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Amanda Knox ex-lover reunite in Italy 15 years after Meredith Kercher murder

Amanda Knox and ex-beau Raffaelo Sollecito were snapped in June posing together in Italy 15 years after the former love birds were arrested for the gruesome slaying of British student Meredith Kercher in Perugia.

Knox, 35, and Sollecito, 38, reunited in the picturesque town of Gubbio, which they had planned to visit Nov. 2, 2007 – the day Kercher, 21, was found in a pool of blood in her bedroom with her throat slit, The Daily Mirror reported.

In a decades-long tour of the Italian judicial system, Knox and Sollecito were twice convicted and twice cleared of the grisly murder and sexual assault of the Leeds University student.

Knox, of Seattle, was studying in Italy at the time and was roommates with Kercher.

In 2015, Italy's supreme court finally annulled their convictions due to "stunning flaws" in the investigation.

"It was so nice. It was the nicest," Sollecito told the British newspaper of the reunion. "We had been planning to go there on the day Meredith's body was found. We had been planning that trip because obviously we didn’t know what had happened to her, and we had free time that day."

But the jaunt was suspended as soon as they found out Kercher was dead. She had been stabbed 47 times.

During the reunion in the medieval town, Sollecito got to meet Knox's husband, Christopher Robinson, and their little girl Eureka, he said.

"It was bitter-sweet to go back as we were supposed to go there in such different circumstances, but it was just nice for us to be able to talk about something that wasn’t the case," said Sollecito, who is now a computer engineer living in Milan.

"We all had dinner together and went sightseeing," he added. "We were talking about our lives and our families. I talked a lot with Amanda’s mom and played with her daughter Eureka, who is so sweet."

Rudy Guede, 35, was convicted of Kercher's murder and released in 2020 after serving 15 years in prison.

Knox, Guede, and Sollecito were initially accused of killing Kercher in a sex game wrong.

Guede denied he was responsible for the murder in an interview with Corriere della Sera, according to the Times of London.

He said he had been in a consensual sexual relationship with Kercher and has insisted that it was Knox and Sollecito who stabbed her.

"Someone who continues to accuse innocent people of the crime that he committed himself, and who refuses to concede the truth to a family devastated by grief, remains a criminal," she reportedly told the Italian magazine Oggi.

"I still suffer from the stigma of a false accusation: I will always be ‘the girl who was accused of murder.’"

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by Anonymousreply 115November 16, 2022 1:24 AM

He looks so much better now.

The guy used to look like Harry Potter.

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by Anonymousreply 1November 2, 2022 4:38 AM

This would have been a great opportunity to kill both of these sick fucks. Too bad the Kerchers didn't have advance notice.

Reuniting? Vomit.

by Anonymousreply 2November 2, 2022 4:38 AM

Why isn't she doing the Red Table thing? Or the Meghan Markle podcast?

by Anonymousreply 3November 2, 2022 4:42 AM

[quote]"I still suffer from the stigma of a false accusation: I will always be ‘the girl who was accused of murder.’"

I feel her pain.

by Anonymousreply 4November 2, 2022 4:43 AM

Did the reunion for $$$$!! Horrible people, murdering scumbags.

by Anonymousreply 5November 2, 2022 4:43 AM

Didn't she get dick at a record pace when she got to Italy?

by Anonymousreply 6November 2, 2022 4:44 AM

To R6, you are correct, the whore was fucking men as soon as she got off the plane.

3 months later, Meredith was murdered

by Anonymousreply 7November 2, 2022 4:51 AM

Good for her for getting good Italian dick and fast.

As for the murder, the African immigrant man whose DNA was all over the crime scene and who had a history of burglaries is the real murderer. Unfortunately, Italy's corrupt judicial system and it's lurid fascination with female killers put an innocent person behind bars. Luckily science won out. Too bad DL's theater queens can't accept reality.

by Anonymousreply 8November 2, 2022 5:01 AM

To the repliers above: you’re absolutely positive they’re guilty. That’s obvious. But if they’re not; if, say, video footage became available showing they were nowhere near the flat during the murder, would you have any regrets at all about posting these comments?

by Anonymousreply 9November 2, 2022 5:10 AM

Not just reuniting, R2.

