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Daniel Craig lusts after Drew Starkey in upcoming film, “Queer”

“The leads in Luca Guadagnino adaptation of William S. Burroughs "Queer" cast has been solidified, writes Variety. Joining Daniel Craig is "Outer Banks" star Drew Starkey, who plays as a younger man with whom he becomes madly infatuated.

"The boldly ambitious indie film is set to start shooting this month at Rome's refurbished Cinecittà Studios where the Mexico City-set movie will be filmed in its entirety," says Variety.”

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by Anonymousreply 143August 22, 2024 10:08 PM

Drew Starkey is hot

by Anonymousreply 1April 24, 2023 10:07 PM

R1 I think he’s cute but not overall hot. Way too thin for me.

by Anonymousreply 2April 24, 2023 10:10 PM

Is Drew's acting just limited to lounging around looking sulky?

by Anonymousreply 3April 24, 2023 10:13 PM

I find Drew Starkey very sexy

by Anonymousreply 4April 24, 2023 10:17 PM

Gay director casting straight actors in gay roles, name a more iconic thing.

I hope this bombs.

by Anonymousreply 5April 24, 2023 10:18 PM

Are they rehearsing right now? They'll really need a lot of rehearsal.

by Anonymousreply 6April 24, 2023 10:31 PM

Sulky Starkey, Dull Daniel.

by Anonymousreply 7April 24, 2023 10:40 PM

All he does is sulk.

And the only time I found him hot was when he was clearly thirst trapping

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by Anonymousreply 8April 24, 2023 10:45 PM

Sounds fun - I love Drew Starkey

by Anonymousreply 9April 24, 2023 10:51 PM

I prefer Star Drewkey.

by Anonymousreply 10April 24, 2023 10:54 PM

This should've been Connor Jessup.

by Anonymousreply 11April 24, 2023 10:54 PM

This should have been ME.

by Anonymousreply 12April 24, 2023 10:59 PM

Is there something for Colton?

by Anonymousreply 13April 24, 2023 11:00 PM

R5 Daniel Craig isn't straight...

by Anonymousreply 14April 24, 2023 11:08 PM

[quote]"The boldly ambitious indie film is set to start shooting this month at Rome's refurbished Cinecittà Studios where the Mexico City-set movie will be filmed in its entirety," says Variety.”

Something about this reads as completely absurd.

by Anonymousreply 15April 24, 2023 11:26 PM

Daniel Craig lusting after a younger man - I’ll definitely watch

by Anonymousreply 16April 24, 2023 11:29 PM

Goodbye pants!

by Anonymousreply 17April 24, 2023 11:30 PM

Thanks R14. Craig and Weisz are both bi.

by Anonymousreply 18April 24, 2023 11:37 PM

R18 Who told you that?

Was it the maid looking through the keyhole?

by Anonymousreply 19April 24, 2023 11:43 PM

R19 no one told him this. It’s just more making shit up

by Anonymousreply 20April 24, 2023 11:45 PM

Weisz is definitely bi at least! She used to make out with women at Cubby Hole and Henrietta Hudsons back in late 90s. Many lesbians in NYC at the time can tell you that! As for Daniel Craig, well - bi people tend to marry each other. But haven't heard anything concrete about him. However, men keep it under wraps more than women anyway.

by Anonymousreply 21April 25, 2023 3:22 AM

It started filming

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by Anonymousreply 22April 29, 2023 10:06 PM

Hope there is anal, but the director is shit.

by Anonymousreply 23April 29, 2023 10:17 PM

Daniel Craig is an aging HOMO himself.

by Anonymousreply 24April 29, 2023 10:28 PM

R5 So only out gay actors should portray gay characters? All ten of them? And they should never play straight characters? Are you touched in the head?

by Anonymousreply 25April 29, 2023 11:01 PM

R14 Where's your proof of that?

by Anonymousreply 26April 29, 2023 11:02 PM

R21 Rachel Weisz making out with women in her early twenties doesn't make her husband gay/bi.

by Anonymousreply 27April 29, 2023 11:03 PM

Do people even watch Luca Guadagnino’s films? There seem to be so many of them.

I love this novel and have for decades. Would never have imagined Daniel Craig as Lee. I’d be more interested in Tilda Swinton playing it.

