I was with my ex for 20 years and during the last 10 I slowly grew to despise him. He was blindsided when I left but not a day goes by where I am not relieved I did not leave.
The author's story below brought back my own memories. To me, Bella's last name says it all.
It also sounds like she deliberately missed a lot of clues and just embraced being an upper middle class soccer mom
NY TIMES | Was I Married to a Stranger? I thought I knew my husband of 20 years. I didn’t — and still don’t. By Belle Burden |June 30, 2023, 12:00 a.m. ET
When the lockdown started in March 2020, my husband and I decided to quarantine with our two youngest children, then 15 and 12, at our house on Martha’s Vineyard. We arrived on March 15 and settled in for a long stay, unpacking sweaters and boots, textbooks and cellos.
My husband set up his home office on a card table in the living room, rising at 4 a.m. to pace and worry over the markets. He chopped three different kinds of wood and built gorgeous fires. He made me whiskey sours as the sun set (we believed reports that whiskey would kill the virus). Our older daughter learned to make gnocchi; our younger daughter learned to play Fortnite. We delighted in the off-season use of our house and seeing the island for the first time in late winter light.
A week later, on March 22, at 6 a.m., my husband told me he wanted a divorce. He packed a bag, got in his Jeep and boarded a ferry. We had been married for nearly 21 years.
When he reached New York City, he laid out his narrative: He thought he had wanted our life but didn’t. He thought he was happy but wasn’t. A switch had flipped. He didn’t want our house or our apartment. He didn’t want any custody of our children.
I had no idea he was unhappy. My husband had been a man who went to bed at 9 p.m. and tracked his sleep cycles on a phone app. He was the first to leave a dinner party. He worked, played tennis and came home and watched more tennis on television. He wasn’t affectionate or adoring, but I felt a current of abiding love. He never flirted with other women in front of me. We didn’t bicker. He seemed content and invested in our life. He designed an addition to our garage and planted blueberry bushes in the year before he left.