They went on "the date they never had" due to that pesky murder trial.

Amanda Knox and her former lover Raffaele Sollecito reunited in an Italian town they had planned to visit 15 years ago – before they were wrongfully accused of the murder of her roommate.

The 35-year-old once dubbed “Foxy Knoxy” and Sollecito were all smiles when they were photographed together recently in the picturesque Umbrian town of Gubbio, the UK’s Mirror reported.

Knox was studying in Perugia when she was accused of helping Sollecito kill her roomie, Meredith Kercher, in a supposed sex game gone wrong in 2007.

The pair were convicted in 2009 and then acquitted on appeal in 2011 — before being convicted again in 2014. The duo was then exonerated once and for all by Italy’s highest court in 2015.

An Ivory Coast-born man named Rudy Guede was later convicted of the headlines-grabbing crime.

Sollecito told the news outlet that his visit with Knox “was so nice. It was the nicest.

“We had been planning to go there on the day Meredith’s body was found,” he said. “We had been planning that trip because obviously we didn’t know what had happened to her and we had free time that day.

“That was the plan before the discovery of the murder of Meredith,” the ex-beau, now a software engineer in Milan, told the Mirror.

“There was also something very light about it, Ms. Knox saying ‘Why don’t we go back to Gubbio?’ She was saying we can go after all this time with her family and I could see they were planning a lot to do there,” he said. see also Amanda Knox talks on the "Infertile AF" podcast about fearing prison would cost her her chance to be a mother. Amanda Knox considered suicide in jail, afraid she’d miss her chance to have kids

“It was bittersweet to go back as we were supposed to go there in such different circumstances, but it was just nice for us to be able to talk about something that wasn’t the case,” Sollecito added.

Sollecito said he has kept in touch with Knox over the years and was delighted to see her in person and meet her baby daughter, Eureka Muse, and husband, Christopher Robinson.

“We stayed with some friends of Amanda’s from the US and we all had dinner together and went sightseeing,” he told the Mirror.

“We were talking about our lives and our families. I talked a lot with Amanda’s mom and played with her daughter Eureka, who is so sweet,” he said.

Guede, 35, who served 15 years of a 16-year prison sentence, now works in a criminology library and as a waiter in the town of Viterbo, the Times of London reported.

Last week, he denied he was responsible for the murder.

“In my sentences it is written: ‘in collaboration with Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito’ and none of the judges considers me materially responsible for the crime,” Guede told the Corriere della Sera, according to the Times of London.

“Then they are both acquitted. So I ask you: Who did I collaborate with?” he added.

Guede said he had begun a consensual sexual encounter with Kercher and found her dying when he returned from the bathroom.

“Perhaps she would have died anyway, but not having called for help remains my greatest guilt,” he told the Italian paper.

Knox responded publicly to Guede’s remarks, saying his time in the slammer apparently didn’t reform him.

“Someone who continues to accuse innocent people of the crime that he committed himself, and who refuses to concede the truth to a family devastated by grief, remains a criminal,” she reportedly told the Italian magazine Oggi.

“I still suffer from the stigma of a false accusation: I will always be ‘the girl who was accused of murder,’” she said.

Knox now lives with her family in Washington state, where she collaborates with her husband on a podcast series called “Labyrinths.”

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by Anonymousreply 10November 2, 2022 5:14 AM

I’ve had it with this psycho

by Anonymousreply 11November 2, 2022 5:17 AM

She is one sick, crazy bitch — and that was before the murder. Even though someone else was convicted, there are still questions as to her role. She’s been cashing in on the murder since her release. Horrible person.

by Anonymousreply 12November 2, 2022 5:19 AM

You will never convince me it's normal to go buy cleaning products at 7am

by Anonymousreply 13November 2, 2022 5:22 AM

She named her daughter Eureka Muse?!

by Anonymousreply 14November 2, 2022 5:32 AM

R9, no I would not have any regret about posting my "they're guilty and make me want to vomit" comments.

Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct, not a moral imperative. Were I sitting on a jury or sitting as a judge, I would have a moral and ethical obligation to set aside my personal feelings and opinions about the case in order to render a fair judgement. That wouldn't necessarily change what I believe - that these two were guilty and got away with murder.

