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Madonna’s Deformed Body

Her ass has spread to her hips (which she broke two years ago), her implants are sideways, face destroyed. Can someone intervene already? This is already FaceTuned.

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by Anonymousreply 182February 11, 2023 4:55 PM

Does she spend all day in the bathroom? Is she wearing a diaper? Maybe she has accidents and needs to keep close to the can.

by Anonymousreply 1February 4, 2023 2:43 AM

Unfortunate looking creature.

by Anonymousreply 2February 4, 2023 2:51 AM

R1 It Depends!

by Anonymousreply 3February 4, 2023 2:52 AM

Jesus, is she wearing one of those diaper covers like they put over cloth diapers? What is with the extra padding/spillage/fluff around the hips?

by Anonymousreply 4February 4, 2023 2:55 AM

That is the ass filler being pushed because she is leaning.

Also extra weird - the digital artifacts around her right eye (our left).

by Anonymousreply 5February 4, 2023 3:00 AM

That's quite a sag in her boobs.

by Anonymousreply 6February 4, 2023 3:07 AM

Angelyne aged better.

by Anonymousreply 7February 4, 2023 3:14 AM

Can’t she go back to being a fake British aristocratic? That was peak Madonna with regards to her personal styling. That also occurred during her Confessions Era which was outstanding and the highlight of her 21st Century output.

Hair and body were on point. Where did that woman go?

by Anonymousreply 8February 4, 2023 3:21 AM

[quote] That was peak Madonna with regards to her personal styling.

She looked like an aged out granny. WTF are you smoking? She wore tracksuits and trucker caps non-stop. Her hair was always unwashed and she looked emaciated. Dull, dull, dull.

by Anonymousreply 9February 4, 2023 3:23 AM

She looks whorrible.

by Anonymousreply 10February 4, 2023 3:26 AM

I agree with R8.

This was 2006. She looked great.

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by Anonymousreply 11February 4, 2023 3:28 AM

Thank you r11! The trucker hat stuff was from her Music and American Life (?) era. She ditched that around the time of Confessions and tried to clean up her act. It only last like 2 or 3 years but Guy Richie’s dick must have been keeping her satisfied because she tried hard to play the domestic goddess, author, equestrian, and pop mega-star with an accent at that time.

by Anonymousreply 12February 4, 2023 3:37 AM

I loved her 1995-1998ish Tom Ford/Gucci years.

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by Anonymousreply 13February 4, 2023 3:52 AM

[quote] This was 2006. She looked great.

Yes, she did look great... seventeen years ago.

by Anonymousreply 14February 4, 2023 3:53 AM

Yes, R14, she would look older now, but not deformed and utterly tragic, if she'd not gone bonkers with fillers and plastic surgery.

by Anonymousreply 15February 4, 2023 4:26 AM

It's tragic what has happened to her and what she has done to her body. It makes me question everything I thought about her. She always seemed at least somewhat intelligent but to allow someone to do that to her body, I just don't understand. It's embarrassing.

At first I was disappointed I didn't get tickets for her upcoming tour but considering the state of her body, how is she going to dance and how is she going to maintain that schedule of shows? It's Michael Jackson This is It all over again.

She's obviously not going to get those ridiculous butt implants taken out before the tour.

by Anonymousreply 16February 4, 2023 4:54 AM

It's ok these days for Vadge to strike a pose, because now we have really reliable adult diapers. Why would she choose to be photographed with a full load though? Gal is off the charts kinky.

by Anonymousreply 17February 4, 2023 5:15 AM

Why in the world is she doing this to herself? Her perception of herself must be worlds apart from reality.

by Anonymousreply 18February 4, 2023 5:38 AM

[quote] It's ok these days for Vadge to strike a pose, because now we have really reliable adult diapers.

We did forty years ago, too!

by Anonymousreply 19February 4, 2023 5:40 AM

I'm sensing that Guy Oseary (or someone close to her) told her she needed to do this upcoming tour to restore her legacy. And so far, it seems to be working.

