d love him back as Lucky! GV just needed better writing!

by Anonymousreply 25May 31, 2024 3:57 PM

R24 R25 He's supposedly out soon at DOOL, possibly leaving with Nicole and their baby, but with DOOL filming six months ahead, not sure. Becky says she would prefer him back as Lucky.

by Anonymousreply 26May 31, 2024 6:10 PM

This Korte kunt is going to ruin GH.

by Anonymousreply 27May 31, 2024 6:13 PM

When was the last time we saw Selina Wu? And its been over a year since her nephew Brad was on, hasn't it?

by Anonymousreply 28May 31, 2024 6:23 PM

And has the terrible threat to Sonny's life suddenly vanished? He's no longer protected everywhere he goes (restaurants, "jogging" -- or should I say "jiggling" his moobs). That plot has suddenly vanished as quickly as the plot about who shot Dr. Gatlin-Holt. Viewers don't like being jerked around!

by Anonymousreply 29May 31, 2024 6:34 PM

R27 Without a doubt. It's her fault Mulcahey quit.

by Anonymousreply 30May 31, 2024 7:01 PM

R28 Selina was on in March when Jason returned, for some reason I'm drawing a blank when it comes to seeing her in April. March of last year was when Brad stopped airing I believe, so you're right

by Anonymousreply 31May 31, 2024 7:06 PM

R29 Pretty sure if Ava's written out, they'll spin it somehow and say she killed Austin, or had someone do it.

by Anonymousreply 32May 31, 2024 7:08 PM

The Sonny jogging scenes were pretty ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 33May 31, 2024 7:08 PM

Beyond ridiculous! First of all, they only made the actor jog for two steps (unlike the young actors who are seen running quite a distance). Second, we are supposed to believe that one of the major East Coast mob bosses, who has had several attempts on his life lately and who is middle-aged, jogs alone in a local public park? It boggles the mind. However, I did like that they had Josslyn throw it all right back at him. It's the very first time I liked the Josslyn character.

by Anonymousreply 34May 31, 2024 7:35 PM

Liz and Lucky would be great to have back together. I struggle since hoped TC (still so sad) Nikolas and Liz would be endgame. I loved the potential of GV Lucky and Sam…I’m sure GV could spark with anyone…Nina? Ava?

by Anonymousreply 35May 31, 2024 7:38 PM

R35 GV would shine with both Nina and Ava, of course again with either Elizabeth or Sam. Frank wanted Jonathan Jackson and Julie Marie Berman back, but both said no

by Anonymousreply 36May 31, 2024 7:43 PM

GV as Lucky and Bree Williamson as Lulu! No Marci Miller or Jacob Young please. Sad about JMB she was my favorite! Don’t think JJ works as adult Lucky anymore.

by Anonymousreply 37May 31, 2024 9:34 PM

Laura and Curtis were excellent today. Donnell had been asleep for years. However, the left turn that made Heather into the Hook Killer, because TPTB couldn't get their shit together, has ruined that character, and her redemption arc is total bullshit. Unless they can retcon that shit and make someone else the actual killer, this story is a waste of time. I will never accept Alley Mills as Heather.

I hope Cyrus is revealed as the secret buyer of Wyndamere, and that he returns to push the town's buttons some more. He would have been a much better choice as father for Esme than Ryan, and she and "Spence" being cousins would've upped the drama. Crazy that both of those characters are gone.

by Anonymousreply 38May 31, 2024 10:24 PM

Bree Williamson is I think a bit too old to play Lulu. I know she's only a year older than Emme Rylan, but Bree reads older on screen than Emme does.

(I mean, I like her just fine, just not sure she'd be believable as Laura's daughter.)

by Anonymousreply 39May 31, 2024 10:27 PM

Just curious, what would they do with Lucky if they brought the character back? It's not like any of these writers want to give Elizabeth a story other than being broke.

by Anonymousreply 40May 31, 2024 10:28 PM

He could….

Wander around….

Like Jason…

And jagger.

That’s all anyone does on this show really. Nothing ever happens.

by Anonymousreply 41May 31, 2024 10:31 PM

Is Jagger GH's new Robert Scorpio ca. 1980/90s?

He storms in looking good in a suit. Barks some demands, sometimes adds a line of dry wit, spars with his adversary, looks at everyone like they're stupid and he's bored with them, then turns on his heels and storms out. He's young Scorpio minus the Aussie accent. He's letting Brennan keep the Aussie accent since he took his first name.

by Anonymousreply 42May 31, 2024 11:00 PM

R37 R39 Just out of curiousity, how did you guys feel about Bree Williamson's run as Claudette "C.J." Beaulieu? Would you welcome her back in that role?

by Anonymousreply 43June 1, 2024 12:04 AM

R38 Right. Alley Mills should've played Carolyn Webber, or any other character. Heather wasn't originally slated to be the hook killer not Esme's mother to begin with; when Robin Mattson turned them down, because of personal issues, they should've taken that as a sign to not bring Heather back. CVE wanted to bring Alley in badly, after a mutual friend of theirs, Alley's neighbor, hooked them together with Frank and Nathan completely onboard with adding The Wonder Years mom back to the ABC fold.

CVE and DOC both love Avery Pohl and wanted to keep her on as Esme, which is why the network decided to fire her during the writers strike, for that's when they started to rethink keeping CVE and DOC themselves.

by Anonymousreply 44June 1, 2024 12:13 AM

*Heather wasn't originally slated to be the hook killer nor Esme's mother to begin with

by Anonymousreply 45June 1, 2024 12:14 AM

R40 PM wrote a coming out story for Aiden, which would've included Lucky coming back. Korte completely cut the story; both Genie and Becky confirmed, at Nancy's event, that they filmed scenes where Aiden, then played by Enzo De'Angelis, came out to his grandmother Laura, yet they were cut out. Genie also confirmed at the event that there were plans to bring both Lucky and Lulu back. The problem was Frank wanting Jonathan and Julie Marie only, yet PM was willing to work with more recasts. Same goes for Spencer; PM was fine with a recast, to continue Spencer and Trina's love story, yet the network didn't really want anyone else except for NAC

by Anonymousreply 46June 1, 2024 12:20 AM

R42 Great observation. Instead of Jagger, it's too bad Adam J. couldn't play a more improved AJ, although Korte would've still wrote him as a fuck up, since she's pro-Jason. If not AJ, it would've been nice if him and Charles played the newly created Brennan brothers.

Supposedly they're going to test Jagger with Elizabeth soon.

by Anonymousreply 47June 1, 2024 12:25 AM

[quote]Supposedly they're going to test Jagger with Elizabeth soon.

Hmmm, too big of a height difference. I like LIz but can they keep searching for someone more height appropriate?

by Anonymousreply 48June 1, 2024 12:32 AM

R49 Like Dante or Dex? 😁 😁

With Liz, sadly it's more about them finding someone for her to prop, like she did with Franco and Finn, instead of what they should do, per your suggest "keep searching for someone more height appropriate" specifically just for her

by Anonymousreply 49June 1, 2024 2:21 AM

*Per your suggestion, I should say at R49 for R48

by Anonymousreply 50June 1, 2024 2:23 AM

Previews For Next Week

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Anna arrives at the scene of a crime.

Sonny gets an earful from Carly.

Valentin has a clandestine meeting.

Ava cozies up to Natalia.

Kristina feels betrayed.


Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Anna makes a horrifying realization.

Drew takes Carly by surprise.

Jagger threatens to make an arrest.

Finn rebuffs Elizabeth.

Chase leans on Brook Lynn.


Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Gregory's loved ones say their final goodbyes.

Kristina and Molly clash.

Blaze struggles in a recording session.


Thursday, June 6th, 2024

Trina has a jarring encounter.

Giovanni starts a new job.

Concerns for Finn deepen.

Kristina tries to mend fences.

Maxie and Spinelli enjoy some family time.


Friday, June 7th, 2024

Jake is shocked by what he sees.

Elizabeth confides in Stella.

Brook Lynn and Chase strategize.

Nina gets a welcome surprise.

Dex issues an invitation.


by Anonymousreply 51June 1, 2024 2:34 AM

R41 Nothing really ever happens, on-screen; just mainly all talk. They're supposedly having action this summer.

by Anonymousreply 52June 1, 2024 2:39 AM

Don’t get me wrong:

Little interest in another warehouse shootout or things like that; I’d like to see human conflict and confrontation.

by Anonymousreply 53June 1, 2024 3:33 PM

Willow is going to have sex with Drewfus, right?

My prediction is it will come out during his campaign that he was sleeping with both mother and daughter and cause a scandal.

by Anonymousreply 54June 1, 2024 3:42 PM

R53 They're actually getting roasted, no pun intended, for that warehouse shootout where nothing but coffee beans were hit. The show is really circling the drain, which is unfortunate because the network is really behind it, just not when it comes to getting rid of Frank or Korte, at least not yet anyway.

by Anonymousreply 55June 1, 2024 5:09 PM

R54 There's speculation that PM wanted to get really messy by having Drew Cain aka Andrew Quartermaine sleep with both mother and daughter, on his way to forging ahead with his newfound political career. Michael was supposed to get involved with politics as well, Josslyn also somewhat connected, with her new chosen career path as an environmentalist.

Personally, I'm guessing Willow would have possibly had some slight misunderstanding after seeing Michael and Sasha together, for PM seemed to be going somewhere with the two of them addressing their past relationship, while acknowledging that she would now be working as a cook for his family, which could have led to some awkwardness. Unfortunately, with PM away from everything, who knows what Korte and Frank will do with this story. Hopefully Korte won't be too tempted to have Drew back around Carly, asking for another chance.

by Anonymousreply 56June 1, 2024 5:24 PM

JPS and Donnell at a fan event. People are speculating the person in disguise on stage with them is Chloe Lanier. What???

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 57June 1, 2024 7:20 PM

R57 Lol looks just like her

by Anonymousreply 58June 1, 2024 8:45 PM

Now fans are wondering if Nelle's returning again and behind Pikeman lol

by Anonymousreply 59June 1, 2024 8:50 PM

R57 Just saw she stepped in for Josh Kelly, who couldn't make their "the men of GH event"

by Anonymousreply 60June 1, 2024 8:52 PM

Chloe is a pretty random substitute. Is something in the works with her that would have her in touch with GH in any respect? She's not one of those actors that left but continued to do fan events.

by Anonymousreply 61June 1, 2024 10:18 PM

R61 Not anything that's publicly known, although remember she did ask to return briefly in 2020, after originally requesting an early release from her contract in 2018, so she could be interested in another guest stint

by Anonymousreply 62June 1, 2024 11:18 PM

Maybe Chloe is interested in a short arc?

Perhaps Nelle can also sleep with Drew. Would that be a soap first? Mother and not one but TWO of her daughters all sleeping with the same guy at the same time.

If Nelle could sweep into town for a short while and destroy Willow and Michael's marriage, cause Drew so much trouble he has to leave town and then wreak havoc on Snarly's life, I'd be much obliged!

by Anonymousreply 63June 1, 2024 11:50 PM

Recasts can work with great writing; ATWT lost Martha Byrne, Hillary B. Smith, and Julianne Moore; they were recast, respectively, with Heather Rattray, Ellen Dolan, and Maryellen Stuart.

But they hit No. 2 in June 1990 because of Marland's stories. Marland is also the writer who brought GH from near cancellation to No. 2. He left to go write GL and Pat Falken Smith carried his stories across the finish line and made GH No. 1.

by Anonymousreply 64June 2, 2024 12:01 AM

I didn't hate Heather but definitely preferred Martha. Maryellen as Frannie? the less said the better

by Anonymousreply 65June 2, 2024 12:15 AM

[quote] Mother and not one but TWO of her daughters all sleeping with the same guy at the same time.


by Anonymousreply 66June 2, 2024 12:54 AM

I came into watching Maryellen having already liked her from her turn as policewoman Jenny on GL.

I liked her; no one was going to make us forget Julianne Moore.

Stuart was different but I liked her.

by Anonymousreply 67June 2, 2024 1:15 AM

I wonder how much of the story that ratings are telling?

Do they factor in Hulu views?

by Anonymousreply 68June 2, 2024 1:31 AM

Exactly. Ratings are outdated.

Streaming data isn’t publicly released generally.

by Anonymousreply 69June 2, 2024 2:37 AM

That said, R69, it's not like viewers have given up cable or TV's to watch GH on Hulu.

The show sucks. I have been a big champion of Frank's but he has his work cut out for him.

by Anonymousreply 70June 2, 2024 5:50 AM

R63 She very well might be. She's one of the few that seems to have an open door policy with Frank, unlike others who quit (Steve Burton, Kristen Alderson, Bryan Craig, Ryan Paevey, etc.) and asked to come back full-time, only for Frank to refuse (Steve only came back in 2017 because of Maurice going over Frank's head, with the network deciding to bring Steve back again this time). Nathan and Chris also love Chloe/Nelle; Dan did as well.

by Anonymousreply 71June 2, 2024 6:52 AM

R63 Not sure if that's ever happened, with a mother and two of her daughters sleeping with the same man at the same time, although Willow is possibly part of another daytime first- has their ever been a character like Michael who slept with three different sisters (Kiki, Nelle and Willow) on a soap before? Granted, it wasn't known to him that they were all daughters of Silas Clay at each prospective time, yet it still took place

by Anonymousreply 72June 2, 2024 6:56 AM

*Has there ever been a character

by Anonymousreply 73June 2, 2024 6:57 AM

R64 Question about when Julianne Moore quit as Frannie, was she still playing Sabrina at that time? Mary Ellen Stuart was Frannie while Claire Bloom was Sabrina, right? Did they ever explain why they were no longer identical?

by Anonymousreply 74June 2, 2024 7:00 AM

R64 Also, Claire Bloom was Erica Kane's half sister Silver Kane on AMC, wasn't she?

Have always heard how amazing Douglas Marland and Pat Falken-Smith were. Patrick Mulcahey having studied under Marland probably played a big part into the network seeing him as their top choice for head writer, along with his own history at GH, of course. I don't too much about Mulcahey's brief head writing stint at GL back in 1994, however fans were accusing him of copying his own stories from that time. Some drew comparisons to Drew's political career/Ross Marler's, among other slight things

by Anonymousreply 75June 2, 2024 7:12 AM

R65 Lol I remember once reading an interview in one of the soap mags with Elizabeth Hubbard and Martha Byrne together, where Ms. Hubbard referred to Heather Rattray as "that other girl" 😁😁 Martha wanted to redirect from the comment though. Martha left for primetime/film, which was what brought the recast on? I know they did the whole plastic surgery route, similar to when James DePaiva left OLTL and was replaced with Nicholas Walker, only for both Martha and James to return with nary mention of any plastic surgeries

Also for awhile I never knew Martha Byrne wasn't the original Lily, Lucy Deakins was her name, wasn't it? Did Martha's version outshine hers? I also remember when Noelle Beck was willing to vacate the role so Martha could return, when the show was going off the air, yet Martha declined.

by Anonymousreply 76June 2, 2024 7:20 AM

R68 Hulu or any other streaming source isn't factored into the standard rating system that goes by live viewing, still based somewhat on the whole original Nielsen model.

However, as R69 stated, exact streaming numbers aren't generally available to the public, yet in the case of Hulu, GH is consistently one of their top rated shows, believe it or not.

by Anonymousreply 77June 2, 2024 7:26 AM

R70 What's interesting about viewers who prefer to watch on streaming, besides the whole convenience of being able to watch on their own time, at their own leisure, is that they have the benefit of fast forwarding; instances where they can, the network is keeping track of which characters and storylines are fast forwarded the most. Laura Wright is usually atop of their list of actors who's scenes are frequently skipped through by viewers.

by Anonymousreply 78June 2, 2024 7:32 AM

R70 Another problem, besides Frank being the obvious one, is Elizabeth Korte. The fact that they're extremely close and and generally on the same page is hurting the show; Nathan being friends with both of them and not willing to suggest his bosses say good riddance to either him or her is a problem.

by Anonymousreply 79June 2, 2024 7:39 AM

Based on pics for next week, they might've aged Bailey Louise Jones

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by Anonymousreply 80June 2, 2024 8:05 AM

Either that, or it's just Temp Georgie Spinelli in the pics

by Anonymousreply 81June 2, 2024 8:12 AM

Apparently this is Tony Geary's husband, who celebrated his birthday with him. I didn't know he was married, thought they were just dating while in Amsterdam.

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by Anonymousreply 82June 2, 2024 8:20 AM

I thought he was married to Ron Glass

by Anonymousreply 83June 2, 2024 9:11 AM

Correcting myself at R74 R75 mistakenly referred to Claire Beckman as Claire Bloom. Interestingly enough, there's a stronger resemblance between Claire/Julianne than there is between Mary Ellen/Julianne

by Anonymousreply 84June 2, 2024 10:58 AM

R83 I've always heard that about Tony and Ron Glass too, well that they were lovers; didn't hear about the marriage part. Ron unfortunately died in 2016

by Anonymousreply 85June 2, 2024 11:04 AM

[quote]Patrick Mulcahey having studied under Marland probably played a big part into the network seeing him as their top choice for head writer, along with his own history at GH, of course. I don't too much about Mulcahey's brief head writing stint at GL back in 1994, however fans were accusing him of copying his own stories from that time. Some drew comparisons to Drew's political career/Ross Marler's, among other slight things

Patrick Mulcahey is a wonderful SCRIPT writer. He may also be good at outlines, but his strength has always been scripts. He was an odd choice to be headwriter. Because he's a soap fan favorite, not a whole lot of people would say that.