Lee is Burroughs himself and, in the novel, his not free of his addiction. Also, Cronenberg used a lot of the material in Queer already when he filmed Naked Lunch.

This project seems misguided. I’d rather see Andrew Scott do it in like 10 years. But I suppose this will disappear rather quickly. It would take a very skilled screenwriter to adapt this to any medium, let alone a film (it’s more suited to the stage, if anything), and I don’t think they have one.

This will probably debut at a festival, get terrible reviews and disappear like that bizarre film, Kings, that Craig did with Halle Berry. I don’t think he’s very good at selecting scripts, obviously after filming all of that Bond tripe.

by Anonymousreply 28July 18, 2023 7:12 PM

Old queen obsessed with a hot, younger guy.

Is this The Peter Thiel Story?

by Anonymousreply 29July 18, 2023 7:14 PM

Is the lust reciprocated?

by Anonymousreply 30July 18, 2023 7:48 PM

I'm waiting for Daniel Craig to make some announcement like "I've always thought of myself as 'queer'"

The workouts, the dance videos, the fashion choices, all say Gay.

by Anonymousreply 31July 18, 2023 7:59 PM

I think Luca Guadagnino cast this with his dick, as usual. Daniel Craig is all wrong for this.

by Anonymousreply 32July 19, 2023 11:56 AM

No, r5. Queer director, queer roles, queer, queer, queer.

by Anonymousreply 33July 19, 2023 11:59 AM

In the case of this movie, r31, they say queer.

He could be queer, though, r27, just like straight girls who make out with girls in their 20s because it's cool, before they "grow up" and get married, are queer.

by Anonymousreply 34July 19, 2023 12:01 PM

I have all of Burroughs’s books and I would read them on the subway during the late 1980s (and during my late teens) to look cool. They range from verbose to incomprehensible word salad. Kudos to the filmmakers for attempting to fashion a feature out of Queer.

by Anonymousreply 35July 19, 2023 12:26 PM

He's gay and is slowly coming out. He used to live directly across the street.

by Anonymousreply 36July 19, 2023 12:53 PM

Across the street from what?

by Anonymousreply 37July 19, 2023 1:59 PM

I demand to see them both nude and having sex!

by Anonymousreply 38July 21, 2023 8:48 PM

I love Daniel Craig, but seriously, why not give this role to a gay actor?

by Anonymousreply 39July 21, 2023 8:52 PM

Drew is sexy!

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by Anonymousreply 40July 21, 2023 9:45 PM

Wasn’t that last Bond film a mess?

by Anonymousreply 41July 21, 2023 9:50 PM

Daniel Craig being bi has been known for ages.

by Anonymousreply 42July 21, 2023 9:54 PM

R40's pic was liked by Tommy DiDario on insta

by Anonymousreply 43July 22, 2023 2:14 AM

[quote] R40's pic was liked by Tommy DiDario on insta

Looks like Tommy is getting tired of Gio's ass.

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by Anonymousreply 44July 22, 2023 2:28 AM

R5, I don’t think most gay men fantasize about Chris Colfer or Billy Eichner.

by Anonymousreply 45July 22, 2023 3:42 AM

R39 Because it's called acting. You want the gay roles to be portrayed by only out gay actors?

by Anonymousreply 46July 22, 2023 3:45 AM

Remember there used to be a long DL thread about Craig and RDJ? It was quite torrid.

I’m starting to think it was all true.

by Anonymousreply 47July 22, 2023 8:03 AM

R47 Why? Because he will portray a gay guy in a movie

by Anonymousreply 48July 22, 2023 8:26 AM

r46 Another simpleton who doesn't understand the concept of a level playing field. Go ahead, list the number of gay actors who got an Oscar for their "courageous portrayal of a straight person", the way straight actors seemingly get them automatically.

by Anonymousreply 49July 22, 2023 9:47 AM

R49 I don't know, genius. Since we don't really know who's gay and who isn't. A lot of the actors living a straight life publicly, could be closeted gays/bisexuals that have won Oscars. Also, who gives a fuck about Oscars? Is that how you measure quality of art? By how many mainstream awards it has won?

And how exactly would a process of hiring only gay actors in gay roles go? Enlighten us.

