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Friend of three Chiefs fans who 'froze to death' in his backyard claims he had NO IDEA until cops showed up

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 600February 3, 2024 5:20 AM

Kansas City, Missouri.

by Anonymousreply 1January 23, 2024 12:53 PM

Cutie Clayton McGeeney RIP.

pic next post.

by Anonymousreply 2January 23, 2024 12:55 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 3January 23, 2024 12:56 PM

Kansas City? Was meth involved?

by Anonymousreply 4January 23, 2024 12:58 PM

Maybe they OD'd on fentanyl but why outside?

by Anonymousreply 5January 23, 2024 12:58 PM

The homeowner went to bed--for two days?

by Anonymousreply 6January 23, 2024 1:05 PM

Who locked them out of the house?

by Anonymousreply 7January 23, 2024 1:08 PM


by Anonymousreply 8January 23, 2024 1:08 PM

This is all over the true crime social media accounts. It looks like deaths from partying too hard. Guys were drunk/high AF and wandered out into the snowy fenced-in back yard in the middle of the night and froze to death in the wee hours.

What’s suspicious is the guy who hosted the party and his behavior afterwards. The guys’ cars were parked in his driveway for two days and the friends and family were calling and texting him frantically trying to find them and get info. He ignored all of them and never came to the door in all that time.

The finance of one guys broke into the basement to look for anything and wandered into the backyard and discovered one body. She called the police and when they arrived, then and only then did the guy come out of his room in his pajamas holding a wine glass. They soon discovered the other two bodies.

The idea is that he knew or discovered what happened, and was on such a bender he didn’t care.

by Anonymousreply 9January 23, 2024 1:13 PM

Jason Kelce you better watch yourself

by Anonymousreply 10January 23, 2024 1:14 PM

I find it hard to believe that all three men would suffer the same fate that night accidentally.

One person ODing or dying of exposure while high... okay. Two the same night? Questionable.

But three? No.

by Anonymousreply 11January 23, 2024 1:15 PM

They could have locked themselves out, if the doors were the kind that only opens with a key, and they left to go home then for some reason didn't. Hypothermia sneaks up on you because it alters your brain function: I guess that's even more likely if you're already off your face.

But the behaviour of the homeowner is certainly harder to explain.

by Anonymousreply 12January 23, 2024 1:16 PM

I also read he had animals (dogs?) he had to let out so you would think he would have seen the bodies or the animal would have

by Anonymousreply 13January 23, 2024 1:16 PM

Agreed. 3 men don't simultaneously loose their wits a couple steps from a house and their cars.

by Anonymousreply 14January 23, 2024 1:17 PM

R12 - weak. So they just instantly froze to death in the yard? Not get into their cars? Not bang on or break a window? Just 3 guys who plopped into the snow and died.

by Anonymousreply 15January 23, 2024 1:18 PM

Grindr four-way gone horribly wrong.

by Anonymousreply 16January 23, 2024 1:20 PM

It depends whether they were continuing to carouse, R15. If they left the place already drunk and with bottles in their hands it's conceivable they could have stood drinking and yakking and lost track of the effects of the temperature. But yes, not very likely ONE of them wouldn't have realized the danger in time to raise the alarm.

by Anonymousreply 17January 23, 2024 1:22 PM

Mr. Freeze was passing through the neighborhood.

by Anonymousreply 18January 23, 2024 1:25 PM

I'm angry at myself that I haven't yet learned never to click on any link to a Daily Mail article. It's appalling how badly written this one is.

by Anonymousreply 19January 23, 2024 1:35 PM

I purposely started a thread with a link to another source a few days ago, R19, but I guess no one wants the "boring" articles from legitimate news sources.

by Anonymousreply 20January 23, 2024 1:39 PM

Daily Mail does suck sometimes, but they are usually good for info on true life crimes. I remember when I was interested in the story of the Turpins who kept their kids locked up DM had the most pictures and info.

by Anonymousreply 21January 23, 2024 1:42 PM


by Anonymousreply 22January 23, 2024 1:56 PM

This is one of the comments from the DM story:

Aberdeen12, Chelsea, United Kingdom, 3 minutes ago

I read the local news story, which goes in to much more detail. Homeowner has changed his story, and has an excuse for every ask. Slept with headphones on. FOR TWO DAYS. Has pets that would need to be let out. Said he last saw them in his house when he went to bed, then said he saw them leave. Family and friends called him, texted him and FB messaged him. He read messages and KNEW they were all missing and still ignored everyone. We also are not talking a half acre yard. this is a postage stamp size yard. I am sure it will come out later, the positions of their bodies, along with the drug tests to say if they had been moved outside or died from an "accidental" overdose out there. Homeowner had two full days plus to clean up any evidence.

by Anonymousreply 23January 23, 2024 2:00 PM

[quote]I purposely started a thread with a link to another source a few days ago, [R19], but I guess no one wants the "boring" articles from legitimate news sources.

Or, maybe we just didn't see the thread you started.

by Anonymousreply 24January 23, 2024 2:05 PM

He probably put them out there to obscure the time of death.

by Anonymousreply 25January 23, 2024 2:09 PM

There was another man at the scene. Who was it and why is there no information about him?

by Anonymousreply 26January 23, 2024 2:14 PM

He was the rough fucking top R26.

by Anonymousreply 27January 23, 2024 2:17 PM

I guess those scraggly beards don't protect you from the cold

by Anonymousreply 28January 23, 2024 2:18 PM

28 posts and no one has blamed Taylor Swift yet?

by Anonymousreply 29January 23, 2024 2:23 PM

There was some detail about the dogs I can’t remember and can’t seem to find now. Authorities determined the dogs hadn’t been in the backyard the whole time and released this information. I swear this came out at some point but can’t seem to find now.

by Anonymousreply 30January 23, 2024 2:37 PM

They all did drugs. They died in the house. The fourth guy that lived there did not die - perhaps skipped whatever might have been laced with fentanyl or didn't do as much - waited until the drugs were out of his body, to save his ass. He moved the bodies outside. But he was too stupid to realize his plan had holes in it.

The post mortem should be able to determine how they died. I'd think they could determine whether or not they were dead before the bodies froze. But I'm no medical examiner.

by Anonymousreply 31January 23, 2024 2:39 PM

R30, yes I remember reading the dogs were at his parents house for the weekend.

by Anonymousreply 32January 23, 2024 2:39 PM

Not one, not two, but three deaths at once.

Totally suspicious. This guy is toast.

by Anonymousreply 33January 23, 2024 2:41 PM

It is plausible that some Himbo on a bender just assumed their friends left their cars there and had gone somewhere else to party and would come back at some point and was ignoring texts and calls because he didn’t want to deal with anyone because he’s a selfish asshole, and simply didn’t know they were frozen in the backyard. It’s awful and lazy and weird, but plausible.

But it’s also much more plausible that he DID realize they were frozen back there at some point, like saw the bodies from the upstairs window or something, and just kept getting drunk because he was in denial. Which is horrible but also a little LOL.

The whole situation is horrible.

by Anonymousreply 34January 23, 2024 2:43 PM

Were the next door neighbours not home? Did the men go for a smoke and the door locked behind them? Were the windows too difficult to break? Why didn't they have their phones on them and call someone, was there no reception? Were they all just super fucked up?

by Anonymousreply 35January 23, 2024 2:43 PM

* parents'....also the fact the dogs were deliberately not there seems to suggest there was a plan to do something that the home owner didn't want the dogs' care to get in the way of.

by Anonymousreply 36January 23, 2024 2:43 PM

One guy wandering out there at 3 AM high as fuck and freezing in the snow is plausible.

But three at once? That’s extremely suspicious.

Can’t wait to hear the toxicology and autopsy reports.

by Anonymousreply 37January 23, 2024 2:46 PM

r34, if he saw them outside, wouldn't he have called paramedics on the off chance they were still alive? I thought I heard somewhere you can wait to resuscitate from hypothermia longer than usual. I'd at least try.

by Anonymousreply 38January 23, 2024 2:50 PM

Ok, DL Detective Agency. Let's get on this. Sabrina, you go see what you can find out from the families and any toxicology findings. Jill, you and Bosley act like interested home buyers and poke around. Kelly, see if you can find where this Jordan Willis has been hiding out. Get close to him but be careful. All of you Angels, be very careful.

- Charlie

by Anonymousreply 39January 23, 2024 2:52 PM

Yeah, what are the odds that they all froze at the same time? That they all became disoriented and incapacitated at the same time?

Body weight, mass, general health, and maybe even genetics might play a part in what happened to each of them and in what sequence.

by Anonymousreply 40January 23, 2024 3:05 PM

Fentanyl laced cocaine

by Anonymousreply 41January 23, 2024 3:11 PM

He knew they were there. Maybe he thought ‘if I ignore this problem it won’t be happening’. Denial.

He’ll confess in a few days that he saw them but kept drinking/sleeping whatever because he was scared or didn’t know what to do. And that he’s sooo sorry and that’s not who he was as a person. He’s a coward.

Even if he didn’t question the cars being in his driveway, the constant calls and texts from the men’s families should have prompted him to look around for them. But he didn’t have to because he already knew where they were and that they were dead. He must’ve thought that if he didn’t respond, he could plead ignorance.

by Anonymousreply 42January 23, 2024 3:12 PM

R29, you don't see Taylor's in on it?

[quote]Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye / You were bigger than the whole sky… / I’ve got a lot to live without / I’m never gonna meet / What could’ve been, would’ve been / What should’ve been you.

You think it's mere coincidence that she sang "goodbye" three times...and now three Chief's fans are dead! Taylor Swift is out to ruin football!

by Anonymousreply 43January 23, 2024 3:13 PM

He wanted to see if he could make his own corpsicle like in "True Detective: Night Country."

by Anonymousreply 44January 23, 2024 3:16 PM

I've never understood people who go out and falling-down drunk. Do you think people will take care of you because you're in an amusing, altered state? That the world is just one big party with friends?

by Anonymousreply 45January 23, 2024 3:17 PM

True Detective, this season.

by Anonymousreply 46January 23, 2024 3:32 PM

Sponsored by State Farm

by Anonymousreply 47January 23, 2024 4:18 PM

[quote] Blood alcohol levels at autopsy are valid up to 48 hours after death when simple principles are observed in the collection and storage of samples

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by Anonymousreply 48January 23, 2024 4:43 PM

They were obviously playing the Taylor Swift drinking game, aka "take a shot every time they show / mention Taylor," and that left them completely incapacitated.

She must be stopped before she kills again!

by Anonymousreply 49January 23, 2024 5:29 PM

A Dyatlov pass for our times! We should make a Dyatlov thread.

by Anonymousreply 50January 23, 2024 5:43 PM

The fifth man was a drug dealer and they did fent laced coke.

by Anonymousreply 51January 23, 2024 5:48 PM

What if the host of the party was with them in the backyard passed out, woke up alive (somehow) after the others were long gone… and realized the rest were dead. Ran in the house and warmed up then hid for two days in solitude from shock/shame/being weirded out.

by Anonymousreply 52January 23, 2024 6:05 PM

I go for days without going in my backyard. So it could happen.

by Anonymousreply 53January 23, 2024 6:18 PM

Maybe indoor guy passed out sooner than outdoor guys and therefore didn't go outside. Were the others locked out?

It's possible he didn't know they were there if he didn't have his phone on. I'm assuming their phones were on them. Fiance probably did the find my iPhone thing and that's how she knew where the one guy was.

Very sad. I can't imagine being the survivor knowing it may inadvertently be your fault your friends died.

by Anonymousreply 54January 23, 2024 6:30 PM

I can’t see my driveway from the living areas of my house, and might not go into my backyard for days. If I were hibernating at home for a couple of days, I might not leave the house. But that’s pretty rare. I try to go out for a walk at least.

But wasn’t this during the work week? People tend to have more solid routines during the work week.

But not seeing the cars AND not seeing the bodies AND not responding to frantic calls is a bit too coincidental.

by Anonymousreply 55January 23, 2024 6:32 PM

I'm Dreaming of a White Death Mass.

by Anonymousreply 56January 23, 2024 6:36 PM

I wonder if he was off R55, or always worked from home. He said his dogs were at his dad's house so he never needed to go outside.

by Anonymousreply 57January 23, 2024 6:36 PM

Were they able to determine whether he'd opened any FB messages or texts sent to him? It's possible for someone to be passed out unconscious for a good while and wake up to continue drinking, leaving the room only to eat or use the bathroom. Some people are really bad alcoholics.

by Anonymousreply 58January 23, 2024 6:50 PM

That they're described as Kansas City Chiefs fans I can't help but think of them in the backyard in their football jerseys huddled around a TV with Bud cans in their hands and covered with light dusting of snow. It's a terrible mental picture.

I seem to recall a case where a bunch of young people OD'd in an apartment together somewhere out west. I couldn't find that story but some old folks died in a similar manner at an old folks apartment complex. You'd think senior citizens would have more sense that that.

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by Anonymousreply 59January 23, 2024 6:54 PM

Poor Clayton! Did he at least present frozen hole?

by Anonymousreply 60January 23, 2024 7:00 PM

And the guy who slept through it answered the door to the police in his underwear, drinking a glass of wine! I'm sorry, but that cracks me up. It sure points to him being a bit of a tippler.

by Anonymousreply 61January 23, 2024 7:04 PM

I wouldn't take these guys for merlot types!

by Anonymousreply 62January 23, 2024 7:11 PM

R62 is Paul Giamatti, fresh from his Oscar nom!

by Anonymousreply 63January 23, 2024 7:15 PM

I think I read that two of the bodies were found out further in the yard. I don’t think they were locked out and couldn’t get in. Even if they were drunk, if they realized they were locked out and it was freezing they would have broken a window or walked around to the front and to their cars.

by Anonymousreply 64January 23, 2024 7:15 PM

R62 Yeah exactly! I would think he'd come stumbling out with a Bud Tall Boy. There's something so dramatic about him coming in with his glass of wine.

by Anonymousreply 65January 23, 2024 7:17 PM

I can see how slobbo was oblivious to his friendsicles in the backyard.

But how did all three of them die at the same time in the same weird way?

There are really two sets of unbelievable coincidences.

by Anonymousreply 66January 23, 2024 7:18 PM

R65, I hope it was a nice rosé!

by Anonymousreply 67January 23, 2024 7:19 PM

Were all three found in a penetrative position?

by Anonymousreply 68January 23, 2024 7:20 PM

The three frozen friends reminded him of a trip he once took to Pompeii in high school. And he drifted off into a drunken reverie for an additional day.

by Anonymousreply 69January 23, 2024 7:34 PM

I'm thinking booze and fentanyl.

by Anonymousreply 70January 23, 2024 7:43 PM

However suspicious, his behavior actually does fit the narrative of him simply not noticing or being aware and just being a lush.

EXCEPT for the cell phone part. If you’re drinking for two straight days… you are checking your phone. After 24 hours of friends and relatives sending messages wondering where the guys who were at his house are, you’re going to start wondering and looking around.

One article says the messages pointed out the guys’ cars were in his driveway.

by Anonymousreply 71January 23, 2024 7:43 PM

Obviously a backyard abortion party gone wrong.

by Anonymousreply 72January 23, 2024 7:46 PM

[quote]And the guy who slept through it answered the door to the police in his underwear, drinking a glass of wine! I'm sorry, but that cracks me up.

It's a vivid mental picture. We should start casting a low-budget black comedy.

by Anonymousreply 73January 23, 2024 7:46 PM

Oh, the sordid sex lives of dumpy midwestern men!

by Anonymousreply 74January 23, 2024 7:50 PM

This has the makings of a DL classic.

by Anonymousreply 75January 23, 2024 7:55 PM

Were they naked in the hot tub?

by Anonymousreply 76January 23, 2024 8:01 PM

Shades of the Robert Wone affair!

by Anonymousreply 77January 23, 2024 8:01 PM

I always wondered what happened to those bros who go to freezing football games shirtless, drunk, and painted like vikings?

Now I know!

by Anonymousreply 78January 23, 2024 8:04 PM

Danny McBride as Slobbo!

by Anonymousreply 79January 23, 2024 8:08 PM

Fentanyl-laced drugs could knock you out real fast...quick enough to just fall down outside, stop breathing, and freeze.

by Anonymousreply 80January 23, 2024 8:09 PM

Assuming the three dead guys informed some of their friends and family where they would be watching a really huge game, the fact that none of the friends and family went looking for them for two days is very weird.

by Anonymousreply 81January 23, 2024 8:09 PM

[quote]But it’s also much more plausible that he DID realize they were frozen back there at some point, like saw the bodies from the upstairs window or something, and just kept getting drunk because he was in denial. Which is horrible but also a little LOL.

Is he related to that Dylan girl in Idaho...who locked her door and went to bed after hearing her roommates get slaughtered?

by Anonymousreply 82January 23, 2024 8:11 PM

If the bodies were frozen, I suppose that means they’re still fresh.

by Anonymousreply 83January 23, 2024 8:11 PM

Armie, that’s mesothelioma country out there. You need higher grades of meat.

by Anonymousreply 84January 23, 2024 8:13 PM

Those midwestern boys are the other white meat! A little gristly and sinewy...

by Anonymousreply 85January 23, 2024 8:19 PM

2 of the 3 guys who died look older than 30s. Ignoring the phone calls & texts is what makes me think he's lying.

I think they were all in the house, drinking and doing fentanyl-laced coke. It's possible that surviving guy did go upstairs to get into bed.

I think he woke up to find all 3 dead. He dragged their bodies out into his yard.

5th guy may well have been a drug dealer.

by Anonymousreply 86January 23, 2024 8:30 PM

[quote] 2 of the 3 guys who died look older than 30s

I have a feeling their skincare routine was really lacking!

by Anonymousreply 87January 23, 2024 8:31 PM

Alcohol is absolutely a factor here, and probably drugs.

The weather in Kansas City, MO on the night of January7 was relatively mild, 34 degrees for the low and winds of 5-7 mph. While falling into 34 degree water and staying in it for even 15 minutes is death, 34 degree air temperature is not that dangerous and they would have had to have been out there a long time sober. I can’t really find a chart showing the effect that BAC has on hypothermia but there are apparently certain alcohol and drug combinations which can send you into hypothermia at normal temperatures.

I could see three guys going outside without jackets and smoking a couple of cigarettes but I don’t know if that’s long enough for even a very drunk person to become disoriented.

The guys in the yard would really have had to die in place because if there was snow on the ground it would have been impossible for even two adult men to carry them out into the yard without leaving lots of tracks and evidence.

