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Golden Girls - best lines


by Anonymousreply 107December 9, 2023 2:25 PM

This thread and others make me think that Datalounge is basically a secret underground civilization of people who have never seen the actual world above. The only clues they have to it are some ancient videotapes of the complete series of "I Love Lucy" and "The Golden Girls," and they watch these over and over again, obsessing about them, going over every last detail, and wondering just how life in the sunlit world above can possibly correspond to the details of what they're seeing on the holy videotapes.

by Anonymousreply 1December 2, 2023 11:40 PM

The Donner party still would have eaten each other if they’d been offered that.

by Anonymousreply 2December 2, 2023 11:42 PM

r1, that's fascinating.

by Anonymousreply 3December 2, 2023 11:43 PM

You’re the biggest disappointment to hit the streets since the AMC Pacer.

by Anonymousreply 4December 2, 2023 11:43 PM

Dorothy Petrillo Zbornak: "I don't know if I can get my hand that far up your dress but I tell you, for ten thousand dollars I'd be willing to give it a try."

by Anonymousreply 5December 2, 2023 11:46 PM

Glad you bumped the thread, R1.

by Anonymousreply 6December 2, 2023 11:48 PM

You're pulling my leg

I don't think I could drink that much sake

by Anonymousreply 7December 2, 2023 11:48 PM

r1 Did you type your comment out "in the sunlit world?"

by Anonymousreply 8December 2, 2023 11:49 PM

Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?

Dorothy: Better than anyone I know.

by Anonymousreply 9December 3, 2023 1:09 AM

Rose: Tell me, is it possible to love two men at the same time?

Blanche: Set the scene, have we been drinking?

by Anonymousreply 10December 3, 2023 1:10 AM

They're called "Langenhürlen"!

by Anonymousreply 11December 3, 2023 1:10 AM

Dorothy: "Ma, I have a feeling you're lying."

Rose: "Dorothy, be positive."

Dorothy: "Okay, I'm positive you're lying."

by Anonymousreply 12December 3, 2023 1:13 AM

Blanche: "I've never been so humiliated in my life."

Dorothy: "What about the time you lost the key to your handcuffs and had to go with that guy on his mail route?"

by Anonymousreply 13December 3, 2023 1:16 AM

"It's like we say in St. Olaf—Christmas without fruitcake is like St. Sigmund's Day without the headless boy."

by Anonymousreply 14December 3, 2023 1:17 AM

That show always had me rolling.

by Anonymousreply 15December 3, 2023 1:18 AM

Talk show host: Dorothy and Blanche, Lesbians.

by Anonymousreply 16December 3, 2023 1:20 AM

R1 R3 Why don't you both shut up and answer this next question.

by Anonymousreply 17December 3, 2023 7:51 AM

Blanche: we're here collecting lingerie for needy sexy people.

by Anonymousreply 18December 3, 2023 11:50 AM

Blanche: nothing turns me on more than a smart man. Unless it's a stupid man with good hands.

by Anonymousreply 19December 3, 2023 11:52 AM

What is the context for the Rich Little line?

by Anonymousreply 20December 3, 2023 11:54 AM

R16- Beatrice Arthur and Betty White were the two


by Anonymousreply 21December 3, 2023 1:04 PM

Can you believe that backstabbing slut?

by Anonymousreply 22December 3, 2023 1:34 PM

Blanche : You know what I always hate doing after a party? Rose : Trying to find your underwear in the big pile?

by Anonymousreply 23December 3, 2023 1:38 PM

What is a 1950s black singing group?

by Anonymousreply 24December 3, 2023 1:38 PM

Gee, I wonder how many maitre d’s have heard that line.

by Anonymousreply 25December 3, 2023 1:39 PM

Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak: I think I see now how it happened: Last evening at dinner, when Miss MacGlinn saw Blanche give Kendall Nesbitt her key she was furious. She dropped a steak knife into her purse...

Sophia Petrillo: Big deal. I took a whole place setting.

Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak: [angrily] Not NOW, Ma!

by Anonymousreply 26December 3, 2023 1:39 PM

R1 that observation gets more fascinating every time it's copied and pasted into a new thread.

by Anonymousreply 27December 4, 2023 5:07 PM

Dorothy: "She told me if I was a good girl, a really good girl, my paper bird would turn into a real one. Which I believed, because why would a mother lie?"

by Anonymousreply 28December 4, 2023 5:08 PM

Sophia: “What kind of pain and embarrassment has this lifestyle caused your mother?”

Dorothy: “I really don’t know but - I’ll ask her tomorrow when I visit her at…THE HOME!”

by Anonymousreply 29December 4, 2023 5:15 PM

So far, I haven't laughed once. Typical Susan Harris crap.

by Anonymousreply 30December 4, 2023 5:18 PM

Blanche : Have I got a man for you! Dorothy: No Thanks had one.

by Anonymousreply 31December 4, 2023 5:39 PM

Dorothy: Rose, if you have to ask, it does not matter anymore.

Sophia: Do you know what that does to hearts that only beat a few times a week? It's not pretty.

Dorothy: In what Blanche? Dog years?

Blanche: That explains it then; why you lookin' so much older than me.

Sophia: I tried that on Old Man Peterson after we saw "Psycho" at the home. They said he would never walk again. He walked!

Blanche: Oh sure! I've pretend to be a virgin half a dozen times!

Sophia: You mean "The Home". Say it Dorothy: "The Home".

Sophia: We was po'!

Sophia: Well! Looks like me little magnolia blossom turned in to a great big 'ho'!

Blanche: Screw 'em! I pay my taxes!

by Anonymousreply 32December 4, 2023 5:49 PM

Blanche: "Excuse me, I'm going to go take a bath and sit in just enough water to cover my perky bosom."

Sophia: "You're only gonna sit in an inch of water?"

by Anonymousreply 33December 4, 2023 6:00 PM

Rose, play or die.

by Anonymousreply 34December 4, 2023 6:05 PM

Blanche Devereaux: Well, now I know why Hemingway killed himself. Oh, girls, I have writer's block. It is the worst feeling in the world.

Sophia Petrillo: Try ten days without a bowel movement sometime.

Blanche Devereaux: [ignoring Sophia] You just sit there, hour after hour after hour...

Sophia Petrillo: Tell me about it.

by Anonymousreply 35December 4, 2023 7:07 PM

Sophia Petrillo: You told me you were having a pedicure when your husband was dyin'.

Blanche Devereaux: Well of course I was, Sophia. It was the third Thursday of the month. If I'd cancelled, that would have been it for July and August, when I'd be wearin' open-toed sandals.

Sophia Petrillo: [mocking] Angel of mercy!

by Anonymousreply 36December 4, 2023 7:09 PM



by Anonymousreply 37December 5, 2023 1:25 AM

" I don't want to be killed at my age. That would be like getting tackled on the one-yard line."

by Anonymousreply 38December 5, 2023 7:21 AM

Rose: *in a sing-song high voice* Isn’t that right, Mr. Longfellow?

Dorothy: *angrily and desperately* PLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEEE!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 39December 5, 2023 7:35 AM

Game show host: "Better late than..."?

Blanche: "Pregnant!"

by Anonymousreply 40December 5, 2023 7:53 AM

Dorothy to Rose and Blanche: "If I'd had the money, I could have been living in a swinging condo instead of with... I'd better not say anything until I've had my coffee.

[takes a sip of coffee]


by Anonymousreply 41December 5, 2023 10:00 AM

"You come to ME if you have problems with a man. You go to Dorothy if there's some grammar you need help with."


by Anonymousreply 42December 5, 2023 10:31 AM

BLANCHE: Dorothy, if you felt better about yourself, you'd want to get out and do more. I have a little exercise I do whenever my self-esteem's kind of low. I say my name, and then I list three positive things about myself: I'm Blanche Deveraux, I'm beautiful, men find me desirable, and people want to be my friend. Go on now, you try.

DOROTHY: I'm Dorothy Zbornak, I'm beautiful, men find me desirable, and people want to be my friend.