I'm not saying that a script writer cannot write long story, but Mulcahey was the wrong choice for GH from the beginning, because long story is not where he shines.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the problem at GH is not so much the writing (even though it may have benefitted from a freshening up) the main problem with GH is the current EP has stayed too long at the party. Is this Frank's 4th or 5th writing team?

From reading this thread and social media, it seems that GH has devolved into a set of cliques and pets and favorites and MAGAs and dysfunction. That's on the EP, not the writers.

by Anonymousreply 86June 2, 2024 1:28 PM

I loathed Mary Ellen as Frannie. Agree that Claire Beckman had a stronger resemblance to Julianne and probably would have made a better Frannie too.

by Anonymousreply 87June 2, 2024 1:46 PM

Tony looks great! But you can tell he has severe back issues.......wow, he's 77 now.

by Anonymousreply 88June 2, 2024 1:48 PM

Not suggesting viewers are flocking to Hulu just for this show but…. Admittedly this is just one anecdote…

My mother is 88 and at her assisted living facility of 500 or so, there is no option to watch through an antenna. (Thick walls). Every room and common areas are equipped with every streaming app. For what it’s worth. Streamers are no longer 18-34 demo.

by Anonymousreply 89June 2, 2024 3:37 PM

Too bad streaming wasn't the staple it is now back when Prospect Park revived AMC and OLTL.

by Anonymousreply 90June 2, 2024 3:40 PM

R86 100% agree. He excels at scriptwriting; if they would've rehired him in that position, instead of co-HW, chances are he'd most likely still be employed with them now. Right by him being a fan favorite, many don't want to say anything negative in regards to his writing, especially if it means admitting he's somewhat unqualified for certain positions. Korte, who should've stayed as Associate Head Writer, contributed to this disastrous turn of events as well. Apparently, there's a shortage of qualified HW's, across the board; add in Frank's reputation, that's really thinning the talent pool of those willing to work with him. DOOL is holding on to Ron, going on seven years now, while Y&R has had Josh back since early 2019. Brad obviously isn't giving up control at B&B anytime soon, even if he were, there really isn't anyone he'd probably accept, unless it's an in-house promotion. Michele val Jean will probably be the Head Writer, or at least co-HW of The Gates.

Yes, this is now the sixth HW regime under Frank:

Ron 2/21/12-10/5/15

Jean/Shelly 10/6/15-10/8/17

Shelly/Chris 10/9/17-10/28/19

Chris/Dan 10/29/19-3/14/24

Patrick/Elizabeth 3/15/24-?/?/24

Elizabeth ?/?/24

Although Patrick/Elizabeth were more of a network decision, they were dissatisfied with Frank's picks of Chris & Dan, after four years. Frank is definitely fostering an environment of chaos backstage.

by Anonymousreply 91June 2, 2024 6:05 PM

R87 Loathe lol but I also believe that Claire would've probably made a better Frannie.

by Anonymousreply 92June 2, 2024 6:08 PM

*Claire would've probably made a better Frannie, while also playing Sabrina, I should say at R92

by Anonymousreply 93June 2, 2024 6:10 PM

R88 Tony does look great

by Anonymousreply 94June 2, 2024 7:00 PM

R95 Nice to know your mom is still watching at 88. Absolutely correct, streamers aren't just for "youngsters" anymore. Several of those who stream DOOL are older, granted they didn't have much of a say in the matter, since it was either streaming it or quit watching altogether.

by Anonymousreply 95June 2, 2024 7:03 PM

R89 that was meant for you at R95

by Anonymousreply 96June 2, 2024 7:06 PM

R90 Isn't it a shame though? Prospect Park were ahead of their time, for AMC/OLTL would still be around today if they weren't novices to it. However, webisoaps have been around since the mid-2000's, so I'm wondering why Prospect Park didn't follow their models more closely?

by Anonymousreply 97June 2, 2024 7:09 PM

NAC is back to casual thirst-trapping now that Monsters has finally wrapped.

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by Anonymousreply 98June 3, 2024 5:37 PM

Charles Mesure aka Brennan just hasn't learned his lesson.

Some Viewers are announcing they've blocked him and now he's arguing with this guy who has quite a following.

Granted the Xers are being bit much calling him a "stalker", but I think he's jumping into conversations where he isn't tagged just like LW does.

I hope Adam Harrington doesn't get caught up in this tit for tat, I like him.

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by Anonymousreply 99June 3, 2024 5:47 PM

Why do these actors even bother with Twitter? You can’t win.

by Anonymousreply 100June 3, 2024 6:04 PM

Charles Mesure really needs to step away from X. He's not doing himself any favors. These tweets are just the few I've come across as I don't follow any of them. Apparently, it's been going on all weekend.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 101June 3, 2024 6:43 PM

Chloe Lanier and Josh Kelly are dating.

Well that explains that.

I had her next storyline all worked out in my head and but it turns out she's just there with her boyfriend.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 102June 3, 2024 6:53 PM

Good for Chloe Lanier. That's some good stuff right there.

by Anonymousreply 103June 3, 2024 7:11 PM


by Anonymousreply 104June 3, 2024 7:19 PM

Nice work, Chloe. Uncle Frank can't really avoid you if you're picking up your bf from the studio every day.

by Anonymousreply 105June 3, 2024 7:29 PM

Uncle Frankie can find ways to avoid anyone!

by Anonymousreply 106June 3, 2024 7:42 PM

No fats, Triscuit.

by Anonymousreply 107June 3, 2024 7:58 PM

R98 He has plenty of fans willing to quench his thirst too 😆 did he ever get rid of his Patreon, or is it still up?

by Anonymousreply 108June 3, 2024 8:15 PM

R99 R100 R101 Classic rookie mistakes but he'll learn soon enough. Those fans are relentless, especially when you engage. As stated on this very forum, GH fanbases are probably the most "out there" out of all the soaps.

by Anonymousreply 109June 3, 2024 8:19 PM

R102 Don't fret for she's asked to return before and Frank made it happen; she can always ask again.

by Anonymousreply 110June 3, 2024 8:20 PM

William Ludwig, who played a young Tony Soprano in "The Many Saints of Newark," the prequel movie to "The Sopranos," is in as Jake's friend, Gordo. Actress Devin Ogden is also in as Barb, in Finn's addiction storyline. Both are short-term, although that can always change.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 111June 3, 2024 8:31 PM

R111 Did that actor play Tony as a wee child? James Gandolfini's real son played the teenage Tony in that movie.

by Anonymousreply 112June 3, 2024 9:41 PM

R112 Correct, he played Tony as a wee child. I should've made that distinction.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 113June 3, 2024 10:58 PM

Lord help me, the lethal combo of Kristina, Blaze and Maria Santos is making me start to like Carly, by comparison

by Anonymousreply 114June 3, 2024 11:07 PM

This is actress Devon Ogden (spelled Devin Ogden on the Soap Opera Digest site) who's playing Barb. She's sort of resembles a younger Hunter Tylo.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 115June 3, 2024 11:07 PM


Charles Mesure has deleted his account again.

by Anonymousreply 116June 3, 2024 11:13 PM

let's hope she sees Hunter Tylo's face as a cautionary tale.

by Anonymousreply 117June 3, 2024 11:16 PM

R116 Poor guy.

by Anonymousreply 118June 4, 2024 12:12 AM

R117 LMAO oh wow

by Anonymousreply 119June 4, 2024 12:13 AM

Someone at GH needs to take Mr. Mesure under their wing and show him the ropes. Someone also needs to whisper in his ear that sucking up to LW isn't going to get him a contract. The only person she campaigns to get a contract for is her underemployed boyfriend. Otherwise, she mostly gets people fired or drives them away.

Adam Harrington isn't having the same problem as he's already on contract and isn't fawning as much as Mesure.

Adam Huss learned really quick not to complain or engage with the critics. Early on he did one long post lamenting people being mean and then quickly reversed course and stopped addressing anyone who said something negative.

These soap actors really have to be ducks and let it roll off their backs and better yet, quit searching their name and responding when they aren't tagged. Hereinafter referred to as LW Syndrome. LW Syndrome: Searching your name or your character's name and then arguing with viewers who haven't tagged you or even # the show.

by Anonymousreply 120June 4, 2024 12:31 AM

Maurice seems to be portraying Marlon Brando's way of speach in the Godfather again. He's done that before but I thought they cured him of it. He's doing a horrible job with this storyline.

by Anonymousreply 121June 4, 2024 1:11 AM

It's worse than horrible; it's unpleasant to watch. I think between his "acting" and the cartoon-like characters (Jason the Loyal Hitman Automaton; Carly the Shrew), it is, in the end, unwatchable. I'm reclaiming my one hour of evening relaxation time.

by Anonymousreply 122June 4, 2024 1:25 AM

R120 Well said. So true about LW; if it isn't WR, she's not campaigning to get anyone a job; most definitely, it's the other way around- getting them fired or drives them away, even if it's indirectly with her right-hand woman Korte. LW Syndrome 😆😆 that's perfect.

by Anonymousreply 123June 4, 2024 1:38 AM

R122 Cartoon like 😁 😁 Maxine Waters, is that you reclaiming your relaxation time?

by Anonymousreply 124June 4, 2024 1:40 AM

R120 let us name it Snaggletooth Syndrome.

by Anonymousreply 125June 4, 2024 1:41 AM

R125 That'll work just fine lol

by Anonymousreply 126June 4, 2024 1:46 AM

Love it, r125. Snaggletooth Syndrome it is!

by Anonymousreply 127June 4, 2024 1:47 AM

R127 First symptom is a snarl

by Anonymousreply 128June 4, 2024 1:47 AM

The lighting, makeup and camera angles on JPS in the stairwell yesterday were not good.

by Anonymousreply 129June 4, 2024 4:06 PM

You'll never convince me that JPS is straight.

If only Rick Hearst had been cast as Sonny. He'd breathe so much life into him and his shitty storylines. (And, no, I'm not saying he was ever considered.)

by Anonymousreply 130June 4, 2024 4:25 PM

R130 Well....would you consider him at least bi, since he's married with children? If I were anywhere else I wouldn't say anything, but since we're here, both JPS and even MEK have "pinged" for years.

by Anonymousreply 131June 4, 2024 4:35 PM

Both MB and NLG raved about upcoming scenes they have, where the two of them "forgot they were acting." It's presumably with KM- Kristina giving birth prematurely next month and possibly something going terribly wrong. NLG (and MB) both love acting opposite KM and NLG has used that phrase before, that she forgets she's acting when it comes to filming scenes with Kate.

by Anonymousreply 132June 4, 2024 4:40 PM

JPS and MEK both seem gay.

Sticking your dick in a woman doesn't automatically make you bi. It makes you capable.

by Anonymousreply 133June 4, 2024 4:53 PM

JPS and MEK ping together.

JPS going on MEK's honeymoon with him in place of Catherine Hickland and staying in the honeymoon suite with him is hilarious.

by Anonymousreply 134June 4, 2024 4:54 PM

From about minute 41 to minute 48. Old marrieds.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 135June 4, 2024 5:04 PM

R133 😆

R134 I didn't want to bring that up 😂 do you also remember the instance between MEK and James Scott, on AMC? James Scott "allegedly" tricked MEK into thinking he was interested in him.

by Anonymousreply 136June 4, 2024 5:08 PM

Is the Michael Fairman interview the one where JPS is staying at MEK's place because it was an easier commute while he was doing both GH and the Disney show? IIRC, JPS was doing laundry and making caprese salad while MEK was talking to Michael.

by Anonymousreply 137June 4, 2024 5:12 PM

No R137 , it's the one where Will DeVry and Ryan Paevey are spit-roasting JPS while Fairman holds the camera and MEK jerks off in the corner.

by Anonymousreply 138June 4, 2024 5:49 PM

Instead of focus on bringing back lapsed viewers, they should look into attracting newer, younger viewers. It wouldn't hurt to have some more eye candy, a bunch of college age guys to interact with Josslyn/Trina, or even college age guys a year or so older than Jake from high school, that he could spend time with. Summer with teens featured heavily is usually a soap staple.

by Anonymousreply 139June 5, 2024 6:01 AM

Adding onto what I mentioned, obviously bringing in a bunch of guys isn't the long-term answer. However, with an EP and HW who insist on doing what they want, with abysmal ratings practically every week, they need some sort of distraction, to get viewers interested in some form. Nothing is working whatsoever

by Anonymousreply 140June 5, 2024 6:17 AM

Recast slightly soras'd Charlotte Cassadine and Emma Drake.

New young interns at hospital getting messy with each other. Make one a charming narcissist fooling everyone since narcissism is discussed so much these days. Not a psycho that can't be redeemed like Esme or Nelle but just manipulative and very pretty or very handsome.

by Anonymousreply 141June 5, 2024 10:39 AM

R141 There's been speculation that both Charlotte and Emma will be recast, especially Charlotte, though still as a teen; Emma should still be around Josslyn/Trina's age.

New young interns at the hospital were speculated as well, however this was all when PM was still on staff. Now with Korte steering the ship without him, not sure what she's going to do, outside of her Carly obsession, of course

by Anonymousreply 142June 5, 2024 6:35 PM

Gregory Harrison on Steve and Bradford's show.

I guess he likes Steve as there's no need to suck up to him now that he's gone.

Gregory sang Jane Elliot's praises and said she could call him any time to do a project with her and he will say yes. He wished they had had more time together on GH.

GH really screwed up not making Gregory Harrison a recast Jeff Webber. Also, was Mark Teschner coming off a three-day bender when he cast the two who did play Jeff and Carolyn Webber?

Gregory Harrison's daughter who played the first TJ/Molly surrogate who miscarried might be a viable LuLu recast....

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 143June 5, 2024 7:48 PM

Gio says Kate Mansi has helped him and is like a big sister.

New photo of Gio, Snarly Jr. and Trina at the pool.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 144June 5, 2024 9:02 PM

R143 Really not trying to defend the decisions this show keeps making, for I, along with many others, would've preferred Gregory Harrison as Jeff Webber, even Alley Mills as Carolyn Webber, though Jeff Webber apparently wasn't on their radar, in terms of recasting, when they chose him as Finn's father.

Remember Elizabeth's parents were referenced as being in contact with her kids, at least Jake was, I believe, yet they took their time bringing them back, especially after those constant rewrites to Elizabeth's big story. Three day bender 😁 if anything, they went off "name actors" particularly with Denise Crosby. Frank also has a hand on casting many times too, although Mark is much better at it. William Moses having a resemblance to Tony Geary was a little distracting, at times. Carolyn not being as big of a character as Heather pretty much ensured that Alley wasn't going to be Carolyn; though if they were creative enough, or cared about Elizabeth enough, they should have went that route. Even if not Alley as Carolyn, then definitely Gregory as Jeff.

Btw, Gregory's daughter would've and still could make a good Lulu, but if it's not Julie Marie Berman, they're supposedly holding out for a "name actress." They even held auditions for Lulu last year, when the writers were out striking, for they were planning to bring her out of her coma.

by Anonymousreply 145June 5, 2024 11:01 PM

GH slipped in their ratings again, down to 1,853,000 for May 27-May 31

by Anonymousreply 146June 5, 2024 11:08 PM

R144 Kate Mansi is extremely personable and accommodating, to vets and newcomers. Jacqueline Grace Lopez definitely rubbed her the wrong way lol because Kate gets along with practically everybody.

by Anonymousreply 147June 5, 2024 11:16 PM

The nighttime Liz/Reiko/Finn/Jeff/Carolyn mess was a dumpster fire, and Gregory Harrison dodged a bullet not being involved. That said, not misdiagnosing his character's ALS was another epic fail, and a slap in the face of viewers who were rooting for Gregory and Tracy.

Who cares if Lulu wakes up? They're ruining Laura, DZ is probably leaving, and Rocco is mentioned so infrequently, he's probably smoking crack behind The Floating Rib with the ghost of Karen Wexler. And where's Cyrus, who caused Lulu's 4 year coma? Crickets...

Is Frank banking on Itzhak Palmieri to bring the teen viewers and save the show? That's rhetorical.

by Anonymousreply 148June 5, 2024 11:38 PM

Who says Gregory Harrison can’t come back as another character?

by Anonymousreply 149June 5, 2024 11:41 PM

R147, practically everybody?

That's a lot of people.

by Anonymousreply 150June 6, 2024 12:13 AM

R148 Yep for even Becky has admitted that the story was rewritten to the point where it didn't make any sense. Elizabeth was supposed to have DID, but Frank and the network weren't onboard with that story, subsequently making her big story all about Finn. At least they refused the part about Jeff being her molester, but the DID part would've probably been much better than settling on Reiko

R149 Right he always can, especially on this show

by Anonymousreply 151June 6, 2024 12:38 AM

R150 Practically everybody she comes across, at both DOOL and GH. She mainly had issues with Billy Flynn at DOOL, though they've since made up.

by Anonymousreply 152June 6, 2024 12:40 AM

R152 you have good inside scoop

by Anonymousreply 153June 6, 2024 12:46 AM

R153 Thanks. Sometimes it hasn't happened yet, like Giovanni Mazza coming or Michael Easton going, so there's not any way of providing any links beforehand.

by Anonymousreply 154June 6, 2024 4:22 AM

Yeah maybe if they had focused on their core character and vet Elizabeth instead of ME’s fourth Finn - we’d have more effort in bringing back her parents and siblings…nope instead we get Finn’s family…Gregory, Chase, Kim Delaney…

by Anonymousreply 155June 6, 2024 7:01 PM

Giovanni was originally Giovanni Cerullo btw and slated for Trina; Giovanni Palmieri as Olivia's cousin, interested in Josslyn are both rewrites. If it turns out that Dex is his brother, that's yet another rewrite, for Dex was supposed to be either Jason's or Dante's.

by Anonymousreply 156June 6, 2024 9:24 PM

R155 It's really disrespectful to her. TPTB don't particularly care enough about Becky or Elizabeth unfortunately, unless they want her propping characters for the audience to catch on, such as Franco or Finn, since she's a fan favorite. Apparently, Becky being an introvert and staying in her dressing room for hours on end isn't exactly winning her over when it comes to wanting constant ass kissing and adulation, which is what Frank, Nathan and Korte get from many others. Becky's just not fake nor always in their faces.

by Anonymousreply 157June 6, 2024 9:30 PM

*Guess Giovanni is still related to the Cerullo's, on his mother's side of the family, not Olivia's; thought they did a rewrite at R156 either as Olivia's cousin or nephew.

by Anonymousreply 158June 7, 2024 7:38 AM

Around the rumor mill (although these might be fanfic)

Another woman for Jason, possibly from his past, is coming to stake her claim on him; while she gets closer to Jason, they will have to deal with looming feelings from Carly.