I’m sure that the police tried to handle this quietly because an OD can be so embarrassing but the one family doesn’t care and is raising a stink.

by Anonymousreply 88January 23, 2024 8:32 PM

The fifth guy us like the Wone house intruder or Patsy’s small, foreign faction—he doesn’t exist.

by Anonymousreply 89January 23, 2024 8:39 PM

Three OD'd on fentanyl in the yard; homeowner was too far gone to know or figure the shit out.

by Anonymousreply 90January 23, 2024 8:41 PM

[quote] I’m sure that the police tried to handle this quietly because an OD can be so embarrassing but the one family doesn’t care and is raising a stink.

I don't think the cops would care about announcing that 1 or 3 of these guys died from a drug OD.

The family who is raising a stink, I wonder what they'll say when the toxicology reports come back.

by Anonymousreply 91January 23, 2024 8:43 PM

You may believe nobody will accept invitations to see a Chiefs game at his house, but I believe he’s about to attract a more experienced friend group.

by Anonymousreply 92January 23, 2024 8:48 PM
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by Anonymousreply 93January 23, 2024 8:58 PM

When you're so drunk that you pass out outside in the snow, you're usually not coherent enough to look for your car keys or break into windows.

Cold numbs people, and makes them want to sleep. It's very hard to use your wits even for the simplest of things if you're that drunk in the cold.

by Anonymousreply 94January 23, 2024 9:04 PM

^^Drunk or high

by Anonymousreply 95January 23, 2024 9:05 PM

Did they partake in paradoxical undressing? If not, they probably died quickly of fentanyl.

by Anonymousreply 96January 23, 2024 9:12 PM

[quote] Did they partake in paradoxical undressing?

Oh, DL, always going straight to the important, hard-hitting questions!

by Anonymousreply 97January 23, 2024 9:17 PM


by Anonymousreply 98January 23, 2024 9:47 PM

I just wished that the report had been written: The man answered the door with a glass of wine wearing his underwear.....

What would you put on a wine glass - boxers, briefs, or a thong?

by Anonymousreply 99January 23, 2024 9:49 PM

Everyone saying fentanyl is spot on. An overdose will kill you in minutes. Picture it:

It's getting late, they've been drinking and smoking weed all day, the alcoholic host is passed the fuck out and other people are threatening to as well. One of the three guys is like, "Noooo, come on you pussies! Look, I scored some coke earlier from my buddy's hookup, let's do a bump and keep partying." So they snort the coke (which unbeknownst to them has been laced with fentanyl), then they all step outside for a smoke and halfway through their cigarettes it hits them in quick succession. They drop to the ground and start seizing, maybe it hits one of them a few seconds later than the others, which is why they were in slightly different locations. They all have their phones on them outside, so the passed out host doesn't hear all the ringing and chiming and his is dead or on silent or lost in the couch somewhere. He probably gets up once or twice in the next day and a half to piss, take a swig of jack and pepsi, and pass the fuck back out, too hungover to care enough to look for his phone, and seeing the place is empty, just assumes everyone went home.

by Anonymousreply 100January 23, 2024 9:50 PM

That would be Jessica Fletcher's solution R100. And it will be the basis for the 2024 Christmas special:

Murder She Wrote: A Cabot Cove Christmas......Miss Lansbury will appear courtesy of AI/CGI.

by Anonymousreply 101January 23, 2024 9:55 PM

Shit, I read about a girl who was killed after smoking a joint laced with fentanyl. Two completely different highs, if not, completely different customers and the dealer laced her marijuana anyway!

by Anonymousreply 102January 23, 2024 10:10 PM

R103, I really think we should try to work R66's "friendsicles" somewhere into the title.

by Anonymousreply 103January 23, 2024 10:12 PM

If we’re sure that opioids are involved then this is a modern Midwestern scene in the Wizard of Oz except that Scarecrow/Unidentified Party Guest 5 just peaced-out and they all froze.

by Anonymousreply 104January 23, 2024 10:13 PM

R101, actually.

by Anonymousreply 105January 23, 2024 10:14 PM

This story has shades of Dyatlov Pass. Has anyone heard of that?

by Anonymousreply 106January 23, 2024 10:18 PM

If he's fucked up on fentanyl, he's not going to drag bodies outside.

by Anonymousreply 107January 23, 2024 10:19 PM

R107 Exactly. If he did whatever they did, he'd be dead too. Which is why he was probably conked out drunk before it even happened.

by Anonymousreply 108January 23, 2024 10:22 PM

I knew a guy we would go over to hang out or play cards and he was a heavy drinker, he was known to go to bed early and most times we would stay there and finish the game or finish the movie we were watching. There were times one of us fell asleep on the couch and scared the shit out of him when he woke up, he usually blacked out and didn't remember the night before. So I can see not knowing stuff happening there while you are passed out. But it doesn't look good him not answering calls and such the next few days.

by Anonymousreply 109January 23, 2024 10:30 PM

I don't think the friend purposely did anything malicious. I get why he's claiming "no idea" - it happened at his residence and who knows, possibly he provided drugs. He's trying to be as tied to it as little as possible trying to avoid liability - criminal or civil. Probably panicking.

by Anonymousreply 110January 23, 2024 10:34 PM

This is not an alcohol and weed only thing. These are big guys who can probably drink a shit ton. No way in hell they all passed out outside and died. No way in hell. It had to be fentanyl or something that hit that hard and fast. OR the died inside and the host dragged them outside. Where is the 5th guy that no one knew and did they have their coats on.

by Anonymousreply 111January 23, 2024 10:40 PM

Yeah it was fent, I'm sure. They could have used their phones if they were slowly dying.

R106 I said the same thing! Hey maybe we have some Dyatlov threads on DL.

by Anonymousreply 112January 23, 2024 10:42 PM

We do, R106. DL loves itself some Donner Party, Dyatlov Pass, Everest climbing season and other wintry escapades. There's threads on all, probably multiple.

by Anonymousreply 113January 23, 2024 10:46 PM

So y'all thinking this is like Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes?

by Anonymousreply 114January 23, 2024 10:48 PM

This is a stupid question because it's got to "yes," but is a fentanyl high that amazing? (if it was indeed fentanyl) I mean, why not just drink and smoke some weed. Fentanyl doesn't seem like something you can casually do.

by Anonymousreply 115January 23, 2024 10:48 PM

Ha! Another Victory!

by Anonymousreply 116January 23, 2024 10:49 PM

I think R106 was kidding, R113. I love all those threads too, I came for "dead bodies on Everest" thread 12 years ago and stayed for the bitchiness.

by Anonymousreply 117January 23, 2024 10:50 PM

[QUOTE]Two completely different highs, if not, completely different customers and the dealer laced her marijuana anyway!

It could be he dealt both marijuana and drugs that may contain fentanyl and used the same surfaces, scales, and utensils to package. Fentanyl residue gets on buds causing contamination. It only takes a very tiny amount to kill.

by Anonymousreply 118January 23, 2024 11:05 PM

This is the tiny amount of fentanyl that can kill you, to anyone who isn't aware. It can also be absorbed through the skin, which means first responders can even be unknowingly dosed by it. So imagine if you're breaking up some weed by hand that's been tainted with it, THEN you take a giant hit of that weed...you're toast.

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by Anonymousreply 119January 23, 2024 11:48 PM

Fenty cannot be absorbed through skin. You’re thinking of the carbuncle -whatever the fuck it’s name.

All those melodramatic videos of cops reacting to touching the drug undermines the seriousness of the drug.

by Anonymousreply 120January 24, 2024 1:22 AM

Is that true R120? Yeah, I guess I've only ever heard that from cops and EMT's. What are they gaining by lying about that?

by Anonymousreply 121January 24, 2024 1:25 AM

There is a lot of hysteria among people about fentanyl.

[Quote]Can fentanyl be absorbed through the skin or by touching an item or surface where it is present?

[Quote]It is a common misconception that fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin, but it is not true for casual exposure. You can't overdose on fentanyl by touching a doorknob or dollar bill. The one case in which fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin is with a special doctor-prescribed fentanyl skin patch, and even then, it takes hours of exposure.

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by Anonymousreply 122January 24, 2024 1:35 AM

I think the "absorb through the skin" misconception arose from cases where mouth to mouth was administered during CPR and the person performing it got ill. This happened with the West Point cadets who fell ill in Florida last spring break. This cadet who adminstered it came up with a clean top screen at the hospital.

by Anonymousreply 123January 24, 2024 1:42 AM

The cadet. Tox screen.

A clean top screen is interesting, though.

by Anonymousreply 124January 24, 2024 1:55 AM

A lot of the fentanyl misinformation comes from copaganda — police departments will put video on social media that purports to show a cop “overdosing” after merely entering a room that had like a milligram of fentanyl sitting out somewhere. Cops want everyone to know that they put themselves in danger. So much danger that being within meters of fentanyl is supposedly enough to kill a police officer, whereas it would have zero effect on literally anybody else. Oh also they have to wait too long for their egg McMuffins according to Ms. Officer Stunned Cunt, who posted a hysterical YouTube a few years ago.

You only overdose on fentanyl by shooting, smoking, or pill popping.

by Anonymousreply 125January 24, 2024 2:07 AM

What I don't get is, if they were all doing fentanyl laced cocaine inside, presumably it would be done while sitting on the couch or at a kitchen table. They snort a line or two, if there’s enough fentanyl to kill all three men, they're not all going to jump up and head outside. They're going to feel sleepy. One would probably overdose before the others.

I doubt they would go outside in the backyard to do the coke, as it's cold and windy. So it's not like they went outside and did a bump all at the same time, then dropped dead in unison. This is why I don't think the cause of death was coke laced with fentanyl. I think they were all super fucked up, though.

by Anonymousreply 126January 24, 2024 2:32 AM

Someone upthread said the weather was relatively mild that night & the wind was only 5-7 mph.

by Anonymousreply 127January 24, 2024 2:35 AM

R126 They could have been fucked up and outside. Cocaine lace with Fentanyl shows up. Someone says,"Fuck that I just cracked open this beer and lit a cigarette. Let's do a key hit. Gimme a bump." That's how it goes.

by Anonymousreply 128January 24, 2024 2:45 AM

Why do I wanna high-five the homeowner? Cuz that is some crazy shit. I’ve slept for 2 days on a quarter tab of Vicodin. The way he answers the door. Took out 3 Trumpsters.

by Anonymousreply 129January 24, 2024 2:46 AM

I've had days after I partied where I haven't left my house or lifted my phone and I rarely look in my backyard unless I actually have to go back there which is rarely so like bodies could actually be lying there right now for All I know. I feel like this exact thing could happen to me. Up to me answering the door in my underwear holding an empty wine glass. But more likely to be a mug because I broke all my wine glasses and I have no shame.

by Anonymousreply 130January 24, 2024 2:49 AM

Like actually just the other day and I hadn't even drank at all the night before but I was just super lazy. All I did was move back and forth from my bed bed to my couch and alternated between watching law and Order sexy times reruns and reading a collection of John Byrne's She Hulk series while snacking on peanut butter Oreos and listening to an 80/90s playlist.

by Anonymousreply 131January 24, 2024 2:54 AM

Yeah but even if they all did a key bump outside, one after the other, they all just dropped dead at the same time? Would they not already have been doing the coke inside as they had been drinking for much of the day?

by Anonymousreply 132January 24, 2024 2:54 AM

I did venture out to the front porch a couple times to feed the cats but other than that I have no idea what was going on outside.

by Anonymousreply 133January 24, 2024 2:54 AM

Hard for me to imagine with all these people blowing up his phone though he wouldn't notice the calls or texts r130. You would realize something out of the ordinary is going on even if it was pretty out of it. And I have done some alcohol and coke fueled benders in my day.

by Anonymousreply 134January 24, 2024 2:55 AM

I don't see the purpose of doing a key bump outside. They would've been doing coke inside the house, not outside.

by Anonymousreply 135January 24, 2024 2:57 AM

Maybe he doesn't charge his phone. I never do and I usually let it die just so that I won't be tempted to look at it because I really hate the way cell phones have encroached on society. And that was even before some idiot texting while driving slammed into my mom and killed her. I also don't like the expectation that I should be immediately available and responsive to any time somebody wants to impose their time on me. So even when my phone is on it's on silent and I don't even let it vibrate and I just look at notifications at my leisure. I know it's hard to imagine especially given all the posts I make here but there are many times that I don't touch my cell phone the entire day or look at anything on it.

by Anonymousreply 136January 24, 2024 2:57 AM

Maybe one of them got sleepy and the other two dragged him outside to wake him up....but it backfired.

I had a college roommate who disappeared for three days on Quaaludes and alcohol

by Anonymousreply 137January 24, 2024 2:58 AM

R126 I think you are presuming too much.

by Anonymousreply 138January 24, 2024 2:59 AM

R91 The families should get off their media tour. They want answers and they will get them, just not the ones they are expecting.

by Anonymousreply 139January 24, 2024 2:59 AM

Even if they were doing drugs outside, all three dropped dead at the same time ß without being able to leave the backyard?

Anyone can make up soke story of what might have happened to.oje person. But it it's not one, not two, but three separate people all found dead in the yard.

by Anonymousreply 140January 24, 2024 3:01 AM

One of my cousins friends od'd and died at my aunt's house and my aunt was so mad that paramedics and police were called. I guess she expected my cousins to like drop her off on the doorstep of a hospital or something. I'm not even sure that's the only OD that's happened at that house given it's was a pretty well-known flop House growing up where if you were down on your luck and had nowhere else to go you could always crash there. That's where we ended up living after my mom reappeared after being gone for 6 months. She was newly married and pregnant and kidnapped us from our father and then we lived it my aunt's house with like 14 other people in a five bedroom house.

by Anonymousreply 141January 24, 2024 3:01 AM

Maybe they were doing a dare: go outside shirtless and the last one to come in wins! Toxic masculine competitions!

by Anonymousreply 142January 24, 2024 3:05 AM

I'm not presuming, I'm basing my hypothesis on lived experience.

by Anonymousreply 143January 24, 2024 3:20 AM

My iphone even if I shut down the volume and put it on no ring it still makes a buzzing sound, so if I really want to sleep I turn my phone off. People who call while my phone is turned off, if they don't leave a voicemail it does not show their missed call so I honestly can't tell they called. I can't see my driveway from my windows and I also never look in the backyard, so I feel like this could be me.

by Anonymousreply 144January 24, 2024 3:30 AM

They weren't allowed to smoke in the house so went outside to do it and then died

by Anonymousreply 145January 24, 2024 3:33 AM

What about the cop who passed out and almost died from exposure?

by Anonymousreply 146January 24, 2024 3:34 AM

To fent^^^

by Anonymousreply 147January 24, 2024 3:34 AM

R137 Was your roommate Karen Quinlan?

by Anonymousreply 148January 24, 2024 3:42 AM

Has Taylor Swift commented yet?

by Anonymousreply 149January 24, 2024 4:01 AM

[quote]Even if they were doing drugs outside, all three dropped dead at the same time ß without being able to leave the backyard?

Yes, they all overdosed on the same drug, and their dying prevented them from leaving the yard. If they had overdosed in the house, they would not have been able to leave it either.

by Anonymousreply 150January 24, 2024 4:08 AM

[quote] They weren't allowed to smoke in the house so went outside to do it and then died

Somehow, I think smoking was allowed inside the house.

[quote] He did say that one of the deceased's wives contacted him on Facebook Messenger, but Willis didn't see the message until after cops got in contact.

This guy uses Facebook Messenger, but doesn't look at his phone? Fishy.

by Anonymousreply 151January 24, 2024 4:19 AM

You don’t let people smoke meth or cocaine in your house. One smells like bad chemistry class and the other smells like cat pee. They smoked outside and died.

by Anonymousreply 152January 24, 2024 4:22 AM

When I did drugs, everything was done inside the house.

by Anonymousreply 153January 24, 2024 4:26 AM

Where is the 5th guy? The homeowner looks like less of a redneck than the 3 who died

by Anonymousreply 154January 24, 2024 4:31 AM

Check the crawlspace.

by Anonymousreply 155January 24, 2024 4:33 AM

Man I think I got gangbanged and I didn't even feel it.

Where's my wine glass?

by Anonymousreply 156January 24, 2024 4:51 AM

They need to tell us if he was reading the messages while the bodies were still in the yard, or if his phone was off.

by Anonymousreply 157January 24, 2024 5:16 AM

It's possible too that maybe he figured his friends went off on a bender somewhere that didn't respond because he didn't want to eat them out. Or maybe his friend's girlfriends and wives are always nagging him about where they were just like my sister-in-law does whenever my brothers anywhere near me and he doesn't immediately respond to her if she starts texting me even though it's only been maybe half an hour to an hour at the most since he's last talked to her but she's so damn controlling she's just got to start bugging everybody that might be in contact with him.

by Anonymousreply 158January 24, 2024 5:22 AM

[quote] It's possible too that maybe he figured his friends went off on a bender somewhere that didn't respond because he didn't want to eat them out.

Eat them out?

by Anonymousreply 159January 24, 2024 5:31 AM

^Rat them out

by Anonymousreply 160January 24, 2024 5:32 AM

R153 We're not talking " doing drugs" like this is some kind of crack house or something. Doing an occasional single line of coke with friends after a night of partying happens pretty damn frequently. I do not partake because it gives me migraines, but I have plenty of perfectly responsible, respectable friends with good jobs and families that will every so often accept a bump of cocaine when offered if they're drunk enough and the mood/time is right. But I don't have a single friend that is cool with people smoking cigarettes indoors (even if they themselves are occasional smokers).

by Anonymousreply 161January 24, 2024 5:35 AM

Was there really a 5th guy or should we be looking for a soft butch sous chef?

by Anonymousreply 162January 24, 2024 6:31 AM

It was toxic algae!

by Anonymousreply 163January 24, 2024 8:53 AM

It wasn't coke, it was likely a fake percocet or some other fake pill that was actually fentanyl. People can live up to like 10 minutes after ingesting one.

by Anonymousreply 164January 24, 2024 9:48 AM

This site documents fentanyl deaths. People think they are taking speed or Xanax and go into a coma quick and just stop breathing..

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by Anonymousreply 165January 24, 2024 9:58 AM

I'd add a link here, but all I could find was a local FOX news clip... apparently the mysterious fifth man has spoken to a reporter and says that he left the home at midnight, the four (4) others were indoors watching TV. This is a contradiction of everything the guy who was renting the house told police.

I leave it to others to follow-up with a different report.

by Anonymousreply 166January 24, 2024 10:03 AM

R97, I don’t you understood what R96 was asking.

Often when people are found after suffering or dying from hypothermia, some will have taken off their clothes. This is called ‘paradoxical undressing.’

Your brain interprets the extreme cold as feeling hot.

by Anonymousreply 167January 24, 2024 12:31 PM

Right, Greg, I'm R96 and I was being serious. Our friends at Dyatlov did, and I wonder if these guys did too. If so, they were cognizant for awhile. If not, they probably died quickly.

by Anonymousreply 168January 24, 2024 12:36 PM

Kansas City milkman deep pocket groove!!!