Would directors or casting directors ask every actor that came to audition personal stuff about their lives, like what is their sexuality, who they share their bed with, do they have experience with the same sex? Cause that totally sounds normal, not creepy and invasive at all. Or would they hire only publicly openly gay actors. A few good ones that there are. So you would have a few of the same actors in every single gay role there is. And most of them are terrible actors. But in your opinion that is a better solution than hiring a good actor, no matter their sexuality, who will ACT as a gay person, since acting (pretending) is their job.

Could bi men married to women get these acting gigs? William S. Burroughs was after all, married to a woman. Should dyslexic characters only be portrayed by dyslexic actors? Autistic by autistic ones? Depressed by depressed one. Geniuses by other geniuses? So no portrayal of Einstein since, I doubt, any actor has an IQ of 160.

Lastly and most importantly, you don't think there would be a backlash among conservatives/homophobes if any gay actor would be cast in a straight role? Your whole woke thing would eventually only hurt gay actors and gay community as a whole

by Anonymousreply 50July 22, 2023 11:53 AM

There's something about Daniel Craig and Jeffrey Wright's "friendship" that makes me wonder.

by Anonymousreply 51August 28, 2023 10:38 PM

I watched Luke MacFarlane in Platonic last night playing the husband of Rose Byrne’s character - does that mean that he’s straight?

Or, if he’s gay, should a straight actor have been cast in this role instead?

Some of you queens upthread make no sense. You can’t have it both ways, even if you think that you can.

by Anonymousreply 52August 28, 2023 11:06 PM

R45 100%

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by Anonymousreply 53August 28, 2023 11:52 PM

Such as, R51? Genuine question.

by Anonymousreply 54August 29, 2023 6:49 AM

Daniel Craig always with that duck lip expression.

by Anonymousreply 55August 29, 2023 6:53 AM

I think Craig is gay/bi and the Broccolis were never going to let this come out while he was Bond. If he's coming out, he's creating a buildup of a narrative and a following first. Very smart if that's the case.

by Anonymousreply 56August 29, 2023 6:54 AM

Or maybe he’s just an actor, acting in a role.

by Anonymousreply 57August 29, 2023 9:05 AM

Too many gay roles in succession to not bring this up, R57. Otherwise, I'd agree with you.

by Anonymousreply 58August 29, 2023 9:27 AM

[quote]It would take a very skilled screenwriter to adapt this to any medium, let alone a film (it’s more suited to the stage, if anything), and I don’t think they have one.

TBH, r28, I don't think Burroughs "translates" at all to film (or theatre, or any medium other than the written word), mainly because most of his work is not based on traditional concepts of chronological narrative or character development, which traditional, nonexperimental cinema thrives on. Cronenberg's _Naked Lunch_ was an awful mess because it was Cronenberg's own reading/interpretation/filtering of the paranoid underworld that Burroughs created through the manipulation of language through its written medium and played as much with established ideas of what a novel could and couldn't do. I can't imagine that Guadagnino, much as I like his films, is going to come up with anything particularly good based on _Queer_.

by Anonymousreply 59August 29, 2023 9:41 AM

If the man lusted after Andy Cohen, I’ll buy him in a movie lusting after someone actually hot.

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by Anonymousreply 60August 29, 2023 10:29 AM

R44 everyone who’s exposed to Gio must tire of him quite quickly, if there’s any interest to start with. He elevates insipid and soulless to high art. Too bad he doesn’t have to ‘try’, just the misfortune of being born empty.

by Anonymousreply 61August 29, 2023 11:00 AM

Daniel Craig saw Drew Starkey’s audition tape for Luca Guadagnino’s upcoming film ‘QUEER’ and told the director, “That’s the guy.”

“I liked Drew from the moment I met him. He’s such a wonderful, kind human being, and that was very obvious to me from the very start.”

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by Anonymousreply 62February 29, 2024 6:15 PM

[quote]“I liked Drew from the moment I met him. He’s such a wonderful, kind human being, and that was very obvious to me from the very start.”

Bitch, shut the fuck up, everyone knows you cast with your dick. And god forbid you gave gay actors some work. Piece of shit.

by Anonymousreply 63February 29, 2024 6:19 PM

R63 enough with the drama

by Anonymousreply 64February 29, 2024 6:30 PM

Drew does that Douchey shirtless with a backpack thing that guys do when they want attention.