Ava will have her comeuppance when she's killed off; there will be a long list of suspects/murder mystery.

Natalia and Valentin share a past, or possibly a future?

Giovanni and Trina bond, which will create tension between Lois and Portia.

Selina Wu, not Cyrus or anyone else, turned Carly in to the FBI, which is where the RICO violations stem from.

Lucy plots revenge against Tracy.

Sonny and Drew battle over control of the pier.

Sasha creates a new version of Lila's Pickle-Lila

by Anonymousreply 159June 7, 2024 7:56 AM

Still sounds zzzzz

by Anonymousreply 160June 7, 2024 7:05 PM

Oh no to another relish story. Sounds so bad it’s believable.

by Anonymousreply 161June 7, 2024 7:51 PM

I want either Sonny to leave the mob and run a competing company against ELQ. Going against Ned, Tracy, Michael, and perhaps Jason if he regains Q identity.

by Anonymousreply 162June 7, 2024 8:38 PM

I wonder if anyone will start a Daytime Emmy thread this evening?

by Anonymousreply 163June 7, 2024 8:53 PM

Here you are r163.

Daytime Emmy thread

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by Anonymousreply 164June 7, 2024 10:48 PM

Most excellent. Thank you, DHA R164 .

by Anonymousreply 165June 7, 2024 11:05 PM

Gio cleaned up nice for the Emmys.

by Anonymousreply 166June 8, 2024 12:18 AM

Oops, here's the photo of Gio.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 167June 8, 2024 12:25 AM

R164 Thanks Shiloh 😁😁

by Anonymousreply 168June 8, 2024 12:26 AM

R167 Cleaned up nice indeed

by Anonymousreply 169June 8, 2024 12:28 AM

Fuck Evan Hofer looks... very... happy

by Anonymousreply 170June 8, 2024 12:34 AM

Dan O'Connor supposedly hired by DOOL.

by Anonymousreply 171June 8, 2024 1:35 AM

So sad that out of all the actors on GH, the only one to win was Hatman!

by Anonymousreply 172June 8, 2024 2:22 AM

I’m ready for Frank to keep giving me all his love.

by Anonymousreply 173June 8, 2024 5:08 AM

Wow. Frank and Charlie are still together.

by Anonymousreply 174June 8, 2024 8:29 AM

I REALLY wanted Braun to win so LW would have to give her the award.

by Anonymousreply 175June 8, 2024 9:20 AM

Did Cynthia and her husband reconcile? Pretty sure he was her date at the Emmys last night as he was last year yet they divorced a few years ago.

Also, Finola was robbed of Best Actress. Although it did go to her bestie Stafford.

by Anonymousreply 176June 8, 2024 1:36 PM

Emmys are a joke! Stafford has been bad since yr return. Thorston is a good actor but miscast!!!

by Anonymousreply 177June 8, 2024 2:03 PM

Frank is being diagnosed with all kinds of disorders on X due to his monotone speech.

by Anonymousreply 178June 8, 2024 2:06 PM

Frank has always been unemotional when speaking. But he was so detached last night. To an extreme.

Not surprising Twitter is have a field day diagnosing him

by Anonymousreply 179June 8, 2024 2:38 PM

Which top designer was Laura Wright wearing last night?

by Anonymousreply 180June 8, 2024 2:41 PM

When does NAC's movie premiere?

So we can calculate when he will become a star and be frequently featured on the Daily Mail?

by Anonymousreply 181June 8, 2024 3:30 PM

This is a tweet from some named BeckySlaysGH regarding Frank. Any truth to it, GH Insider?

"100+ fans sent an ice cream truck to the studio for cast and crew and when cast members started tweeting about it he sent out a mass email instructing that no one acknowledge it. Even had the company take down pictures they posted... happy pride, but this dude is an asshole! #GH"

by Anonymousreply 182June 8, 2024 4:41 PM

Adam Harrington (Jagger) says he and Lydia Look (Selina Wu) are old friends of many years.

by Anonymousreply 183June 8, 2024 10:30 PM

R171 I heard that too, apparently as a breakdown writer. Both Chris & Dan were close to Ron as well at OLTL when they were all on the writing team. Since there's not a formal announcement yet, can't provide any links. Chris probably would've ended up there too, if he hadn't managed to stay at GH.

by Anonymousreply 184June 9, 2024 12:32 AM

R175 I wanted that to happen too, for that would've been epic- Carly #4 and Jason handing a recognition of achievement award to Carly #2, who's constantly referenced as being superior to #4.

by Anonymousreply 185June 9, 2024 12:36 AM

Especially with many fans referring to Ava and Harris' on DOOL as "The Real Carly and Jason" it would've been even more nice for her to win. Cynthia Watros winning would've been great too, for Wright would've had to fake like it wasn't really a big deal. Finola, Annika Noelle and even Katherine Kelly Lang winning, just for longevity sake on KKL's part, would've all been preferred over Michelle.

by Anonymousreply 186June 9, 2024 12:42 AM

R176 At last mention, they're still divorced; he accompanied her again, as you mentioned.

by Anonymousreply 187June 9, 2024 12:48 AM

R187 Would've liked to see Finola win as well. She's consistently in their pool of top talent, even when the writing isn't exactly in her favor, she always seems to rise above the material.

by Anonymousreply 188June 9, 2024 12:51 AM

[quote] Viewers don't like being jerked around!

Well, maybe not around, per se...

by Anonymousreply 189June 9, 2024 12:59 AM

R177 Agree lol Michelle over the top sometimes, while Thorsten is good, the other actors in that category were deservedly nominated and also worth winning. Besides the fact that he already won last year, the other nominees in that category actually gave more of a leading actor performance. Jacqueline MacInnes Wood isn't nearly as good as Annika Noelle, yet she already has two lead actress Emmy's, I believe. Katherine Kelly Lang should at least have one if Jacqui can have two

by Anonymousreply 190June 9, 2024 1:06 AM

JMW has three Lead Actress Emmy’s. It’s baffling.

Stafford winning was a joke. CW was robbed.

And Frank V looks like he’s about to drop dead. Maybe that’s why ABC won’t can him.

by Anonymousreply 191June 9, 2024 1:11 AM

R176, that’s not her ex-husband. That’s a new guy she’s been dating for a few years. They actually both had on wedding rings last night so some are speculating they got married recently.

by Anonymousreply 192June 9, 2024 1:12 AM

R181 Don't believe there's an official premiere date as of yet, just that their CEO Ted Sarandos has a "second half of the year" premiere in mind.

by Anonymousreply 193June 9, 2024 1:13 AM

R142, I mentioned a new crop of interns with Liz relishing in her role as Head Nurse to Becky at an event last year and she said it was pretty much doubtful due to budget.

by Anonymousreply 194June 9, 2024 1:17 AM

R82 - Thank goodness they left off the candles. That little cake would've melted.

by Anonymousreply 195June 9, 2024 1:20 AM

R182 That's true, but only to a certain extent. What happened in that situation was a Liz fan sent an ice cream truck to the studio, as a surprise to the cast. There are discrepancies about it actually being for Pride or not, or somewhat Pride themed. However, the reason why Frank was upset from what I remember is because someone else cleared the ice cream truck's arrival, not because of anything Pride related, which is why he instructed the actors to stop tweeting about it. If anything, Frank being a control freak didn't want fans all of a sudden sending things without his direct approval. Frank takes a lot of heat, deservedly so at times, but he's not homophobic. When OLTL got rid of Kyle and Fish, it wasn't because Frank nor Ron wanted to, it was because of homophobic fans, most likely the Facebook Frau groups, voicing their displeasure with the storyline. If Frank did reject something that was Pride influenced, it would more than likely occur as a result of trying to appease the Facebook Fraus, which is also the main group that seems to watch live, on a daily basis

by Anonymousreply 196June 9, 2024 1:23 AM

[quote] Chloe Lanier and Josh Kelly are dating.

Well, shit. There goes that fantasy.

by Anonymousreply 197June 9, 2024 1:25 AM

R192 I stand corrected for I thought that was her ex husband who accompanied her back in December, which is what I mentioned at R187. Sorry R176, wasn't aware

by Anonymousreply 198June 9, 2024 1:28 AM

[quote] both JPS and even MEK have "pinged" for years

R131 - Agreed, although I would say that MEK transcends pinging. He's his own sonar system.

by Anonymousreply 199June 9, 2024 1:31 AM

[quote] Both MB and NLG raved about upcoming scenes they have, where the two of them "forgot they were acting."

Is that a nice way of saying going off book and chewing scenery?

by Anonymousreply 200June 9, 2024 1:33 AM

R194 Becky's fantastic lol she's very open when asked about certain things. They've actually started moving towards two year contracts instead of the standard three or four year contracts, starting with Steve Burton's return contract, along with shortening minimums on a contract, so budgetwise, this year, if they really wanted to, they could. Especially if they're all or almost all on recurring. Unfortunately they just don't care enough about Liz or the hospital staff as a whole to focus on them, which would've more likely been under Patrick Mulcahey's pen than Elizabeth Korte's, since he's over mob stories.

by Anonymousreply 201June 9, 2024 1:36 AM

*Especially if they're all or almost all on recurring references any newcomers, not current cast members at R201

by Anonymousreply 202June 9, 2024 1:38 AM

[quote] Which top designer was Laura Wright wearing last night?

Oh honey, no fashion designer is ever a top.

by Anonymousreply 203June 9, 2024 1:46 AM

Carly 2 is the superior Carly would have loved LW to fake it as she easts crow! Knowing TB and Steve are the Jarly with the chemistry.

by Anonymousreply 204June 9, 2024 2:16 AM

Wake me up when Easton leaves. What a terrible actor. They’ve thrown so much at Finn, it’s crazy.

by Anonymousreply 205June 9, 2024 2:16 AM

R189 😁

by Anonymousreply 206June 9, 2024 2:28 AM

R176 That was meant for you at R188

by Anonymousreply 207June 9, 2024 2:29 AM

R191 Jacqueline has three? Lol oh wow.

Cynthia definitely should've snagged it then had Snaggletooth hand it to her, just to see that smirk disappear for once. Then the way that she's constipated fawning over Steve Burton, smh. She's scheduled as an upcoming guest, once again, on Steve's podcast, which he's promoting like she's the best person ever, probably because she's really his biggest fan, so he plays up to her and her fandom. It also doesn't hurt that her SOM with Maurice was one of, if not his most viewed show

Frank, well, also wondering if being restricted by the network on certain things is taking it's toll on him

by Anonymousreply 208June 9, 2024 2:40 AM

R197 Would you be interested in a threesome with Josh and Chloe, if you could have him in that way? Or just Josh solo

by Anonymousreply 209June 9, 2024 2:42 AM

R199 MEK is great but yeah pretty much 😁

by Anonymousreply 210June 9, 2024 2:43 AM

Chloe is lovely, but just Josh please. She can hold my beer.

by Anonymousreply 211June 9, 2024 2:43 AM

R200 😆 😆

by Anonymousreply 212June 9, 2024 2:44 AM

R203 Not even verse? Lol

by Anonymousreply 213June 9, 2024 2:44 AM

R213 - Afraid not, only dresses are versatile

by Anonymousreply 214June 9, 2024 2:47 AM

R208 At this point they need to make her the third host.

I’ll bet she makes Wes role play as Steve.

by Anonymousreply 215June 9, 2024 3:03 AM

Twitter was buzzing that Laura sat next to Frank, was the first to kiss him when GH won, and was standing beside him on stage when he accepted the award. Is that all true? Twitter was not pleased about that and about Michelle Stafford winning.

by Anonymousreply 216June 9, 2024 3:21 AM

Yes she never left his side, it was very desperate!

by Anonymousreply 217June 9, 2024 3:33 AM

R211 Sounds like a perfect night 😆

by Anonymousreply 218June 9, 2024 4:31 AM

R214 Clever 😁

by Anonymousreply 219June 9, 2024 4:32 AM

R215 They might as well, she'll definitely be up for it. For some reason, that role playing scenario sounds entirely believable

by Anonymousreply 220June 9, 2024 4:36 AM

R216 All true. Frank, LW and Korte, who looked ridiculous in that red dress btw, along with Nathan are all extremely close. LW started kissing Frank's ass almost immediately after his first official day of work

by Anonymousreply 221June 9, 2024 4:39 AM

R217 Extremely desperate. Along with that unnecessary licking of Steve's balls, on yet another night

by Anonymousreply 222June 9, 2024 4:42 AM

Ratings For Week Of May 27th-May 31st, 2024:

(GH and B&B both saw a decrease of exactly 50,000 viewers last week; GH has 249,000 less than this time in 2023)

1. Y&R 2,975,000 (-34,000/-333,000)

2. B&B 2,531,000 (-50,000/-213,000)

3. GH 1,853,000 (-50,000/-249,000)

by Anonymousreply 223June 9, 2024 5:40 AM

Previews For Next Week:

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Liz is left reeling.

Willow opens up to Michael.

Nina has a change of heart.

Drew shares his news with Curtis.

Tracy offers wise counsel.


Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

Sonny bears gifts for Kristina.

Alexis advises Laura.

TJ is outraged.

Sasha challenges Cody.

Carly's hopes are dashed.


Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Curtis wants answers.

Trina confronts Laura.

Alexis and Diane wonder what the future holds for Heather.

Stella confides in Tracy.

Kristina and Blaze ponder their options.


Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Kristina seeks Alexis’s advice.

Liz and Chase voice their concerns.

Finn is determined.

Giovanni pitches an idea.


Friday, June 14th, 2024

Carly is suspicious.

Nina gets a thrilling invitation.

Cody gets food for thought.

Anna accepts an offer from Valentin.

Jagger gives Jason a shocking task.


by Anonymousreply 224June 9, 2024 5:45 AM

Its not all doom and gloom; GH broke it's own record last night, after winning the Emmy for Outstanding Daytime Drama, the 4th consecutive year in a row, 17th win overall on that particular category. This also marked the first time in 15 years that GH can claim winning for Best Writing.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 225June 9, 2024 5:55 AM

Jerry Dobson got a Gold Circle Award; it's like a lifetime achievement award kind of.

He talks about Bridget's -- "Bridgie," he calls her -- and her DT Emmy speech in 1988.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 226June 9, 2024 6:27 AM

R226 So sweet. Isn't that when Bridget & Jerome were locked out of the offices where Santa Barbara was filmed, because they were in a battle with NBC and/or New World Television, after they tried firing co-head writer Anne Howard Bailey? She had a provision in her contract which stipulated only NBC, not Bridget or Jerome, could fire her, with Charles Pratt being her co-hw at that time. JFP also looks just as bitchy there as she did at GH, just a younger kind of bitchy.

by Anonymousreply 227June 9, 2024 6:51 AM

R226 At R227 actually typed that before reading the story at your link, didn't know that the details of the disagreement were included in the story, so it answers the questions that I had.

by Anonymousreply 228June 9, 2024 6:56 AM

Stafford is pulling a LW and jumping into tweets from those disappointed in her winning Emmy to make smug comments.

It really makes these actors look [bold]insane[/bold] when they respond to comments they aren't tagged in. Do they just spend the entire day searching their own name?

by Anonymousreply 229June 9, 2024 10:57 AM

^ Yes. Many, if not most, actors are narcissistic sociopaths. But the crazy can elevate their art if they know how to use it.

by Anonymousreply 230June 9, 2024 12:50 PM

Gawd I loathe her.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 231June 9, 2024 2:56 PM

Any validity to the reddit rumor Dex actor is dating Blaze actress?

by Anonymousreply 232June 9, 2024 7:13 PM

I want to see Dex's midnight cum rivers

by Anonymousreply 233June 9, 2024 7:51 PM

I'm sure Parking Lot Pete gets an allowance for managing LW's social media accounts while she's off at Georgia Tent & Awning finding something to wear over those hips.

by Anonymousreply 234June 9, 2024 8:05 PM

The Stafford has a weird relationship with social media. Recall, she made some big public goodbye to it a few years ago, bemoaning that she felt like she was being attacked by everybody no matter what she put up. Typical Scino mindset.

by Anonymousreply 235June 9, 2024 8:45 PM

Those scientos are trained to be attack dogs and not back down.