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by Anonymousreply 169January 24, 2024 2:07 PM

Eat them out = rat them out........I think this is the funniest thing I have read on DL today.

by Anonymousreply 170January 24, 2024 2:11 PM

Couldn’t they leave and go somewhere else?

by Anonymousreply 171January 24, 2024 2:25 PM

Drugs laced with Fentanyl or straight up Fentanyl.

Accidental OD.

They may have all been outside smoking it. The alcohol use throughout the day compounded the problem, as they weren't at full mental capacity.

Fentanyl causes users to nod, just like heroin. Differences are that the nod is more profound and lasts longer. I know this because i got out of rehab in early December of 2023 for booze. Almost every person there was in for Fentanyl or Meth, so i learned all about it.

The three men may have consumed the drugs outside thinking the cold would prevent them from nodding out hard, when it actually hastened the nod due to hypoxia experienced in extreme cold.

There is also a strong possibility the host had zero idea he was hanging out with down-low junkies, as he and the fifth man survived the incident.

The reason police aren't investigating it as a crime? They found evidence indicating this was an accidental OD and aren't releasing all the info yet for reasons unknown, or until the tox reports return in order to substantiate their evidence/theory.

All family members and romantic partners are in denial or know their noe deceased loved ones were addicts, but cannot accept the possibility that yes indeed THREE addicts can ALL DIE, ALL AT ONCE, AT THE SAME TIME, partying outside in the cold.

by Anonymousreply 172January 24, 2024 3:15 PM

Yup, fifth guy said he was there for five hours, leaving at midnight. 5th man said that, when he left, the home renter was up and awake and that the remaining 4 were watching Jeopardy.

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by Anonymousreply 173January 24, 2024 3:16 PM

R152 PBI I don't know what kind of coke you've done but it does not smell like cat pee. It smells like nothing and should only have a zesty but bitter taste. Any coke that smelled like cat pee is whack. (Coke powder, that is. Have not smoked it.) Agree with you, meth has a weird smell and taste.

by Anonymousreply 174January 24, 2024 3:48 PM

Born in this place You only see so far Hear what we say

If we put the truth in your hands Would you really like to know Kansas city milkman

A row of houses Through the dawn A sleeping city Where I was born I hear laughter In the early light Outside the playground Were I learned to fight

Born in this place You only see so far Hear what we say

If we put the truth in your hands Would you really like to know Kansas city milkman

I read the papers Every word My only access To the outside world Yeah ... survival That's my game Just a common man In that there is no shame ... is there? ...

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by Anonymousreply 175January 24, 2024 4:35 PM

R172 what rehab did you go to, if you don't mind my asking.

by Anonymousreply 176January 24, 2024 5:00 PM

R176, that information is private.

by Anonymousreply 177January 24, 2024 6:07 PM

R126 The cocaine would have masked the depressant effects of the fent immediately after snorting it (i.e. they wouldn't have been immediately sleepy). It just would have added an increased euphoria. Cocaine is a stimulant, fentanyl is an opioid. It's called "speedballing", and it's been done intentionally for decades by combining cocaine with heroin and either snorting or injecting it (it could also be substituted with other stims and opioids). It's incredibly dangerous combining cocaine with heroin, but it's approximately 100 times more dangerous to do it with fentanyl. The scariest thing is that a lot of drug dealers are clandestinely lacing their coke with fent now to cheaply add to the high (particularly if they've cut the coke with fillers), but because it's so easy to misdose, they can accidentally add too much and kill whoever ends up using it. There's been something like a 300% increase of fentanyl lacing since 2016.

Within minutes of snorting the combination the user would begin experiencing intense arrhythmias and blood pressure spikes (made worse if they were smoking cigarettes), then they would begin seizing, then either stroke out or go into cardiac arrest. Aneurysms can also occur. It would happen incredibly fast, from standing and talking/smoking to dead, for all three of them. If the scenario laid out in R100 occured—let's say they prepared three lines on the kitchen table, all snorted them one after the other, then stepped right out the back door into the backyard for a cigarette, that's when it would have happened. The guy who was closer to the back door than the others probably snorted his line last so it hit him last. He may have been either on his way back inside to get help for the others when it hit him, or he lingered inside for a bit longer than the rest before coming out, and it hit him as soon as he stepped onto the back porch.

by Anonymousreply 178January 24, 2024 6:11 PM

That's all entirely plausible R178 I can definitely see that scenario playing out while the homeowner was elsewhere in the house completely trashed and oblivious.

by Anonymousreply 179January 24, 2024 6:23 PM

[quote] 5th man said that, when he left, the home renter was up and awake and that the remaining 4 were watching Jeopardy.

Jeopardy! He’s obviously lying.

by Anonymousreply 180January 24, 2024 7:39 PM

Oh youse don't think we watch Jeopardy R180? What? we ain't smart enough?

by Anonymousreply 181January 24, 2024 7:41 PM

Okay—I get that people a saying they found the fifth man, but has anyone found the small, foreign faction?

Y’all are looking in the wrong place. I’m telling you.

by Anonymousreply 182January 24, 2024 7:45 PM

Jeopardy was on in the background.

by Anonymousreply 183January 24, 2024 7:45 PM

Stay out of this Patsy, no children were harmed at that rental! Just some stupid, sloppy, poorly dressed and groomed white boys.

by Anonymousreply 184January 24, 2024 8:28 PM

Some of this has been covered above, but some of this information is new to me and is summed up well. Particularly information coming from the mysterious 5th man via his lawyer, and updated statements from Jordan Willis’ lawyer.

It’s a true crime TikTok-er video, posted today:

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by Anonymousreply 185January 24, 2024 9:28 PM

Families speak

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by Anonymousreply 186January 24, 2024 9:56 PM

That woman at r185 is really annoying.

She’s also wrong that the fifth man contradicts Willis’s statement that the last time he saw the men was when they left and he went to bed. The fact that the four were watching Jeopardy! (Sure, Jan) when the fifth man left is not inconsistent with what Willis’s attorney said.

by Anonymousreply 187January 24, 2024 10:04 PM

R183: "Jeopardy was on in the background."

Don't you see? IT ALL ADDS UP. But they don't WANT you to see it!

by Anonymousreply 188January 24, 2024 10:21 PM

[quote]The family of one of the three Kansas City Chiefs fans found dead under mysterious circumstances in a friend’s snowy yard has wildly suggested they could have been drugged and left for dead.

[quote]The friend inside the house, respected HIV data scientist Jordan Willis, has also strenuously denied knowing anything about the plight of his three dying friends


[quote]“I believe he drugged them, dragged them outside and waited two days to call police,” Johnson Sr. said of Willis


[quote]“He may have done some drugs and stuff in the past, but I do not believe all three of them did drugs and fell over dead in that backyard,”

[quote]“I’m not going to say that during a game he didn’t have some drinks. But he wasn’t irresponsible that he was going to go outside and freeze to death,” he claimed of his son, whose coat was left inside the rental house where the pals had watched the game.

[quote]“You’re talking about three grown men. If he was out there just freezing like they said, he could’ve kicked out a window to get into the house,” the father continued.

[quote]Johnson’s mother, Norma Chester, shared the same theory, while conceding it was just her “thinking” rather than based on specific evidence.

[quote]“Seriously, these were responsible men. How do they go in a backyard and freeze to death, all three of them?” she asked the news site.

[quote]“Something that comes to my mind, this guy [Willis] wants to brag about how smart he is, he’s a scientist. My thoughts are that he concocted something and gave it to all three men,” she suggested.

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by Anonymousreply 189January 24, 2024 11:36 PM

Jordan Willis

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by Anonymousreply 190January 24, 2024 11:40 PM

The homeowner was actually a renter. His house was large for one guy. I assume his was the party house when his friends could escape. All three seemed a bit lost in life.

by Anonymousreply 191January 24, 2024 11:45 PM

From the Daily Mail:

[quote][bold]He worked from home[/bold] and his two dogs were at his father's house, so did not require walking.

[quote]He does not know how the men died and says he never suggested that they 'froze', as had been reported.

[quote]Willis is an accomplished scientist, whose research into COVID and HIV has been praised in the medical world. In interviews, he described his two pit-bull mixes - Sadie and Daisy, as the 'light of his life'.

[quote]According to an interview that Willis gave to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative's website in 2022, he is the senior principal scientist at the IAVI Neutralizing Antibody Center in Kansas City.

[quote]Willis said in the interview that he conducts data analysis and interpretation for the IAVI's HIV vaccine trials. He also compared the search for an effective HIV vaccine to Covid-19 vaccine research.

[quote]The Virginia-native graduated with a Ph.D. in Chemical and Physical Biology from Vanderbilt University in 2014. He previously studied chemistry and molecular biology at Northwest Missouri State University.

[quote]In 2022, he received an award for his 'significant contributions to HIV vaccine development.'

[quote]In the intro section to his now-deleted Facebook page, Willis wrote: 'Walking the line to be be the funnest guy in the room and a full-on mental breakdown.'

[quote]While on another social media platform, Willis describes himself saying: 'Self-proclaimed man-about-town.'


[quote]Johnson's brother Jonathan Price said that he heard the owner of the home had animals that would need to go outside, and claimed the city didn't get enough snow to submerge the men for them to be hidden for days.


[quote]He said [bold]Johnson and his two friends were inseparable, but he did not know Jordan Willis and hadn't heard how his brother met him.[/bold]

[quote]Price said he didn't want to speculate over his brother's death, but said the circumstances don't make sense to him at all.

[quote]'My brother was a smart man, and there's no way that he would just freeze to death. Freezing to death is not a cause of death that I would accept,' he said.

by Anonymousreply 192January 24, 2024 11:46 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 193January 24, 2024 11:46 PM

Jordan Willis

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by Anonymousreply 194January 24, 2024 11:48 PM

R167, I remember when James Kim and his family got lost in the Oregon woods on one of those maze-like BLM logging roads. Mr. Kim was found paradoxically undressed.

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by Anonymousreply 195January 24, 2024 11:59 PM

Off topic, from R195's post "those maze-like BLM logging roads" - what is a Black Lives Matter logging road?

Asking for a friend...

by Anonymousreply 196January 25, 2024 12:04 AM

[quote]According to his Picerno, his client, who rents the home, is a 38-year-old scientist who [bold]works remotely for a New York hospita[/bold]l. [...] his client lives alone, attended high school with two of the victims, and has known the third victim for several years.


[quote]his client, his three friends and a fifth person "spent the day watching the game" and eventually the the fifth friend left the home.

[quote]"The others did not leave until the early morning hours on Monday,"

[quote]his client slept "most of Monday," got up, worked from home and eventually went back to sleep. On Tuesday, he said, he woke up and worked again until police contacted him that evening.


[quote]In a separate emailed statement, Picerno wrote his client did not receive calls or text messages from the victims' family or friends after they left his home. He said the wife of one of the victims reached out to him on Facebook but he did not see the message until after police contacted him.

[quote]Two of the victims' cars were parked on the street, according to the statement, but he did not see them. [bold]The attorney also said “It would not be unusual for his friends to have left their cars there overnight.”[/bold]

[quote]"Two people came to his house; however, he did not hear them as [bold]he sleeps with air buds and a loud fan[/bold]," Picerno wrote.

[quote]Picerno said his client is unaware of how his friends died and is "anxiously awaiting" to learn what caused their deaths.

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by Anonymousreply 197January 25, 2024 12:07 AM

Bureau of Land Management.

by Anonymousreply 198January 25, 2024 12:07 AM

Have they ascertained yet if there was any butt fucking involved in this drugs binge party?

by Anonymousreply 199January 25, 2024 12:09 AM

I thought black lives matter too, ha ha!

One thing I have learned from being a death hag and watching all these death shows, families never want to admit their loved one did drugs, or killed themself. They will critique any investigation that shows they did one of those things, especially drugs. These guys are the right age and class to be casual drug users, but their people will die before they'll admit that.

by Anonymousreply 200January 25, 2024 12:32 AM

R200 100%. Yeesh. I really feel bad for Willis. He seems like a harmless/respectable enough guy who just happens to be a weekend lush. These family members really are something else. No one ever suggested to them that their precious sons/husbands/brothers died by freezing to death because they were just too stupid to go inside. It seems pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that these poor schlubs dropped dead of an accidental OD, likely because they sampled a bit of a (usually harmless) party drug that happened to be laced with something deadly. That could happen to a crackwhore and it can happen to a nobel prize winner. I'm sure they're decent, responsible family-men 98% of the time, but that night they were wildin' out with their boys straight/white/middle class style, which in addition to booze and sports, occasionally includes a little blow if someone can score it.

"Oh, sure, they've done drugs in the past, but no WAY would they have done them that night! Not MY husband! Musta been this HIV scientist they've known since childhood just went suddenly rogue and decided to go on a murdering spree, Science Guy style!"

by Anonymousreply 201January 25, 2024 12:35 AM

Willis said the dogs were the light of his life and his parents were watching them because the friends were coming over. Wouldn't he have went to retrieve them/have them dropped off sometime within that 2 days?

by Anonymousreply 202January 25, 2024 12:43 AM

Oh right, the "pitbull mixes". I'm sure his folks often kept them for him so it wasn't urgent to pick them up. Maybe he was drinking his morning wine and about to go get them when the cops showed.

by Anonymousreply 203January 25, 2024 12:45 AM

I agree with R201 . "He done work on HIV and Covid vaccines! He believes in science! He must be evil! He killed our loved ones as some kind of sick libtard experiment! Lock him up!" We all know what kind of people the dead guys' families are.

by Anonymousreply 204January 25, 2024 12:53 AM

R202 Apparently they had quite a bit of snow in the two days following the deaths—not enough to completely obscure the bodies according to sources, but several inches worth. Maybe his parents just offered to keep the dogs an extra day or so because the roads were bad. Probably also why he decided to just stay home and loaf around in his PJs and keep drinking.

Also, it seems his phone wasn't "blowing up" with messages/calls from his friends family members. He was sent one or two messages by one guy's partner via FB messenger, which he says he didn't check until it was pointed out to him when the coppers arrived, cause how many people in 2024 are logging into FB every day anymore? I'm sure the friendsicles' phones were blowing up plenty, but they were phonesicles by that point.

by Anonymousreply 205January 25, 2024 12:55 AM

[quote]drinking his morning wine


by Anonymousreply 206January 25, 2024 12:59 AM

[quote] The fifth individual had arrived at the house at about 7 p.m. and left around midnight, his attorney, Andrew Talge, said.

The fifth friend is the guy who brought the bad drugs to the party. That game started at 3:30 CT and it takes a little less than three and a half hours to play an NFL game. Fifth guy left the bar after the game ended and brought the party favors with him.

Renter doesn’t want to say that he passed out and left the guys to party in his house for fear of having liability but that’s what happened.

by Anonymousreply 207January 25, 2024 1:04 AM

R204 Yeah there was something about how the things were worded that implied this possibly gay guy targeted these three and drugged them, to rape them no doubt.

by Anonymousreply 208January 25, 2024 1:05 AM

I was wondering about the fifth guy too, R208.

[quote]FOX4 spoke with the fifth person who was at the home via phone. At this point, we’re not naming him.

[quote]He said when he left, the three victims and Willis were still awake. [bold]He stressed that it’s absolutely not true that he was the last person to see the three men alive.[/bold]

[quote]After asking a few more questions, he directed FOX4 to his attorney, Andrew Talge.

[quote]In an interview with FOX4, Talge said his client arrived at Willis’ house around 7 p.m. that Sunday. He said his client was hanging out with the four others until about midnight. It’s at that point when he left.


[quote]Picerno confirmed with FOX4 that Willis has moved out of the Northland home after seeing a U-Haul parked outside of the house less than a week after the bodies were discovered.

[quote][bold]FOX4 asked Picerno if drugs could have played a role in what took place at this Northland home. He said at this time they are still working to determine that.[/bold]

[quote]At last check, KCPD said they are still waiting on autopsy results and a toxicology report from the medical examiner.

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by Anonymousreply 209January 25, 2024 1:07 AM

R207 Oh shit, you're probably right! It seems like he wasn't a close friend of anyone there.

See, this is why I have renter's insurance.

by Anonymousreply 210January 25, 2024 1:08 AM

R209 should have referenced R207.

by Anonymousreply 211January 25, 2024 1:14 AM

[quote]“Something that comes to my mind, this guy [Willis] wants to brag about how smart he is, he’s a scientist. My thoughts are that he concocted something and gave it to all three men,” she suggested.

Crazy mom thinks her little angel was poisoned. Bet she's a Q-Anon believer too.

by Anonymousreply 212January 25, 2024 1:21 AM

[quote]That game started at 3:30 CT and it takes a little less than three and a half hours to play an NFL game.

It started at 5:30 Central time, and they jam extra commercials into playoff games, so they can run longer.

The guys may have gotten there early enough to watch the first game of the day, Lions-Bucs, which started at 2 their time.

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by Anonymousreply 213January 25, 2024 1:26 AM

In every single photo of the three who died, all three have pinned pupils.

Pinned pupils are indicative of opiates.

They were all opiate addicts who decided to get fucked up before heading home, walked outside to smoke after ingesting the dope all three shared, and overdosed.

Happens ALL the time, sadly.

by Anonymousreply 214January 25, 2024 1:27 AM

R39 Jill: I better take the fentanyl detecting skateboard

by Anonymousreply 215January 25, 2024 1:30 AM

What was on their iPods?

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by Anonymousreply 216January 25, 2024 1:32 AM

I know a girl who looked at a bottle of fentanyl. It got absorbed through her eyeballs. And then she died.

by Anonymousreply 217January 25, 2024 1:40 AM

R217, you obviously kidd, however, it's crazy how miniscule of an amount can kill an adult.

by Anonymousreply 218January 25, 2024 1:43 AM

^no, you're thinking of carfentanyl. That's the super concentrated form of fentanyl that the cops are always going on about.

I'm sure I've tried fentanyl. There are pressed pills masquerading as 30 mg roxy, percs whatever but they have to contain fentanyl since the DEA halted the supply of pain pills. Not as good as the old stuff (the buzz sucks).

by Anonymousreply 219January 25, 2024 1:56 AM

I once had foot surgery and shortly after waking up from the anesthesia, I suddenly felt massive pain. The nurse shot me up with 25 MICROgrams of Fentanyl. The pain disappeared almost immediately and about another minute later I felt a rush of total euphoria. I can see how people can get addicted to the stuff.

by Anonymousreply 220January 25, 2024 2:08 AM

[quote] The homeowner was actually a renter. His house was large for one guy. I assume his was the party house when his friends could escape. All three seemed a bit lost in life.

