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Roseanne Barr praises Donald Trump's "integrity" says "He's very funny, like me"

"I think he has such integrity. I think he’s like me a lot,” Barr went on. “He tries to be funny, and he is really funny. The guy’s really funny. He’s got great timing, and I laugh. We all laugh. I mean, we all think he’s funny.”

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by Anonymousreply 64April 1, 2024 5:23 PM

OH look. Another Trump thread.

by Anonymousreply 1March 30, 2024 3:15 AM

early dementia? She looks REALLY old.

by Anonymousreply 2March 30, 2024 3:15 AM

R2, we can only hope.

by Anonymousreply 3March 30, 2024 3:16 AM

"He's dangerously insane, just like me!"

by Anonymousreply 4March 30, 2024 3:18 AM

That's why people vote for him. They think politics should be entertainment. These are not serious people.

by Anonymousreply 5March 30, 2024 3:19 AM

She's definitely not all there mentally, and Tucker is an enabler.

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by Anonymousreply 6March 30, 2024 3:22 AM

She is just ike Trump in that she is an entertaining psychotic.

by Anonymousreply 7March 30, 2024 3:28 AM

The best thing that could happen to her is death. She destroyed her father’s life. This bitch lied constantly about being molested, about her mother pouring feces on her head, all this suck shit and she’s the one warning us that there’s a cabal of pedophiles out there. lol. The irony.

by Anonymousreply 8March 30, 2024 3:34 AM

These two should just pull a Thelma and Louise and get it over with.

by Anonymousreply 9March 30, 2024 3:34 AM

[quote] "He's very funny, like me"

Bitch, your writers were funny. You weren’t.

by Anonymousreply 10March 30, 2024 3:35 AM

Imagine all the people he’s defrauded, all the pussies he’s grabbed, the lies he’s told, the insurrection he encouraged, and you people just don’t get the joke when it’s all so very, very funny!

by Anonymousreply 11March 30, 2024 3:39 AM

[quote]He tries to be funny, and he is really funny. The guy’s really funny. He’s got great timing, and I laugh. We all laugh. I mean, we all think he’s funny.

Such eloquence.

by Anonymousreply 12March 30, 2024 3:50 AM

[quote]She looks REALLY old.

Her hair and makeup contribute to this.

[quote]She is just ike Trump in that she is an entertaining psychotic.


[quote]Spoken like a true 4th grader

I didn't watch the video clips, but her quotes sound like something Trump would say someone said about him.

by Anonymousreply 13March 30, 2024 4:17 AM

Why does so much MAGA shit keep getting posted around here? It’s so we can point and laugh at the freaks I hope.

by Anonymousreply 14March 30, 2024 4:19 AM

Roseanne Barr praises Donald Trump's "integrity" says "He's very nazi, like me"

Fixed for OP

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by Anonymousreply 15March 30, 2024 4:23 AM

Brunette, gray, or blonde, she's dumb.

by Anonymousreply 16March 30, 2024 4:25 AM

Bitch is STILL crazy.

by Anonymousreply 17March 30, 2024 4:31 AM


by Anonymousreply 18March 30, 2024 4:32 AM

Oh Nick!

Nicky baby !

by Anonymousreply 19March 30, 2024 4:35 AM

She hates John Goodman now, and all her former co-workers. You can tell she's deeply unhappy with life.

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by Anonymousreply 20March 30, 2024 4:36 AM

Yes he’s got a lot of integrity. It must have been a momentary lapse when he paid me hush money not to talk about fondling his short knob while his wife was home pregnant.

by Anonymousreply 21March 30, 2024 4:52 AM

It’s really amazing that she’s still alive. Such a horrible person.

by Anonymousreply 22March 30, 2024 5:06 AM

[quote]“He tries to be funny, and he is really funny. The guy’s really funny. He’s got great timing, and I laugh. We all laugh. I mean, we all think he’s funny.”

