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Buck finally comes out as gay on 911

Or bi. Fucking finally! It's been a long time coming.

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by Anonymousreply 411July 8, 2024 2:41 AM

This only happened because they finally got rid of that homophobic show runner who refused to explore Buck’s obvious sexual chemistry with men.

by Anonymousreply 1April 5, 2024 4:52 PM

He kisses like straight actors who play gay characters tend to kiss – make your lips as small as possible, ram them into the other actor's lips, remain perfectly still, and start counting down the seconds until you can mercifully pull away.

by Anonymousreply 2April 5, 2024 4:54 PM


Buck fans knew it all along.

But we've been shipping Buck and Eddie.

Who's this guy kissing Buck?

I haven't watched the show in a while.

Also, the clip looks more like the other guy kissing Buck, and him not really kissing back.

So is he "out, out" or was he just caught off guard being kissed by another guy?

Can someone who has been watching the show, catch me up on Buck's story?

by Anonymousreply 3April 5, 2024 4:54 PM

How can a Ryan Murphy show have a homophobic show runner, R1?

by Anonymousreply 4April 5, 2024 4:55 PM

The kiss was a total surprise to him, R2, it's not like he was in the throes of passion.

by Anonymousreply 5April 5, 2024 4:58 PM

Is this "Tommy" person, the guy kissing him in op's clip?

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by Anonymousreply 6April 5, 2024 4:59 PM

R3 You Buddie stans will never get it. Eddie is straight. He has always been straight. He will never hook up with a guy, not Buck, nor anyone else. Buck has always been bi coded though, or gay, probably bi. It's been hinted at for years, even outside of the Buddie ship.

by Anonymousreply 7April 5, 2024 5:00 PM

Yes, R6. The actor is Lou Ferrigno Jr.

by Anonymousreply 8April 5, 2024 5:01 PM

It was Tommy and Buck.

Here's the whole scene.

Was this on the most recent episode of 911?

I might have to start watching again.

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by Anonymousreply 9April 5, 2024 5:02 PM

I always said Buck had more chemistry with that Hispanic co-worker than any female.

by Anonymousreply 10April 5, 2024 5:02 PM

Buck would never come out on 911.

by Anonymousreply 11April 5, 2024 5:06 PM

Shut up, R7.

Buck and Eddie forever!!!!!

Even their shipping name "Buddie" is perfect for them.

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by Anonymousreply 12April 5, 2024 5:07 PM

Every Buck and Eddie scene reads gay.

I don't know if that's intentional, or just the chemistry between the actors.

But it's kind of hilarious.

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by Anonymousreply 13April 5, 2024 5:08 PM

Eddie in those tight jeans..... omg.

You can't blame Buck for being in love with him.

Eddie, his son, and Buck are essentially a family unit.

And Buck probably dreams of Eddie pounding him from behind.

I mean, who wouldn't?

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by Anonymousreply 14April 5, 2024 5:13 PM

Even if they hadn't finally gone there, one of the things I've always liked about 9-1-1 is that there's never been a hint of gay panic from Buck.

by Anonymousreply 15April 5, 2024 5:20 PM

Buck and Eddie have a really nice friendship, and yes, they were gay for each other, sorta. But it was never serious. Look at Eddie's life outside of Buddie... nothing reads as gay. Buck on the other hand: jeez, I was surprised it didn't happen sooner as it's been hinted at for years.

by Anonymousreply 16April 5, 2024 5:20 PM

I wonder what will happen now. Who will he tell? Will he go on a date with Tommy? I bet he will start talking to Hen in a very Buck-way, like asking her "how did you realize you were gay" or "when did you come out". That sorta stuff, without actually saying it's about him, but Hen being Hen will know. She has great intuition.

by Anonymousreply 17April 5, 2024 5:23 PM

I'm curious if Buck will come out to Eddie, or not.

It could actually drastically alter their friendship.

I mean, it's something major that Buck has been "hiding" for their entire friendship.

Eddie could feel betrayed by Buck, rather than supportive. And he might also feel uncomfortable around Buck now, especially given how close they have been all these years.

But would Buck actually keep a relationship with the new guy a secret from Eddie, so as not to harm their friendship with each other?

This storyline has a lot of potential for drama. I love it.

by Anonymousreply 18April 5, 2024 5:25 PM

[quote]Hen being Hen will know. She has great intuition.

Or she's read the script.

by Anonymousreply 19April 5, 2024 5:27 PM

[quote]Will he go on a date with Tommy?


[quote]I'm curious if Buck will come out to Eddie, or not.

Apparently, he'll come out to everybody, and some will be surprised and some will not.

by Anonymousreply 20April 5, 2024 5:28 PM

[quote] Fucking finally! It's been a long time coming.

Get a life.

by Anonymousreply 21April 5, 2024 5:28 PM

Nothing will ever come between Buddie....

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by Anonymousreply 22April 5, 2024 5:29 PM

[quote]I wonder what will happen now. Who will he tell? Will he go on a date with Tommy? I bet he will start talking to Hen in a very Buck-way, like asking her "how did you realize you were gay" or "when did you come out". That sorta stuff, without actually saying it's about him, but Hen being Hen will know. She has great intuition.

Actually, from an interview I read with Tim Minear and Oliver Stark about it, they're going at it from a different angle. Basically, they said that didn't want to make a Very Special Episode from 1983, and so the issue for Buck is not that he likes Tommy, but how MUCH he likes him. And they don't have plans to go there with Eddie, but also don't rule it out either.

It's a real credit to both the writers and the actor that a character that was honestly kind of hateful when the show first started turned out to be one of the most loved ones. It's been a journey.

by Anonymousreply 23April 5, 2024 5:29 PM

R20 It's been coming for a while. Buck was always bi/gay coded, even outside of the Buddie ship.

by Anonymousreply 24April 5, 2024 5:32 PM

The stans for Buck and Eddie are probably losing their minds.

Lou Ferrigno Jr is hot, even if I'd still rather do dad.

by Anonymousreply 25April 5, 2024 5:33 PM

R21 Oh fuck off, it¨'s not like I have been obsessed with it. I have watched the show for 7 seasons, it has nothing to do with Buddie or Buck finally coming out. I just happen to like the show, so of course I wanted Buddie to be bi or gay (or more like thought he would be), as it's been hinted at for years. I'm not even a Buddie stan as I always thought Eddie was straight, even though I do think they have a cute friendship.

by Anonymousreply 26April 5, 2024 5:35 PM

R23 Yes, that is so true. Buck's character growth has been the most interesting imo. And I appreciate the actor himself saying he has been thinking for a while that Buck would be bi or gay.

by Anonymousreply 27April 5, 2024 5:40 PM

Here's the whole scene.

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by Anonymousreply 28April 5, 2024 5:45 PM

I was not aware of "Buddie" and I never thought Buck was gay. But neither was I surprised by last night's developments. And the kiss made me hard.

by Anonymousreply 29April 5, 2024 5:46 PM

R29 Really? It has been hinted at for years, I guess it was subtle. Or maybe I was reading into things that weren't there? Idk. I just always suspected he would be attracted to men, so I'm glad it finally happened.

by Anonymousreply 30April 5, 2024 5:48 PM

Contrary to DL orthodoxy, I do not believe people suddenly realize they're gay later in life. They may not act on it or engage in the homosex until later, but I believe you know.

Therefore, I find characters who come out in this manner false.

Also, as much as I like the hot guys turning out to be into other dudes, I dislike ride-or-die friendships turning sexual. As much as I like a good gay romance, I like stories about friends til the end, even more - friends who would do anything for each other, no questions, no hesitation.

by Anonymousreply 31April 5, 2024 5:49 PM

[quote]Here's the whole scene.

Tommy calling him "Evan" instead of "Buck" shouldn't be a turn-on, but it kind of is.

by Anonymousreply 32April 5, 2024 5:55 PM

More than anything it seems like even though Buck is thought of fondly by everyone, he hasn’t found a place to call home. He doesn’t feel good about his parents, none of his girlfriends have worked out he has just ambled around. Like Peter Krause’s Bobby’s first family died and he is an alcoholic - Athena A Bassett was the structure he needed. The love of Eddie’s life will always be his son. chimney now has his own family unit. Buck has been a big Labrador looking for something that felt right. I thought last night was a really nice episode.

by Anonymousreply 33April 5, 2024 5:57 PM

[quote][R29] Really? It has been hinted at for years, I guess it was subtle.

Well, he was a womanizer for years and he was devastated when his first serious live-in relationship fell apart, so ...

[quote]Contrary to DL orthodoxy, I do not believe people suddenly realize they're gay later in life. They may not act on it or engage in the homosex until later, but I believe you know. Therefore, I find characters who come out in this manner false.

You're assuming he's gay and not bi. And we don't know yet if he's been aware of his feelings for men prior to this.

by Anonymousreply 34April 5, 2024 5:57 PM

R31 That's why they should have made him gay earlier. He's in his 30s now. It's a bit late to come out. It's not even just that, coming out later is one thing, but most people realize they're gay early on, even if they come out later. It seemed like this was a sudden realization or something.

by Anonymousreply 35April 5, 2024 6:23 PM

R34 So what? It was still hinted at that he might be bi or gay, all his relationships falling apart was one clue.

by Anonymousreply 36April 5, 2024 6:25 PM

R34 That's why I hope he mentions that he has been attracted to men in the past. Having it happen now out of the blue is kinda random.

by Anonymousreply 37April 5, 2024 6:26 PM

[quote]It was still hinted at that he might be bi or gay, all his relationships falling apart was one clue.

So gay men whose relationships fall apart might actually be straight?

by Anonymousreply 38April 5, 2024 6:27 PM

I mean, it's not even the first time 9-1-1 has gone there, because a major part of Athena's story the first season was adjusting to starting her life over after her first husband came out.

I think that's one of the reasons I've always liked the show so much. They've always been big on diversity. It's just a silly procedural, but it's a silly procedural with a really, really likable cast.

by Anonymousreply 39April 5, 2024 6:28 PM

I mean if you had to do it with Connie Britton wouldn't you go gay too?

by Anonymousreply 40April 5, 2024 6:34 PM

[quote]I mean if you had to do it with Connie Britton wouldn't you go gay too?

She didn't have that effect on Jason Mantzoukas.

by Anonymousreply 41April 5, 2024 6:35 PM

Evan 'Buck' Buckley being bisexual...

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by Anonymousreply 42April 5, 2024 6:38 PM

r41 yet....

by Anonymousreply 43April 5, 2024 6:38 PM

i would rather the hulks son fuck the shit out of me than eddie.

by Anonymousreply 44April 5, 2024 6:42 PM

R39 I agree. And I know Athena's ex was gay. That's how it started, with them in therapy after he just came out to her. That was a great story and made me fall in love with the show, and the characters, who are all very likable. What annoyed me was that they had so many gay (male) storylines over the years, even though they were only minor storylines. But through 7 seasons two men have NEVER kissed. They had a whole ass storyline with Athena's ex coming out as gay, dating, and eventually marrying another man without being allowed to kiss. They only hugged. This show has also had other gay minor stories with gay couples, but like I said they were never allowed to kiss. It was very weird. It's like there was a ban. Meanwhile they had the lesbians kiss and have sex.

by Anonymousreply 45April 5, 2024 6:46 PM

R40 I totally forgot about that storyline! I think Britton's character was supposed to get with Bobby, but that idea was obviously thrown out when she quit the show. They paired him up with Athena instead. Now I'm glad they did. Athena and Bobby work very well as a couple.

by Anonymousreply 46April 5, 2024 6:49 PM

[quote]It's like there was a ban

I think there likely was. For the last few seasons when it was on Fox, they had a different showrunner, who apparently put the kibosh on it. When it moved to ABC, Tim Minear took over. Oliver Stark had wanted to go down this road with Buck before, but Minear approached him before he could ask.

