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Do These Two Fuck?

Drink every time he says I inherited it from my mother.

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by Anonymousreply 603September 2, 2022 10:03 PM


They're both hideous.

I loathe these types.

by Anonymousreply 1August 24, 2022 1:18 AM

Married and yet still virgins

by Anonymousreply 2August 24, 2022 1:20 AM

There’s a lot of contempt in those eyes. Loving contempt. 🙀

by Anonymousreply 3August 24, 2022 1:21 AM

[quote] Married and yet still virgins

Can you blame them?

Nobody else wants to have sex with them either.

by Anonymousreply 4August 24, 2022 1:22 AM

Love Sutton Place.

by Anonymousreply 5August 24, 2022 1:22 AM

Well played, R4. Well played.

by Anonymousreply 6August 24, 2022 1:23 AM

The apartment would be perfect if two things were removed: Blake and Rufus.

by Anonymousreply 7August 24, 2022 1:27 AM

The one on the right is attractive until he speaks.

by Anonymousreply 8August 24, 2022 1:36 AM

Status driven queens! How FUCKING exhausting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 9August 24, 2022 1:39 AM

That is the gayest, most nelly guy on the planet. I’m not sure I’d want my bedroom right there on the street.

by Anonymousreply 10August 24, 2022 1:39 AM

He seems exhausting.

by Anonymousreply 11August 24, 2022 1:41 AM

White guy, you in danger, gurl!

by Anonymousreply 12August 24, 2022 1:43 AM

The brown one is slowing poisoning the white one by putting a chopped up tiger’s whisker in his smoothie everyday.

by Anonymousreply 13August 24, 2022 1:44 AM

My mother gave me..... my mother gave me.... over and over and over. They are creepy.

by Anonymousreply 14August 24, 2022 1:49 AM

That lavender lampshade needs to join them in the grease fire

by Anonymousreply 15August 24, 2022 1:56 AM

Um... I love the shade.

by Anonymousreply 16August 24, 2022 2:00 AM

gawd I love datalounge, your comments are akin to suddenly flipping the lights on in the back room of a Frankfurt leather bar to expose every tawdry crack and crevice of the in flagrati occupants

by Anonymousreply 17August 24, 2022 2:01 AM

[quote] I’m not sure I’d want my bedroom right there on the street.

Why? You got nothing going on in it.

by Anonymousreply 18August 24, 2022 2:12 AM

Those monogrammed cloth napkins!—- would be so perfect with some (antique) cock rings —-that his mother left him.

by Anonymousreply 19August 24, 2022 2:57 AM

They are dreadful. I made it through about 30 seconds.

by Anonymousreply 20August 24, 2022 2:59 AM

It's all very precious and pretty, and they seem nice, but I'll never understand how people can live in a mini-museum. My uptown friends have places like this, except for pals in roomier prewar condos with more stuff, but more room. Tiny apartments with such preciousnees make me uncomfortable.

And six books as decor? Don't they know that "books are awfully decorative?"

by Anonymousreply 21August 24, 2022 3:00 AM

I always marvel at couples like this who seem to act like they barely tolerate each other in front of others.

What are they like in private?

Also got creeped out by the white guy proclaiming his love for Chinese tchotchkes and you just know he thinks his partner is one of those tchotchkes.

by Anonymousreply 22August 24, 2022 3:08 AM

The uppity white boy refers to Home Depot as "Maison d'Po".


by Anonymousreply 23August 24, 2022 3:11 AM

Why would two bottom marys marry?

by Anonymousreply 24August 24, 2022 3:13 AM

[quote] The uppity white boy refers to Home Depot as "Maison d'Po".

I think depot (dépôt) is already a French word. When he said it the first time (Maison Depot), it was OK, but I think he said it 10-15 times in the video.

He also said "Umm" a lot. Sorry, but it was distracting.

by Anonymousreply 25August 24, 2022 3:18 AM

Surprise! The Asian gurl is the top! There could not possibly be a nellier bottom than Blake.

by Anonymousreply 26August 24, 2022 3:18 AM

I can tell these two can't wait for the start of football season. Tailgating, beer chugging and getting into fights in the stands fill up their Sundays in the fall.

by Anonymousreply 27August 24, 2022 3:33 AM

I always call it Homey D's.

by Anonymousreply 28August 24, 2022 3:52 AM

Would anyone feel comfortable, as a guest, in a place like that?

"Welcome to our maison. Please leave no crack smell on our canapés".

by Anonymousreply 29August 24, 2022 3:53 AM

Watched this on YT and was wondering if one of you bitches would start a thread, DL does not disappoint! As tiresome as Blake was, I couldn’t help but think he’s probably a nice guy and just really nervous - even admitting that they just decorated the courtyard 2 days before. Loved the fireplace mantle, not inherited from his mother. The French pronunciations started getting to be too much however.

by Anonymousreply 30August 24, 2022 4:05 AM

[quote] Would anyone feel comfortable, as a guest, in a place like that?

He did say that the leopard chair (which he inherited from ... his mother) was not for actual sitting.

It's a rental, as well. Surprised at how far people go to decorate a rental. But maybe it's a long-term lease.

by Anonymousreply 31August 24, 2022 4:13 AM

A rental for a couple rentals.

by Anonymousreply 32August 24, 2022 4:19 AM

i think the "inherited it from my mother" thing is endearing

it seems he is being modest that he is not THAT rich, and these eccentric items are of mother's taste, not his

by Anonymousreply 33August 24, 2022 5:21 AM

At least they didn't overdo it on the lighting, given that these two are dim bulbs.

by Anonymousreply 34August 24, 2022 5:30 AM

[quote] A rental for a couple rentals.

A rental for a couple of low-rentals.

With one orierental.

The other one is just mental.

by Anonymousreply 35August 24, 2022 5:34 AM

I wonder if they use authentic Asian porcelain sex toys on each other...

This is from the Wong Dynasty...just let me clear off this Santorum and you can see the maker's mark...et voila

My father bought it for me when I was, oh about 15...un adolescent très gay

by Anonymousreply 36August 24, 2022 5:36 AM

Of course, you have to walk through the Guest Room to get to the Primary Bedroom...

Which is where my dear Asian cuck husband waits while our Black Bull Dom wrecks my bussy most evenings...

(My mother was from Alabama, you know, and I suppose I inherited an insatiable desire for BBC from her too!)

by Anonymousreply 37August 24, 2022 5:42 AM

They seem like very nice boys and well suited for one another, because in many ways they are basically the same person. And no, I doubt they have much (or any) sex, whether with each other or anyone else. They don't seem like the type to be all that sex-motivated. It's nice they share a love of acquiring and decorating with all these collectables though, I think for them it's their sex equivalent. I'm sure plenty of this stuff is also worth some decent coin. After all, they are signaling their status with it by being featured in a public interview to showcase it and tell the tales of every item's worldly provenance. Probably another sex-like high for them to participate in something like this. I'm just relieved we didn't see an extensive antique Lladro or porcelain doll collection -- or is that coming in the next episode?

by Anonymousreply 38August 24, 2022 5:43 AM

You just know Blake uses that Peacock Fan when he does drag...you know this is just a rental, so every dollar counts!

by Anonymousreply 39August 24, 2022 5:45 AM

Did I happen to mention that I grew up in this fabulous 18th Century townhouse near...well sort of near...Rittenhouse Square...and of course, we had a croquet court too.

But poor Rufus, well let's just say he'd never even seen toilet paper until he came to the U.S.

by Anonymousreply 40August 24, 2022 5:48 AM

One must always match the Herend, I always say.

by Anonymousreply 41August 24, 2022 5:51 AM

When he leaked into Southern drawl, it revealed how he works so hard not to have any accent, Philly-speak or drawl.

by Anonymousreply 42August 24, 2022 5:59 AM

I think those monogramed velvet slippers with the family crest tell us all we need to know about how tiny his dick is.

by Anonymousreply 43August 24, 2022 6:01 AM

there is too much stuff in the apt.

if the housekeeper steals something, you won't even notice it until weeks later.

by Anonymousreply 44August 24, 2022 6:38 AM

Strangely, I find Blake fuckable. Id really enjoy pounding him …. I think. Have to shove his face down into the pillow to keep him quiet tho …

by Anonymousreply 45August 24, 2022 6:40 AM

Cute couple. The Asian has a somewhat hard face. He has plans. I'd fuck the clueless white guy. I doubt they have much sex. Snobs don't, unless it is with the help.

by Anonymousreply 46August 24, 2022 6:58 AM

There are things I like, and there are things I don’t like, but when it comes to “no-sit chairs”, I am conflicted…

by Anonymousreply 47August 24, 2022 6:58 AM

Blake will be bald in less than a year. As for the asian noodle...he'll probably grow a pair and move on.

by Anonymousreply 48August 24, 2022 7:12 AM

Wrong, R48. The only way the potato queen will leave his man is if he magically stops being white.

by Anonymousreply 49August 24, 2022 7:16 AM

No Fats, Fems, or ASIANS. Haven't we learned that already?? And the one actually admits his mother was a "stewardess" (ie whore) at PanAm.

I like the Scentbird fragrance offer, however. Seems very reasonably priced.

by Anonymousreply 50August 24, 2022 7:19 AM

[quote] No Fats, Fems, or ASIANS. Haven't we learned that already??

And these two fit ALL those categories.

They're finished!

by Anonymousreply 51August 24, 2022 7:23 AM

When bottoms collide.

by Anonymousreply 52August 24, 2022 7:24 AM

The white one is the ugly looking beast in that relationship. They are both unbearable. Nobody is fucking. But at least the Asian man has some ASS on him and he looks young and has an actual job. He'll get something going on the side a bit more exciting. And a fucking TV. He does the prompting and seems subservient, but he's in charge.

That pudgy white faggy bald bore and his dead whore mother no doubt resembles what some of the eldergays HERE once were like. 40 years ago. And a lot of his shit is ugly to be honest. His mommy was quite beautiful. She's his only lovah.

by Anonymousreply 53August 24, 2022 7:25 AM

[quote] The white one is the ugly looking beast in that relationship


You have it quite backwards.

by Anonymousreply 54August 24, 2022 7:26 AM

Try it backwards sometimes, R54.

by Anonymousreply 55August 24, 2022 7:35 AM

A chair that’s not for sitting?

That’s tacky as fuck.

by Anonymousreply 56August 24, 2022 7:52 AM

I have to admit I was mesmerized. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Because of the bedroom location on a main thoroughfare, it would be easy to locate his exact address, and now he's told the burglars exactly where the most valuable stuff is (probably the drawers of silver -(melting value) - vs the low-value tchotchkes that fill a lot of the space. I like a lot of the stuff, as I'm also partial to Chinese art, but there's just WAY too much of it. I noticed a quick glance exchange as Rufus began opening drawers on the Chinese closet. (Don't open THAT one, that's where we keep the lube and the double ended dildo). BTW, because of OP's challenge, I was drunk by the end of the first 5 minutes.... (or I would have been if I had been drinking alcohol instead of a seltzer). I would agree that neither of these two men exuded sexual energy of any sort. For all i could read of their body language, they might as well be eunuchs. But they seem very compatible companions. They probably met at an estate sale, got to talking about mutual love of antiques and said, "hey, you like the same things I do, let's get married". On the other hand, it's sort of sweet that he has a story about literally every object no matter how mundane, in the entire apartment.

I cannot IMAGINE staying as a guest there. You'd have to wait until they went to bed to go to bed, and, if I'm not mistaken, there's only one bathroom, which means that they be traipsing through your guest bedroom 2-3 times a night on the way to the bathroom, never mind clomping out in the morning to make coffee. So I guess we'd have to acknowledge that they only have a bed in there because he had his childhood bed in storage somewhere and didn't want to continue paying for a storage unit. Very impractical layout - should have ditched the second bedroom idea, made that room into an office - unless, as some have speculated, each one actually has his own bedroom. The outdoor patio is lovely and a real find in Manhattan.

by Anonymousreply 57August 24, 2022 8:24 AM

That side eye though 😂

by Anonymousreply 58August 24, 2022 9:17 AM

the white one would be attractive if he was straight, in a nerdy sort of way. You would hit it, to see if you can turn him

by Anonymousreply 59August 24, 2022 10:22 AM

Blake goes into descriptive detail with the wall art. Yet, the male nude one, in the main bedroom, is omitted??? Hell, that's why I watched that damned video.

by Anonymousreply 60August 24, 2022 11:01 AM

Well I’m going to be the decenter here and say they seem like very nice men. The apartment looks a little too much like a showroom but that might be because of the show. They were probably nervous being on camera but did a great job. Beautiful pieces and the history was interesting. So quality guys with interesting things to talk about. Something 90% of you on here are wouldn’t know about if it knocked you upside the head. LOL.

by Anonymousreply 61August 24, 2022 11:03 AM

There is so much crap in that apartment that it looks like they live in a consignment shop. They need to remove half of everything to open up their tiny space.

by Anonymousreply 62August 24, 2022 11:06 AM

I bet he squeals in French when the rice queen invades his bussy.

by Anonymousreply 63August 24, 2022 11:17 AM

@r50, "And the one actually admits his mother was a "stewardess" (ie whore) at PanAm. "

Are you saying that our Blake is the bastard love-baby of his comely whore mother and some studly, but married pilot? 😳

by Anonymousreply 64August 24, 2022 11:28 AM

[quote] Well I’m going to be the decenter here

Oh, dear. We’ll assume that you meant that you were going to be the “dissenter.”

by Anonymousreply 65August 24, 2022 11:28 AM

^ No, he's standing in decenter, between the two walls 🙄

by Anonymousreply 66August 24, 2022 11:34 AM

I don't think either of them were awful, yes a bit camp and precious but they seemed nice.

by Anonymousreply 67August 24, 2022 11:35 AM

Define "fuck" OP?

Each other?

Only with a double-header

But I am sure they have tops who enjoy fucking both of them

by Anonymousreply 68August 24, 2022 11:40 AM

One look and you can tell they are New Yorkers. Then, Blake speaks and there is no doubt.

by Anonymousreply 69August 24, 2022 11:42 AM

I tried to hate them but can’t - they are so sweet - and the sofas at least are beautiful.

by Anonymousreply 70August 24, 2022 11:48 AM

Yes R65 spellcheck won. But thank you for once again providing proof what a cunt you are if that’s all you can come back with. What a wit!

by Anonymousreply 71August 24, 2022 11:51 AM

Ok....Yes, putting aside the pretentiousness....this home is beautifully done. I love the eclectic traditional decor with the antiques that his mother collected....passing them down to her son. She had excellent taste. This place is warm, colorful (not in a garish way), interesting and looks comfortable. I like the Asian pieces mixed in with American antiques. The torquoise foo dogs, on the fireplace mantel, really stood out as a gorgeous pop of color. It's not the unbearably sterile, all white decor...lol. Well done.

by Anonymousreply 72August 24, 2022 12:24 PM

A couple of times when the had the chance to speak, uninterrupted about something of his specialty, Rufus was not uninteresting. I could probably enjoy a conversation with him if we stuck to art and decorative arts.