But I hope they ALSO told her she needs to stop with the plastic surgery and maybe get some reversal procedures (if possible). Because she will look ridiculous on stage with those ass implants.

by Anonymousreply 20February 4, 2023 5:45 AM

Why did she get rid of her eyebrows?

by Anonymousreply 21February 4, 2023 5:45 AM

I see they photoshopped the walker out of the photo!

by Anonymousreply 22February 4, 2023 5:46 AM

There are only so many ways one can psychoanalyze Madonna. She's always been Cluster B-adjacent, and that fall from a few years ago probably cause some sort of TBI. I don't think her recent behavior negates anything she excelled at earlier in her career.

by Anonymousreply 23February 4, 2023 5:55 AM

Madonna needs to go have all the boob, butt and filler taken out and get a smart, short textured haircut and age more like Edie Falco.

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by Anonymousreply 24February 4, 2023 6:01 AM

[quote] The trucker hat stuff was from her Music and American Life (?) era.

No. She wore them all through to 2011.

by Anonymousreply 25February 4, 2023 8:49 AM

Madonna in 2007.

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by Anonymousreply 26February 4, 2023 8:52 AM


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by Anonymousreply 27February 4, 2023 8:53 AM


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by Anonymousreply 28February 4, 2023 8:55 AM


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by Anonymousreply 29February 4, 2023 8:55 AM


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by Anonymousreply 30February 4, 2023 8:56 AM


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by Anonymousreply 31February 4, 2023 8:56 AM


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by Anonymousreply 32February 4, 2023 8:56 AM

She seems frail and ill, whether physically, mentally or both. She was a force of nature until maybe a decade ago. It’s depressing seeing her like this.

by Anonymousreply 33February 4, 2023 9:04 AM

I know it was all just as fake as her other phases were, but Madonna cosplaying as 'Lady of the Manor' was my favorite of her periods too.

by Anonymousreply 34February 4, 2023 9:09 AM

Blah, r34. Such a pretentious cow.

by Anonymousreply 35February 4, 2023 9:42 AM

Do you all think she's physically and mentally up to touring?

I don't. I can see her having to cancel shows.

by Anonymousreply 36February 4, 2023 9:48 AM

My favorite period of Madonna was her first 2 years of success.

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by Anonymousreply 37February 4, 2023 12:27 PM

I can't beginning to really understand just how jarring all of this must be to long-time or even passive Madonna fans. I suppose for me, a gay black man in my early 30s, this would be like Beyonce cutting up her face and lose the entire narrative of her career. Like Madonna, Beyonce has had an ironclad grip on her career and image. To see such a fall from grace has got to be disappointing.

For the love that all that is go, if you are going to get work done, please only use Cher or Jane Fonda's doctors.

by Anonymousreply 38February 4, 2023 12:29 PM

Weirdly, her daughter is going the same route. In the latest pics from New York fashion week, Lourdes looks just as skanky and and face-fucked.

by Anonymousreply 39February 4, 2023 2:39 PM

We are clearly living through a phase where human brains are being infected by cordyceps and Madonna is its first famous case.

by Anonymousreply 40February 4, 2023 5:37 PM

^And Britney Spears is the second one.

by Anonymousreply 41February 4, 2023 5:37 PM

Like mother, like daughter.

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by Anonymousreply 42February 4, 2023 6:36 PM


by Anonymousreply 43February 4, 2023 6:42 PM

I liked Sex era Madonna best

by Anonymousreply 44February 4, 2023 6:51 PM

I like the "Dress You Up" era.

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by Anonymousreply 45February 4, 2023 6:58 PM

[quote] Beyonce has had an ironclad grip on her career and image.

No she hasn’t! Da fuck?! She’s a total creation of her father and husband. GTFO.

by Anonymousreply 46February 4, 2023 8:57 PM

Hold me Sean Penn, I'm scared.

by Anonymousreply 47February 4, 2023 8:59 PM

R40, cordyceps? The mushroom extract? What is wrong with cordyceps?

by Anonymousreply 48February 5, 2023 12:37 AM

r48 apparently it’s in the global food supply and will infect most of us

by Anonymousreply 49February 5, 2023 12:39 AM

I think the whole "no publicity is bad publicity" trope doesnt exist anymore and shes just clueless about it . If she read comments on her many hideous pics she'd quickly see most are very negative,and she doesnt have enough years left to live it down.

by Anonymousreply 50February 5, 2023 1:04 AM

Laughing my ass off at M in a pussy-bow blouse when promoting her kids' book at r11. She reminds me of Jolie getting out all the old-lady clothes when 1. She met ERII and 2. She attended a church service ERII was scheduled to attend but missed.

