When young, Johnny Depp had a much better face.
Why is Brad Pitt considered more attractive than Johnny Depp?
by Anonymous | reply 62 | January 18, 2023 4:25 PM |
No he didn't.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | January 16, 2023 10:31 AM |
The lies you tell, OP.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | January 16, 2023 10:32 AM |
Because our eyes work
by Anonymous | reply 3 | January 16, 2023 10:59 AM |
Johnny Depp was pretty like a portrait, but had no sex appeal and not much charisma. Jack Sparrow is the only role where he was endearing, maybe "chocolat".
Brad Pitt's face is less perfect, but he's very charismatic. When he's on screen, he's the one everyone's looking at.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | January 16, 2023 11:40 AM |
Depp was both prettier and more attractive when they were both young, he wasn't just androgynously beautiful, he was a much better actor than the lifeless Pitt, and there was life and personality behind his pretty face.
But then Depp drank his talent and his looks away, while Depp stayed healthy and at least kept trying to act. So Pitt's still a crap actor but looks as good as any 60 year old man ever does, and Depp looks and acts like one of the Living Dead.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | January 16, 2023 11:44 AM |
"... while PITT stayed healthy and at least kept trying to act."
by Anonymous | reply 6 | January 16, 2023 11:45 AM |
The only time Depp was attractive was in that cheesy horror movie The Ninth Gate
by Anonymous | reply 7 | January 16, 2023 12:23 PM |
Yeah, young JD was sexy as hell. Brad Pitt too, especially in Legends of the Fall. JD, i n Don Juan DeMarco. I don't know, I can't decide.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | January 16, 2023 12:23 PM |
Because Johnny’s looks peaked when he was around 20-24 and it was downhill from there.
Brad’s looks peaked at around age 30-45.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | January 16, 2023 12:27 PM |
R9 Depp looked best in this role, at age 37/38.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | January 16, 2023 12:50 PM |
I never thought Depp was handsome ever. But Pitt was HOT!
by Anonymous | reply 11 | January 16, 2023 1:31 PM |
Because Johnny Depp is ethnic looking and Brad Pitt is all american white. At least that seems to be the take. Pretty white with yellow undertones and blue eyes tends to be out dark and swarthy with olive undertones in the long run. But it's by a hair. Even with his bad skin, Brad Pitt exudes sex appeal, while Depp was just pretty and then became weird in his choices. Depp strikes me as an actor who really fought against his looks and won.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | January 16, 2023 1:47 PM |
I'm an old whore from way back and Brad never did nothing for me, looks-wise or by his so-called acting prowess.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | January 16, 2023 1:58 PM |
Both are overrated along with Leonardo DiCaprio. The reason Brad was more popular was that Brad had an All-American cornfed look (blond, blue eyes, easy tan, Midwestern) that made him massively marketable to a wide audience, he's confident and charismatic and smiles like a giant puppy. Johnny had a gloomy loner vibe to him and was drawn to darker roles. He became a favorite of outsiders and weirdos for his offbeat personality. Drugs ruined him. Johnny is also part black and Native and mentioned this a few times.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | January 16, 2023 1:59 PM |
Keanu Reeves was better looking than both. Rob Lowe had a better face. Rodney Harvey. Many of the 80s teen actors had better faces. Pitt and Depp just outlast their peers. I found Johnny very sexy in Cry Baby, Private Resort, Donnie Brasco, Arizona Dream and Dead Man. So definitely he peaked in the 90s.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | January 16, 2023 2:04 PM |
[quote]Because Johnny Depp is ethnic looking and Brad Pitt is all american white
They're both standard white guys
by Anonymous | reply 16 | January 16, 2023 2:19 PM |
Because Johnny lost it but Brad still gots it.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | January 16, 2023 2:34 PM |
Brad got hotter around the time Johnny began to lose it in the early 2000s. Johnny peaked in his early 30s while Brad started to peak in his later 30s (around Joe Black and Fight Clubs) and is still looking good.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | January 16, 2023 6:39 PM |
^This. Johnny was beautiful but almost feminine-looking which is great while young but never ages well on a man. Brad got more attractive with age.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | January 16, 2023 7:21 PM |
Yes, Keanu Reeves is better looking than either, but he's a worse actor than either.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | January 16, 2023 8:31 PM |
Because depp is beginning to look like he has a bad embalming experience in his recent history.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | January 16, 2023 8:33 PM |
[quote] Because Johnny Depp is ethnic looking
Depp is not "ethnic" looking.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | January 16, 2023 8:39 PM |
Brad smiles a lot and it's a wonderful thing to behold.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | January 16, 2023 8:44 PM |
I thought Johnny was Hispanic for years. When young on Nightmare on Elm Street, he looked a bit like Ralph Macchio. So definitely, he's Mediterranean or looking or Creole looking. Depp has even said he's not white. He's not Cherokee or Creek or whatever nonsense he claims because he's from Kentucky. And what remained of the surviving Eastern tribes was a really a Creole people of British, French, Irish, African and Indigenous descent. These people - now called melungeons - often claimed to be Indians (like Cherokee or Lumbee or whatever) or "colored", they most had more African DNA than Indigenous. Depp certainly looks melungeon.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | January 16, 2023 8:49 PM |
[quote]Depp is not "ethnic" looking.