She probably got reprimanded for not fighting it out. I wonder how much little David Miscabbage fined her for being weak.

by Anonymousreply 236June 9, 2024 8:49 PM

R229 Laura & Michelle are cut from the same cloth, very similar, even down to their exchange history with fans who voice opinions that they take personally, which neither of them seem to be able to brush off. Also, their are many of them, including Laura & Michelle, who have to constantly spend time searching Twitter when they aren't even tagged, for them to reply. Pretty sad.

by Anonymousreply 237June 10, 2024 12:04 AM

*Also, there are many of them

by Anonymousreply 238June 10, 2024 12:05 AM

R230 True 😆 usually those with internal issues, dysfunctional ones make the best actors.

by Anonymousreply 239June 10, 2024 12:06 AM

R231 She's so unlikeable it's just beyond laughable at this point.

by Anonymousreply 240June 10, 2024 12:08 AM

Liason fans are under the impression that there'll be a Liz/Jason reunion based on upcoming scenes. Korte, of course, will definitely not be onboard, so if it happens, it would have to be network mandated. They actually generated buzz from the bar scenes with Finn and Jake finding him with Barb, because after months & months of barely anything but talk, something soapy took place.

by Anonymousreply 241June 10, 2024 12:15 AM

R232 Well lol they are apparently spending an exorbitant amount of time together, so if anything it's probably just casual fucking, before it gets to be an actual relationship. That's how it started with him and Eden, except Eden had a boyfriend, Jose San Martin, when she started fucking Evan.

by Anonymousreply 242June 10, 2024 12:21 AM

I remember when I was the hot piece of ass on set with a revolving door in my dressing room.

by Anonymousreply 243June 10, 2024 12:21 PM

Some cunt on Twitter told the gorgeous Tabyana that she looked like a monkey at the Emmys, prompting the gracious young star to post this.

These actors really need to stay off Twitter.

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by Anonymousreply 244June 10, 2024 3:38 PM

March for Johnny in L.A. on Wed 6/12

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by Anonymousreply 245June 10, 2024 3:46 PM

R231: As do I. She is the reason I stopped watching GH after being a fan since the Robert Scorpio days. LW, MB, and SB destroyed this show.

by Anonymousreply 246June 10, 2024 6:59 PM

R245 - March? Audrey or Lucille?

by Anonymousreply 247June 10, 2024 10:31 PM

Struggling to find anything interesting on this show.

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by Anonymousreply 248June 11, 2024 2:36 PM

Maura's says the best reel doesn't always win. Acknowledges they "reset" Ava. Plays coy about Ava being killed off which is par for the course. Sings Mo's praises as per standard operating procedure.

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by Anonymousreply 249June 11, 2024 5:39 PM

Perez Hilton appearing on today’s episode.

Happy Pride Month!

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by Anonymousreply 250June 11, 2024 5:57 PM

R241 Liason fan here. No one is expecting them to be paired. It was just nice to see their interaction yesterday and acknowledge their longtime history.

by Anonymousreply 251June 11, 2024 5:58 PM

Steve Burton's new girlfriend and Chad Duell's girlfriend resemble each other

by Anonymousreply 252June 11, 2024 6:47 PM

R251 Liason fans actually are expecting them to be paired together again, they've been posting nonstop about this happening. They either think it'll be network mandated or Korte will be replaced for it to occur, so guess that part should've been added, for realistically, it's not going to happen with Korte. If anything, yesterday's scenes were probably Mulcahey's idea, with Korte pissed off about it, since she obviously wants Liz and Sam away from Jason.

by Anonymousreply 253June 11, 2024 7:57 PM

R252 I've noticed that too. Courtney Hope was actually linked to Steve before he became involved with his new girlfriend.

by Anonymousreply 254June 11, 2024 7:58 PM

Any guesses on which guy this could be?

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by Anonymousreply 255June 11, 2024 8:00 PM

Even if you're not a fangurl, you have admit that Liz and Jason have great chemistry. But the show doesn't value Liz as a character, so they would never pair her up with their #1 lead.

I really suspect that Greg Vaughan is returning as Lucy.

by Anonymousreply 256June 11, 2024 8:03 PM

Lynn Herring must be devastated, r256. 🤣

by Anonymousreply 257June 11, 2024 8:06 PM

R256 Greg Vaughan is a strong possibility, he's willing to return if they'd ask.

Becky is also undervalued as well, so of course they don't want to pair her with Steve, nor does Korte want them together, of course, for she loathes Liz as much as she loves Carly. However, with dwindling ratings and fans going crazy for their brief scenes together, the network would be smart to capitalize ofc of that, especially ratings wise. I'm not saying that they're going to do it, because they've shown time & time again that they do what they want to do, regardless of what fans want. I was just pointing out that they're fans are excited, the same fans that paid for advertisements with Liz and Jason's pictures plastered all over them in LA when they announced that Steve was returning, even though it's obviously not for Becky.

by Anonymousreply 258June 11, 2024 8:12 PM

*their fans are excited

by Anonymousreply 259June 11, 2024 8:13 PM

GV as Lucky would be great... he was the best adult Lucky. JJ (like David Tom as Billy) never jelled as the adult version of their characters

by Anonymousreply 260June 11, 2024 8:17 PM

R260 What about Jacob Young back as Lucky? How did you feel about his version?

by Anonymousreply 261June 11, 2024 8:25 PM

R257 😊

by Anonymousreply 262June 11, 2024 8:25 PM


I still consider JY as a teenage Lucky but I didn't hate him... I did like his inappropriate chemistry with that horrible Nikolas

by Anonymousreply 263June 11, 2024 8:29 PM

R263 That "inappropriate chemistry" between him and Coltin Scott aka Stephen Martines had appreciation from many 😁 😁

by Anonymousreply 264June 11, 2024 8:38 PM

I think it’s just Mac r255

by Anonymousreply 265June 11, 2024 9:28 PM

R265 You might be right. Frank's good at trolling, so I wouldn't exactly put anything past him.

by Anonymousreply 266June 11, 2024 10:20 PM

After today's scenes between Jagger and Sam, they should do somewhat of a quadrangle with the two of them, Liz and Dante. Most likely they won't, but practically everything else so far isn't working.

by Anonymousreply 267June 11, 2024 10:27 PM

R265 Just realized something else, what if it's Roger Howarth as Todd? They got rid of him to pay for Steve Burton, which they're also doing with Michael Easton, however if they could somehow lure him back at a slightly reduced rate, or if they're planning to get rid of others, they can afford to have him back again.

by Anonymousreply 268June 11, 2024 10:31 PM

Adam Harrington said a blood vessel burst in his eye the night before the pool scene. People were tweeting about his eye looking funny and saying the pool was dirty. Adam had to explain about his eye and inform that the pool is kept very hygienic and clean. LOL. I predict Adam will also get tired of engaging with looney viewers in the near future and peace out.

by Anonymousreply 269June 11, 2024 10:36 PM

For all we know, it could be Wes Ramsey

by Anonymousreply 270June 11, 2024 10:36 PM

If I were a betting man I'd wager Mac.

Simple request: can we move away from the "couples' fans" comments and cutesy names? This is not a site for straight chicks.

by Anonymousreply 271June 11, 2024 10:36 PM

Sometimes I can't understand what Brennan is saying with his Aussie accent.

by Anonymousreply 272June 11, 2024 10:37 PM

R269 Lol I saw that too

by Anonymousreply 273June 11, 2024 10:37 PM

R272 Same but they're so cute though 😊

by Anonymousreply 274June 11, 2024 10:40 PM

Genie's contract is up in July; while she's away for her annual vacation (which may be extended on behalf of her mother) Laura won't have to deal with Heather, yet Alexis seemingly will be on Heather watch

by Anonymousreply 275June 11, 2024 10:42 PM

If that's the case r270, I fully support a riot by viewers at Prospect Studios or wherever they film. I would also condone Frank being pelted with raw eggs wherever he goes in L.A.

by Anonymousreply 276June 11, 2024 10:44 PM

[quote] Perez Hilton appearing on today’s episode.

Is he the new Aiden Webber?

by Anonymousreply 277June 11, 2024 10:51 PM

R276 Agreed 🤣 🤣

by Anonymousreply 278June 11, 2024 11:17 PM

R271 You're sure about that? Straight chicks have been known to invade our spaces.

by Anonymousreply 279June 11, 2024 11:18 PM

Does Frank have a pool boy come and take care of the MC pool? Perhaps the same pool boy that takes care of his pool at home?

by Anonymousreply 280June 11, 2024 11:23 PM

Eden's new man Jonathan (rumored for a short while that she had one, it's publicly announced now)

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by Anonymousreply 281June 11, 2024 11:27 PM

R280 That would be a good idea to hire a pool boy onscreen though. He could just walk around half naked all summer.

by Anonymousreply 282June 11, 2024 11:28 PM

Also, new guy alert: casting is underway for a Caucasian male in his mid-thirties named "Tyler" although the article seems to think it's for a recast Spencer, that's highly doubtful, imo, for if that were the case, it should be for a guy in his mid-twenties, one would think since NAC is only 24.

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by Anonymousreply 283June 11, 2024 11:36 PM

The description given for Tyler is "a handsome, charming and manipulative White-American male in his mid-30's" which sounds similar to Michael- only if he were written true to form and with someone other than Chad in the role. If Chad were to exit, that sounds like a recast.

by Anonymousreply 284June 11, 2024 11:42 PM

There were rumors of a new Cassadine male on his way, though he was purportedly Russian or Greek

by Anonymousreply 285June 11, 2024 11:47 PM

If only Chad would leave. Unfortunately, I think we are stuck with him for entirety just like we are stuck with his snarling mother.

Maybe Tyler is a new doctor? With Finn leaving they can't have Portia and TJ running the entire hospital, they already specialize in just about every specialty as it is.

A Cassadine would be good to. Make him Valentin's half-brother from some other affair Victor had.

by Anonymousreply 286June 11, 2024 11:50 PM

R286 Right, I think we are stuck with Chad and Wes Ramsey's Sugar Mama. It was more of wishful thinking 😊

Could be a new doctor, one is sorely needed. Although it would be nice to have Lucas back full-time; Ryan Carnes would be up for it, but I suppose a "straight doctor" is more of what they're going for, especially to fill in for Finn.

Mulcahey was apparently interested in rebuilding the Cassadine's, though with him out, not sure if that'll occur

by Anonymousreply 287June 12, 2024 12:03 AM

Mac is returning soon... Didn't the actor post a pic recently of him returning

by Anonymousreply 288June 12, 2024 12:16 AM

R288 He did, which was actually back in May, so if Frank thinks that's some huge surprise, it's not

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by Anonymousreply 289June 12, 2024 12:35 AM

That was my point r279.

by Anonymousreply 290June 12, 2024 12:59 AM

R290 😆 😆

by Anonymousreply 291June 12, 2024 1:54 AM

R171 It's official now to the general audience, about Dan going to Days

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by Anonymousreply 292June 12, 2024 1:59 AM

[quote]Dan going to Days

This is clearly Ron looking out for his friend.

by Anonymousreply 293June 12, 2024 2:22 AM

R293 Without a doubt for I think he would've did the same for Chris too, had GH not reversed course.

by Anonymousreply 294June 12, 2024 3:10 AM

GH gained 85,000 viewers for the week of June 3rd-June 7th

by Anonymousreply 295June 12, 2024 3:13 AM

Mark Teschner, 2024 Emmy Silver Inductee Member/10 time Emmy winner, gave a few interviews in the past week or so, with the latest being a live interview tonight with Michael Fairman, regarding his lengthy career, spanning 42 years:

*Started as a casting director for Loving (which premiered in 1984) in 1982. Pursued acting in college, before coming to the realization that he liked the idea of being an actor more than actually living the life of an actor.

*Loving happened to be where he felt like he struck gold, when they were looking for three teenagers for a love triangle. MT's casting consisted of Luke Perry (Ned), Kelly Rutherford (Michelle) and Teri Polo (Kristin). According to MT, "the powers that be didn't want to pursue the storyline and they were not on the show for as long as they could." They all went on to have big careers.

*First ever casting job at GH was got Cesar Faison, back in 1989. Anders Hove was the first actor who auditioned for the role, which he sees as a "big winner."

*Steve Burton almost didn't get the part, for Gloria Monty specifically wanted Jason to be at least six feet tall, on par with then AJ actor Gerald Hopkins. She sent that recommendation as a last minute note to MT, who says that's the one and only time he was ever given such a note. MT had already submitted Steve; he recounts "I asked Steve how tall he was, and he said, '5'10 and a half,' and I told him we needed him to be 6-feet in the next fifteen minutes. Fortunately, he was wearing high top Dr. Martens, and we grabbed the L.A. Times and stuffed them with newspaper, and when he came out, he was 6-feet tall."

*Vanessa Marcil is someone he mentions as "Sometimes, it's just you know it when you see it." Vanessa didn't have many acting credits under her belt, just a few plays. MT remembers, "I saw hundreds of actors and I felt, on a gut level, that we hadn't found the combination of charisma, sex appeal, complexity and soulfulness, and then Vanessa walked in. Fortunately the powers-that-be agreed." He shared that's important, because at the end of the day it's the Executive Producer who makes the final decision, based on his recommendations.

*Prior to the premier of Port Charles, MT had to cast eight series regulars in the roles of interns. He chose from roughly 1750 actors, in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago, traveling to NY and Chicago as well.

by Anonymousreply 296June 12, 2024 7:04 AM

*Carolyn Hennesy was originally only hired for three episodes, after MT saw her perform in a play.

*Katelyn MacMullen was sitting in the waiting room when MT first saw her- he had a gut feeling that she could embody what he was looking for in Willow and was thrilled when she was approved for the part. He says, "I feel that way about a lot of people on the show; on some ways, I am very territorial and supportive of all the actors on the show. The goal is to consistently strike gold and bring these characters to life."

*For the process of recasting Spencer, MT looked at 450 actors before selecting NAC, who sent his audition tape in from Florida

*Two actors that have stood out to him as interesting are Jeff Kober and Charles Mesure. He described Jeff by saying, "A lot of actors can play bad guys, but there's something about him that is unique and different and compelling." He referenced Charles as "Innately watchable. He's dynamic, he's charming and he's intense and brings so many unique qualities to the role. He brings everything to life."

MT is sometimes so impressed with an actor that he submits them regardless, leading to a brand new role created specifically for certain actors, which happened with Donnell Turner, who originally auditioned for Andre, leading to Curtis; Sofia Mattson who originally auditioned for Sasha, leading to Sasha; Giovanni Mazza, who originally auditioned for "a 15 year old recurring male" which sounds like Aiden (NuAiden made his debut onscreen two weeks before Giovanni) leading to Giovanni. MT saw Giovanni as "soulful & compelling," but felt that Giovanni was too to realistically play a 15 year old, yet Frank said, "Test him anyway." A couple weeks after that, he was cast as Giovanni.

by Anonymousreply 297June 12, 2024 7:30 AM

*Sofia Mattson, who originally auditioned for Willow, leading to Sasha at R297

by Anonymousreply 298June 12, 2024 7:32 AM

There was a rumor that Giovanni Mazza was considered as a Spencer recast, before ultimately being officially cast as Giovanni. Trina thought she saw a ghost when she first saw Giovanni, taken aback by his "resemblance to Spencer"

by Anonymousreply 299June 12, 2024 7:36 AM

*MT felt that Giovanni Mazza was too old to realistically portray a 15 year old at R297

by Anonymousreply 300June 12, 2024 7:47 AM

Cari Shayne, who went on to become a labor and delivery nurse, would be open to reprising the role of Karen Wexler:

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by Anonymousreply 301June 12, 2024 7:49 AM

Did Mark Teschner talk about casting Wes Ramsey in the role of Peter or no?? 🤣

by Anonymousreply 302June 12, 2024 9:45 AM

R302 I think he forgot to mention that particular casting 😁

by Anonymousreply 303June 12, 2024 10:15 AM

I wish Antonio sabato was Jagger would make the potential pairings hotter! Don’t like the recast in this role.

by Anonymousreply 304June 12, 2024 12:25 PM

[quote]Loving (which premiered in 1984)

1983, June 1983

by Anonymousreply 305June 12, 2024 2:17 PM

R305 TY, NLG. It makes more sense for casting to take place in 1982 with a 1983 debut 😁 Didn't Loving premiere as a two-hour Sunday night movie, prior to making it's daytime debut the following morning? I'm guessing that's where they somewhat borrowed the idea to do the same with Port Charles- similarly premiering in June (1997) as well, with Mark Teschner also in charge of casting. If I'm remembering correctly, they had a "name actor" in the TV movie, was it Lloyd Bridges?

by Anonymousreply 306June 12, 2024 3:45 PM

Loving did premier as a 2-hour Sunday movie and then the daily show began the next day.

Yes, Lloyd Bridges and Geraldine Page starred in that primetime movie but did not carry over to the daily episodes

by Anonymousreply 307June 12, 2024 3:54 PM

All I remember of early LOVING was "Rome 1976"

by Anonymousreply 308June 12, 2024 4:15 PM

Yes r308 - ex-Cecile having an affair with a priest in Rome

by Anonymousreply 309June 12, 2024 5:02 PM

Bryan Craig commenting on the mystery man returning this summer...

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by Anonymousreply 310June 12, 2024 6:33 PM

If it's Craig as Morgan, they'd better not be killing Ava. He needs to be revealed as Avery's father, finally.

by Anonymousreply 311June 12, 2024 7:25 PM

NuMolly is good and a keeper. However, she and TJ need to break up, no chemistry. But I didn't think OGMolly and TJ had chemistry either and they were a real-life couple. Maybe TJ is the problem and he just needs to stick to curing the sick.

by Anonymousreply 312June 12, 2024 8:05 PM

TJ and NuJagger would make a hot duo.

Genie's hair and makeup were very flattering today.

Is Gio Dex's brother or Jason's son? Or both?

by Anonymousreply 313June 12, 2024 8:20 PM

Well if Bryan Craig is coming back that kills any hope Kelly Thiebaud will return either resurrected or in a new role.