As a casual observer and with no legal or ethical duty to anyone in this case I can think whatever I like and say so without guilt or regret. Puritanical moralists suck the life out of living. Please go and wear your holier-than-everybody hairshirt elsewhere.

by Anonymousreply 15November 2, 2022 5:44 AM

I'm surprised Italy let her back in the country.

by Anonymousreply 16November 2, 2022 6:07 AM

Americans always band together and reflexively defend her for tribal reasons. Guilty or not, she smacks of being a sociopathic creep. At the very least, she probably knows more than she's letting on.

by Anonymousreply 17November 2, 2022 6:09 AM

I saw Amanda once, in an Apple store of all places. It was 2012 and we were on vacation in Seattle when I needed a new charger. It was the weekend and the store was jam-packed.

At first I did not recognize her, but I kept looking because I realized she was trying to go unnoticed. I mean, really trying. She was carrying a laptop box and was sort of ducking down/trying to hide her face as she made her way from the back of the store to the front of the store. She didn't look like a celebrity to me so I stared at her more trying to figure out who she was. Once it clicked I couldn't get over how much attention she drew to herself by acting so weird. I never would have picked her out of a crowd otherwise because she looked like a million other college girls.

It's never been clear to me if she is just a bit odd or truly crazed, but I'll never buy that she's a normal person.

by Anonymousreply 18November 2, 2022 6:11 AM

Somethings wrong with the bitch. I'd hate to experience life as a placid fucking hippie weirdo like her.

by Anonymousreply 19November 2, 2022 6:23 AM

I don't mind her "placid hippie" facade, it's the homicidal liar who gets away with murder that bugs me.

by Anonymousreply 20November 2, 2022 6:39 AM

I love Amanda, she has such a knack for upsetting total losers (see above) that coincidentally can’t understand extremely thorough scientific evidence.

by Anonymousreply 21November 2, 2022 7:04 AM

It's always the incel-dykes who "love" Amanda and can't see anything weird about her at all.

by Anonymousreply 22November 2, 2022 7:09 AM

[quote] To [R6], you are correct, the whore was fucking men as soon as she got off the plane.

You say that like it's a bad thing!

by Anonymousreply 23November 2, 2022 7:43 AM

That surprises me R18, as she comes off as a media whore, appearing in whatever outlet will let her appear in.

by Anonymousreply 24November 3, 2022 4:56 AM

R24, I think she was pretending to be self-conscious and trying to hide her face so she could attract attention in the store. It did make me look at her and notice her. If she had just walked out of the store like a normal person I never would have given her a second look.

by Anonymousreply 25November 3, 2022 5:01 AM

I don't think she killed Meredith Kercher, but I agree with the person above re: "sociopathic creep." She's been 'off' in every video I've ever seen of her, and seems to enjoy the fame an innocent young woman's death brought her.

by Anonymousreply 26November 3, 2022 5:17 AM

To meet each other like this - in that town - is tasteless but to pose for pictures and give an interview is beyond the pale. Imagine what Meredith’s family felt if/when they saw these pictures?!

Even though acquitted, they don’t seem to have any concern about her memory.

by Anonymousreply 27November 3, 2022 5:29 AM

R26, I don't think she did it either.

by Anonymousreply 28November 3, 2022 5:32 AM


Cleaning products.

by Anonymousreply 29November 3, 2022 5:37 AM

[quote] Americans always band together and reflexively defend her for tribal reasons.

Oh, please. Like the fucking British didn't get behind that murderous au pair nanny, Louise Woodward, who shook that infant to death. I remember them cheering on TV when she got off.

by Anonymousreply 30November 3, 2022 6:36 AM

Why did Americans find Amanda Knox so very attractive?

She was a clear-skinned, athletic college student - not a bad thing, but nothing interesting at all.