R22 Depp could be South American here, Brazilian, Venezuelan. I am not saying he is considering his background is European, but he doesn't look white, all-american with his deep olive undertones thick dark hair and full eyebrows. At most he looks Italian or Spanish.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | January 16, 2023 9:15 PM |
Johnny Depp was always consider better looking and in my opinion was better looking in youth. I don't know where you got that from OP. You can find a million Brad's in flyover. Inmo, Depp is more universally good looking among all races. With that being said, Depp destroyed his looks with drug/booze and Brad's fine ass aged like fine wine.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | January 16, 2023 9:19 PM |
Hasn’t Pitt claimed he’s part Native American? If he is, he doesn’t look it to me.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | January 16, 2023 9:24 PM |
R25 He looks like those "white" Brazilians, Chileans, Argentines and Uruguayans who have a lot of Indigenous and African descent. The cultural genocide in those countries were no joke. The US has a lot of white-passing Creole people in the South called Melungeons who were racist to the core and do anything to avoid being black. They aren't the same as light-skinned black people though they overlap in looks, light-skinned blacks never pass for white. Johnny's father looked Melungeon and may have passed for white when he married his mom.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | January 16, 2023 9:28 PM |
Lots of people claim to be part Native American. Maybe Brad Pitt is, but it's probably not a significant amount. Also, he wasn't culturally raised as part of any tribe.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | January 16, 2023 9:32 PM |
[quote] Pretty white with yellow undertones
What are yellow undertones?
by Anonymous | reply 32 | January 17, 2023 5:07 AM |
It all boils down to symmetry.
Even a hatchet Roman nose can be beautiful if it is perfectly center placed and symmetrical.
The perception of symmetry is genetic.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | January 17, 2023 5:19 AM |
Pitt was sexier even though Depp was prettier.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | January 17, 2023 5:27 AM |
Brad is tall with natural masculinity
by Anonymous | reply 35 | January 17, 2023 5:56 AM |
Brad, Keanu and Johnny were the unholy trinity of 90s movie stars.
One is just as desirable as the other. Let's not forget that.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | January 17, 2023 6:19 AM |
Brad Pitt has done some incredible acting. Moneyball(my favorite), Ad Astra, Ocean's Eleven, Se7en, Inglourious Basterds, Twelve Monkeys.
Johnny Depp also with awesome acting. Black Mass, Sweeney Todd, Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Donnie Brasco(his best and my favorite).
Brad Pitt has aged the best. Madonna and Depp are each in the running for fucked up fugly.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | January 17, 2023 6:40 AM |
I think both were considered equally attractive.
I think the big difference was Depp played weird and eccentric characters in his movies and Pitt played pretty men in dramas like “Legends of the Fall” and “Seven Years in Tibet” where he looked like he belonged on the cover of a trashy romance model.
Depp didn’t take a lot of those movie roles. He did “Don Juan” where he was sexy as fuck but that wasn’t a big movie.
Depp was too quirky to be next to Brad Pitt in the 90’s.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | January 17, 2023 6:50 AM |
[quote] He did “Don Juan” where he was sexy as fuck but that wasn’t a big movie.
I made that movie big, and Brando was big, little gay boy!
by Anonymous | reply 40 | January 17, 2023 6:54 AM |
Both were and remain extremely overrated in the looks department. Overgrown boys.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | January 17, 2023 8:07 AM |
Depp is short and insecure
by Anonymous | reply 42 | January 17, 2023 10:16 PM |
R41 What do you mean by overgrown boys?
by Anonymous | reply 43 | January 17, 2023 10:48 PM |
Nah, I think Leonardo DiCaprio, Macaulay Culkin, Andy Milonakis are better examples of overgrown boys, they still look like children. Both Johnny and Brad look like men to me just with slightly boyish faces.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | January 17, 2023 10:55 PM |
R44, you must be dumb as a bag of rocks as Andy Milonakis actually has a genetic disorder. Why the fuck would you introduce him here.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | January 17, 2023 11:02 PM |
R45 I didn't know. I thought he was just short and really childlike. I didn't know it was a genetic disorder. He certainly wasn't talking about it.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | January 17, 2023 11:11 PM |
I took a class at Mizzou with Brad Pitt. In person, he was gorgeous. Twinkling eyes. He had the spinster instructor wrapped around his finger.