I'd rather have Kelly than Bryan. Kelly can do both comedy and drama. Bryan isn't as versatile as I recall, actually I recall him being pretty one note but I could be wrong.

by Anonymousreply 314June 12, 2024 9:06 PM

Morgan had bigger emotional impact but I’m not yearning for Bryan like Kelly. If we get a male return let it be Lucky -JJ or GV or alcazar.

by Anonymousreply 315June 12, 2024 9:58 PM

R280 The community rooftop pool at Frank's high-rise condo in WeHo is maintained by the association, so he's not in charge of casting there...lol

by Anonymousreply 316June 12, 2024 10:01 PM

R307 TY

by Anonymousreply 317June 12, 2024 10:48 PM

R310 Some fans were guessing it's him last night because of his close relationship with Nathan, but I was hoping it wasn't him lol

by Anonymousreply 318June 12, 2024 10:49 PM

R311 Wonder if Maurice would be ok with that this time, for he wasn't exactly before

by Anonymousreply 319June 12, 2024 10:50 PM

R312 Would you prefer a NuTJ? This would be the fourth one

by Anonymousreply 320June 12, 2024 10:51 PM

R313 😆 😆 rumors are he's Dex's brother, since Steve Burton pretty much put the kibosh on Dex being Jason's son, "allegedly." Guessing he'd really lose his shit if they were to all of a sudden give him two adult sons after he threw somewhat of a fit over one

by Anonymousreply 321June 12, 2024 10:55 PM

R314 Bryan isn't versatile to you? Do you get more top vibes, or bottom? 😁

by Anonymousreply 322June 12, 2024 11:08 PM

R314 R315 I'd rather see Kelly T. back too. Hope this isn't like some big FU to Kelly for "leaving them high and dry" by seemingly rehiring him instead of her. This also makes everything ridiculous, in regards to firing Chris Van Etten to begin with, only to rehire him and basically reuse his stories smh should've demoted him then and kept Korte away from the hw position as well

by Anonymousreply 323June 12, 2024 11:10 PM

If they do bring back Morgan - I want him and Ava to be reconnected. Be nice to have a Michael recast that could be a worthy opponent to his brother. Always imagined he was alive with no memories and had been found by Nelle and kept from knowing his true identity or past.

by Anonymousreply 324June 13, 2024 2:09 AM

I find this storyline of Kristina crying because she saw her mobster father beat someone up so incredibly lame. A woman in her thirties doesn't know the gravity of what her mobster father does for a living? It's ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 325June 13, 2024 11:49 AM

^ How about her mother? Just how many people has Alexis killed by accident or self-defense?

by Anonymousreply 326June 13, 2024 11:52 AM

This Gio kid looks 15. Frank has found his new pet. He’s going to be on all summer.

Btw, can we send the Violet kid off to boarding school? Chase and BLQ already resemble an Amish couple. Why put a kid on them bc Frank is obsessed with the actress?

by Anonymousreply 327June 13, 2024 4:01 PM

Now people are saying it's Julian who is coming back since Ava has been acting so weird.

by Anonymousreply 328June 13, 2024 5:34 PM

I could forgive many of this show's recent transgressions if Will DeVry and his black boxer briefs were to return to Port Charles.

by Anonymousreply 329June 13, 2024 6:21 PM

I think it's Morgan that's back. Ugh!

by Anonymousreply 330June 13, 2024 8:34 PM

That would be DAYTIME EMMY WINNER Bryan Craig.

by Anonymousreply 331June 13, 2024 8:41 PM

My friend Julie says it's Tony Geary, but not to tell Genie.

by Anonymousreply 332June 13, 2024 8:49 PM

I’d like any of those options - was hoping for Lucky as JJ or GV

by Anonymousreply 333June 13, 2024 9:21 PM

My gut is telling me that it's Nicholas Alexander Chavez.

Frank tends to make things happen. Sure, NAC is headed to prime time fame and I can see Ryan Murphy using him in all kinds of projects.

But if NAC has time...they throw money at him...why not?

by Anonymousreply 334June 14, 2024 3:15 AM

Even though Elizabeth Korte was all smiles when she joined Dan O'Connor onstage at The Daytime Emmy's, to accept the award for Best Writing, both her and Frank are "allegedly" pissed about him going to DOOL

by Anonymousreply 335June 14, 2024 7:52 AM

Nancy Lee Grahn is choosing to exclude Kelly Monaco, once again, when it comes to referencing her daughters:

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by Anonymousreply 336June 14, 2024 7:58 AM

Nancy is so petty

by Anonymousreply 337June 14, 2024 11:37 AM

Nancy is insufferable.

by Anonymousreply 338June 14, 2024 12:12 PM

LW "quickly responds" to everything. Even if she isn't tagged or if her name or her character's name is misspelled to avoid coming up on a search, she still finds it. I'm convinced it is actually Wes Ramsey's full-time job to pretend to be her and respond to every comment. I suppose he's trying to earn his keep.

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by Anonymousreply 339June 14, 2024 1:00 PM

[quote]Nancy is so petty.


by Anonymousreply 340June 14, 2024 2:23 PM

Nancy Lee Groan.

by Anonymousreply 341June 14, 2024 3:53 PM

Kill off Alexis in time for November sweeps. Bring back Ric and Julian for her demise. Be fun to have PC think it’s the end of Alexis if in fact a very alive Helena has played another trick!

by Anonymousreply 342June 14, 2024 4:36 PM

I just read that Katey MacMullen's boyfriend was at the March for Johnny, that's nice.

People are wondering if contract actors were told to stay away, which I doubt, how can anyone dictate that. I think it was a weekday and all the actors were working.

by Anonymousreply 343June 14, 2024 5:57 PM

GH director Phideaux Xavier spoke to River regarding Thomas Markle in River's latest video.

Phideaux said new management "gently" suggested Thomas retire in 2010.

Phideaux lives in Los Feliz and River's good friend also lives in Los Feliz and that is where River stays when he visits the U.S.

*awaits chastising for bringing Markle into the conversation but it's about Thomas who worked on GH and therefore germane* Also, Phideaux and River possibly a future couple?

by Anonymousreply 344June 14, 2024 6:23 PM

Ryan Carnes in the movie The Air He Breathes.

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by Anonymousreply 345June 14, 2024 6:42 PM

They are calling Gio "Temu Spencer" on twitter, lol.

by Anonymousreply 346June 14, 2024 8:09 PM

I feel like Gio, Joss, Dex and Trina need an adventure. Maybe a murder mystery or something.

by Anonymousreply 347June 14, 2024 9:14 PM

Nancy's response to Kelly omission:

Don't think of Kelly as my kid. Relate to her as a friend. She's beautifully middle aged to my senior. That's all. There's no there there. Love Kelly. Let's all play nice in the GH community. So much to be upset about out there, let's just enjoy each other in this safe space, eh?

by Anonymousreply 348June 14, 2024 9:16 PM

R335 that is so classic mean girls and show biz;

they want you to like being fired and they don't want you to go get another job.

such pricks.

Korte must have hated them winning writing especially as now the show is a FUCKING Mess.

by Anonymousreply 349June 14, 2024 9:17 PM

[quote] let's just enjoy each other in this safe space

Since when has ANY GH discussion group ever been a safe space? Nancy's hitting the box wine and Ambien again.

by Anonymousreply 350June 14, 2024 10:11 PM

I'm sure Kelly Monaco appreciates being publicly called "middle aged" since she works in an industry that values youth above all else.

by Anonymousreply 351June 14, 2024 10:18 PM

That was just Nancy being passive aggressive, R351. She really needs a good kick in the cunt bone.

by Anonymousreply 352June 14, 2024 10:27 PM

Nancy's 20 years older than Kelly, so why can't she think of her as her kid?

by Anonymousreply 353June 14, 2024 10:36 PM

NLG is pushing 70 and needs to stay the fuck off SM.

by Anonymousreply 354June 14, 2024 10:41 PM

Previews For Next Week:

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Carly is suspicious.

Drew makes an announcement.

Nina gets a thrilling invitation.

Alexis confronts Finn.

Cody gets food for thought.


Tuesday June 18th, 2024

Anna accepts an invitation.

Jagger throws Jason for a loop.

Cody and Sasha get closer.

Scott confers with Lucy.

Sam makes a request of Carly.


Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Mac Scorpio returns!

Cody confides in Tracy.

Stella encourages Chase.

Alexis gets big news.

Natalia and Sonny bond.

Brook Lynn ponders her options. _____________________________

Thursday June 20th, 2024

Carly warns Jason.

Sam is livid.

Finn lashes out.

Nina confides in Maxie.

Giovanni learns more about Trina.


Friday, June 21st 2024

Jason faces a big decision.

Carly makes a shocking realization.

Maxie and Spinelli are concerned.

Sam is on the warpath.

Tracy fields an emergency

by Anonymousreply 355June 15, 2024 1:06 AM

R337 R338 😁 😁

by Anonymousreply 356June 15, 2024 1:10 AM

R339 😆 every so often she dredges up this fabricated story regarding rumors about her exiting GH, when everybody knows she's not going anywhere unless she's fired, or gets a better offer on another soap. If she's not the one that's spreading this story, then it probably is Wes 😆 or someone else who's a big fan of hers, because most of us try to ignore her.

by Anonymousreply 357June 15, 2024 1:14 AM

When is this returning male actor returning?

by Anonymousreply 358June 15, 2024 1:16 AM

R339 Come to think of it, it's probably her and Wes both who constantly search Twitter for references to her or Carly. They're probably taking turns on shifts, for she's always somehow magically aware of her name being brought up

by Anonymousreply 359June 15, 2024 1:17 AM

R340 Suppose. Sometimes ugly on the inside though.

by Anonymousreply 360June 15, 2024 1:20 AM

R341 R342 LMAO

by Anonymousreply 361June 15, 2024 1:20 AM

R344 Thomas Markle is off limits here? I've just wondered why Jill Farren Phelps never hired Meghan full-time. Playing nurse Jill was probably an homage to JFP, though not as big as her and Megan McTavish making Courtney her real life's daughter namesake

by Anonymousreply 362June 15, 2024 1:25 AM

R345 Ryan's a great guy. Not sure if Lucas will be back anytime soon now that Patrick Mulcahey is out, though it would've been nice to see them back onscreen again.

by Anonymousreply 363June 15, 2024 1:28 AM

R364 That's bullshit from Nancy lol she's primarily pissed with Kelly, this time, for planning to attend her event then bowing out last minute. They've had issues with each other off and on, "allegedly" for years, with Nancy publicly calling her out on Twitter, yet in a somewhat casual manner. Nancy also scheduled her upcoming personal event on the exact same date/time as Kelly's.

by Anonymousreply 364June 15, 2024 1:32 AM

R349 Absolutely. Korte is the very definition of mean girl; no wonder she sees herself in Carly

by Anonymousreply 365June 15, 2024 1:35 AM

R350 R351 R352 R353 R354 👏👏👏👏👏

by Anonymousreply 366June 15, 2024 1:36 AM

R358 No clue. If it's Mac, he'll be back onscreen next week. Ted King showed that he's back filming at B&B, though that could be short-term.

I'm guessing it's either a big soap name who was there before Frank or a Frank hire for him to be so excited about it; Frank is usually tight-lipped when it comes to things like this, so this could be a way to drum up attention and get viewers to tune back to the show.

Bryan Craig has many believing it's him, though some are also not buying that, for he was practically doing a live version of offer up a few years ago, when he tagged GH, DOOL, Y&R and B&B by announcing that he was "available"

by Anonymousreply 367June 15, 2024 1:42 AM

I’d love Ryan back full time as Lucas and actually written for. He’s a doctor, core character with ties, and Ryan is a great actor!

by Anonymousreply 368June 15, 2024 3:17 PM

Is Cameron Mathison divorced now or in the process of a divorce?

His photos with his kids don't seem to include his grey-haired wife.

by Anonymousreply 369June 15, 2024 10:13 PM

Grey-haired wife 😆 Right Cameron's divorced, or it's still in the process of being finalized.

by Anonymousreply 370June 16, 2024 12:23 AM

Well divorce explains his many jobs. Game show, Hallmark/Great American and GH.

CM also suffers from LW Syndrome. People were rejoicing on X when he got the game show and when he signed the movie deal with Great American hoping that meant he was leaving GH. But he jumped in to assure people he wasn't leaving GH. The smugness is nauseating.

by Anonymousreply 371June 16, 2024 12:40 AM

There's this rumor regarding NAC and Eden- not sure if it's true or not, but allegedly NAC and Eden went out, had sex, then NAC slut shamed her, by revealing the details of their night out, to the guys that work as members of the behind the scenes crew. NAC allegedly referred to Eden as "easy" which some members of the crew were non too thrilled about, feeling that NAC was "disrespecting" Eden. When the information got back to her, she was encouraged to report NAC to HR; Eden, however, was dealing with her mother's illness, so it wasn't something that she wanted to pursue. NAC and Eden eventually made up.

by Anonymousreply 372June 16, 2024 12:40 AM

R373 Right there were many rejoicing over him possibly leaving GH 😆 he, like LW, probably wonders exactly why they're so unlikeable across legions of fanbases. The Facebook Fraus seem to give the two of them their most adoration

by Anonymousreply 373June 16, 2024 12:44 AM

That was meant for R371 at R373

by Anonymousreply 374June 16, 2024 12:51 AM

[quote]NAC allegedly referred to Eden as "easy"

For some reason I have a hard time believing that GH is a Boys Locker Room in the 1950s.

by Anonymousreply 375June 16, 2024 1:03 AM

R375 Ha Ha 😁 that's supposedly how she was referred, not exact wording, if this story is even true

by Anonymousreply 376June 16, 2024 1:12 AM

According to SON, Bryan Craig is not the big return that Frank has referenced; apparently, it's not exactly a matter of "who" but a matter of "who" is given the exclusive story, out of the different media outlets, such as People Magazine or Deadline. Some still believe that it's going to be Greg Vaughan.

by Anonymousreply 377June 16, 2024 1:34 AM

It's not John J. York either. This is their exact quote, from the head of SON:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 378June 16, 2024 1:38 AM

Take this with a grain of salt- Jack Wagner is also rumored as the big returning actor.

by Anonymousreply 379June 16, 2024 1:45 AM

Aunt Ruby is on her flight to Port Charles now.

by Anonymousreply 380June 16, 2024 1:46 AM

Was Anne Logan a lesbian?

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 381June 16, 2024 1:48 AM

Interview at the Daytime Emmy's with Evan Hofer:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 382June 16, 2024 1:51 AM

R381 😆 Probably now, but not back then. When Becky Herbst first joined, they didn't have any details about Elizabeth and Sarah's mother, just Jeff as their father. Becky thought Annie Logan would've been perfect as their mother. Naomi, Hayden's mother, was also rumored as Elizabeth's real mother when they first arrived to see Hayden, with Elizabeth/Hayden as twins and Carolyn being Sarah's mother only, explaining her detachment to Elizabeth.

by Anonymousreply 383June 16, 2024 1:56 AM

I love the sexy picture of Anne Logan. It's funny, because when she was on, the whole point of her character was to portray the sexless spinster as opposed to Heather's on fire psychopath.

by Anonymousreply 384June 16, 2024 1:58 AM

NAC giving his seal of approval to Giovanni Mazza, regarding Trina and Giovanni:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 385June 16, 2024 3:35 AM

R313 You're on to something, because supposedly Gio (and possibly Dex too, if he isn't Dante's) could be Drew's, if not Jason's.

by Anonymousreply 386June 16, 2024 3:42 AM

I'm not sure why HR would get involved with an off-screen fling between two adults. If so, they'd be busy all day.

NAC seems too smart to engage in that kind of stuff. Sadly, if true, it kills the gay fantasies.

I believe he's the big return. Frank makes shit happen.

Also, Cameron is very likable. fans loved Ryan; he's just not Drew.

by Anonymousreply 387June 16, 2024 5:34 AM

Roy Thinnes is returning as the not-really-dead, Dr. Phil Brewer.

by Anonymousreply 388June 16, 2024 5:36 AM

R387 Think it was more so the so-called "slut shaming," plus with the crew knowing NAC wasn't one of Maurice's favorites, that could've been more incentive to get NAC in trouble. I'm not sure it's true; since it's going around, thought eventually it would make it here, even if it's hard to believe. Personally, it doesn't exactly sound like NAC, for I agree he seems to smart for that.

Also, I don't think it necessarily destroys any gay fantasies, for there's always bisexuality. If anything, this story could've been leaked to dispell any gay rumors.

Eden, however, is constantly with a man, which is not a problem. She even had an older boyfriend when she was barely legal. Eden's love life is by far more entertaining than Josslyn's.

The Facebook Frau crowd is part of the AMC fan base who adored Ryan. Not saying they make up all of them, but there's a large amount who were big fans of his from there, so it's no surprise they followed him to GH. However, there seems to be many who aren't impressed with him either.

by Anonymousreply 389June 16, 2024 8:12 AM

*dispel any gay rumors at R389

by Anonymousreply 390June 16, 2024 8:18 AM

Conversation with William deVry about Julian Jerome:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 391June 16, 2024 8:28 AM

Happy Father's Day To All The Father's Here

by Anonymousreply 392June 16, 2024 8:28 AM

I didn't like CM as Ryan Lavery either. Yes he was attractive, but his acting always left something to be desired. He's like a mannequin reciting words.

Although the politician storyline may really suit him. He has that ingratiating, glad handing politician persona.

by Anonymousreply 393June 16, 2024 12:40 PM

R391 - deVry deserved all the Emmys for making his "fear" of Sonny and "lust" for Alexis believable.

by Anonymousreply 394June 16, 2024 3:41 PM

Mathison said in an interview once one of his first stories was Ryan being falsely accused of rape.