I'm guessing that lots of single people can afford to rent a large house like that in that area.

by Anonymousreply 221January 25, 2024 2:38 AM

R213, you’re wrong. The game you linked to was last weekend. This all happened on January 7th, when the Chiefs played the Chargers in LA and kick off was at 1:30 Pacific or 3:30 Central.

by Anonymousreply 222January 25, 2024 2:40 AM

Clayton pinged!

by Anonymousreply 223January 25, 2024 2:41 AM

[quote] ^no, you're thinking of carfentanyl. That's the super concentrated form of fentanyl that the cops are always going on about.

There was an episode of Intervention where Linda was addicted to fentanyl lollipops. All day long, sucking on a fentanyl lollipop. So, yeah, I think that there must be a different strain of fentanyl that is deadly.

Here's Linda, clean and sober, it appears! Good for her.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 224January 25, 2024 2:42 AM

Omg R224, I was thinking of Linda too! Ex stunt person, now can only turn left...or right, she has mobility issues that let her only go one way. And her poor cute brother relegated to being her servant.

by Anonymousreply 225January 25, 2024 2:46 AM

R225, Linda was a pain in the ass. I do remember her poor brother. The parents put him in that position. I think I'd be scarred for life if I had to cater to my adult addict sister at the behest of my parents.

There was a 2nd brother who was married and was normal. He was the voice of reason.

But, yeah, Linda was sucking on fentanyl lollipops all day long.

by Anonymousreply 226January 25, 2024 2:49 AM

You can build up a tolerance to street fentanyl fast if you're a regular user of it—but only if you were already an opioid addict to begin with. Plenty of seasoned heroin addicts now prefer fent to heroin because it's loads cheaper and works faster, so if you're dopesick and broke, you can feel better instantly with just a few dirt-cheap grains of fent as opposed to 1/2 a teaspoon of heroin. And in much of Canada, you can't even get real heroin anymore—only fentanyl (that may or may not be masquerading as heroin).

But if you've not slowly built up a tolerance (starting with regular use of other strong opioids), yeah, you're gonna OD REAL fast. Even if you are currently an opioid addict, you can still very easily OD from a miscalculated dose of fent. Don't for a second think that you shouldn't be worried about fentanyl contamination/cutting if you're a recreational drug user of any kind—that includes coke, molly, meth, and street-purchased benzos or stims like adderall. I would even be wary of street-purchased weed if I didn't know for SURE that my dealer personally sourced his supply and that his supplier strictly dealt in weed.

Seriously, if anyone here does any occasional partying with street [purchased] drugs, get yourself a pack of fentanyl test strips and don't touch that shit without using them first.

KNOW YOUR BLOW, bitches.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 227January 25, 2024 3:15 AM

How do the test strips work if it's just a few grains mixed in with the other stuff?

by Anonymousreply 228January 25, 2024 3:18 AM

R228 If you scroll down on the link there are detailed instructions.

by Anonymousreply 229January 25, 2024 3:23 AM

R61, the boys were planning a trap to Napa valley. They were huge wine aficionados.

by Anonymousreply 230January 25, 2024 3:43 AM

They ate the last Eggo so he slipped sleeping pills into their Modelos

by Anonymousreply 231January 25, 2024 4:30 AM

Par-tay at Jordan's!!!!

by Anonymousreply 232January 25, 2024 3:23 PM

From another thread:

[quote] One of the ice men is the baby daddy to my childhood friend’s coworker, and she said it was definitely fentanyl.

Well, then.

by Anonymousreply 233January 25, 2024 9:55 PM

Datalounge solved this case within a couple of hours.

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by Anonymousreply 234January 25, 2024 9:59 PM

That one was easy.

by Anonymousreply 235January 25, 2024 10:03 PM

[quote]r70 I'm thinking booze and fentanyl.

I thought this said “I’m [bold]drinking[/bold] booze and fentanyl.”


by Anonymousreply 236January 25, 2024 10:17 PM

There are a lot of windows overlooking the backyard. People want Jordan Willis to be an evil scientist.

The fifth guy is a drug dealer and, per R233, a "childhood friend’s coworker" believes it was fentanyl. Is evidence required for police to immediately rule out foul play? Maybe drugs were found with the bodies.

[quote]Kansas City Police have said they are “100%” not looking into the deaths as a homicide, and that Willis has been cooperative since they became involved.


[quote]“There were no obvious signs of foul play observed at or near the crime scene,” police noted in a report. “The resident at the house was cooperative with detectives the day the deceased were discovered.”

[quote]Some have speculated that the group may have become sedated after combining some kind of drugs with alcohol, then passed out in the cold after stepping outside.

[quote]“It’s one thing for a person to tragically end up in a snowdrift after leaving a bar. But it’s a completely different story for three people to end up dead sitting on somebody’s back porch after a party,” Dr. Caleb Alexander, an epidemiologist specializing in drug use and safety at Johns Hopkins University, told The Post.

[quote]It certainly could be consistent with opioids, benzodiazepines, antihistamines, barbiturates, muscle relaxants,” he said.

[quote]“There are dozens of potential prescription drugs that when combined with alcohol could cause a level of sedation that would lead to ultimately freezing to death,” the doctor said.

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by Anonymousreply 237January 25, 2024 10:46 PM

The guy who was renting the house seemed like he had more on the ball than the 3 who died.

by Anonymousreply 238January 25, 2024 10:49 PM

[quote]“If I were to give a hypothesis... for the three men to die in the way that they did, something had to have been in their system," Jonathan Price, who shares a mom with Ricky Johnson, tells PEOPLE on Wednesday. "Whether or not it was taken knowingly, I wouldn't answer that."

[quote]He adds, “But something was taken because three grown men do not freeze to death at the temperatures that were there at the time with just alcohol involved."


[quote] Price tells PEOPLE that his 38-year-old sports-loving brother and his friends were “inseparable” — and that they looked after one another.

[quote]“There's no way that a coincidence of three grown men who all are fairly smart individuals would die in that way on the same night without something else being involved,” Price says. “Even if one of them was not inebriated, they would've brought the other two inside."


[quote]In addition to getting answers, Price hopes he can highlight how special his brother, a father of three who also ran his father's business, Johnson's Construction, was to loved ones.

[quote]“I'm not really a person that typically likes attention, basically, but I want my brother's story to be heard,” he tells PEOPLE. “I admired my brother. I looked up to him and I modeled myself after him growing up because he was all I had in the house as that example. So it's just been very difficult.”

[quote]He concludes, "I want everybody to know that he was a great father. He was an amazing brother and uncle, cousin, a great friend with a huge heart that would help anybody no matter what, no questions asked. He was a truly selfless person, and I want him to always be remembered as that.”

Translation: I know my brother was into opioids, but he was also a great father, brother, cousin, uncle, and friend. Remember what a great guy he was when the toxicology report is released instead of focusing on how he OD'd after taking a bad batch of drugs in someone's backyard and froze to death.

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by Anonymousreply 239January 25, 2024 10:58 PM

Coke? Fentanyl? I had no idea Midwestern football bros partied so hard.

And here I thought they stuck to tailgating with shitty beer and German brats..

by Anonymousreply 240January 26, 2024 12:10 AM

Only since Fraus have taken over the public zeitgeist have psychotic conspiracy theories run wild, to them everything has to be some hugely exaggerated situation. It’s nuts.

by Anonymousreply 241January 26, 2024 12:29 AM

The Midwest and Rust Belt are FULL of fentanyl r240. There was a lot of meth there as well, up until recently. Lots of overdoses and deaths.

by Anonymousreply 242January 26, 2024 12:31 AM

Yes, only women are conspiracy nuts. Who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6? 95% men.

by Anonymousreply 243January 26, 2024 1:15 AM

I heard all four guys helped each other booty-bump their coke!

by Anonymousreply 244January 26, 2024 1:24 AM

Three men were found dead outside their friend’s Kansas City, Mo., home on Jan. 9, two days after they went over to watch a Chiefs game. Now loved ones are demanding answers following weeks of what they say are inconsistent details from the men’s friend and attorney surrounding the timeline of the mysterious deaths. And news of a fifth man who attended the gathering that night has fueled even more speculation among family and friends.

High school friends Clayton McGeeney, 36, David Harrington, 37, and Ricky Johnson, 38, were found dead in the backyard of the rental home of their friend, Jordan Willis, police said. Willis had invited them to watch the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Los Angeles Chargers.

Two days after the game, McGeeney’s fianceé visited the house to check on him after not hearing from him — and said she found a body on the back porch, the Kansas City Police Department told Yahoo News. She called the police and when officers arrived, they discovered two more dead bodies in the snow-filled backyard.

On Jan. 20, Willis’s attorney, John Picerno, told a local news outlet that after the game ended, the three men left the house and Willis went to bed. That was the last time Willis saw them, according to Picerno.

But on Jan. 22, an unidentified fifth man — whose presence was not known in earlier accounts of the case — said he was also watching the game at Willis’s house that night. His attorney, Andrew Talge, said his client arrived at the house around 7 p.m. and left at midnight. The man told the local Fox 4 affiliate that Willis, McGeeney, Harrington and Johnson were awake watching Jeopardy! when he left the home.

Picerno confirmed to the news outlet there was a fifth man at his client’s house that day. He said that Willis "got tired and went to sleep while there were these guys in the home, and as I know now there was a couple of other people in the home."

On Jan. 24, Picerno clarified the timeline telling Fox News Digital that the fifth man left the house first. Willis then said goodbye to Johnson, Harrington and McGeeney, before falling asleep on the couch.

But an attorney for Ricky Johnson’s family has called out apparent inconsistencies in the story.

"Initially, he was by himself; now there was a fifth magical person who was at the house," Ross Nigro told Fox News Digital. "The fact that the story has changed significantly makes it seem unbelievable and not trustworthy whatsoever. In addition to Mr. Willis leaving the residence and hiring a criminal defense attorney, those are all signs of someone hiding something," Nigro said.

During the days leading up to the discovery of the bodies, Picerno said that Willis worked from home, sleeping most of the time before police arrived, according to USA Today.

Multiple outlets have reported that after concerned friends and family had not heard from the men after the football game, they and the fifth man tried to contact Willis, but he did not respond.

According to the local Fox affiliate, Picerno also acknowledged that two people came to the house but Willis had been sleeping with earbuds near a fan and didn’t hear them.

But Willis answered the door for police when they arrived, wearing just his underwear while gripping an empty glass of wine.

A family member told Fox 4 that Willis claimed to them his friends “froze to death.”

But the families have said Willis's account of the night does not add up, including his claim that he slept for most of the two days and did not know there were dead bodies in his yard.

“It’s got a lot of holes in it, like last time he saw them they were leaving the house, but he didn’t know they had left, that doesn’t make much sense," Alan McGeeney, a cousin of Clayton McGeeney told Fox 4.

Jennifer Marquez, Harrington’s mother, told News Nation Now that neither the families nor friends believe Willis’s story.

“He’s not telling the whole story. He’s covering something up,” Marquez alleged in another News Nation report. “If your telling the truth, the story should be the same.”

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by Anonymousreply 245January 26, 2024 1:29 AM

Ricky Johnson Sr. acknowledged in an interview with Fox News Digital that while his son may have used drugs before, he did not believe the three men “did drugs and fell over dead."

"I’m not going to say that during a game he didn’t have some drinks. But he wasn’t irresponsible that he was going to go outside and freeze to death," continued Johnson.

But Willis’s attorney has pushed back at the accusations that his client was involved in the men’s deaths.

"Jordan had absolutely nothing to do with their deaths. He does not know the timing or manner of their deaths, nor does he know how or when they exited his house," Picerno told CBS News.

"The number one thing that people need to remember from our point of view is that these were his three buddies. If they were in danger, he would’ve helped them," Picerno told Fox News Digital. "If he knew they were out there, he would’ve called the police himself. Anything beyond that is pure speculation."

The Kansas City Police Department said they’re probing this case as a “death investigation” and that “no foul play was observed or suspected.”

Willis “was cooperative with detectives the day the deceased were discovered,” the department told Yahoo News via email.

“There have not been any arrests/charges, and no one is in custody. There are no specific threats or concerns for the surrounding community at this time. The next step in the investigation is to receive the findings (preliminary or final) from the medical examiner,” the statement continued.

A local medical examiner conducted autopsies on the bodies and the results are pending.

by Anonymousreply 246January 26, 2024 1:29 AM

I have friend, technically a former friend, who still parties well into his 50s. Coke, meth, pills.


As soon as I learned he was still into hard drugs, I blocked him. I was struggling with booze, and had every intention & desire to get sober again, which I thankfully did.

Last thing I wanted is some guy bringing hard drugs into my life or home.

The surviving friend must feel awful. His friends died in a horrible manner, and now a bunch of assholes are blaming him for their deaths.

Be very careful with whom you choose to spend time with.

by Anonymousreply 247January 26, 2024 1:38 AM

The surviving guy came to the door in underwear, holding a glass of wine. He was also holed up in his house for the entire day following the get-together.

by Anonymousreply 248January 26, 2024 1:40 AM

[quote]His friends died in a horrible manner

I wouldn't mind going that way.

by Anonymousreply 249January 26, 2024 1:40 AM

[quote] The surviving friend must feel awful. His friends died in a horrible manner, and now a bunch of assholes are blaming him for their deaths.


It seems like he knew what was going down, and he said "Okay guys, I'm out. Going to bed."

He was nice enough to let them hang out at his house and party (obviously, they couldn't do it at their own places, due to girlfriends and what not), and look what happened.

Now he's having a shitstorm of blame raining down on his head.

He sounds a lot like me.

I love to drink and get buzzed, but I don't do drugs.

The fact that the still living friend went to the door in his underwear and a wine glass in his hand when the cops arrived, tells me everything I need to know.

The guy didn't know what happened to his friends, because he was on a bender for two days.

What more is there to explain?

The host was passed out drunk, and his friends OD'ed on drugs after watching the game.

There's no conspiracy here.

by Anonymousreply 250January 26, 2024 1:44 AM

R249, if that's the case, then this thread is pretty much an instruction manual for you.

I hope you get decent help. Seriously.

You're currently expressing a form of suicidal ideation. You can get better and get to the other side.

All the best to you.

by Anonymousreply 251January 26, 2024 1:46 AM

[quote]You're currently expressing a form of suicidal ideation.

Hardly, r251. I'm certainly in no rush.

by Anonymousreply 252January 26, 2024 1:49 AM

R252, people who say, "I wouldn't mind going that way" tend to play fast & loose with their lives.

Eye roll all you want, but you revealed something about yourself that is concerning.

by Anonymousreply 253January 26, 2024 1:52 AM

OMG saying "I wouldn't mind going that way" is like saying there are worse ways to die. Give it up concern troll.

by Anonymousreply 254January 26, 2024 2:01 AM

[QUOTE]his client arrived at the house around 7 p.m. and left at midnight.

About the 5th man. What kind of a drug dealer stays for five hours?

by Anonymousreply 255January 26, 2024 2:04 AM

[quote]Eye roll all you want, but you revealed something about yourself that is concerning.

I revealed that when my time comes I wouldn't mind going to sleep and not waking up. Why exactly does that concern you, r253?

by Anonymousreply 256January 26, 2024 2:11 AM

[quote] What kind of a drug dealer stays for five hours?

One representing a small, foreign faction.

Be careful out there!

by Anonymousreply 257January 26, 2024 3:50 AM

A low-level drug dealer might socialize with clients and stay for a long time.

by Anonymousreply 258January 26, 2024 4:03 AM

Were they vaxxed? #diedsuddenly

by Anonymousreply 259January 26, 2024 5:16 AM

R259, doubtful. Those bros are in prime-age, prime-location antivax-land

by Anonymousreply 260January 26, 2024 5:19 AM

The science guy, the renter, was probably vaxxed.

Connect the dots, people.

by Anonymousreply 261January 26, 2024 5:21 AM

Why would a room of drunk football-watching pals be watching Jeopardy at midnight on a weekend?

by Anonymousreply 262January 26, 2024 5:25 AM

R262, they were huge fans of Blossom!

by Anonymousreply 263January 26, 2024 5:26 AM

Jeopardy has been dumbed down for the younger generation.

by Anonymousreply 264January 26, 2024 5:28 AM

It was Jewish space lasers.

by Anonymousreply 265January 26, 2024 6:32 AM

I really hope when the autopsy and toxicology report come out, this blows back in the face of these snake-like, passive aggressive, qanon, ignorant asshole family members making these thinly veiled accusations... bigly.

by Anonymousreply 266January 26, 2024 7:56 AM

Midwesterners like to both disbelieve and/or mimimize terrible behavior. Few drinks my ass.

by Anonymousreply 267January 26, 2024 8:02 AM

Doubtful they were anti-vaxers. Willis was an accomplished epidemiologist of some sort who was working towards developing an HIV vaccine and also worked on Covid vaccines. I can't imagine someone like that being able to tolerate anti-vax nuts, even if they were childhood friends.

Also doubtful the 5th guy was the dealer. He could have just been a casual friend of one of the three dead guys who had the hookup that night and was feeling generous. Maybe he just decided not to partake cause he had an early morning so he just told them to help themselves to it before he took off. Maybe he owed someone the favor. If he was a dealer, it would have been traced back to him by now (it's been weeks).

I was just snooping around in some of the threads about this case in the Kansas City subreddit and there were a number of people in there who personally knew one or more of the guys who died, and according to one user they (the friendsicles) called themselves "the coke brothers". A number of other users who say they knew them right away guessed coke + fentanyl OD. Yet another person said something very similar happened at a bar in Atlanta—three people ducked out to do some key bumps at a table outside and two out of the three immediately dropped dead right there, like 10 feet from the bar. One survived but was in critical condition. The coke was laced with fentanyl.

by Anonymousreply 268January 26, 2024 8:04 AM

Older millennial men still trying to act like they're frat boys. 😂😂

by Anonymousreply 269January 26, 2024 8:24 AM

Why do dealers want to kill off their customers?

by Anonymousreply 270January 26, 2024 8:45 AM

It doesn't sound like it was much of a party.

by Anonymousreply 271January 26, 2024 8:49 AM

[quote] Why do dealers want to kill off their customers?

They don't.

