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Lindsey Graham looks increasingly aged and defeated

I'm not sure if I'd go far as 90 because Lindz has some significantly good hair, but...

I noticed that he looked *significantly* more aged in an article about submitting his phones to the FBI for security screening after a breach. I'll link in next thread...

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by Anonymousreply 125May 30, 2024 6:45 AM

He’s 68 years old. People can get old looking quickly once they go grey.

by Anonymousreply 1May 9, 2024 11:51 AM

ETTD. Her number is coming up soon.

by Anonymousreply 2May 9, 2024 11:57 AM

Ladybird needs to go back to wigs for her cotillions. The longer hair doesn't work for her man-drag. Plus having to use the straighteners to get the banana curls out probably is poisoning her, which leaves her looking like her liver is rotting within her whalebone corset.

by Anonymousreply 3May 9, 2024 12:00 PM

That wasn't a threat, by the way. That knowledge is what's aging Lindsey. If he loses, his life is over. If he somehow wins, he knows what it will do to America. And, it will destroy him.

What's left of whatever passes for a soul is dying inside of the husk of his decaying fleshsack, as we watch him scramble around playing kiss-ass to traitors and pantshitters.

by Anonymousreply 4May 9, 2024 12:00 PM

"Lindsey Graham looks increasingly aged and defeated "

Because he is aged and defeated. That's what a lifetime of backstabbing your people while hiding in the closet will do to you. He's also a raging alcoholic which doesn't help

by Anonymousreply 5May 9, 2024 12:03 PM

GAH!, I can't find the other current photo of a disheveled Graham and the same grayer, more foppish hair. He looked absolutely defeated. gray in pallor, and sunken-faced in the article about the FBI "reviewing" his phones.

by Anonymousreply 6May 9, 2024 12:04 PM

Maybe it was this photo that struck me how defeated he appears.

Should we fear for him?

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by Anonymousreply 7May 9, 2024 12:19 PM

Was he always ugly? probably nothing worse than being stuck in the closet your whole life as a gay man except to not only be stuck in the closet but also to be hideous looking.

by Anonymousreply 8May 9, 2024 12:41 PM

No he was apparently a super cute kid who danced for nickels at his parents bar. Seriously. So you're seeing what would've happened if Gary Coleman or Danny Bonaduce got to be a senator. Same mindset

by Anonymousreply 9May 9, 2024 12:44 PM

What’s the opposite of Ozempic face? She looks bloated to me, quite a ways to go until she’s deflated.

by Anonymousreply 10May 9, 2024 12:45 PM

"the husk of his decaying fleshsack..." I like that. It suits.

by Anonymousreply 11May 9, 2024 12:46 PM

His face looks more swollen and sunken than ever.

by Anonymousreply 12May 9, 2024 12:46 PM

At least his milkshake still brings all the gentleman callers to the yard.

by Anonymousreply 13May 9, 2024 4:19 PM

Is that Clairee?

by Anonymousreply 14May 9, 2024 4:20 PM

He does look older and more weary.

His hair still looks good, though. He must have weekly trim appointments.

He's an admitted heavy drinker. Alcohol wreaks havoc on the skin. (I've gone on and off alcohol for years and I notice that my skin perks up when I'm off of alcohol.)

Now, his phone has been subpoenaed.

Finally, he's been looking for a new boyfriend (someone's ass he can kiss), now that John McCain and Donald Trump are gone.

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by Anonymousreply 15May 9, 2024 4:32 PM


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by Anonymousreply 16May 9, 2024 4:37 PM

Someone's not getting a good night's sleep anymore. I wonder why?

by Anonymousreply 17May 9, 2024 5:12 PM

@r16, that's Bill Barr

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by Anonymousreply 18May 9, 2024 6:59 PM

End stage alcoholism. Lady Lindsey is always three sheets to the wind (maybe four or five). When she dies, I'll wear my "I really don't care, do you?" jacket.

by Anonymousreply 19May 9, 2024 7:10 PM

It’s what happens when you have no scruples, no integrity, no values to anchor you. It’s amazing he hasn’t dried up and completely blown away by now.

by Anonymousreply 20May 9, 2024 7:34 PM

She really is a mess.

by Anonymousreply 21May 9, 2024 9:04 PM

He's about to die from humiliation now that the FBI has seen all the black dick porn on his phone

by Anonymousreply 22May 9, 2024 9:22 PM

I read this as “Lindsey Graham looks increasingly aged and defecated,” and hoped he had suffocated in one of Trump’s diapers.

by Anonymousreply 23May 9, 2024 9:42 PM

[quote] now that the FBI has seen all the black dick porn on his phone

I've been hacked!!!

by Anonymousreply 24May 9, 2024 9:52 PM

I think Lindsey Graham realizes that he is a wholly failed human being.

by Anonymousreply 25May 9, 2024 11:55 PM

^ We've been trying to tell him that since his daddy John McCain died

by Anonymousreply 26May 9, 2024 11:58 PM

Magats can't take a hint and refuse to leave when they are unwanted

by Anonymousreply 27May 10, 2024 12:08 AM

[quote] No he was apparently a super cute kid who danced for nickels at his parents bar. Seriously.