[quote]I think Britton's character was supposed to get with Bobby, but that idea was obviously thrown out when she quit the show.

I swear I remember that she'd only agreed to a single season. although I guess that could be face saving on the show's part. But honestly, as much as I like Connie Britton, I think the show was stronger without her.

by Anonymousreply 47April 5, 2024 6:59 PM

The voice-over here is so funny.

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by Anonymousreply 48April 5, 2024 7:36 PM

[quote]It's like there was a ban

Isn't there a huge story about Rob Lowe's son on the spin-off show 911:Lonestar being gay? We've discussed the actor, Ronen Rubinstein, numerous times on DL.

I don't watch it - did they never kiss on that show?

by Anonymousreply 49April 5, 2024 8:10 PM

R49 Yes, they did! The gays on the spin-off Lone Star are allowed to kiss. Seems like the ban was only on the original 911 for some reason.

by Anonymousreply 50April 5, 2024 8:20 PM

The Hulk’s son! 👅

by Anonymousreply 51April 5, 2024 8:24 PM

Oliver Stark's real speaking voice is a lot sexier than Buck's - and it's not just the accent.

by Anonymousreply 52April 5, 2024 8:35 PM

interesting... considering Ryan Guzman (Eddie) is the real homo!

by Anonymousreply 53April 5, 2024 9:28 PM

Are you for real R53, or just being a jerk?

I read that Ryan got divorced just last year.

[quote] I dislike ride-or-die friendships turning sexual. As much as I like a good gay romance, I like stories about friends til the end, even more - friends who would do anything for each other, no questions, no hesitation.

Buck and Eddie are not a thing (yet).

So what you wrote could still be the case between them.

Buddie (for now) are still "friends who would do anything for each other, no questions, no hesitation."

Unless they choose to write Eddie's character as being slightly homophobic, should Buck tell him about his new gay/bisexual relationship.

by Anonymousreply 54April 5, 2024 9:48 PM

I mean, unless the knowledge that his bestie is bi is going to throw Eddie off, I can't imagine him being homophobic. The show has...i don't want to say teased, but at least acknowledged the chemistry between the two of them with rather refreshing good humor. There was a sweet Christmas episode where Buck and Eddie took Eddie's son to see Santa, and the elf made a comment to Buck as they were leaving that the three of them were a beautiful family. Buck didn't protest or correct her; he just smiled and thanked her.

by Anonymousreply 55April 5, 2024 9:54 PM

I had to look up that scene on YouTube R55.

Very cute!

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by Anonymousreply 56April 5, 2024 10:57 PM

Oliver and Ryan have a great attitude when it comes to the "passion" of their fans...

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by Anonymousreply 57April 5, 2024 11:07 PM

Why did Buck hit Eddie?

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by Anonymousreply 58April 6, 2024 3:42 AM

Buck tries to get Eddie's attention...

Buck is so adorable here.

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by Anonymousreply 59April 6, 2024 3:45 AM

Finally! I've been hoping for this storyline since Season 1. Is Lou F. Jr. gay in real life?

by Anonymousreply 60April 6, 2024 11:10 AM

Trailer for next week's episode.

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by Anonymousreply 61April 6, 2024 12:17 PM

I think Lou Jr. is definitely gay in real life.

At least from what I can see from his Instagram.

Also, no girlfriend in sight.

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by Anonymousreply 62April 6, 2024 12:29 PM

IIRC, there was a credible Grindr leak re: Ryan. And again, IIRC, his wife's reaction only added fuel.

by Anonymousreply 63April 6, 2024 3:32 PM

Ryan Guzman reminds me of Brian Hallisay (who did a guest stint on 911) - he's the actor who played the gay cop in Cold Case Forever Blue.

[quote]Buck tries to get Eddie's attention...Buck is so adorable here.

It is cute, but also has the "in love with my straight best friend" vibe which I don't like. You don't creep on your ride-or-die best friend.

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by Anonymousreply 64April 6, 2024 4:13 PM

Buck was acting like a jealous little bitch.

by Anonymousreply 65April 6, 2024 5:08 PM

[quote]The gays on the spin-off Lone Star are allowed to kiss.

Much more than just kiss.

I couldn't believe I was actually seeing this on network television. And this was 4 years ago.

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by Anonymousreply 66April 6, 2024 6:37 PM

This show just went to a major network. I wonder if MAGA will rise up in protest of the show now.

by Anonymousreply 67April 6, 2024 6:40 PM

The people commenting on TVLine certainly are passionate about it, on both sides.

Mostly it’s been seen as a positive. Especially if we know that it will end up as Buddie eventually.

I figured the actor would be up for it. He is British after all, no hang-ups about playing anything other than straight.

Tim was the show runner in the beginning, I believe. Then he left and that woman was the bitch who didn’t want anything to do with a Buddie storyline. She has now left and Tim is back.

by Anonymousreply 68April 6, 2024 7:31 PM

But, r67, I thought MAGA was AGAINST cancel culture?

by Anonymousreply 69April 6, 2024 7:34 PM

R67 The reason the gays are now allowed to kiss is exactly because the show changed networks. ABC is gay friendly, despite being owned by Disney. FOX is generally more conservative and homophobic. I believe they wanted to do this storyline for many years. The past few years in particular it was hinted at a lot. My guess is they weren't allowed to do this storyline, which is a shame. Only a few episodes into the new season on a new network, and Buck is allowed to be bi/gay? Not a coincidence imo. Anyways, I'm just glad it finally happened. Buck should have come out years ago, as it was always obvious he was bi imo.

by Anonymousreply 70April 6, 2024 8:14 PM

R68 Ah, so maybe that explains why it was finally allowed to happen? It was probably both tbh. The showrunner being back and a more gay friendly network.

by Anonymousreply 71April 6, 2024 8:18 PM

[quote]The reason the gays are now allowed to kiss is exactly because the show changed networks. ABC is gay friendly, despite being owned by Disney. FOX is generally more conservative and homophobic.

R70 Then explain how [bold]9-1-1 Lone Star[/bold] has been able to be extremely upfront and explicit with its gay storyline from the get-go on FOX? (Which has also renewed the show for 4 seasons, so far.)

Doesn't sound too "homophobic" to me.

by Anonymousreply 72April 6, 2024 8:29 PM

R66–he’s going right to work? No shower? Ew.

by Anonymousreply 73April 6, 2024 8:30 PM

Yes, R71. The woman was the one who kept foisting women on both Buck and Eddie, even though there was NO chemistry between the women they hooked them up with and especially anything having to do with the one storyline many, many people wanted.

It was incredibly smart of the actor to say that there had been hints for years regarding Buck and that this was coming for years. That way they couldn’t accuse the actor or the show-runners of coming out (so to speak) with this particular story arc for this character and saying it came out of nowhere.

Honestly, Stark and Guzman did have incredible chemistry from the get-go.

by Anonymousreply 74April 6, 2024 8:34 PM

Since Lone Star came after the original, I thought that the Lone Star couple was an answer to people clamoring for a Buddie romance.

While they are a cute couple and their storyline is important in the show and everybody accepts it, it was NOT the couple we wanted to see.

I saw it as appeasement for the Buddie storyline.

by Anonymousreply 75April 6, 2024 8:42 PM

I do find Tarlos pretty hot. Their wedding was very sweet.

by Anonymousreply 76April 6, 2024 8:43 PM

R72 I don't know. 911 has had several gay storylines over the years without a single gay kiss. How do you explain that? Athena's ex came out, dated men and got married without a single gay kiss. The 118 have saved many gay couples over the years. I even remember one episode where the gays were just about to kiss before it was cut. It very much felt like it was done on purpose, like because of a homophobic showrunner or network or something. And now... just a few episodes into the new season and on a new network and Buck is allowed to kiss. This doesn't feel like a coincidence.

by Anonymousreply 77April 6, 2024 8:44 PM

[quote]This doesn't feel like a coincidence.

Call me a cynic, but I'm more inclined to believe that they felt like they needed to justify the move to a new network. Combined with the writers' strike, I'm more inclined to believe that this was lazy writing and a purely cynical move for a quick ratings bump.

So, it may not be a coincidence, but it's not sudden freedom to do something they were prevented from doing previously.

by Anonymousreply 78April 6, 2024 9:09 PM

And the hot Lou Ferrigno Jr is his love interest?

Damn, I might have to watch this shit just to see that.

by Anonymousreply 79April 6, 2024 9:13 PM

So Tim Minear was a co-creator of the show and this woman named Nadia Abass-Madden was show runner when Tim left, according to IMDb.

So when Tim left, Nadia was the one who kept pushing for Buck and Eddie to be in relationships with women.

Early in the series with Tim the content was diverse. When he left that woman stopped all inclusive content, now that Tim is back we get this amazing storyline with Buck… think we figured out who the homophobe was. 🤔🤗

by Anonymousreply 80April 6, 2024 9:15 PM

[quote] I thought MAGA was AGAINST cancel culture?

MAGA INVENTED cancel culture.

by Anonymousreply 81April 6, 2024 9:33 PM

Oh, and when they did their crossover with Lone Star, they kind of teased the idea of Buck and TK, although TK said that while he thought Buck was hot, he was devoted to Carlos.

This really didn't come out of nowhere.

by Anonymousreply 82April 6, 2024 10:08 PM

A kiss in this week’s episode and a date in next week’s episode. When will the gay sex occur? I’m getting bottom vibes from Buck. I'm also guessing they'll drag it out and make him nervous about taking that step. I'm still here for it, though; Buck’s hot.

by Anonymousreply 83April 6, 2024 11:00 PM

[quote]911 has had several gay storylines over the years without a single gay kiss. How do you explain that?

R77 I can't explain it specifically, although the inference from this thread is that the woman showrunner may have had a lot to do with it. But you can't blame the network, because the spin-off show [italic]on that very same network[/italic] apparently had no problem showing gay men kissing, stripping, cuddling, and getting married.

Since Tim Minear has been the showrunner on Lone Star all along, it sounds like it's his return to 9-1-1, rather than the change in network, that is really responsible for this development. Who knows? Maybe Buck would've come out years ago if Minear hadn't left.

by Anonymousreply 84April 6, 2024 11:21 PM

Our recent thread on hot slab of beef Lou Ferrigno Jr.

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by Anonymousreply 85April 6, 2024 11:23 PM

This is a Ryan Murphy show, right? What's the big deal?

by Anonymousreply 86April 6, 2024 11:29 PM

[quote][R77] I can't explain it specifically, although the inference from this thread is that the woman showrunner may have had a lot to do with it. But you can't blame the network, because the spin-off show on that very same network apparently had no problem showing gay men kissing, stripping, cuddling, and getting married.