I have a theory about what's going on re: fenty, but that veers off into an entirely different thread!

by Anonymousreply 272January 26, 2024 8:58 AM

Well go ahead and start a new thread about your theory R272

by Anonymousreply 273January 26, 2024 9:07 AM

So now Jordan is saying he saw them out via the front door and then went to sleep. Would the "Coke Bros" go into the backyard for a farewell hit before going home? Don't you coke up during the party?

by Anonymousreply 274January 26, 2024 9:08 AM

I bet they had shitty early 2000s hip hop playing while they snorted their bad blow!!!!

by Anonymousreply 275January 26, 2024 9:39 AM

Maybe some Usher?

by Anonymousreply 276January 26, 2024 9:39 AM

[quote] I was just snooping around in some of the threads about this case in the Kansas City subreddit and there were a number of people in there who personally knew one or more of the guys who died, and according to one user they (the friendsicles) called themselves "the coke brothers". A number of other users who say they knew them right away guessed coke + fentanyl OD. Yet another person said something very similar happened at a bar in Atlanta—three people ducked out to do some key bumps at a table outside and two out of the three immediately dropped dead right there, like 10 feet from the bar. One survived but was in critical condition. The coke was laced with fentanyl.

I think our work is done.

by Anonymousreply 277January 26, 2024 9:58 AM

Of course the deaths were drug related.

by Anonymousreply 278January 26, 2024 10:34 AM

[quote]“Something that comes to my mind, this guy [Willis] wants to brag about how smart he is, he’s a scientist. My thoughts are that he concocted something and gave it to all three men,” she suggested.

I'm sorry her son died, but I loathe this kind of person—obnoxiously moronic and aggressively ignorant.

by Anonymousreply 279January 26, 2024 11:31 AM

Yup. Fuck that lady. I highly doubt Willis did anything to them. I believe he showed them to the door to go home and they stayed to do a hit. But then they died. They may have asked Willis if he wanted some, and he said no and went to bed.

If he knew they were still there or saw their dead bodies and ignored it, that I don’t know. But he didn’t kill them and probably didn’t supply the drugs.

by Anonymousreply 280January 26, 2024 12:05 PM

Same, R279.

This is why he had move, ASAP.

The deranged family members and the media were hounding him at home. He very likely was advised by his attorney to get the fuck outta there, before something happened to him.

I know these folks are dismayed and obviously grieving, however, it's completely out of line to go to the media and accuse this man of murder, just because he's a scientist.

These are the same type of folk who sit online, propagating bullshit about Dr. Fauci.

America still has an Opioid epidemic, and tragically, these deaths, along with millions of other deaths, are the result.

by Anonymousreply 281January 26, 2024 12:07 PM

Of course Jordan Willis was "cooperative". Why do you think his three friends spent so much time over there.....and isn't that a BI-level house?

by Anonymousreply 282January 26, 2024 2:46 PM

I think it was just a place for them to drink (do drugs) and hangout without wives, girlfriends, or kids around. No sex necessary.

by Anonymousreply 283January 26, 2024 2:48 PM

Only one of the deceased was even remotely hot.

by Anonymousreply 284January 26, 2024 2:59 PM

[quote] Why would a room of drunk football-watching pals be watching Jeopardy at midnight on a weekend?

I used to work in a Cheers-type neighborhood bar (lots of regulars). The customers were dumb and loved to watch both Wheel of Fortune AND Jeopardy. One day, I figured out the final Jeopardy answer. It had a math component to it. The customers thought I was a genius. I had to write down, on a cocktail napkin, how I figured out the answer.

Point is: even dumb, drunk people enjoy Jeopardy.

by Anonymousreply 285January 26, 2024 3:36 PM

As speculation:

Maybe they all did a bump of fentanyl laced cocaine and Willis appeared to OD first (but didn’t actually die, just lost consciousness, was having seizures whatever)

Then one of the three friendsickles started to nod off and the two still coked up friends were like “the cold will perk him, gotta get him up and walking outside.”

A day or two later Willis wakes up confused about what happened, so his story is hazy and vague and he never picked up the dogs.

by Anonymousreply 286January 26, 2024 10:10 PM

Well, when they make the movie version it probably won't do as well as Society of the Snow, because Willis didn't have to eat his friendsicles to stay alive

by Anonymousreply 287January 26, 2024 10:21 PM

[quote]People who call while my phone is turned off, if they don't leave a voicemail it does not show their missed call so I honestly can't tell they called.

Honey, you need a system upgrade.

[quote]The homeowner looks like less of a redneck than the 3 who died... I assume his was the party house when his friends could escape. All three seemed a bit lost in life.

A down low bear group.

by Anonymousreply 288January 26, 2024 10:58 PM

A friendsicle's father speaks:

[quote]“[Harrington’s mother] and I are both convinced that Jordan Willis played a part in this somehow,” Jon Harrington told Fox News Digital on Thursday.

[quote]“I’m thinking that he, the three of them learned something or saw something that they shouldn’t have seen, and he decided, ‘Well, I need to get rid of you now.’ Friends or not.”

I'm not sure what he's implying but these people are awful!

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by Anonymousreply 289January 26, 2024 11:06 PM

A family I grew up with, their daughter was murdered She was killed by her husband who it came out had a mistress at work, at first it was thought to be suicide but she had a note to her sister saying if she was found dead her husband did it. Perfect case for the night time shows and there was specials on it on tv.

Anyway, my point is this was an upper middle class family and they never gave any interviews, even to the local news or newspaper. Usually people who love to blab in interviews are lower class like the people we are reading about here.

by Anonymousreply 290January 26, 2024 11:45 PM

But when fat slob Jason Kelce is shirtless, drunk, and making a scene people think it is hilarious.

by Anonymousreply 291January 26, 2024 11:46 PM

[quote]Usually people who love to blab in interviews are lower class like the people we are reading about here.

Yes, they're obviously pretty trashy. They're skating pretty close to slander, but I don't suppose they're smart enough to see that.

by Anonymousreply 292January 27, 2024 12:00 AM

Shouldn’t the autopsy results be in by now? When they comes back positive for drugs, these family members are probably going to say Willis forced the drugs into them.

by Anonymousreply 293January 27, 2024 12:05 AM

The ironic thing is Whoopi probably didn't deserve the Oscar for 'Ghost', but I think the Academy was rewarding her for The Color Purple loss.

by Anonymousreply 294January 27, 2024 12:08 AM

The families are gearing up for the inevitable lawsuits against Willis

by Anonymousreply 295January 27, 2024 12:21 AM

R294 is that ironic? The Academy does give out make up Oscars from time to time.

by Anonymousreply 296January 27, 2024 12:23 AM

Oops wrong thread at r294

by Anonymousreply 297January 27, 2024 12:28 AM

[quote]“I’m thinking that he, the three of them learned something or saw something that they shouldn’t have seen, and he decided, ‘Well, I need to get rid of you now.’ Friends or not.”

The homeowner should sue the people saying this kind of stuff once he's exonerated.

by Anonymousreply 298January 27, 2024 1:10 AM

What on Earth could they think this man is hiding as far as what would make you want to kill his three friends. I'm so tired of people this incredibly stupid being allowed to have a platform to spout their stupidity far and wide.

by Anonymousreply 299January 27, 2024 2:14 AM

The family members are turning these 3 into something they weren't.

If my partner, who I had 3 kids with, was missing for that long, I would've been over at the renter guy's house, pounding on the door. I think a full 24+ hours or so elapsed before anyone went over there. Seems like the family member knew that the 3 were at their friends house "watching the Chiefs' game."

How the fuck does someone who has 3 kids just fucking abscond for that long? Oh, yeah. That was probably normal.

The odd thing is that 3 of them died at the same time.

by Anonymousreply 300January 27, 2024 2:38 AM

Drugs. It’s so obvious. The maga parents are such creeps. Everythibg is a fucking conspiracy… their dumb kids were partiers. And I’ve heard more than a few scary stories of parties gone wrong when coke was laced with fentanyl. Not at all uncommon. The maga creeps are pigs.

by Anonymousreply 301January 27, 2024 3:14 AM

I do think the maga parents are blaming the scientist so they can sue him. His punishment for living through the party and to punish him for being gay and intelligent

by Anonymousreply 302January 27, 2024 3:16 AM

From the Daily Mail:

[quote][bold]Alex Weamer-Lee is REVEALED as mystery 'fifth man' who was with three Kansas City Chiefs fans before they were found dead outside a home after football watch party[/bold]

[quote]The 'fifth man', who maintained his close friendships with the victims and Willis from Park Hill High School, has a rap sheet that includes drug offenses, DailyMail.com can disclose.

[quote]His criminal record reveals three drugs incidents in 2005 when he was 19 and lived close to his former high school.

[quote]He pleaded guilty to two charges of unlawful use of drug paraphernalia and one of possessing up to 35 grams of marijuana, according to records.

[quote]Lee was given 20 hours of community service for one of the drug paraphernalia charges, but failed to complete it. He was then sentenced to seven days in jail, records show.

[quote]Seven years later while living in Aspen, Colorado, he was charged with a felony for tampering with drug evidence after another man was arrested at a nightclub.

[quote]Lee was accused of grabbing two baggies of ecstasy that were dropped on the venue's floor when the accused dealer was seized by police.

[quote]He told officers he swallowed the contents of one bag and tried to hide the other, according to a report in the Aspen Daily News.

[quote]Eventually, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts as part of a plea deal and was given two years of unsupervised probation.

[italic]Alex Weamer-Lee, pictured left wth his mother Julia and brother Greg[/italic]

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by Anonymousreply 303January 27, 2024 3:35 AM

Same source at above:

[quote]Crucial toxicology reports on the victims' bodies will not be ready for at least another four weeks, DailyMail.com can reveal.

[quote]The tests are being carried out at Frontier Forensics Midwest, a privately owned forensic and autopsy facility that provides services for authorities in Kansas and Missouri.

[quote]One of its investigators told us: 'They take at least six to eight weeks, and it's been less than two. Any information that is released from them will go through Kansas City police.'

by Anonymousreply 304January 27, 2024 3:36 AM

[quote]Clayton McGeeney's construction boss uncle Jim, 70, trashed Willis's version of events. In a message to the HIV research scientist, he blasted: 'Man up. Dude, just man up. You know what happened at that house with your so-called three buddies that you've known since school high school.

[quote]'And it's going to be found out. So come forward, let us know what happened. Let the families, let the city let people know what happened, if you did or did not do anything that caused their deaths.

[quote]'Don't just hide. Don't move away from the house, or whatever you may have done to cover up your mistake or your whatever.

[quote]'If somebody died in my house, I'm not gonna move. I'm not gonna run. I'm gonna find out what happened… if you're innocent.

[quote]'If I had three friends who died in my backyard, I'd definitely want to find out how they died. What happened to my best buddies?

[quote]'Something's going on. Something's getting covered up.'

[quote]The uncle conceded drug taking could have been a factor. 'It can't be ruled out, it's absolutely a possibility,' he said. 'Because of their age group, I would leave it in the picture. But Clayton wasn't even a heavy drinker.'

[quote]He also ridiculed early speculation that the trio froze to death, although records do indicate temperatures were below freezing at that time during the night.'

[quote]'I do not believe they froze to death,' he said. 'It wasn't cold enough. At 2am on Monday, they were alive. Tuesday, the temperature wasn't low enough for them to freeze to death.

[quote]'Yet the police told family members that they had to wait for the bodies to thaw out before they could do an autopsy.

[quote]The bodies couldn't possibly have been frozen solid like a steak in your freezer in that many hours. You are looking at 2am Monday to 10pm Tuesday.'

[quote]McGeeney attacked the police response to the baffling deaths, comparing the reaction he believes would happen if animals had been discovered dead instead of three healthy men in their 30s.

[quote]'if three dead dogs were found at somebody's backyard, somebody's gonna get in trouble,' he said.

[quote]'Somebody's gonna be arrested before the police leave. They're gonna call in animal control. They're gonna do all this stuff. And someone would've gone to jail that day and the police would say, oh, there's something going on here. How did the dogs die?'

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 305January 27, 2024 3:37 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 306January 27, 2024 3:38 AM

Shut up, Uncle Jim. Willis probably faces criminal liability or at least the risk of being prosecuted. He’s right to say nothing. Besides, everyone knows what happened to the Coke Bros.

by Anonymousreply 307January 27, 2024 3:45 AM

Alex Weamer Lee

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by Anonymousreply 308January 27, 2024 3:48 AM

What was the purpose of that picture at R308? To show how attractive he was? (I mean, why did he take that kind of selfie? Seems odd.)

by Anonymousreply 309January 27, 2024 4:00 AM

Has ANY moronic member of these three dudes' families not yet flapped their gums at a reporter? I don't think justice can be FULLY served until we've heard Gam-Gam and Great Aunt Evelyn's hot takes on what transpired that night.

Stick to your day job, Uncle Jim.

by Anonymousreply 310January 27, 2024 4:28 AM

My opinion is this dude was on a bender. i'm not really sure he's to fault for these guys hitting a cocaine fentanyl-laced bump and dying in the backyard.

I've totally holed up drunk for 2 days (and have turned off my ringer and notifications) sadly, as well. I really hope (or not hope) that's the case here. Either scenario sucks.

It will be interesting to see the outcome of their autopsies.

by Anonymousreply 311January 27, 2024 4:37 AM

You don’t key bumps outside, but you would torch a straight pipe outdoors where neighbors wouldn’t see.

They probably crushed the glass walking around the bodies.

by Anonymousreply 312January 27, 2024 4:44 AM

What's a straight pipe? Torching a pipe is the last thing I'd want to do outside.

by Anonymousreply 313January 27, 2024 4:45 AM

Buck never would've OD'd on fentanyl in a Kansas City hovel!

by Anonymousreply 314January 27, 2024 4:49 AM

Wouldn’t the neighbors be more likely to see if you’re outside?

by Anonymousreply 315January 27, 2024 4:49 AM

Buck never would have been in Kansas City.

by Anonymousreply 316January 27, 2024 4:50 AM

i don't know about coke, bumps, straight pipes, Nunavut. Please elucidate, DL brethren.

by Anonymousreply 317January 27, 2024 4:50 AM

At their age, they shoulda known better -- they'd been around the scene awhile. Partying with street drugs now = Russian roulette with your life.

by Anonymousreply 318January 27, 2024 4:51 AM

[quote] At their age, they shoulda known better

I think that's where their relationship with the "5th friend" comes into play.

He was someone they trusted, and probably felt that his drugs were safe.

Guess not.

If anyone can be charged with their deaths, it's probably this 5th guy. He sold them bad drugs.

by Anonymousreply 319January 27, 2024 4:54 AM

Apologies for the dm link, but fifth friend identified. He’s the guy on the left in ops picture. Think he brought the drugs?

by Anonymousreply 320January 27, 2024 4:57 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 321January 27, 2024 4:58 AM

He looks sketchy.

by Anonymousreply 322January 27, 2024 4:58 AM

A childhood friend of mine died from fentanyl poisoning a couple of years ago from doing coke. She’s one of those people who started partying in high school and kind of never stopped; not an addict, just a “partier” who presented as a “normal” person. I don’t know how anyone can do street drugs now - you’re really taking your life into your hands.

I can see how Willis was ignorant of the bodies in his yard, though. Firstly, he may have been on a bender; also, did he work from home? If he did, and was a night owl, it’s absolutely believable he never saw his yard because it’s fucking winter and it’s [italic]dark[/italic].

by Anonymousreply 323January 27, 2024 5:08 AM

How much do you all wanna bet these guys circle-jerked together back in the day?

by Anonymousreply 324January 27, 2024 5:09 AM

R322, he was and is sketchy!

[quote] His criminal record reveals three drugs incidents in 2005 when he was 19 and lived close to his former high school.

[quote] He pleaded guilty to two charges of unlawful use of drug paraphernalia and one of possessing up to 35 grams of marijuana, according to records.

[quote] Lee was given 20 hours of community service for one of the drug paraphernalia charges, but failed to complete it. He was then sentenced to seven days in jail, records show.

[quote] Seven years later while living in Aspen, Colorado, he was charged with a felony for tampering with drug evidence after another man was arrested at a nightclub.

[quote] Lee was accused of grabbing two baggies of ecstasy that were dropped on the venue's floor when the accused dealer was seized by police.

by Anonymousreply 325January 27, 2024 5:11 AM

Am I the only one who finds the guy in the gray cap with the Corona beer, kind of hot?

Did he die too?

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by Anonymousreply 326January 27, 2024 5:26 AM

On their ipod. This was popular when they were in Jr. High, too!

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by Anonymousreply 327January 27, 2024 5:31 AM

R323, you're right. Ingesting street drugs is Russian roulette.

The 5th guy also survived, so I wonder if he cut the coke with Fentanyl, kept the good batch, hence why he isn't dead, or did he even bring it at all?

What's clear is that 2 out of the 5 didn't consume the bad batch.

Willis strikes me as the type who may enjoy sporadic booze benders, but is too pragmatic to do street drugs. He's intelligent enough to turn down such a dicey proposition, hence stuck to the booze, and called it a night.

The family members of the deceased are ultimately angry that Willis didn't drop dead, as well. That's what all of this boils down to. They see Willis' pursuit of an education and having a very good job/career as an affront to their blue collar way of life, and they want to hold him responsible because he might be smarter then the others, more driven, and that's why he's alive.

I find it curious that the family isn't pinning this on the 5th guy.

Once the tox reports return, the families will probably claim Willis made the Fentanyl himself, being that he's a "scientist".

by Anonymousreply 328January 27, 2024 5:32 AM

R326, yes. He's dead.

All circled in red represent the deceased.

Not hot, but definitely cute. May he RIP.

by Anonymousreply 329January 27, 2024 5:36 AM

Most people just cut with sugar or something that doesn't kill you

by Anonymousreply 330January 27, 2024 5:44 AM

Corona guy looked the least trashy. His “fiancèe” looked like a normal person except for the Go Fund Me for unknown purposes.

by Anonymousreply 331January 27, 2024 5:49 AM

Corona guy looks like one of the rodent people they used to feature on Ricki Lake and Jerry Springer.

by Anonymousreply 332January 27, 2024 5:50 AM

Corona guy looked like he had the best anal hygiene of the bunch.

by Anonymousreply 333January 27, 2024 6:11 AM


Yes, you're the only one.

by Anonymousreply 334January 27, 2024 6:51 AM


Yes, you're the only one.

by Anonymousreply 335January 27, 2024 6:52 AM

Here's my theory...

Willis and the Mystery guy have done the same drug(s) in the past and had built up a tolerance. They all did the drug(s) together, Willis probably got so fucked up he went to bed. The other guys, fucked up / not feeling well, went outside to get some air and :::THUD:::

Mystery guy may have still been there when the friendsicle's dropped and left in a panic.

by Anonymousreply 336January 27, 2024 7:00 AM

Adding to the playlist...

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by Anonymousreply 337January 27, 2024 7:09 AM

There was most definitely some Kanye music going on in that house!

by Anonymousreply 338January 27, 2024 8:44 AM

And you wonder why the wives don't like them partying with their boys

by Anonymousreply 339January 27, 2024 9:09 AM

This is who the USHER: Super Bowl LVIII Halftime Show ̶i̶s̶ was pandering to!

by Anonymousreply 340January 27, 2024 9:12 AM

Very typical behavior in KC for groups ofen to sit around getting wasted on something every weekend.

by Anonymousreply 341January 27, 2024 9:23 AM

Stupid straight bros hangin out watchin "the game."


by Anonymousreply 342January 27, 2024 12:02 PM

R341, anywhere that gets super cold, really. That's what we did in NYC in the winter: drink & smoke weed.