BLANCHE: I'm sorry I confused you, honey. You're supposed to say three things that apply to you. You know, like you could say, "I'm Dorothy Zbornak... I'm a good speller, and I'm... I'm very prompt and, um..." Well, actually, there's no law that says there has to be three.

DOROTHY: Actually, I just thought of a third one: I can snap a friend's neck like a twig.

by Anonymousreply 43December 5, 2023 11:20 AM

Blanche: The last time a friend's sweetheart made a pass at me, I lost my friend and her beau. Rose: And her beau? Blanche: That's right, Anderbeau Johnson. Clyde Whitehead, Anderbeau's beau, decided he wanted to see my cheerleader sweater from the inside. So when I told Anderbeau, she blamed the whole thing on me, and then Clyde would never speak to me again for telling! I lost Anderbeau and her beau! Now you understand why I can't tell Dorothy? Rose: I don't even understand who Anderbobo is.

by Anonymousreply 44December 5, 2023 11:26 AM

The writers were truly in a league of their own. The humour holds up so well, decades later.

by Anonymousreply 45December 5, 2023 1:15 PM

Dorothy: Do I sound like I had a good time?! Sophia: How the hell should I know, you're always like this!

by Anonymousreply 46December 5, 2023 3:03 PM

SOPHIA: In Sicily, we never went to the doctor. We went to the Widow Caravelle. What ever you had, she had a cure. She was best known for this green salve she used to make to treat ear infections. One day, she gave a batch to Salvadore, the village idiot. He misunderstood the directions and put it in his linguine instead of in his ear.

DOROTHY: I guess if you're an idiot with a hearing problem, do you things like that.

SOPHIA: As it turns out, it wasn't such a bad thing to do. The stuff tasted great, so Salvadore decided to market it. At first, it didn't do so well: 'Linguine with Ear Salve' on a menu doesn't look too appetizing. But once he changed the name to 'Pesto Sauce,' it moved like hot cakes!

by Anonymousreply 47December 5, 2023 3:12 PM

*you do things like that

by Anonymousreply 48December 5, 2023 3:13 PM

Dorothy and Sophia try to get pregnant Mary's father to take her back]

Sophia: You feel because Mary went out and got herself pregnant that she's a slut. Well, let me tell you what a slut is. It's someone that gets knocked up in the back seat of a Studebaker at a drive-in movie. It was a Studebaker, wasn't it, Dorothy?

Dorothy Zbornak : [mortified] It was a Nash, Ma.

Sophia Petrillo : Now that's a slut.

by Anonymousreply 49December 5, 2023 5:47 PM

Rose to Blanche: “I thought you wore too much makeup and were a slut. I was wrong. You don’t wear too much makeup.”

by Anonymousreply 50December 5, 2023 6:15 PM

Dorothy on the phone with a contractor: "No, I’m sorry, that’s more than I’m willing to pay for a guest room. Yes, I have heard the expression ‘you get what you pay for.’ I’ve also heard the expression ‘there’s a sucker born every minute.’… Yes, I have heard that expression too…”

by Anonymousreply 51December 5, 2023 6:16 PM

(after Dorothy says that she is going to an experimental theatre downtown)

Blanche: Somebody dragged me to a show there one time. Three men paraded around the stage for five hours talking about God and eating graham crackers. They wore masks to cover their faces, but other than that, they were totally naked.

Rose: And you stayed through the whole evening?

Blanche: Well, I would’ve left, but one of the actors looked so familiar to me… But it was hard to tell since he had such a small part.

by Anonymousreply 52December 5, 2023 6:26 PM

One individual posting all of the replies. Ignored

by Anonymousreply 53December 5, 2023 7:06 PM

I only posted twice at R43 and R47.

by Anonymousreply 54December 5, 2023 7:22 PM

Don't worry, R54 , I think that was directed at me. I only posted twice in here myself, but whatever. That troll follows me from thread to thread and posts something argumentative or derogatory immediately after I post, mostly about limiting my posts from "storytelling", "just pick one", contradicting the facts I had posted, or insulting my intelligence. In this case, because I posted twice (more GG lines just keep popping into my head, I can't help it), they say it's just one person posting replies. They've done it before in previous GG threads and this past summer's AI celebrity pulp fiction cover requests thread, claiming I had requested more than thirty celebs (in truth, I hadn't requested even a full dozen). I was called "a martian" for defending Rachel Maddow in the current MSNBC thread. Like I said, whatever.