I'm also pretty sure that when they did the story in the first season of Hen cheating on her wife, they were fairly explicit with it.

by Anonymousreply 87April 7, 2024 1:32 AM

You can tell who the top is going to be.

by Anonymousreply 88April 7, 2024 1:45 AM

[quote] Buck finally comes out as gay on 911

Why didn’t someone inform me???

by Anonymousreply 89April 7, 2024 1:47 AM

R87 Yeah, but they always treat lesbians differently. I have seen many shows lately where the lesbians on the show are allowed to have sex, yet not the gay men. Tjis happened on the same fucking show and it happened maybe 10 times last year. It's hypocritical. It's why I don't want to get my hopes up. I don't expect anything other than kissing for Buck. Gay (male) sex on tv is still too controversial.

by Anonymousreply 90April 7, 2024 5:28 AM

[quote]Yeah, but they always treat lesbians differently.

I subscribe to the old saw that straight men like watching lesbians while panic seeing gay men, so allow the lesbian scenes while being OUTRAGED (read: secretly turned on) by gay men.

by Anonymousreply 91April 7, 2024 5:03 PM

The relationship Buck had with that charisma free reporter was ridiculous. They tried him with a female firefighter the last season and still no chemistry.

by Anonymousreply 92April 7, 2024 5:23 PM

[quote]The relationship Buck had with that charisma free reporter was ridiculous. They tried him with a female firefighter the last season and still no chemistry.

Yeah, but is it that the characters or the actors had no chemistry.

It's always hard to tell. I mean Peter Krause and Angela Bassett don't have a lot of chemistry together either - is it them or the characters?

by Anonymousreply 93April 7, 2024 5:55 PM

Both, R93.

The reporter was only interested in her own career. Again that show-runner was only interested in Buck and Eddie having girlfriends. They didn’t care about chemistry, or storylines, for that matter.

Peter and Angela have some chemistry.

by Anonymousreply 94April 7, 2024 6:18 PM

90 % of the Facebook comments are negative and homophobic. The haters say it came out of the blue. Have we been watchiing the same show? His sexuality has been hinted at for years ffs!

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by Anonymousreply 95April 7, 2024 6:19 PM

[quote]The haters say it came out of the blue. Have we been watchiing the same show? His sexuality has been hinted at for years ffs!

The bigger issue is that if you work in notoriously homophobic jobs - police, fire, military - why would either risk making a move without knowing the other was into the homosex.

What "came out of the blue" is not that Buck might be open to engage in the man going up into another man, but that he couldn't know that Tommy was gay and no way Tommy knew that Buck was into it.

If either were known homosexualists, that would be different. But, they were both taking a risk that wouldn't happen in real life.

by Anonymousreply 96April 7, 2024 8:34 PM


Really? 🙄🙄

by Anonymousreply 97April 7, 2024 9:24 PM

In the EW article, Oliver said the following:

“I think there's a responsibility to tell the story the right way. And for me, it's a balancing act between telling a queer love story but also just telling a love story, and not always needing to focus on the fact that it is a queer story. It's about finding that balance between wanting to highlight it but also not wanting to differentiate it from what media in the past may have seen as "normal," and just telling it as a story that is one of happiness and joy — and just focusing on the emotions and the human beings at the center of it. It's been a really nice gift: the opportunity to delve into this storyline, to be involved in telling it. I feel very proud of the work and just to be a part of it.”

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by Anonymousreply 98April 7, 2024 9:47 PM

He sho is pretty

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by Anonymousreply 99April 7, 2024 10:14 PM

I find the birthmark disturbing.

by Anonymousreply 100April 7, 2024 10:24 PM


I like the fact that it’s been brought up in interviews many times (rude and incredible) and his response was a polite “fuck you” and also, “Life is too fucking short to sweat the small stuff.”

by Anonymousreply 101April 7, 2024 10:35 PM

He looks a bit like Jesse Williams.......I wonder if the resemblance is.....down there too

by Anonymousreply 102April 7, 2024 10:45 PM

[quote]I find the birthmark disturbing.

Yeah, there's no version of the universe where I'd turn down a guy who looked like that with a body like his for something as insignificant as that birthmark.

by Anonymousreply 103April 7, 2024 11:37 PM

Buck would never have been gay!

by Anonymousreply 104April 7, 2024 11:46 PM

He’s my boyfriend!

by Anonymousreply 105April 8, 2024 12:00 AM

Both actors are hot as fuck and push back on the right-wing anti-gay/bi fuckers.

*standing ovation*

by Anonymousreply 106April 8, 2024 12:07 AM

Which one’s the top? I love the thought of Buck bottoming.

by Anonymousreply 107April 8, 2024 2:29 AM

I vote for Lou Ferrigno Jr to be the top......

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by Anonymousreply 108April 8, 2024 3:14 AM

Isn’t he sort of going to have to?

He does have to show Buck what to do!


by Anonymousreply 109April 8, 2024 6:44 AM

EW: Aware of the social media frenzy that the episode inspired online, Oliver Stark took to Instagram to add his voice into the mix.

“Humbled and overwhelmed by the positive reaction to Buck’s storyline. I’ve read so many of your messages and I couldn’t be prouder,” he wrote in an Instagram Stories post, before addressing those who feel differently. “If you are one of the smaller group of people commenting on my posts about how this has ruined the show, I would like you to know that I truly don’t care.”

“This is a show about love and inclusion. It’s featured queer relationships from the very beginning including a beautiful Black lesbian marriage played out by two of the best actresses I’ve ever watched. If one other character finding a new facet to his sexuality and realizing his bisexuality is your deal breaker — I fear you’ve missed the entire point of the show."

He concluded, "You are not required to announce your departure.”

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by Anonymousreply 110April 8, 2024 1:05 PM

[quote]He concluded, "You are not required to announce your departure.”

An honorary DLer.

by Anonymousreply 111April 8, 2024 1:16 PM

We can only hope playing a bi character will have the same effect on him that it did on Ronen Rubenstein.

Oliver, call me.

by Anonymousreply 112April 8, 2024 1:18 PM

I think we should watch them flip fuck a few times before deciding who should be the husband.

by Anonymousreply 113April 8, 2024 1:30 PM


Apparntly there's a script leak of Eddie calling Buck brother😂 The Buddies are going crazy on Twitter but instead of saying this means the end for buddy, they're saying it's fine, it's just delayed. This is about Buck, Eddie will come out later. Buddie is endgame etc😂

by Anonymousreply 114April 9, 2024 6:58 AM

There are only 10 episodes this season, so there really isn't much time to do a lot.

It was renewed for an 8th season already.

by Anonymousreply 115April 9, 2024 1:29 PM

I'm more interested to see what's going to happen with Lone Star. They had their order cut from 18 episodes to 12, and even though it's normally a mid-season show, it won't be coming back until the fall because of production delays from the strikes.

It was Fox's second-highest-rated drama (with 9-1-1 being the highest rated) in the 22-23 season. I'm assuming it might also have Network Affirmation Surgery after that.

by Anonymousreply 116April 9, 2024 1:40 PM

If Buddie is to happen, it need not be rushed. I wouldn’t even attempt to have them even trying to be something before the season finale. Let it breathe.

by Anonymousreply 117April 9, 2024 1:50 PM

There is “apparently” a leaked script out there for 7x05…and if accurate, Tommy apparently backs away from dating Buck after learning he’s a newbie.

But Eddie encourages Buck to call him and try for a second chance.

My IPad has limited search options, so DL sleuths, have at it!

by Anonymousreply 118April 10, 2024 12:09 AM

R118 is full of it. They can find this stuff online but suddenly can't share it here due to "limited search functions".

by Anonymousreply 119April 10, 2024 12:13 AM

Fuck your fat ass, R119.

I’m at the hospital sitting with a recovering post-appendectomy neighbor, so suck my ass.

So sorry I don’t think to lug my laptop along with me, asshole.

by Anonymousreply 120April 10, 2024 12:41 AM

^^^didn’t think to.

by Anonymousreply 121April 10, 2024 12:42 AM

Man, there are hard core Buck/Eddie “forever” Stans out there who would make Kstew/Pattinson fan girls drop their knives and head for the hills.

by Anonymousreply 122April 10, 2024 1:42 AM

R118, that surprises me. Tommy asked Buck if he was okay after kissing him. I thought that implied he knew Buck was a newbie.

by Anonymousreply 123April 10, 2024 1:16 PM

[quote][R118], that surprises me. Tommy asked Buck if he was okay after kissing him. I thought that implied he knew Buck was a newbie.

I took it as the whole getting permission thing - although it was after the fact.

It's a big thing now that they're telling young people that you have to ask for permission each step of the way as a sexual situation escalates.

Apparently, presenting hole is not sufficient go-ahead without verbal approval to proceed.

by Anonymousreply 124April 10, 2024 1:32 PM

[quote] Man, there are hard core Buck/Eddie “forever” Stans out there who would make Kstew/Pattinson fan girls drop their knives and head for the hills.

They’re shippers, not Stans.

by Anonymousreply 125April 10, 2024 1:34 PM

I saw the make-out clip and I’m hooked.

by Anonymousreply 126April 10, 2024 6:43 PM

[quote]They’re shippers, not Stans.


I have not yet seen a person indicate that Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman are lovers with a secret child.

by Anonymousreply 127April 10, 2024 6:59 PM

[quote] Buck finally comes out as gay on 911

Will they be able to do simulated anal in the season finale and show their faces as they climax with a big O.

by Anonymousreply 128April 10, 2024 7:11 PM

Wow, DL actually teaches me something useful this year!

Now I’ll have complete confidence when using “Stan/s)” and will forever shame others who misuse it.

by Anonymousreply 129April 10, 2024 8:38 PM

The tweet in the OP has been deleted. Here is the scene for those of you who want to watch it.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 130April 11, 2024 5:26 AM

R130 It's also on YouTube

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 131April 11, 2024 6:09 AM

R130 Oh never mind. I thought you linked to another Twitter. Didn't realize you posted the same link I did. LOL

by Anonymousreply 132April 11, 2024 6:10 AM

Is this only on ABC? Is there an unrated version on Max cuz I’m tryna see somthin

by Anonymousreply 133April 11, 2024 6:20 AM

Now get Buck's big cock out for our viewing pleasure!

by Anonymousreply 134April 11, 2024 6:26 AM

I'm shockingly excited to watch the new episode tonight.

by Anonymousreply 135April 11, 2024 9:37 PM

Buck is a cute character but man he’s not too bright.

“I’m an ally, every pride month i put a rainbow on my instagram"


by Anonymousreply 136April 11, 2024 11:08 PM

^ Honestly

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 137April 12, 2024 1:21 AM

Great episode. Cute men.

Slightly-above average Primetime acting, and I thought Lou’s performance was the best of the lot.

by Anonymousreply 138April 12, 2024 1:24 AM

“I mean, sure, I'll check out a hot guy’s ass, but that's normal.” —Buck. Preach!

by Anonymousreply 139April 12, 2024 2:08 AM

“I mean, sure, I'll check out a hot guy’s ass, but that's normal.” —Buck.

The look on Maddie's face was funny.

by Anonymousreply 140April 12, 2024 2:38 AM

Buck is a lovely character, wasn't he born to donate body parts for a sister, or something? Remember his back story was awful.

by Anonymousreply 141April 12, 2024 4:59 AM

R141 He was born to donate that tight hole to the LAFD.

by Anonymousreply 142April 12, 2024 7:17 AM

I thought the ass comment was pretty risque for network TV. I LOLed. Plus, his deadpan delivery helped.

by Anonymousreply 143April 12, 2024 9:19 AM

[quote]Slightly-above average Primetime acting, and I thought Lou’s performance was the best of the lot.