R9, I’m not arguing with you but it deserves mention that he would have never have made nearly as much without the babydoll dress and Shirley Temple wig.

by Anonymousreply 28May 10, 2024 12:43 AM

^ It's true although he dressed as a rootin-tootin buckaroo for the old drunk men who would toss change at dancehall Lindsey

by Anonymousreply 29May 10, 2024 12:46 AM


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by Anonymousreply 30May 10, 2024 12:59 AM

Love the Lindsey Graham posts

Always hilarious

by Anonymousreply 31May 10, 2024 1:29 AM

I wonder if we'll ever find out what Trump said to him on the golf course that led to the overnight,180° pivot. After all the players have died, will a trove of incriminating documents about prominent Republicans or the contents of David Pecker's safe be revealed? Steve Schmidt, among others, squealed about McCain after he died.

by Anonymousreply 32May 10, 2024 1:41 AM

Oh, a touch of Just for Men and a little BBC and Miss Lindz will be right as a South Carolina June bug.

by Anonymousreply 33May 10, 2024 1:53 AM

Needs to retire, daydrink and stop pretending. We all know.

by Anonymousreply 34May 10, 2024 1:56 AM

It happens especially when you live up inside Trump's ass wearing a Southern bell hoop skirt.

by Anonymousreply 35May 10, 2024 1:57 AM

Lady G(eriatric)

by Anonymousreply 36May 10, 2024 2:24 AM

He stopped dyeing his hair this flaxen blonde color. Sad.

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by Anonymousreply 37May 10, 2024 5:02 AM

Being evil ages a man but does not kill

by Anonymousreply 38May 10, 2024 5:13 AM

Poor old girl. Wilting before our very eyes.

by Anonymousreply 39May 10, 2024 5:15 AM

@r38, Hey, Dick, how many human hearts and souls have you stolen to keep your evil alive?

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by Anonymousreply 40May 10, 2024 5:33 AM

The old gal just needs to find the right frock and wig.

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by Anonymousreply 41May 10, 2024 5:48 AM

Miss Lindsey is suffering the effects of spending so much time up Trump's ass:

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by Anonymousreply 42May 10, 2024 6:50 AM

🎵 Bad girls…. 🎵

by Anonymousreply 43May 10, 2024 7:32 AM

Po’ thang, she truly is in love with Trump and he’s treating her like shit. The Trumpette’s at Mar-a-Lago shun her. The octogenarian club members & donors may be abundant as gentleman callers, but it’s Trump who is the object of her lust. Access getting the gross stuff below Trump’s waist has diminished. She’s in pain and drowning her sorrows with booze.

by Anonymousreply 44May 12, 2024 9:19 AM

She must have been hitting the sauce early today (Happy Mother’s Day, Meemaw), because Lady G sounded unhinged on MtP this morning. She started screaming at Kristen Walker that Israel should drop whatever bombs it wants on Gaza, the civilian casualties be damned. Pipe down, bitch.

by Anonymousreply 45May 12, 2024 3:18 PM

In all his glory.

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by Anonymousreply 46May 12, 2024 4:45 PM

^ Wow, drunk as a skunk. I just wish Lady Lindsey would have a drunken slip and fall. She's beyond tiresome.

by Anonymousreply 47May 12, 2024 6:17 PM

I'm sure military officials will be delighted to hear Miss Lindz says they're "full of crap."

by Anonymousreply 48May 12, 2024 7:14 PM

The ‘G’ in Lady G stands for geriatric.

by Anonymousreply 49May 12, 2024 7:59 PM

Being a repetitive, potty-mouth drunk is not becoming of someone who claims to be a lady.

by Anonymousreply 50May 12, 2024 10:29 PM

Early morning drunk.

by Anonymousreply 51May 12, 2024 10:31 PM

Aunt Pittypat got into the cooking sherry again!

by Anonymousreply 52May 12, 2024 10:55 PM

Did he just suggest that Israel drop nukes on their Nextdoor neighbor? Because that’s what it sounds like. “Whatever you have to do!!”