Anyway, back on topic.

by Anonymousreply 55December 5, 2023 7:55 PM

r53 I wish you weren't being forced to take part in a thread you don't like. Hmmm.

by Anonymousreply 56December 5, 2023 8:54 PM

Nancy (beat), honey. Now I don't normally like to throw my name around, but you really leave me no choice. It so happens that I am Miss Anjeh Dickinson.

by Anonymousreply 57December 5, 2023 10:29 PM

“I could get herpes listening to this story!” — Dorothy

by Anonymousreply 58December 5, 2023 10:38 PM

Dorothy: Can I get you another slice of cake, Uncle Angelo?

Angelo: No, thank you.

Stan: I'll take a slice, darling.

Dorothy: No problem, sweetheart.

Stan: Hurry back, dumpling.

Dorothy: My feet have wings, barf bag.

by Anonymousreply 59December 5, 2023 10:57 PM

Sophia: Oh and Dorothy, when you go for your makeover... don't expect a miracle.

by Anonymousreply 60December 5, 2023 11:28 PM

Sophia Petrillo: Dorothy, do you have any cough drops?

Dorothy Petrillo Zbornak: No.

Sophia Petrillo: Hard candy?

Dorothy Petrillo Zbornak: No.

Sophia Petrillo: Tic Tacs?

Dorothy Petrillo Zbornak: Does it say K-Mart on the back of my nightgown?

Sophia Petrillo: Actually, it does, you cheapskate!

by Anonymousreply 61December 5, 2023 11:40 PM

Administrator Cummings: Problems, problems! The world is bringing me problems! And you are?

Sophia Petrillo: We are the world

by Anonymousreply 62December 5, 2023 11:43 PM

Blanche Devereaux: Rose, let us call a rehabilitation center for you.

Rose Nylund: No, I don't need one of those places. I can't go to one of those places. I'd be too ashamed. I'd be too embarrassed.

Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak: What is there to be ashamed of? You have a medical problem. Was Betty Ford embarrassed? Was... was Liza Minnelli embarrassed?

Sophia Petrillo: She should have been. Did you see "Arthur 2"?

by Anonymousreply 63December 5, 2023 11:47 PM

So good we NAMED IT.

by Anonymousreply 64December 6, 2023 12:14 AM

Different on outside, same on inside!

by Anonymousreply 65December 6, 2023 12:24 AM

“I’m nobody’s little girl anymore..”

Always makes me choke up. Mary!!!!

by Anonymousreply 66December 6, 2023 6:44 AM

"I look like the mother of a Solid Gold dancer!"

by Anonymousreply 67December 6, 2023 6:54 AM

Blanche Devereaux: Angela, that was the best meal I've ever had in my life.

Angela: Well, how good could it have been? You left half of it.

Blanche Devereaux: I ate every bite!

Angela: There's some sauce left. If you'd really liked it, you'd take a hunk of bread and sop it all up. You can afford it!

Blanche Devereaux: Oh, no I cant! I've put on a few pounds, you just haven't noticed.

Angela: What am I blind? I can see that. I meant the bread. You can afford it, it's only 89 cents a loaf.

by Anonymousreply 68December 6, 2023 6:56 AM

A beautiful young woman with breasts not unlike Brigitte Nielsen, except hers moved when she skipped.

by Anonymousreply 69December 6, 2023 6:57 AM

Blanche Devereaux: This is like a Twilight Zone... somehow we got on a train that ended up inside Rose's mind.

by Anonymousreply 70December 6, 2023 7:00 AM

Sophia Petrillo: Edna McCarthy is dead? Oh my God, that's terrible. I just sent her a chain letter. There's a dollar I'll never see!

by Anonymousreply 71December 6, 2023 7:02 AM

Blanche: You, sir, are nothin' but a lowdown, carpet-bagging, scallywag! And as God is my witness, I will never shampoo your hair again!

