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Battle of the Rachels: Why is Rachel Dolezal unacceptable but Rachel Levine is lauded?

I need someone to explain to me slowly and carefully why is it that Rachel Dolezal identifying as a person of a different race is unacceptable and an outrage but Dr. Rachel Levine identifying as a person of a different sex is celebrated and welcomed.

I have thought a lot about this and I need a rational answer: what is the cultural loop that makes the one case so different from the other? I am not trolling. I'm a person who majored in anthropology and who finds this issue of crucial interest and importance. Thank you.

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by Anonymousreply 128July 12, 2022 3:56 PM

Why are trans celebrated but ex-gays lauded? It’s all about money.

There’s a lot of money to be made of transgenderism. A ton of it. Doctors, pharmaceuticals, pharmacies, doctors, surgeons, mental health workers, the list goes on. You can’t make a lot off money of self-tanners and dreadlocks.

Did ex-gay camps make a lot of money? I don’t recall. I don’t think so.

by Anonymousreply 1July 10, 2022 6:54 PM

Sure, the money trail is important. But how did the ordinary people get to abhor the one and salute the other?

by Anonymousreply 2July 10, 2022 6:58 PM

Money. The powers that be control that shit. Who’s behind the trans movement? Billionaire white gay men, Soros, and that Jennifer Pritzker gentleman.

by Anonymousreply 3July 10, 2022 7:00 PM

R3 is correct.

Some of the billionaire white gay guys might want to be women or they are into trannies. Soros might be a tranny chaser.

Or they might want a cure for homosexuality.

by Anonymousreply 4July 10, 2022 7:03 PM

It wouldn’t surprise me if Peter Theil donated and made money off the trans movement. He is an asshole.

by Anonymousreply 5July 10, 2022 7:03 PM

Rachel Dolezal.

FINALLY, they've found the perfect role for Julia Roberts.

by Anonymousreply 6July 10, 2022 7:05 PM

[quote]Or they might want a cure for homosexuality.

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but this is the goal. Fewer homosexuals. The first sex-change unit in Germany was run by a gay man aiming to cure homosexuality. He would transplant the testicles of heterosexual men onto homosexual men. Of course, that never worked, but do you really believe that gay men aren’t awful and nefarious to each other?

by Anonymousreply 7July 10, 2022 7:06 PM

This is actually a really good question. I’ve wondered this myself. Both scenarios are equally ridiculous.

But the best answer I can come up with is that within cultures, everything evolves in very specific ways. Why is it that it’s okay for a comedian to imitate a Russian or Mexican accent, but imitating a Chinese accent is a huge no no? Is it because the Chinese are perceived to be bigger victims than Russians or Mexicans?

Why is it that a white person claiming to be black or Asian is offensive because a white person doesn’t understand their struggles, but it’s okay to be “trans,” even though a man has no idea what it’s like to be woman?

by Anonymousreply 8July 10, 2022 7:08 PM

I’ve always wondered why a large number of trans go into the military. Not that I care, but I’ve always found the connection to be interesting.

The trans people I know are HIGHLY intelligent, and work in IT or generally, STEM.

Several of them served in the military.

Anyhow, OP. This argument goes as follows:

You can go and get reassignment surgery for the outward appearance of your genitalia, no matter what sex you are,

BUT… you cannot change the color of your skin, no matter what sex you are.

I’m the final analysis, both of these people desire to identify as people they were not at birth.

Your question hasn’t easy answers. This is very complex in SOME aspects, when one considers those who have genuine dysphoria which was resistant to pharmaceutical interventions/treatments.

I may not agree with some aspects of this whole trans thing, but in the bottom line, I’m not going to discriminate against people who choose this for themselves, and I’m not going to rail against them 24/7.

These people are human beings just as you and I are, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

It’s really simple. You nor I may be on board 100%, but why shit on them just because we don’t understand?