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by Anonymousreply 65February 29, 2024 7:30 PM

Shirtless with a backpack.


What an attention whore.

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by Anonymousreply 66February 29, 2024 7:31 PM

Daniel Craig is starting to look like a potato.

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by Anonymousreply 67February 29, 2024 8:13 PM

I can’t wait for this movie to finally come out.

by Anonymousreply 68February 29, 2024 10:41 PM

[quote]Daniel Craig is starting to look like a potato.


by Anonymousreply 69March 1, 2024 4:19 AM

When you play a character and have to pretend you’re detached from it.

by Anonymousreply 70March 1, 2024 5:09 AM

I'm very excited for this movie. 2024 should be a good year for gay movies: On Swift Horses, History of Sound and Queer.

by Anonymousreply 71March 16, 2024 10:39 AM

R5 At least On Swift Horses has a gay actor in one of the roles, sadly he isn't out though. I'm talking about Jacob Elordi.

by Anonymousreply 72March 16, 2024 10:40 AM


That's why I never cared for him as Bond.

He looked like he should have been cast as a Russian villain, not as 007.

by Anonymousreply 73March 16, 2024 10:46 AM

R72 time to grow up.

Based on all I know about Elordi, he isn’t gay. He is a gay baiter though. And you’re the uneducated type who falls for it.

by Anonymousreply 74March 16, 2024 2:06 PM

R73 many people hated him cast as Bond when he was cast because he looks nothing like Bond, especially with the light hair. But then he became a lot of peoples favorite after they watched.

by Anonymousreply 75March 16, 2024 2:08 PM

Daniel Craig is so FUCKING HOT.

by Anonymousreply 76March 16, 2024 2:13 PM

R74 After the notorious pics with Tommy Dorfman you still think he's straight? Lol. Ok then.

by Anonymousreply 77March 16, 2024 2:19 PM

R77 they were intentional!!! You’re so fucking stupid. He called the paps and did all that to make headlines.

by Anonymousreply 78March 16, 2024 2:21 PM

Has Luca made a good film since Call Me By Your Name?

by Anonymousreply 79March 16, 2024 2:29 PM

He’s only done 2 feature films that have been released since, so it’s not like we have a lot to compare. He’s done a lot of shorts, a couple of music videos and directed some episodes for a tv show in between.

by Anonymousreply 80March 16, 2024 2:37 PM

Suspira and Bones and All were flops.

Challengers comes out April 26.

Queer could debut at Cannes in May.

by Anonymousreply 81March 16, 2024 3:25 PM

R81 they weren’t flops. They were independent artsy passion projects.

by Anonymousreply 82March 16, 2024 3:27 PM

It’s so weird that they’re making Craig a two headed man like Ray Milland in this movie….

by Anonymousreply 83March 16, 2024 3:27 PM

I loathe the people, and the US media, who have now made "queer" a normalized word to be used for gay men and lesbians. It infuriates me and is so deeply offensive that I can't take anyone who uses it seriously.

by Anonymousreply 84March 16, 2024 3:29 PM

Craig can be a brilliant actor, as he showed early in his career playing Francis Bacon's lover in "Love Is The Devil." I'm glad he's choosing interesting roles that will require some acting chops after retiring from Bond.

by Anonymousreply 85March 16, 2024 3:46 PM

He makes more from the Knives Out films than he did as Bond. And he looks like he’s having fun in them, unlike Bond, where I feel he hated it.

by Anonymousreply 86March 16, 2024 3:50 PM

R84 Is an ancient kaftan-wearing queen.

by Anonymousreply 87March 16, 2024 4:20 PM

R79 CMBYN is in itself not a good movie. It is very overrated. God's Own Country is much better.

by Anonymousreply 88March 16, 2024 8:41 PM

R88 again, opinion. I disagree

by Anonymousreply 89March 16, 2024 8:42 PM

R89 Agree.

by Anonymousreply 90March 16, 2024 8:48 PM

[quote] Gay director casting straight actors in gay roles, name a more iconic thing.