I dunno, Buck's voice shaking when he first admitted to Eddie that he and Tommy had been on a date....

by Anonymousreply 144April 12, 2024 9:28 AM

R144 That scene was kinda badly written, and seemed to be an end to Beddie. Hopefully.

Buck and Lou JR together are fucking hot, and will definitely confirm gayness for some young gaylings out there.

by Anonymousreply 145April 12, 2024 10:21 AM

The scene was terribly written. But then, it’s part of this show.

by Anonymousreply 146April 12, 2024 10:36 AM

[quote]Buck is a lovely character, wasn't he born to donate body parts for a sister, or something? Remember his back story was awful.

No, it was to find a bone marrow match for an older brother who eventually died of leukemia while he was too young to remember. The parents "forced" Maddie to keep it a secret which was an entire storyline when she finally told him.

The scene when he comes out to Maddie sort of undercuts everything. No guy who thinks he's straight would be checking out "hot guys" asses. If you are aware you're checking out hot guys, you're also keeping it secret; therefore, you having an inkling you're into dudes.

by Anonymousreply 147April 12, 2024 2:27 PM

R147 Throughout the entire run of the series, Buck has been the least self-aware character. He’s often clueless about the most obvious things (like why his relationships with women never work out). It is consistent with Buck’s character to identify as straight, but also think it’s totally normal to “check out a hot guy’s ass”. When another man expressed interest, Buck surprised himself by being open to it. This particular depiction of same-sex attraction is refreshing to see on broadcast television.

by Anonymousreply 148April 12, 2024 3:12 PM

Buck has intense golden retriever energy.

Sweet, loving, but not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.

by Anonymousreply 149April 12, 2024 3:15 PM

As cliche as it is, I do find it adorable that Tommy has always called him "Evan" instead of "Buck."

It's obviously written that way on purpose to elicit this exact response and shorthand to imply a deeper connection and such.

It's still adorable.

by Anonymousreply 150April 12, 2024 3:50 PM

From a THR interview with Lou:

[quote]It was originally, possibly going to be with Eddie and Tommy, but that fell through. But Oliver was willing, and I think that Oliver is just such a brave, generous actor.

Apparently, they wrote out the actress playing Buck's girlfriend due to availability issues and didn't want to write out both actresses at the same time.

by Anonymousreply 151April 12, 2024 5:16 PM

I wish the writers had taken Buck's coming out, a bit more slowly.

After the kiss, I would like to have seen him grapple with the emotions of having kissed another man for the first time.

Most guys in his situation would have been confused, or even angry at the thought of liking another guy.

I know that many of you are saying that this was a natural progression for Buck, but still, with his same sex attraction being so new, there should have at least been some grappling with his emotions.

Instead, he's acting like this is no big deal, and coming out to his sister and best friend, they're all acting like this is no big deal and everything is fine.

I don't buy it. Jennifer Love Hewitt's reaction was okay but she should have been more shocked. It was close, though.

Eddie's reaction, however. That was way off. I think that he would have been both shocked and disappointed, if the show really wanted to be real. And it would have taken time for someone like Eddie, to come to terms with it.

Instead, it's all acceptance from everyone, on day one.

USA Network airs reruns of 911 during the day, and interestingly ,they aired season one last week.

I got to watch the pilot episode and episode two, as well.

Buck screwed three different women in just episode one. His character was written as a total pussy hound womanizer.

I know that this is six seasons later, and Buck has evolved.

But still, there should have been a better fleshing out of his coming out story, and not just 100% acceptance by everyone.

by Anonymousreply 152April 12, 2024 6:06 PM

Finally watched the episode. Unpopular opinion: it was a bit underwhelming. I wish Buck would have reached out his hand to Tommy and showed some affection on the date, then he could have pulled it back when he saw Eddie. It would have been more effective that way, portrayed his hesitation more. I just expected more, that's all. I was so excited for their date. They showed no affection despite being on a supposed date. I'm talking before Eddie walked in, clearly. On the positive side: I liked how he came out to Maddie and then Eddie. Maddie, on accident, it was a funny coming out, I wish it was more serious though. And Maddie could have said she still loved him, this changes nothing, instead of wow. Anyways, she handled it as good as she could under the cicumstances I suppose. She was just shocked and didn't know what to say. She was very supportive. As for Buck; I will say it was very in-character for Buck to just blurt out Tommy's pronoun like that. I also liked how he came out to Eddie, in a more serious tone. You could tell he was nervous and it took a lot of courage to do that, to his macho best friend. And Eddie was very supportive too, just like Maddie. I liked that they didn't drag his coming out for too long. I also liked the fact that Buck said he was looking at a hot guy's ass. That was a lot for network tv! It also confirmed what I already suspcted: he has been attracted to guys for a while, he was just clueless about it and/or too scared to act on it. It was what I wanted, for the writers to tell us if he has always been attracted to men, or if he just realized it now. That one sentence said it all, this wasn't new to him. He has been attracted to guys before. So yes, very happy with that! Now if he's allowed to kiss (or at least show affection with) Tommy in the next episode, that would be nice. Oh yeah, and he needs to come out to Hen and the rest, like Bobby and Chim. That should be interesting. Obviously I know they will be supportive, but I'm interested in what they'll actually say, will they be surprised? Shocked? I have no idea.

by Anonymousreply 153April 12, 2024 6:15 PM

R152 I agree that it could have been handled better in the episode. However, Eddie has always been seen as the dumb macho dude, but very gay friendly and open minded. I don't think Eddie's reaction was out of character. In a way I'm glad he came out so soon and didn't drag it on forever, like many shows seem to do. It was refreshing, but yes, the writing could have been better. And I'm still not sure about writing a coming out as it's funny? Even if it's in-character for Buck. It just doesn't fit imo. As for Buck being a pussy hound? Yes, and? What's your point? Buck is bi, not gay. Buck can still love women, as he said. It's obvious he has been suppressing his same sex feelings, for some reason. Bi guys tend to come out later in life, as they don't question their sexuality since they think they're straight, as they're attractive to women. Often the attraction to guys surface later on. And now that Buck is older and thinking about what he wants with life, and is sick of just chasing women, maybe he wants something more, something different, more profound? With that said, I'm not sure he would have acted on his same sex feelings unless Tommy had kissed him. He wouldn¨t have dared imo. I think Tommy kissing him made him realize he liked it and why not see where it leads. Maybe we could have seen more of this realization though, instead of the one-liner about him checking out a guy's ass. But a lot was crammed into one episode. It wasn't perfect, but it was as good as can be expected on a network show. And this is a funny/dramatic/feel-good show. No way would they have anyone close to Buck react badly. It just wouldn't happen.

by Anonymousreply 154April 12, 2024 6:27 PM

Athena and Bobby thwart pirates, rescue a dumb kid and his amputee mother, and save a bickering couple (and themselves) all while on a capsized cruise ship during a storm - but folks want a realistic coming out story for Buck?

by Anonymousreply 155April 12, 2024 6:51 PM

[quote] Athena and Bobby thwart pirates, rescue a dumb kid and his amputee mother, and save a bickering couple (and themselves) all while on a capsized cruise ship during a storm - but folks want a realistic coming out story for Buck?

Nobody chews scenery like Miss Angela Bassett!

by Anonymousreply 156April 12, 2024 6:57 PM

Why would Buck call 911 to tell them he is a homosexual? Is this something the 911 operators really need to know?

by Anonymousreply 157April 12, 2024 6:57 PM

Why would Buck call 911 to tell them he is a homosexual? Is this something the 911 operators really need to know?

by Anonymousreply 158April 12, 2024 6:58 PM

R155 Exactly! If they want realistic they're watching the wrong show.

by Anonymousreply 159April 12, 2024 7:05 PM

R28 the definition of wooden performances

by Anonymousreply 160April 12, 2024 7:38 PM

[quote]I don't buy it. Jennifer Love Hewitt's reaction was okay but she should have been more shocked. It was close, though.

While surprised, I get the feeling Maddie has always suspected. From the flashbacks, it's clear she played motherly role to him from when he was a small child. You can sort of infer that the parents were somewhat distant due to the death of the older brother and the circumstances behind Buck's conception.

by Anonymousreply 161April 12, 2024 8:08 PM

It’s a miracle that the actors can make anything of these scenes. The writing in the scene post at R28 is the definition of banal.

by Anonymousreply 162April 12, 2024 8:37 PM

Buck didn't come out as "gay." He may just be fluid. I think his identity will be undefined to allow them to nix it if it hurts ratings.

by Anonymousreply 163April 12, 2024 10:04 PM

What man tells another man I was just trying to get your attention and does not want him to fuck him?

by Anonymousreply 164April 12, 2024 10:13 PM

[quote]What man tells another man I was just trying to get your attention and does not want him to fuck him?

Well, to be fair, on DL a guy telling another guy to f-off and die is tantamount to presenting hole...

by Anonymousreply 165April 12, 2024 11:12 PM

R152 It's only a 10 episode season, they had to truncate his coming out unless they wanted to continue it into season 8.

by Anonymousreply 166April 13, 2024 1:11 AM

It would have been a better story if Eddie had unfriended him, and wouldn't let him see Christopher any more.

Then they could slowly work their way back to each other, and fall in love.

by Anonymousreply 167April 13, 2024 1:32 AM

R163 Already renewed for another season.

by Anonymousreply 168April 13, 2024 2:21 AM

This storyline is the most publicized/media-covered thing this show has ever seen.

The Tommy/Buck thing is irresistibly hot and cannot be rewound.

Regarding their future as a couple, and the head-writers’ media babbling, they are clearly sticking their finger in the wind…and the wind likes it.

Like Glee (another Murphy-produced show) I’m guessing audience engagement will drive the storyline. (Think Kurt and Blaine).

As fellow shippers would say, endgame!

by Anonymousreply 169April 13, 2024 2:23 AM

Lou Ferrigno Jr was only tapped for 4 episodes this season, with his last being the next on May 2nd. They haven't finished writing the last 3 episodes, and with the popularity of the character/couple, hopefully he be kept on.

by Anonymousreply 170April 13, 2024 3:06 AM

I can't wait to see the reactions of the rest of the 118 fire team, to Buck's news.

Especially Bobby.

by Anonymousreply 171April 13, 2024 3:17 AM

[quote]Especially Bobby.

I'm betting that he'll intimate if not come right out and say that he's known or at least suspected for a long time - based on his numerous failed relationships with women.

by Anonymousreply 172April 13, 2024 4:19 AM

r172 Well, at least Buck never let them burn alive.

by Anonymousreply 173April 13, 2024 5:28 AM

Well-played, R173.

Also, Jr. doesn’t appear to have much of a lady-friend history.

I hope he plays for our team.

by Anonymousreply 174April 13, 2024 7:07 PM

Ain't no way Lou is straight.

by Anonymousreply 175April 13, 2024 7:20 PM

[quote]Ain't no way Lou is straight.

Would anyone be if you spent your childhood surrounded by dad's bodybuilder buddies and adoring fans trying to emulate him?

by Anonymousreply 176April 13, 2024 7:32 PM

I think there’s a Jr. interview where he said the body-building route was not for him.

But he’s an LA actor so she stays in shape.

The characters are cute together, and I hope the storyline continues.

by Anonymousreply 177April 13, 2024 7:41 PM

What is fake mouse static?

by Anonymousreply 178April 13, 2024 7:42 PM

Fake Mouth Static.

by Anonymousreply 179April 13, 2024 7:46 PM

R163 I literally said "or bi".

by Anonymousreply 180April 13, 2024 7:59 PM

Oliver appears to be low-profile.