I would have made a move if I wasn't so terrified of being out. When those nude paparazzi shots appeared in Playgirl, I was positively kicking myself. Then, of course, I relieved the pressure...
by Anonymous | reply 47 | January 17, 2023 11:24 PM |
How tall is Depp? Sometimes he looks tiny, sometimes he looks average height, anyone stood next to him in person or shared a barstool?
How tall is Pitt, for that matter?
by Anonymous | reply 48 | January 18, 2023 12:25 AM |
R48 Amber Heard is 5'7 and Johnny looked to be around her height.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | January 18, 2023 1:59 AM |
Depp is shorter than Amber
by Anonymous | reply 50 | January 18, 2023 2:37 AM |
Depp looks like he doesn't wipe well.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | January 18, 2023 2:51 AM |
Why are there rumours of Depp having poor hygiene? I know he looks awful now, but back in his 30s/40s/early 50s, he didn't look filthy.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | January 18, 2023 11:53 AM |
Depp mentioned he was raised Southern Baptist and his uncle was a charismatic preacher who spoke in tongues. White Southern Baptists are deeply fucked up mentally. Depp is like Holly Golightly or Jay Gatsby, wanted to shed his country boy beginnings and create a new sophisticated persona. It got grating when he affected that British accent and began dressing like a fashion victim. He sounded pretty country when young like in Private Resort and Nightmare on Elm Street, there were still some Southern twang to his speech. Cry-Baby and What's Eating Gilbert Grape are where he basically played characters closest to his true self. I think that's juvenile to still keep up the charade. One reason Matthew McConaughey remained popular is he never hid his Southern heritage and insisted on keeping his accent. Holly Hunter kept her country girl accent. Keanu completely embraced his Chinese-Hawaiian heritage and never passed for white (he could have changed his name and was pressured to by agents). People respect authenticity especially once you're older.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | January 18, 2023 12:02 PM |
[quote]Keanu completely embraced his Chinese-Hawaiian heritage and never passed for white (he could have changed his name and was pressured to by agents)
You must be one of those "Italians aren't white" types
by Anonymous | reply 54 | January 18, 2023 12:13 PM |
Depp was pretty when he was young, but didn't have much hotness. Brad Pitt has always been hot and has only increased his hotness as he's aged. The only thing Depp has increased as he's aged is his look of homelessness.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | January 18, 2023 12:16 PM |
R54 Keanu looks Hawaiian. Once you find out his ancestry, he doesn't look white just like Meg Tilly. Italians mostly look white except some Southerners who have more Middle Eastern features.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | January 18, 2023 12:32 PM |
Depp was way better looking, by many miles, but Pitt salvaged what he could, as time marched on.
It’s that simple.
Both very good looking men. Pitt definitely had a plastic surgery assist, and Depp didn’t need one. But Depp let it all go while Pitt decided he needed a return on his aforementioned, plastic surgery.
Good for Pitt!
Being practical is where it’s at.
But goddamn, Johnny was GORGEOUS!
Wasn’t he?
by Anonymous | reply 57 | January 18, 2023 1:49 PM |
[quote]Why am I considered less attractive than a dog turd?
by Anonymous | reply 58 | January 18, 2023 1:51 PM |
Shut up, bitches! My preferences are God's law!
by Anonymous | reply 59 | January 18, 2023 2:01 PM |
Brad Pitt has a more vigorous and masculine look, which I think puts him over the top with straight women in particular
by Anonymous | reply 60 | January 18, 2023 2:29 PM |
What does OP set up a fake binary that never existed in these two stars' history. Nobody was going around comparing Pitt and Depp and deciding was was better looking? It was not a conversation in the zeitgeist.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | January 18, 2023 2:40 PM |
People are also forgetting that Pitt was a body for the bulk of the beginning of his career. His body was a work of art from Thelma & Louise to Fight Club to Troy. Just knowing that hot body was there made him very attractive and sexy.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | January 18, 2023 4:25 PM |