The nervously chatty Southern Cathy, Blake was pretty dreadful though. While it is a big city, I'm struck by how many gay interior designers there are with no talent at all. This one is another case in point, and like the rest he points out the most mundane things and pairings and bright ideas that are not time tested but just tired. And timid as fuck. The *wildest* thing in the place is the tiger patterned velvet upholstered Jacobean chair - "the absolutely do not sit piece." Okay, fine, nice chair, was his mother's (imagine that), and the tiger print, sure, whatever, but why can't anyone sit on it? Because it's 17thC? Bullshit. I have older chairs, some with original upholstery, and you can sit in them just fine. They've survived asses being sat down in them for 400+ years and there's no reason not to enjoy them for their intended use. He had a nice English 19thC bobbin turned chair and a few pieces of furniture that were nice enough, but his prize "don't touch!" piece could be bought at Christie's for $800 - 1500, except that Christie's doesn't normally sell piece that cheap.

Of course it's not the price that matters, but if you're in the business of decorating people's houses with expensive things, relax a little on a chair you can snag for $500 on a good day. He's exceeding fucking precious about every "ensemble" he has created when all he did was to hang one small picture above another. How very fucking brave. Everything is a little too small and too safe and the only real color in the place is the rug and the Chinese ancestral portraits - both of which were spoken of with some enthusiasm, and for once rightly so: when you genuinely live a thing (not fret over its value or lineage) it works. The rest of the stuff is too timid, too small. There's no interaction between things, everything is a tiny little "vignette" in a sea of tiny little vignettes where nothing stands out.

Talk all you want about Coco Chanel as design inspiration, but those brownish yellow walls gives pallor of sickness in that space. It's not a bold choice at all, it's a "look at my designer label!" choice that backfires, with the ideal turning into a failed result.

Interior design shouldn't be timid, it shouldn't be all about your dead mother or how rare or how valuable something is, and it shouldn't be as passionless and persnickety as that marriage appears.

by Anonymousreply 73August 24, 2022 12:34 PM

The angry one looks like he wants to gut the clueless one.

by Anonymousreply 74August 24, 2022 12:41 PM

They just bump pussies.

by Anonymousreply 75August 24, 2022 12:51 PM

Some of the posts are just plain racist and nasty. So insensitive! How would you feel, if you were a chink reading these , honestly?

by Anonymousreply 76August 24, 2022 1:12 PM

This style is kind of Viollet-le-Duc meets Mme. Ferdinand de Rothschild, like you can see the cracks in their historicist decoration but it's entirely intentional. And it's kind of amusing that the "intellectual conversation between different cultures" means that you root up these full-length cultic portraits of ancestors, that in real life wouldn't be anywhere but in an altar, or that poor penitent Maddalena snatched away from her devotional source, both trapped in a golden frame. It's true the placement of these books is enigmatic, the Native American elements are out of place, these cabinets make violence on the whole setting, the family tree in a sterile bedroom incites to laughter, that nude is an uncanny faggy touch on an otherwise historicist setting, etc. But even then, there's a firm foundation in good taste, they need only to develop it further. It's amusing though that DL's campy queens think they can point and laugh to that yellow fever couple... They at least wouldn't receive anyone in a kaftan!

by Anonymousreply 77August 24, 2022 2:06 PM

Love the word salads...

by Anonymousreply 78August 24, 2022 2:14 PM

W&W, r77.

by Anonymousreply 79August 24, 2022 2:16 PM



by Anonymousreply 80August 24, 2022 2:17 PM

The white one is really creepy. How do men turn out so femme? Nature? Nurture? Combo?

by Anonymousreply 81August 24, 2022 2:21 PM

I agree with R45 about Blake. For some reason, I want to fuck his brains out. I want to make him crazy with lust and take his body and mind somewhere he's never imagined.

I have no idea what's come over me.

(The apartment, though, is way too precious and tries way too hard.)

by Anonymousreply 82August 24, 2022 2:43 PM

I’m more jealous of the rich families they undoubtedly come from. Fuck.

by Anonymousreply 83August 24, 2022 2:53 PM

Oh, and I also want to fuck Brandon Rubendall, who hung all the art and the TV.

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by Anonymousreply 84August 24, 2022 2:53 PM

That was the faggiest video ive ever seen.

by Anonymousreply 85August 24, 2022 3:04 PM

I snickered at all the references to [italic]Maison Dépôt[/italic]. It's the affected, nouveau [italic]Targét[/italic], well worn out by the frauen over the years.

The first thing I thought was "Where is their TV?!" and then they finally went into it and how a Living Room is for LIVING with that bitchass wall-mount TV in the bedroom. Now I feel my husband and I are so déclassée. I don't know what we'd do without his Judge Judy and my PS5. I guess we need more elegant Asian antiques (Filipino capiz would do) and a tea set for our deep conversations.

Everything about it was so extra but I have to admire the passing of the baton to a younger generation of antique collecting, future caftan-wearing gays. Our culture lives on through their ridiculousness.

by Anonymousreply 86August 24, 2022 3:14 PM

I love that lavender lampshade and immediately peeked online for a similar item.

That shade must be something that was made for them or handed down.

Complete rubbish online.

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by Anonymousreply 87August 24, 2022 3:23 PM

And we’re living, and we’re living…

by Anonymousreply 88August 24, 2022 3:25 PM

Easy to see the asian guy depises the lower iq white guy. I bet he is so frickin sick of hearing " my mother " fifty times a day.

by Anonymousreply 89August 24, 2022 3:27 PM

Mother of Sorrows!

by Anonymousreply 90August 24, 2022 3:30 PM

Blake's mother at 00:20 has (male) gayface. Smelling cookies for days. She's probably where he inherited his gayness.

by Anonymousreply 91August 24, 2022 3:31 PM

I wonder if they let tops piss on them.

by Anonymousreply 92August 24, 2022 3:33 PM

R87: Here's a silk pleated lampshade in an Ikat pattern fabric from Pentreath & Hall. They are more common in Europe and England, but you should be able to find some in the U.S. (and for about half the price of this example.) Search Google images on "pleated" "silk" "lampshade" then filter by color in the Google search options; also via a Google Shopping search.

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by Anonymousreply 93August 24, 2022 3:35 PM

Judging by the wall color, r92, yes.

by Anonymousreply 94August 24, 2022 3:36 PM

Nice to see younger people interested in antiques. It helps to keep their value...on the other hand, it keeps the prices up, too. Some antiques have dropped in prices. That's great for people who still like to collect them, but pay less money.

by Anonymousreply 95August 24, 2022 3:36 PM

Based on his parents' tastes and habits this kid had no chance of not being a preening, nelly bottom. Poor guy.

by Anonymousreply 96August 24, 2022 3:38 PM

You and your husband are (soi-disant) [italic]déclassés[/italic], r86.

by Anonymousreply 97August 24, 2022 3:40 PM

Arrrrrgggh. The lampshade in the video has enough grey in it to neutralize a too feminine color, its a solid color. I am a fan of ikat print but not as a lampshade.

by Anonymousreply 98August 24, 2022 3:40 PM

I would KILL to watch Chrissy Metz squeeze into that tiger-print, "do not sit" antique chair.

by Anonymousreply 99August 24, 2022 3:41 PM

R87...You could try Etsy. There are a few custom lampshade makers.

by Anonymousreply 100August 24, 2022 3:46 PM

[quote] Well I’m going to be the decenter here and say they seem like very nice men.

"Decenter"? Is that French, too?

by Anonymousreply 101August 24, 2022 3:46 PM

Holy Christ, those two are insufferable. The gaysian will definitely beat the white guy to death one day with one of those precious antiques that mommy left him. And I will contribute to his defense fund because he will likely have been justified.

by Anonymousreply 102August 24, 2022 3:53 PM

Did Bret Easton Ellis ever write a novel using this decoration/auction milieu? Pity if not.

by Anonymousreply 103August 24, 2022 3:53 PM

You know they don't.

by Anonymousreply 104August 24, 2022 3:53 PM

35 years ago the gaysian would have had serious Locus Valley Lockjaw, a 1st generation Ivy degree, and a much more amusing and caustic discourse. I find them both watered down, wan.

by Anonymousreply 105August 24, 2022 3:56 PM

^^^ yes

by Anonymousreply 106August 24, 2022 3:59 PM

I'm pretty sure I've seen Blake blindfolded and spread on a soiled mattress in one of the gangbang videos from nastypigs.com.

by Anonymousreply 107August 24, 2022 4:00 PM

Does someone have his number? My 85-yr-old mother needs someone to decorate her new unit at the assisted-living facility in Charlotte, the one all the White Ladies live at.

by Anonymousreply 108August 24, 2022 4:00 PM

@r86, "I snickered at all the references to Maison Dépôt. "

We always call it Homo Depot

by Anonymousreply 109August 24, 2022 4:01 PM

Blake's face @24:00 makes me want to do this to him, and record it too

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by Anonymousreply 110August 24, 2022 4:10 PM

^ I know what you mean, every time I see that English guy, Nicky, I want to throw him over the arm of his chintz sofa and fuck him senseless 🤪

Then have him serve me tea after

by Anonymousreply 111August 24, 2022 4:14 PM

Why do femmy gays creep me out so much?

by Anonymousreply 112August 24, 2022 4:15 PM

Nicky says thanks.

by Anonymousreply 113August 24, 2022 4:17 PM

Finally turned on the sound. Blake is adorable, with his little feets in his little sleepers. I love his voice and his little hiss. I def want to make him cry, and then console him, and then make him cry again...etc

by Anonymousreply 114August 24, 2022 4:20 PM

Feets Troll so nasty!

by Anonymousreply 115August 24, 2022 4:24 PM

I just want to say threads like this are what make DL so great. I’ve laughed out loud for several minutes.

I’ll have more to say later but Blake is clearly the top the 4-6 times a year they actually have sex. I mean, in any other scenario they’re both bottoms — obviously — but Rufus (…) doesn’t seem to have any veto power in that relationship, so I’m guessing if they’re not bumping bussies Blake’s topping. But not because likes topping but because Rufus “doesn’t do it right”.

by Anonymousreply 116August 24, 2022 4:47 PM

I dunno. Rufus looks like he's super passive aggressive.

by Anonymousreply 117August 24, 2022 4:48 PM

They remind of Chip and Dale...

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by Anonymousreply 118August 24, 2022 4:53 PM

We never ate with the gold plated service

by Anonymousreply 119August 24, 2022 5:00 PM

Blake said that it's very sophisticated to place a desk against the back of a sofa. Why?

I do like a narrow table that sits along the back of a sofa (for drinks, ashtrays, flowers, whatever).

But why a desk?

by Anonymousreply 120August 24, 2022 6:52 PM

Well, he said he went to “design school,” don’t you know, R120.

Do they still the Learning Annex in NYC?

by Anonymousreply 121August 24, 2022 8:16 PM

@r120, Probably because it means you have a huge living room to accommodate such an arrangement

by Anonymousreply 122August 24, 2022 8:29 PM

Thanks, R122, that sounds correct. I mentally tried to see if my living area could accommodate my desk being placed at the back of my sofa. Realized my living area was too small for it to comfortable fit like that.

by Anonymousreply 123August 24, 2022 8:52 PM

Yes they probably fuck, and that apartment is stunning, especially given its actually a rental. I'm with R61, I think they're both nice, and interesting, and their place is too.

And as R72 says " It's not the unbearably sterile, all white decor". Thank God for that, I am so over that shit

I'd definitely do the gaysian, he's cute

by Anonymousreply 124August 24, 2022 9:24 PM

Where’s out hothouse orchid’s father in all of this? Went out to “get a pack of smokes” 20 years ago and hasn’t been seen since?

by Anonymousreply 125August 24, 2022 9:26 PM

[quote]He had a nice English 19thC bobbin turned chair and a few pieces of furniture that were nice enough, but his prize "don't touch!" piece could be bought at Christie's for $800 - 1500, except that Christie's doesn't normally sell piece that cheap.

You make an esteemed auction house sound like a Broyhill Furniture store.

by Anonymousreply 126August 24, 2022 9:45 PM


by Anonymousreply 127August 24, 2022 9:53 PM

Ha, R126. If only Christie's had Broyhill prices, for my sake. Their usual minimum value for a lot is £3000 or $4000, something like that. They make exceptions for interesting pieces or for a large consignment, but that's roughly the starting point at which they will accept an object to sell. Not many of his Mother's pieces would survive the cut

by Anonymousreply 128August 24, 2022 9:58 PM

It’s a chair for looking at!

I think the one grew up poor.

by Anonymousreply 129August 24, 2022 10:04 PM

They were annoying AF in the beginning, but I found them both to be very charming as the tour went on.

by Anonymousreply 130August 24, 2022 10:24 PM


by Anonymousreply 131August 24, 2022 10:42 PM

same.+ there's another side to Blake

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 132August 24, 2022 10:42 PM

I wonder if they're on DL, reading these outlandish posts? Are they on Grindr?

by Anonymousreply 133August 24, 2022 10:43 PM

I'm sure Blake is hiding a much nicer little bod than previously expected underneath the preppy shirts

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 134August 24, 2022 10:44 PM

R133 I think R115 is actually RUFUS

by Anonymousreply 135August 24, 2022 10:46 PM

I think Blake is Jewish. Do you suppose Rufus makes Chinese food for him on Christmas Day?

by Anonymousreply 136August 24, 2022 10:48 PM

How do males with functioning testes become that feminine without estrogen supplementation?

by Anonymousreply 137August 24, 2022 10:58 PM

Interesting the tour didn't include a stop in the bathroom. Since neither of these two have pooped a day in their lives I'm sure they just pee in the potted plants.

by Anonymousreply 138August 24, 2022 10:59 PM

I'd love to get their housekeeper drunk and have her spill secrets.

by Anonymousreply 139August 24, 2022 11:04 PM

There's not much in Blake's IG. Apparently he has a serious claim to French aristocracy. How come mommy could afford all that AND a house in Philly, with her crappy little stewardess income ?

by Anonymousreply 140August 24, 2022 11:09 PM

[quote] Interesting the tour didn't include a stop in the bathroom

That's where all the extreme BDSM paraphernalia is stored

by Anonymousreply 141August 24, 2022 11:11 PM

Off topic here.

New York City must have thousands of interior designers. How do they survive the intense competition?

by Anonymousreply 142August 24, 2022 11:16 PM

R142 I was about to ask, everybody in NYC seems to be an "interior decorator" (even though their places are hideously decorated.) I'm probably a peasant, but what's so extraordinary in putting a sofa in your living room and chairs around a table, that requires "decorating " skills ? every place looks exactly the same to me. the usual pieces, in more or less good taste, tons of junk everywhere, who needs a "designer" to do that ?

by Anonymousreply 143August 24, 2022 11:22 PM

I wonder if they were friends with Tina Brown.

by Anonymousreply 144August 24, 2022 11:25 PM

R142 There are 7 million people in NYC. If 1% are ultra rich, that means there are 70,000....70,000 that can EASILY afford an interior designer . If there are 2 thousand interior designers, that's 35 ultra rich per interior designer. PLENTY OF WORK. Remember, NYC has the highest number of billonaries on the planet....not counting the 100 millionaires....not counting the sub 100 millionaires.

by Anonymousreply 145August 24, 2022 11:26 PM

I have quite a lot of work to do to live up to that level of gay.

