Broadway actor John Cardoza, currently starring as 'Young Noah' in The Notebook, was reportedly held at gunpoint yesterday in the Hamilton Heights neighborhood of New York City. The incident occurred at a Dunkin Donuts located on the corner of 145th and Saint Nicholas Ave.
Cardoza took to his Instagram story to share details of the harrowing experience, announcing to his followers, particularly those near Hamilton Heights. He described the assailant as a middle-aged Black man, approximately 5 feet tall, wearing a green camouflage hoodie and black sweatpants.
According to Cardoza's account, the encounter began innocuously with the perpetrator asking for a dollar. In a compassionate gesture, Cardoza offered to purchase lunch for the individual, as he did not have cash on hand. However, the situation quickly escalated when the assailant brandished a firearm.
"I am fine," Cardoza assured his followers. "Ultimately he didn't make off with anything irreplaceable." Despite the traumatic experience, Cardoza expressed empathy for the desperation that might drive individuals to commit such acts.
"It makes me sad to think people are as desperate as this - and it makes me sad to feel a need alert anyone to this kind of activity," he wrote. "But it's the world we're living in, and if you're like me, you already are careful and you don't think it's going to happen to you until it's staring you in the face."
Cardoza concluded his message with a heartfelt plea for increased vigilance, especially as warmer weather prompts more people to venture outdoors. "Sending lots of love to you all! Be safe!! Be careful around 145th (but also anywhere)!!"