That’s not OK

by Anonymousreply 9July 10, 2022 7:15 PM

Comparing the lives of Rachel Dolezal and Rachel Levine would make a great play or movie.

by Anonymousreply 10July 10, 2022 7:18 PM

Race is a sociological construct that depends on the race or races of your parents. It is not generally understood to reflect choice. If you are from a mixed background, you have some choice: You can identify as either mixed, or as one of the races of your parents or perhaps grandparents. However, you cannot choice to adopt a race that you are not biologically connected to. That’s just posing.

Gender is now understood to reflect external characteristics that can be objectively observed AND internal characteristics that cannot. The best judge of those internal characteristics is the person experiencing them. So we defer to the individual’s sense of self. Is it possible that some people claiming to be trans or nonbinary are deluded or posing? Sure. But that doesn’t mean we can impose some external test on everyone.

by Anonymousreply 11July 10, 2022 7:18 PM

R8 you might be onto something here with the victimhood idea. People of color are seen as bigger victims than women - although that's hardly the case, especially outside the US cultural landscape.

Someone wrote here a few days ago that a woman - was it Bette Davis? - had made the controversial statement that women have historically suffered more than black people. The fact that this statement was met with an outrage shows just how insular US culture is. Women came to the new continent from wealthy European countries already pretty socially elevated, skipping the centuries of "barefoot and pregnant", while black slaves did suffer a terrible fate.

Maybe that "Rachel" phenomenon is a purely American thing, based on the local history, but now it's getting spread all over the world.

by Anonymousreply 12July 10, 2022 7:20 PM

They can't explain it to you, OP, because their claims fall apart under scrutiny. R11 tried, but he is basically asserting the existence of a "gendered soul" which cannot be proven. He's simultaneously using sex to back up the concept of gender and claim that makes it more real than someone claiming to be the opposite race, but if you take that tactic it means that their preferred gender actually OVERRIDES their sex, which makes no more sense than someone claiming to be the same race.

Seriously, think about it - their outer/biological race isn't reflective of their inner self, so they claim they are in fact the inner race, not the outer one. This is no different whatsoever than a trans person claiming their outer/biological sex is not reflective of their biological sex.

So instead of arguing the difference, R11 is, in fact, confirming there IS no difference. The studies trying to prove there is a "trans brain" have been debunked, and the only differences shown are when a trans person has been taking opposite sex hormones for awhile, but that still does not make them the opposite sex.

And it also doesn't cover the fact that many claim to be biologically the opposite sex, not just opposite gender, when they clearly are not.

by Anonymousreply 13July 10, 2022 7:25 PM

No one would have chosen to be gay when gays were widely persecuted (and that remains true in many parts of the world). It's a biological imperative that overrides logic and desire.

Likewise, no one really wants to be persecuted for being trans and put up with people like the transphobes here. There are pretty hot guys who desperately want to be... conventionally unattractive women and vice versa.

The same people claiming that trans people are somehow privileged are the ones who say/said the same things about ethnic and sexual minorities. By their company, you know them. In some cases it's strategic (Republicans) while others it's just a way to look down on another group.

by Anonymousreply 14July 10, 2022 7:27 PM

I think the trans thing took off because there was a long period of time where activists, academics and the media were laying a foundation for it.

The public was primed to accept it.

However, this foundation is obviously weakening and eventually will collapse. There is too much of a gap between the way that transgenders were sold to the public and what they are like in real life. Traditional media is not powerful enough anymore to control the narrative.

by Anonymousreply 15July 10, 2022 7:28 PM

R13 should be "This is no different than a trans person claiming their inner gender feelings, is not reflective of their biological sex."

Trans have said their mental gender feelings override their biological sex.

Trans racials have said their mental race feelings override their biological race.

by Anonymousreply 16July 10, 2022 7:30 PM

Yea really, why can't Dolezal be trans black, like Michael Jackson's daughter.

by Anonymousreply 17July 10, 2022 7:33 PM

The Transracial movement isn’t accepted because MEN would be affected.

by Anonymousreply 18July 10, 2022 7:34 PM


Nkeche Amare Diallo, Nigerian QUEEN.

