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Toronto is the biggest city in North America

So why the fuck isn’t anyone talking about Toronto?

by Anonymousreply 66May 19, 2024 5:48 AM

How is it the biggest city in North America?

Mexico City, LA, NYC all eclipse it in terms of population.

If you mean footprint, Perth, Western Australia is bigger than any of them.

I dare say you're not wondering why nobody ever talks about Perth

by Anonymousreply 1May 10, 2024 2:55 AM

Biggest and truly the most boring. They roll up the sidewalks at 5pm.

by Anonymousreply 2May 10, 2024 2:57 AM

Not the biggest by any standard.

by Anonymousreply 3May 10, 2024 2:58 AM

I want what OP is smoking.

by Anonymousreply 4May 10, 2024 3:11 AM


by Anonymousreply 5May 10, 2024 3:14 AM

They do have a lot of hotties there, but not as many as say Gainesville, FL

by Anonymousreply 6May 10, 2024 3:18 AM

Toronto simply is a misplaced Alberta.

by Anonymousreply 7May 10, 2024 3:21 AM

Hardly R7. They are more like a Scottish version of Detroit.

by Anonymousreply 8May 10, 2024 3:24 AM

R8, minus the Art Deco and Motown, of course.

by Anonymousreply 9May 10, 2024 3:43 AM

Toronto is /not/ like Alberta which is ground zero for assholes.

by Anonymousreply 10May 10, 2024 3:46 AM

Before my first business trip to Toronto a colleague told me I’d like it because it was so clean.

After two days I realized describing a city as “clean” was the equivalent of saying a gal “has a great personality.”

by Anonymousreply 11May 10, 2024 4:58 AM

Sorry I did think it was the biggest city in North America and then AS SOON AS I CLICKED POST I realized Mexico City is bigger.

Yes, I'm stoned. So fuck y'all.

by Anonymousreply 12May 10, 2024 5:05 AM

[quote] So why the fuck isn’t anyone talking about Toronto?

It is my least favourite North American city. I actually preferred Oakland.

by Anonymousreply 13May 10, 2024 5:08 AM

Because Toronto sucks.

by Anonymousreply 14May 10, 2024 5:11 AM

The only city in Canada is Montreal.

by Anonymousreply 15May 10, 2024 5:39 AM

Mon pays le Québec

by Anonymousreply 16May 10, 2024 5:53 AM

I haven't been to Montreal yet but Vancouver is very nice.

by Anonymousreply 17May 10, 2024 2:06 PM

Do you think this is click bait or that the OP is really that stupid. Depressing.

by Anonymousreply 18May 10, 2024 4:50 PM

Vancouver is Wonderful! Montreal is Wonderful! Toronto isn't bad. It reminded me of Chicago, because it has a very Midwestern vibe. It is not the Canadian NYC, but it has a very diverse population, as does Vancouver. The only thing that "happens" in Toronto as far as I can see, is the Toronto International Film Festival, which is a major festival.

by Anonymousreply 19May 13, 2024 5:00 PM

Montreal and the rest of PQ is the great because it makes it easier to pretend you're not in Canada.

by Anonymousreply 20May 13, 2024 5:04 PM

That city is dead to me now that Remington's has closed.

by Anonymousreply 21May 13, 2024 6:47 PM

Canada is growth for growth's sake. But there's really nothing there but expensive real estate.

by Anonymousreply 22May 13, 2024 6:50 PM

Toronto is a large city, but it is roughly the same size as Chicago - both the core city itself, as well as the scope of suburbs.

They often remind me of each other. (Minus the crime spots in Chicago, of course.)

by Anonymousreply 23May 13, 2024 6:53 PM


by Anonymousreply 24May 13, 2024 6:54 PM

Toronto is smaller than New York in area, population and metro area population.

by Anonymousreply 25May 13, 2024 6:57 PM

Close your eyes and think of Toronto? What do you see? Well, there you go.

by Anonymousreply 26May 13, 2024 6:58 PM

Is Toronto boring? I keep hearing it’s very dull.

by Anonymousreply 27May 13, 2024 7:00 PM

I've been to Toronto and Montreal 6 or 7 times each. If there was ever an apples and oranges comparison, it's this.