Dorothy: And another thing, you'll never WHAT?

by Anonymousreply 72December 6, 2023 7:06 AM

BLANCHE: Anyway, it was at our Southern seafood fry that I proudly dragged Cathy Lee over to meet my folks. Well, my mama took one look at Cathy Lee and forbade me ever to see her again, because her mother was not in the Daughters of the Confederacy. Oh, how my heart went out to little Cathy Lee, standing there while our servants snickered at her servants.

by Anonymousreply 73December 6, 2023 7:14 AM

Dorothy: Mommy, Mrs. Doowiddle is cold! Mommy, Mrs. Doowiddle is cold! Sophia: Dorothy? Dorothy: Yes, Ma? Sophia: Cut the crap, I'm not in the mood!

Dorothy: Now Ma, I don't want you to get too upset if the current tenants won't let us see our old apartment. (A Hispanic man opens the door) Buenos dias? Sophia: OH GOD! (Dorothy slaps her hand over Sophia's mouth.)

by Anonymousreply 74December 6, 2023 7:44 AM

[My apologies for the formatting in R74. ]

by Anonymousreply 75December 6, 2023 7:45 AM

Burt Reynolds (to Sophia): Which one’s the slut?

Rose, Dorothy, and Blanche: *raise hands*

by Anonymousreply 76December 6, 2023 8:04 AM

(as the girls debate about firing the housekeeper) Blanche: girls, we can't fire her now, she's making me an aphrodisiac! Dorothy: use vodka and black underwear like everyone else!

by Anonymousreply 77December 6, 2023 11:30 AM

R1 You post that exact reply on every single Golden Girls thread word for word. Do you have it saved so you can just copy and paste it?

by Anonymousreply 78December 6, 2023 6:52 PM

Blanche “you Dorothy, afraid of something, a big old strong strapping thing like you”

by Anonymousreply 79December 6, 2023 6:54 PM

"Excuse me if I don't have the rolling gait of a nymphomaniac!"

by Anonymousreply 80December 6, 2023 6:56 PM

Blanche Devereaux: Rose, you have to put this behind you. You killed Mrs. Claxton two days ago!

by Anonymousreply 81December 6, 2023 7:18 PM

My God, Rose! Eisenhower used less chalk planning D-Day!

by Anonymousreply 82December 6, 2023 7:32 PM

Not a line, but: Dorothy’s deadpan looks.

by Anonymousreply 83December 6, 2023 8:28 PM

Blanche: I asked my teacher for help like you all told me to, he said the only way I would get an A on his final is if I sleep with him.

Rose: No!

Blanche : Oh yes! I just don't know what to do!

Sophia : Get it in writing.

by Anonymousreply 84December 7, 2023 12:06 AM

"My rear tires have less pressure in them!"

by Anonymousreply 85December 7, 2023 12:14 AM

"That's a metaphor, Dorothy."

by Anonymousreply 86December 7, 2023 12:15 AM

“She’s Gary Hart’s campaign manager. It doesn’t pay much but you don’t have to get out of bed to do it.”

by Anonymousreply 87December 7, 2023 12:16 AM

"What'd she model - car covers?"

by Anonymousreply 88December 7, 2023 12:25 AM

Sophia Petrillo: Arrested for prostitution! I can't believe it!

Blanche Devereaux: Sophia, we're innocent!

Sophia Petrillo: I know that. I can't believe these dumb cops would think people would wanna pay money to sleep with you!

by Anonymousreply 89December 7, 2023 12:38 AM

Blanche Devereaux: [Breathless with anticipation, she speaks faster and faster, twisting the newspaper in her hands] Mr. John Forsythe. Oh my God! He's just the sexiest man in television. And Burt Reynolds is the sexiest man in the movies. Oh, I cannot believe this. All that manliness in one room. In one crowded room. One hot, crowded room. Everybody's steamy bodies pressed up against each other...

Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak: Blanche. Blanche, Blanche, Blanche. You're about to set off the smoke detector.

by Anonymousreply 90December 7, 2023 12:40 AM

What mirror do you use?

by Anonymousreply 91December 7, 2023 1:24 AM

"She's in the attic!"

by Anonymousreply 92December 7, 2023 1:28 AM

"In what Blanche, dog years?"

by Anonymousreply 93December 7, 2023 1:29 AM

Blanche: Girls, I'm so excited! Just imagine being Richard's wife. I would be married to a gorgeous, intelligent man. I'd be living like a queen!

Sophia: Think about it in your room, Your Highness. I need to use the throne.

by Anonymousreply 94December 7, 2023 5:09 AM

Sophia Petrillo: [to Rose and Charley] Are you two coming? The spaghetti's getting cold.

Rose Nylund: We'll be there in a minute, Sophia. We're in the middle of a makeup lesson.

Sophia Petrillo: I hope the kid can help you, you wear more rouge than Miss Piggy!

by Anonymousreply 95December 7, 2023 5:14 AM

Blanche: But Dorothy he wants me, I can sense it. He's a man, I'm a woman.

Dorothy: And what am I, Little Richard?

by Anonymousreply 96December 7, 2023 5:34 AM

Blanche (walking into the kitchen) : I'm nothing but a cheap, tawdry slut. Rose (with her back to the door): Let me guess! Is it Blanche?

by Anonymousreply 97December 7, 2023 2:32 PM

Blanche: Oh I hate him, God, do I hate him! Not only did he steal my necklace, but he betrayed my trust! Oh please, God, let him get caught, let him go to jail. Let him rot and die in some filthy cell with the rats gnawing at his eyes!

Dorothy: You know, when you pray, the kitchen almost becomes a chapel.

by Anonymousreply 98December 7, 2023 4:08 PM

Suck my piss flap!

Oh shut up and catch the wind from my queef!

by Anonymousreply 99December 7, 2023 8:20 PM

Dorothy: You keep your bloomers on Scarlett.

Blanche: But he wants me, I can feel it.

Dorothy: Let someone else feel it.


Blanche: Blanche Devereaux never shares a man!

Sophia: Or a pizza

by Anonymousreply 100December 7, 2023 8:27 PM

BLANCHE: Why, the same thing happened to me when I was in my early twenties. I was taking some classes at Miss McGyver's Finishing School. One night, Bobby Jo Springer had escorted me back to the dormitory after the annual Fine Manners ball, when an innocent good night kiss developed into an evening of passion. But at 3am, the door flung open and there stood Miss McGyver, making one of those bed checks she was famous for. I tried to handle the whole thing like a lady. I waved politely over Bobby Jo's shoulder with my foot...

by Anonymousreply 101December 7, 2023 8:36 PM

Blanche: Dorothy, guess who's here?

Dorothy: My date.

Blanche: Your husband.

Dorothy: I don't have a husband, call the police.

Stanley: Ex-husband.

Dorothy: I'll call the police.


Blanche: Come on in here Ham, and let's get a look at you!

Sophia: What else can we look at? The man's covering half the pictures on our walls!


[One of my personal favorites:]

Rose: Planes aren't that thin, or that bright.

Dorothy: Neither is Oprah Winfrey, but that doesn't make her a flying saucer.

by Anonymousreply 102December 7, 2023 8:58 PM

Blanche: I brought my son Skippy home from the hospital in this towel, Dorothy.

Dorothy: Blanche, please. I am in no mood to hear about the parade of endless sexual encounters you had up and down the Florida coastline with only this towel between your hot flesh and the cold wet sand!

by Anonymousreply 103December 7, 2023 9:02 PM

^ Blanche: Damn you're good!

by Anonymousreply 104December 7, 2023 9:11 PM

Another joyless copy/paste thread. Can’t even have a fun Golden Girls thread anymore.

by Anonymousreply 105December 7, 2023 9:28 PM

Yeah... well... you have a big behind.

by Anonymousreply 106December 7, 2023 9:33 PM

Dorothy: I always wanted to try a nudist camp. Stationmaster ( overhearing) some big pots belong on the back burner.

by Anonymousreply 107December 9, 2023 2:25 PM
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