Cosplay for rich and famous t*rds.

by Anonymousreply 51February 5, 2023 10:55 AM

Who could have foretold that she would completely lose her mind, her ass, her face AND her dignity, all in a few short years? Watching the interview at r37 makes it even more unbelievable what's happened to her.

by Anonymousreply 52February 5, 2023 11:01 AM

She looks like Helena Bonham Carter as the Queen of Hearts in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

by Anonymousreply 53February 5, 2023 11:13 AM

Every time I see a new Madonna thread with a photo I squirm with revulsion. I never would have seen this coming back in 1984 watching her on MTV but I guess it just goes to show you never know what fame will do to people’s heads. She’s basically just Michael Jackson at this point.

by Anonymousreply 54February 5, 2023 11:14 AM

Her body and face changes are depressing. Those initial cheek implants (around 2006 ?) were done poorly. Too bulky. I think it was a matter of her surgeon saying they'd settle. They didn't. So addicted to attention is/was she that she couldn't lay low for a while and have them revised. For me, that's when she lost the plot aesthetically.

As other have said, post Guy Ritchie, her confidence died. She sought the veneer of an intellectual European, and couldn't carry it off when she had no reason to be living on the continent.

Reinvention musically is fine. People can suspend past impressions and make room for the new approach. It fell apart when she began to believe, at her core, she was anything other than your average midwestern Podunk girl. Maybe she did realize it, and has decided to stop trying to aspire to anything but the LCD.

by Anonymousreply 55February 6, 2023 2:31 AM

I always loved Madonna's eyes and cheekbones and she ruined both with the cheek implants. And then she had more shit done to her face. Her lips look distorted.

I guess she's always had body image issues. Remember when she did the Sticky and Sweet tour and she looked like Skeletor with no body fat and the skeletal face and arms that looked like gristle? I thought it was just depression after the end of her marriage but I think she is obsessed with taking her body to extremes.

by Anonymousreply 56February 6, 2023 2:51 AM

Her tour is selling fast, though. They’ve doubled dates in just a few weeks. Demand is sky high. She won’t be insured if she isn’t in top shape when this happens. Live Nation and Warners are not going to let her fuck this up. She’ll get her shit together by the tour. Just watch. She’ll add Asia, Latin America, Australia, then double back to EU and US again. She’s going to change the set list for the 2nd go around in EU and US.

by Anonymousreply 57February 6, 2023 3:00 AM

I can't believe she's leaning towards Pete Burns territory - but she really is starting to resemble him.

If I told you it was Madonna unfiltered in the right of this photo, most people would believe it.

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by Anonymousreply 58February 6, 2023 3:07 AM

She was on Fallon about 6 months ago. She didn’t look too bad in the face. Her filters are exaggerating certain features on purpose.

She had perfect boobs. IDK what she did to them but they are way too big now. I’m not sure why she did that to her ass and tits. Both were fine before.

by Anonymousreply 59February 6, 2023 3:11 AM

The filters at the OP make her look like M3GAN .

by Anonymousreply 60February 6, 2023 3:16 AM

She was skin and bones in Stick and Sweet. Not a good look.

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by Anonymousreply 61February 6, 2023 3:29 AM

I get a lot of Amanda Lepore too. Not just Pete Burns.

by Anonymousreply 62February 6, 2023 3:30 AM

R61 Not on the 2nd leg. She gained weight in 2009.

by Anonymousreply 63February 6, 2023 3:31 AM

Ok thanks for the detail.

by Anonymousreply 64February 6, 2023 3:32 AM

Saw clips of her from 2015 on Twitter tonight and realized that even then, even being a little less graceful after the accident with the cape, that she still looked and moved normally.

The first time I noticed something was really wrong was that heavily filtered bathtub video of hers early in the pandemic where she's obviously panicking and also not making much sense, and there were a ton of prescription pills on a counter behind her. It didn't stay up long once people noticed the pills.

by Anonymousreply 65February 6, 2023 3:36 AM

What accident with the cape, r65?

by Anonymousreply 66February 6, 2023 3:37 AM

Many many former trained dancers (she was) and people who danced in heels on stage for years have a LOT of joint pain and other issues later in life.