I don’t object to casting straight actors in gay roles or vice versa.

by Anonymousreply 91March 16, 2024 8:56 PM

There's an excellent show that Luca did for HBO called WE ARE WHO WE ARE. Set on an army base in Italy (I think?). It was excellent, very filmic, not like TV, if you know what I mean. He's one of my favorite directors.

by Anonymousreply 92March 16, 2024 10:37 PM

R47, I know someone said that Craig had a thing for RDJ but not that it was ever reciprocated.

by Anonymousreply 93March 16, 2024 11:25 PM

I heard that the writer of this screen adaptation is Celine Song’s husband - sure to be as pretentious and boring as she is. Might premiere at Cannes but I doubt it.

by Anonymousreply 94March 31, 2024 9:36 PM

That's right, R94, and Justin Kuritzkes also wrote CHALLENGERS for Luca. They have a good thing going!

by Anonymousreply 95April 2, 2024 2:37 PM

[quote]R87: [R84] Is an ancient kaftan-wearing queen.

No, R84 is a foreign troll attempting to foment an opinion stampede on social media against the word 'queer,' hoping his outrage will catch on among those who don't know any better. Any time the word 'queer' comes up, the trolls all come out of the woodwork.

by Anonymousreply 96April 2, 2024 3:13 PM

Explains all the blind items about Craig being gay. Whenever Hollywood wants to generate buzz about a film their publicists start scouring the internet planting rubbish to match whatever the actor's character is at the time. They did the same schtick with Pedro Pascal when he was playing queer. Now with this Galitzine kid (although their may be some veracity there). Anything for a little extra publicity. PR 101. Don't believe a word.

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by Anonymousreply 97April 2, 2024 3:34 PM

Pedro Pascal is gay as gay as gay can be r97

Craig & Weisz have always struck me as swinging bisexuals

by Anonymousreply 98April 2, 2024 3:41 PM

Yeah, Pedro likes dick.

by Anonymousreply 99April 2, 2024 3:53 PM

What blinds about Craig being gay?

by Anonymousreply 100April 2, 2024 5:59 PM

R98 If you had typed "gay" four times I would have believed you. Close but no cigar hon.

by Anonymousreply 101April 2, 2024 11:30 PM

I hope they have a scene of Daniel being topped. He’s my fantasy fuck.

by Anonymousreply 102April 3, 2024 7:26 AM

There probably isn’t gonna be graphic sex scenes. Jesus. It’s about a middle aged man who becomes obsessed with a young man. It’s not a love story.

by Anonymousreply 103April 3, 2024 9:24 AM

I was checking out this little snack of a man since he played a soccer player in “Love, Simon”. But then again, Simon’s high school was full of hotties in that movie.

Haven’t watched that Outer Banks crap, but remember that face.

by Anonymousreply 104April 3, 2024 2:25 PM

Daniel Craig has been boring for quite some time.

And his face is increasingly prune-like.

by Anonymousreply 105April 3, 2024 7:16 PM

That's hardly surprising considering Daniel Craig is not heterosexual.

by Anonymousreply 106April 3, 2024 7:22 PM

I’m still confused by his “Knives Out” accent.

Have you ever experienced a white guy busting out his idea of a strong black woman impersonation?

I want to slap or shake him until he stops.

by Anonymousreply 107April 3, 2024 8:04 PM

I notice no one is complaining about the use of the word "Queer" by the legendary William Burroughs.

Have some of you rubes realized now that it is the correct replacement for the outmoded homophobic term "gay'?

Just saying.

by Anonymousreply 108April 3, 2024 8:36 PM

I loved the "queer" exchange in "All of Us Strangers".

Harry: You are queer, right?

Adam: Yeah.

Harry: That's good.

Adam: Well, 'gay'. I can't get used to calling myself 'queer'. It was always such an insult. Harry: It's probably why we hate 'gay' so much now. 'Gay' meant lame and shit. Those trainers are gay. That haircut's gay. This sofa is gay. Your school bag's gay.