I love them both. Toronto is the most diverse city I've ever been in, the parks and the islands are gorgeous, and the food is terrific. Architecturally, it's a bit of a mess, but so is my old hometown NYC.

Montreal is absolutely gorgeous architecturally, and the parks and trails surpass Toronto. But it's less diverse, and the food can be quite, say, regional. Nonetheless, if forced to choose;, I'd take Montreal.

Both are wonderful places to be gay, so it's all good. Vancouver is on my bucket list, but I'm not much of a west coast city aficionado.

by Anonymousreply 28May 13, 2024 7:08 PM

Toronto is similar to Chicago in other ways, in my humble opinion -

15 to 20 years ago I thought both had a more interesting of culture, restaurants, neighborhoods and architecture.

It's diminished a bit in both places - lots of gentrification, the gayborhoods have diminished, etc. and the downtown is becoming way too developed, too many soulless square boxes.

by Anonymousreply 29May 13, 2024 7:24 PM

[quote] So why the fuck isn’t anyone talking about Toronto?

Beats me.

by Anonymousreply 30May 13, 2024 7:24 PM

I once went to a club in Toronto and upon getting on the dance floor I realized how incredibly short all of the men were.

by Anonymousreply 31May 13, 2024 7:29 PM

What no one talks about, and I’d bet the locals want it exactly that way, is the part of southern Ontario north of Toronto. It’s just so gorgeous.

by Anonymousreply 32May 13, 2024 7:42 PM

What's so gorgeous about? Isn't it mostly flat, glacier-scraped farmland?

by Anonymousreply 33May 13, 2024 7:44 PM

He said the parks and islands were gorgeous.

by Anonymousreply 34May 13, 2024 10:04 PM

No, R33. It’s forest primeval. I live in Oregon and that southern Ontario drive was like a more-than-Oregon, which I would not have thought was possible.

Hell, I drove the Al-Can Highway to Alaska and back a couple years ago and wasn’t as enchanted there as I was by Ontario.

Words fail, unfortunately. How do I say how beautiful it was? I can’t seem to capture it.

by Anonymousreply 35May 13, 2024 11:12 PM

[quote] Words fail, unfortunately. How do I say how beautiful it was? I can’t seem to capture it.


by Anonymousreply 36May 13, 2024 11:19 PM

OP just said that because he was in Toronto and ordered Uber Eats and the food arrived early.

by Anonymousreply 37May 13, 2024 11:25 PM

Toronto is only the 4th most populous city in N. America, and its metro population puts it in the same league as Dallas, Tx..

by Anonymousreply 38May 13, 2024 11:27 PM

Montreal is a phenomenal city! (Never been to Toronto). However as a friend of mine says “Yeah, great city. They spend nine months talking about how great the other three months are.”

by Anonymousreply 39May 14, 2024 12:25 AM

Bathhouse scene in Toronto is awesome. I lost my virginity in one back in the day.

by Anonymousreply 40May 14, 2024 2:29 AM

It's lovely, I had a mother who lived there once.

by Anonymousreply 41May 14, 2024 6:37 PM

They call its metro "The Golden Horseshoe" which will tell you fucking dull they are.

by Anonymousreply 42May 15, 2024 7:05 AM

The mean of course that the west end of Lake Ontario is bordered by city from Niagara on the Lake to Oshawa, but they didn't really get Hamilton's permission for this stance.

by Anonymousreply 43May 15, 2024 7:06 AM

Back before Toronto absorbed five of its suburbs, North York big fair to become the San Jose to Toronto's San Francisco. But the consolidation actually hurt North York, made it déclassé

by Anonymousreply 44May 15, 2024 7:08 AM

bid fair

by Anonymousreply 45May 15, 2024 7:08 AM

R42 - the metro is less than useless -- it travels under one major avenue towards the lake, then makes a U and travels back under another avenue -- the problem is the 2 parallel avenues are only a few blocks apart from each other. Truly an idiotic design.

by Anonymousreply 46May 15, 2024 9:20 PM

[quote]Toronto is a large city, but it is roughly the same size as Chicago - both the core city itself, as well as the scope of suburbs.