Is he a fag?

by Anonymousreply 181April 13, 2024 8:06 PM

[quote] What is fake mouse static?

It’s the newest kink. Keep up.

by Anonymousreply 182April 13, 2024 8:07 PM

If I had the hots for someone and they suddenly kissed me I would sure kiss them back. he didn't. He could have at least touched him.

by Anonymousreply 183April 13, 2024 8:50 PM

In the episode where Hen and everyone else go to Bobby and Athena’s rescue.

Tommy was talking to supervisors whilst in flight and to end the conversation he faked static so he couldn’t hear the boss ordering him to get back.

It was a funny moment.

He was too surprised to act any other way than how he did, R183. He was kissed out of the blue.

They still haven’t had a proper kiss.

by Anonymousreply 184April 13, 2024 9:46 PM

[quote]They still haven’t had a proper kiss.

What do you count as a "proper" kiss?

by Anonymousreply 185April 13, 2024 10:52 PM

R185 Probably one that isn't a surprise.

by Anonymousreply 186April 14, 2024 12:08 AM

The sister’s wedding will bring lots of kissing…expected and unexpected.

by Anonymousreply 187April 14, 2024 4:42 AM

R183 I agree. Terrible writing. He should have at leas hugged him or something after the kiss.

by Anonymousreply 188April 14, 2024 5:58 AM

R188 Felt his fat cock? Presented hole? Surprise anal?

by Anonymousreply 189April 14, 2024 6:42 AM

Oliver Stark is sexy with slighltly longer, naturally curly hair - like his Into the Badlands character.

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by Anonymousreply 190April 14, 2024 5:39 PM

R190 I love that show so much.

I didn't even realize that he was the Baron's son, until I recently read his acting credits.

Interestingly, Oliver has been a steady working actor since 2015.

From Into the Badlands on AMC, he went straight into 911.

I think that's fantastic.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 191April 14, 2024 5:52 PM


by Anonymousreply 192April 14, 2024 6:04 PM

There’s a slight resemblance to Richard Madden.

by Anonymousreply 193April 14, 2024 6:33 PM

I usually prefer shorter hair on guys, but he looks so handsome with a longer, more relaxed style.

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by Anonymousreply 194April 14, 2024 11:09 PM

Did Eddie give him a supportive flash of his cock?

by Anonymousreply 195April 15, 2024 9:05 AM

R195, not this time.

by Anonymousreply 196April 15, 2024 10:55 AM

If Eddie was any type of friend he'd offer to fuck Buck to see if he's really turned.

by Anonymousreply 197April 15, 2024 7:27 PM

Can’t wait for the next episode.

by Anonymousreply 198April 16, 2024 6:11 PM

I wonder how big a ratings bump the most recent and the next one will have.

by Anonymousreply 199April 16, 2024 6:23 PM

The most recent one won the target demographic.

by Anonymousreply 200April 16, 2024 7:55 PM

I just watched an episode from season five, called "Brawl in Cell Block."

There was a newbie fireman played by actor Anirudh Pisharody, and he's super cute.

Is he still on the show? His character's name is Ravi Panikkar.

I'd like him to be gay, please.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 201April 17, 2024 2:10 AM

[quote]At some point, Ravi was driving with his parents where he saw a car with a father and two kids inside going down a pier in Long Beach. As a result of this he jumped into the water and managed to save the father and one of the kids. He later found out that, the father didn't drive off the pier on accident, but wanted to kill his kids. This traumatized Ravi, which caused him to go back to the academy

by Anonymousreply 202April 17, 2024 2:13 AM

Eddie, Ravi and Buck.


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by Anonymousreply 203April 17, 2024 2:20 AM

R201 Ravi is still a recurring character on the show

by Anonymousreply 204April 17, 2024 2:27 AM

How did I not know that there were so many hot guys on 911?

The guy who plays Det. Ransone is another stud.

Is the actor who plays him, Sasha Roiz, gay? 50 years old, and no gf or wife to speak of.

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by Anonymousreply 205April 17, 2024 2:48 AM

I fast-forwarded to the Buck scenes, which were entertaining. I can't stand the Angela Bassett. She overacts in EVERYTHING, and her voice affectation is cringe-inducing. Also, she and Peter Krause have no chemistry. It looks like he married his nanny.

by Anonymousreply 206April 17, 2024 3:07 AM

R205 His Instagram is not that of a heterosexual man

by Anonymousreply 207April 17, 2024 3:45 AM

R201 Yes, he is still on the show. He's only a minor character though.

by Anonymousreply 208April 17, 2024 11:09 AM

R202 But Chimney went and got him back, so he's back with the 118 now.

by Anonymousreply 209April 17, 2024 11:10 AM

R205 I met him in LAX a few years back and let me just say, he has a commanding presence and a smile that'll make you quiver. I'm pretty sure he's on our team, but it might just be his charisma.

by Anonymousreply 210April 17, 2024 2:05 PM

Sasha Roiz - 6'5"


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by Anonymousreply 211April 17, 2024 2:44 PM

Shirtless Sasha as Sam Adama on the TV show "Caprica."

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by Anonymousreply 212April 17, 2024 3:52 PM

If it was this Buck that came to fuck, I would have feigned being in a coma!

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 213April 18, 2024 12:08 AM

Is there a new episode tonight, or a rerun?

by Anonymousreply 214April 19, 2024 1:20 AM

ABC is taking the rest of April off. No new episode until May 2nd. R214

by Anonymousreply 215April 19, 2024 1:24 AM

Thanks so much, R215!

by Anonymousreply 216April 19, 2024 1:27 AM

R214 No new episode until May.

by Anonymousreply 217April 19, 2024 10:10 AM

I want my Bucks Fixx.

by Anonymousreply 218April 21, 2024 6:20 AM

r212 Caprica was cancelled too soon. And IIRC, Sam Adama was gay or at least not straight.

by Anonymousreply 219April 22, 2024 3:37 AM

R219 Meh, after BSG, Caprica was going to have to be pretty amazing. And it was not.

by Anonymousreply 220April 23, 2024 3:49 AM

OP, I am confused who is Buck? Where did your thread photo go?

by Anonymousreply 221April 23, 2024 6:59 AM

R221 Buck is the name of a character on the tv show 9-1-1 on ABC. I don't know where the thread photo went. I assume the tweet was deleted.

by Anonymousreply 222April 25, 2024 1:15 PM

Oliver is a hottie.

by Anonymousreply 223April 25, 2024 1:17 PM

and he has a nice uncut dick R223

by Anonymousreply 224April 25, 2024 3:28 PM

R224 tastes like chicken!

by Anonymousreply 225April 25, 2024 4:07 PM

Receipts R224 ?

by Anonymousreply 226April 25, 2024 5:32 PM

Posted to a fun little blog called "Guess His Cock".

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 227April 25, 2024 6:18 PM

Lol R227 that's a nice uncut cock.

But nothing in that video suggests that it belongs to Oliver Stark.

by Anonymousreply 228April 25, 2024 6:24 PM

I'm unclear about the "Guess His Cock" site - what are we guessing?

In the majority of the pix, it's clear that it's the same person.

Is that to add credibility so they can post rando cocks and pretend it's a famous person and avoid liability?

by Anonymousreply 229April 25, 2024 6:55 PM

He's British, of course he's uncut.

by Anonymousreply 230April 26, 2024 1:05 AM

I’d hit it, cut or uncut.

I hope he bottoms.

by Anonymousreply 231April 26, 2024 1:08 AM


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by Anonymousreply 232April 26, 2024 6:52 PM

Tommy is definitely the top.

by Anonymousreply 233April 26, 2024 10:14 PM

Looking forward to tomorrow night…

by Anonymousreply 234May 1, 2024 7:24 PM

I've been binging the show to catch up - on season 4 now.

It is a pretty good procedural show with a good balance between personal and emergency situations.

by Anonymousreply 235May 2, 2024 1:31 AM

[quote]It is a pretty good procedural show with a good balance between personal and emergency situations.

It's an above-average procedural that is elevated even more by a terrific cast, even the recurring characters.

I say this with all sincerity: They replaced Connie Britton with Jennifer Love Hewitt and the show somehow got better.

by Anonymousreply 236May 2, 2024 1:51 AM



by Anonymousreply 237May 2, 2024 6:52 PM

Well, this episode took a complete left turn from what I thought it was going to be based on the promos which had a much more comedic vibe to them.

I dislike Hen's "about time" comment.

by Anonymousreply 238May 3, 2024 1:23 AM

What happened tonight? Any advancement on Buck and Tommy?

by Anonymousreply 239May 3, 2024 4:29 AM

Buck kissed Tommy and came out to everyone with soot on his face.

by Anonymousreply 240May 3, 2024 5:13 AM

[quote]Well, this episode took a complete left turn from what I thought it was going to be based on the promos which had a much more comedic vibe to them.

I mean, Chimney is kind of Ziggy of the 118.

by Anonymousreply 241May 3, 2024 10:06 AM

[quote]Buck kissed Tommy and came out to everyone with soot on his face.

Twitter warriors are already going crazy about the "look" the parents gave each other.

Also, they're saying that it was "unrealistic" for Tommy to have come to the hospital straight from a fire for the wedding of the guy he's only been dating for about a week even if he had been friends with Chim from his time at the 118. Yet, they're failing to realize that if Tommy were at a fire, the show regularly has the firefighters going to the hospital afterwards. Also, Tommy flies a helicopter - how did he get covered in that much soot?

by Anonymousreply 242May 3, 2024 2:10 PM

That kiss was hot as fuck.

by Anonymousreply 243May 3, 2024 6:10 PM

R242 Eddie and Hen are paramedics, but they have picked up the hose or been inside a burning building helping as support for the firefighters/survivors/victims. Tommy said the fire was a beast, so he more than likely helped out.

by Anonymousreply 244May 3, 2024 7:38 PM

[quote][R242] Eddie and Hen are paramedics, but they have picked up the hose or been inside a burning building helping as support for the firefighters/survivors/victims -

Tommy would have been flying a helicopter. I doubt he would have landed and picked up a hose.

If the fire was such that it required air support in the first place, I doubt his landing and doing ground duty would have been considered more useful.

by Anonymousreply 245May 3, 2024 8:00 PM

R245 Who fucking cares. He looked hot, all sooty.

by Anonymousreply 246May 3, 2024 8:02 PM

R245 But you're forgetting one important thing. It's FICTION.

by Anonymousreply 247May 3, 2024 8:08 PM

I loved the new episode. It was very sweet. And now everyone knows Buck is with Tommy, lol!

by Anonymousreply 248May 3, 2024 9:18 PM

Buck/Tommy was trending on X for a good part of the day.

by Anonymousreply 249May 3, 2024 10:40 PM

Are we supposed to think they've slept together already?

by Anonymousreply 250May 4, 2024 12:25 AM

If not, they’ve traded blowies.

Than kiss was fucking passionate.

by Anonymousreply 251May 4, 2024 12:55 AM

“I just fought a beast of a fire.”

“You’re the beast…”


by Anonymousreply 252May 4, 2024 12:58 AM

Do straight guys watch this show?

If so, I wonder if they wank to Buck and Tommy making out?