*cries into off-the-rack caftan*

by Anonymousreply 146August 24, 2022 11:29 PM

R145 but what does an "interior designer " DO ? buy antiques for you ? tells you what colours to choose for the walls ? what is the process ? the whole concept is so weird to me, who doesn't want to do that themselves ?

by Anonymousreply 147August 24, 2022 11:30 PM

R142...Remember, he said that there was a chimney sweeper that ONLY cleaned chimneys that were made between 1920 and 1930 ON PARK AVENUE...THAT'S IT! He must make six figures, I would think.

by Anonymousreply 148August 24, 2022 11:31 PM

R147, an interior designer probably does buy pieces for you. I'd guess that he or she makes money as the middleman to the purchases.

A lot of people have multiple residences and don't have the time to furnish / design rooms.

Also, lots of people really have no taste and are clueless about the basics of setting up a house or apartment.

by Anonymousreply 149August 24, 2022 11:32 PM

I need Blake's mother's favorite dip recipe RIGHT NOW.

by Anonymousreply 150August 24, 2022 11:33 PM

[quote] he said that there was a chimney sweeper that ONLY cleaned chimneys that were made between 1920 and 1930 ON PARK AVENUE

he obviously didn't use that one, since his chimney doesn't fit the requirement

by Anonymousreply 151August 24, 2022 11:35 PM

thanks R149, I would hate to have a house that's been furnished by someone else

by Anonymousreply 152August 24, 2022 11:36 PM

R151 Correct, but for a chimney sweeper to be that specific about the jobs he takes, and is still a chimney sweeper, tells you a lot. That's ALL he needs to do to bank lots of $$$$$

by Anonymousreply 153August 24, 2022 11:37 PM

Sesshie alert for small town New York @R150!

by Anonymousreply 154August 24, 2022 11:38 PM

R153 I see your point. Why are these 2 twats renting anyway ? isn't it a lot of money thrown out of the window ?

by Anonymousreply 155August 24, 2022 11:39 PM

R152 because you aren't interested in such games.

Good heavens, I would hat to have a meal prepared by cook. I just don't understand how anyone could trust a bespoke tailor with his wardrobe. A gardener? A GARDENER!!! Well I never in all my life. It's almost as bewildering as a nanny. A NANNY to help raise my own children! I COULD NEVER!

by Anonymousreply 156August 24, 2022 11:44 PM

Do you mean you want me to pay someone to clean my house? MY OWN HOUSE!! I just don't get it. ONLY I must clean my toilet. Wait, are you telling me some people have several bathrooms? OMG did you just tell me some people have several homes, each with several bathrooms?

by Anonymousreply 157August 24, 2022 11:46 PM

They're such "duds", like they'd be zero fun. They're not interesting at all but seem to think they're interesting.

Crazily, to me, I don't mind the apartment. It's not a style that I would want for myself. But, as far as fag-centric almost-maximalist spaces with lots of "flourishes" - color, patterns, pillows, objects, mixing and matching- I think they really threw it all together pretty well. Especially looking at the before shots

by Anonymousreply 158August 24, 2022 11:47 PM

[quote]Do These Two Fuck?


Oh -- did you mean EACH OTHER? Then -- no.

by Anonymousreply 159August 24, 2022 11:50 PM

Well actually R156/R157, I do my own cleaning, I wouldn't want some srange stupid woman of color to wander around and break stuff, and I raise my children MYSELF

by Anonymousreply 160August 24, 2022 11:51 PM

It was sad that Blake's vision took over the entire apartment. I realize that some people (e.g., Rufus) are just willing to allow decision-making power to the other person. When they were discussing Rufus's role as budget person, it just seemed sad to me, somehow.

Maybe I'm reading too much into their dynamic.

by Anonymousreply 161August 24, 2022 11:52 PM

Nancy Reagan’s decorator did my house.

by Anonymousreply 162August 24, 2022 11:53 PM

Someone is having a Grand Maul Seizure on this thread.

by Anonymousreply 163August 24, 2022 11:54 PM

Six thousand dollars? It's not even leather!

by Anonymousreply 164August 24, 2022 11:56 PM

Mumsie got this vase for sex acts with a wealthy gentleman on an overnight flight.

by Anonymousreply 165August 24, 2022 11:56 PM

Fuck the astrologers and the karma believers and "I'm an Autumn!" color aura specialists...does DL not have some resident body language experts?

Messages are being sent by these two. Loudly.

by Anonymousreply 166August 24, 2022 11:57 PM

R165 which one ? the one that been turned upside down to make a lamp ?

by Anonymousreply 167August 24, 2022 11:58 PM

[quote] Messages are being sent by these two. Loudly.

What are they ?

by Anonymousreply 168August 24, 2022 11:59 PM

The guy with the glasses said he was in his early 30’s!😳

by Anonymousreply 169August 25, 2022 12:00 AM

R150...I'll bet that she makes a mean avocado dip....or sour cream with dried Lipton onion soup dip.

by Anonymousreply 170August 25, 2022 12:02 AM

[quote] Maybe I'm reading too much into their dynamic.

I think it's cute that BLAKE is so BUTCH in Rufus 's eyes

by Anonymousreply 171August 25, 2022 12:04 AM

[quote] I wonder if they were friends with Tina Brown.

She lived in Sutton Place for many years, so I'm sure they ran into each other. It's really a small area.

by Anonymousreply 172August 25, 2022 12:26 AM

R172they only move in there during the pandemic

by Anonymousreply 173August 25, 2022 12:28 AM

R169 Hey some people are not blessed with perfect genes like you to not lose a single hair until they are 65… some of us lose hair in our 30s. A lot of us do.

by Anonymousreply 174August 25, 2022 12:30 AM

The kind of french furniture they have, you only see in France in the homes of elderly breton people, but they're not cheap

by Anonymousreply 175August 25, 2022 12:33 AM

[quote] does DL not have some resident body language experts?

I'm a self-proclaimed body language expert. I'll have to rewatch and then give my analysis later.

by Anonymousreply 176August 25, 2022 12:34 AM

Random thought but: my guess is Rufus wears traditional, high waisted white briefs. Blake gives a tartan plaid boxer vibe.

by Anonymousreply 177August 25, 2022 12:36 AM

The chair used for decor, not to be sat on....I don't see a problem with that. If there's plenty of seating otherwise, you can use an old chair as an accent, in a corner, or a small area. I've seen that done.

by Anonymousreply 178August 25, 2022 12:51 AM

Most of the chairs in my place are no-sit chairs. They come from flea markets in Europe, and I can't afford to repair them

by Anonymousreply 179August 25, 2022 12:53 AM

R179 = friendless

by Anonymousreply 180August 25, 2022 1:02 AM

R180 I'd rather have pretty chairs than friends. friends come and go, pretty chairs are forverer (and don't give you the Syph)

by Anonymousreply 181August 25, 2022 1:05 AM

^but they might give you mpox

by Anonymousreply 182August 25, 2022 1:07 AM

The apartment is not stunning. It's nice with some good pieces. Far too much for the eye. It looks like a store. The kitchen is ugly and the bedroom is ordinary. The carpets unremarkable, regardless of provenance. The paint color of the outside space is ugly and unadventurous. Flower pot orange. White and blue would be much more attractive. The colors of everything are overall kind of muddy. Someone doesn't get out much.

I get that this muddiness and faint lines of everything with the heavy wood and chinese accents is eclectic and tasteful. It's comfortable enough. But it's not at all beautiful. The silver service(s) is just too precious.

Nice couches, not a bad living room. Needs a TV and lighter wall color. He did a shitty job with the product placement cheap looking asymmetrical fireplace.

Way more is dull than right with this place. Lispy Slipper Depot must be laughed at everywhere he goes.

He's not even silk sox and no sex material. Just a pedantic pendent of his mommy.

by Anonymousreply 183August 25, 2022 1:09 AM

R182 unlikely, since no one sits on them, but I do have lots of sofas, armchairs and various seetees, so the chairs are not necessary, they just very pretty

by Anonymousreply 184August 25, 2022 1:10 AM

As someone else said who the fuck does all that for a rental?!

by Anonymousreply 185August 25, 2022 1:11 AM

Was Blake's mom really a Pan Am stewardess? That was a huge deal at the time. However, that puts her in a certain age range. She must have given birth to him later in life.

by Anonymousreply 186August 25, 2022 1:26 AM

Why lie, I'm here for the comments, and frankly I need a, "Silkwood" shower after reading them. By the way, my day just got better by reading these comments. Love you, queens!

by Anonymousreply 187August 25, 2022 1:32 AM

[quote]Most of the chairs in my place are no-sit chairs. They come from flea markets in Europe, and I can't afford to repair them

Just point me at 'em, honey.

I'll make 'em "no sit"...

by Anonymousreply 188August 25, 2022 1:37 AM

R188, if Chrissy doesn't fits, she sits!

by Anonymousreply 189August 25, 2022 1:41 AM

[quote]Was Blake's mom really a Pan Am stewardess? That was a huge deal at the time. However, that puts her in a certain age range. She must have given birth to him later in life.

Honestly something seems off. When they showed a picture of his mom, the picture looked like it was from the early 60’s. And he claims he’s in his early 30’s. When did she have him? At 50? Or was he adopted?

by Anonymousreply 190August 25, 2022 1:48 AM

Blake is an immaculate rejection. Conception. His mommy/lover called him Blake for a reason. That mural of his home in Philadelphia in the place where we kick off our TIMS and drop our keys looks more like a poster you see on the subway. Homes that look like that are everywhere. Ah, yes. Mommy and my father were from Philadelphia. And this window - was the room I was "made" in. Thanks, Mommy dearest. For the intimacy, the teachings, the touching, and the nightmares.

Rufus has some potential to find a LESS boring partner. He's not a ball of fire now, but a few months in the gym and his ASS got potential. The name is radical. Boy got ass and some brains and enough good sense to let his current wife do ALL the lisping. And shuffling. YUCK. Rufus doesn't look 59 years old.

Blink twice for help Rufus.

It's not THAT great of an apartment and you guys can't have much fun when you entertain. Where is the fucking BAR???

Dump Blake. He should pay $$$ for whatever male companionship her craves in the future. Whores love it when they just have to strip down and observe the tour. You're place is tiny Blake. And you're even smaller! Your mother was beautiful though. That will be $500.

by Anonymousreply 191August 25, 2022 2:48 AM

Blake isn't that bad. He is obviously not sexual. This shows you how celibacy can lead to some interesting habits/interests.

by Anonymousreply 192August 25, 2022 3:54 AM

I feel suffocated just looking at their overstuffed overly lavish apartment. Disgusting. Says a lot about who they are.

by Anonymousreply 193August 25, 2022 4:35 AM

I remember reading that Gay men have such meticulous, fussy homes because of social discrimination caused us to create these perfect sanctuaries where we could feel safe and be ourselves. I think there's something to that 🤔

by Anonymousreply 194August 25, 2022 4:46 AM

I pity your guests, r179.

by Anonymousreply 195August 25, 2022 4:46 AM

[quote]Do These Two Fuck?

If they do, I doubt it’s with each other.

by Anonymousreply 196August 25, 2022 4:50 AM

@r195, "I pity your guests, [R179]. "

That's quite an assumption that he has guests. Can you imagine having friends over then telling them where they can and can't sit?

by Anonymousreply 197August 25, 2022 5:08 AM

Ultimately you're just defending their particular taste and unattractive prissiness R194. Many people are socially discriminated against and most all people crave a sanctuary that feels comfortable. Tastes and interests vary. A hoarder is also creating a psychologically compensating environment. So is the resident of the most sterile of penthouses. (get some therapy - it's a common question to imagine your ideal space) Speaks more to what frightens them than frees them.

These two sexually atrophied young gay men have a modestly lavish and kind of silly apartment. It would just look cluttered with interest if even the dust didn't come from his MOTHER. We all collect things that please us. My doctor collects vintage lego. I'm younger than him. Who cares. Sometimes you have to sit through the show to get dinner.

Gay men don't require anymore crested slippers and destroyed persian rugs than other people. Pimps like them too. Pimps don't save the cut off pieces....

Most people don't know what to do with money or go into debt trying to prove they are worthwhile. Doesn't really matter if it's great or tacky taste. The motivation is the same. These two narrowly intelligent snobs are good examples of that.

Good taste is like good manners. Making other people feel comfortable while being yourself.

by Anonymousreply 198August 25, 2022 5:23 AM

^ Ok, I was just relaying something I read 🙄

by Anonymousreply 199August 25, 2022 5:26 AM

They dry frot every leap day. Only the white guy cums and the asian guy goes away for a week right after.

by Anonymousreply 200August 25, 2022 5:31 AM

I think you all missed a tantalizing clue he threw out towards the end - "and THIS was a gift to me from my stepmother". So either the stewardess mother died and daddy remarried, or daddy ran off with a trophy wife at some point. Whichever of those scenarios took place, I think mother IS currently dead, because I think he says once or twice that his mother left him that piece. Also very sweet that daddy bought an item as a wedding gift for him and Rufus.

by Anonymousreply 201August 25, 2022 5:55 AM

^ He says early on that his mother died five years ago

by Anonymousreply 202August 25, 2022 6:00 AM

Then read my post AND learn something, R199. You're welcome.

by Anonymousreply 203August 25, 2022 6:03 AM

I love how when he talks about his mother being a first class flight attendant and lists the glamorous places she flew, that he sort of runs out of steam at the end and just names a continent.

“Paris, London, Hong Kong, Tehran… South America…”

by Anonymousreply 204August 25, 2022 7:06 AM

They seem sweet and are just starting out with not much disposable income. Unfortunately this granny taste (which I’m into) is practically over.

by Anonymousreply 205August 25, 2022 7:18 AM

They probably bump pussies.

by Anonymousreply 206August 25, 2022 7:53 AM

The Asian looks like he despises his husband.

by Anonymousreply 207August 25, 2022 8:34 AM

[quote] New York City must have thousands of interior designers. How do they survive the intense competition?

We seemed to manage quite nicely, thank you.

by Anonymousreply 208August 25, 2022 9:04 AM

Let’s face it, most gays (not lesbians obvs) could knock this up in a weekend - it’s no biggie. It’s just a showroom of stuff, but like Abercrombie stores in the 90s. It’s not designed.

Momma had some pussy game tho’ to get that pad. Blake didn’t get left much dollar with that pesky 2nd wife.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 209August 25, 2022 9:37 AM

@r203, Nah, tl;dr 😒

by Anonymousreply 210August 25, 2022 9:46 AM

@r209, That's funny as hell. Too bad it's not a series 😂

I wonder if this was a major influence?