Prince got addicted to drugs because of the pain he had from wearing those 6 inch heels and doing the splits.

by Anonymousreply 67February 6, 2023 3:39 AM

It’s sad to lose it over a loser like guy Ritchie. She’s had better

by Anonymousreply 68February 6, 2023 3:48 AM

Well I, for one, thinks she's aging quite gracefully!

by Anonymousreply 69February 6, 2023 3:52 AM

Not all those pills were something bad. She’s likely prescribed a lot of vitamins, and other supplements especially since she had knee, not hip, replacement. Her right knee was causing her a lot of pain on the Madame X tour. She openly cried many nights due to her knee. She had surgery early in the pandemic so likely some of those pills were narcotics, but she’s never had an addictive personality so I don’t believe her erratic behavior is drug related. We’d definitely hear solid rumors. Hers is mental. I think perhaps she might have some TBI from the fall. All her bizarre behavior happens after the fall. It makes sense.

by Anonymousreply 70February 6, 2023 4:03 AM

She is the most beautiful semi-human being that ever walked God's green earth.

by Anonymousreply 71February 6, 2023 4:08 AM

Without the filter.

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by Anonymousreply 72February 6, 2023 4:15 AM

She needs Christopher back

by Anonymousreply 73February 6, 2023 4:16 AM

But what is it?

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by Anonymousreply 74February 6, 2023 5:13 AM

She looks incredible. I don't get the hate.

by Anonymousreply 75February 6, 2023 5:16 AM

Her head is gargantuan. She’s giving Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen.

by Anonymousreply 76February 6, 2023 5:31 AM


1958 - 2023

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by Anonymousreply 77February 6, 2023 5:32 AM

Does she live in her bathroom? She must sit in there all day doing whatever stash of drugs she has.

by Anonymousreply 78February 6, 2023 5:48 AM

Guy Richie never took her down. She was planning all this during the Richie marriage. While he was hunting game, she was shopping at Laura Ashley and dreaming of the moment she could become a big slut again. She thought she had it figured out.

by Anonymousreply 79February 6, 2023 8:00 AM

[quote] Many many former trained dancers (she was)

She couldn’t cut it as a dancer and dropped out.

by Anonymousreply 80February 6, 2023 9:37 AM

Madonna is on my 'to visit' list. I've been so busy the last 3 years.

by Anonymousreply 81February 6, 2023 9:57 AM

r80 Fucking lie. Just die cunt.

by Anonymousreply 82February 6, 2023 10:38 AM

Her face

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by Anonymousreply 83February 6, 2023 11:56 AM

[quote] Fucking lie. Just die cunt.

That’s not a nice thing to say about Vadge.

by Anonymousreply 84February 6, 2023 12:00 PM


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by Anonymousreply 85February 6, 2023 12:01 PM

No neck and potato head. She’s also got a second chin.

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by Anonymousreply 86February 6, 2023 12:01 PM

Her screaming, “Do you want some controversy” was just embarrassing.

by Anonymousreply 87February 6, 2023 12:02 PM

She looks like a chola Snoop Dog.

by Anonymousreply 88February 6, 2023 12:03 PM

Reanimated Pete Burns looks shorter these days. Also, that POTBELLY!

by Anonymousreply 89February 6, 2023 12:05 PM

R87 It was even more embarrassing when she made a comment that she thought everyone would applaud and scream over, and when they didn't, she had to say, "This is the part where you make a lot of noise."

by Anonymousreply 90February 6, 2023 12:08 PM

Meanwhile, in this pic Jane Fonda was one year older than Madonna is now....

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by Anonymousreply 91February 6, 2023 12:11 PM

At least she was covered up. I’m surprised she did show her fake ass again.

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by Anonymousreply 92February 6, 2023 12:15 PM

Why is she always dressing like a Nazi?

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by Anonymousreply 93February 6, 2023 12:16 PM

Lili Marlene in her mid sixties looked a MILLION times better than Stay Puft Nazi Ciccione at 64.

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by Anonymousreply 94February 6, 2023 12:22 PM

Not deformed- just a bit zoftig and packed into bustiers like some Hungarian dowager.

by Anonymousreply 95February 6, 2023 12:23 PM

No Hungarian dowager ever looked like she was about to devour 55 Central Park West with her cheeks alone, r95

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by Anonymousreply 96February 6, 2023 12:32 PM

In 2018. Already using some fillers, already had the fake cheeks, but WHAT a difference. This must have been right before she went completely over the cliff into madness.