How dumb or drunk do you have to be to root for Israel to nuke Gaza? Fallout travels, buddy. It doesn’t respect the lines on a map. Good grief he has lost the plot.

by Anonymousreply 53May 12, 2024 11:01 PM

He's six months older than my big brother... who, even with his recently grown salt-and-pepper beard looks like he could be Lindz's son.

But then again, Rev. Al Sharpton (b. 1954) looks like he could be my brother's GRANDFATHER.

Aging is an interesting thing.

by Anonymousreply 54May 12, 2024 11:08 PM

They're must be a shit- ton of damning "information" - *cough* photos of rent-boys *cough* ,that the FBI has gotten off his surrendered cell-phone and is about to go Public with. SAD!

by Anonymousreply 55May 12, 2024 11:22 PM

I hope the dirt on Lindseybelle gets leaked. We need to see this vile creature be publicly humiliated.

by Anonymousreply 56May 13, 2024 12:01 AM

He's always looks a bit old for his age, dyed hair or not.

by Anonymousreply 57May 13, 2024 1:02 AM

He is starting to look like Diane Feinstein

by Anonymousreply 58May 13, 2024 1:14 AM

He looks old, stupid and blackmailed. Which I'm sure he is.

by Anonymousreply 59May 13, 2024 4:45 AM

Why has no one ever outed this nasty old Queen?

by Anonymousreply 60May 13, 2024 6:41 AM

DL has been speculating on Lady G's demise for years now and she's still kicking. SC doesn't seem inclined to get rid of her (and if they did, they'd just pick someone even more loathsome), so she'll hang in there until the bitter end, rolled into the Senate in a wheelchair (by a hot intern, no doubt), drooling and only able to see out of one eye. Because what else does she have? Maybe she'll get caught up on the GA election scandal, but I'm guessing she gave them enough to cover her backside but not enough to go to jail. I've given up on the idea that they'll ever be any kind of public reckoning for Lady Toady

by Anonymousreply 61May 13, 2024 8:33 AM

It’s all the pussy he’s been getting from Roseanne!!! He’s wearing her out 3 times a day, 7 days a week. He just can’t get enough of Roseanne’s blooming rose!!!

by Anonymousreply 62May 13, 2024 8:39 AM

At her DC residence, her suite at Mar-a-Lago, and very private, invitation only gatherings such as the GOP orgies,, Lady Lindzebelle emerges with her lingerie, wigs, feminine accessories, etc.. She appears.much younger charming, and seductive.

by Anonymousreply 63May 13, 2024 8:45 AM

OP How old do you think Biden looks?

by Anonymousreply 64May 13, 2024 9:02 AM

What a waste, a smart guy with no integrity.

by Anonymousreply 65May 13, 2024 9:21 AM

SC knows LG is a not-so-closeted gay. He receives a lot of the “Karen” vote; don’t have another word to describe it. MAGAs detest him. Democrats dislike him. He gets re-elected because a Democratic candidate has huge numbers to overcome in this GOP controlled state. The Republican primary opponents who have challenged him have been far-right loonies. Primarily though, LG receives tons of money from powerful special interests.

He’s had boyfriends before going to Congress. That said, he has always latched onto an older, powerful politician.

LG’s relationship with Trump certainly has its perplexities, and at times has been rocky. Nevertheless, it will end, and end badly. LG is in denial about that happening. DJT will dump LG when he sees LG is of no further use to him. Graham has this romantic obsession with Trump, and LG will be devastated when Trump gives him the permanent boot.

If Trump loses in November, he will blame Graham and other Republicans as he quickly fizzles into irrelevancy.

by Anonymousreply 66May 13, 2024 12:51 PM

After you sell your soul, then sell your hole, there is nothing to do but wait for the Grinning Reaper.

Miss Lindsey is simply waiting for death.

by Anonymousreply 67May 13, 2024 1:52 PM

He looks like an old fat & haggard alcoholic closeted queen who's been in the closet his whole life. He's fucked in the head, you know. He's known to be a shoplifter.

by Anonymousreply 68May 13, 2024 1:57 PM

Like a retarded Truman Capote...

by Anonymousreply 69May 13, 2024 2:16 PM

[QUOTE]Graham has this romantic obsession with Trump,

I thought it was more of a fearful obsession.

[QUOTE]He's known to be a shoplifter.