"Coffee, Tea or Me? — The Uninhibited Memoirs of Two Airline Stewardesses "

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 211August 25, 2022 9:57 AM

R211 Maybe Momma was one of the fake PR stewardesses? Hence the extra moolah?

by Anonymousreply 212August 25, 2022 10:07 AM

The one bottom smacks his lips alot.

by Anonymousreply 213August 25, 2022 10:19 AM

Blake is sweet. He has a nice smile and in a way is more personable than Nicolas.

by Anonymousreply 214August 25, 2022 10:20 AM

Mother regularly set down in the world's most glamorous cities: Rio, Paris, California, Tehran, Africa, Hong Kong

by Anonymousreply 215August 25, 2022 10:32 AM

I have finished watching and have 2 observations:

1. Neither of these guys has any muscle tone. All pale flesh that knows not the gym.

2. Someone needs to add the Diana Scream for the off-camera bottom when the on-camera bottom opens the drawer with the "intimate things".

by Anonymousreply 216August 25, 2022 10:51 AM

If I lived there, I'd run around the house in a caftan saying in a high-pitched way "I"m a proper English lady!"

by Anonymousreply 217August 25, 2022 10:56 AM

[quote] I pity your guests, [R179].

I don't have any. My home is my sanctuary. Except for the occasional grindr visitor, but he doesn't sit. I wait for him on my knees, hands behind my back with a leather belt nearby, in case he wants to have more fun. The floor is covered in towels , you never know where the squirts are gonna land. When they finished, I show them the way out. Easy peasy, and no need to clean behind them . (still remembering the time I needed to go to the bathroom, and that middle eastern guy suited himself on my antique rocking chair. Couldn't believe the sight of his naked ass on my mutton skin throw. never again.)

by Anonymousreply 218August 25, 2022 11:10 AM

These two are into scissoring, galling their mussies furiously.

by Anonymousreply 219August 25, 2022 11:36 AM

I could develop feelings for Blake, he's very sweet, articulate and sincere

by Anonymousreply 220August 25, 2022 11:38 AM

^Blake's father

by Anonymousreply 221August 25, 2022 11:43 AM

Blake's father brought him a miniature painting from his trips to Europe every year ?!!? MY father brought me back the mustard samples and cardboard beer keepsakes he got on the plane. (I've always wondered what it felt like to be loved by your dad . Mine could barely stand my being in the same room)

by Anonymousreply 222August 25, 2022 11:47 AM

Blake’s parents have resolved the debate firmly in favor of “nurture”

by Anonymousreply 223August 25, 2022 11:51 AM

R222, I would have loved to get mustard samples.

Or a few bread crumbs, for that matter.

by Anonymousreply 224August 25, 2022 11:52 AM

[quote] Dump Blake.

Yesss ! Away with you chink ! I want to take Blakey to the guest bed, carry him in my arms up the step, gently take off his velvet sleepers, kiss his clean, white, virginal little feets (you know he even wears socks with sandals, these footsies never see the sun) , eat his ass for hours and bang him senseless. and the cuddle him to sleep. Blake is sweetz

by Anonymousreply 225August 25, 2022 11:53 AM

R186: The airlines forced flight attendants to quit when they married up until the late 60s or early 70s. I think unions fought for the change. It also may have come when they started hiring males and discovered all they got were 'mos. Blake might be age shaving but if she had him in her late 40s, it's plausible. She probably bagged some rich businessman who was widowed, lonely, and turned up on her flights. Blake was their only child and they showered him with stuff (esp. her). PanAm went into a big decline during the 80s and their routes eventually got carved up among United (Asia) and American (Latin America). I forget who got Europe and Africa. I used to know the long-time head of flight attendants for PanAm (husband of a colleague)----he was laid off in the late 80s when the whole airline began to implode. She probably retired if her seniority wasn't transfer to a new carrier (seniority means you can pick your flights) and they may be when she set her sights on getting a rich husband. United and American had much more adversarial cultures than PanAm and Delta flight attendants weren't/aren't unionized. They probably had a "blanc" (sexless) marriage, which provided a role model for Blake.

by Anonymousreply 226August 25, 2022 12:09 PM

I think the granny taste is picking up again. It's a cycle of what's popular.

by Anonymousreply 227August 25, 2022 12:12 PM

Blake was born in 1989 at the latest, his mother began jetting around the world pouring drinks and picking up carpets about twenty years earlier, so she was around late thirties or at most early forties when he made his grand entrance. A bit unusual for that time, though nowadays all the women I know have babies at that age.

What's Blake's last name so we can gather some data on his family's ages, including the presumably guillotined aristo?

by Anonymousreply 228August 25, 2022 12:26 PM

Funston is the name, he's all over the internet, and now we all know exactly where he lives. Suicide by hatecrime

by Anonymousreply 229August 25, 2022 12:28 PM

I think they bump pussies.

by Anonymousreply 230August 25, 2022 12:30 PM

Two prisspots…

by Anonymousreply 231August 25, 2022 12:35 PM

R228: Women have been having "change of life" babies for a long time. They just didn't get the publicity that comes with celebs or 60 year olds doing it. Ife she had him in 1989, it would have been around the time of upheaval at PanAm, so it may have provided a graceful exit for her.

by Anonymousreply 232August 25, 2022 12:35 PM

Cracks me up to see her constantly fluffing pillows. Such a fussy old kween.

by Anonymousreply 233August 25, 2022 1:07 PM

OP- It must be rather complicated being that both of these QUEENS 👸 are TOTAL bottoms.

by Anonymousreply 234August 25, 2022 1:13 PM

Fraus LOVE 💕 these type of HOMOSEXUALS

by Anonymousreply 235August 25, 2022 1:27 PM

Sadly, PanAm Stew mom only left Blake stuff, instead of real money for a down payment on an apartment.

(All that work and emotional investment in a rental . . .)

by Anonymousreply 236August 25, 2022 1:29 PM

[quote] 35 years ago the gaysian would have had serious Locus Valley Lockjaw, a 1st generation Ivy degree

This type is still around. I know a gaysian immigrant who went to a New England almost-Ivy and talks like Thurston Howell III.

by Anonymousreply 237August 25, 2022 2:09 PM

Rent boys. Literally.

by Anonymousreply 238August 25, 2022 2:34 PM

Mom probably spent all the money that the old rich guy husband left her.

by Anonymousreply 239August 25, 2022 3:00 PM

These guys made themselves incredibly vulnerable to crooks and crazies by putting their full names out there with the part of exact town they live in. The producer of this series is really irresponsible with the security of the people they feature. That makes me cringe more than their decorating taste.

by Anonymousreply 240August 25, 2022 3:26 PM

These "welcome to my home" features are basically "casing the joint" intel for thieves.

Fortunately, there's very little of value to steal from these two.

by Anonymousreply 241August 25, 2022 3:36 PM

^not even their dignity

by Anonymousreply 242August 25, 2022 3:47 PM

Exactly, R241. The black market for brown furniture and Mother's apron strings is not what it used to be.

by Anonymousreply 243August 25, 2022 3:47 PM

We wouldn’t get on in real life at all, but bless them. That closet in the bedroom is bloody hideous though.

by Anonymousreply 244August 25, 2022 3:51 PM

I’m halfway through the video and the white guy would have saved himself and us a lot of time by just saying that unless otherwise noted, almost everything was inherited from his mother instead of mentioning what was inherited every 10 seconds.

by Anonymousreply 245August 25, 2022 4:07 PM

He needs to IRON his shirt. He looks like a frat boy, the one who always wants the cutest boy to come over for tea.

by Anonymousreply 246August 25, 2022 4:17 PM

I guess his toddler nieces and nephews are not invited over often to run riot through the endless sea of knick knacks that all cost a fortune.

by Anonymousreply 247August 25, 2022 4:20 PM

The comments on the YT page are fawning....I was going to write something snarky but it will probably be deleted.

by Anonymousreply 248August 25, 2022 4:22 PM

Love the comment by R21. The one referencing a line, as spoken by Gloria Upson in Auntie Mame, "books are awfully decorative?" Coincidentally, Auntie Mame's fictional address, 3 Beekman Place, can be found in the Sutton Place neighborhood. But I'm sure R21 knew that already.

by Anonymousreply 249August 25, 2022 4:50 PM

I almost bought an Herend platypus on eBay after too much wine. Good thing I feel asleep, or I’d have to match my entire decorating scheme to it. Mary!

by Anonymousreply 250August 25, 2022 5:06 PM

I want to pound Blake's ass. I bet he's an enthusiastic and insatiable bottom.

by Anonymousreply 251August 25, 2022 5:29 PM

I don't think Rufus is trying to imitate a Boston Brahman, my guess is that he comes from a wealthy family in Singapore or Hong Kong - they often talk like that.

by Anonymousreply 252August 25, 2022 5:48 PM

Blake's footwear is enough to make me avoid him.

by Anonymousreply 253August 25, 2022 6:25 PM

They are just Nicolas Wannabes.

by Anonymousreply 254August 25, 2022 6:41 PM

Proper U slippers have a back.

This is non-negotiable.

by Anonymousreply 255August 25, 2022 6:46 PM

Which is more prestigious: Beekman Place or Sutton Place?

by Anonymousreply 256August 25, 2022 6:58 PM

His Linkedin pic seems to be 10 years old or more. He was an "estate administrator" for awhile which makes me think he was administering mom's estate which may have been more complicated than lucrative. He appears to be 32.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 257August 25, 2022 7:16 PM

What style *don't* they have?

In one second, I saw south-western, oriental, 50s modern, shabby chic, English chintz, Victorian.....and that was the first section.

People like this have no taste. What I like to see is a basic design that's accented in a way to make it unique.

Not impressed.

by Anonymousreply 258August 25, 2022 7:28 PM

R111 This Nick?

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 259August 25, 2022 7:43 PM

R248- I’ll be watching a YouTube video and want to make a bitchy comment amongst all the fawning comments but I figured I’d be attacked or something. That what I love about the data lounge- Bitchy comments are welcomed and expected.

by Anonymousreply 260August 25, 2022 7:48 PM

At least Blake (pretentious as he is) speaks proper English- He says my mother many times - never once saying my MOM.

by Anonymousreply 261August 25, 2022 7:53 PM

I just wish they would film the horror on their faces when they sit down together for tea and biscuits and read this thread!

by Anonymousreply 262August 25, 2022 7:55 PM

Body language "expert" here. I couldn't detect that much. The video is hard to watch.

I did notice *tension* between Blake and Rufus. They're respectful of each other (don't interrupt each other, when one talks, the other one looks and listens). But it's mostly Blake talking.

I expected Blake to have an emotional outburst.

by Anonymousreply 263August 25, 2022 8:11 PM


by Anonymousreply 264August 25, 2022 8:24 PM

To answer your question OP: yes, but with the no-sit chair turned over.

by Anonymousreply 265August 25, 2022 8:27 PM

Do these two deserve all the attention we're throwing at them? I suspect a lot of us are more like them than not 🤔

by Anonymousreply 266August 25, 2022 8:38 PM

I don’t like the elaborate picture frames.

by Anonymousreply 267August 25, 2022 8:40 PM

Maybe they do not deserve all the opprobrium listed here - and I contributed by saying I wanted to fuck Blake, which I still do - but there is an undercurrent, I think, of interest and some positive feedback. If they do happen to read this, I hope they balance what's here with the fact that DL is known to be bitchy about people and things. Measured by the number of comments, they're popular.

I'm starting to think I'd like to have dinner with them as an observer, both of the decor and of their personalities off camera. But I suspect that they'd never have me as a guest, though don't know if that says anything about them.

But those slippers! They're an invitation to pile on.

And I will NEVER put myself on display via social media. It's almost as if you're asking for it. This is a tough crowd.

by Anonymousreply 268August 25, 2022 8:56 PM

Yes, when I see their terrace I think they brilliantly succeeded in making it "as Millbrook as they can".

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by Anonymousreply 269August 25, 2022 8:59 PM

Thanks, R263. It just seemed to me that when the camera moved to catch a reaction shot if the other, that it had to move to a far corner; also that Rufus pulls his whole body away from the direction of Blake, as if his husband smells bad.

by Anonymousreply 270August 25, 2022 9:05 PM

R270, Rufus probably feels like, "Enough, already," with all the decorations. Maybe Blake is spending too much money on this crap.

by Anonymousreply 271August 25, 2022 9:48 PM

^ He's not spending a dime, it's all inherited

by Anonymousreply 272August 25, 2022 9:52 PM

Can you catch gay simply from watching a clip like this?

by Anonymousreply 273August 25, 2022 10:02 PM

"A home filled with unique pieces..."

Really? Everything in it is standard 'rich gay bottom'.

by Anonymousreply 274August 25, 2022 10:03 PM

The single, nicest thing in that whole apartment is the black & white photo of the mother in her Pan Am heyday. What a lovely thing to cherish and worth more than all the Foo dogs or faux bamboo furniture.

by Anonymousreply 275August 25, 2022 10:06 PM

How is the white guy considered an interior designer? There is nothing original about the look he achieved in that apartment.

by Anonymousreply 276August 25, 2022 10:24 PM

It's too cluttered for me, gives the eye nowhere to rest.

by Anonymousreply 277August 25, 2022 10:26 PM

Maybe I missed this mentioned in the above posts, but Blake kept referring to "my" this and "mine" that, while Rufus was more inclusive, using "we" and "our". My ex did that, which is one reason (of many) why we're no longer together.

by Anonymousreply 278August 25, 2022 10:41 PM

The Foo dogs see more action than Blake and Rufus.

What I hate about the place isn't so much the place -- it's timid and mostly boring, but it's not terrible -- but the interior designer carrying on like a peacock in heat is too much.

You would think he had inherited the choice pieces from the collection of Henry Francis du Pont, and that he is revealing all the deep secrets of his trade, giving us a privileged look at how the toffs live, balls deep in luxury and elegance. It's the preciousness that kills it.

It doesn't matter to me if the stuff in their apartment is worth $10,000 or $10M, an apartment furnished for the cheaper sum could be far the better on any number of levels. But FFS, have a little humility and talk about the objects without fawning over how extraordinarily extraordinary every facet of every piece is. It's not. Does he not know that other people know better? Does he not know better? He doesn't arrange things in any novel way; he does absolutely nothing bold or unexpected but expects us to think it's all so clever and divine. In an interior designer's house I expect not perfection but something interesting, something that makes you think that those two maybe boring things look so surprisingly great together. You don't have to spend enormous money to do exciting things with a room -- that can still be comfortable and practical and 'traditional' even. It's your house. You're a designer. Show us what you can do besides little granny vignettes of props from an old Colombo episode, you know the one, the one where the rich guy murders his wife with a Foo dog, in the bobbin turned armchair...

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by Anonymousreply 279August 25, 2022 10:59 PM

Rufus needs a richer husband.

by Anonymousreply 280August 25, 2022 11:00 PM

I think the Asian could do better, frankly

by Anonymousreply 281August 25, 2022 11:07 PM

Frankly, we agree.

by Anonymousreply 282August 25, 2022 11:10 PM

At what age did Rufus move to USA?

by Anonymousreply 283August 25, 2022 11:16 PM

Rice queen and friend

by Anonymousreply 284August 25, 2022 11:18 PM

If you told me that prissy slipper lisper was 55 years old, I would believe you.

by Anonymousreply 285August 25, 2022 11:21 PM

R211! I haven’t thought of that book for years! I read it as a young gayling, probably at 12 or 13. My mother had a copy. There was a novel from the same period called The Man Chasers who lived in a woman’s only boarding house in NY.

by Anonymousreply 286August 25, 2022 11:22 PM

I wonder when they got married because as others have stated, there’s this slight tension between them as well as turn of phrases that seems weird for a married couple. The apartment itself and the back garden is lovely for nyc.

by Anonymousreply 287August 25, 2022 11:28 PM

Let’s be real bitches, as much as you love to critique them, you LOVE THIS. YOU LOVE THEM. Blake is a treasure. I would love judging all the lesbians that come to Maison Dépôt in our velvet slippers! Then we will come home and dine on ambrosia salad with the JFK gold cutlery with some expensive champagne!

by Anonymousreply 288August 25, 2022 11:31 PM

[quote] Which is more prestigious: Beekman Place or Sutton Place?