And the American press went on an on about her being the Face Of Beauty, as Mysterious as a Dark Angel, etc, and talked about Meredith Kercher as being plain and ugly and jealous, when race and nationality aside, they were not dissimilar.

by Anonymousreply 31November 3, 2022 7:10 AM

R31, they are/were both Plain Janes.

by Anonymousreply 32November 3, 2022 7:12 AM

R31 tabloids did it for clicks duh.

by Anonymousreply 33November 3, 2022 7:55 AM

These two continue disrespect Meredith’s family. They forget that Meredith was the real victim.

by Anonymousreply 34November 3, 2022 8:01 AM

Hmmm R34 she spent the guts of 4years in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. She’s a victim here too.

by Anonymousreply 35November 3, 2022 8:17 AM

R35 If she didn’t do it, she at least helped cover it up.

by Anonymousreply 36November 3, 2022 8:27 AM

R36 no sorry unproven.

by Anonymousreply 37November 3, 2022 8:33 AM

R37 Do you go out at 7AM and buy cleaning supplies?

by Anonymousreply 38November 3, 2022 11:51 AM

Why would you go all the way to Italy, and settle on that guy to fuck full time while you are there! Yes, he looks better 15 years later, but imagine all the hot uncut action she missed while putting all her time into him. She was no beauty, but she could have scored way hotter dick.

I only vaguely remember this murder on the news.

by Anonymousreply 39November 3, 2022 12:01 PM

No one believes the prosecution’s “evidence” R38. Neither did the Italian Supreme Court judges. TWICE.

by Anonymousreply 40November 3, 2022 12:46 PM

I don't think she murdered Meredith but I agree she is a weird chick.

by Anonymousreply 41November 3, 2022 12:48 PM

But wow, Raffaello grew up to be quite handsome. It's clear he had nothing to do with this horrible crime!!!

by Anonymousreply 42November 3, 2022 12:50 PM

R38 I occasionally do shopping for boring things before work so I don’t have to deal with other shoppers, so yes I have done that. I’ve also gone to the gym before work too, call 911!

But you’re talking about that shop owner that sold her the cleaning supplies yet weirdly had no receipt to prove it right?

by Anonymousreply 43November 3, 2022 4:20 PM

She also waited outside for them to open needing those cleaning products so urgently. Sure.

by Anonymousreply 44November 3, 2022 5:13 PM

R44 according to the guy that didn’t have the receipts (literally and figuratively)?

by Anonymousreply 45November 3, 2022 5:17 PM

British fraus hate her.

by Anonymousreply 46November 3, 2022 5:35 PM

R1, he did! Shit he's gorgeous now though! Honestly, though, they went through hell.

by Anonymousreply 47November 3, 2022 5:41 PM

Wow, most of y'all think they're guilty? I always went back and forth about this case. Its one of those cases that.... Fuck, I don't know.

by Anonymousreply 48November 3, 2022 5:45 PM

Desperate for cleaning supplies before the store even opened at 7:00am after a drunken night "out"?

Cartwheels in the street before/while the police are investigating your brutally slain roommate?

Yeah, no. She's guilty and she was correctly convicted by the Italians until they caved in to US frau pressure.

Raffaello, however, is gorgeous and fuckable. He's cleared of all prior charges and invited for drinks.

by Anonymousreply 49November 3, 2022 10:57 PM

Didn’t she come home to find blood everywhere, yet took a shower, and carried on as if nothing happened? She may not have killed Meredith, but I do think she was involved in some way. She has crazy eyes. It was revealed recently that Meredith’s parents died earlier this year. At least they didn’t have to see this stupid, tasteless trip Amanda Knox took.

She and the girl that went missing in Aruba (Natalie Holloway) should warn parents about being too strict. Once they get a taste of freedom, they go all out, taking things to the extreme. In their cases, sex. Nothing wrong with that, but they didn’t have a balance.

by Anonymousreply 50November 4, 2022 1:45 AM

The way that Aruba story was covered was very confusing. Yes, the girl went missing but they acted like she was abducted or some shit. She left her friends to go off with a local dude in a foreign country which was a strange thing to do for a young girl just out of high school. Now whether she was drugged or assaulted after is a different story. But she made a bad choice that was never truly talked about or addressed as a bad choice.

by Anonymousreply 51November 4, 2022 1:51 AM

R8 his DNA was "all over the crime scene" because he was the victim's boyfriend. You had to bring up that he is an African immigrant as if that means he is automatically guilty. Racist cunt.

by Anonymousreply 52November 4, 2022 1:57 AM

[quote] Wow, most of y'all think they're guilty?

