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The Prince

Why did it only get one season?

It really was one of the funniest new shows.

And they kind of nailed the caricatures of the characters.

Except for Charlotte. They made her too nice.

But the character of Louis was spot-on!

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by Anonymousreply 72September 17, 2022 5:38 PM

Didn't Gay Janetti have to get through a lot of callblacks to voice George?

by Anonymousreply 1September 14, 2022 5:44 AM

This is fucking hilarious...

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by Anonymousreply 2September 14, 2022 5:48 AM

They were a bit flattering with Meghan.

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by Anonymousreply 3September 14, 2022 5:49 AM

Prince Charles' cartoon looked very realistic.

The artist is really good.

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by Anonymousreply 4September 14, 2022 5:55 AM

I remember on Twitter people were complaining about him picking on a child so that's why it probably ended.

by Anonymousreply 5September 14, 2022 6:01 AM

You just can't get away in the MSM with making fun of a child, no matter how famous the child is. Lorne Michaels and SNL learned that in the 90s with Chelsea Clinton.

by Anonymousreply 6September 14, 2022 6:06 AM

I remember on Twitter people were complaining about their portrayal of Philip as a doddering, drooling old man, so that's why it probably ended.

by Anonymousreply 7September 14, 2022 6:08 AM

The portrayals definitely were not flattering to the BRF, but the humor was fantastic.

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by Anonymousreply 8September 14, 2022 6:13 AM

It was really funny -especially the lampooning of Harry being a know-nothing dolt. I hoped HBO Max wouldn't cave to those who decried the series on general principle, but never took a look to see that it wasn't cruel as they expected it to be towards George.

by Anonymousreply 9September 14, 2022 6:13 AM

At the risk of sounding frau-ish, I agree that targeting the little kids is pretty fucked up. They didn’t ask for any of this shit.

by Anonymousreply 10September 14, 2022 6:13 AM

[quote] I agree that targeting the little kids is pretty fucked up

If you think that this show was about targeting Prince George, then I'd say you missed the point of it.

He's actually the smartest and funniest one in the room.

But even beyond that, it's just comedy. Nothing more.

by Anonymousreply 11September 14, 2022 6:15 AM

Repellent, tacky, unfunny, tasteless and unhelpful.

by Anonymousreply 12September 14, 2022 6:17 AM

Louis is the gay one, right?

by Anonymousreply 13September 14, 2022 6:18 AM

A gay man writing a show about a child makes people feel uneasy in this climate thanks to trannys and drag queens.

by Anonymousreply 14September 14, 2022 6:19 AM

No, I think it's that a writter has made a real life child gay in his writing.

by Anonymousreply 15September 14, 2022 6:23 AM

R14, you're a fucking moron.

The show was cancelled because it was deemed to be too mean to some children.

If you think Lorne Michaels was the one who got in trouble over making a Chelsea Clinton joke, you have the memory of a doddering old fool. It was Mr. Off the Rails Oxycontin Addict himself, ol' fatass Rush Limbaugh and his wildly uneducated, tasteless and meanspirited jokes. I think that bunker-freak Glenn Beck told the same kind of stupid jokes and got in trouble for it too. It was a stupid thing to do.

Change the names when you're going after children, for fuck's sake. If we want to watch it, we can figure it out.

by Anonymousreply 16September 14, 2022 6:31 AM

Horrible - not funny. I gave it a chance and was over it. I think it might have been better in the hands of a Brit. George spoke like a valley girl and didn't even have a British accent. The Windsors is a far superior if not the best show at lampooning the Royals,.

by Anonymousreply 17September 14, 2022 6:50 AM

In light of recent events I’ve been giving it a rewatch and it’s hilarious, just the pickup I needed!

by Anonymousreply 18September 14, 2022 6:52 AM

"The show was cancelled because it was deemed to be too mean to some children. "

Nah, the show was cancelled because it's funny as hell and of course we can't have funny anymore because some self-righteous Frau will get her undies in a bunch 😠

"Think of the children"... my ass

by Anonymousreply 19September 14, 2022 9:25 AM

Family Guy derivative- just rehashing old Stewie bits in a new milieu.

by Anonymousreply 20September 14, 2022 11:03 AM

^ True, but that's why it's funny

by Anonymousreply 21September 14, 2022 11:06 AM

The writers made Prince George into an imperious little queen, and I think that's funny as hell.

I think it's only the stuffy and uptight Monarchists who hate the show.

by Anonymousreply 22September 14, 2022 12:45 PM

I appreciate those who hail from cultureless countries pride themselves in their lack of dignity, respect and class, but mocking a child for entertainment is pathetic and cowardly..

by Anonymousreply 23September 14, 2022 12:57 PM

^ "I appreciate those who hail from cultureless countries pride themselves in their lack of dignity, respect "

It's not your fault you were born in not so Great Britain, the rest of the world will try to bring you up to speed 🙄

by Anonymousreply 24September 14, 2022 1:00 PM

[quote] I appreciate those who hail from cultureless countries pride themselves in their lack of dignity, respect and class, but mocking a child for entertainment is pathetic and cowardly..