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by Anonymousreply 97February 6, 2023 1:13 PM

Who is she doing this for? Does she imagine she has legions of exacting fans?

by Anonymousreply 98February 6, 2023 1:16 PM

The Grammy audience was so shocked by her appearance they were unable to respond on cue to her comments.

by Anonymousreply 99February 6, 2023 1:24 PM

She is beginning to resemble a Lucasfilm creation.

by Anonymousreply 100February 6, 2023 1:24 PM

Her reception at the Grammys was lukewarm at best. She trots out there with her stay puft face like she’s queen of the music universe, when practically everyone in the audience didn’t care, and just find her embarrassing.

by Anonymousreply 101February 6, 2023 1:42 PM

She must be drinking. I realize she has tons of fillers but the face seems to have some alcohol bloat. That would account for the double chin as well.

by Anonymousreply 102February 6, 2023 2:26 PM

So that’s what she looks like without image manipulation. I knew it would be bad but this is Depp level grossness.

by Anonymousreply 103February 6, 2023 3:27 PM

What I find interesting is that she’s coming full circle with the brow — back to pencils! She’s slowly moving from the bleach toward each nineties razor thin brown brows again.

If I was her MUA, I would steer her toward non-bleached, naturally full brows. She needs that to balance out the fullness of her face. The bleach/skinny brows are accentuating her puffiness.

by Anonymousreply 104February 6, 2023 5:01 PM

When I look at the pics of Madonna in her youth during the Virgin days she was really pretty. Not beautiful but sexy and a great body. Gorgeous eyes. Too sad and I've never been a rabid fan. More of a "some catchy tunes but a total cunt" types.

by Anonymousreply 105February 6, 2023 5:05 PM

Vadge was so cute and appealing in the early days of her career. She had a naturally soft and curvy look, I have no clue why she decided to get all toned and try to be some couture model type, that wasn’t who she was. I also think she was prettiest with her natural dark hair, which she had in “Like a Prayer.”

Like most true narcissists, she has always had negative self esteem. No amount of adulation, attention, or success has ever been enough to rid her of her self doubt and body image issues, so this freak show is naturally where she ended up. It’d be sadder if she wasn’t such a cunt.

by Anonymousreply 106February 6, 2023 5:25 PM

She could never accept her naturally soft petite body and has spent decades torturing it to look like something else, with sometimes grotesque results.

She's in the Marilyn Monroe camp, not Jane Fonda.

by Anonymousreply 107February 6, 2023 6:10 PM

[quote] Like most true narcissists, she has always had negative self esteem. No amount of adulation, attention, or success has ever been enough to rid her of her self doubt and body image issues, so this freak show is naturally where she ended up. It’d be sadder if she wasn’t such a cunt.

I loved that she named her last hit compilation "Finally Enough Love" especially when she knew she could never get enough.

by Anonymousreply 108February 6, 2023 6:16 PM

She's salvageable. She just needs to reverse every procedure she's had on her face, get a breast reduction and lift, and choose a wardrobe to cover up her chest and arms.

She will rise again...

by Anonymousreply 109February 6, 2023 6:18 PM

What is she going to look like in 5 years time when she's 70? She'll really have to be shelling out the $ for her caramel skinned 19 year old lovers to fuck her then as she will be beyond repulsive.

by Anonymousreply 110February 6, 2023 6:21 PM

[quote] Moon-assed (and faced) Madonna needs to phone Mrs. Affleck's surgeon STAT!

No reputable plastic surgeon will come within a mile of her now.

by Anonymousreply 111February 6, 2023 6:22 PM

She was slurring last night at the Grammys. Think she's popping oxys or 🍻 all day. Would explain the bloat.

by Anonymousreply 112February 6, 2023 6:24 PM

R110 those guys are for show only. From what I've learned from my mother, sister and various female friends once they hit menopause most of them cease being interested in sex. I'm sure there are exceptions but they all said they only do it now to make their men happy but most of their guys have erectile problems anyway at that age.

by Anonymousreply 113February 6, 2023 6:26 PM

Roseanne Barr bar was hit by a car as a teenager and the hood ornament struck her in the head.

Do you think being thrown from a horse and that cape fall is giving her Roseanne levels of mental Insanity?