He was at a mall going down an escalator after Ryan had been cleared and this woman going UP the escalator yells out to him: "RYANNNNN...I KNEW YOU DIDN'T RAPE THAT GIRL!!!!"

by Anonymousreply 395June 16, 2024 3:46 PM

I only watch this show for Anna, Tracy, Ava, Nina, Valentin, Jagger and Brennan. Seven characters. That's maybe 10% of the cast.

I used to also watch for Britt, Liesel and Victor Sheffield Cassadine.

by Anonymousreply 396June 16, 2024 5:38 PM

NAC has probably never seen a vagina, let alone penetrated one.

He's at that age and stage that he should be popping up on Page Six with a different starlet/influencer every month or so, in service to his career, and it just ain't happening.

That said, he's very talented.

by Anonymousreply 397June 16, 2024 7:01 PM

As soon as the Ryan Murphy movie premieres, NAC's publicist will hire him a Camilla Cabello type looking to raise her profile or if he doesn't want to share the spotlight then his publicist will arrange for him to "fall in love" with a waitress he met on vacation who will also have been hired by his publicist. Then the staged Backgrid pap strolls will be splashed all over the Daily Mail, People, etc.

by Anonymousreply 398June 16, 2024 7:23 PM

That CRAZY Donna Koo Koo Whacko Bridges got her ass handed to her by Errol at SON! Koo Koo Donna is posting her crazy shit here. IF indeed NAC fucked Eden on the first date, she IS a slut! Why was she fucking NAC as her mother died? Yup, a slut! I love Errol. He put that crazy whack job Donna in her place!!!!

by Anonymousreply 399June 16, 2024 7:53 PM

If you follow NAC on IG it’s clear he’s had a (non-famous) girlfriend for quite a while now.

Weirdly, he just posted a story hanging out with Gio IRL…maybe he is making a stop back in Port Charles this summer after all.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 400June 16, 2024 8:14 PM

Wonder if NAC is advising Gio to stay away from Mo and his sputtering mentorship or perhaps he's sharing that he declined Mo's Master Class in Acting which resulted in his time at GH being less than pleasant.

Or perhaps NAC is tutoring Gio on how to start a Patreon and charge $50 a month.

I know it's difficult for the teens and early 20s not to have the sudden fame go to their head but I suspect Gio will get a little too big for his britches quickly. NAC did too but he is very talented so that mitigated it a bit. Also, I don't want to hear that screeching violin music from Friday again -- ever.

Did annoying Violet actress win an Emmy for her song or no?

by Anonymousreply 401June 16, 2024 8:46 PM

I used to work in entertainment press and actors' personal lives were taboo. Off the table. Do not ask about their presonal lives.

Color my puzzled when pubs would say to me and the spelling of his girlfriend's name is....

I thought why are they sharing such private stuff?

Duh. Beards.

by Anonymousreply 402June 16, 2024 8:50 PM

R394 😁 😁

by Anonymousreply 403June 16, 2024 9:24 PM

R395 Interesting 😊 did Cam also happen to mention Carolyn Hinsey propositioning herself to him?

by Anonymousreply 404June 16, 2024 9:27 PM

R397 😁 you don't believe that at the very least he's bisexual?

by Anonymousreply 405June 16, 2024 9:45 PM

R398 Totally can see that happening. Like the nod to Shawn Mendes btw 😉 Camilla Cabello 😆

by Anonymousreply 406June 16, 2024 9:47 PM

R399 Lol well she might be slightly eccentric, but she isn't "Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs." As a matter of fact, while she did indeed drop the story about NAC and Eden, in her defense, she always gets legit info, from a reliable source. That's why it's sort of hard to believe if this particular story about NAC/Eden is true or not, unless she got this story from someone other than her original source.

by Anonymousreply 407June 16, 2024 9:54 PM

R400 Right but honestly that girl has always seemed slightly more into him than he is into her.

However, the timing of this story with Eden and now he's all of a sudden buddy buddy with Giovanni, after initially washing his hands of GH for the most part is interesting. Eden, Evan and Tabyana made it seem like it was pulling teeth to get Nicholas to hang out with them, yet he had no problem going out with Giovanni. Not to mention the unfollowing of Sydney Mikayla, Avery and Tabyana, yet he's following Giovanni. Sometimes guess it takes the right man to come along 😁 and I love NAC but truth is he pings.

by Anonymousreply 408June 16, 2024 10:09 PM

He pinged big time in his interview with Michael Fairman after he won the Emmy. In my opinion.

by Anonymousreply 409June 16, 2024 10:11 PM

R401 Pretty sure that the "staying away from Maurice" along with "let me teach how you to monetize your earnings and capitalize on your success from Patreon" conversations have taken place by now 😆😆

True, success can go to a young stars head, especially if they're not grounded. You're right about NAC having the talent to back it up, whereas GM still seems a little green, although he has time to hone his craft. Will success spoil Giovanni Mazza?

Screeching violin 😆😆 well the plan is to continue with his music being incorporated into his storylines, for that was part of what intrigued his new bosses, among other things. Frank being obsessed with actors with musical talents is working in Giovanni's favor.

Sadly, poor little Jophielle did not win for "Best Daytime Original Song" with "Shine." Up against Unexpected Truth's "Unexpected" and Reconnecting Roots"We're Home," the latter won the Emmy.

by Anonymousreply 410June 16, 2024 10:28 PM

R402 You're 100% right lol I want to ask you in particular which ones from your recollection had beards but another part of me is thinking 🤫 because I know it's private. There was a show on E! awhile back, wasn't it called Beards, about this very subject?

by Anonymousreply 411June 16, 2024 10:32 PM

R409 I saw that interview too and I have to agree with you 😄 definitely one of his moments where he pinged.

by Anonymousreply 412June 16, 2024 10:42 PM

[quote]As a matter of fact, while she did indeed drop the story about NAC and Eden, in her defense, she always gets legit info, from a reliable source.

Stop being naive. Whoever this person is, their reliable sources are all in their head.

by Anonymousreply 413June 16, 2024 10:47 PM

R413 I'm not being naive at all. She's good friends with someone who works at GH, it's verified. She even outed the person, why I don't know, but it seemed to be in the midst of an argument with another insider. Ever since then she admitted to not being able to provide too much info anymore; also seems that her info hasn't been the same, in terms of being concrete.

by Anonymousreply 414June 16, 2024 10:54 PM

R405, I'm not R397, but I believe there's straight, bi, gay, tri...and ACTOR. They'll sleep with anyone who will give them an audience in bed.

by Anonymousreply 415June 16, 2024 11:00 PM

R415 I believe in all of those too lol ACTOR yes without a doubt.

by Anonymousreply 416June 16, 2024 11:08 PM

R414 Cuntella has no sources. My wonderful hero Errol told Cuntella to start her own Perez Hilton blog!!!!! WE are all laughing at Cuntella being told off by Errol.

by Anonymousreply 417June 17, 2024 3:23 AM

R16, I think the show's in for a lot of change because soon Patrick's stuff will kick in even more and then it'll stop abruptly and then EK will put her own spin on and THEN we'll have to get used to a NEW NEW GH when her cohead kicks in.

What a mess.

by Anonymousreply 418June 17, 2024 4:30 AM

R417 Her source works at GH, behind the scenes. She already outed him as her source for they've known each other for years; once she named him, her drops dried up. Everything she mentioned before outing him happened onscreen, can't deny that fact. I understand not liking someone but if someone has legit information then they should get credited.

by Anonymousreply 419June 17, 2024 5:10 AM

R418 Exactly. Mulcahey's true vision came into focus, yet Korte undermining him at every turn destroyed that. Next up is her vision without him, then either a co-head writer for her, which will probably be Chris Van Etten. Hopefully, Korte is demoted back to Associate HW with yet another HW in her place, though that's proving to possibly be a pipe dream.

by Anonymousreply 420June 17, 2024 5:21 AM

Eva La Rue made a guest appearance on State Of Mind

by Anonymousreply 421June 17, 2024 5:26 AM

Fashionably late to the part but I had NO idea Adam Huss is a gay.

by Anonymousreply 422June 17, 2024 12:37 PM

So is Adam Harrington - NuJagger. He’s a gay.

by Anonymousreply 423June 17, 2024 1:05 PM

r422, Adam Huss speaks in-depth about his coming out in his interview on YT with Alan Locher.

r423, I believe you're right.

by Anonymousreply 424June 17, 2024 1:45 PM

Cynthia Watros debuted as Nina on this day in 2019.

I'd say she's made the role her own in five years.

Unlike LW who in nineteen years still isn't Carly, just a beady eyed shrew with an annoying laugh.

by Anonymousreply 425June 17, 2024 3:14 PM

I like CW Nina. She’s really made an unnecessary role viable. As for LW I can’t believe she’s been on for decades. Don’t think we’ve gotten the Carly character since 2005? Once TB left. I hate LW’s Carly - is the writings fault or miscast?

by Anonymousreply 426June 17, 2024 3:57 PM

^miscast followed by bad writing to prop the miscast which in turn exacerbates the situation.

by Anonymousreply 427June 17, 2024 3:59 PM

R425 Right. Cynthia's Nina is superior imo to Michelle's Nina. Hardly ever think of Michelle's version when Cynthia's onscreen.

by Anonymousreply 428June 17, 2024 4:05 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if LW (or Wes in disguise) swoops into DL and starts rebutting our comments about her, LOL.

by Anonymousreply 429June 17, 2024 4:10 PM

R426 Correct, November 2005 is when LW made her onscreen debut. LW got extremely lucky- Brian Frons and Jill Farren Phelps positioned her in this role, while Frank stopped her from being fired. The writing isn't exactly best, though both Sarah Brown and Tamara Braun were able to ride above the bad writing they experienced at times, particularly Braun, for Brown had better writing in the 90's.

by Anonymousreply 430June 17, 2024 4:10 PM

R429 Wes has probably known about this site for years lol

by Anonymousreply 431June 17, 2024 4:12 PM


I'm ok with that... I have liked him since the was the "robot" congressman on Parks and Rec

by Anonymousreply 432June 17, 2024 6:22 PM

I'm guessing NAC advised Gio to kiss Mo's ring since he's already praising Mo as a "powerhouse".

NAC: Always fawn over Mo and praise him every chance you get. If he wants to be your mentor, accept.

Gio: But why?

NAC: If you don't then he will make your life miserable and he and Chad will say you "have no respect" on his youtube show without naming you. Also, if Mo asks you to go on his show, go. If you don't have any mental health problems, then invent something sad about our childhood, like your dog died while you were at school and you didn't get to say goodbye and you were depressed for months afterwards. And don't forget to fawn over him when you go on his show.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 433June 17, 2024 11:14 PM

Was just about to post that photo

by Anonymousreply 434June 18, 2024 12:11 AM

R434 Same 😆

Maurice actually advising someone to their keep cool, while he's notorious for having a fiery temper, complete with on set fits, including throwing chairs and scaring his costars, is rich

by Anonymousreply 435June 18, 2024 12:28 AM

Greg Vaughan following Adam Huss on Instagram has many believing that's a clear sign he's on his way back to GH

by Anonymousreply 436June 18, 2024 12:31 AM

NAC booked a new Ryan Murphy series

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 437June 18, 2024 12:43 AM

R334 They threw money at him but he wasn't willing to accept their offer. He was willing to stay for the completion of his contract this spring, which would've had him working for at least six weeks. The network thought they could convince him to stay; tried offering him a new contract, for at least a year, with plenty of outs for outside projects and a pay increase. NAC reportedly refused their initial offer, so in turn they dismissed him earlier than expected. However, this took place before Giovanni Mazza entered the building. Sometimes working with a man, especially a new man, can be a more intriguing offer and more of an incentive than money 😁 😁

by Anonymousreply 438June 18, 2024 12:44 AM

R437 Murphy likes to keep certain actors he favors employed, doesn't he lol

by Anonymousreply 439June 18, 2024 12:45 AM

Cuntness Donna tell all is here. Ick. Her pussy stinks!

by Anonymousreply 440June 18, 2024 12:57 AM

I finally saw the new guy, "Gio" in action. He seems a skosh young for the part, or maybe he just reads young on camera.

by Anonymousreply 441June 18, 2024 3:05 AM

R441 Well he turned 19 last month, but his character is about 21, suppose it's not really much of a difference; however, he comes across as younger than 21 at times, so that could be why many view him as a teen. He originally auditioned for a 15 year old, possibly Aiden, but Mark Teschner thought he was too old for the part. Frank told him to test him anyway, which is how Giovanni came to be. He's in some sort of in between phase, too old to play a teen, too young to play an adult.

by Anonymousreply 442June 18, 2024 3:35 AM

for some reason I don't even Fairman getting to chat with all those stars.

It's like wax paper. Nothing's real.

by Anonymousreply 443June 18, 2024 5:48 AM

Mazza seems like one of those rolls of the dice kind of......let's cast the young green actor/actress and see if they get better, they have an interesting look, etc.

by Anonymousreply 444June 18, 2024 1:27 PM

I want GV and I want GV back as Lucky!

by Anonymousreply 445June 18, 2024 1:40 PM

R443 Lol well his interviews are pretty much fluff, though he has a reputation of making the soap actors comfortable enough to chat with him. He's not really like some of the other journalists who sometimes say things the actors dislike

by Anonymousreply 446June 18, 2024 1:44 PM

R444 True. I'm noticing that there's some sort of backlash with him from some fans who feel like this is overexposure

by Anonymousreply 447June 18, 2024 1:45 PM

Fairman and Alan Locher just lick soap star butt. Locher was a PR person and he's still doing that now. And muscle Mary Fairman wants to hang out and gossip with the women and get a chance to blow or get pounded by the men.

by Anonymousreply 448June 18, 2024 1:47 PM

Mo critiqued for his "Celeste Talbert" level of insecurity, regarding actors constantly professing adoration for him

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 449June 18, 2024 1:49 PM

R445 You want Greg Vaughan, as in want Greg Vaughan sexually? 😊

by Anonymousreply 450June 18, 2024 1:51 PM

Jophielle Love apparently filmed some of the most difficult scenes that she's ever had to film recently

by Anonymousreply 451June 18, 2024 1:55 PM

R448 Well 😁 correct on both accounts. I just didn't want to really state the obvious 😁

by Anonymousreply 452June 18, 2024 1:58 PM

^^^Did she have her hand on her hip and one leg on tippy toe for a slimming effect?

by Anonymousreply 453June 18, 2024 1:58 PM

R453 😆 more than likely she did

by Anonymousreply 454June 18, 2024 2:06 PM

R449 LMAO! Perfection!

by Anonymousreply 455June 18, 2024 2:11 PM

R455 😂

by Anonymousreply 456June 18, 2024 2:30 PM

Did Violet's dad die? Was that the difficult scene?

by Anonymousreply 457June 18, 2024 2:47 PM

That Daily Drama podcast Steve and Bradford front named Maurice "Performer of the Week".


Wouldn't Weak Performer be more appropriate?

by Anonymousreply 458June 18, 2024 3:29 PM

R451 Hopefully they’re goodbye scenes. Send that kid off to boarding school.

by Anonymousreply 459June 18, 2024 3:40 PM

Bryan Craig has some part of the GH studio on his IG. I don't IG. I'm disappointed if it's him, just means more Snarly, lots more Snarly.

I was so hoping it was Greg Vaughan as Lucky. Is there a chance they have the money for both?

Would Michael Easton's exit and salary cover both BC and GV salaries?

by Anonymousreply 460June 18, 2024 5:16 PM

I hope Bryan Craig and his sweatpants are back and that, after confronting her about fucking with his meds, he and Ava have glorious hate-sex on the floor of her gallery, and that he's behind Pikeman, and that he is the mystery buyer of Spoon Island, and that he is Avery's father. And that every screeching frau that doesn't want him back has an aneurysm.

by Anonymousreply 461June 18, 2024 5:32 PM

I'm not a frau and I don't want him back. Morgan is too dumb to be behind Pikeman. Anything that gives LW more screentime should be protested.

by Anonymousreply 462June 18, 2024 5:37 PM

R457 Probably not lol if anything he's leaving without dying

R459 😆 😆

by Anonymousreply 463June 18, 2024 5:57 PM

R460 There's a chance for both. Michael Easton apparently was a top earner, being a fave of Frank and all.

by Anonymousreply 464June 18, 2024 5:59 PM

R460 Although, Frank usually likes to trade one actor for another, so if they're both returning, hopefully that's not an indication of someone else leaving along with Michael Easton.

by Anonymousreply 465June 18, 2024 6:00 PM

R461 Bryan in his sweatpants compared to Kristen Alderson proclaiming Chad has a "dick of death," who do you think has the biggest dick?

by Anonymousreply 466June 18, 2024 6:02 PM

What is this about Bryan and sweatpants? What did I miss?

by Anonymousreply 467June 18, 2024 6:24 PM

Jacqueline Grace Lopez mentioned that there was a lot of crying on set today; possibly Kristina's birth scenes filmed

by Anonymousreply 468June 18, 2024 6:25 PM

R467 Years ago, when Morgan was locked away in a facility, he walked around wearing sweatpants, where there was somewhat of a bulge

by Anonymousreply 469June 18, 2024 6:26 PM

He also used to wear them around the brownstone when they were trying to make that happen again.

by Anonymousreply 470June 18, 2024 6:32 PM


Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 471June 18, 2024 6:35 PM

Giovanni Mazza is being referred to as Frank's new toy 😊 what's interesting is that they hired him around the same time they decided to officially take NAC off contract, after NAC turned down their contract extension offer.

by Anonymousreply 472June 18, 2024 6:38 PM

Isn't Bryan Craig working on some primetime series?

by Anonymousreply 473June 18, 2024 6:38 PM

Being Uncle Frank's toy is fun, but he's kinda fickle.

by Anonymousreply 474June 18, 2024 6:41 PM

R470 Forgot about that

by Anonymousreply 475June 18, 2024 6:41 PM

R473 Good Trouble, it got cancelled. Whenever he's out of a job he reaches out to the soap community.

by Anonymousreply 476June 18, 2024 6:42 PM

R471 Thanks for that visual reminder lol he might be an asshole but he looks like a good time.

by Anonymousreply 477June 18, 2024 6:43 PM

R474 Lololol

by Anonymousreply 478June 18, 2024 6:44 PM

Bryan reaching out to Maurice on Father's Day made headlines:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 479June 18, 2024 6:47 PM

Out of curiosity towards you guys, what are your opinions about Giovanni? Do you share the annoyance as many fans are starting to express, or you feel the opposite? I've seen comments about him here and there, but not to the seemingly dislike of fans on other platforms.

by Anonymousreply 480June 18, 2024 6:50 PM

Is there a shortage of assholes at GH? They needed to recycle one to meet their quota? I'm pissed it's not GV.

by Anonymousreply 481June 18, 2024 6:52 PM

Cunti-ness Donna tell all is ruining this nice place. Ugh!