They're both pretty much equal. But, with super tall buildings being allowed to encroach into Sutton Place, it's going to become noisier, more populated, and many current apartments that enjoy almost full natural light, are going to be cast in shadows by new buildings over 800 feet tall. So, Beekman will likely hold its own in the future as Sutton Place becomes less desirable.

by Anonymousreply 289August 25, 2022 11:53 PM

I think I saw a lot of that shite Rufus brought with him at Pier One a decade ago.

by Anonymousreply 290August 26, 2022 12:00 AM

[quote] Blake is a treasure.

At this point I'm in love with Blake. It's not merely sexual anymore. also ,300 posts to say how much we hate them ? they're a smash it. They're DL icons. For comparison, the two english pufters in their crummy cottage have gathered a thrifty 35 replies or so and none of it about them being hatefucked on a piss stained mattress. At least 7 posters, including myself, want to fuck Blake's brains out , and amazingly, 4 want to fuck Rufus. They're STARS

by Anonymousreply 291August 26, 2022 12:03 AM

[quote]they're a smash it.

OH DEAR!!! R291

by Anonymousreply 292August 26, 2022 12:09 AM

Can you blame the Asian giving the side-eye? He must want to scream every time he hears the word “inherited.”

by Anonymousreply 293August 26, 2022 12:12 AM

Only that old fruit fly @ R194 thinks this couple resemble real gay men of today. R194 is antique too.

by Anonymousreply 294August 26, 2022 12:14 AM

These guys are just very well organized....pack rats. Not every wall needs shit hung on it.....not every space in a room needs to have a story told about it.....not every room needs to have a theme. FFS!

by Anonymousreply 295August 26, 2022 12:26 AM

a movie of their lives:

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by Anonymousreply 296August 26, 2022 12:26 AM

They're old fashioned, like a gay couple from the 1950s. It's very charming and refreshing. I'm 59 and I met many older gay couples who live as they, over the years.

by Anonymousreply 297August 26, 2022 12:41 AM

They're gross. Rufus, slightly less so.

by Anonymousreply 298August 26, 2022 12:42 AM

Blake is fluffing the pillows over and over. He can't see the forest for the leaves. He's focused on all the wrong things, all the stupid little details, instead of the anchors for the room (which should be some nice, solid, comfortable furniture).

by Anonymousreply 299August 26, 2022 12:57 AM

You could tell Blake is a poser and all about appearances when he couldn’t even remember the name of the artist of one of his paintings and had to look closely at the painting to find the name and didn’t even know how to pronounce it. If the painting was so important, he would have known the artist’s name without searching for it. At the very least, he would know how to pronounce the name. So it’s obvious some of these items are just for show. He even said that they borrowed items to decorate the patio specifically for the tour.

by Anonymousreply 300August 26, 2022 12:57 AM

Weird energy between these two.

by Anonymousreply 301August 26, 2022 1:02 AM

There's a lot of product placement and friend acknowledgements in his shivering little video presentation. Dude has a dry mouth. Nervous as fuck. Trying to sound professional. His decorating business started at the same time he says they moved into their rental apartment. A pandemic hobby.

I bet Blake was a sensitive boy. Of course, mother is the one I must thank most. She left me so much beauty.

He practically buckles over in excitement as he approaches the gold plated silver service that Jack and Jackie licked. Allegedly.

They are trying very hard for a professional video presentation. So Rufus stands aside and only offers a few prompts. Nancy Blake is so nervous this isn't even a good YouTube video - never mind an advert for his business and questionable decorating talents.

It's a lot of fun though. To mean gays. #MeToo.

Otherwise these two are sad. Yikes. Rufus & Blak would make a good little charcuterie platter.

by Anonymousreply 302August 26, 2022 1:11 AM

I hope Rufus feels the Green Card was worth it.

by Anonymousreply 303August 26, 2022 1:13 AM

How long until the Asian trades up? He seems very collected and could get a partner from a more elevated class.

by Anonymousreply 304August 26, 2022 1:20 AM

Psst....Rufus, extra MSG in the food. Extra MSG in the food. You'll be a widower in no time.

by Anonymousreply 305August 26, 2022 1:23 AM

Rufus actually works at Christie's (auction house). Seems like he'd put a stop to what Blake's doing. Seems like he (Rufus) would have more input into the apartment, instead of just budget manager.

by Anonymousreply 306August 26, 2022 1:32 AM

He probably doesn’t see it lasting and doesn’t want to bother.

by Anonymousreply 307August 26, 2022 1:37 AM

I feel a little sorry for Blake.

He needs an indulgent Southern guy with money.

by Anonymousreply 308August 26, 2022 1:39 AM

I'm pretty sure these two are in some sort of black market money laundering scheme. It's all a front.

I would get rid of three quarters of it at least. My. God.

by Anonymousreply 309August 26, 2022 1:44 AM

Does anyone believe these two are actually happy? How would you even be able to relax when everything is so fragile and you have to watch every step you take so you don’t knock anything over?

by Anonymousreply 310August 26, 2022 1:45 AM

R300 wouldn't you love to have a painting that was owned by Greta Gardo hanging on YOUR wall ! You're just jealous of Blake, because he HAS , and you have NOT. SUCK IT!

by Anonymousreply 311August 26, 2022 1:52 AM

It sounds like they each have their Fanilows. Strike while the iron is hot, boys!

by Anonymousreply 312August 26, 2022 1:53 AM

Blake mentions that both his parents were from the south. Momsy was french, or of french descent. Maybe she had some family money, maybe she was like the Robillards from Savannah, old french nobility forced to flee to La Louisiane to escape the guillotine, and working was a choice, because she wanted to see the world before being married.

by Anonymousreply 313August 26, 2022 1:55 AM

These two should have been born about 30 years earlier than they were. Because they seem very old fashioned.

by Anonymousreply 314August 26, 2022 1:56 AM

Starter relationship, starter apartment.

It’s not so tragic. They’re both young.

by Anonymousreply 315August 26, 2022 1:57 AM

Blake has true distinction, and he will be very rich

by Anonymousreply 316August 26, 2022 1:59 AM
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by Anonymousreply 317August 26, 2022 2:00 AM

Whoever did the camerawork was shit. Did you see the two dotted glares that kept showing up on the lens?

by Anonymousreply 318August 26, 2022 2:00 AM

[quote] I feel a little sorry for Blake. He needs an indulgent Southern guy with money.


by Anonymousreply 319August 26, 2022 2:03 AM

I have a feeling the tour was not their idea, and they're trying their best, but they didn't really think it over, hence the faux pas giving their address, etc . They had 48 h to decorate the patio, they rushed to maison de pot, so perhaps they filled in for a friend who does the HOMEWORTHY vids. Blake would do that sort of things.I bet they're sorry they did it now, and think they came off badly

by Anonymousreply 320August 26, 2022 2:05 AM

Now you’re talking, r319!

by Anonymousreply 321August 26, 2022 2:08 AM

RUFUS must marry up several stations. He deserves an Art Deco Russian Hill pied-à-terre covered in exquisite chinoiserie and perhaps a floor in a Grand Canal palazzo, and something amusing in Hong Kong. New Yorkers don't appreciate his type.

by Anonymousreply 322August 26, 2022 6:25 AM

"Can you blame the Asian giving the side-eye? "

That's about all he can do with those ey.....

by Anonymousreply 323August 26, 2022 8:08 AM

"Whoever did the camerawork was shit. Did you see the two dotted glares that kept showing up on the lens?"

Yeah. Those were the Asian guys eyes, no?

by Anonymousreply 324August 26, 2022 8:09 AM

@r294, Oh, Princess, I really hit a nerve with you because of something I read. Cupcake, you're a mess. Go fuck yourself since no one else will

by Anonymousreply 325August 26, 2022 8:09 AM

White guy's French pronunciations are AWFUL. I'm guessing mother, in her capacity as an air stewardess travelled more than he did

by Anonymousreply 326August 26, 2022 8:11 AM

I think half the guys commenting on this thread are nuts 🤪

by Anonymousreply 327August 26, 2022 8:13 AM

^^^Are nuts, or HAVE nuts? Cause we know the score with the two fruits in OP's video.

by Anonymousreply 328August 26, 2022 8:17 AM

^ 😂, ok

by Anonymousreply 329August 26, 2022 8:21 AM

Do These Two Fuck?

On top of mother's bed linen with the hand embroidered peony and lilac motif?!

by Anonymousreply 330August 26, 2022 8:28 AM

I think he's sweet and modern to be a fancy boy with fancy things yet so proud of his prole mother, the stewardess, who had a taste for the finer things, or what she considered so. When I was his age, this type would fabricate a fancy past.

by Anonymousreply 331August 26, 2022 10:54 AM

[quote] Does anyone believe these two are actually happy?

Are you ? is any one of us in this terrible world we live in ? Maybe we are a long way from being made in God's image, but R310, my sister, there's been some progress. Such things as art, as poetry, as music. In some kinds of people, some tenderer feelings have had some little beginning that we have got to make grow and to cling to, and hold as our flag in this dark march toward whatever it is we're approaching.

by Anonymousreply 332August 26, 2022 11:10 AM

[quote] I hope Rufus feels the Green Card was worth it.

It wouldn't seem that his green card was through marriage, if that's your implication, R303.

[quote]Born and raised in China, Chen first came to the United States at the age of 15 for summer camp. His family later settled in San Francisco. These days, his family travels between China and California, but he has found a home on the other side of the country.

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by Anonymousreply 333August 26, 2022 11:15 AM

That poor soul is funding Blake's ruinous journey to penury.

When Rufus finally makes a pointed remark, this will become a Tennessee Williams play.

by Anonymousreply 334August 26, 2022 11:31 AM

He looks much happier in R333's pic than in the video. He may come from a well-off background and have more of a real connoisseur than PanAm-boy, but like a lot of gays, he's probably drawn to some toxic showboat who gives nothing back.

by Anonymousreply 335August 26, 2022 11:32 AM

Blake comes from money. His father Lance is CEO of a health and beauty product company, where his brother also works.

by Anonymousreply 336August 26, 2022 11:41 AM

I see where Blake gets hs goods looks and charm from.

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by Anonymousreply 337August 26, 2022 11:46 AM

Jesus. He was a junior interior designer with Juan Pablo Molyneux? I'm surprised as he's neither talented nor clever nor handsome enough to have bagged that job, and Molyneux is genuinely talented -- you might like or dislike his work, but you can see it's a much more sophisticated concept than arranging (in a tizzy, no dubt) a bunch of old granny gimcrack and calling it pretty like our Blake.

"I inherited this from my mother --my family is from Philadelphia [implied, 'don't you know.'] This is an original Baker Furniture piece. And, um, it's an English style." The Baker Furniture Co. is an early 20thC furniture factory in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It produced some golden oak nightmare furniture switching in the late 1920s to reasonably correct pieces in the style of the Georgian and American Colonial periods. In time it was a go-to manufacturer for the lower- and middle-Middle Classes. There's nothing at all wrong with the furniture, it's just that there's tons of the stuff floating around in very nice condition worth a hundred dollars for a chair, a few hundred dollars for a desk.

What a need for importance --for his desk, for himself-- to let it drop that this precious "original Baker Furniture piece" is a family (made in Grand Rapids in the 1940s), descended from "the Philadelphia Funstons" (who first appear in Philadelphia directories from 1823 as bakers and carriage drivers from the 1820s.)

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by Anonymousreply 338August 26, 2022 11:47 AM

Yet his mother was a stewardess, not an heiress or well-educated intellectual.

by Anonymousreply 339August 26, 2022 11:47 AM

They have all the sexual energy of a love scene between Jodie Foster and Neil Patrick Harris.

by Anonymousreply 340August 26, 2022 11:53 AM

R340 wow it's "our Blake " now. As in "our Faye " .What a meteoric rise to DL superstardom.

[quote] descended from "the Philadelphia Funstons" (who first appear in Philadelphia directories from 1823 as bakers and carriage drivers from the 1820s.)

we're borderline stalking now. I like that he knows the origin of the desk, and explains it in simple words, I don't find him at alll pretentious, he's not saying that it's museum quality or anything . I mean , formica tables the like my grandmother's help had in her kitchen are now sold as "mid -century antiques" FFS. He just knows what he's got, and loves to talk about it, "such a joy" . He's lovely, really.

by Anonymousreply 341August 26, 2022 11:55 AM

He's brimming with horseshit. "Southern" roots (if they didn't own slaves, they were indentured servants or hillfolk), old Philly roots with a bit of humble brag. Lance is the perfect name for someone who'd name their kid Blake, but he seems to young for Blake's geriatric mother---unless he had mommy issues (like Blake).

by Anonymousreply 342August 26, 2022 12:18 PM

R332 that was magical.

by Anonymousreply 343August 26, 2022 12:25 PM

I am the same age as Blake. Why can’t I be that rich and find a fake pretentious boyfriend? Blake would be perfect for me! Too bad I’m ugly.

by Anonymousreply 344August 26, 2022 12:26 PM

R336- With a name like Blake he also comes from


by Anonymousreply 345August 26, 2022 12:35 PM

"I am the same age as Blake. Why can’t I be that rich"

Are you deaf? He's buying geegaws on the cheap from dying people. Some old lady in Connecticut unloading fussy sofas for pennies. The desperate purchase from Home Depot. The "gift" of a shitty writing desk for the guest room. It looked like the toilet for homeless people.

And they rent.

by Anonymousreply 346August 26, 2022 12:51 PM

rich is relative. To a Hot Topic clerk living in mother's basement, this young couple are Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall.

by Anonymousreply 347August 26, 2022 12:57 PM

^ Nailed it! There's a lot more envy going on in this thread than actual disdain

by Anonymousreply 348August 26, 2022 1:02 PM

There's probably little envy. Their apartment is full of junk. Tchotchkes. It's a low-rent antique mall.

But I like the guys anyway. They like what they like, they have somewhat of a sense of humor about it - so good for them.

by Anonymousreply 349August 26, 2022 1:10 PM

^ I do too, they are who they are, but that doesn't seem to be good enough for some

by Anonymousreply 350August 26, 2022 1:14 PM

I think they need to meet up with Nicolas Fairforth for a cup of tea, some freshly baked scones and a frightfully civilised orgy.

by Anonymousreply 351August 26, 2022 2:10 PM

His father is a poker player?!

by Anonymousreply 352August 26, 2022 2:19 PM

Some women lunch at The Plaza, ski in St. Moritz, and buy expensive furs every year. Some women just look that way….You don’t need a million to look like a million!

by Anonymousreply 353August 26, 2022 2:32 PM

R343 thanks, I'm not a little proud of it ;)

by Anonymousreply 354August 26, 2022 3:34 PM

[quote] They like what they like, they have somewhat of a sense of humor about it - so good for them.