No, most don't. Only slovenly British fraus and British frau-adjacents like R17 who somehow still feel wronged about a crime that's pushing on 20 years ago.

by Anonymousreply 53November 6, 2022 10:24 AM

Amanda Amy Coney Barret Knox

by Anonymousreply 54November 6, 2022 10:40 AM

Bitch knows exactly what happened

by Anonymousreply 55November 6, 2022 10:55 AM

r52, Oh come on. Middle class English college girls tend to NOT take up with illegal immigrant African drug dealers romantically. If it's racist to reject that preposterous theory, then I'll accept the label..

by Anonymousreply 56November 6, 2022 11:22 AM

[quote] Do you go out at 7AM and buy cleaning supplies?

I [italic]only[/italic]buy my cleaning products at 7:00 a.m.

by Anonymousreply 57November 6, 2022 11:27 AM

Regardless of whether one thinks she's guilty or innocent, she's a massive attention seeker with little to no self-awareness.

I think she must have something wrong with her because I have a hard time believing she's being intentionally insensitive.

The vast majority of innocent people in her situation would want to put the whole business behind them and move on with their lives, but she can't seem to stop referencing it.

by Anonymousreply 58November 6, 2022 12:03 PM

[quote] She left her friends to go off with a local dude in a foreign country which was a strange thing to do for a young girl just out of high school.

No, sadly, it’s not. Joran was white and cute and spoke English in a vacation spot where everyone speaks English. Girls KNOW they’re supposed to stick together, but sometimes the lure of the dick and the need to rebel is strong. People peel off from their groups if they think they’ll get laid. Not a good idea, but not strange.

by Anonymousreply 59November 6, 2022 12:12 PM

Whether guilty or innocent, posing for pictures and giving an interview is the height of tacky and insensitive.

by Anonymousreply 60November 6, 2022 12:34 PM

I onlybuy my cleaning products at 7:00 a.m.

So did Jessica Fletcher

by Anonymousreply 61November 6, 2022 1:45 PM

R60 actually shows how much of psychopaths/sociopaths they are and how they most probably WERE the murderers.

by Anonymousreply 62November 7, 2022 4:01 AM

r61 I thought she sent one of her innumerable relatives

by Anonymousreply 63November 13, 2022 12:02 AM

I will cut the girl some slack. Does she have a full time job now? It’s probably hard to find well paying work when you’re Amanda Knox.

As for the poster who saw her in the Apple Store, maybe she had been recognized in public before and was confronted. A lot of fraus were glued to that trial and could probably spot her in public. Not to say she wasn’t doing exactly what you said she was, but maybe she was trying to be discreet and didn’t realize how much attention she was attracting.

by Anonymousreply 64November 13, 2022 12:22 AM

r64 would you be as quick to give Casey Anthony such slack? Or Pamela Smart if she ever gets out? This tramp knows a hell of a lot more about what went on that night

by Anonymousreply 65November 13, 2022 12:26 AM

R65 thinks he knows more than the Italian supreme court. I just love all these hyperbolic know-it-alls.

by Anonymousreply 66November 13, 2022 12:52 AM

R66, not just Know-It-Alls, but moralists who lack any basic empathy.

“*I* think she’s guilty so she’s inherently evil and irredeemable!”

by Anonymousreply 67November 13, 2022 1:04 AM

[quote]Guede denied he was responsible for the murder in an interview with Corriere della Sera, according to the Times of London...He said he had been in a consensual sexual relationship with Kercher and has insisted that it was Knox and Sollecito who stabbed her.

[quote]“In my sentences it is written: ‘in collaboration with Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito’ and none of the judges considers me materially responsible for the crime,” Guede told the Corriere della Sera, according to the Times of London...Then they are both acquitted. So I ask you: Who did I collaborate with?” he added.

