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Bizarre Co-workers.

Tell us about your crazy, creepy, eccentric, OCD or amusing co-workers and their antics.

Years ago my boss was thrilled when the wife of a doctor he had been unable to get a business meeting with responded to a job opening.

She arrived for the interview with two huge boxes of donuts for the office. She came to a conservative, professional office dressed in Bohemian new agey, mother earth attire. She brought a "portfolio" that showcased her crafts (scrap booking, pottery making, all unrelated to our industry) and also her EIGHT children's activities and musical awards. He hired her!

First day on the job she freaked everyone out by having all her kids come in at lunch time and assemble in the breakroom in a line oldest to youngest and take turns stepping forward and reciting their name and age like something directly out of The Sound of Music. I expected them to start singing the Do Re Mi song.

Within days she decorated her office with dozens of vintage mannequin busts of flappers from the 1920s (photo below) and costume jewelry displays like at a thrift or consignment shop. Employees, clients, building maintenance and employees of other businesses in the building complained about her weirdness.

He fired her within a couple of weeks. We all watched from the window as she dragged all her mannequins out to the parking lot one by one, beat them against the pavement and then threw them in the dumpster.

I'm not exaggerating any of this and boss never got a meeting with her husband.

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by Anonymousreply 10May 18, 2024 5:51 PM

Co-worker who would mutter to herself, swear at the phone, and heavy sigh all day. JFC, if you're that fucking miserable, just GO HOME!

by Anonymousreply 1May 15, 2024 12:42 PM

that’s hilarious OP! what was her actual job title??

by Anonymousreply 2May 18, 2024 3:45 PM

R1, yikes, that sounds like me. Are you in healthcare per chance?

by Anonymousreply 3May 18, 2024 3:51 PM

I *THOUGHT* he was bizarre but it turned out okay. I had a new co-worker... middle aged family man who coaches kid's hockey. He took his lunch at his desk everyday and though I couldn't see him because the cubicle walls were high, I could hear him crying and sobbing for an hour straight, five days a week. Noon would come, he'd cheerfully go to the kitchen to get his lunch and return to his desk... and start crying.

It turned out that he was watching stand up comedians on youtube with his earphones on and trying not to laugh out loud.

by Anonymousreply 4May 18, 2024 4:28 PM

Had a coworker who was going through a divorce and was on the phone with her ex throughout the day yelling at him and slamming the phone down. During one of these calls she slammed the phone down and stood up and yelled," I have to go to the doctor! My husband told me he's been cheating on me and he thinks he gave me an STD!" Then she grabbed her purse and ran out of the office.

by Anonymousreply 5May 18, 2024 5:19 PM

That story's a scream, OP!

by Anonymousreply 6May 18, 2024 5:26 PM

[quote]that’s hilarious OP! what was her actual job title??

Director of Community Development, 🤣

Boss initially defended his decision to hire her with "She went Harvard!". To which our crusty old office manager at the time responded "Well the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski also went to Harvard!". 🤣

by Anonymousreply 7May 18, 2024 5:29 PM

I once worked in a cubicle environment where the humorless woman next door had OCD, misophonia, and whatever other disorder you can name. Anytime someone would unwrap food, chew, tap their pencil or click their pen, she would yell out, "STOP THAT!!!" If a person walked by wearing perfume or cologne, she'd yell, "It STINKS in here!" no matter how lovely it smelled.

One time, I observed her in the lunch room, standing next to the Keurig machine. She had loaded in the k-cup, but hadn't yet pressed down the lever. She stared at the wall clock, waited, stepped out for a few minutes, returned, and when the clock hit the exact hour, she pressed down the lever and started the brew. I cannot imagine living this way.

by Anonymousreply 8May 18, 2024 5:47 PM

Poor girl r5 😂

by Anonymousreply 9May 18, 2024 5:51 PM


Myself and three other 'escalation officers' (You have a complaint? Dissatisfied with our product? We are the ones authorized to offer free stuff or cash back.) worked in the same little pod. Buddy was one of the team members. Imagine an Appalachian George Costanza.

Buddy met a prim and proper woman named Laura. They got engaged. For some reason, it fell on Buddy to make all the arrangements so we had to listen to Buddy spend hours on the phone arranging venues, caterers, flowers, etc., while we sat there working.

Then it came out that Buddy's finances were a mess and Laura called off the wedding.

Now we have to listen to Buddy cancel venues, caterers, flowers, etc., and argue over refunds and deposits while we sat there working.

Then Laura agrees to marry him if gets his finances in order.

Back to him on the phone making wedding arrangements AND making arrangements to fix his finances.

Relatives in Buddy's little town deep in the bush host a stag night fro the couple. Laura and her mother make the long drive to Dogpatch. It turns into a drunken brawl and Buddy gets arrested for assault. Someone lets slip to Laura and her mother that Buddy that Buddy spent time in Juvie for violent assaults.

The wedding is off.

Again listening to Buddy spend hours on the phone cancelling everything.

The wedding is on again.

You get the picture....

THEN, Laura develops a health issue... and Buddy is now spending hours on the phone trying to consult doctors and talking about Laura vaginal discharge and the cysts on her uterus (we have to hear all this while doing his work)

They get married.

The company is doing well and Buddy talks them into creating a position just for him where he is basically a quick go-to-guy for sales staff who need product information.

The company is now NOT doing so well and they are going to cut Buddy's position and let him go.

Buddy heads to HR with a long list of reasons why *I* should be let go and my job should be given to him.

HR laughs! Management laughs! *I* laugh!

by Anonymousreply 10May 18, 2024 5:51 PM
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