Except for "Maison Depot," over and over, these 2 don't seem to have a sense of humor at all.

by Anonymousreply 355August 26, 2022 5:20 PM

R355 our Blake was funny about his ancestor portrait and other things. They're very sweet. It's easy to see mommy and poddy smothered him completely. And most of his stuff come from his childhood, he's lived in them forever. It's his Maddeline de Prout (smell of it brings him back instantly to his younger years, it's french for you peasants). and the painting in the kitchen cost a hefty $. Being of french descent myself, I appreciate that his interior is very french upper middle class country house.

by Anonymousreply 356August 26, 2022 5:41 PM

[quote]Maddeline de Prout


by Anonymousreply 357August 26, 2022 6:29 PM

Maddeline de Prout ? -

Is it a French mustard? Marmalade?

by Anonymousreply 358August 26, 2022 7:16 PM

[quote] Maddeline de Prout

it's a reference to a french author of the gilded age, I never read the books, but it's about a smell that reminds you of your childhood (I think). The french say "it's Maddeline de Prout" like we say "rosebud " (in reference to citizen kane, you pigs). Since our Blake is french, I thought it would be befitting to use it in this thread.

by Anonymousreply 359August 26, 2022 8:58 PM


[quote]in reference to citizen kane, you pigs

Don't you mean Sittizzin Cayn?

by Anonymousreply 360August 26, 2022 9:07 PM

What? Isn't it Proust? As in Proustian memory? And wouldn't it be Marcel Proust?

by Anonymousreply 361August 26, 2022 9:07 PM

It’s Madeleine de Trout, you peasants.

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by Anonymousreply 362August 26, 2022 9:10 PM

I don't know, all I hear when they say it is "Maddeline de Prout"

by Anonymousreply 363August 26, 2022 9:10 PM

Thin or fine-cut marmalade = non-U

Thick-cut marmalade = U

by Anonymousreply 364August 26, 2022 9:11 PM

I love you, r356.

Pitch-perfect trolling.

I award you this award

by Anonymousreply 365August 26, 2022 9:13 PM

I really liked the austere French interiors of the girl’s family’s house in La Cage.

by Anonymousreply 366August 26, 2022 9:14 PM

I want to thank you R365 for this wonderful honour, and I want to thank Blake Funston who made it possible

by Anonymousreply 367August 26, 2022 9:17 PM

@r366, You like vow of poverty monastery revival?

by Anonymousreply 368August 26, 2022 9:18 PM

I guess I do! It was so severe, I loved it.

by Anonymousreply 369August 26, 2022 9:19 PM

Yeah I would have to strangle both of them after one hour. Probably decent guys anyway.

by Anonymousreply 370August 26, 2022 10:18 PM

I think this may be a first marriage for Rufus - he doesn't seem very invested here.

I could see Blake growing old in this space with it changing very little - each year the fabrics get a little more worn, the caftans gets a little bigger.

by Anonymousreply 371August 26, 2022 10:26 PM

I was beyond shocked to learn this guy was gay. Watching Greta Garbo films as a youngster with his mother, and being gifted 19th Century miniatures of dandies and crinolined ladies by his dad.?

At the very least I'd have expected him to be a quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys.

by Anonymousreply 372August 26, 2022 10:29 PM

At about 20:01 when Blake starts describing the female ancestor portrait, he says that he loves her bright robes and all her accessories and literally says, "I could wear that all day.."

Welcome to your new home...bitch

by Anonymousreply 373August 26, 2022 10:37 PM

Rufus seems to be doing the calculations in his head...nice antiques, pretentious bottom, but not as much as I'd hope in liquid assets...

Old saying, "Ride a cow until you can find a horse."

by Anonymousreply 374August 26, 2022 10:40 PM

(quote] I think this may be a first marriage for Rufus

it's a 1st marriage. Did you see the shitty little ring ? Shame on you Blake.! 1st husbands say "thank you" for everything. Thank you for the rental dump, thank you for the shitty ring...second husband , second husband will be a slutty little asian..Oh, Wait ...

by Anonymousreply 375August 26, 2022 10:41 PM

R374 went there!

by Anonymousreply 376August 26, 2022 10:43 PM

Rufus wants a Vera Wang style mausoleum on Park or Fifth.

by Anonymousreply 377August 26, 2022 10:59 PM

I wonder how much that tiny window unit air conditioner cools that apartment...

by Anonymousreply 378August 26, 2022 11:05 PM

"Do These Two Fuck?"


Once a year, on the anniversary of William Haines's birthday, White guy and China Syndrome attempt, but ultimately fail to spill seed across the damask eiderdown White guy inherited (Norman Bates style) from his mother.

by Anonymousreply 379August 26, 2022 11:08 PM

Blake at about 14:04, "I LOVE Chinese exports!"

by Anonymousreply 380August 26, 2022 11:09 PM

the TV in the bedroom says it all

by Anonymousreply 381August 26, 2022 11:10 PM

W&W, r380.

by Anonymousreply 382August 26, 2022 11:11 PM

Blake's wedding band is....well, let's just say he's the bottom of the two bottoms.

by Anonymousreply 383August 26, 2022 11:12 PM

so fucking faggy i want to punch these fags in their faggoty fag holes

by Anonymousreply 384August 26, 2022 11:21 PM

How many times did Blake say "I'm from Philadelphia"?

by Anonymousreply 385August 26, 2022 11:34 PM


by Anonymousreply 386August 26, 2022 11:35 PM

It will be nice to see these two in love, obviously not with each other

by Anonymousreply 387August 26, 2022 11:39 PM

Rufus needs to sell some of the jade his grandmother gave him (and Blake is ignorant of) to get those teeth fixed. Bad teeth make him look just like 500 million other Chinese. Yellow is a choice, not a race, when it comes to chop-choppers.

And the "scruffy" look on Blake makes him look like an FTM with two weeks of testosterone in him. And he's going to be an alcoholic in three years, because it's all downhill from this moment of glory.

The art is hideous and pretentious, especially with all the bare brick embarrassing the place with 1961. They have no design sense, poor things. I, too, have old family portraits, but at least they're of my own family, and they're not hung in the public parts of my house.

by Anonymousreply 388August 26, 2022 11:58 PM

Mom was cross-eyed.

by Anonymousreply 389August 27, 2022 12:06 AM

Blake IS THE model DLer. You all wish you were as fabulous as him at that age!

by Anonymousreply 390August 27, 2022 3:57 AM

I look at this picture and imagine the hi-fi is cranked up and playing “18 Wheels and a Dozen Roses” in the background.

by Anonymousreply 391August 27, 2022 4:01 AM

It's always cute when one of the couple is uncut and the other is cut.

by Anonymousreply 392August 27, 2022 5:38 AM

Would someone like to start a thread on this guy’s apartment tour?

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by Anonymousreply 393August 27, 2022 7:30 AM

I think we did a thread on the guy at R393.

Can someone PLEASE explain to a non-American, the obsession these gays have with grandiose, antique interiors. Dining tables set for x amount, all with the best china, portraits of nobility (that aren't related to the owner), Chippendale, crystal, chandeliers, leatherbound books (never read or opened), chinoiserie, lacquered furniture...I could go on.

The owners typically wearing cardigans and monogrammed slippers, fey, name dropping brands and notable individuals, all styling their interiors similarly. Is there a reference point they're all coming from, apart from the obvious nouveau riche.

Didn't you guys defeat the Brits over two centuries ago. What gives with apeing the English country manor look?

by Anonymousreply 394August 27, 2022 7:41 AM

I don’t mind the apartment, but there is nothing in there that looks like a valuable antique. I could put that look together over a weekend.

by Anonymousreply 395August 27, 2022 8:27 AM

@r394, Because we Americans have no real deep-seated culture of our own. We're still young and we all came here from someplace else. So, unless you're into that Yankee Doodle Dandy crap you have to make like a TV set designer and come up with your own illusion of a cultured past

by Anonymousreply 396August 27, 2022 10:15 AM

A bit like the Real Housewives in BH go in for the French chateau look. ^^^

by Anonymousreply 397August 27, 2022 10:19 AM

But the place is UGLY. Cluttered. Too many styles.

R397 hits the nail on the head. It is a hillbilly's notion of what a French chateau looks like.

by Anonymousreply 398August 27, 2022 11:40 AM

[quote]Can someone PLEASE explain to a non-American, the obsession these gays have with grandiose, antique interiors

R394 cos they are fucking beautiful. And this phenomenon isnt just limited to America, you see it in Australia, NZ, South Africa and a bunch of other places

[quote]I look at this picture and imagine the hi-fi is cranked up and playing “18 Wheels and a Dozen Roses” in the background.

R391 Thats a real nice song actually, that's what I'd have on or something like it. Here it is for those of you that are curious (probably not many i know)

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by Anonymousreply 399August 27, 2022 11:43 AM

"cos they are fucking beautiful"

Yes, in the correct context, a rambling country manor, not a two bed apartment in New York with the AC unit dangling out the window. It all looks so flimsy, slipshod and faux.

by Anonymousreply 400August 27, 2022 11:46 AM

The maintenance fees at the Carlyle must be over $10,000 a month.

by Anonymousreply 401August 27, 2022 11:52 AM

On a similar apartment at the Carlyle, the monthly maintenance fees are $11,900 per month - that's a lot for access to the restaurants and the gym.

by Anonymousreply 402August 27, 2022 12:14 PM

$11,900 a month maintenance? So is the restaurant food free?

by Anonymousreply 403August 27, 2022 12:34 PM

I want to be invited over and drop crumbs on their rug. I bet both would freak out.

by Anonymousreply 404August 27, 2022 12:35 PM

Or sit on the chair That No One Can Sit On—-and then shart on it. Ooooops!

by Anonymousreply 405August 27, 2022 12:47 PM

2 bottoms don’t make a top

by Anonymousreply 406August 27, 2022 12:53 PM

There’s a reason double headed dildos were invented.

by Anonymousreply 407August 27, 2022 1:07 PM

His mother was a waitress and probably a slut. HOW GLAMOROUS!!

by Anonymousreply 408August 27, 2022 1:16 PM

^ Future Queen Kate Middleton's mother was a sky waitress...

"Doors to manual"

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by Anonymousreply 409August 27, 2022 1:21 PM

R409 my point exactly! The BRF are over when Queenie pops her clogs. No more mystery or glamour.

by Anonymousreply 410August 27, 2022 1:23 PM

^ Future Queen Camilla's grandmother was a slut, so you're covered for the next 50 years at least

by Anonymousreply 411August 27, 2022 1:29 PM

R411 was your mother a waitress? You lowlife.

by Anonymousreply 412August 27, 2022 1:37 PM

^ Was that a nerve, Limey?

by Anonymousreply 413August 27, 2022 1:42 PM

[quote]2 bottoms don’t make a top

White bottoms don't date Asian guys.

by Anonymousreply 414August 27, 2022 2:09 PM

Blake’s home movie.

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by Anonymousreply 415August 27, 2022 2:13 PM

There’s going to be a part 2 soon on the most popular DL people since Vivian Vance

by Anonymousreply 416August 27, 2022 3:26 PM

R396 is on crack.

by Anonymousreply 417August 27, 2022 3:32 PM

R413 is from the wrong side of the tracks.

by Anonymousreply 418August 27, 2022 3:33 PM

If it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it.

by Anonymousreply 419August 27, 2022 3:36 PM

R414 “ White bottoms don't date Asian guys.”

R414 is naive

by Anonymousreply 420August 27, 2022 4:04 PM

@r417, Did I neglect to include your trailer park culture Mr. Southerner?

by Anonymousreply 421August 27, 2022 5:09 PM

r418, is from the wrong side of the Atlantic

by Anonymousreply 422August 27, 2022 5:10 PM

It’s trailer COURT, you fuk!

by Anonymousreply 423August 27, 2022 5:12 PM

^ No, COURT is where you always go when you get caught cooking up meth in your trailer park

by Anonymousreply 424August 27, 2022 5:22 PM

Tree fiddy.

by Anonymousreply 425August 27, 2022 5:23 PM

Blake says the light fixture "he inherited from his mother" had a European wiring, because of course, his mother got it in Morocco?

by Anonymousreply 426August 27, 2022 5:26 PM

A Turkish man gave his mother a thin Kilim rug, because they "dated".

by Anonymousreply 427August 27, 2022 5:29 PM

"Leave the money and the rug on the dresser, honey."

by Anonymousreply 428August 27, 2022 5:30 PM

His mother dated a Turk?

No comment-la!

by Anonymousreply 429August 27, 2022 6:38 PM

R394 =countess Olenska

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by Anonymousreply 430August 27, 2022 6:40 PM

Real classy-based people!

by Anonymousreply 431August 27, 2022 6:44 PM

Whatever happened to class?

by Anonymousreply 432August 27, 2022 6:51 PM

His father gave him a pair of used lamps for their wedding?

His stepmother must be a real cunt.

by Anonymousreply 433August 27, 2022 6:56 PM

[quote]Whatever happened to class?

R432 , Blake BRINGS the Class. HE IS Class to the T!

by Anonymousreply 434August 27, 2022 6:56 PM

^ And if he should run low, he can always buy more at the Maison Depot!

by Anonymousreply 435August 27, 2022 6:58 PM

If HE IS Class, R434, then class is dismissed.

by Anonymousreply 436August 27, 2022 7:01 PM

Life is all about elegance and flair

And savoir faire

You don't have to be rich or famous to be unforgettable

It's not about where you're from

It's about what you've learned

Money can't buy you class

Elegance is learned my friend

by Anonymousreply 437August 27, 2022 7:01 PM


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by Anonymousreply 438August 27, 2022 7:06 PM

The Asian guy has a gay twin, together "two wongs make a White".

by Anonymousreply 439August 27, 2022 7:10 PM

I’m jealous

by Anonymousreply 440August 27, 2022 7:15 PM

[quote] There’s going to be a part 2 soon on the most popular DL people

I honestly can't wait. Blake= adorbz.

by Anonymousreply 441August 27, 2022 7:15 PM

^ Jussie Smollett Troll.

by Anonymousreply 442August 27, 2022 7:31 PM

[quote]Didn't you guys defeat the Brits over two centuries ago. What gives with apeing the English country manor look?

Our fight was with the government of Britain, not their decor, r394.

by Anonymousreply 443August 27, 2022 7:40 PM

"Whatever happened to class? "

Classy people don't put their lives on blast via Youtube for a bunch of Gay snots to rip to shreds. Classy people lead subtle lives pursuing their passions, supporting the arts and spend a great deal of personal time on philanthropic endeavors. You don't know them and they certainly don't know you

by Anonymousreply 444August 27, 2022 7:45 PM

[quote]You don't know them and they certainly don't know you

Let's be real R444, neither do you--neither do you.

by Anonymousreply 445August 27, 2022 7:46 PM

^ I did not say I knew them, but I know OF them

by Anonymousreply 446August 27, 2022 7:49 PM

[quote]$11,900 a month maintenance? So is the restaurant food free?