These people don't want a president, they just want to be entertained for four more years. As if all the sitcoms and comedy shows on TV aren't enough, gotta have a clown in charge of the nukes as well. Low-info and low-IQ voters, all of them.

by Anonymousreply 23March 30, 2024 5:06 AM

“I’m Roseanne, and Trump and cigarettes are my only sustenance! Stay outraged folks!” 🚬

by Anonymousreply 24March 30, 2024 5:09 AM

She has no education. She didn’t believe in her children having to go to school, she thought Sara Gilbert was crazy to go to college and tried talking her out of it. A few years ago a comedian who knew her back in the 80s outed her as turning tricks in parking lots during her early days doing standup. She didn’t deny it. She’s a sick fuck. Her sister said that she’s always needed to be a victim. She has borderline personality disorder. She’s dangerous. She believes her delusions. She’ll happily send you to jail over a lie. What she did to her staff during Roseanne is legendary. She’s an evil pos.

by Anonymousreply 25March 30, 2024 5:18 AM

They're after him for no reason!!

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by Anonymousreply 26March 30, 2024 5:26 AM

And yet, Trump still hasn’t grabbed her blown out pussy.

by Anonymousreply 27March 30, 2024 6:27 AM

Yes, Trump is so funny. He tried to overthrow the U.S. government and constitution, endangered the life of his own Vice-President and allowed a mob of people to beat police officers at the Capitol. Such a funny man.

by Anonymousreply 28March 30, 2024 6:52 AM

Her sons live off of her. They have no real jobs. They’re enablers waiting for her to kick the bucket to get their inheritance.

by Anonymousreply 29March 30, 2024 9:47 AM

Roseanne, dear, you do understand, don't you, that Trump makes fat jokes about you behind your back, right? And ugly jokes. And jokes about how your pussy is so stinky he wouldn't even grab it.

by Anonymousreply 30March 30, 2024 10:06 AM

When trumpie wins the election, he can have her sing the national anthem at the inaugural. Let’s see how that turns out.

by Anonymousreply 31March 30, 2024 11:23 AM

She is a dangerous, mentally ill woman who used to be famous for her talent.

Now she is famous for her mental illness.

by Anonymousreply 32March 30, 2024 1:17 PM

She's always been a wacko.

by Anonymousreply 33March 30, 2024 1:33 PM

R25 she threw her own family under the bus. That tells us all we need to know about that cray cray cunt.

by Anonymousreply 34March 30, 2024 1:41 PM

Do we think he's eaten her out? Gone down on the Barr Bush? Gotten Roseanne Juice all over his orange face? Left orange skid marks on her inner thighs? Tried to find her engorged clitoris with his stubby, darting tongue?

by Anonymousreply 35March 30, 2024 4:52 PM

OP sucks.

The Washington Examiner is trash.

by Anonymousreply 36March 30, 2024 4:53 PM

Sociopaths stick together.

by Anonymousreply 37March 30, 2024 4:59 PM

Sometimes I think she's a troll who's just acting like that for attention, other times I think she's mentally ill. The latter wins.

by Anonymousreply 38March 30, 2024 5:10 PM

[quote] OP sucks.

How is that possible when you are the one always on your knees slut? I'm assuming you're too lazy and inept mentally to click the link R36 so I'll do a special favor just this one time and paste the article.

by Anonymousreply 39March 30, 2024 5:12 PM

Here you go R36. Just for you.

Roseanne Barr touts Trump’s ‘integrity’: ‘Only guy in my Hollywood career who ever returned a favor’ By Jenny Goldsberry March 24, 2024 9:16 am . Comedian Roseanne Barr spoke again in favor of her support for former President Donald Trump, which she claimed comes from the personal relationship the two share via a favor he returned to her.

Barr appeared on the Tucker Carlson Encounter in an episode that aired on Saturday. Host Tucker Carlson, known to also be a personal friend of Trump as the two attend sporting events together, asked Barr about what she thought about Trump as a person.

“Well, as I always say, he’s the only guy in my Hollywood career that ever returned a favor,” Barr explained. “He’s the only one who ever returned a favor, and gave me back more than I had given him.”


— Tucker Carlson Network (@TCNetwork) March 23, 2024 Barr spoke glowingly of the time the then-business owner lent her the Trump Plaza and Casino in Atlantic City to film her second comedy special with HBO. Trump even escorted her onstage.

“I think he has such integrity. I think he’s like me a lot,” Barr went on. “He tries to be funny, and he is really funny. The guy’s really funny. He’s got great timing, and I laugh. We all laugh. I mean, we all think he’s funny.”



— Tucker Carlson Network (@TCNetwork) March 23, 2024 As a comedian, Barr expressed her belief that God has given her the gift “to be alive in a world where the jokes just write themselves.” Barr told Tucker she was grateful to be a comedian today. Her revamped show Roseanne was canceled in 2018 after she fell into controversy with jokes she’d made online.