Says the British KG who constantly and mercilessly attacks Archie and Lili at every opportunity.

by Anonymousreply 25September 14, 2022 1:04 PM

[quote]Repellent, tacky, unfunny, tasteless and unhelpful.

Why would you expect a TV comedy series to be helpful?

by Anonymousreply 26September 14, 2022 3:48 PM

[quote] The writers made Prince George into an imperious little queen, and I think that's funny as hell. I think it's only the stuffy and uptight Monarchists who hate the show.


“The Windsors” ran longer and was also very funny, but I’ll admit didn’t spoof children under 18 (Eug and Bea are hilarious airheads in the show).

But British tv has made comedy from other children: “Beautiful People” “Adrian Mole” “Just William”

It’s only when the monarch is involved that everyone gets upset.

by Anonymousreply 27September 14, 2022 6:10 PM

We are not amused!

by Anonymousreply 28September 14, 2022 6:14 PM

They might have gotten away with it, but the origins of the show were Gary Janetti’s parodies on social media that even more heavily portrayed George as a little queen. I don’t think you’re ever going to get away with attributing any sort of parody or personality to a child who’s a public figure. It’s like if “Suri’s burn book” or Perez Hilton’s shitposts had gotten a tv show back in the day. It’s bizarre to me they even got an HBO contract to begin with.

by Anonymousreply 29September 14, 2022 6:21 PM

[quote] the origins of the show were Gary Janetti’s parodies on social media that even more heavily portrayed George as a little queen

Which is no different than what we joke about here on Datalounge.

It's just humor. We all actually like Prince George.

by Anonymousreply 30September 14, 2022 6:37 PM

Call me overly precious but the premise just made me uneasy. I'm not usually a think of the children type but satirizing a real life toddler is a bit....much.

by Anonymousreply 31September 14, 2022 6:41 PM

[quote] Which is no different than what we joke about here on Datalounge.

That’s exactly it - no one is hiring the comments section of DL to write an HBO show. If Gary had kept it to his social media, fine. But as a televised show that reached many more people, it was more than a bit much.

by Anonymousreply 32September 14, 2022 6:44 PM

If it was based on the Instagram series, I understand. The IG posts weren't funny and while there's nothing wrong with being gay, putting bitchy queen remarks in the mouth of a four-year-old was tasteless.

by Anonymousreply 33September 14, 2022 6:48 PM

It's crude, but I still laughed.

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by Anonymousreply 34September 14, 2022 6:50 PM


"Beautiful People" was from the boy's point of view and he was a teenager, not a child. We were at most laughing with him, never at him. It was sympathetic, not cynical and bitchy. It was a coming-of-age series whose protagonist was an adolescent who was gay. And it was funny.

by Anonymousreply 35September 14, 2022 6:57 PM

I don't find the one-joke portrayal of Phillip to be funny. It's just cruel.

And having the title character speak with an American accent is just lazy.

by Anonymousreply 36September 14, 2022 7:32 PM

It's not lazy, it's vanity. The creator voices the main character.

by Anonymousreply 37September 14, 2022 7:37 PM

Fraus go away!

And thanks for letting us know being gay is ok.

by Anonymousreply 38September 14, 2022 7:55 PM

^ Fraus on DL remind me everyday how lucky I am to be Gay

by Anonymousreply 39September 14, 2022 8:08 PM

[quote]We all actually like Prince George.

Speak for yourself.

by Anonymousreply 40September 14, 2022 8:17 PM

That was hilarious, R34.

I like how the Queen drops the F-bomb continuously.

by Anonymousreply 41September 15, 2022 4:33 AM

William maybe should have stopped at 2 children, I have a feeling Louis is going to be another Harry.

by Anonymousreply 42September 15, 2022 10:47 AM

[quote] I like how the Queen drops the F-bomb continuously.

Do you like to drop the F-bomb continuously, R41?

Do your friends laugh at you?

by Anonymousreply 43September 15, 2022 12:05 PM

R42 Marrying a mixed race American actress?

by Anonymousreply 44September 15, 2022 1:31 PM

I was really disappointed when I watched a few episodes. Couldn’t get through the whole series. It was too mean and not that funny. The Windsors is so much better.

by Anonymousreply 45September 15, 2022 1:37 PM

[quote] Couldn’t get through the whole series. It was too mean and not that funny.

Wow, this place really has been over run by FRAUS.


by Anonymousreply 46September 15, 2022 3:40 PM

[quote]I like how the Queen drops the F-bomb continuously.

Humor for 11-year-olds.

by Anonymousreply 47September 15, 2022 3:45 PM

[quote] Humor for 11-year-olds.

Better to have a sense of humor, than none at all.

Like you, R47.