For that price, it better include a gourmet breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day and it better be brought to my door. Because that is ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 447August 27, 2022 7:51 PM

[quote]$11,900 a month maintenance? So is the restaurant food free?

Will one of our DL Tasteful friends explain what in the nine hells a $11,900 maintenance fee covers? How is this just not money laundering...

by Anonymousreply 448August 27, 2022 8:33 PM

These two have a litter box but don't own a cat if you catch my drift

by Anonymousreply 449August 27, 2022 8:34 PM

[quote]Will one of our DL Tasteful friends explain what in the nine hells a $11,900 maintenance fee covers? How is this just not money laundering...

It creates the illusion that you're a rich fuck...

Co-ops have terrible monthly maintenance fees in general, but some may cover legitimate services, but hotel co-op fees are ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 450August 27, 2022 9:58 PM

R449 but it's an HERMES litter box, bitch

by Anonymousreply 451August 27, 2022 10:05 PM

I suspect they seem awkward because Rufus is extremely embarrassed. He knows Blake is talentless and their renovated in 1985 tenement apartment looks like crap. But he can’t tell Blake he sucks at decorating, because Blake also sucks at everything else. So he had to agree to do this because, why not? Blake is probably telling Rufus it will launch his (Blake’s) career, so he will finally be able to pull his weight financially.

Meanwhile, poor Rufus, who already had to resign himself to living in an embarrassing apartment, is thinking, “Please, God, don’t let anyone from work see this.”

by Anonymousreply 452August 27, 2022 10:27 PM

R452 = Rufus. 100%

by Anonymousreply 453August 27, 2022 10:30 PM

Rufus has resting bitch face.

by Anonymousreply 454August 27, 2022 10:32 PM

Get Rufus! “I’m looking for a retirement piece.”

Maybe that’s a coded reference to he is available for the right sugar daddy.

Blake, gurl, you in danger. One morning you’ll wake up and all mummy’s geegaws will have vanished from Rufus’ heroin addiction. Or maybe that’s why you did the show? To have it all videotaped for police and insurance purposes?

by Anonymousreply 455August 27, 2022 10:35 PM

I want a Blake and Rufus biopic = Dan Levy IS Blake, Christina Ricci IS Rufus, and Christine Baranski IS Mrs Funston

by Anonymousreply 456August 27, 2022 10:39 PM

Ben Platt is Blake. Swoosie Kurtz is Blake’s air mattress mother.

by Anonymousreply 457August 27, 2022 10:44 PM

R426, you know, fascinating cities, Paris, London, Athens, eh......Morocco

by Anonymousreply 458August 27, 2022 10:55 PM

The French Heritage Society’s Young Patrons Circle enjoyed a Fall Fete hosted by co-chair Blake at his home.

Rufus was off camera guarding “the chair”

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by Anonymousreply 459August 27, 2022 11:11 PM

R459 thank you eternally. Blake has never been more adorable than in this pic.

by Anonymousreply 460August 27, 2022 11:13 PM

Nancy boy Blake is FAT.

by Anonymousreply 461August 27, 2022 11:17 PM

He's "comfortably padded"

by Anonymousreply 462August 27, 2022 11:18 PM

I wouldn't mind resting my head on his little tummy after I've fucked him to tears

by Anonymousreply 463August 27, 2022 11:20 PM

R459 she's young?

by Anonymousreply 464August 27, 2022 11:23 PM

Do I see a bulge on our Blake ??

by Anonymousreply 465August 27, 2022 11:25 PM

Thank you for this thread, I was waiting for DL to weigh in on this when I saw it last week.

by Anonymousreply 466August 27, 2022 11:40 PM

guest of a guest

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by Anonymousreply 467August 27, 2022 11:40 PM

Rufus is the envy of his friends back in Asia.

by Anonymousreply 468August 27, 2022 11:42 PM

He’s fuckin’ tiny

by Anonymousreply 469August 27, 2022 11:44 PM

The couple looking very dapper and festive at last fall’s Fish & Fowl party.

Blake is holding a stuffed bird he doubt inherited from his mother.

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by Anonymousreply 470August 27, 2022 11:52 PM

I hope they never find this site..

by Anonymousreply 471August 28, 2022 12:57 AM

They mentally fuck each other.

by Anonymousreply 472August 28, 2022 4:32 AM

Dapper? What urban gay man wants to look "dapper" in 2022? They are only in their early thirties and don't even know how to dress. They look FRIGID.

Rufus has some potential. Not with me. But he can find a better husband.

by Anonymousreply 473August 28, 2022 4:35 AM

I wonder how many times Blake has shit the bed.

by Anonymousreply 474August 28, 2022 5:33 AM

[quote] It's his Maddeline de Prout (smell of it brings him back instantly to his younger years, it's french for you peasants)

This made me laugh so much. Absolutely brilliant! Posts like these are why I love the DL.

by Anonymousreply 475August 28, 2022 6:19 AM

They seem so dull.

by Anonymousreply 476August 28, 2022 6:22 AM

R475 is praising his OWN posts, from another account. As usual. Lots of that is happening on this thread. Same OLD fruit bat, talking to itself.

by Anonymousreply 477August 28, 2022 7:10 AM

Thanks R475. Fuck you R477, aren't you jealous, dear

by Anonymousreply 478August 28, 2022 8:27 AM

R477 is my own private little nemesis, she's determined to troll me within an inch of my life. Mental illness on display. R470 our best boys looking FABULOUS , thanks

by Anonymousreply 479August 28, 2022 8:48 AM

Why yes, R470, one can never inherit enough birds from one's mother.

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by Anonymousreply 480August 28, 2022 9:35 AM

Rice queen with lord of the English manor aspirations.

I smell a Merchant & Ivory production!!!

by Anonymousreply 481August 28, 2022 9:36 AM

I can’t be around people like this, gay or straight. How pathetic and sad.

by Anonymousreply 482August 28, 2022 10:46 AM

Blake puts the Fun in Funston. When’s his OnlyFans coming out?

by Anonymousreply 483August 28, 2022 2:12 PM

You know the Asian is just there for the perceived status. All Asians care about is status and wealth nothing more. Very cold and calculated people.

by Anonymousreply 484August 28, 2022 2:13 PM

Too bad they can’t bottle and sell their lack of self awareness! I’d sure as hell buy some!!!

by Anonymousreply 485August 28, 2022 3:55 PM

[quote]You know the Asian is just there for the perceived status. All Asians care about is status and wealth nothing more. Very cold and calculated people.

When Rufus talks about his "retirement piece"...

he's not talking about an object

by Anonymousreply 486August 28, 2022 5:13 PM

[quote]The French Heritage Society’s Young Patrons Circle enjoyed a Fall Fete hosted by co-chair Blake at his home.

Hopefully that Society's Circle is limited to half a dozen members. Any more wouldn't fit in that tiny boite.

by Anonymousreply 487August 28, 2022 6:11 PM


oh, dear!

by Anonymousreply 488August 28, 2022 7:25 PM

R488, the anti-circumflex movement has spoken.

by Anonymousreply 489August 28, 2022 7:43 PM

Can you imagine going to their house for dinner? Lord, they would bore you to tears.

by Anonymousreply 490August 29, 2022 5:39 AM

^ As long as they had an exquisite bar set up, I'd be fine 😜

by Anonymousreply 491August 29, 2022 5:59 AM

Those yellow walls are HIDEOUS.

Recently, I’ve learned the value of just keeping walls white, and why it matters.

I appreciate color, but keep shit as simple as possible, when given a choice.

by Anonymousreply 492August 29, 2022 7:12 AM

Why is everyone so sure he shits the bed?

by Anonymousreply 493August 29, 2022 7:43 AM

I'm sure the people on here who think Blake is hot are the same strange ones who fawn all over Pete Buttigieg too.

by Anonymousreply 494August 29, 2022 8:48 AM

No I think Blake is hot, and Buttigieg looks like a rodent and is unfuckable

by Anonymousreply 495August 29, 2022 9:01 AM

^ Well good, we won't have to fight over Pete 😍

by Anonymousreply 496August 29, 2022 10:03 AM

Blake is a precious gay. He is untouched by the taint other gay whores are under.

by Anonymousreply 497August 29, 2022 12:09 PM

OCD types become overheated in irreverent threads that take off. THEY WANT TO BE IN ON IT and will post anything to KEEP IT GOING. Nobody really thinks these human aspic molds are blisteringly fuckable.

by Anonymousreply 498August 29, 2022 12:15 PM

Gay men like him should be worshipped. They are model gays. Unlike the OnlyFans whores people around here are obsessed with.

by Anonymousreply 499August 29, 2022 12:30 PM

They have to be with 7 or 8 figures considering they own so many pieces from the estate of a Pan Am stewardess nobody knows!

by Anonymousreply 500August 29, 2022 12:35 PM

R499 doesn't understand what being gay is really all about.

by Anonymousreply 501August 29, 2022 9:34 PM

R501 could you please elaborate on that ?

by Anonymousreply 502August 29, 2022 9:35 PM

He means being a whore, Blanche

by Anonymousreply 503August 29, 2022 9:53 PM

Very cruel race.

by Anonymousreply 504August 29, 2022 9:57 PM

Why are these Asians so cruel? Are they Filipino? Thai?

by Anonymousreply 505August 29, 2022 9:59 PM

I bet Blake is an animal in bed.

by Anonymousreply 506August 29, 2022 10:18 PM

Yeah, a sloth, R506

by Anonymousreply 507August 29, 2022 10:21 PM

R506 I think he's very naughty. Slightly sour smell. pudgy little body. But very warm and giving.

by Anonymousreply 508August 29, 2022 10:21 PM

Back in the day, Blake would be described as a bossy bottom.

by Anonymousreply 509August 29, 2022 10:27 PM

I 'm not so sure Blake is a bottom. I can't see Rufus toping anything alive

by Anonymousreply 510August 29, 2022 10:28 PM

Blake is running to fat.

by Anonymousreply 511August 29, 2022 10:30 PM

Blake, on his day off.

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by Anonymousreply 512August 30, 2022 2:04 AM

They probably listen to Judy Garland records and go to the opera. They seem like they’re living in the 1960’s.

by Anonymousreply 513August 30, 2022 7:16 AM

Do they fuck?

They don't even speak. Just the occasional cockroach hiss when one accidentally brushes against the other.

by Anonymousreply 514August 30, 2022 8:12 AM

They are slowly acting out Phantom Thread

by Anonymousreply 515August 30, 2022 8:28 AM

Yes they do fuck. Next question?

by Anonymousreply 516August 30, 2022 12:22 PM

Why didn't they buy ? I thought they're rich?

by Anonymousreply 517August 30, 2022 2:53 PM

My take is they not rich enough to waste a ton of money on a crappy flat that doesn't even have a decent bathroom, or a real guestroom, in NYC. The floor plan is a disaster, and the only good feature is the patio. Blake has too much good sense. They plan to move away from the city eventually, and they'll buy a nice hitoric house somewhere like the one he had the joy to grow up in. Such a joy.

by Anonymousreply 518August 30, 2022 4:05 PM

[quote]Why didn't they buy ? I thought they're rich?

What on earth makes you think that they are rich? I hope they are because one has left a position as Junior Interior Designer to start his own business and the other is an Associate Specialist at Christie's (in a department of growing importance and with some added responsibilities), I would be surprised if either of them made much more than $65,000 a year. Christie's may be an old and very prestigious auction house, one of the two biggest and best in the world, but, like top ranked interior designers with shiny reputations, they don't lose a lot of money hiring young staff. These jobs are seem as plum training and connection-making steps in a career, but never as lucrative positions.

A few top people and heads of key departments at Christie's and a key highly skilled designers who do the bulk of the work at international interior design firms can do quite well, but those jobs are very scarce and are not handed out with only a university degree in hand.

by Anonymousreply 519August 30, 2022 4:12 PM

When will the "Grand Millennial" style finally go the way of "farm house"?

by Anonymousreply 520August 30, 2022 4:13 PM

Calm down everybody, if you were more travelled, you'd know that their style is a mix of robust french country and chinese crap. There's nothing "grand" about that . It's not like they're Joan Rivers decorating an apartment or anything

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by Anonymousreply 521August 30, 2022 4:18 PM

I don't think they entertain. It's not an apt where you can enjoy and relax comfortably. I would be too worried about trying not to knock shit over etc

by Anonymousreply 522August 30, 2022 4:21 PM

again I think you exagerate

by Anonymousreply 523August 30, 2022 4:26 PM

r521- Which is now called Grand Millennial.

by Anonymousreply 524August 30, 2022 4:28 PM

I’m amazed at how this thread is almost full. They aren’t that interesting.

by Anonymousreply 525August 30, 2022 4:53 PM

sometimes, when I walk past showrooms, they have a sign that says "open to the trade only" how can they tell if you're a real interior decorator? they are not licensed.

by Anonymousreply 526August 30, 2022 4:56 PM

I think Blake and Rufus are both very "open to trade only' too.

by Anonymousreply 527August 30, 2022 5:24 PM

I would like to have a good time with Blake on Queen Victoria's bed while Rufus is sulking, watching TV in the bedromm loud , to cover our moans and groans, and imagining all kind of weird chinese supplices for me

by Anonymousreply 528August 30, 2022 5:41 PM

I’d suspect they have an Herend chamber pot under the bed.

by Anonymousreply 529August 30, 2022 5:49 PM

R527 …a business card…

by Anonymousreply 530August 30, 2022 6:54 PM

I think they entertain. The guests, however, might be uncomfortable for fear of damaging something by accident. Everything looks so delicate, except the sofas.

Also, why do they display that antique chair, on which no one can sit? How many guests almost sat in that chair? I can imagine the embarrassment when told they can't sit on it. It's extremely rude.

by Anonymousreply 531August 31, 2022 1:37 AM

The Chair needs a little velvet rope across it, like in a fancy museum. Maybe even with a sign explaining its forbidenness.

by Anonymousreply 532August 31, 2022 1:40 AM

They mention entertaining and Blake likes to get invited to D-list events (hoping to work his way up to A, which will never happen). They do seem like the type who eventually will move to some Hudson Valley town if only because that's all they'll afford. Blake probably has a modest trust fund. Rufus probably has money if he asks for it.

by Anonymousreply 533August 31, 2022 12:06 PM

We need a part 2 to this thread. How does one score a man of great taste such as Blake? I feel like an invisible gay.

by Anonymousreply 534August 31, 2022 12:27 PM

Stylish Blake - enjoying a walk in weekend country attire!

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by Anonymousreply 535August 31, 2022 7:17 PM

Just so you know, a french portrait of nobility of that period (even little nobility) , is worth several thousands. if it's an identified family, it's a minimum of 6 000. And this one is in great condition. I think you really underestimate Blake's taste and possessions. he's a man of taste. It might not be the trendy stuff, but it's quality.

by Anonymousreply 536August 31, 2022 7:29 PM

A good TV is about 6,000 too. Get A fucking TV.

Rufus likes to indulge in Thom Browne fashion, but Blake does not approve of THAT particular expense. He prefers his mother's old skirts, cardigans and shoes. Blake loves being petite!

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by Anonymousreply 537August 31, 2022 7:35 PM

Evidence it's a genuine painting from the 18th or 19th Centuries and not some cheap ass copy made by an 'artisan' in China?