Does anyone here remember the story of the coke dealer in Manhattan who dealt the same batch of blow to three or more different customers who all lived in separate homes/apartments and all of them died after consuming the bad blow? IIRC, the blow was cut with Fentanyl.

Same thing happened in Miami during a spring break incident. 4 guys were found dead in an Air BnB or a hotel, who also snorted blow cut with Fentanyl.

These incidents aren't as rare or weird as people may think.

by Anonymousreply 343January 27, 2024 2:57 PM

Will there be a moment of silence prior to the Super Bowl?

by Anonymousreply 344January 27, 2024 3:56 PM

[quote] And you wonder why the wives don't like them partying with their boys

There were no wives, only "fiancées."

by Anonymousreply 345January 27, 2024 5:44 PM

R345, these dudes had all-night coke parties to attend to with their bros. They weren't ready to settle down yet!

by Anonymousreply 346January 27, 2024 6:04 PM

[quote] There were no wives, only "fiancées."

And you wonder why none of them were actually married?

None of them ever wanted to grow up.

They were still acting like teenagers; hanging out, watching tv, and getting high.

A lot of American straight men have this Peter Pan syndrome.

by Anonymousreply 347January 27, 2024 6:10 PM

R343 - yes, I remember we discussed the NY case here. Th deceased were all professionals and very secret users. One woman was a private school teacher. One guy was successful in business or finance and had a new baby and fiancée at home while he kept another place where he worked and did coke. What as interesting about the case is that the dealer called at least one of them to warn them after delivery, but it was to late.

I don't know about the four dead in Florida, but there were four West Point cadets mentioned above, but I think they all lived because not everyone was using and they knew how to perform CPR.

by Anonymousreply 348January 27, 2024 6:17 PM

Happened in Vegas the other day. Apologies for linking to the local Fox affiliate. I tried to find other news sources but this was the only one. Strange.

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by Anonymousreply 349January 27, 2024 7:25 PM

[quote]Why would a room of drunk football-watching pals be watching Jeopardy at midnight on a weekend?

They probably just left the TV on after the game and never changed the channel. Postgame show, local news and then a Jeopardy rerun. Or maybe they switched over to play video games and when they finished and switched back Jeopardy just happened to be on.

by Anonymousreply 350January 27, 2024 7:46 PM

What’s the point of cutting coke with fentanyl when it’s so risky?

by Anonymousreply 351January 27, 2024 7:56 PM

These dudes were probably hiding out from their frau fiancees.

by Anonymousreply 352January 27, 2024 8:03 PM

R351, I had the same question. I asked Google why dealers use F and it said it's extremely addictive and if they lose a few customers along the way it's a drop in the bucket compared to their returning and incoming customers.

by Anonymousreply 353January 27, 2024 8:12 PM

I don't get it. The fastest way to destroy your coke market would be to lace it with something deadly, right?

by Anonymousreply 354January 27, 2024 8:14 PM

sorry r353. Your post hadn't yet posted when I posted my post. :)

by Anonymousreply 355January 27, 2024 8:18 PM

R354, they're playing a percentage game. They hook them faster with F so what if a few die along the way? That should be their motto.

by Anonymousreply 356January 27, 2024 8:18 PM

No, I'm sorry, R355. Your post had not been posted yet when I posted R356, lol. Yes, I "lol'd" come for me later I have to go now.

by Anonymousreply 357January 27, 2024 8:23 PM

I suppose they make more from their repeat customers than they lose from people who never try cocaine because it might kill them. 🤷🏻‍♂️

by Anonymousreply 358January 27, 2024 8:24 PM

I suppose the buyers that overdose - the dead ones - can't pin it on the dealer they got the coke from, so no harm no foul for the dealer.

Dealer gets them hooked or gets them dead.

Dead Men Tell No Tales.

by Anonymousreply 359January 27, 2024 11:55 PM

Fentanyl is $5 a pill in Seattle. Cutting more expensive rock cocoaine or harder to get heroin with a cheaper ‘enhancement’ is cheaper and some of these folks now demand it.

Users won’t even learn to use testing strips (there are no instructions and I’ve had to google dozens of times to look up how to test shit and relay the information in an understandable way).

The implied safest way is to hold off use until you see what happens to your drug buddies. It’s a shit show.

by Anonymousreply 360January 28, 2024 12:17 AM

They're cutting everything with this shit: pills, meth, coke, you name it.

by Anonymousreply 361January 28, 2024 2:14 AM

Unless, R359, the dealer is your buddy aka KC #5.

by Anonymousreply 362January 28, 2024 3:56 AM

[quote] I tried to find other news sources but this was the only one. Strange.

Not strange at all. We told you—what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

by Anonymousreply 363January 28, 2024 4:23 AM

Fentanyl is used all over the world, but contamination in the illicit drug supply is largely a US problem. I don't believe it's "accidental".

by Anonymousreply 364January 28, 2024 5:49 AM

You mean “They” are poisoning our drugs?

by Anonymousreply 365January 28, 2024 5:53 AM

Somebody certainly poisoning the US drug apply.

The big question is: who?

by Anonymousreply 366January 28, 2024 6:00 AM

Drug supply^^

by Anonymousreply 367January 28, 2024 6:00 AM

It’s the Illuminati!

by Anonymousreply 368January 28, 2024 6:02 AM


by Anonymousreply 369January 28, 2024 6:04 AM

(But President Xi us a very fine man.)

by Anonymousreply 370January 28, 2024 6:04 AM

[quote] Somebody certainly poisoning the US drug apply.

[quote] The big question is: who?

The same rotten cunts that gave the world COVID.

Who do you THINK is doing it?

We just need to nuke those fuckers off the map.

They're like a cancer to our planet.

by Anonymousreply 371January 28, 2024 7:24 AM

Since the fentanyl crisis, law enforcement has probably had much less policing to do re: dealers.

by Anonymousreply 372January 28, 2024 7:37 AM

Meanwhile, dealers are losing lots of business.

by Anonymousreply 373January 28, 2024 7:39 AM

These fentanyl cutters are truly bad business people setting themselves up for failure and incarceration.

It's counter-intuitive, really. All the smart drug dealers are still in jail on the three-strikes law offenses.

They knew how to hook people on meth and keep 'em coming back for at least a decade or more (and not dying, until many years on).

by Anonymousreply 374January 28, 2024 8:01 AM

The Chinese Communists have agents inside every drug shop in America, cutting our innocent American cocaine with their socialist, oriental fentanyl. I say “Nuke ‘em! Nuke ‘em all!”

by Anonymousreply 375January 28, 2024 11:17 AM

This generation has become so concrete they’ve decided opiates should be the opiates of the masses.

by Anonymousreply 376January 28, 2024 1:21 PM

Really waiting on those autopsy and toxicology reports to be released to the public so we can move forward on this case. Too much wild speculation and conspiracy theories flying around.

by Anonymousreply 377January 28, 2024 3:36 PM

As if anyone in KC knows how to do a proper toxicology report.

by Anonymousreply 378January 28, 2024 4:07 PM

[quote] This generation has become so concrete they’ve decided opiates should be the opiates of the masses.

Concrete? Or literal?

by Anonymousreply 379January 28, 2024 4:22 PM

To me, the most surprising “break” in the case so far has been the recent identification of the fifth guy, and his drug rap sheet.

by Anonymousreply 380January 28, 2024 4:26 PM

r379, not the original poster, but I'd say "meta."

by Anonymousreply 381January 28, 2024 4:35 PM

Toxicology reports take a long time.

by Anonymousreply 382January 28, 2024 4:37 PM

IMO, his (5th guy's) rap sheet wasn't that bad. Old stuff and small-quantity stuff.

by Anonymousreply 383January 28, 2024 4:49 PM

[quote] Toxicology reports take a long time.

Plus, the bodies had to thaw out.

Given how long it takes to defrost a turkey, I'd say the guys are just about ready to be sliced.

by Anonymousreply 384January 28, 2024 5:07 PM

The three are probably all getting autopsied ("unattended deaths") by the same medical examiner. (Not all at the same time, but in sequence.)

by Anonymousreply 385January 28, 2024 5:13 PM

R379 you say potato, I say starchy vegetable.

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by Anonymousreply 386January 28, 2024 6:02 PM

China was responsible for zombie drug Flakka's manufacture and (online) sales until the bowed to pressure from Western countries and banned it. They also banned its chemical components.

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by Anonymousreply 387January 28, 2024 10:07 PM

Of course they were R387. Fucking creeps are also responsible for the obnoxious tik tok. Fuck them.

by Anonymousreply 388January 28, 2024 10:52 PM

Sad. Our team is going to the Super Bowl and the three fans aren't here to see it.

by Anonymousreply 389January 28, 2024 11:18 PM

R389, they're watching from that big backyard in the sky.

by Anonymousreply 390January 29, 2024 6:14 AM

It would be the biggest party favor ever if the coroner's toxicology placed them within a two second drop.

by Anonymousreply 391January 29, 2024 6:23 AM

^ And the District Attorney's office investigators come up with a party lifestyle among the deceased. Which may or may not be known to their Peter Pan partners, some of whom left children without the ability of left behind girlfriends be able to collect $750/child in survivors benefits. I guess things were so low for him, poor construction contractor guy couldn't even do the right thing for survivors as he partied on at 36.

by Anonymousreply 392January 29, 2024 7:13 AM

[quote]Sad. Our team is going to the Super Bowl and the three fans aren't here to see it.

They'll be watching from a place where they won't be in any danger of freezing to death.

by Anonymousreply 393January 29, 2024 8:21 AM

R393, And think of all the money they won’t have to pay for overpriced drinks and snacks at the stadium.

by Anonymousreply 394January 29, 2024 10:10 AM

I wonder if this was a "one last hurrah with the boys before we marry and settle down at 40." That would make this really tragic..

by Anonymousreply 395January 29, 2024 10:12 AM

I doubt it R395. It was a fucking football game, not even the super bowl. Sounds like it was just another excuse to party. There would have been hundreds more before 40.

by Anonymousreply 396January 29, 2024 1:10 PM

There's still hope!

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by Anonymousreply 397January 29, 2024 1:13 PM

But your world frightens and confuses me R397

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by Anonymousreply 398January 29, 2024 1:19 PM

[quote] Girlfriend says dead Kansas City Chiefs fans were 'murdered', boyfriend was not drug user

The longtime girlfriend of one of three Kansas City Chiefs fans found dead after an NFL watch party said her boyfriend did not use drugs and insists that he and his friends were "murdered."

The body of Lorie Kruse's boyfriend of 17 years, 37-year-old David Harrington, was frozen in the backyard of Jordan Willis' Kansas City home along with his high school friends Ricky Johnson, 38, and Clayton McGeeney, 36, on Jan. 9.

They were last seen alive inside the house two days earlier watching the Chiefs play the Los Angeles Chargers. Willis said he has no idea what happened to his friends.

Kansas City Police have said that their deaths are "100% not being investigated as a homicide," and Willis has not been charged with a crime. Kruse, however, insisted in a Friday interview with News Nation's Chris Cuomo that Harrington's death was not an accident.

"David was murdered," she told Cuomo. "Those three guys were murdered."

"I don’t know if Jordan gave them something like they’re talking about," she continued. "David wasn’t a drug addict like they’re talking about… David didn’t do stuff like that."

"Maybe they did take something because they were drinking," she continued. "But I know David wouldn’t have took it."

Willis' attorney, John Picerno, said that he works from home, and slept for much of the period between allegedly escorting his friends out of his house after the Chiefs game on Jan. 7 and police knocking at his door around 8:51 p.m. on Jan. 9 after finding the bodies on his property. Therefore – despite large windows overlooking his backyard – he did not notice his friends in the snow, Picerno said.

McGeeney's fiancée contacted police on Jan. 9 after finding one of the bodies on Willis' back porch, his family claims. She had broken onto the property in desperation after text messages and calls were not returned and her knocks at the door went unanswered.

"It does not make any sense to have three men dead, laying in the yard and [Jordan] asleep for 48 hours," Kruse told Cuomo.

"I have heard of Jordan before. I’ve never met him. I’ve heard a lot of terrible things about him," she said. "I don’t know the truth in it … David’s never had a conversation about Jordan. I’ve heard the name Jordan when he’s talking to his friends … I don’t think I’ve ever heard any stories about Jordan at all."

She also told Cuomo that Willis was "on drugs," but did not elaborate.

David Harrington's girlfriend of 17 years, Lorie Kruse, said that her partner was not a drug user and speculated that his death was not accidental. Harrington's mother, Jennifer Marquez, also said that her son was not a drug addict and spoke out against assertions that intentional drug use may have played a role in his death.

"I believe Jordan does know," Marquez told Cuomo. "And I’m asking Jordan to please come forward and tell the truth because he does know what happened that night… He’s the only one that can give all of our families some peace."

In an earlier interview, Marquez said that although her son "smoked cigarettes and drank beers with his friends," she does not believe he overdosed, and that "Jordan is going to have everything to do with what we find out" about his death.

"Yes, I believe that something happened that night and that Jordan had something to do with it," Marquez said. "We all believe that Jordan had something to do with that."

Harrington's father, Jon Harrington, said that he "doesn't believe anything Willis' attorney says."

"(Harrington's mother) and I are both convinced that Jordan Willis played a part in this somehow," the elder Harrington said on Thursday. "We just haven’t figured out how yet. . . . What else could it be? Perfectly healthy men don’t just drop off the face of the Earth."

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by Anonymousreply 399January 29, 2024 6:42 PM

After speaking with the Platte County prosecutor's office, Harrington's father said he "would expect that they will treat this as a drug overdose and go on with their business."

"But I don’t think it’s as simple as that," he said. "I'm aware that they may have done some substances that were questionable – but the idea was to get high, not dead … If they were supposed to be friends, why didn’t Willis come find them. I’m sure they have a hundred different answers to that, but that’s my question."

A spokesperson for Frontier Forensics Midwest, the private company contracted by Platte County to carry out autopsies, said that the results of the men's toxicology reports will take six to eight weeks to process, while their full autopsy reports will not be released for another 10 to 12 weeks.

Kansas City Police Captain Jacob Becchina said last week that the department "does not anticipate any additional information released prior to the findings of the medical examiner," and that the "ruling on the cause of death is the next piece to determine any needed additional investigative tasks."

by Anonymousreply 400January 29, 2024 6:42 PM

All these men's relatives sound incredibly stupid. I can imagine why they would use drugs.

by Anonymousreply 401January 29, 2024 6:47 PM

[QUOTE]But I know David wouldn’t have took it.


Underemployed man children with "girlfriends" of 17 years. It sounds like Willis was the only one of the high school group with an education who made something of himself. There must be feelings of envy and, in the MAGAt universe, suspicion.

by Anonymousreply 402January 29, 2024 6:50 PM

“He’s a scientist! Used space lasers!”

by Anonymousreply 403January 29, 2024 6:58 PM

I've done drugs with my boyfriend having no knowledge of it. If you use casually, no one fucking knows except whoever you're with. I'm sure he just never told his girlfriend he's done blow. I can't stand when the self righteous family members proclaim that their boozy boyfriend/son would never do drugs, yet they drink. People that fucking drink have lowered inhibitions and are more prone to do drugs than non drinkers. It just sounds ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 404January 29, 2024 7:00 PM

The girlfriend of 17 years sounds delusional. At least she didn’t try to upgrade her status to fiancée.

by Anonymousreply 405January 29, 2024 7:09 PM

Harrington's father knew.

[QUOTE]"I'm aware that they may have done some substances that were questionable – but the idea was to get high, not dead …

Are people still totally unaware about fentanyl?

by Anonymousreply 406January 29, 2024 7:11 PM

[quote] "I'm aware that they may have done some substances that were questionable – but the idea was to get high, not dead … If they were supposed to be friends, why didn’t Willis come find them. I’m sure they have a hundred different answers to that, but that’s my question."

Guess what, Mr. Harrington?

Even if Willis did "come find them," they would STILL BE DEAD.

Because they overdosed on Fentanyl, you fucking moron.

The only difference is that they wouldn't have been frozen.

by Anonymousreply 407January 29, 2024 7:13 PM

Yes R407?

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by Anonymousreply 408January 29, 2024 7:33 PM

The renter guy who survived was the only one who had his own place. Only one who wasnt living with his parents or girlfriend’s parents, maybe. Hence, only place to party and do more than drink beer.

by Anonymousreply 409January 29, 2024 8:30 PM

[quote] "Yes, I believe that something happened that night and that Jordan had something to do with it…

How strange that the only person in this scenario who has any assets to speak of if the one who’s responsible! Not the three bro-cicles, not the fifth guy who who has multiple drug convictions and happened to show up after the game ended, no, just the guy who’s successful and has assets to try to get in a judgment.

by Anonymousreply 410January 29, 2024 9:01 PM

Is this something renters insurance would cover?

by Anonymousreply 411January 29, 2024 9:04 PM


by Anonymousreply 412January 29, 2024 9:16 PM

If Jake from State Farm, the Kelce bros, and Patrick Mahomes got together for beers and a game, who would be alive two days later and would Taylor take time from her worlld tour to break into the party house?

by Anonymousreply 413January 29, 2024 9:34 PM

All of these folks and their comments are so clueless. Just STFU until we find out the results of the tests.

by Anonymousreply 414January 29, 2024 9:38 PM

I wonder if Willis has provided blood and urine samples for the investigation.

by Anonymousreply 415January 29, 2024 9:44 PM

Exactly, r414. Nobody knows how the Coke Brothers all died simultaneously after a visit from a drug dealer. It’s a complete mystery.

by Anonymousreply 416January 29, 2024 9:48 PM

I wonder why he was so quick to move out of the death house? There wasn’t even any blood to clean up. They froze outside.

by Anonymousreply 417January 29, 2024 9:53 PM

I'm sorry, but this is no "mystery." There is likely an empty can of Dirty Moore Beef Stew in the kitchen garbage. The can was bloated with Botulism and the men opened it, warmed it up (but not enough), and decided to enjoy some outside, when suddenly the deadly bacteria overcame them all. The homeowner/host was fortunate to have turned in early, avoiding the deadly stew.

by Anonymousreply 418January 29, 2024 9:55 PM

Clayton McGeeney (Corona bottle guy) really was quite cute.

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by Anonymousreply 419January 29, 2024 9:58 PM

When the news first broke, Captain Jake Becchina of the Kansas City Police Department said the “case is 100% NOT being investigated as a homicide.”