[quote]They often remind me of each other. (Minus the crime spots in Chicago, of course.)

Yes, Toronto is like Chicago without the guns and feral blacks.

by Anonymousreply 47May 16, 2024 1:48 AM

Do the call their subway The Metro now?

Montreal has The Metro.

Back in the 90s my francophone Quebecoise aunt asked where to find the Metro. The cop answered "you're in metro, lady"

by Anonymousreply 48May 16, 2024 3:09 AM

Mexico City is the largest city in North America, with a population of 9.2 million.

New York City is second with 8.3 million.

Los Angeles is third with 3.8 million

Toronto is only FOURTH, with only 3. 0 million.

You need to BEG forgiveness, OP. Toronto is not even a third the size of Mexico City, or half the size of NYC!

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by Anonymousreply 49May 16, 2024 3:17 AM

It's always been funny to me that NYC is bigger than LA because LA just seems ENORMOUS to me. If I didn't know any better I would think it's much bigger than NYC.

by Anonymousreply 50May 16, 2024 3:38 AM

[quote]Do the call their subway The Metro now?


by Anonymousreply 51May 16, 2024 3:53 AM

I don't know. Immediately west of Toronto is that huge ugly Mississauga. Millions of people there. And it is very ugly. The nice older parts were built in the 60s.

by Anonymousreply 52May 16, 2024 4:16 AM

R49, op is wrong but you should be using metro or urban area population, not city,

by Anonymousreply 53May 16, 2024 1:04 PM

I hear Toronto is where the maritimers are bold. They always have a potful, but they never get a pot of gold.

by Anonymousreply 54May 16, 2024 1:27 PM

R53: Why? Chicago is Chicago, not Chicagoland. LA is LA (and a huge geographic area) but not the Southland. Metro NYC would include Connecticut and New Jersey. They're not in New York.

by Anonymousreply 55May 16, 2024 2:15 PM

[quote] It's always been funny to me that NYC is bigger than LA because LA just seems ENORMOUS to me. If I didn't know any better I would think it's much bigger than NYC.

If you're talking about physical parameters, I think the Los Angeles city limits encompass the largest square mileage of any city on Earth--I know at least it once did.

But it is obviously not the most populous city in the US.

by Anonymousreply 56May 16, 2024 5:00 PM

If we're talking about largest urban areas in North America, Toronto loses out even more. Mexico City is still largest with 25 million, new york is still second with 22 million, and Toronto drops down to 8th with 7.6 million.

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by Anonymousreply 57May 16, 2024 5:04 PM

R56 at least three Australian cities are larger - Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

by Anonymousreply 58May 18, 2024 12:59 AM

None of those are bigger than TO

by Anonymousreply 59May 18, 2024 8:56 AM

R59, I should have stipulated that their city limits are bigger. Population-wise, no.

by Anonymousreply 60May 18, 2024 10:54 AM

One thing Toronto can claim is that it's the biggest CRANE city in North America.

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by Anonymousreply 61May 18, 2024 11:03 AM

What has OP been smoking? Toronto is the 4th biggest city in North America. It's not the biggest.

by Anonymousreply 62May 18, 2024 11:14 AM

What about the cities that rank 50th to 100?

by Anonymousreply 63May 18, 2024 11:54 AM

r55 because city limits are arbitrary, while Metro/CSA and urban area populations are based on set formulas (commuting patterns and density) that are the same for every city in the country. A city's importance and influence don't end at it's borders and are much better represented by its MSA/CSA or urban area ranking. For example, San Antonio is the seventh largest city in the country, but it's CSA ranks 23rd. Boston is the 23rd largest city in the US, but it's CSA is seventh largest. Which of those numbers more closely aligns with what you know of those cities and where they rank in the American context?

by Anonymousreply 64May 19, 2024 4:15 AM

Mexico City dwarfs everybody else on the continent -- even NYC.

by Anonymousreply 65May 19, 2024 4:18 AM

The fascist state of Toronto!

Why does someone keep bringing up Australia?

by Anonymousreply 66May 19, 2024 5:48 AM
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