Miserable beast that you are.

by Anonymousreply 48September 15, 2022 3:50 PM

I can totally buy that the queen talks like a truck driver, in fact didn’t she do that during the war, she probably picked it up there.

by Anonymousreply 49September 15, 2022 3:52 PM

^ Princess Elizabeth loved swimming in the motor pool 😉

by Anonymousreply 50September 15, 2022 4:18 PM

[quote] ^ Princess Elizabeth loved swimming in the motor pool 😉

Did she also love swimming in the "lady pond?"

by Anonymousreply 51September 15, 2022 4:26 PM

I liked the small musical moments like Dan Stevens as the creepy staffer singing "Toxic", Iwan Rheon as George's friend singing "Don't Do Sadness" from Spring Awakening and the cast performing "Where Is My Happily Ever After".

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by Anonymousreply 52September 15, 2022 4:32 PM

I followed Janetti on Instagram and his search for a perfect blueberry muffin was so stupid and boring.

by Anonymousreply 53September 15, 2022 4:34 PM

Is Gary Janetti the one who keeps bumping this thread? I can’t imagine anyone else cares.

by Anonymousreply 54September 15, 2022 4:34 PM

@r51, "Did she also love swimming in the "lady pond?"

I don't think so, early in their marriage Prince Phillip was called on the carpet by King George and told to, "Zip it" upon hearing reports that Prince Phillip bragged to his buddies that he had trouble keeping his young bride out of his bed.

Elizabeth was a dick hound who was totally dicknotized by the studly Prince Phillip 😜

by Anonymousreply 55September 15, 2022 5:12 PM

It was very mean-spirited to suggest that a child was self-centered, cruel and vapid.

by Anonymousreply 56September 15, 2022 5:18 PM

Cheap, lazy animation, stiff images manipulated to look rubbery. It makes South Park look like Snow White. Bad, unfunny writing, nothing clever or smart. For bottom of the barrel Royals Obsessed Fraus only.

by Anonymousreply 57September 15, 2022 7:29 PM

I think it's funny as hell 😂

by Anonymousreply 58September 15, 2022 8:09 PM

That’s not saying much.

by Anonymousreply 59September 15, 2022 8:19 PM

I take that cheap, laziness of the production as a metaphor of the royal family, I think there are sone very meta things happening with this series, and many people can’t seem to read the deeper levels of satire going on here.

by Anonymousreply 60September 15, 2022 8:49 PM

R60 Where are these "the deeper levels"? Can you give us a hint?

by Anonymousreply 61September 15, 2022 11:09 PM

[quote] I think there are sone very meta things happening with this series, and many people can’t seem to read the deeper levels of satire going on here.


by Anonymousreply 62September 16, 2022 4:08 AM

What are these " deeper levels", R62?

Are you suggesting the child prince is suffering due to over-exposure and unreal expectation?

Just the same as how Chelsea and Malia and John-John suffered?

by Anonymousreply 63September 16, 2022 4:28 AM

[quote] If you think Lorne Michaels was the one who got in trouble over making a Chelsea Clinton joke, you have the memory of a doddering old fool.

I'm not r14 who has triggered you into blowing a gasket, but you're100% wrong. Lorne Michaels absolutely got into trouble when the show mocked Chelsea's looks.

Hillary Clinton was publicly angry when SNL: did a "Wayne's World" sketch where Wayne & Garth made fun of the fact that Chelsea was not as attractive as the Gore daughters. Lorne Michaels agreed, and told the White House the show would never make fun of her again. When the show ran again in reruns, they removed the jokes about Chelsea and the Gore daughters.

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by Anonymousreply 64September 16, 2022 4:55 AM

[quote]Just the same as how Chelsea and Malia and John-John suffered?

Don't forget me!

by Anonymousreply 65September 16, 2022 5:00 AM

This is a pure PR thread. There is literally one person, the fan of this show, responding to everyone else. I thought it was awful. If OP is the writer or the writer's publicist, this was a missed opportunity. George having an queeny American accent was a huge misstep, for starters.

by Anonymousreply 66September 16, 2022 5:52 AM

[quote] Family Guy derivative- just rehashing old Stewie bits in a new milieu

I adore 'Family Guy' because its twenty scriptwriters present an astonishing variety of satirical views on modern US behavior and 'culture'.

It also has cut-aways which allow them to break from the limited family milieu to satirise almost everything.

But this lousy 'Prince Show' betrays the the scriptwriter's ignorance of their limited subject and descends to puerile vulgarity.

by Anonymousreply 67September 16, 2022 6:03 AM

I loved this show too. I thought a lot of people did, it seemed popular.

by Anonymousreply 68September 16, 2022 7:09 AM

^ Me too, r66 is a total nut job. "Only one person disagrees with me and they're making all the posts"

Get a life, Betsy, lots of people disagree with you... You're quite disagreeable

by Anonymousreply 69September 16, 2022 8:53 AM

"Deeper levels", r60?!!! DISGRACEFUL!!! It is revolting, barbaric and vile that anyone could be so ungodly towards a child (without strangling her first).

by Anonymousreply 70September 16, 2022 3:43 PM

I think this would be a great time to bring the show back.

They could have all new material, now that Charles is King!

by Anonymousreply 71September 17, 2022 5:20 PM

Gary Jenetti bumping this thread again, how sad

by Anonymousreply 72September 17, 2022 5:38 PM
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