And it seems that is still the case today as Alayna Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for the Kansas City Police Department, said “This still remains a death investigation and nothing more."

"We still have no evidence or indication of foul play, no one is in police custody," she added in a statement to PEOPLE.

Willis's attorney previously said that his client “is unaware of how his friends died" and is “anxiously awaiting the results of the autopsy and toxicology report." Jordan Willis is the friend who rented the home and is the only member of the friend group who was found alive.

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by Anonymousreply 420January 29, 2024 9:59 PM

Has Willis submitted to a drug test? Or will he?

I’m in the camp that believe this was an accidental group OD, but still I’m curious.

by Anonymousreply 421January 29, 2024 10:08 PM

[quote]All of these folks and their comments are so clueless. Just STFU until we find out the results of the tests.

You must be new here.

by Anonymousreply 422January 29, 2024 10:16 PM

The whole “We just need answers” chorus is tiresome. The answers will come from the autopsies, although it doesn’t sound like these knuckleheads will be satisfied with science-based information.

by Anonymousreply 423January 29, 2024 10:19 PM

R421 since he isn't a suspect I don't think he has any legal obligation to so why would he?

by Anonymousreply 424January 29, 2024 10:25 PM

I hope the families don’t form a vigilante group “Take Our Boys’ Great Reputations Back Cuz The Educated Guy Did It Somehow”.

by Anonymousreply 425January 29, 2024 11:31 PM

R417 Are you kidding? The locals will be coming with pitchforks since their idiot families won't shut up. I'd get the fuck out too.

R422I think the guy who said that about people making dumb comments is talking about the delusional families, not us rad posters.

by Anonymousreply 426January 29, 2024 11:40 PM

[quote]"I have heard of Jordan before. I’ve never met him. I’ve heard a lot of terrible things about him," she said.

Oh no, terrible things!

[quote]"I don’t know the truth in it … David’s never had a conversation about Jordan. I’ve heard the name Jordan when he’s talking to his friends … I don’t think I’ve ever heard any stories about Jordan at all."

But you JUST SAID you've heard "a lot of terrible things about him."

Is everybody in this story on drugs?

by Anonymousreply 427January 30, 2024 12:00 AM

R427, and even though she has heard terrible things about Jordan, her boyfriend still hung out with him!

Jordan needs to leave the state, change his name and forget all about Kansas City forever.

by Anonymousreply 428January 30, 2024 12:47 AM

Jordan forced them to get the Covid shot! He said he wouldn’t put the game back on unless they were vaccinated! He murdered them…with science!!!

No way my man was a causal drug user and took a hit from a bad batch! That makes no seeeeeense! He was kilt!

by Anonymousreply 429January 30, 2024 1:18 AM

NewsNation makes it all Trumpy

by Anonymousreply 430January 30, 2024 6:46 AM

What’s worse: being dragged around NewsNation or being dragged into the backyard dead?

by Anonymousreply 431January 30, 2024 7:02 AM

I'm pretty sure if these had been 5 guys in Detroit they wouldn't be called "Lions Fans", they'd be "in hoodies" and their deaths wouldn't be a mystery.

by Anonymousreply 432January 30, 2024 7:54 AM

Just how much Eminem music was playing during that ill-fated party?

by Anonymousreply 433January 30, 2024 8:06 AM

"He Murdered Them With Science" - I hear a Thoma Dolby remix! Will it play in KC? Will Taylor sing back-up? Be in the video?

by Anonymousreply 434January 30, 2024 9:04 AM

The family is obviously grieving and having to face some hard truths. Sadly, their grasping at straws is eagerly recorded and broadcast by the media.

by Anonymousreply 435January 30, 2024 9:29 AM

The problem with the “he murdered them with science” is that “science” is bullshit.

by Anonymousreply 436January 30, 2024 9:30 AM

One thing I think is telling and that raises a red flag (and I don’t hear people talking about it much) is the girlfriend deciding to break into the house on her own without involving the police.

I think *most people* would contact authorities to do a welfare check on a house that their loved one was inside for over two days, and their car was parked outside, and you’d had no responses to repeated texts and calls. The police could get in faster and easier than you could.

Was she afraid of what the police might find? Just wondering.

by Anonymousreply 437January 30, 2024 9:46 AM

[quote] One thing I think is telling and that raises a red flag (and I don’t hear people talking about it much) is the girlfriend deciding to break into the house on her own without involving the police.

And she said she didn't know Willis.

Would you break into the house of someone you didn't know?

Clearly, she felt comfortable enough to do something like that.

Otherwise, she could easily be arrested for Breaking and Entering.

by Anonymousreply 438January 30, 2024 11:50 AM

I'm picturing a massive angry frau.

by Anonymousreply 439January 30, 2024 11:58 AM

I guess KC now stands for Killer Cocaine.

by Anonymousreply 440January 30, 2024 12:12 PM

Excellent points, R437 and R438.

by Anonymousreply 441January 30, 2024 1:30 PM

R426 you are indeed correct, I was referring to the idiot FAMILIES in my post not the glorious and insightful posts by my fellow DL'ers.R414

by Anonymousreply 442January 30, 2024 3:25 PM

I wonder if they will find traces of cocaine in their anal cavities.

by Anonymousreply 443January 30, 2024 5:47 PM

Let’s hope the ME checks the anal cavities. I recently saw an episode of Dateline, involving a woman murder victim, where the ME neglected to check that area and there was actually a condom filled with semen in there.

Unfortunately, it was the woman’s husband who killed her and who set up the woman’s side piece to take the fall for the murder.

Dont ask me how the husband obtained the side piece’s semen.

by Anonymousreply 444January 30, 2024 5:54 PM

I agree with others that they did some drugs that had traces of fentanyl and they overdosed. The specifics on why they were outside will be hard to determine.

by Anonymousreply 445January 30, 2024 6:08 PM

I think the families (and there's not a sharp knife in that drawer) keep talking to the media, believing that they are keeping the police on their toes, not letting this fall to the wayside.

The NY Post is happy to keep beating the drum, they have a new article... it contains shocking! shocking news!!! z-z-z-z-z-z

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by Anonymousreply 446January 30, 2024 7:22 PM

Was the HIV scientist one of our own?

by Anonymousreply 447January 30, 2024 7:26 PM


I've seen in a Law and Order episode that the straight caregiver of a rich man had sex with the gay son to get semen that would "prove" the son had sex with the stepmother. Meanwhile, caregiver and stepmother....

...It's a little more involved than that, but the general idea is that some straight men can manage to get it on with a gay man for reasons.

I'll try to find out what episode it was.

by Anonymousreply 448January 30, 2024 8:01 PM

R447, for his sake, let's hope not! Who knows what sordid scenarios these relatives would cook up if scientist is gay.

by Anonymousreply 449January 30, 2024 8:09 PM

Was he found like this?

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by Anonymousreply 450January 30, 2024 8:12 PM

I know a guy from my AA .meeting who lost his leg in a park's public bathroom by shooting up some Fentanyl.

He ended up slouched over, upon his lower left leg, and was found knocked out in that position the following morning. They saved his life, but his lower leg had to be amputated.

He's a REALLY good looking twink, and has dates lined up, regardless of the amputation.

by Anonymousreply 451January 30, 2024 8:40 PM

R444 I can just imagine Keith Morrison’s face? “So, whose semen was in whose anus??

by Anonymousreply 452January 30, 2024 8:48 PM

Well if it was in a Law and Order episode it must be true.

by Anonymousreply 453January 30, 2024 8:49 PM


Well, I may deserve that, but it really isn't hard to imagine that it COULD happen.

Plus, it's sometimes [bold]Ripped From the Headlines[/bold].

by Anonymousreply 454January 30, 2024 8:57 PM

No, r452, it would be more like "Oh, that pesky semen".

by Anonymousreply 455January 30, 2024 9:28 PM

r451's post reminds me of singer Eddie Money. He passed out in an awkward position.

[QUOTE]In 1980, after drinking vodka, Money overdosed on a synthetic barbiturate that he mistook for cocaine. He suffered damage to the sciatic nerve on his left leg, was unable to walk for months, and had a permanent limp thereafter.[1][11][36][3]

by Anonymousreply 456January 30, 2024 9:51 PM


Season 1 Episode 10, Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Enemy Within

by Anonymousreply 457January 30, 2024 11:03 PM

I can relate.

by Anonymousreply 458January 30, 2024 11:03 PM

Those fucking beards on the brothers, like Amish wedding rings.

by Anonymousreply 459January 30, 2024 11:17 PM

R437 Good points, considering their cars were still there and the three men not seen for two days, the police would have had no hesitation entering the house. It does seem like she had an idea of what they might have been up to. She’s been pretty quiet since, I believe, and not talking to the press?

by Anonymousreply 460January 30, 2024 11:57 PM

Latest from tmz

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by Anonymousreply 461January 31, 2024 1:29 AM


Thanks! I remembered it was C.I. after I hit enter, but my search terms were apparently not good enough to find the episode, as you did.

by Anonymousreply 462January 31, 2024 1:43 AM

R461 Did he fling the wine glass away as they cuffed him?

by Anonymousreply 463January 31, 2024 1:50 AM

Poor dude. I wonder how people at his workplace are reacting to this?

I hope the tox results help the families and loved ones of the deceased find some answers.

Regardless of whether or not we agree or disagree with their reactions to this, they're really hurting right now, & aren't currently able to make sense of it all.

by Anonymousreply 464January 31, 2024 2:47 AM

Was semen actually found in someone's anal cavity?

by Anonymousreply 465January 31, 2024 4:19 AM

It seems like a lot of videos are taken by guys who say dude, bro, WTF. This guy sounds ridiculous about domestic violence and he doesn’t know how to record.

by Anonymousreply 466January 31, 2024 5:02 AM

overheard: “shove me in there real hard, don’t be gentle!”

by Anonymousreply 467January 31, 2024 6:00 AM

I don’t think the girlfriend who broke into the house looking for her boyfriend was concerned for his welfare. She was there to KICK HIS ASS for doing god knows what for 2 days.

by Anonymousreply 468January 31, 2024 8:13 AM

Did the one found sitting in the lawn chair have his pants down to his ankles?

by Anonymousreply 469January 31, 2024 9:29 AM

I was thinking cocaine might be found in their anal cavities.

by Anonymousreply 470January 31, 2024 11:03 AM

I can hardly wait for the SAY UNCLE version.

by Anonymousreply 471January 31, 2024 3:32 PM

I wonder if the guys went outside to smoke and were drunk and drugged up and then they died.

by Anonymousreply 472January 31, 2024 4:31 PM

That's what I think R472, why else would they be out there? It just hit them all outside or maybe they were even smoking the ent shit, meth maybe?

by Anonymousreply 473January 31, 2024 4:33 PM

Fent shit, not ent shit

by Anonymousreply 474January 31, 2024 4:36 PM

Portland is supposedly doing something about this shit now

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by Anonymousreply 475January 31, 2024 4:39 PM

The guy who showed up last minute, the "fifth guy" probably brought the drugs and he is the one who should be investigated. The game was over, so they were probably waiting for the drug dealer to come with something special for them to try. He's the culprit.

by Anonymousreply 476January 31, 2024 4:40 PM

These knuckleheads are angling for a wrongful death lawsuit, à la the "Speck Mansion Mystery". They know there's no salt to these claims, but some KC ambulance chaser lawyer is whispering in their ears that if they drum up enough public outrage, they might have a chance of their case not being immediately tossed out.

How much could they really squeeze out of an HIV scientist anyway? Anyone know?

Additionally, I'm thinking more and more that this Willis fellow really might be one of us—confirmed middle aged bachelor who's dedicated his life to HIV sciences and his beloved Fur Babies (the "lights of his life"), swans around the house on a Tuesday in his undercrackers with a box of Merlot; inexplicably endears himself to an idiot-gang of straight jocks that he can occasionally ply with alcohol, puts on Jeopardy at football parties...

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by Anonymousreply 477January 31, 2024 5:47 PM

Maybe they went out to smoke fentanyl-laced meth and died. But in that case, I guess a meth pipe would have been found.

Or may the guy who lived there cleaned up all the evidence.

by Anonymousreply 478January 31, 2024 6:12 PM

Brava R477! Best post I've read on here. However, wasn't his fur baby (ies) a pit mix? That makes it a head scratcher, I don't think family would have a pit, would they?

by Anonymousreply 479January 31, 2024 6:19 PM

An update . . .

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by Anonymousreply 480January 31, 2024 6:29 PM

^ Thanks, Patsy.

by Anonymousreply 481January 31, 2024 6:32 PM

[quote]Brava R477! Best post I've read on here. However, wasn't his fur baby (ies) a pit mix? That makes it a head scratcher, I don't think family would have a pit, would they?

I'm more of a cat person, but I wouldn't rule out pit bulls if I were to get a dog. The ones I've met were sweet and loyal, not at all the monsters the media paints them to be. And I'm never going to have kids around the place to be endangered by unintentional roughness.

by Anonymousreply 482January 31, 2024 6:51 PM

Clayton was found ass-up and bent over a lawn chair.

by Anonymousreply 483January 31, 2024 6:54 PM

Now, that the renter guy checked into rehab-the families are going to star saying that he drugged them. I think they did drugs during the get togethers. I think the girlfriend who broke into the house knew what they used drugs.

by Anonymousreply 484January 31, 2024 7:24 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 485January 31, 2024 7:26 PM

I think the poisoning was accidental. I speculated, early in this thread, that renter guy dragged 3 dead bodies out of his house.

by Anonymousreply 486January 31, 2024 7:29 PM

I think rehab is going to keep him from being lynched until toxicology results are compllete.

by Anonymousreply 487January 31, 2024 7:37 PM

R485, oh, dear. He's definitely sniffing a night of merlot and sweet chocolates in that photo!

by Anonymousreply 488January 31, 2024 7:39 PM

I don't think the host dragged his friends out of the house. I think they went out there for a reason, most likely to smoke, and once the drugs too effect they died. If they were drunk and took drugs maybe they were in a stupor and froze to death in their sleep. Autopsy will tell us something. But as for the girl breaking in? That is sketchy as hell. She knew drugs were involved and she probably went in there found them and cleaned up the drug stuff. For all we know she may have gone up to see the host, and he was unconscious, wasted. Maybe she thought he was dead. Who knows? These are not bright people.

by Anonymousreply 489January 31, 2024 7:43 PM

R488 he looks like the child of Cam and Mitchell from Modern Family in that photo. Mitchell’s features with Cam’s chubbiness.

by Anonymousreply 490January 31, 2024 7:52 PM

Good for him going to rehab. What a fucking horror show his life must be now. I'm sure he's feeling awful about this whole thing, and also realizing that it could have been him. I used to do drugs, ( I still do, but I used to too) no I don't anymore but it's wild how dangerous they are now, I don't know if it's the open borders or what, but you're really playing with your life if you still use drugs. I bet they probably did it recreationally and I bet house renter went to bed while they partied on. Imagine waking up to the cops and dead bodies at your house. This should be a wake up call to him, I hope it is.

by Anonymousreply 491January 31, 2024 7:57 PM

Addicts can be sketchy when they need a fix. The girlfriend surmised what was going on and went there to steal their leftover stash. She probably emptied the dead guys' pockets also.

by Anonymousreply 492January 31, 2024 7:58 PM

They weren't addicts ffs

by Anonymousreply 493January 31, 2024 10:04 PM

R484 Oh please, they've been saying that from day 1. Most of us here had his number as an alcoholic from the start, and I'd say this was about a solid a rock bottom as they come.

by Anonymousreply 494January 31, 2024 10:33 PM

Rehab is a great choice. It might save his career, and his life.

This guy is obviously smart, and has a meaningful career. Hopefully, this is the wake up call he needed to finally get ALL of his shit together, and start behaving and living as who he is: an adult man with a very bright future, should he choose to have one.

He's too old to be sitting around, wasting hisi life with a bunch of partiers who refused to grow up.

What happened here is truly tragic, but Willis survived, and can overcome this with sobriety and therapy.

Many of us here have struggled with addiction. In my opinion, sobriety is worth fighting for in order to live a healthy and decent life as a grown up.

I wish this man all the best.

by Anonymousreply 495January 31, 2024 11:46 PM

The unidentified friend isn't bad-looking!

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by Anonymousreply 496February 1, 2024 12:01 AM

That was really great r495.

by Anonymousreply 497February 1, 2024 12:20 AM

We live in different times, hateful. Evil.

People who "party" in these evil times fall victim to their drug of choice being altered with fentanyl without their consent or knowledge.

by Anonymousreply 498February 1, 2024 12:24 AM

A couple of years ago, my friend and I did some drugs and started driving. My friend was driving.

We were on the freeway, and he started talking nonsensical. I told him to get off the freeway, and to pull into a gas station. He pulled up to a pump out of habit I guess. And he went unconscious, and turned a gray/green color.

I called 911. I was told to pull him out of the car, but I couldn't since he pulled up to a pump. I started giving him mouth to mouth.

Thank God we were near a hospital, and an ambulance pulled up. They gave him a shot of Narcan, took him away, and he was ok.

Fucking scary as hell. I was shocked at how calm I was under pressure. I'm glad he wasn't driving alone, and that I didn't succumb the way he did.

by Anonymousreply 499February 1, 2024 12:33 AM

R499, what were the drugs?

by Anonymousreply 500February 1, 2024 12:46 AM

Jesus, that photo at R496 is the epitome of a good portion of American "manhood." Fat or soft and doughy, with bad grooming, idiotic tats (that freakin forearm!), in poorly fitting clothes. And they look like mouth-breathers.

How, in one or two generations did men degrade into that image?

by Anonymousreply 501February 1, 2024 1:02 AM

This reminds me of the string of robberies of gay men that resulted in two deaths. The victims had their drinks spiked.

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by Anonymousreply 502February 1, 2024 1:10 AM

R501 American men have been sloppy for awhile. The stinky generations of long hair bell bottom wearers were hardly the picture of male grace either. You'd have to go back to the 50s for any of that

by Anonymousreply 503February 1, 2024 1:59 AM

At R496, I don't think that's necessarily the 5th guy. (The unidentified guy who is sitting on the couch.) Not sure if you were trying to say that.

by Anonymousreply 504February 1, 2024 2:49 AM

The fifth guy is the one in the grey sweatpants and white adidas hat at r496. He’s not hot.

by Anonymousreply 505February 1, 2024 3:06 AM

R505, not to speak ill of the dead, but he may be an 8 or 9 compared to....

by Anonymousreply 506February 1, 2024 3:14 AM

499 Dirty 30s.

by Anonymousreply 507February 1, 2024 3:21 AM

I wonder if the families will ask the Hunt family for Super Bowl tickets.

by Anonymousreply 508February 1, 2024 3:38 AM

R496 On what authority do you have it to identify that (admittedly very fuckable) guy as the mysterious 5th?

by Anonymousreply 509February 1, 2024 4:16 AM

At R485's Daily Mail article, there's the same photo that R496 posted. The caption on the DM photo says the guy on the couch is "unidentified." So, I don't think it's the 5th guy.

by Anonymousreply 510February 1, 2024 4:43 AM

I was looking for the thread from last year about the NY'ers that all got a bad batch of coke, and found this. And this is why you need a sober sitter, all these dudes would have died if they hadn't gotten CPR from the sober guys.