Does DL think Knox and Sollecito should start a club with Casey Anthony and OJ, or that they're actually innocent and Guede did it?

by Anonymousreply 68November 13, 2022 1:19 AM

I’m saying that she was acquitted and even if she served time, she would’ve been out by now. Let it go and move on.

by Anonymousreply 69November 13, 2022 1:21 AM

r69 she should stop courting attention

by Anonymousreply 70November 13, 2022 1:25 AM

r66 of course I do - the public knows a damn sight more than the "supposed courts of justice" do. Look at how much a lot of bottom feeding scum sucking fuckers get away with because they move in the "right circles" aka synagogues

by Anonymousreply 71November 13, 2022 1:29 AM

r67 - probably the type who would blame a child for being sexually attractive to a paedophile. Get in the fucking bin with your ADL trash mates

by Anonymousreply 72November 13, 2022 1:31 AM

She seems high-functioning autistic, but I have never bought that she had anything to do with killing Meredith Kercher—why would she? There's no motive. They had known each other for, what, two or three weeks? Rudy Guede's DNA was all over Kercher's bedroom (not to mention inside her vagina), and those are indisputable facts. He raped and killed her. The UK and Italian tabloids grasped onto some odd behavior from Knox and snowballed it into an elaborate fantasy in which she was some satanic ritual killer. The fact that people remain brainwashed by this even after all the DNA analysis has been made public is absurd.

by Anonymousreply 73November 13, 2022 1:31 AM

[quote]I’m saying that she was acquitted and even if she served time, she would’ve been out by now. Let it go and move on

Well sure, going on with your life, getting married, and having kids is the same as serving time in an Italian prison.

I guess we should also just drop all those claims against pedo priests because they'd be out of jail after 20 years as well. Also, since rape is usually only an eight year sentence, we should let those slide even though most jurisdictions don't have a statute of limitations on the crime.

by Anonymousreply 74November 13, 2022 1:35 AM

r73 so someone who has some spazzy traits CANT be guilty of murder?

by Anonymousreply 75November 13, 2022 1:41 AM

R75 of course they can—but which scenario is more likely? That Knox made a decapitation attempt on her roommate with a kitchen knife for kicks, just after she'd happened to have sex with some strange man (passively framing him)—or that the stranger raped and butchered her? I find the former scenario much harder to believe. Knox's odd disposition made it easy for the public to imagine such fantastical theories. I am not arguing that she is a good person—I am simply saying that her being the murderer is not well-supported by the data.

by Anonymousreply 76November 13, 2022 1:46 AM

The real killer barely served a decade in prison - yet let's continue to bash Amanda.

by Anonymousreply 77November 13, 2022 1:51 AM

Guede's bloody palm print was found on a pillow under Kercher's body! But of course it was Amanda who did it, according to DL's nutty sleuths.

by Anonymousreply 78November 13, 2022 2:04 AM

r78 is anyone saying that she took part in the actual incident? We are saying she knows a damn sight more than she claims. Just like Pamela Smart sending those kids to kill her husband.

by Anonymousreply 79November 13, 2022 2:09 AM

r78 people have been convicted of murder for less evidence than was there for her

by Anonymousreply 80November 13, 2022 2:11 AM

You'd think this stupid bitch would have the sense to stay out of Italy....

by Anonymousreply 81November 13, 2022 2:15 AM

I know nothing of the case, so help me out:

Who called the police? Who alerted the authorities that Meredith was dead?

by Anonymousreply 82November 13, 2022 2:18 AM

Her ex boyfriend is a real cutie!!

by Anonymousreply 83November 13, 2022 2:22 AM

Amanda Knox likely has ASPERGER'S

by Anonymousreply 84November 13, 2022 2:23 AM

This is a terrific interview with Rudy Guede.

The woman who interviews him is Franca Leosini a much loved and admired journalist in Italy. She asked the right questions and does not hold back.

The interview is long but engrossing.

Of course Knox and Sollecito are guilty.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 85November 13, 2022 2:27 AM

Typical American blaming a black man.

by Anonymousreply 86November 13, 2022 2:30 AM

I always wondered why did it to her. He was adopted and raised by a rich family, was seen at a club with a blonde girl, had friends in the apartment below apparently.