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by Anonymousreply 114February 6, 2023 6:26 PM

We had another thread recently on her (can't recall which, there are so many) in which the areas around her eyes (orbital area) was swollen. From my days of heavy drinking, that would to me, as well as generalized facial bloating. I've definitely been seeing that in her pics (facial swelling).

by Anonymousreply 115February 6, 2023 6:28 PM

I mean for Christsake this was just 8 years ago. WTF happened?

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by Anonymousreply 116February 6, 2023 6:33 PM

She shouldn't have taken up equestrianship as a woman over 40. It can really be quite dangerous (started riding, dressage when I was a kid, and it's broken several friends bodies over time). That was what seemed to change her physical prowess in working out, something she was proud of was her body. Combined lack of movement, pain, unlimited source of money and meds led her discipline to entropy to dysmorphia. Unless she employs people who aren't going to blow smoke up her ass about her looks, and gets some 'botched' procedures redone, she's going to thoroughly self destruct.

Vanity, especially to her degree, combined with aging, and gravity are her cruelest enemies at this point.

by Anonymousreply 117February 6, 2023 7:05 PM

Janbot is talking to itself in this thread. Granted, Madonna is not well right now, but she’ll get it together and is selling huge amounts of tickets to her upcoming concert. Not so for Janet Jacket.

by Anonymousreply 118February 6, 2023 10:17 PM

Um, it's hardly just Janbot talking. I doubt Madge can get it together, she's been falling apart for 5 years now...she'd have to reverse all her surgery to get it back. I don't see that happening.

by Anonymousreply 119February 6, 2023 10:29 PM


by Anonymousreply 120February 6, 2023 10:31 PM

Jfc, what type of mental illness is this?

by Anonymousreply 121February 6, 2023 10:36 PM

Hi janbot. Trolldar it. All Janbot

by Anonymousreply 122February 6, 2023 10:46 PM

I wish Larry King was still with us to comment upon Madonna's passing.

by Anonymousreply 123February 6, 2023 10:58 PM

Sure is R122.

I can't WAIT until Janet Jackson cancels her concert. Just like she did last time. It's going to be absolutely hilarious!

by Anonymousreply 124February 6, 2023 11:06 PM

Wtf happened to JJ's nose?

by Anonymousreply 125February 6, 2023 11:12 PM

Miss Ross is 79 next month...

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by Anonymousreply 126February 6, 2023 11:39 PM

Sometimes the body and the mind are separate and with a good mind a good person could still fall in love with you. But with Madonna all evidence points to her body and mind to be the same.

by Anonymousreply 127February 6, 2023 11:49 PM

Madonna gets so much shit done to her face (and body in general) that it's hard to tell if it's bloat or a new procedure. She is a plastic surgery addict and it's sad to see. How can she think she looks good with that puffed-up face and hideous ass? It's so bizarre.

by Anonymousreply 128February 7, 2023 12:30 AM

R128- The humiliatingly hideous ass implants. That was the beginning of the insanity. And here we are now. She should have been 5150'ed right then and forced to receive a mental health evaluation.

by Anonymousreply 129February 7, 2023 1:01 AM

[quote] If I was her MUA

MUA, really? You’re just pulling acronyms out of your ass.

by Anonymousreply 130February 7, 2023 5:28 AM

So if you get that many fillers, doesn't your skin stretch? If she stopped getting them would she deflate like a balloon? Also, does her head have stretch marks on in?

by Anonymousreply 131February 7, 2023 5:54 AM

That's always been my theory R131. I don't think you can stretch facial skin like that or it leaves permanent marks. Maybe it leaves the skin more wrinkly.

by Anonymousreply 132February 7, 2023 7:13 AM

So, in other words, she's stuck looking like the stay-puft man for the rest of her life, even if she ever gets mentally well again.

by Anonymousreply 133February 7, 2023 7:20 AM

It takes more than a cold flannel and some Body Shop Oatmeal Scrub for me.

by Anonymousreply 134February 7, 2023 8:44 AM

Have you tried bitch twigs R134?

by Anonymousreply 135February 7, 2023 8:51 AM

Her ass implants are a cautionary tail.

by Anonymousreply 136February 7, 2023 9:15 AM

r130. that is a correct acronym in the film/tv/print industry.

by Anonymousreply 137February 7, 2023 10:27 AM

These people go way too far in pursuit of turning back the hands of time - OBVIOUSLY! The idea is to maximize facial appearance while doing the minimum to achieve that goal. Anything beyond that and they start looking way too unnatural. Self-awareness and self-acceptance goes a hell of a long way! Madonna had always been a very, very health conscious woman. She could have easily transitioned into old age while maintaining her true physical self and its natural attractiveness. Now, she doesn't even look human - she looks like a fucking cyborg!