Trump has featured Barr at his campaign rallies throughout his several presidential bids. She claims she has voted for Trump in every election he's run.

by Anonymousreply 40March 30, 2024 5:16 PM

[quote] Why does so much MAGA shit keep getting posted around here? It’s so we can point and laugh at the freaks I hope.

That's exactly the point. MAGA idiots only exist for the rest of us to point and laugh at.

by Anonymousreply 41March 30, 2024 5:20 PM

[quote] Her revamped show Roseanne was canceled in 2018 after she fell into controversy with jokes she’d made online.

Uh, no, it was cancelled because of her racist bullshit, and her own stupidity.

by Anonymousreply 42March 30, 2024 5:21 PM

Roseanne is 72 this year - that’s old. The reason she looks older than the avg 72 year old (she’s already had a facelift) is because of extreme weight loss. And weight gain, and loss, and gain, and…

by Anonymousreply 43March 30, 2024 5:28 PM

She's also a heavy smoker, r43.

by Anonymousreply 44March 31, 2024 2:47 AM

He too is known for being quite overweight, just like you.

by Anonymousreply 45March 31, 2024 5:54 AM

And a colossal cunt R45.

by Anonymousreply 46March 31, 2024 7:46 AM

I am deeply offended by her remarks.

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by Anonymousreply 47March 31, 2024 7:54 AM

R47 I don’t know which one is worse, a racist psycho or a Black woman who gets offended by everything and defends that.

by Anonymousreply 48March 31, 2024 7:59 AM

The single thing she has in common with Trump is that she has NEVER taken responsibility for her own fuck ups.

by Anonymousreply 49March 31, 2024 4:28 PM

R49 Didn't she spit on the American flag or something? I can't believe she wasn't canceled after that.

by Anonymousreply 50March 31, 2024 4:33 PM

Roseanne doesn’t have a mental illness. She has personality disorders.

by Anonymousreply 51March 31, 2024 11:04 PM

[quote] Didn't she spit on the American flag or something?


by Anonymousreply 52March 31, 2024 11:04 PM

Christian Post is covering her. Her new hair! lmao.

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by Anonymousreply 53March 31, 2024 11:05 PM

R53 That hair is the real crime.

by Anonymousreply 54March 31, 2024 11:06 PM

Rosanne the actor is nuts. Shee's in a bubble and makes no sense. She's also mean spirited and hateful. The character Rosanne is not like that, which is confusing to people. The woman is a moron, she's just absolutely bonkers. Hateful cunt should be ignored.

by Anonymousreply 55April 1, 2024 1:21 AM

[quote]It’s really amazing that she’s still alive. Such a horrible person.

Hell doesn't need another demon.

by Anonymousreply 56April 1, 2024 7:35 AM

[quote] The character Rosanne is not like that, which is confusing to people.

The character was exactly like that.

by Anonymousreply 57April 1, 2024 2:21 PM

I wonder how much money she's got left? I imagine she's blown through a lot of that Roseanne money.

by Anonymousreply 58April 1, 2024 2:26 PM

R57 That’s what I was gonna say. Someone on Reddit binge watched parts of each season and noted how her character became a bigger more spiteful bitch each year.

by Anonymousreply 59April 1, 2024 2:29 PM

[quote] The character was exactly like that.

No not really. There was an episode on the show where the young son didn't want to kiss a black girl for a school play and Roseanne let him have it for being ignorant. The character was white trash but not MAGA levels of ignorance that real life Roseanne displays. She's so far gone it almost seems like she's playing a character or caricature of herself, but she's been to too many Trump rallies to for this to be trolling. She is not the same Roseanne from the 80s and 90s, something weird has happened to her on the past few years. You can even we watch old interviews and see how much she has regressed to what she is now.

by Anonymousreply 60April 1, 2024 2:32 PM

^fuck sorry about those typos

by Anonymousreply 61April 1, 2024 2:34 PM

R60, they changed her when necessary to fit the storyline.

by Anonymousreply 62April 1, 2024 3:32 PM

The Washington Examiner is to print what FoxNews is to broadcast --> reichwing conservative claptrap. Never link that rag on DL, OP

by Anonymousreply 63April 1, 2024 3:39 PM

She's bitter about losing her career and her show and blames liberals.

by Anonymousreply 64April 1, 2024 5:23 PM
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