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by Anonymousreply 19July 10, 2022 7:34 PM

R15 they didn't so much lay a foundation as they laid a tactic. That tactic was "no debate". If you questioned anything they said or claimed, you are labeled transphobic, or anti-trans. No questions were permitted, and even questioning this would cause trans people to kill themselves. If you question any of their claims, you are indirectly or directly responsible for deaths of trans people. And since words are violence, you are committing violence on trans people by asking such things.

That tactic has been overused to the point that it has weakened itself. Sociopaths, narcissists, and other mentally disturbed people have flocked to the moment and used it to gain power over others. Due to their own no-debate tactic they could not even question this from within their own ranks.

The only way they handle it is to claim that anyone who makes trans folx look bad is in fact NOT a trans person. But this makes no sense because they claim a trans person is trans as soon as they claim they are.

It all falls apart under the slightest scrutiny.

by Anonymousreply 20July 10, 2022 7:34 PM

I agree, R20. The no-debate tactic has also allowed conservatives to gain power by allowing discussion on their shows and taking common sense positions.

by Anonymousreply 21July 10, 2022 7:37 PM

What about Rachel X 2?

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by Anonymousreply 22July 10, 2022 7:39 PM

R14 has no argument other than ad hominem attacks. The "no debate" strategy in action.

His one claim, that trans people are like gays in that "no one would have chosen to be gay, nor would they have chosen to be trans" because some people don't like trans people, does not stand up to scrutiny, given the CLEAR POWER of the trans movement.

Even recently, with the trans movement stranglehold weakening, Bette Midler and Macy Gray were relentlessly attacked to the point that Macy finally gave in and apologized. Bette explained her position, but didn't apologize, as far as I know, but has been subjected to a deluge of hate the likes she's never seen in her lifetime. THAT is power. Gay people do not have the same power, and never have.

Of course that power is going to encourage people to identity as trans.

Especially in the modern era, where mental disabilities become social clout and power, trans is the same thing except has a lot more power and organizations behind it. Gay doesn't give you that social clout, but "queer" and nonbinary (also trans) do. Trans has that power.

by Anonymousreply 23July 10, 2022 7:41 PM

R21 interestingly, trans women predominately vote conservative, if you filter out nonbinaries, who are part of the trans umbrella. That is because a great number of trans women are autogynephiles, which means they get sexual stimulation from dressing up as and being percieved as a woman. Same as transvestites of old, but with the new stipulation is that the rest of us are now forced to be involved in their paraphilia, or face social annihilation.

by Anonymousreply 24July 10, 2022 7:44 PM

Undoubtedly, trans people are the power group of the moment. Somehow, they have become the cause célèbre of every politician and advocate group in the Western world. How long this will last, I don't know. But tho claim they are powerless is to keep living 20 years ago. The landscape has changed significantly.

by Anonymousreply 25July 10, 2022 7:45 PM

Soros is actually a Jewish Holocaust survivor rather than someone who benefitted from being a "white male", but anyway. The only reason his foundations ever supported trans was because that was the latest progressive thing - just as the Democrats and other left (and sometimes right) parties in democratic countries support the trans. Someone has definitely been pushing an agenda with the trans (see especially in universities, taking over gay organisations, etc.), but it's not Soros and Pritzker has never done anything that isn't public knowledge. The answer lies more within the "LGBT community" itself.

"The first sex-change unit in Germany was run by a gay man aiming to cure homosexuality." - This isn't true, r7. Magnus Hirschfeld, who established the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, was a gay rights activist. He didn't try to "cure" homosexuality, but worked to decriminalise and destigmatise it. There was one individual (Richard Mühsam) who worked at Hirschfeld's Institute briefly who did what you describe, but that wasn't what Hirschfeld was doing. Hirschfeld did perform (unsuccessful) sex-change operations on individuals who hated being their sex. The problem is that the trans cult have "rediscovered" Hirschfeld and his Institut and are making up complete lies, saying that he was a "trans rights activist". They are using the fact that his Institute was attacked by the Nazis and his books were burnt by the Nazis to say that the trans were the first victims of the Nazis. But, they're basically rewriting history, in the same way that they've tried to rewrite the history of Stonewall and Pride with Marsha and Sylvia.

by Anonymousreply 26July 10, 2022 7:46 PM

R13 is a freeper troll, as is OP

Everyone knows Rachel Levine is trans. That's not the same thing as pretending to be black and lying to everyone.