Why kill her? The amount of stabbings make me think of some deep seated hatred inside him. What set off a person with no violent history? If it was America I would think it would be racial but it was Italy with a British student.

by Anonymousreply 87November 13, 2022 2:33 AM

Ok I watched that interview.

I smell bullshit.

I think he had a colorism issue and stabbed her when she refused him. He said he was originally interested in Amanda. He probably got upset with his whole situation and here's a brown girl refusing him and lost it. That's what I think.

by Anonymousreply 88November 13, 2022 3:38 AM

[quote] You'd think this stupid bitch would have the sense to stay out of Italy....

She is flipping the bird at Italy, and I don't blame her.

by Anonymousreply 89November 13, 2022 10:11 AM

I just watched the interview too, R88. How anyone could believe that pack of lies is beyond me. Rudy Guede was a know burglar and drug dealer whose dna and fingerprints were found all over the crime scene. He fled the country after the crime. His explanations are laughable. The man belongs in jail.

by Anonymousreply 90November 13, 2022 12:17 PM

[Quote]As for the murder, the African immigrant man whose DNA was all over the crime scene and who had a history of burglaries is the real murderer.

This times a thousand.

Sub Saharan immigrants have been posing problems in Italy for decades.

by Anonymousreply 91November 13, 2022 12:23 PM

I also think they don't kill her. I also think she's odd and maybe on the spectrum. And being accused of murder then spending years in jail could've aggravate that. Anyone normal person wont be the same after that.

by Anonymousreply 92November 13, 2022 12:48 PM

Awww poor white girl she must be on the spectrum and is therefore innocent. The big bad black African immigrant is the real murderer.

by Anonymousreply 93November 13, 2022 1:51 PM

Guede explains the night well. Knox and Sollecito are obviously guilty.

by Anonymousreply 94November 13, 2022 3:26 PM

[quote]Guede explains the night well. Knox and Sollecito are obviously guilty.

On the one hand, Guede being able to articulate a coherent story while Knox/Sollecito tell a disjointed and inconsistent story may reflect him telling the truth and their lying, OR it may reflect the fact that Guede has had years to rehearse a story and Knox/Sollecito being innocent so would not have answers to key points of the situation.

If you asked most what I was doing when someone was murdered and they had nothingt to do with it, their story would likely have a lot of "holes" because they would never had thought they needed to alibi an entire night's events.

by Anonymousreply 95November 13, 2022 4:12 PM

R95 You're wrong about that. Guede's account of that night has never changed.

by Anonymousreply 96November 13, 2022 4:15 PM

Holy shit so many crazies in this thread

by Anonymousreply 97November 13, 2022 6:01 PM

Knives Out!!!

by Anonymousreply 98November 13, 2022 9:13 PM

Did the black guy ever explain why he left a big ol' unflushed turd in the girls toliet? Is that some kind of Italian custom?

by Anonymousreply 99November 14, 2022 12:03 PM

R99 he left it for your mom to gobble up later

by Anonymousreply 100November 14, 2022 12:39 PM

[quote] You will never convince me it's normal to go buy cleaning products at 7am

She didn't. You morons keep referring to statements that were made in the media right after the murder which were completely refuted. This is why the guilty verdict was reversed. She wasn't in the store. There was video to prove it wasn't her. As someone said upthread, the DNA evidence was NOT THERE. She was doing cartwheels and moving around to stay awake--the cops had been grilling her all night.

I thought she was guilty when she lied about seeing Lumumba. She later said it was the one thing she blamed herself for but described how the police screamed at her all night, slapping her on the head, insisting she must have. She finally caved and said maybe she did. It was the cops who wanted Lumumba. You dumb bitches ever heard of forced confessions? Ever read anything about the case other than scanning DM headlines?

by Anonymousreply 101November 14, 2022 1:52 PM

[quote]She didn't. You morons keep referring to statements that were made in the media right after the murder which were completely refuted.


"Statements made in the media"? You can chose to believe him or not, but they were statements made in court, under oath by witness Marco Quintavalle.

by Anonymousreply 102November 15, 2022 1:39 AM

We got Rudy Guede truthers now, really?

by Anonymousreply 103November 15, 2022 2:39 AM

[quote] You can chose to believe him or not, but they were statements made in court, under oath by witness Marco Quintavalle.