Bryan Craig is indeed the big return that Frankie hinted at.

by Anonymousreply 482June 18, 2024 6:58 PM

r480, Gio looks too young to be in the group they are putting him in.

GH doesn't need any more characters with mystery parentage. Although I'm sure the writers have no back story in mind, they just make it up as they go along, no planning or forethought involved.

I'm not interested in the violin stuff and they need to drop that angle yesterday.

I don't feel strongly about him one way or the other yet. If the actor gets too cocky then it will turn me off to him.

by Anonymousreply 483June 18, 2024 7:00 PM

R481 😁

by Anonymousreply 484June 18, 2024 7:01 PM

R483 He does look and even sound younger than they obviously want him to appear. They wanted to fill the void NAC left without actually recasting him, with GM being the next best thing, or next big thing, depending on how you look at it.

They're completely making this up as they go along, for they fell in love with the actor and decided to wing it; it's good for him, getting the job on the fly, but it looks bad that they couldn't come up with anything creatively other than the long lost child angle. Then again, that's just a calculated move to tie him into the canvas.

Pretty sure they're going to continue milking the violin usage for as much as they can.

That's a pretty fair assessment. I suspect it's a great deal of Fraus or Frau adjacent who are making this fuss about him eating the screen, not being too attractive, can't act his way out of a paper bag, never should've been brought on, etc.

by Anonymousreply 485June 18, 2024 7:11 PM

[quote] Donna tell all is ruining this nice place

This place has been blissfully quiet for many months. Please don't drag in whatever drama, real or imagined, about other posters. Absolutely none of us are interested. If someone irritates you, block them. Thanks.

by Anonymousreply 486June 18, 2024 7:39 PM

R486 Very well said, tastefully and respectfully I might add👏 👏 👏 👏

by Anonymousreply 487June 18, 2024 7:43 PM

Next stop, Port Charles or Salem? Remember he mentioned that he was offered Jason before turning them down.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 488June 18, 2024 7:47 PM

Cunt-ella, whose pussy stinks, already dragged her drama over here because Errol told her off. lololololololol This Gio violin stuff is beyond dull. Boring. What’s the point? That’s all Mulcahey could come up with? Zzzzzzzzzz

by Anonymousreply 489June 18, 2024 8:24 PM

Who wants to go to GH and have to kiss Mo's ass?

by Anonymousreply 490June 18, 2024 9:14 PM

Peter Blake on Days.

by Anonymousreply 491June 18, 2024 10:38 PM

Shell Kleper returning as Amy vining.

by Anonymousreply 492June 18, 2024 10:43 PM

R490 Good point 😁

by Anonymousreply 493June 18, 2024 10:46 PM

R491 Trevor St. John? Speaking of Days, Peter Porte would probably work as a permanent Nikolas, since they've never seemed to see Adam Huss as anything more than temp

by Anonymousreply 494June 18, 2024 10:51 PM

GH made a statement condemning racist online attacks against Tabyana Ali.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 495June 19, 2024 1:19 AM

R446, I think you were far more diplomatic (and kind) than R448.

Let's face it -- if the Locher Room and MF had reps for being too assertive, the actors would pass them right by on the red carpet.

The only one they seemed to go back to time and time again was Logan at TV Guide. He accurately quoted Marcy Walker as saying she wouldn't want to do B&B - so she went to GL as the disastrous Tangie Hill. When she left GL and went back to AMC as Liza (where she belonged), she also went back to Logan and gave him the first interview.

TVGM legitimized the actors. Even if trashed, they were in TV Guide. This was, of course, before they could post photos of their breakfast on social.

by Anonymousreply 496June 19, 2024 1:25 AM

Soap reporting really hurt soap opera in the last 20 years - give or take. It became more about promoting and propping than truly honest reporting and critique - with Digest being the worst offender. The shows did themselves no favors by threatening to cut off the reporter's access for harsh critiques and negative stories and the magazines did themselves no favors by allowing it. As we've seen the shows will always give the big scoops to the main stream publications before the soap press.

The 70s and 80s had fluff pieces and soft reporting also, but it was balanced with, from time to time, the truth. Because Logan worked for TV Guide he may have been the last honest soap reporter. He loved the genre, but never felt the need to lie about it. And even when he had an opinion that went against the general thought, he was man enough to own it and defend it and not run from it.

Fairman and Locher are nice guys, but neither one could shine Paul Denis' boots.

by Anonymousreply 497June 19, 2024 3:10 AM

Congeniality is not something I aspire to.......

by Anonymousreply 498June 19, 2024 3:28 AM

R496 That's true, for if Fairman and Locher weren't the type of reporters they are, they would be virtually ignored by the actors- and word gets around pretty fast, within this small soap community. I'm R446 but I had no idea that Marcy Walker was up for a role on B&B- was it for a recast, or a brand new role? I do remember reading about her disappointment with the writing at GL and her role as Tangie Hill- she even mentioned how they originally wanted to name the character Tangerine- and she refused, saying that she would "not be named after a fruit." Patrick Mulcahey was even head writer for some of her time there in 1994 though I'm not sure of the exact timeline, in regards to his tenure there.

Michael Logan, right he's very well respected and not afraid to speak his mind or criticize soaps, when necessary. Did he happen to retire? I remember specifically looking forward to his weekly commentary section- new arrivals, interviews, etc. Outside of all the many publications that were specific soap magazines, he was able to carve a niche for himself in TV Guide. He once referred to OLTL as the soap with the best actors, yet the writing wasn't exactly matching the acting, among many other opinions that he didn't hesitate to hold back on.

by Anonymousreply 499June 19, 2024 3:34 AM

TV Guide let Michael Logan go, I don't think it was something he had a choice in.

by Anonymousreply 500June 19, 2024 3:37 AM

(or TV Insider, or whatever it was at the time Logan was let go)

by Anonymousreply 501June 19, 2024 3:37 AM

R497 Soap reporting in the last 20 years is when it went down hill? That's interesting because that also aligns with the quality of soaps deteriorating around that same time; OJ Simpson trial seemed to be the start of their downward spiral, for the preemptions sort of caused many viewers to get out of the habit of watching and they hardly ever recovered from that.

Nelson Branco R.I.P. was actually honest himself, though some might've thought that he was a little too honest. He was known to speak his mind as well, although his delivery wasn't exactly like Michael Logan's, it was somewhat a mix of Michael's and maybe more like Wendy Williams.

by Anonymousreply 502June 19, 2024 3:45 AM

Nelson could be brutally honest. Unfortunately, he could also be wildly inappropriate - which could be fun - and devastatingly cruel, which wasn't fun.

His commentary and occasional smart breaking story became overwhelmed by "Joshua Morrow is huge" sort of stuff that might be fun on the DL but didn't really endear him to his bosses.

Fairman and Locher definitely approach their work as fans. Roger Newcomb was solid, a little more objective. A few of the Weekly people were the best. Most of the bloggers were either butt kissers or, on the other end of the spectrum, took a very dry academic approach. Sara Bibel was fun to read and she had an insider's take (she had been, and would be again, a Y&R writer).

by Anonymousreply 503June 19, 2024 3:56 AM

R500 R501 TY

by Anonymousreply 504June 19, 2024 4:05 AM

I'm not sure that I would call Locher a soap fan. I give him a lot of credit for starting the Locher Room during the pandemic, it was a brilliant idea, but if you watched even one of those you would easily tell that outside of his little PR bubble, he's not what I would call a fan of soaps. Based on some of the questions he asks or doesn't ask, it seems like he has no basic knowledge of soaps at all. Or maybe he's just bad a doing research.

by Anonymousreply 505June 19, 2024 4:11 AM

R503 That's an accurate assessment of Nelson; still miss his commentaries, his snark. Joshua Morrow is huge 😆 he'd probably wonder the same thing about Joshua's son when he makes his B&B debut. His bosses were TVGuide Canada, right? Or did he also work for another publication?

I've noticed that too about bloggers, either really in bed with the actors or standing on a completely different side of the room, noting observations that don't always align with the actors or their sensitivities.

by Anonymousreply 506June 19, 2024 4:21 AM

How does pay work for contract actors who can be offscreen for a week or so? Aren’t they paid by episode?

by Anonymousreply 507June 19, 2024 4:27 AM

R507 They're paid per episode, but their contracts also include minimums per week. If they're guaranteed to appear in at least two episodes per week, yet you don't see them in an episode for a full week, they're still paid for two episodes

by Anonymousreply 508June 19, 2024 5:04 AM

I’d forgotten about that asshole Branco. He kissed Muhney’s butt to the extreme. Remember Branco’s claim that Douggie Davidson choked him but Nellie didn’t press charges? Nellie was schizo and had anger issues.

by Anonymousreply 509June 19, 2024 6:05 AM

[quote][R507] They're paid per episode, but their contracts also include minimums per week. If they're guaranteed to appear in at least two episodes per week, yet you don't see them in an episode for a full week, they're still paid for two episodes

Someone with more knowledge of this can probably clarify this for me. I was under the impression that guarantees must be completed within a cycle. For instance, if an actor has a guarantee of 2 episodes a week for the duration of their contract, and they have a 26 week cycle, 52 of those episodes must be completed within that first 26 week cycle and that any leftover episodes are not carried over into the next cycle - because with each new cycle everything resets. Is this true or false? The same thing would apply for those actors with 13 week cycles.

I remember reading that when the show was flush with money, the core four would constantly exceed their guarantees. I think every episode, in excess of their guarantee, the actor would make their regular episode rate plus a penalty.

I also remember reading something that before they tightened up budgets, filming could go on forever. Now they have to be out of the studio by 6 or something to avoid paying penalties.

by Anonymousreply 510June 19, 2024 12:33 PM

R510 It doesn't really seem like you need clarification because you're spot on. From what I can recollect, correct everything resets each cycle, whether it's 13 or 26 weeks. Therefore, they're paid for their guarantees regardless if they film or not; what Frank would usually do is have the actors burn their minimums before their cycles are complete, in an effort to avoid having to pay them for not working, which essentially happens with minimums. That's why certain actors who would not have any screen time for weeks all of a sudden show up regularly, to make up for the guarantees they were already paid for. They could not have any work for a week, yet still get paid for two days that week, if they have a two episode per week guarantee. During their entire contract cycle, they'll always get paid their standard weekly guarantee amount, whether they actually are appearing onscreen or not. Some actually only have a one episode per week guarantee, for Frank restructuring the budget is to ensure that he isn't overpaying anyone, unlike Jill, who constantly exceeded the budget. Frank being able to balance the budget is one of the main reasons why they're keeping him, although many believe he'd be better off sticking to that in a financial designated role specifically suited for him, instead of their executive producer.

That's true, there was an issue with the core four and a few others constantly going over their guarantee or even having more guarantees allotted to them than many of the other actors. That's also true, they would work excessive hours, which mainly happened pre-Frank, yet now they're in and out at a more reasonable time, like a regular schedule, unless they're filming extra scenes or some huge event.

by Anonymousreply 511June 19, 2024 1:26 PM

R499, I don't believe Marcy was up for a specific role on B&B; I believe Logan asked her why she was 'going back to soaps' since she'd had some post SB success.

She said she loved the genre and she didn't think she was 'going back to soaps' and that if she had that attitude she would have 'stayed in LA, done B&B, and hoped nobody watched.'

This was about 30 years ago so I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of it.

There were plenty of times soap actors talk to reporters and get dishy; they assume that stuff is off the record and whether it is or isn't, most reporters don't print that stuff -- maybe they'll do it once in 1,000 times. Logan had a thing about B&B; he trashed it a lot in Digest back in the 1980s.

He repeatedly went after Lauralee Bell. We get it. Yes. nepotism. Yes. she's the boss's daughter. Even he admitted once in digest that Cricket being front and center didn't seem to hurt the ratings.

The shows expect to see nothing but great press and them squashing bad press is disguised as them thinking it's hurting viewership but what's TRULY hurting viewership is the crappy writing that's gone on since all the greats retired or died.

Doug Marland, I'm sure, didn't like it when Diva Von Dish or whoever would write 'the world turns around Lily Walsh's birthday' (it sure did) but he had solid ratings. Today, reporters, writers, bloggers may write that, for example, Connor's OCD story is poor told and endless boardroom shenanigans are a snooze but that's not what is tanking the ratings.

It's the shitty stories that the shows are telling. The fragile egos of the people running these shows. When soaps are dead, it'll be their fault. Not the press.

by Anonymousreply 512June 19, 2024 6:08 PM

Mainstream press gets it wrong again.

Deadline refers to Ken Corday as "Rob" Corday.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 513June 19, 2024 6:17 PM

Kelly Thiebaud back in L.A. according to her Insta.

New haircut, looks good.

Why can't we have her instead of screeching violin music?

by Anonymousreply 514June 19, 2024 6:44 PM

"Gio's violin playing isn't so bad." - Jessica Forrester

by Anonymousreply 515June 19, 2024 8:08 PM

No thank you to the Britt actress returning.

She had a good gig and the show bent over backwards to accommodate her exit.

Don’t need to retread that one imo.

by Anonymousreply 516June 19, 2024 10:37 PM

R512 r513 and others

There are lots of other respective threads to talk about other shows.

by Anonymousreply 517June 19, 2024 10:38 PM

"Can I see your pass?"

by Anonymousreply 518June 19, 2024 11:11 PM

R512 TY. Completely agree, for the shows failing to retain viewers is solely on them, not the soap press.

by Anonymousreply 519June 19, 2024 11:38 PM

R513 Lol

by Anonymousreply 520June 19, 2024 11:39 PM

R514 R516 There's a soap blogger claiming that Kelly Thiebaud is "begging" for her job back.

They also claimed that Bryan Craig is still an asshole, for they saw Bryan at a Ralph's Supermarket in LA; they didn't get into specifics, just mentioned that he hasn't changed. Bryan and his mom would engage in Twitter battles with fans, over their criticism of him; Bryan even threatened break the fingers of one guy. Bryan would even charge fans to speak with him, not too much different than NAC, Tabyana, etc

by Anonymousreply 521June 19, 2024 11:48 PM

R515 Jessica Forrester, she also played a violin? We all know what type of instruments she's playing with now 😁

by Anonymousreply 522June 19, 2024 11:49 PM

R518 Lol

by Anonymousreply 523June 19, 2024 11:51 PM

[quote]They also claimed that Bryan Craig is still an asshole, for they saw Bryan at a Ralph's Supermarket in LA; they didn't get into specifics, just mentioned that he hasn't changed. Bryan and his mom would engage in Twitter battles with fans, over their criticism of him; Bryan even threatened break the fingers of one guy.

If soap fans would stop being so mean and then not expecting consequences, then maybe they would not get threatened to have their fingers broken. The only thing actors owe the fans is a good performance and that's it end of the deal. They don't deserve to be stalked in Ralphs or called ape or wide hips or anything else.

And on the other side of this, Bryan's an idiot for returning to a genre that he hates so much, but I guess it beats waiting tables or real estate. General Hospital fans have always been deranged and that hasn't changed since they were outside of the studio begging to be raped by Tony Geary.

by Anonymousreply 524June 20, 2024 1:45 AM

R524 At least you're able to see it from both sides, in a non biased point of view. Right a steady gig on a soap opera usurps working in a restaurant or real estate, unless it's a successful career as a realtor, such as Michael Sutton, along a handful of others.

Did Tony Geary ever mention his reaction to those fans pleading with him to rape them? Sounds similar to those women saying "Rape Me Todd" at those ABC events, with one actually physically forcing herself upon him. If I'm not mistaken his wife was there at some of those events, though with him being a cheater, wonder if some of those women actually turned him on.

by Anonymousreply 525June 20, 2024 4:31 AM

*Did not mean to say "usurps" at R525 😆 "surpasses working in a restaurant or real estate"

by Anonymousreply 526June 20, 2024 4:36 AM

New report of viewership of streaming shows reveals that, aside from Netflix shows, Days is the most watched streamer.

Congrats Days and Peacock.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 527June 20, 2024 4:49 AM

R527 Wrong numbers! Oops. Queen Jason47 got it wrong.

by Anonymousreply 528June 20, 2024 6:00 AM

I'm already sick of Gio. It's gonna be a looong Summer.

by Anonymousreply 529June 20, 2024 10:05 AM

GH is now Gio Hospital! Lol.

TPTB aren't doing the actor any favors with the overexposure. They are not going to strike gold twice in such short period of time. He's cute but he's not NAC. It will be a long time before another NAC comes along.