I don't exactly know why I've taken the time to deliver this unnecessary post. I think I'm still glad that the extraordinarily long Prime time is over.

That will be all.

by Anonymousreply 138February 7, 2023 12:21 PM

[quote] that is a correct acronym in the film/tv/print industry.

This is Datalounge, sir. We’re not a film/tv/print industry.

by Anonymousreply 139February 7, 2023 12:37 PM

She was still okay in 2019 and I suspect she thinks she still looks like this, braids and all.

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by Anonymousreply 140February 7, 2023 12:42 PM

She must be pathologically afraid of death, dying.

by Anonymousreply 141February 7, 2023 12:49 PM

That is the tiniest little image at r140, let me try again.

She'd overdone it on the fillers a little in 2019 but the brows were good and the size of the chin and cheek implants/fillers wasn't too outrageous.

I think it was 2020 when she started looking like a bloated 50-something Bette Davis, and it's been downhill ever since.

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by Anonymousreply 142February 7, 2023 12:53 PM

omg. Does she have no idea how bad she looks? Time to stay home, sweetheart, and count your money.

by Anonymousreply 143February 7, 2023 12:55 PM

She had so many great “looks” that were both fashionable and appropriate for who she was at that time in her life. As a longtime fan, I thought by now she’d be aging well (not plastic and filtered), collecting art (or pursuing some other outlet for her creativity) and enjoying the legacy she’s created and would leave to the world. But this is not anything I would’ve expected from her, this clinging to relevance and youth so desperately. I don’t mean to sound judgmental, but I am surprised at this outcome.

by Anonymousreply 144February 7, 2023 12:56 PM

Does her pussy stink?

by Anonymousreply 145February 7, 2023 12:57 PM

Then you weren't really paying attention during her peak years, R144. Her vanity and inauthenticity were visible from space to many of us.

Didn't the continual total makeovers -not just of fashions or hair but of EVERYTHING - give you a clue? The obsessive working out and weird, trendy diets didn't clue you in that she's freakishly obsessed with her appearance and wasn't going to relax into a comfortable, graceful old age?

by Anonymousreply 146February 7, 2023 1:12 PM

One thing I've noticed and never gotten an explanation for is that all of these extreme surgery victims have an odd pebbly texture to their skin eventually. Is it the foundation just settling into stretch marks? Wildenstein has it bad.

by Anonymousreply 147February 7, 2023 1:33 PM

I was paying attention R146, but I interpreted her reincarnations as an extension of her creativity and what made her iconic. And I took her commitment to fitness and health at face value. I thought her pushing boundaries reflected confidence and empowerment, which is why I didn’t expect she’d act this way in her later years. I thought she’d have confidence to age gracefully, perhaps even change the face of aging. Obviously I was wrong. Please collect your cookie.

by Anonymousreply 148February 7, 2023 2:01 PM

A lot of us assumed she'd go into old age with "Yeah, I'm old, deal with it motherfuckers, and stop being sexist about aging." She had that kind of "deal with it, motherfucker" attitude about so much, and even if it was just branding, there wasn't any real sign that she'd freak out and deform herself like this.

by Anonymousreply 149February 7, 2023 2:37 PM

How many chins does she have now?

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by Anonymousreply 150February 7, 2023 2:44 PM

R150- She looks like a gargoyle in that photo. A wrinkled, old gargoyle.

by Anonymousreply 151February 7, 2023 4:25 PM

I don't see a single wrinkle R151. That's what's so bizarre looking about her face. Pretenaturally smooth.

by Anonymousreply 152February 7, 2023 5:19 PM

Seeing this makes me FEAR for the re-emergence of Siouxsie Sioux this summer in London. I hope and pray she hasn't deformed herself into some plastic surgery nightmare.