And is it assumed that Buck is the bottom?

by Anonymousreply 253May 4, 2024 2:31 AM

R253 I think it's mostly a frau show, but yes. I've seen some comments from men too.

by Anonymousreply 254May 4, 2024 5:01 AM

[quote]And is it assumed that Buck is the bottom?

The muscle marys like Tommy end up being bottoms.

by Anonymousreply 255May 4, 2024 1:32 PM

The Buck/Tommy storyline seems to have accomplished what it set out to do by amping up ratings.

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by Anonymousreply 256May 4, 2024 1:34 PM

All of them should have a circle jerk and cum on Buck, to initiate him

by Anonymousreply 257May 4, 2024 2:25 PM

R256 More shows need a gay storyline to boost ratings

by Anonymousreply 258May 4, 2024 2:51 PM

[quote][R256] More shows need a gay storyline to boost ratings

The only reason this is working is that people having been shipping Buck and Eddie since they introduced Eddie in the second season, and people view this as a step to their finally getting together.

by Anonymousreply 259May 4, 2024 3:24 PM

The first few episodes of season 7 were all about Tommy and Eddie forming a close friendship.

Does this mean that Tommy actually had a crush on Eddie, and not Buck?

It seems weird to me that before the kiss, Tommy and Buck were "enemies" competing for Eddie's affection.

Then out of nowhere, they shared a kiss and became a couple, and forgot about Eddie.

I'm not really buying it.

I would love to see them both fight over Eddie. Especially because I still see "Buddie" as boyfriends, rather than "Tuck."

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by Anonymousreply 260May 4, 2024 4:09 PM

R260 That's because Eddie was supposed to be the gay one and come out, but it was changed last minute. I think that's why it doesn't make much sense. Same with his catholic guilt crap last episode. It would have made more sense if he was gay.

by Anonymousreply 261May 4, 2024 4:16 PM

That's interesting, R261.

Because I was just reading an article by the showrunner from 911 who promised "more Buddie in Season 7."

Which seems strange, since Buck and Tommy are becoming the couple.

So why promise more of something that they weren't going to deliver?? It seems like the showrunner was headed in all different directions, and finally landed on Buck and Tommy.

[quote] '9-1-1' Showrunner Promises More Buddie In Season 7

Among other changes coming to 9-1-1, Tim Minear will take over as the showrunner from Kristen Reidel, and he plans to incorporate more "Buddie," as he told Entertainment Weekly. Minear speaks about writing more of the duo in the season while Ryan Guzman and Oliver Stark talk about how it is to film together. "I've had a lot of fun writing Buck and Eddie and playing their dynamic,' said Minear. "Their friendship is the core of that coupling. I'm trying to hit it in every episode.'

Stark explained why he thinks the duo connects so much with the audience and why they are in such demand.

[quote] 'One of the aspects of it that has really spoken to me is that these are two men in this, quote-unquote 'macho field' — or what you would expect to be that — and they're both really open, sensitive, and vulnerable with each other. I think it's just really lovely to see these two stereotypically macho men have this really open relationship where they can confide in each other and they can step up and be there for each other in a way that feels very soft. I just think that's a really lovely, and in fact [an] important thing to be able to show on this TV show.'

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by Anonymousreply 262May 4, 2024 4:24 PM

Wow, lots of buddie shippers here!

by Anonymousreply 263May 4, 2024 4:34 PM

R261 That's true

[quote]Oliver and I spoke [the day before we shot it]. We met briefly when I was shooting the three episodes of season two, and I think about 50 to 70 percent of the feelings I have about someone happen in the first five minutes. [I can usually tell] if they’re being genuine. I really liked Oliver. It was originally, possibly going to be with Eddie and Tommy, but that fell through. But Oliver was willing, and I think that Oliver is just such a brave, generous actor.

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by Anonymousreply 264May 4, 2024 4:42 PM

I am sure Eddie will suddenly realize he is in love with Buck..and BOOM Triangle. Or Tommy will get killed off and Eddie will comfort Buck and they will end up fucking.

by Anonymousreply 265May 4, 2024 5:56 PM

I hate to say this but I think that Ryan Guzman doesn't want to play gay.

Coming from a Latino background, I think he doesn't want to be stereotyped and he is also probably uncomfortable with it.

He seems kind of limited in his acting and probably wants to stick to being the "straight stud" in a complicated relationship. That's about the extent of his range.

Oliver Stark on the other hand, seems fun and willing to try different things. Although he's also straight, he seems the type to just dive into roles headfirst. He also really seems to love the attention he gets from the Buddie Shippers. I love Oliver.

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by Anonymousreply 266May 4, 2024 6:02 PM

^^^ Agreed, Guzman’s range is “limited.”

by Anonymousreply 267May 4, 2024 6:05 PM

[quote]^^^ Agreed, Guzman’s range is “limited.”

Hey, even Laurence Olivier couldn't have faked chemistry with Rhonda Rousey.

by Anonymousreply 268May 4, 2024 6:08 PM

Laurence Olivier couldn't fake chemistry with Marilyn Monroe, so what does that say.

by Anonymousreply 269May 4, 2024 6:10 PM

Olivier wanted to suck Marilyn's big old titties

by Anonymousreply 270May 4, 2024 7:01 PM

R256 show hole and pole to take the #1 spot

by Anonymousreply 271May 4, 2024 7:32 PM

[quote]It was originally, possibly going to be with Eddie and Tommy, but that fell through. But Oliver was willing, and I think that Oliver is just such a brave, generous actor.

I initially thought it was because Ryan Guzman was opposed to going gay. But, apparently the actress who played Buck's girlfriend at the end of season 6 wasn't available, and they felt that writing her and Marisol out at the same time would be too much.

by Anonymousreply 272May 4, 2024 9:49 PM

^^^or so the PR machine is suggesting.

by Anonymousreply 273May 4, 2024 9:57 PM

I actually like the storyline of Marysol being a former nun. That's kind of hilarious.

But keeping her will pretty much mean the end of Buddie.

And if Eddie and Marysol get married, the Buddie Shippers will go NUTS.

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by Anonymousreply 274May 4, 2024 10:06 PM

[quote]But keeping her will pretty much mean the end of Buddie.

The show has already been renewed for S8, so they have plenty of time. Also, she moved in with Eddie, but has already moved out again.

by Anonymousreply 275May 4, 2024 10:33 PM

It was nice to see Jennifer Love Hewitt's real life husband Brian Hallisay make an appearance in this most recent episode.

He's so hot, especially in the Cold Case episode "Forever Blue."

He still looks great, even at 45.

It's too bad they killed off his character, Doug.

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by Anonymousreply 276May 4, 2024 11:16 PM

[quote] It's too bad they killed off his character, Doug.

I mean, he was a wife beater who almost killed Chim. What could they possibly have done with him?

by Anonymousreply 277May 5, 2024 12:18 AM

Tommy is just a vehicle for Buck and Eddie to get together. There was a scene a few years ago Eddie took an online quiz are you gay? His results were probably gay. They never did more with that. I am telling you Buck and Tommy will be a thing and then something tragic will happen and Eddie will comfort Buck and it will lead to sex. Then probably half a season of secrets and denial until they finally come out as a couple. A blind cat can write this shit.

by Anonymousreply 278May 5, 2024 2:55 AM

[quote]Tommy is just a vehicle for Buck and Eddie to get together.

From a character arc perspective, while everyone wants a buddie thing to happen, Eddie's core relationship has always been with his son Christopher, not with a romantic partner. Sure, he has some issues from his wife leaving and dying. But, his fears and hopes for Christopher have always been his primary focus.

Until that relationship is resolved, Eddie's character arc will always remain unresolved. Although I doubt the show will make it this long, Eddie can't move forward until Christopher moves out to go to college (or similar) to become a happy, healthy, independent person that Eddie can rest knowing he's done his job and Christopher will live his best life.

by Anonymousreply 279May 5, 2024 1:44 PM

‘9-1-1’: Jennifer Love Hewitt Says TV Parents Were Surprised by Buck and Tommy Romance

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by Anonymousreply 280May 5, 2024 2:33 PM

[quote] Maddie has been so understanding and supportive of Buck through everything. I understand you were on board with the fan-driven Buck/Eddie pairing before this storyline with Tommy happened.

[quote]Yes. Because I love them both and I think that they’re both adorable. And yeah, when the audience started shipping them — I think is what the kids say — I definitely was on board and thought that was really cute. But, now that it’s Tommy, I am also a Tommy fan because I’m a Buck supporter. So whatever my brother wants.

Damn it, I don’t want to start to like JLH.

by Anonymousreply 281May 5, 2024 2:41 PM

r279 You seem way to invested in Eddie and his kid. The kid is there as a story driver. That is how much and Eddie get closer. He is practically the kid's second dad already. Trust me there is way to much easy story to develop by having it Buck and Eddie. Probably six months of "how do we tell the son?" with five minutes of "I knew all along you guys" and the aww gee-whiz moment. Then the Buck wanting to adopt him and Eddie's family interferes. The fans are too invested in a Buck Eddie romance not to give them that pay off.

by Anonymousreply 282May 5, 2024 3:50 PM

From jump, it’s always been just this side of “Christopher Has Two Daddies.”

In all honestly, it seems like the last two people to realize that Buck and Eddie should be together are Buck and Eddie.

by Anonymousreply 283May 5, 2024 3:58 PM

[quote]You seem way to invested in Eddie and his kid.

Typical unhinged Buddie shipper who goes apeshit whenever anyone suggests that "Buddie" isn't "endgame." I was speaking from a pure writing theory perspective looking at the Eddie character's (yes, he's a CHARACTER not a real person) arc. Whereas I'm fine with Buck being with either Tommy, Eddie, or another TBD dude.

Also, note that I NEVER said Eddie and Buck couldn't get together. What I said was that Eddie's arc cannot be complete without resolving the core relationship that was setup from the very beginning - his relationship to his son.

by Anonymousreply 284May 5, 2024 4:01 PM

^^^ Yep!

by Anonymousreply 285May 5, 2024 5:09 PM

I hope he comes out to Bobby in the next episode.

by Anonymousreply 286May 5, 2024 5:15 PM

Bobby was in the background, against the wall and near the bed, so he clearly saw Buck.

by Anonymousreply 287May 5, 2024 5:31 PM

What happened to Bobby's gay brother David?

by Anonymousreply 288May 5, 2024 5:39 PM

Catholic, so he likely hanged himself in shame.

by Anonymousreply 289May 5, 2024 5:42 PM

[quote] From a character arc perspective, while everyone wants a buddie thing to happen, Eddie's core relationship has always been with his son Christopher, not with a romantic partner. Sure, he has some issues from his wife leaving and dying. But, his fears and hopes for Christopher have always been his primary focus.

Typical unhinged Buddie shipper who goes apeshit whenever anyone suggests that "Buddie" isn't "endgame." I was speaking from a pure writing theory perspective

You're the one who seems to be blinded in their hatred of Buddie, because "from a pure writing theory perspective," a Buddie relationship would be the easiest way to alleviate his "fears and hopes for Christopher," as you put it. Christopher is closer to Buck than anyone else, except his father. And the show has made that abundantly clear from the time Eddie joined the show.

And getting them together and resolving the problem of Eddie's lack of a second parent for Christopher, would be the easiest way to incorporate a Buddie relationship into the show.