Harry: 'Queer' does feel polite somehow though. Like all the dick sucking's been taken out.

by Anonymousreply 109April 3, 2024 8:43 PM

I shall make Drew Starkey mine.

by Anonymousreply 110April 3, 2024 10:07 PM

r109 I think a lot of people associate "queer" now with the gender nonbinary movement. I think that's a wrong interpretation. I see it as a better one word replacement for the cumbersome LGBTQIA blah blah blah.

by Anonymousreply 111April 4, 2024 5:37 AM

Andrew Haigh is a supercilious cunt who fancies himself as some taste-making thought leader for gay men. Fuck her. All of Us Strangers was self-indulgent crap, r109.

by Anonymousreply 112April 4, 2024 5:50 AM

R107 yes. And he didn’t sound like a black woman.

by Anonymousreply 113April 4, 2024 1:01 PM

R112 all the hoopla about it deserving Oscars was bizarre. It was fine but not an Oscars film whatsoever.

by Anonymousreply 114April 4, 2024 1:02 PM

R61 still manages to make noises even with her head up her own ass.

by Anonymousreply 115April 4, 2024 1:06 PM

R114 I watched Knives Out and thought without thay expensive cast and a less precious director, I could picture Melissa Joan Hart, Eric Roberts, Vivica A. Fox and Andie MacDowell in a Direct to Netflix production.

by Anonymousreply 116April 4, 2024 6:55 PM

"not an Oscars film" lol

by Anonymousreply 117April 5, 2024 5:15 PM

And clearly the voters agreed r117 ☕️

by Anonymousreply 118April 5, 2024 5:16 PM

It will be 3 hours long, allegedly

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by Anonymousreply 119May 19, 2024 2:47 PM

Oh man one of my favorite categories will get a film with James Bond as the lead! Im in gay heaven :)

by Anonymousreply 120May 19, 2024 2:51 PM

How much gay sex will actually be in this? Because I've been let down a lot by most of Luca's movies in that department.

by Anonymousreply 121May 19, 2024 3:08 PM

Not much. If there is a lot it won’t make any money.

by Anonymousreply 122May 19, 2024 3:14 PM

Queer??? This is classic homosexuality. The title alone pisses me off.

by Anonymousreply 123May 19, 2024 4:07 PM

Any updates on this movie?

by Anonymousreply 124May 19, 2024 5:00 PM

R124 see r119.

by Anonymousreply 125May 19, 2024 5:13 PM

[quote]Is Drew's acting just limited to lounging around looking sulky?

Well, he's playing a twink, not a fully formed human.

by Anonymousreply 126May 19, 2024 8:16 PM

R123, conservative gays are such sensitive snowflakes

by Anonymousreply 127May 19, 2024 8:20 PM

Beautiful young man.

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by Anonymousreply 128May 19, 2024 8:25 PM

He’s cute. I would never call him beautiful. He’s the epitome of plain.

by Anonymousreply 129May 19, 2024 9:03 PM

As plain as Jane Eyre!

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by Anonymousreply 130May 19, 2024 9:24 PM

Yeah. Plain r130. He looks plain. Very basic white boy. Nothing special. No special beauty at all. The type of guy you’d see walking down the street in the Midwest.

by Anonymousreply 131May 19, 2024 9:34 PM

^ Most guys in the Midwest are like 50 pounds overweight

by Anonymousreply 132May 19, 2024 9:37 PM

[quote] Yeah. Plain [R130]. He looks plain. [bold]Very basic white boy.[/bold]

So now we see the truth comes out.

by Anonymousreply 133May 19, 2024 9:40 PM

The Sea Cow is all over this thread.

by Anonymousreply 134May 19, 2024 9:43 PM

R132 idk what parts of the Midwest you stay in but most I see are skinny.

by Anonymousreply 135May 19, 2024 9:44 PM

Never have gotten the appeal of Daniel Craig. Not for a minute.

by Anonymousreply 136May 20, 2024 1:01 AM

[quote] Never have gotten the appeal of Daniel Craig. Not for a minute.

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by Anonymousreply 137May 20, 2024 4:27 AM

Does he get naked in this?

by Anonymousreply 138May 20, 2024 6:04 AM

r138, they're currently filming this. So how would anyone know?

by Anonymousreply 139May 20, 2024 6:25 AM

^ It's set to premiere this summer so I assumed the filming had already wrapped

by Anonymousreply 140May 20, 2024 6:46 AM

R137 Never have gotten the appeal of Daniel Craig. Not for a minute

Neither did i, until I saw his sense of humour, here with Catherine Tate:

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by Anonymousreply 141May 20, 2024 6:47 AM

I admit I was mystified by the raves for his performance in Knives Out. Found him entirely unfunny.

by Anonymousreply 142May 20, 2024 12:27 PM

New still from the movie. It looks good!

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by Anonymousreply 143August 22, 2024 10:08 PM
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