I can't bear to see another rock/music icon turn into a bizarro side show attraction.

by Anonymousreply 153February 7, 2023 6:50 PM

I think R146 nailed it. There’s really nothing new about any of this-

by Anonymousreply 154February 7, 2023 7:13 PM


[Quote] Her reception at the Grammys was lukewarm at best.

I was floored by the audience's reaction / complete disinterest in her. She got no respect, and I think she was treated rudely. She was a trailblazer, regardless of how anyone sees her today. And in that moment it shouldn't have been about how she looked.

People are devolving.

by Anonymousreply 155February 7, 2023 8:08 PM

This IS her being "deal with it motherfuckers!" Since she is now mid 60s, she's smart enough to know that cone-titty, sex book spreading, grill wearing material girl has been played out, and isn't "age appropriate'. So now she fucks with her face to cause controversy. My question: why so much filler? Their faces end up HUGE. Look at poor nicole K. The face just grows and grows till you're in wilderstein territory.

by Anonymousreply 156February 7, 2023 9:07 PM

[quote]How many chins does she have now?

This demented fool has more chins than a Chinatown phonebook.

by Anonymousreply 157February 7, 2023 9:14 PM

[quote] She was still okay in 2019

No she didn’t! Her face was pulled so tight she couldn’t blink.

by Anonymousreply 158February 7, 2023 9:39 PM


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by Anonymousreply 159February 7, 2023 9:40 PM

[quote] Since she is now mid 60s, she's smart enough to know that cone-titty, sex book spreading, grill wearing material girl has been played out, and isn't "age appropriate'.

Huh? She’s wearing grillz and just re-released her Sex book. She even uploaded a video of her vagina.

by Anonymousreply 160February 7, 2023 9:41 PM


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by Anonymousreply 161February 7, 2023 9:42 PM


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by Anonymousreply 162February 7, 2023 9:44 PM

Red headed stepchild.

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by Anonymousreply 163February 7, 2023 9:44 PM


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by Anonymousreply 164February 7, 2023 9:45 PM


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by Anonymousreply 165February 7, 2023 9:45 PM

Phone home.

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by Anonymousreply 166February 7, 2023 9:47 PM

Filter vs reality.

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by Anonymousreply 167February 7, 2023 9:48 PM

Filter vs reality.

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by Anonymousreply 168February 7, 2023 9:48 PM

^ Wow, Dee Snider looks rough!

by Anonymousreply 169February 7, 2023 9:51 PM

[quote]Huh? She’s wearing grillz and just re-released her Sex book. She even uploaded a video of her vagina.

Her vadge must look like a NYC subway tunnel.

by Anonymousreply 170February 7, 2023 9:56 PM

How does that scarred and skinned old chipmunk lady get so many nuts in her mouth and did she drink something with poison ivy in it? Can't they help her?

by Anonymousreply 171February 7, 2023 10:11 PM

She looks like a sad, old street hooker.

by Anonymousreply 172February 7, 2023 10:56 PM

Holy ig filters Batman

by Anonymousreply 173February 8, 2023 5:25 AM

Did she go to the same plastic surgeon as Priscilla Presley?

by Anonymousreply 174February 8, 2023 11:25 AM

She looks ready to star on Botched.

by Anonymousreply 175February 8, 2023 11:35 AM

Poker face? NO Joker face!

by Anonymousreply 176February 8, 2023 3:08 PM


Looking at this mental case gave me cataracts [bold]and [/bold] glaucoma!

by Anonymousreply 177February 9, 2023 4:15 PM

Put this woman in a conservatorship.....STAT!

by Anonymousreply 178February 9, 2023 4:22 PM

I agree a conservatorship is justified and she should not have access to her800 million dollars. If this is what she is doing with it to herself think of the harm she could cause with it to others.

by Anonymousreply 179February 11, 2023 2:17 PM

She and Matthew Perry should date.

by Anonymousreply 180February 11, 2023 2:21 PM

She needs to...

- lose 20 pounds - dye the eyebrows a darker shade or pencil them on - get the ass implants revised to about half their current size - get about 75% of the facial fillers dissolved - buy a really great wig or just get a really flattering cut & color and stop with the hideous braids - get the implants in her chest downsized - bum lift - tit lift - lose a rib

by Anonymousreply 181February 11, 2023 3:16 PM

But what about her Sculpey face?

by Anonymousreply 182February 11, 2023 4:55 PM
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