What?! Seriously? Details, please. The thought of him captured on store surveillance is amusing.

by Anonymousreply 70May 13, 2024 3:05 PM

Miss Lindsey probably shoplifted the Jeff Stryker XXXXL dildo from the adult superstore in Columbia, SC.

by Anonymousreply 71May 13, 2024 3:08 PM

[quote] What?! Seriously? Details, please.

Al Franken revealed that he had witnessed Lindsay shoplift before.

by Anonymousreply 72May 13, 2024 7:18 PM

Merchants in SC boutiques and other specialty stores know to watch him.

He can afford to pay given his lucrative three+ checks from the government coming in regularly for decades.

by Anonymousreply 73May 13, 2024 8:42 PM

He expects free stuff from constituents?

How "poor" should he be?

by Anonymousreply 74May 13, 2024 10:40 PM

[QUOTE]OP How old do you think Biden looks?

Not as mangled as you are, boy, whoever the fuck you are.

by Anonymousreply 75May 13, 2024 11:02 PM

Soon he'll be carrying his liver in a bag.

by Anonymousreply 76May 13, 2024 11:09 PM

As a matter of fact Franken said that Graham's penchant for retail thievery was a compulsion, not just some asshole too cheap to pay for what he wants.

by Anonymousreply 77May 13, 2024 11:10 PM

Holly moley!

Shit, Lindz steals retail! What do the rest of the "quiet" GOP do?

by Anonymousreply 78May 14, 2024 12:27 AM

Stand Strong, Senator Graham! They tried to get me on shoplifting too!

by Anonymousreply 79May 14, 2024 1:23 AM

Mincing prisspot

by Anonymousreply 80May 14, 2024 1:57 AM

He should team up with Winona Ryder and they can steal stuff together

by Anonymousreply 81May 14, 2024 2:07 AM

Trump, Kavanaugh, Herschel, Hannity, Jesse Watters, Gowdy, etc. uh-huh

by Anonymousreply 82May 14, 2024 8:39 AM

As he should!

by Anonymousreply 83May 14, 2024 8:41 AM

When Ms Linz shows her teeth she looks wild and those wet looking eyes....what's with that?

by Anonymousreply 84May 14, 2024 9:23 AM

[quote]When Ms Linz shows her teeth she looks wild and those wet looking eyes....what's with that?

Girl can smell cock in the air.

...and she wants it!

by Anonymousreply 85May 14, 2024 9:53 AM


People age.

by Anonymousreply 86May 14, 2024 10:07 AM

My mother, a hearty Bostonian to the core had a saying Lindsay should heed about new business associates and making friends-

“Ya gotta make sure there’s no teeth before you wrap that fox too tight round your neck!”

by Anonymousreply 87May 14, 2024 10:44 AM

[quote]When Ms Linz shows her teeth she looks wild and those wet looking eyes....what's with that?

You think his eyes are wet looking? You should see his mussy!

by Anonymousreply 88May 14, 2024 1:12 PM

Wet eyes= Lifetime Alcoholic

by Anonymousreply 89May 15, 2024 12:32 AM

One that’s frequently drunk and it is still morning, certainly may be perceived as an alcoholic.

by Anonymousreply 90May 15, 2024 1:28 PM

Thank you R85,R88, R89

by Anonymousreply 91May 15, 2024 8:33 PM

Wet Eyes is the name of my new 80s tribute band!

by Anonymousreply 92May 15, 2024 9:23 PM

It can be on a double-bill with my band, Moist Mussy.

by Anonymousreply 93May 15, 2024 9:31 PM

She’ll be age 69 next month.

What do wrinkled, flabby, and fading ladybugs look like?

by Anonymousreply 94May 16, 2024 8:39 AM

Something is going on with him. He was on one of the Sunday morning shows last week and he would have a Scarlett O’Hara-esque meltdown every other minute.

by Anonymousreply 95May 16, 2024 8:42 AM

Those constantly grey, wet eyes are a classic symptom of alcoholism.

by Anonymousreply 96May 16, 2024 9:13 AM

[QUOTE]She’ll be age 69 next month.

According to whom?

Ahit scarry.

by Anonymousreply 97May 16, 2024 9:17 AM

If Trump is so busy and neglecting Lindsey’s fragile needs, the orange man could at least have Junior and Eric to fill-in during the meantime. They could address the loose ends of the situation. Junior and Eric could switch-off or work together on the task.

by Anonymousreply 98May 16, 2024 10:11 AM

He can remove himself from the position and do something else with his life. He is unwanted.

It is not as if he's served with distinction or dignity.