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by Anonymousreply 538August 31, 2022 7:39 PM

it belonged to a family member who had inherited it from a long line .

by Anonymousreply 539August 31, 2022 7:47 PM

From a long line of? Air stewardesses?

by Anonymousreply 540August 31, 2022 7:49 PM

"I think you really underestimate Blake's taste and possessions. he's a man of taste."

He fucking inherited the lot! His possessions were purchased by others. He has jack shit on his own.

by Anonymousreply 541August 31, 2022 7:50 PM

Blake and Rufus are the perfect gays. They are the real gays. Being gay doesn't equal being super pretty, or have a fitness model's body, or being a sex addict and a whore. At the end of the day, being gay means being vulnerable and stuffing the sausage in some guy's shithole instead of some woman's pussy. And being fussy. I accept them as the leaders of the community.They are the new VAN DER LUYDENS of NYC

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by Anonymousreply 542August 31, 2022 7:52 PM

R540 when his cousin passed away, the painting went to auction, and Blake purchased it. With his money R541

by Anonymousreply 543August 31, 2022 7:53 PM

His money R543, or his Asian mail (male) order bride's? Shanghai Lil looks like he has a bit of cash squirrelled away from gambling on mahjong.

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by Anonymousreply 544August 31, 2022 8:06 PM

it took more than one man to give him the name "Shanghai Lil"

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by Anonymousreply 545August 31, 2022 8:17 PM

Some genius poster is suggesting " Matteo at Blake and Rufus " video, and I 'm ALL for it . Let's make it happen

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by Anonymousreply 546August 31, 2022 9:28 PM

[quote]Just so you know, a french portrait of nobility of that period (even little nobility) , is worth several thousands. if it's an identified family, it's a minimum of 6 000. And this one is in great condition. I think you really underestimate Blake's taste and possessions. he's a man of taste. It might not be the trendy stuff, but it's quality.

Yes, and...? A new sofa, simple and plain as can be, from a maker whose name wouldn't bring great shame and gales of laughter to an interior designer in NYC will cost at least $15,000. New furniture from smart shops and sold only to the trade (your designer) costs a lot. The simplest sidechair will cost much more than Blake's genuine 18thC Queen Anne dining chairs bought at Pook & Pook, a respectable American auction house specializing in 18th and early 19thC American and to a lesser extent --less valuable-- English Georgian furniture. A simple side chair can easily exceed your $6000 figure for the French portrait; an upholstered chair will be twice that figure; a large area rug will start at the cost of 2x or 4x your figure for the portrait, and about the same price for a case piece (chest of drawers, desk, etc.) or a bookcase of any quality bought new. You could easily spend a quarter million on furniture and a couple rugs for that small apartment and it wouldn't look like anything special --and that's setting aside the art budget.

Certain looks in aristo portraits of the 18thC portraits from the UK and France bring certain prices. Your $6000 estimate is pretty close to the broad price brackets I'm familiar with. As you probably know, it's a formula: 17thC? 18thC? 19thC? each date has a different value. Then the subject male? female? male child? female child? military officer? showy clothing? attractive? sullen faced? bright and cheerful? dark and moody? Flowers and fruit and children's toys as accessories? All add to the value. A dark, shadowy smudgy background with no clear props to reflect the sitter's status? Usually detracts from value. Standing portraits and usually higher valued than seated portraits -- unless some good chairs are included in the image, or a lapdog or a hunting dog seated on the ground or floor. Without benefit of an artist to attribute the work to, you can tell where and when a portrait was done and the nature of the sitters' status and was it a cheap painting where they patched the heads onto a template or was it a unique composition -- all this adds up as a sort of check list of credits and debits that gives you a reasonably reliable valuation of its worth.

by Anonymousreply 547September 1, 2022 12:05 AM

^^Smell her!!

by Anonymousreply 548September 1, 2022 12:13 AM

R547, I wonder if you are the Asian partner who works at the auction house who knows antiques? lol so much info in that post

by Anonymousreply 549September 1, 2022 12:59 AM

Nah, I smell miss warwicke, aka the scat troll.

by Anonymousreply 550September 1, 2022 1:00 AM

Art has very little intrinsic value - and the same is true of furnishings. It is only worth as much as people will pay for it, and styles of art go in and out of fashion If you watch either the British or American antique roadshow, you soon find that that exquisite Japanese vase that was worth $50,000 30 years ago, is now only worth $3,000. Or such and such an artist was worth much more 40 years ago than his paintings are worth now. Other items skyrocket in value. Anything to do with fancy dining (china, silver, platters, goblets) is now essentially worthless, because people under the age of 50 don't entertain that way anymore and don't even want those items in their homes. In that way, art is not exactly an investment in the way that holding onto diamonds or stock certificates can be. It's nice that Blake and Rufus collect things that are meaningful for them, but it's all very taste-specific. Up until the past 3 or 4 years, almost anything Chinese was going through the roof in value, because the growing middle and upper classes in China have been clamoring for all of the Chinese wares and artworks that were sold abroad in the past. Now the economy there is slowing rapidly, and some of those Chinese artifacts are declining in value.

When I was young and living in NYC, I was constantly amazed at what people were throwing out on the streets in nice neighborhoods. Beautiful tables, lamps, sofas. It was only much later that I realized that they were constantly redecorating so as to be au courant, and getting rid of last year's fashions.

by Anonymousreply 551September 1, 2022 9:34 AM

R541 I see your point, and I agree with you. Of course Blake is no Carla Bruni-Tedeschi-Sarkozi who will occasionally sell a Leonardo Da Vinci from her family palazzo to have a flow of cash, but Blakey has breen dragged in shit like he's some kind of home depotoir mongrel who farts too high for his own arse, and he's better than that. The portrait is from his own ancestor, it's not like he's some king of dubai mall seller who's ransaked a rue de paradis's antique store not knowing a 17th century silver spoon from a used IUD. He 's no Robert Kime alright, but he's sweet.

by Anonymousreply 552September 1, 2022 11:01 AM

R512: "Blake, on his day off" with a link to CNN

When you click on the link, you get a message reading, in part, "Unprocessable Entity".

Which is correct.

by Anonymousreply 553September 1, 2022 11:07 AM

STFU Rufus, if you don't want him, let me have him

by Anonymousreply 554September 1, 2022 11:10 AM

I am ready for Rufus & Blake: The Musical

by Anonymousreply 555September 1, 2022 11:15 AM

Ben Platt IS Blake, Christina Ricci IS (still) Rufus, Patti Lupone IS Mrs Funston

by Anonymousreply 556September 1, 2022 11:23 AM

R552: "He's no Robert Kime..." made me laugh and a little more favorably disposed to your Blake.

Not R541, but I have been harsh on your Blake because until a week ago I don't imagine he had any idea who Robert Kime is -- because "a bright young man" needs to know some basic things in his line of work, and he seems as light upstairs as the cliché of a trolley dolly.

by Anonymousreply 557September 1, 2022 12:10 PM

R557 did you...say...MY Blake....wow...am ....I ...DATING Blake ?....well...I guess...in a way...wow...

by Anonymousreply 558September 1, 2022 12:20 PM

Rufus needs work done ok his mouth and face. What kind of name is Rufus?

by Anonymousreply 559September 1, 2022 12:34 PM

R559: Latin, meaning “red head.”

Asian Christians have a strange fondness for Western names, sometimes perhaps not fully aware of their broader meanings. I knew two Chinese brothers born in Shanghai in the 1940’s: Barney and Melvin Cheong.

by Anonymousreply 560September 1, 2022 12:49 PM

I've known Asian "Barneys" and "Mabels." They do tend to have a tin ear for such things, but so would I if I were choosing a Chinese name for myself in a cultural vacuum.

by Anonymousreply 561September 1, 2022 12:53 PM

Let's suggest songs for Rufus & Blake: The Musical, R555.

I'll start

Rice Rice Baby

Born in a (Pan Am) Trunk

Ebony & Ivory (Figurines)

by Anonymousreply 562September 1, 2022 5:22 PM

Blake probably doesn't know who his father is, but has convinced himself he comes from French aristocracy. The truth is that his mom had a layover in Little Rock and was charmed by the then current governor of that shithole state around 1980.

He's of Razorback lineage. 😆

by Anonymousreply 563September 1, 2022 10:23 PM

There's even a picture of Blake's dad upthread. He's a HOT daddy!

by Anonymousreply 564September 1, 2022 10:25 PM

Blake is a little chubby hairy woman who's going bald.

by Anonymousreply 565September 1, 2022 10:41 PM


by Anonymousreply 566September 1, 2022 10:42 PM

Where's the lawn jockeys?

by Anonymousreply 567September 1, 2022 10:45 PM

I was expecting netsuke.

I am disappoint!

by Anonymousreply 568September 1, 2022 10:56 PM

His first name is actually Jiaan, R559

by Anonymousreply 569September 1, 2022 11:12 PM

I hate that Sands woman on espn, she shouldn't be allowed to wear that on TV. there are kids watching. I love Mary Joe's watch. it's not easy to find. Rolex with Tiffany blue dial

by Anonymousreply 570September 1, 2022 11:18 PM

Homegirl needs a bigger shirt.

I could get my finger in there!

by Anonymousreply 571September 1, 2022 11:21 PM

They are hidden away in the armoire with the dildos, R567.

by Anonymousreply 572September 1, 2022 11:59 PM

[quote] sometimes, when I walk past showrooms, they have a sign that says "open to the trade only" how can they tell if you're a real interior decorator? they are not licensed.

Interior decorators are not licensed, but interior designers are.

Designers and decorators who are considered "the trade" are generally already known to showroom personnel through previous dealings. Newbies are seldom sent out alone and will usually accompany a designer who is familiar with dealers. If a new team member is sent alone, the showroom will previously have been notified to expect the newbie. Plus, established design firms will already have accounts with showrooms.

Establishments that are open to the trade only will require proof of certification from the designer if your face isn't already your passport. Interior decorators who work for design firms will also have to show proof they are working on behalf of the firm which is licensed. If you're an independent interior decorator, dealers open to the trade only will send you on your way immediately as you are not considered part of "the trade" without substantial convincing. You're just some amateur who wants a discount.

by Anonymousreply 573September 2, 2022 2:46 AM

I have an etiquette question for Blake and Rufus / just this week, I found a very pretty little night light in a antique store, that was surprisingly affordable. The owner, who's an acquaintance, told me she didn't know where it came from in terms of manufacture, but it was french, circa 1920., and not signed, hence the low price. I took it home, unscrewed the electric system, and found a signature underneath. It turns out it's by a renowned french sculptor and worth 6 times what I paid for. Should I return it ? TIA

by Anonymousreply 574September 2, 2022 12:33 PM

R574 No. You made the effort, the dealer didn’t.

by Anonymousreply 575September 2, 2022 3:31 PM

Thanks R575 (are you Blake, or Rufus ?)

by Anonymousreply 576September 2, 2022 4:12 PM

"it's by a renowned french sculptor"

OMG R574, is it by Don O' Tello? I just love his work!

by Anonymousreply 577September 2, 2022 6:23 PM

My mother did some sculpting when she was dating an arms dealer and living in a cave!

by Anonymousreply 578September 2, 2022 6:29 PM

R574: What did you pay for it? If it was $5 and now it's worth $30, I'd probably act more scrupulously than if I'd bought it for a grand and could sell it for $6000.

YSMV - or you might need the $30 - I dunno.

by Anonymousreply 579September 2, 2022 6:33 PM

R579 less than a grand , but way more than $5, I won't say here, but it's a good deal for me

by Anonymousreply 580September 2, 2022 6:37 PM

Her loss R580. If she's in the trade and overlooked this then tough shit for her. Who is the maker of the lamp?

by Anonymousreply 581September 2, 2022 6:39 PM

R581, I don't want to say, but he's one of the founding fathers of the art deco movement, it's a great catch, and I'm very happy. Please, burglars, I 'm a poor man this is all I got, almost, go to Blake abd Rufus's instead. Please

by Anonymousreply 582September 2, 2022 6:43 PM

Oh man....Rembrandt Bugatti?! Or one of the more normal Duchamp brothers? Go on R582, initials will do!!

by Anonymousreply 583September 2, 2022 7:26 PM

R583, not Bugatti, but close

by Anonymousreply 584September 2, 2022 7:31 PM

Roncourt? Duchamp Villon?

by Anonymousreply 585September 2, 2022 7:33 PM

becquerel. FUCK YOU

by Anonymousreply 586September 2, 2022 7:41 PM

Nearly 600 replies later, are we any closer to a consensus? Do these two, in fact, fuck?

by Anonymousreply 587September 2, 2022 7:50 PM

No need to be so tetchy R586! Well done on your find. You should feel under no compulsion to pay your friend more or feel any guilt. That lamp has probably languished unloved for years, it's now with someone who appreciates that style.

by Anonymousreply 588September 2, 2022 7:53 PM

I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU; now everybody knows. and they'll rob me, and kill me. Just like they will Blake and rufus.

by Anonymousreply 589September 2, 2022 8:00 PM

You might get sodomised to death with it by some intruder or trick.

by Anonymousreply 590September 2, 2022 8:02 PM

R587, I will respond to your question (and OP's).

B & R did fuck in about 2018, but it was a Grindr hookup and neither of them remembers it.

In order to do it now, they have to get into some serious role play -

Rufus has to pretend to be a Turkish rug merchant for Blake, who is dressed as a Pan Am stewardess;

Blake has to pretend to be a Russian oligarch with a collection priceless antiques, who is completely unaware of their real value

by Anonymousreply 591September 2, 2022 8:02 PM

R590, yeah , like I should be so lucky

by Anonymousreply 592September 2, 2022 8:03 PM

Nearly 600 responses, Rice Queen and Wufus managed in a week what it often takes DL legends longer to achieve.

by Anonymousreply 593September 2, 2022 8:06 PM

R591 you win this thread

by Anonymousreply 594September 2, 2022 8:08 PM

This is how Blake imagines himself to be. I wish.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 595September 2, 2022 8:46 PM

Reality is, he'll be dumped by Shanghai Lil and end up running a 'Have you found treasure?' stall in Flyoverstan.

by Anonymousreply 596September 2, 2022 8:48 PM

Rufus will hold on to every hair on Blake's ass, at least until Daddy Funston kicks the bucket

by Anonymousreply 597September 2, 2022 8:57 PM

for all we know, step-mama might be 25 yo

by Anonymousreply 598September 2, 2022 8:58 PM

I hope for Blake they signed a prenup

by Anonymousreply 599September 2, 2022 8:59 PM

not very likely

by Anonymousreply 600September 2, 2022 8:59 PM

I could be husband #2, I have a lovely Becquerel night-light that would look divine in the bedroom

by Anonymousreply 601September 2, 2022 9:01 PM

This thread is like a bottom less well, it never fills up

by Anonymousreply 602September 2, 2022 9:01 PM

Almost at 600! Whodathunk it?

Can't believe someone as haughty as Blake would mislabel his venerated mother's former employer as Pan Am "Airlines."

What a prole!

The correct, and grander, name is Pan American World AirWAYS.

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by Anonymousreply 603September 2, 2022 10:03 PM
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