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by Anonymousreply 511February 1, 2024 4:44 AM

Here it is!

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by Anonymousreply 512February 1, 2024 4:46 AM

Rehab like this looks like he’s guilty of something.

by Anonymousreply 513February 1, 2024 5:09 AM

R510. They guy on the couch is not the 5th guy. Check the links at r321 or r308. They ID the 5th guy, and it's the redhead in the grey pants and white hat.

R496 wasn't wrong, the guy on the couch is unidentified (because he wasn't at the party so we don't care about his name) and he's not bad looking. We know the names of the other 3 guys in that photo.

by Anonymousreply 514February 1, 2024 5:10 AM

I don’t think Harrington is in that picture at R496

by Anonymousreply 515February 1, 2024 5:37 AM

Here's the most likely scenario:

The 4 bros are partying, and the 5th guy, the Candyman show up. He has coke. I think all four of them OD, but Jordan wakes up. Candyman and Jordan drag the bodies outside to make it seem that they'd froze to death rather than OD, because the Candyman knows he will be charged if they call an ambulance.

I bet it will be something like this, assuming the truth ever comes out.

by Anonymousreply 516February 1, 2024 5:44 AM

^ yeah, because the cops would never have noticed the drag marks, at all. 🙄

by Anonymousreply 517February 1, 2024 6:01 AM

Usher is dedicating his halftime show to these 3 fallen druggies

by Anonymousreply 518February 1, 2024 6:14 AM

The three widows will be getting much better treatment at The Dollar General in the coming weeks.

by Anonymousreply 519February 1, 2024 6:47 AM

[quote],pit bulls if I were to get a dog. The ones I've met were sweet and loyal, not at all the monsters the media paints them to be

Like when the media does factual reporting of pit bulls killing elderly neighbors and children? Yes there are sweet pits out there, but when you hear that a dog killed someone a pitbull is a good bet. Not the “media” fabricating.

by Anonymousreply 520February 1, 2024 9:50 AM

I wonder if those fentanyl test strips would have averted all of this?

by Anonymousreply 521February 1, 2024 10:38 AM

IMO the deaths were an accident from drugging too much .

by Anonymousreply 522February 1, 2024 1:04 PM

R513 Rehab is briliant. It both shows he's sorry and regrets this, and also answers the question of whether they were all on drugs. Him going to rehab shows that they were.

by Anonymousreply 523February 1, 2024 2:34 PM

When celebrities go to rehab, it's a PR stunt. This guy goes to rehab and he's a hero.

No, I don't think he killed the 3 dead friends. I think he's feeling the heat from the scrutiny he's now under. He's trying to clean up his image.

by Anonymousreply 524February 1, 2024 3:02 PM

I feel like the HIV scientist could be a Datalounger.

Someone quiet who always just lurks in the background, reading through threads.

But then out of nowhere, he would post a story of something crazy that happened to him on a thread about drugs:

"There was this one time, some straight friends of mine came over to the house and we were watching a football game on tv. At the end of the night we decided to do a few bumps of coke, so we called over our other friend who could get us some drugs. Afterwards, I was really drunk and high, so I told them I was going to bed. When I woke up from my stupor (two days later), I found my friends dead in my back yard. FROZEN! I swore I'd never do drugs again, and went to rehab."

Then someone would accuse him of creating an "EST" post.

by Anonymousreply 525February 1, 2024 3:03 PM

Undercrackers is my favorite new DL word.

by Anonymousreply 526February 1, 2024 3:06 PM

[quote]He's trying to clean up his image.

Maybe. But being so far gone that you don't notice the three popsicle corpses chilling out on your back porch would be most people's definition of rock fucking bottom. So, rehab.

by Anonymousreply 527February 1, 2024 3:08 PM

He's not a DLer. These guys all grew up with each other. He had a leg up on the 3 because he had a decent job, his own party pad, no kids, no dumb fiancée. But there he was, in his 30s, alongside his OD'd friends.

by Anonymousreply 528February 1, 2024 3:10 PM

That guy was so out of it, he probably looked out the window, saw them out there and figured they were still asleep or passed out. I don't think he believed they were dead or in trouble. He was judging them by how he felt. He was probably so fucked up he could sleep for two days no problem.

by Anonymousreply 529February 1, 2024 3:21 PM

R525 Can’t forget about the part where he woke up two days later to the cops banging on his door and he answered in just his underwear and holding an empty wineglass!

That definitely sounds like an EST detail. Except it’s true, ha.

by Anonymousreply 530February 1, 2024 3:38 PM

[quote] That definitely sounds like an EST detail. Except it’s true, ha.

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction, in this case.

by Anonymousreply 531February 1, 2024 3:40 PM

Yeah he did some of the blow and got knocked out for two days. He's lucky. Of course he wants to go to rehab now. It's time to address his life choices.

by Anonymousreply 532February 1, 2024 3:41 PM

Well you know at some point you have to realize you're not in high school or college anymore and your life choices define you. Seems like those guys all wanted to postpone the inevitable: Growing up.

by Anonymousreply 533February 1, 2024 3:44 PM

What did that living room smell like?

by Anonymousreply 534February 1, 2024 4:16 PM

R534, B.O., Fast Food and beer farts.

by Anonymousreply 535February 1, 2024 5:50 PM

Wine farts.

by Anonymousreply 536February 1, 2024 6:16 PM

patchouli and weed

by Anonymousreply 537February 1, 2024 6:41 PM

If I were him going to rehab I would have done it stealthily. Announcing it is not impressive.

by Anonymousreply 538February 1, 2024 6:51 PM

If he couldn’t announce it, he wouldnt have gone.

by Anonymousreply 539February 1, 2024 6:59 PM

When your bender is so bad, you lock you friends out, let them freeze to death and don’t notice for several days. That friend’s car just left in the driveway…. Coincidence of course.

by Anonymousreply 540February 1, 2024 7:02 PM

It's manslaughter at best. No intent. No premeditation. Not murder

by Anonymousreply 541February 1, 2024 7:04 PM

[quote]When your bender is so bad, you lock you friends out, let them freeze to death and don’t notice for several days. That friend’s car just left in the driveway

He might have thought they'd taken an Uber home because they were drunk.

by Anonymousreply 542February 1, 2024 9:44 PM

If your employer is subject to the Drug Free Workplace rule and you do drugs and you work from home and your employer finds out you kind of have to go to rehab and pull the ADA/FMLA card to not be fired.

by Anonymousreply 543February 1, 2024 10:07 PM

Daily Fail reporting that sources close to the investigation are saying that toxicology shows they had fentanyl and cocaine in their systems.

by Anonymousreply 544February 2, 2024 12:29 AM

I, for one, am shocked! Drugs? No!

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by Anonymousreply 545February 2, 2024 12:34 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 546February 2, 2024 12:36 AM

Why were 3 outside in the cold and the homeowner inside???

by Anonymousreply 547February 2, 2024 12:53 AM

Willis said that he saw them off and went to bed. Maybe they decided after a day of drinking and smoking pot, they decided they needed a pick-me-up before driving home? They went behind the house to do some lines and dropped dead immediately. With three times the amount that can kill in their systems, death was immediate.

The thing to keep in mind is that Willis may remember very little to nothing about the evening. After all that drinking and 48 hours of being blotto, he's not the most reliable reporter. He may have been in blackout or only remember parts of the evening.

by Anonymousreply 548February 2, 2024 1:11 AM

So they apparently did some cocaine that was laced with fentanyl, felt bad or weird, they went outside to maybe get some air and collapsed.

by Anonymousreply 549February 2, 2024 1:27 AM

Willis would have likely died, if he had snorted or smoked the Fentanyl laced coke UNLESS he had a VERY high tolerance to it, which I doubt., however, it is possible.

Just based on what we know as of right now, either these guys already had the bad batch of blow, or got it right before they were getting ready to bounce.

If the rumors are true about the toxicity levels of fentanyl found in their systems, it would appear that they either did the blow inside, and dropped dead within minutes of consuming it, or did it outside, and dropped dead where they stood/sat.

Allegedly, the three were found in different areas outside, so I think they consumed it indoors, and it hit them when they were walking outside to leave or to smoke cigarettes.

by Anonymousreply 550February 2, 2024 1:31 AM

Mr homeowner was known to mix drugs for friends to get high on. He’s in big trouble once the toxicology report

by Anonymousreply 551February 2, 2024 1:33 AM

R531, he rented, not owned the home.

Had he been acting as an impromptu chemist, there would have very likely been evidence of this found inside the home.

So far, there is zero evidence substantiating your claim.

by Anonymousreply 552February 2, 2024 1:37 AM


That was meant for R551, not R531.

by Anonymousreply 553February 2, 2024 1:40 AM

They weren't the only people who got high that night. They probably had a ritual of watching the game and getting wasted, they could have done this dozens of times without any issues.

It's the fent. It's being slipped into everything, often without you knowing it!

by Anonymousreply 554February 2, 2024 1:44 AM

DL predicted this: cocaine laced with fentanyl.

by Anonymousreply 555February 2, 2024 1:46 AM

[quote] Mr homeowner was known to mix drugs for friends to get high on. He’s in big trouble once the toxicology report

Good luck proving anything with all the other people being dead. Dead men don't testify.

by Anonymousreply 556February 2, 2024 1:54 AM

I think they stepped outside for a smoke. Maybe a dealer dropped some off, maybe one of them brought a bag. They were so excited to try the blow so they each did a key bump. They basically dropped dead in unison. Doing coke these days is like playing Russian roulette, I'm glad I got off that shit.

by Anonymousreply 557February 2, 2024 2:04 AM

[quote] Maybe they decided after a day of drinking and smoking pot, they decided they needed a pick-me-up before driving home?

Likely trying to keep the party going plus stay away from their nagging fraus!

by Anonymousreply 558February 2, 2024 3:18 AM

Frankly, the girlfriend and fiancée were pretty hands-off with these guys. It was 2 days before someone got in a car and went looking for one of them.

by Anonymousreply 559February 2, 2024 4:23 AM

I hope the host doesn't get into any trouble. I'm mad on his behalf at the friendsicles' families casting aspersions.

by Anonymousreply 560February 2, 2024 5:31 AM

R535 and sweaty balls

by Anonymousreply 561February 2, 2024 7:28 AM

𝐀𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝

Three Kansas City Chiefs fans found frozen and dead outside HIV scientist's home had TRIPLE the amount of fentanyl needed to kill in their systems, as well as cocaine and THC, family source claims

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by Anonymousreply 562February 2, 2024 7:38 AM

[quote]Nancy did say this about her son ... "Clayton was a beloved son ... Clayton was a caring father. Clayton was a loving partner to his fiancée, April Mahoney. His death under any circumstances would have been painful to everyone his life had touched. Under these unusual and confusing circumstances, it is even more difficult for the family to deal with."

She may be in mourning but she is also delusional.

by Anonymousreply 563February 2, 2024 11:38 AM

People tend to do drugs when they are in a social construct, being part of a group of friends. They got together to watch a football game, drink beers, smoke some pot. One of them scored some cocaine, and they each did a line or two. Unfortunately in contained some fentanyl and they overdosed and died.

by Anonymousreply 564February 2, 2024 12:03 PM

Will there be a moment of silence at the World Series this Sunday?

by Anonymousreply 565February 2, 2024 2:41 PM

[quote] They got together to watch a football game, drink beers, smoke some pot. One of them scored some cocaine, and they each did a line or two. Unfortunately in contained some fentanyl and they overdosed and died.

Beers? "Some pot"? Cocaine was on the normal menu.

by Anonymousreply 566February 2, 2024 4:02 PM

R516 is most likely scenario. They wouldn’t do lines outside.

by Anonymousreply 567February 2, 2024 4:09 PM

PNP gone wrong.😑

by Anonymousreply 568February 2, 2024 4:34 PM

So is the scientist gay? That's the BIG question

by Anonymousreply 569February 2, 2024 5:49 PM

It would be ridiculous to blame the renter. They need to go after the dealer.

by Anonymousreply 570February 2, 2024 7:21 PM

No one goes out in the cold to do lines of cocaine. The wind would blow the precious powder away. Maybe they were smoking crack.

by Anonymousreply 571February 2, 2024 7:27 PM

Yup, you don't go outside to do coke unless you have one of those one-hitter little bottles (snuff bullet) like what we had in the '80s.

by Anonymousreply 572February 2, 2024 7:30 PM

Maybe they stopped outside to take a leak before leaving. Or to have a smoke. Or maybe the candy man had a gift for them. Each his own baggie. Who knows.

by Anonymousreply 573February 2, 2024 8:00 PM

I watched this last night. The cousin interviewed starts at 2:30. He's a real beaut! Says that Jordan Willis was a known "chemist".

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by Anonymousreply 574February 2, 2024 8:35 PM

The families of these rednecks will never accept that they died because they wanted to do some coke and like millions of other people they died because it was laced with fentanyl. Jordan Willis didn't do any, maybe he was already passed out, and the Candyman didn't either because they're still alive. No one I know does coke anymore but back in the day plenty of people used it recreationally only so they could keep partying into the wee hours, keep drinking and eating.

by Anonymousreply 575February 2, 2024 8:46 PM

my Auntie was offered fentanyl as pain medication after her knee surgery. She's really rich and I'm her favorite nephew. She refused to take it. Took Tylenol PM instead.

by Anonymousreply 576February 2, 2024 9:32 PM

What also sucks here is that if any of these guys had life insurance? Their families or children aren't getting a dime, due to the circumstances under which they met their untimely demise.

by Anonymousreply 577February 2, 2024 9:35 PM

R576 The fent you get from doctors is awesome, I bet. I would have taken it if I had to have my knee cut up. But good for her.

by Anonymousreply 578February 2, 2024 9:40 PM

I would have refused Fentanyl as well.

I have an addictive personality, which is why I've deliberately avoided all benzos and opiates.

by Anonymousreply 579February 2, 2024 9:51 PM

Doubtful there was any life insurance, R577. Most people who don't have spouses or dependents don't bother getting it, unless they're especially financially savvy/responsible, which these three dopes don't strike me as. This is probably why they were so clearly attempting to set the stage for a wrongful death lawsuit.

Even the toxicology reports haven't completely humbled these deplorables. They're still dropping idiotic insinuations in interviews like the one in R574. "He was a known chemist"—what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Yeah dude, he was a scientist. Are they seriously trying to suggest that Willis has some kind of secret meth lab or something? I really fucking hope once he dries out and regains his footing that he sues these maggots for defamation. They've likely already done untold damage to his career.

by Anonymousreply 580February 2, 2024 9:52 PM

What was the Willis doing hanging out with these underachieving man children?!

by Anonymousreply 581February 2, 2024 9:59 PM

I suspect the the whole bit about being blotto for days with three unnoticed corpsicles in his back yard has done rather more damage to his career than the families' wild insinuations.

by Anonymousreply 582February 2, 2024 10:01 PM

R582 I don't think so. He himself never actually admitted to being blotto for two days (that was our theory)—just to having a couple of lazy snow days at home where he didn't pay much attention to his backyard or facebook account. He even specifically included work in his timeline of events. Why would they care if he did that work in his underwear or slotted in between many naps, so long as he was meeting expectations? You really think that would do more damage to his career than the relentless accusations of murder or drug cooking/trafficking?

by Anonymousreply 583February 2, 2024 10:10 PM

[quote] What also sucks here is that if any of these guys had life insurance? Their families or children aren't getting a dime, due to the circumstances under which they met their untimely demise.

There's a reason that policy is in place.

Insurance companies should have to be responsible for drug related deaths.

Those are completely preventable.

by Anonymousreply 584February 2, 2024 10:31 PM

R584 needs to suck an ether tube.

by Anonymousreply 585February 2, 2024 10:39 PM

[quote]R575:...they wanted to do some coke and like millions of other people they died because it was laced with fentanyl.

Someone has less than a faint notion of what statistics are and how many Big Macs are needed to stack a million.

Excuse me.


by Anonymousreply 586February 2, 2024 10:45 PM

This thread is almost at 600 posts. Is there unfinished business? Part 2?

by Anonymousreply 587February 2, 2024 10:49 PM

The one bent over went “on the lean”.

You see people contorted, looking like they’re about to fall over, but Nope, somehow they lock in place.

I wonder if that’s how they get that weird humpback like they’re looking for spare change.

by Anonymousreply 588February 2, 2024 10:51 PM

R581, low self esteem and/or loneliness.

by Anonymousreply 589February 2, 2024 10:52 PM

R581 he had a decades-long, unrequited crush on Clayton.

Tonight was the night he was finally going to reveal his true feelings to him!

by Anonymousreply 590February 2, 2024 10:55 PM
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by Anonymousreply 591February 3, 2024 12:27 AM

Tommy was one heck of a movie. Ann Margret orgasmically writhing around in Heinz Baked Beans was, um, memorable.

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by Anonymousreply 592February 3, 2024 1:42 AM

I don't know anyone - chemist or not - who can whip up a batch of cocaine in his home laboratory.

by Anonymousreply 593February 3, 2024 2:19 AM

[QUOTE] "He was a known chemist"—

He was so brilliant, he knew how to synthesize coca leaves from compost in his garage!!!

This "interpretation" tells go everything you need to know about uneducated redneck/MAGAs understanding of the world. They most likely would have a hard time naming the different branches of science, never mind what they investigate or what differentiates them.

To them a geneticist or an epidemiologist specializing HIV and who works on computer models of transmission patterns or effectiveness of gene therapy from his home office is the MAD SCIENTIST! They haven't the slightest idea what he did so they conjure up negative stereotypes that are beyond the pale ignorant.

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by Anonymousreply 594February 3, 2024 2:39 AM

I had a roommate who was a chemistry professor. He and his friends would occasionally do MDA. I'm not sure if he whipped it up himself.

by Anonymousreply 595February 3, 2024 2:48 AM

Thread II created below. I figured the conversation ain't over!

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by Anonymousreply 596February 3, 2024 3:16 AM


by Anonymousreply 597February 3, 2024 5:18 AM


by Anonymousreply 598February 3, 2024 5:18 AM


by Anonymousreply 599February 3, 2024 5:19 AM


by Anonymousreply 600February 3, 2024 5:20 AM
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