Go away. Go do something else, Linds.

by Anonymousreply 99May 16, 2024 10:39 AM

Lindsey represents a state, South Carolina, run by corrupt land developers and politicians. The environmental destruction, wildlife genocide, water pollution, and lack of certain historical preservations, are very disturbing, but few care.

by Anonymousreply 100May 16, 2024 12:25 PM

[quote]People age.

And raging alcoholics age like milk.

Your point?

by Anonymousreply 101May 16, 2024 12:31 PM

Biden and Trump would look just as tired hadn't they spent money on plastic surgery like a Kardashian. He's old.

by Anonymousreply 102May 16, 2024 12:59 PM

OP M- The REAL reason he’s looking so old- because he’s finding it increasingly difficult to get a

WELL hung TOP to fuck him silly 😜

by Anonymousreply 103May 16, 2024 1:17 PM

R102- Biden has had a LOT of work done to his face.

by Anonymousreply 104May 16, 2024 1:18 PM

[quote]Lindsey Graham looks increasingly aged and defecated


by Anonymousreply 105May 16, 2024 3:28 PM

Lady Lindzebelle’s tweets show her immense passion for Orange Mussolini.

by Anonymousreply 106May 17, 2024 1:25 AM

Graham has no life outside the Senate. No spouse. No children. It's all he has. He is frightened of Trump having him primaried in 2026.

by Anonymousreply 107May 17, 2024 6:10 AM

Why? The orange fool will be dead by then.

by Anonymousreply 108May 17, 2024 6:43 AM

Miz Lindsey looks like a shell of her former self. She looks like a wig stand.

by Anonymousreply 109May 17, 2024 8:09 AM

LG has loads of $$$$$ and could have easily retired long ago. She’s one of the types, as is Mitch, that will die in office. They are selfish people.

by Anonymousreply 110May 17, 2024 8:38 AM

She loves Mar-a-Lago. She can retire there and Walt Nauta can assign her one of his valet pals.

by Anonymousreply 111May 17, 2024 8:56 AM

[Quote] Not as mangled as you are, boy, whoever the fuck you are.

Biden's poll numbers are awful. America, brace for a Trump victory in November.

Not looking good R75

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by Anonymousreply 112May 17, 2024 2:23 PM

Flip Miss Lindz & have her show & tell.

by Anonymousreply 113May 17, 2024 2:45 PM

The media adores her.

by Anonymousreply 114May 18, 2024 12:13 AM

She’s made such a fool of herself these last years.

by Anonymousreply 115May 18, 2024 8:31 AM

The lady is an opportunist who will flip as the wind shifts. Her core value is self promotion. There’s always a “daddy” figure and she flaunts that association.

by Anonymousreply 116May 18, 2024 9:08 AM

R75 The truth hurts

Bill Maher Attacks Biden's Appearance and Age: 'He's Cadaver-Like'

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by Anonymousreply 117May 21, 2024 10:20 PM

Don Junior and Eric, while Kimberly and Lara wiggle and jiggle for the donor patrons of Mar-a-Lago, must try to keep Miz Lindz cheerful and happy. Papa Trump has been too neglectful of Miz Lindz’s needs lately.

by Anonymousreply 118May 22, 2024 6:53 AM


by Anonymousreply 119May 22, 2024 11:30 PM

When the LadyG visits the resort when Trump is here, or travels with Trump, that is tremendous time for me. I won’t be needing to clean the nasty ass then, and be changing his diapers.

by Anonymousreply 120May 29, 2024 1:34 PM

R117 Bill Maher is age 68. He looks every bit of it and then some.

by Anonymousreply 121May 29, 2024 8:44 PM

Thanks for the shoplifting tea!

The most obvious reason: psychopathy. Which means having no stable inner self so he can't really "self sooth." He's desperate for excitement, danger, thrills. What can be more thrilling than getting away with a crime in the open? Like a snake who's spotted a rat to prey upon.

There may be other explanations but I don't know what they could be.

They also love kink, which could relate to that infamous golf date?

by Anonymousreply 122May 29, 2024 9:42 PM

* shit I think I meant "soothe"

The excitement of waiting to be whacked by a grammar monitor on DL...

by Anonymousreply 123May 29, 2024 9:44 PM

I wish our GQP orgies at that West Virginia resort would start a couple hours earlier. I’m in bed by 9 PM wherever I am at.

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by Anonymousreply 124May 30, 2024 1:27 AM

Grassley is going to be 91 in September. How much longer is that old fossil going to be in the Senate?

by Anonymousreply 125May 30, 2024 6:45 AM
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