It's exactly as R282 wrote.

by Anonymousreply 290May 5, 2024 6:31 PM

Eddie will die near series end, but, in his final moments, ask Buck to raise Christopher. Buck and Tommy (who will have broken up and reunited, maybe twice) will adopt him.

by Anonymousreply 291May 5, 2024 6:36 PM

R291, Funny, but not a bad idea...

by Anonymousreply 292May 5, 2024 9:47 PM

What exactly does Eddie need to resolve with his son?

by Anonymousreply 293May 6, 2024 12:23 AM

Is it just me, or does Tommy have a minor case of gay voice?

by Anonymousreply 294May 6, 2024 2:50 AM

You are correct, R294.

Lou Ferrigno Jr. has gay face, gay voice, gay everything.

Girl is GAY!

by Anonymousreply 295May 6, 2024 6:07 AM

I don’t see buddy happening…that would make too many gay characters for a firefighting procedural.

by Anonymousreply 296May 6, 2024 4:11 PM

[quote]I don’t see buddy happening…that would make too many gay characters for a firefighting procedural.

There are is a lot of the man going up into the man on Station 19.

by Anonymousreply 297May 6, 2024 9:57 PM

R296 I am telling you it will happnen. Ferrigno's character is just a plot driver. Classic soap opera tactics. Buddy is the super couple everyone wants to see so there has to be a journey to get the payoff.

by Anonymousreply 298May 8, 2024 11:45 AM

There is a cute gay couple on "911: Lone Star" that everyone ignores in favor of Buck and Eddie getting together. Gay guys are less interesting than possibly-gay guys.

by Anonymousreply 299May 9, 2024 12:10 AM

Are there any Buck and Tommy scenes in the latest episode?

by Anonymousreply 300May 9, 2024 5:50 AM

Not many, mostly at the end

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by Anonymousreply 301May 9, 2024 6:03 AM

R301 That’s hotter than any of the boring women Buck’s been with.

by Anonymousreply 302May 9, 2024 7:25 AM

I agree!

by Anonymousreply 303May 9, 2024 1:27 PM

[quote]There is a cute gay couple on "911: Lone Star" that everyone ignores in favor of Buck and Eddie getting together. Gay guys are less interesting than possibly-gay guys.

No, the "Tarlos" fans are as committed as the Buddie shippers.

The key difference is that the Tarlos fans have been satiated - TK and Carlos have been together since the pilot episode. Frankly, if you were to take out the gay part, their overall relationship has been somewhat boring - everyone in TEXAS accepts them and loves them. Seriously -TEXAS? The funniest part of their relationship is that Rob Lowe who plays TK's father plays it more like one of those overly supportive parents who join PFLAG and drags their kid kicking and screaming to gay pride parades.

The Tarlos relationship lacks any real tension to pull you through their story - you ONLY follow it because they're gay.

by Anonymousreply 304May 9, 2024 2:22 PM

And there's something very nice about that.

by Anonymousreply 305May 9, 2024 6:43 PM

[quote]And there's something very nice about that.

It may or may not be nice, but it's horrible writing and storytelling.

by Anonymousreply 306May 9, 2024 8:25 PM

I hope in tonight’s episode Tommy gets to tap that ass.

by Anonymousreply 307May 9, 2024 9:06 PM

"Chicago Fire" now has a couple. Darren Ritter, fire guy and Dwayne Morris, a cop. Wednesdays at 9:00 on NBC.

by Anonymousreply 308May 10, 2024 12:41 AM

R308, and neither is hot. Ugh.

by Anonymousreply 309May 10, 2024 12:46 AM

Just for balance, here's 30 minutes of Tarlos.

That said, while they're very sweet (and I think Ronen Rubenstein is thermonuclear hot), Buck discovering himself is a lot more interesting to me personally.

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by Anonymousreply 310May 10, 2024 1:03 AM

Tarlos had the loveliest wedding last season, no contrived disasters or screwups.

And Gina Torres sang a heartfelt rendition of Sondheim's Being Alive.

Kudos all around.

by Anonymousreply 311May 10, 2024 1:22 AM

Tonight's episode was lame. It didn't really move anyone's story forward much, except perhaps to suggest that Eddie is either hallucinating or a cheating scumbag. The twitterverse is OUTRAGED about Eddie right now and TERRIFIED about where they're going with him. Everyone is CONCERNED.

I guess they needed to save some money after the Poseidon Adventure.

by Anonymousreply 312May 10, 2024 1:23 AM

[quote]Tarlos had the loveliest wedding last season, no contrived disasters or screwups.

You mean, other than Carlos's father getting murdered a few days before the wedding, Carlos postponing, then miraculously everyone is able to attend when they decide to go forward with it at the last minute?

They did setup a huge Carlos storyline for next season to figure out who murdered Dad.

by Anonymousreply 313May 10, 2024 1:24 AM

But no actual complications during the service or the reception.

by Anonymousreply 314May 10, 2024 1:30 AM

I'm a newcomer to 911, so I'm only interested in knowing about Buck and the firemen. Any scenes between those two?

by Anonymousreply 315May 10, 2024 1:33 AM

I really hate Mara. She's annoying as fuck.

Do all of the kids on this show have some kind of mental problem?

Are there no normal kids in Los Angeles?

That's what it seems like.

by Anonymousreply 316May 10, 2024 5:21 AM

Why hasn't Buck come out to Bobby yet, or Christopher?

by Anonymousreply 317May 10, 2024 7:09 AM

How is Guzman's real-life sexuality affecting this? He already outed himself on his instagram.

by Anonymousreply 318May 10, 2024 12:35 PM

umm, WUT R318

by Anonymousreply 319May 10, 2024 12:42 PM

[quote]Why hasn't Buck come out to Bobby yet

He did - when he kissed Tommy at the hospital after Maddie and Chim's wedding and returned to the room with soot all over his face.

by Anonymousreply 320May 10, 2024 1:32 PM

[quote]“There are some bombshells coming,” Ryan Guzman teases to TV Insider. “There are some massive events coming for Eddie. And as far as we know, Eddie has always kind of had somebody to run to. He might not have anybody to run to anymore for Season 8. Yeah, there are things that are going to be happening in Eddie’s life that are going to leave him feeling isolated.”

[quote]And so looking ahead, he says, “Season 8 is going to be almost like a refresh button for Eddie, starting into this new lifestyle of his and how to navigate uncharted waters. I think what I hope for Eddie is a greater sense of depth and an opportunity to finally let go of his past so that a new future can enter.”

While many of the Buddie fangurl's are getting excited, if he is isolated that means he does NOT have Buck to confide in - which also means that Buck is still with Tommy.

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by Anonymousreply 321May 10, 2024 1:34 PM

Losing his best friend to a new relationship and then feeling isolated is a "new lifestyle?" Am I missing something?

by Anonymousreply 322May 10, 2024 3:32 PM

[quote]Losing his best friend to a new relationship and then feeling isolated is a "new lifestyle?" Am I missing something?

The theory gaining traction is that Eddie will finally deal with the issues with his wife's death.

They brought back the actress who played his wife (Devin Kelley), but styled her so completely differently that it's believable that the new woman merely resembles his dead wife. He's cheating on his girlfriend Marisol with this woman. The theory goes that after dealing with his issues with his dead wife, he'll realize he's in love with Buck, but Buck is in a relationship with Tommy. So, he needs to explore his same sex attraction and the gay "lifestyle" alone because he's still highly closeted and his very religious catholic upbringing are causing him a shame spiral.

Personally, I think Guzman chose the word "lifestyle" which is sufficiently ambiguous on purpose to cause the fangurls to hope. But, what will more likely happen is that Eddie will end up becoming a party f-boy getting laid and ignoring Christopher. He'll then have an ephiphany when something bad happens to Christopher while he's out whoring around.

by Anonymousreply 323May 10, 2024 3:58 PM

Dead wife Shannon vs. "Kim"

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by Anonymousreply 324May 10, 2024 4:28 PM

Man, the Buddie shippers are a damned rabid bunch.

by Anonymousreply 325May 12, 2024 6:24 PM

[quote]Man, the Buddie shippers are a damned rabid bunch.

So, they're right at home on DL?

by Anonymousreply 326May 12, 2024 6:34 PM

R319, Guzman sent his wife a screen capture with Scruff and Grinder notifications showing. Android displays them right at the top.

by Anonymousreply 327May 13, 2024 7:44 AM

[quote][R319], Guzman sent his wife a screen capture with Scruff and Grinder notifications showing. Android displays them right at the top.

That whole incident is so strange.

by Anonymousreply 328May 13, 2024 1:13 PM

Well shit, I had no idea. Interesting!

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by Anonymousreply 329May 13, 2024 1:17 PM

Seems like the scruff/Grindr incident did more to sideline the whole "buddie" thing than anything else.

If Guzman is trying to downplay that incident and stay in the closet, he's not going to play gay any time soon.

Also, who walks around with only 6% battery?

by Anonymousreply 330May 13, 2024 1:46 PM

[quote] Guzman sent his wife a screen capture with Scruff and Grinder notifications showing. Android displays them right at the top.

Why would he send that to his wife?

And who sends screen captures? You would have to deliberately do a screen capture, and then deliberately send it to her. It's hard to do by "accident."

So again, why would he send that to his wife?

And, link please....

by Anonymousreply 331May 13, 2024 3:59 PM

It was an Instagram Story R331. And the link is at R329.

by Anonymousreply 332May 13, 2024 4:01 PM

Scruff and Grindr. Gurl is busy.

by Anonymousreply 333May 13, 2024 4:06 PM

Is this what we're supposed to be seeing, R332?

I feel like the picture isn't completely loading for me.

I only get a blank black space in the top picture, and the top part of the screen capture in the bottom half.

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by Anonymousreply 334May 13, 2024 4:10 PM

Ryan loves Jennifer Lopez's cookies...

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by Anonymousreply 335May 13, 2024 4:19 PM

R334, next to the time of 6:40 are some little icons showing which apps are open, including the icons for scruff and Grindr

by Anonymousreply 336May 13, 2024 6:07 PM

I love watching Ryan dance. Wish he did it more.

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by Anonymousreply 337May 13, 2024 7:14 PM

From the sound of it, he likes to dance on cock.

That TV show I’d watch.

by Anonymousreply 338May 13, 2024 7:47 PM

[quote]I love watching Ryan dance. Wish he did it more.

He really is a very good dancer. Apparently, he had to learn to dance for that movie.

by Anonymousreply 339May 14, 2024 12:22 AM

I don't see any new 9-1-1 episodes on Lou Jr.’s IMDb page. Will he appear again this season?

by Anonymousreply 340May 14, 2024 1:11 AM

R340 IMDb doesn't always update until after the episode airs.

by Anonymousreply 341May 14, 2024 1:24 AM

They were also still in production fairly late due to the strikes. They may not have final credits yet.

by Anonymousreply 342May 14, 2024 1:47 AM

Crew member died driving home from set after a 14 hour day.

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by Anonymousreply 343May 14, 2024 3:44 AM

[quote] Crew member died driving home from set after a 14 hour day.

Did someone call 9-1-1 ?

by Anonymousreply 344May 14, 2024 7:04 AM

R334, this is what it looked like.

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by Anonymousreply 345May 14, 2024 8:13 PM

R345 It isn't from his phone, obviously is a shared screenshot of somebody elses phone.

by Anonymousreply 346May 14, 2024 8:25 PM

He doesn't look nearly as good with a beard.

He's got such a strong jawline and chin which really adds to his attractiveness, but the beard detracts from that.