I do hope NAC gave Giovanni the number of his acting coach Holly Gagnier when they were zipping around town together.

by Anonymousreply 530June 20, 2024 10:20 AM

R530 Do you think they were zipping around town together with their zippers up or down? 😁 😁

by Anonymousreply 531June 20, 2024 3:31 PM

Is Maxie playing house with Spinelli going to be a front-burner story? God, I can't stand either of them.

by Anonymousreply 532June 20, 2024 6:01 PM

Does NotNAC have a five episodes a week guarantee?

by Anonymousreply 533June 20, 2024 8:01 PM

We should start a support group r532. Nurture our nasty but justified attitudes and recruit a few like-minded nerds to keep track of how often we vomit from having to look at Spinelli.

AND I hate that the name Spinelli has been permanently besmirched in my town by being connected to that fucking RETARD.

There,I said it. Have they ever elaborated? Does anyone ever talk about he probably needs to shower 3 times a day? Doesn't wipe his ass? His underpants are really paper diapers?

That's the real life Spinelli. And I could continue about how men like him are sexually.

by Anonymousreply 534June 20, 2024 8:23 PM

Spinelli and fat Maxie are barf worthy.

by Anonymousreply 535June 20, 2024 8:31 PM

R533 Probably not 😆 although, if you work beyond your guarantees regularly, you're paid extra

by Anonymousreply 536June 21, 2024 12:07 AM


Gail Baldwin returning.

by Anonymousreply 537June 21, 2024 1:21 AM

OK, as much as I complain about GH, I've got to give them credit when they get it right, which they have in the last two days. Mac's return, both yesterday and today, brought tears to my eyes. I think it's because John York is such an appealing actor, but the writing drew me in. The Diane and Alexis scenes about Alexis getting her license back were great because you have two first-rate actor and two intelligent characters. To my surprise, Sam's outrage that Jason helped the FBI to protect Carly was also compelling. It made sense. Is that PM's writing? If so, I'll be sad when it's gone. On the other hand, the Jason/Carly scenes were cringeworthy. Jason is such a comic book character and Carly is too shrewish. And their incredible friendship is beyond corny and unbelievable. It's almost like there are two shows, one good and one awful. You can guess which is which.

by Anonymousreply 538June 21, 2024 1:38 AM

It's interesting that you say the Jason/Carly scenes were cringeworthy, for the two of them together is primarily Korte. Mulcahey is mainly Alexis; pretty sure Mac's return and a lot of the other stories were him as well.

In terms of individual episodic writing, yesterday's was written by Nigel Campbell, who's new to GH and Kate Hall, daughter of famed soap opera actress/writer Courtney Simon and GL actor Peter Simon. Today's was interestingly enough written by Chris Van Etten and Stacy Pulwer.

by Anonymousreply 539June 21, 2024 2:00 AM

6/19 show: Written by Nigel Campbell and Kate Hall

6/20 show: Written by Chris Van Etten and Stacy Pulwer

by Anonymousreply 540June 21, 2024 2:02 AM

I was listening to the episode while busy doing something else, and was pretty blown away by the scenes/dialogue for Sam, and thought Monaco certainly had some Emmy reel work. Then I watched said scenes, and the power of them was completely lost because her injections/procedures/whatevers have rendered her face immobile, and looked like something out of the Puppet Master movies.

by Anonymousreply 541June 21, 2024 3:37 PM

The dialogue for Sam these past few days, especially towards Carly, has been pretty impressive; no wonder Korte was undermining Mulcahey, it had to irk her nerves everytime Carly was written as the bad guy. To your point though, she did go overboard with the fillers.

by Anonymousreply 542June 21, 2024 9:42 PM

R542 - Well, as we all know, Monaco is middle-aged.

by Anonymousreply 543June 21, 2024 10:06 PM

Just saw a promo for a Maura/Cynthia/Becky fan event in March of 2025.

I hope that confirms Maura isn't leaving. Also, Maura's face looks very thin in the previews? OOOOzempic?

Is Ryan Paevey going to make a second career out of announcing his stepping away from acting? He's another one who is very reactive on social media to criticism and always has to respond.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 544June 21, 2024 10:12 PM

Previews For Next Week:

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Tracy issues an ultimatum.

Chase and Brook Lynn seek legal advice.

Carly plots a bold move.

Molly and TJ have a heart-to-heart.

Ava gets an earful.


Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Jason and Elizabeth discuss their son.

Carly opens up to Brennan.

Anna makes a discovery.

Valentin makes a proposal.

Finn suffers a setback.


Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Trina delivers bad news.

Ava is on the warpath.

Mac visits Cody.

Alexis makes a revelation.

Giovanni is alarmed.


Thursday, June 27th, 2024

Chase supports Finn.

Jason and Danny bond.

Dante voices his concerns to Sam.

Dex surprises Josslyn.


Friday, June 28th, 2024

Carly and Jason clash.

Sonny and Natalia get closer.

Ava seeks out Laura.

Brook Lynn and Chase make a big decision.

Blaze has some tough questions for Kristina.

by Anonymousreply 545June 21, 2024 10:45 PM

R543 😆 😆

by Anonymousreply 546June 21, 2024 10:46 PM

NAC just dropped a helluva new IG avi.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 547June 21, 2024 10:46 PM

R544 Unfortunately their upcoming event doesn't exactly mean she's safe from being fired, for there are quite a few who still have "Personal Appearances" even though they're no longer employed at GH. However, it's still not set in stone that she's on her way out. Agree that she has seemed to have lost quite a few pounds.

by Anonymousreply 548June 21, 2024 10:50 PM

R547 🤔 wonder if he did that for Giovanni Mazza 😁

by Anonymousreply 549June 21, 2024 10:51 PM

Take this with a grain of salt, although Bryan Craig is scheduled to return, he's not the "big returning male" that Frank was referring to, for it's someone "older" with Bryan's return as a smokescreen to surprise the audience.

Also, Alex could be the one behind Pikeman, which is why Jagger is under the impression that it's Anna.

by Anonymousreply 550June 21, 2024 10:55 PM

Well if Greg Vaughan is following Adam Huss, his tv brother, then I say it's Greg as Lucky.

by Anonymousreply 551June 21, 2024 10:58 PM

R551 Right, Greg's following Adam on IG

by Anonymousreply 552June 21, 2024 10:59 PM

R537, I was JUST thinking of her today.

After the attic ceiling collapsed on Alan, Rick, and Monica, Gail was holding little AJ -- this was right after the christening.

Tracy says all teary-eyed, 'Oh, Gail! Let me hold him - he may be all that's left of him!'

Gail clutches the baby (she's the godmother) and snarls at Tracy No! I made a VOW today to protect this baby! And I never thought I'd have to live up to that vow so quickly...don't come near this child!

Something like that. I don't think that scene is in YouTube.

Loved Gail.

by Anonymousreply 553June 21, 2024 11:59 PM

After all these years Kelly Monaco still can’t enunciate or stay awake during scenes. Good dialogue but painful acting.

Also saw a twitter a ton of unearthed “likes” from CH (Diane). She’s another Ingo! Hopefully with Alexis back to being a lawyer we get less Diane.

by Anonymousreply 554June 22, 2024 12:45 AM

As we all suspected, that fucking Queen Patrick Mulcahey was fired because he queened up the writers room and finally Queen Bee Frank had enough. Thete’s only 1 queen at GH and that is Frank!

by Anonymousreply 555June 22, 2024 2:49 AM

Daytime Emmy nominated Kelly Monaco?

by Anonymousreply 556June 22, 2024 2:52 AM

I wonder why Patrick wrote Natalia and her comments about gay people not caring about family or whatever it was that she said.

by Anonymousreply 557June 22, 2024 8:27 AM

R557 Probably to emphasize her homophobia, for Patrick's own parents were homophobic themselves. Either that, or one of the breakdown or script writers wrote that line, with Korte approving it, to show Natalia's ignorance

by Anonymousreply 558June 22, 2024 9:21 AM

I know she has a kid with Spinelli but who is the father of the other one?

by Anonymousreply 559June 22, 2024 10:16 AM

Spinelli is Georgie's father

The late Nathan West was James father. Nathan was Faison's son, Liesel's son, Britt's brother, Nina's adopted brother.

The late Peter August was Bailey Lu's father. Peter was Faison's son, Nathan and Britt's half-brother.

by Anonymousreply 560June 22, 2024 12:09 PM

So Maxie has three children by three men. Alexis has three daughters by three men. Elizabeth has three sons by three men. And Sam has two children by two men? Sam has some catching up to do.

by Anonymousreply 561June 22, 2024 12:38 PM

Snarly also has three children by three different men, AJ, Jax, sputtering Sonny.

by Anonymousreply 562June 22, 2024 1:03 PM

[quote] Sam has some catching up to do.

Oh, I think Sam has caught enough things.

by Anonymousreply 563June 22, 2024 1:07 PM

R561 Sam did have three children by three different men; her oldest child, Lila, was fathered by Sonny, yet she was stillborn. Sam slept with Sonny (while he was with Carly) and Jax around the same time, so she didn't know which was the father, until they did a paternity test, while pregnant. Jason & Sam fell in love during her pregnancy; they were planning to raise the baby together. When she was born, Jason described her as having a "head full of dark curly hair, like Sonny's." She felt pressured by Alexis to donate stem cells from Lila to baby Kristina, who fell ill- Lila was a match, which was assumed to be because of their connection to Sonny being both Kristina and Lila's father, for Alexis and Sam didn't know they were mother and daughter at that particular time.

by Anonymousreply 564June 22, 2024 4:24 PM

R561 Also, to Sam's credit, when she became pregnant with Scout, she believed Jason to be the father, for Drew was thought to actually be Jason during the time Scout was conceived.

Elizabeth should have five children, for she miscarried Ric's baby and she also miscarried Jax and Courtney's baby (Liz was their surrogate, though the baby was biologically Liz and Jax's baby). Maxie similarly was the surrogate for Lulu and Dante's baby, though that was Lulu's egg, if I'm not mistaken; Maxie then miscarried- almost immediately afterwards, got pregnant by Spinelli and was planning to pretend baby Georgie was Dante and Lulu's

by Anonymousreply 565June 22, 2024 4:32 PM

R562 Carly remember would have five children had she not lost her baby boy with Sonny (in between Michael and Morgan) nor her baby girl with Jax (before Josslyn)

by Anonymousreply 566June 22, 2024 4:34 PM

R563 Including Sam's six ex-husbands she married for money, prior to arriving in Port Charles

by Anonymousreply 567June 22, 2024 4:38 PM

Wow, I knew you guys would fill in the gaps for me. Thanks! I think we need a database for this. I can still remember when Jane and Howie's domestic troubles were a distraction from Steve and Audrey's at the hospital.

by Anonymousreply 568June 22, 2024 5:11 PM

[quote]Elizabeth has three sons by three men.

Elizabeth is one of my favorite characters, but I howled when Helena called her a slut - related to her multiple baby daddies. I can't find the clip on YouTube, but Helena just dragged poor Elizabeth. It was so funny.

by Anonymousreply 569June 22, 2024 5:20 PM

GH should change its name to ALL MY CHILDREN.

by Anonymousreply 570June 22, 2024 6:08 PM

R569 - Yes, one of my all-time favorite Helena jab.

"Liz, you have three children with three different fathers. Why, you're ripe for welfare."

LOL. Constance Towers was the bomb no matter what shit the writers threw at her. She always classed up the joint.

by Anonymousreply 571June 22, 2024 10:23 PM

Correction at R566 Carly would have six children, had her other son and daughter made it. Forgot to mention her youngest child, Donna Courtney Corinthos. Without SORAS'ing, these were their actual years of birth:

Michael 1997

Baby Boy Corinthos 1999 (stillbirth)

Morgan 2003

Baby Girl Jacks 2008 (miscarriage)

Josslyn 2009

Donna 2019

by Anonymousreply 572June 23, 2024 6:13 AM

They miraculous curing of Donna's Spina Bifida is not often discussed.

I suspect sputtering Mo's ego had something to do with that miracle...

by Anonymousreply 573June 23, 2024 6:25 AM

You believe so? Fwiw, there were rumblings about not wanting to give a child of Sonny's & Carly's any "debilitating diseases" behind the scenes, but there wasn't any confirmation in regards to who exactly was against it. Also, their baby was originally believed to be a boy, until Donna Messina unfortunately passed

by Anonymousreply 574June 23, 2024 6:30 AM

When they were conceiving the idea of giving Sonny & Carly another baby, they were possibly going with a boy in place of Morgan, but Donna Messina's passing before they went with their idea ensured that they'd have a girl, named after her.

by Anonymousreply 575June 23, 2024 6:34 AM

With SORAS'ing, their birth years now are

Michael 1992

Morgan 1994

Josslyn 2002

Donna 2019

by Anonymousreply 576June 23, 2024 6:39 AM

Which “dead” character would be worth resurrecting? I’ll go first. Emily. She’s an adopted Q with ties to so many core characters. Not sure who I’d want playing her but this idea that Rebecca was her twin could have been a Helena trick. Be cool to find out her twin is in fact Emily alive and well.

by Anonymousreply 577June 23, 2024 4:23 PM

Resurrect charming Victor Sheffield Cassadine. Make him and Valentin cohorts and bring in another long-lost younger son of Victor's who is also charming and handsome. Valentin and his much younger half-brother clash. Handsome father and sons Cassadine charming every woman in town. Pair Victor with Ava.

Also, Cassandra Pierce aka Jessica Tuck. Pair her with Cyrus and they can be a diabolical duo. I'm not looking forward to the rumored Cyrus/Heather pairing. The redeeming Heather storyline is so unappealing.

by Anonymousreply 578June 23, 2024 4:39 PM

Or make Jack Brennan a Cassadine -- i.e., Victor's "other" son -- get him out of jail, reveal the real head of Pikeman is Frisco, allowing both Jack and Valentin to romance Anna.

by Anonymousreply 579June 23, 2024 5:27 PM

Maura West: Live on Zoom tonight at 7:00p EST/4:00p PST (entry begins at 6:30p EST/3:30p PST)

General Admission:

Limited to only 50 people, off screen; able to ask questions through the chat feature.

Zoomie Tickets:

Limited to only 15 tickets available, will be able to appear onscreen for 75 minutes.

SuperZOOM Event:

Limited to only 25 tickets, will be able to appear onscreen for 75 minutes plus participate in a post Zoom Event for 30 minutes with lots of interaction and a video, not personalized, two minutes in duration and sent via email within 7 days (SOLD OUT)

by Anonymousreply 580June 23, 2024 7:35 PM

Forgot to add the link to MW's event

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by Anonymousreply 581June 23, 2024 7:36 PM

Maura’s job is safe! She’s not going anywhere.

by Anonymousreply 582June 24, 2024 2:46 AM

I hope that's the case but I don't think it is, R582

by Anonymousreply 583June 24, 2024 4:56 AM

Correcting myself again at R572 Carly and Sonny's stillborn son was delivered on May 23rd, 2000, not 1999.

by Anonymousreply 584June 24, 2024 5:06 AM

R582 Really would like to think that she's not being let go, however with Korte, Frank & Nathan being backstabbers and as untrustworthy as they are, R583 might be right. Especially if they're really trying to bring Jack Wagner back or someone else who will cost a lot, I can see them saying sayonara Maura. On the bright side, I can also see DOOL taking her, for Ron is a big fan of hers; it was actually Ron who first suggested to Frank that they bring her to GH. She shouldn't be in this position though, for there are plenty of others they can fire before her.

by Anonymousreply 585June 24, 2024 5:15 AM

This thread is almost full so here's a new one to use.

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by Anonymousreply 586June 24, 2024 9:30 AM

Maura's weight loss makes me wonder if she is prepping for a job hunt or new character elsewhere...

She is under-utilized at GH.

by Anonymousreply 587June 24, 2024 9:58 AM

Finola has photos of Kimberly McCullough on her Insta. Oh my. Kimberly is not on the Ozempic bandwagon.

by Anonymousreply 588June 24, 2024 12:25 PM


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by Anonymousreply 589June 24, 2024 3:44 PM

Kimberly looks great- She is my age and she could pass for 32- (Weight helps I think)

by Anonymousreply 590June 24, 2024 3:45 PM

I think the list of folks who AREN'T on Ozempic is shorter than the ones on it.

by Anonymousreply 591June 24, 2024 4:51 PM

A walk for Johnny Wactor in Central Park this coming weekend.

That's nice, I suppose, but what will it accomplish and why NYC?

Is this type of thing the reason his mother and brothers needed a GFM for "travel"?

Why doesn't his mother take some of the over 100k in GFM and offer a reward for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrators? I'm sure even a 25k reward would get someone talking.

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by Anonymousreply 592June 24, 2024 4:55 PM

Is Wactor's BFF Coloma attending these marches? Or did the loss of a potential Xenu convert cause him to dip out?

by Anonymousreply 593June 24, 2024 5:05 PM

Uncle Frank? *rings doorbell*


by Anonymousreply 594June 24, 2024 5:06 PM

Next on Gio Hospital.....

by Anonymousreply 595June 24, 2024 5:06 PM

I think they found Gio when they were looking for Spencer recasts and realized he was too young.

People feel powerless when they lose someone suddenly and tragically like when Johnny was murdered. His family will go to these events but it'll never take away the pain.

by Anonymousreply 596June 24, 2024 5:14 PM

R596 yeah, I don't have judgements for those events or the GFM. It's horrifying and they're trying to do the best they can.

by Anonymousreply 597June 24, 2024 5:35 PM

A reminder that this is the new thread

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by Anonymousreply 598June 24, 2024 5:35 PM

Uncle Frank?


***knock knock***

by Anonymousreply 599June 24, 2024 5:36 PM


by Anonymousreply 600June 24, 2024 5:36 PM
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