Even Quintelle HIMSELF didn't testify Amanda Knox was buying cleaning supplies--but that was in the newspaper stories and here on the DL ad nauseum. Mr. Senior Quintelle came forward a year after the murder and claims to have seen her in his store but didn't know if she bought anything. (No receipts for bleach or cleaning supplies were ever found.)

Quintelle said he didn't tell police at the time (and he was questioned) because he 'didn't want to get involved'. BTW, the police did not question any other employees at the store who were present, one of whom knew Amanda Knox personally.-- Quintelle did not. But a year later Quintelle remembers seeing this girl. He said she was waiting outside his store at 7:45 when he showed up to open it. CCTV showed no one was there at 7:45. His testimony is garbage.

by Anonymousreply 104November 15, 2022 2:51 AM

* Quintavalle*

by Anonymousreply 105November 15, 2022 3:02 AM

R104 Love how you suddenly back tracked: they weren't stories made up in the media.

It was in fact testimony in court.

[quote]But a year later Quintelle remembers seeing this girl.

More bullshit. Just stop.

It is not that "a year later he remembers seeing the girl". He recognized her immediately in the news reports in the paper about the murder as the girl who was waiting there that morning. It was a year later that he came forward and testified.

by Anonymousreply 106November 15, 2022 3:11 AM

[quote]Even Quintelle HIMSELF didn't testify Amanda Knox was buying cleaning supplies

But she went to the area of the shop where they are sold. And anyone waiting for a shop to open is obviously there with the intention to buy something whether they finally do or not. Knox waiting there at 7:45 would refute her testimony that she had slept late that morning. That's why Qintavalle's testimony was important.

by Anonymousreply 107November 15, 2022 3:17 AM

R107. YOU stop. His testimony is online. Read some facts. You are not worth my time. You sound kind of dumb.

by Anonymousreply 108November 15, 2022 3:23 AM

All these cunts who whine about Meredith being the real victim. Yeah, she’s dead, she doesn’t care. It’s arguably even worse to live with the suspicion and outright accusations for the rest of your life when you too are a victim of circumstance, xenophobia and a fucked up legal system.

by Anonymousreply 109November 15, 2022 3:26 AM

More bullshit from the bullshit artists:

[quote] Rudy Guede was a known burglar and drug dealer

The fact is that Guede did not have a criminal record.

by Anonymousreply 110November 15, 2022 3:27 AM

[quote]a fucked up legal system.

I love the nerve of Americans pointing fingers at the legal systems of other countries. The US has executed innocent people, has falsely incarcerated people for decades. It's the country with "for profit jails". The country that incarcerates juvinals. It is an international scandal.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 111November 15, 2022 3:32 AM

His bloody palm print was on the pillow under Kercher. His semen was inside Kercher who was found to have been sexually assaulted. His DNA was all over the crime scene. His foot print marked with Kercher's blood was in the hallway. He fled immediately to Germany after the murder. He broke into a bunch of places and threatened people with a knife in the days leading up to the murder.

He spent barely a decade in prison. He was given day release after only a couple of years. He's still living in Italy and is applying for asylum if you can believe it.

by Anonymousreply 112November 15, 2022 3:34 AM

^ The country that incarcerates juveniles.

by Anonymousreply 113November 15, 2022 3:34 AM

That stupid story about the knife being packed into his bag, scooped up along with his other items. It was already on the owners table?

Who just lets someone sleep in a kindergarten? Did the guy who let him in say that's how it was?

How did that knife get from there to Meredith? How would Amanda have known about it? She randomly found a knife?

That's so convenient to plan a murder by rifling through a black man's bag and hoping there's a knife in there. That Amanda sounds so smart.

The killer doesn't sound like he has a persecution complex with an excuse for everything at all.

Who tries to write words in blood on the wall of someone they're just found stabbed? You call an ambulance! You don't take that person's credit cards and flee.

by Anonymousreply 114November 16, 2022 12:41 AM

[quote] You'd think this stupid bitch would have the sense to stay out of Italy....

Duper’s delight. She’s gloating.

by Anonymousreply 115November 16, 2022 1:24 AM
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