Longish hair is sexy.

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by Anonymousreply 347May 14, 2024 8:25 PM

[quote][R345] It isn't from his phone, obviously is a shared screenshot of somebody elses phone.

Not r345.

The full screenshot has been analyzed to a degree that would make DLers proud - that's been debunked. It's a screen shot of HIS phone.

by Anonymousreply 348May 14, 2024 8:28 PM

So is Ryan a top or a bottom?

I'll bet he's a screaming bottom.

I also wonder what's his type?

by Anonymousreply 349May 14, 2024 8:30 PM

He likes big dicks and friend chcken

by Anonymousreply 350May 16, 2024 10:17 PM

Any homo stuff tonight?

by Anonymousreply 351May 17, 2024 2:33 AM

I'm about to watch my dvr. Anything worth skipping?

by Anonymousreply 352May 17, 2024 2:59 AM

All about the Peter Krause character

by Anonymousreply 353May 17, 2024 3:10 AM

It's a Bobby episode. No Buck and definitely not Tommy.

by Anonymousreply 354May 17, 2024 3:16 AM

That's the problem with an ensemble cast.

You have to wait forever for your favorite story line to come around again.

Especially when you have big names like Peter Krause, Angela Bassett, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. They're not going to take a back seat to Oliver and Ryan.

I wish it were like a soap opera, where they give you a little bit of every character's story, with each episode.

by Anonymousreply 355May 17, 2024 6:58 AM

Angela is purported to get paid $450K per episode. Krause is supposed to get $350K. JLH between $200-$250K.

The remaining cast each gets $100K, up from $70K.

Do main cast members get a pay or play for certain number of episodes per season, whether they appear or not? Or, were the other cast members hosed by not appearing in the episode (except what amounts to a cameo by Angela) and an overall shortened season of only 10 total episodes?

Oliver Stark lets the chest hair grow in when he's not filming because Buck is smooth when he's shirtless.

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by Anonymousreply 356May 17, 2024 9:37 PM

Whoa, is that a legit Oliver photo, R356? He looks beefier; it's hot.

by Anonymousreply 357May 18, 2024 1:56 AM

Yep, that's him.

Oliver in his twink phase:

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by Anonymousreply 358May 18, 2024 2:54 AM

R358 Too much body hair for a twink

by Anonymousreply 359May 18, 2024 2:56 AM

Oops Buck is jealous of Kim. Runs to Eddie.

by Anonymousreply 360May 24, 2024 12:25 AM

Apparently, the finale is going to be emotionally brutal - as far as primetime tv shows go at any rate.

A lot of crazy is supposed to happen tonight - folks on the east coast, let us know.

by Anonymousreply 361May 24, 2024 12:39 AM

Clip from tonight's episode.

A little bit of homophobia.

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by Anonymousreply 362May 24, 2024 3:15 AM

Buck meets Kim.

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by Anonymousreply 363May 24, 2024 3:16 AM

Eddie, who's Kim?

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by Anonymousreply 364May 24, 2024 3:18 AM


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by Anonymousreply 365May 24, 2024 7:28 AM

Buck came out the same day the World Trade Center was destroyed- what a coincidence!

by Anonymousreply 366May 24, 2024 12:21 PM

[quote]Buck came out the same day the World Trade Center was destroyed- what a coincidence!

Based on the wailling, ghashing of teeth, and cries of terror at "ruining" the red blooded stud in some quarters, you'd think that his being bi was a greater calamity and disaster than WTC.

by Anonymousreply 367May 25, 2024 5:36 PM

I liked what Bobby said to Buck, that Tommy was good for him. It was very sweet.

by Anonymousreply 368May 25, 2024 6:27 PM

And if there was an issue, they could talk about it, but since there is no issue there's nothing to talk about.

by Anonymousreply 369May 25, 2024 10:20 PM

I also liked Bobby pointing out how far Buck has come.

I know Peter Krause was talking about the show taking a toll on him physically when they were doing press for the 100th episode. I hope the emotional stuff isn't Bobby dying. I don't want Athena to go through that.

by Anonymousreply 370May 27, 2024 12:51 AM

[quote] I know Peter Krause was talking about the show taking a toll on him physically when they were doing press for the 100th episode


The show seems like a breeze, especially since it's an ensemble cast.

Krause doesn't have to do all of the heavy lifting for the show.

And after being out of the celebrity spotlight for so many years after Six Feet Under, I would think that he would appreciate having steady work again.

I dunno, I've always heard that Peter Krause is "difficult."

He sounds like a chronic complainer.

by Anonymousreply 371May 27, 2024 12:54 AM

[quote]Krause doesn't have to do all of the heavy lifting for the show.

I mean, the dude is almost 60. Granted, Bobby can just hang back and order the others around, so Buck, Eddie, and Ravi can do the heavy lifting.

by Anonymousreply 372May 27, 2024 1:01 AM

I started watching this recently and the storyline regarding a long-time closeted character coming out has been done deftly and without drama…just amazing.

I never thought I’d follow an action-oriented drama, but this is is really well done.

by Anonymousreply 373May 27, 2024 9:51 PM

Peter Krause, Michael C Hall, Rachel Griffiths and Lauren Ambrose all in one cast (Six Feet Under). I wonder who the production crew hated more.

by Anonymousreply 374May 27, 2024 11:20 PM

R374 Rachel.

by Anonymousreply 375May 27, 2024 11:33 PM

I'm annoyed that they haven't addressed sex between Buck and Tommy. I'm not expecting porn, but it should at least be discussed or implied.

by Anonymousreply 376May 28, 2024 2:20 AM

R376 Buck said he was a beast before pashing him.

by Anonymousreply 377May 28, 2024 2:29 AM

I don't mind Buck and Tommy's story not being overtly sexual.

To be honest, I kind of lost interest after the gay couple on 911 Lone Star hooked up and started having sex on screen.

Sometimes, the mystery is far more interesting.

That's what makes Buddie so compelling. The desire to see it happen, but they just keep teasing.

I believe Seinfeld referred to it as "'the art of seduction."

by Anonymousreply 378May 28, 2024 2:53 AM

R378, I’ve never cared for TK and Carlos, especially TK, who's puffy-faced-fug.

by Anonymousreply 379May 28, 2024 4:40 AM

Any predictions for tomorrow night?

I’m guessing Tommy and Buck will finally fuck…off screen of course because gay intimacy=eew.

by Anonymousreply 380May 29, 2024 6:37 PM

R378 So you lost interest in Lone Star at episode 2?

by Anonymousreply 381May 30, 2024 1:15 AM

r380 they will start off slow with mutual handies then actual penetration in two seasons.

by Anonymousreply 382May 30, 2024 8:39 PM

Tommy won't be appearing tonight. I only watch this show for Buck and Tommy—hard pass.

by Anonymousreply 383May 31, 2024 12:45 AM


by Anonymousreply 384May 31, 2024 1:05 AM

You know, I never considered that they were "queerbaiting" with Buck and Eddie.

They're definitely queerbaiting with Buck and Tommy.

9-1-1 was the #1 scripted show this season - I'm betting in large part due to the viewers tuning in to see Buck go up into the man.

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by Anonymousreply 385May 31, 2024 1:14 AM

In the “stills” I’ve seen, it looks like Buck and Tommy are having a date/dinner tonight.

But quickly-filmed shows always make big edits, especially in this short season.

Tommy is clearly the top, and Evan will gladly be an enthusiastic bottom, but a bossy bitch.

As a new bottom, I hope Tommy is generous with the lube.

by Anonymousreply 386May 31, 2024 1:36 AM

[quote]In the “stills” I’ve seen, it looks like Buck and Tommy are having a date/dinner tonight.

It was a less than one-minute dinner scene with probably no more than 20 lines, if that.

by Anonymousreply 387May 31, 2024 2:18 AM

Was Beth Jarrett reached for comments?

by Anonymousreply 388May 31, 2024 2:31 AM

This show is homophobic. They can show two lesbians having sex but not gay men.

by Anonymousreply 389May 31, 2024 3:21 AM

[quote] This show is homophobic. They can show two lesbians having sex but not gay men.

Really, R389?

This is a Ryan Murphy production. Calling it "homophobic" is ridiculous.

And the 911 spinoff, "911 Lone Star" shows some pretty hard core gay male sex.

So please stop with the bullshit.

And give it time.

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by Anonymousreply 390May 31, 2024 4:54 AM

R383 Tommy did show up, but only for one scene.

by Anonymousreply 391May 31, 2024 6:08 AM

R390 That's a spinoff which nobody cares about. There is a double standard on 911 which shouldn't be there.

by Anonymousreply 392May 31, 2024 7:56 AM

There was a shit ton of stuff going on, so even a minute of screen time was pretty amazing.

And Tommy was teasing that he was the “daddy” in the relationship.

by Anonymousreply 393May 31, 2024 1:54 PM

I want to see a Halloween episode where Tommy dresses as the Hulk and he grabs Buck and whispers "Hulk Smash." then we get a scene where Eddie goes "you have green die on your face"

by Anonymousreply 394June 2, 2024 4:03 PM

[quote] then we get a scene where Eddie goes "you have green die on your face"

"Why do you have green die all down your back?"

by Anonymousreply 395June 2, 2024 4:17 PM

It's dye, not die.

by Anonymousreply 396June 2, 2024 4:21 PM

"Why is your hole green?"

by Anonymousreply 397June 2, 2024 4:29 PM

Why are there two large green handprints on your ass Buck?

by Anonymousreply 398June 3, 2024 12:01 AM

If only in real life…

Lou, in his Cameo sessions, seems a bit”sensitive” — I think he may play for our team.

Also, 39 and unmarried…

As a Brit, Oliver is hard to read.

by Anonymousreply 399June 3, 2024 12:57 AM

Nothing I've seen gives me the impression Stark is anything more than an ally who's pretty respectful and thoughtful about playing a now-queer role.

by Anonymousreply 400June 3, 2024 3:56 AM

R400 Buck thought he was an ally too

by Anonymousreply 401June 3, 2024 5:38 AM

Oliver is dating Hannah Gottesman.

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by Anonymousreply 402June 3, 2024 7:42 AM

Buck is, however, clearly a moron.

by Anonymousreply 403June 3, 2024 7:38 PM

Agreed, but a sweet, cute one.

by Anonymousreply 404June 3, 2024 8:53 PM


by Anonymousreply 405June 15, 2024 7:08 PM

Today is Oliver’s birthday.

by Anonymousreply 406June 27, 2024 10:48 PM

Is the season over?

I haven't been able to watch the show because I don't have ABC, but did anything more happen with Buck and Tommy's story?

I'm surprised the conversation ended.

by Anonymousreply 407July 7, 2024 10:26 PM

[quote] As a new bottom, I hope Tommy is generous with the lube.

I hope Buck gets some coaching on how to properly 'groom' himself to be a new bottom. It's hot UNTIL it gets messy -- yuck!

by Anonymousreply 408July 7, 2024 10:43 PM

I am fucking a cum dump who looks loots like Buck, and I want to call him Evan, really bad.

by Anonymousreply 409July 7, 2024 10:44 PM

You know Evan will be having some more “new feelings.”

by Anonymousreply 410July 7, 2024 10:57 PM

R407, google “Buck and Tommy” on YouTube, and you can view all their scenes. The season’s ended.

by Anonymousreply 411July 8, 2024 2:41 AM
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