You know you're a freeper when you're attacking Rachel Levine. She's a favorite target of the right and Pennsyltucky trash who hate the entire LGBT community

by Anonymousreply 27July 10, 2022 7:46 PM

R25, must be why the red states are busy passing laws to discriminate against them. Because they have so much power

Louisiana passed a law banning trans athletes from playing on girls sports teams even though Louisiana has a grand total of zero trans athletes on a girls' sports team

by Anonymousreply 28July 10, 2022 7:47 PM

Note how r27 just uses ad hominem attacks, invented out of thin air, because he is trying to apply the "no debate" strategy. It no longer has the impact it once did.

by Anonymousreply 29July 10, 2022 7:48 PM

Yes, all politicians LOVE trans people 😆 🤣 😂

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by Anonymousreply 30July 10, 2022 7:49 PM

Race has no biological basis (i.e. there is not "black" gene), while sex does (XY vs. XX)

It's insane that Dolezal is treated like shit while people like Levine are lauded.

The world has gone insane.

by Anonymousreply 31July 10, 2022 7:49 PM

R28 The right wing has latched onto the trans debate - specifically the part where trans people are infringing upon womens' rights, and where trans gender theory is being introduced to children as young as five in schools, because the Democrats have been for all of that.

It doesn't mean they are wrong.

And yes, the trans movement has incredible power. You're blind or a fool to not see it, because it plays out daily on social media, as well as in corporations everywhere.

by Anonymousreply 32July 10, 2022 7:51 PM

I'm a Bulgarian leftist scientist, R27. I frankly don't know what a "freeper" is but I can assure you that I have nothing to do with American conservatism and have never even been to the country. I am merely trying to start an intelligent and fact-based discussion on the topic - something you're decidedly not contributing to.

by Anonymousreply 33July 10, 2022 7:52 PM

R31 Race has a biological basis, but it's not as clearly defined as sex is. It's easily proven by looking at race-specific diseases and conditions.

by Anonymousreply 34July 10, 2022 7:52 PM

Uh, actually genetic mutations absolutely have everything to do with race due to evolutionary specifics, while XX and XY are chromosomes, not genes.

by Anonymousreply 35July 10, 2022 7:55 PM

Race is just a means of categorization of geographic origins. There is no inherent “feelings” or “ways of thinking” associated with it. Leaving aside the many real complications of being a minority in a particular place, your race does not affect how you interact with your family or peers or potential romantic partners. No one has noted significant variations among the races in how they experience life when they are among others of their race. (Again, there are real social effects of being a minority in a multicultural environment, but that’s a separate topic).

Biologically speaking, racial differences are incredibly superficial variations in appearance and nothing more. It makes no sense for a person of European “race” to say they “feel” African or Asian.

I am not schooled in gender differences but I accept that there are real, measurable differences in the brains of men and women. They do not react to the world in the same ways. They experience emotions differently.

Therefore, it makes sense to me that a person identified as one sex at birth may have brain chemistry or structure that makes them feel (for lack of a better word) different .

by Anonymousreply 36July 10, 2022 7:56 PM

R36 the differences in, say, communication between people of a certain race or the social behaviour of people of a certain sex are mainly cultural.

Yes, they exist, these differences. But there is no proof that they, with the exception of procreation-related ones, are based in biology. There are, however, thousands of studies proving that these patterns of behaviour are cultural constructs.

Weirdly, the notion that gender (not sex) is a cultural construct and a social, not inherently biological entity has become ANATHEMA to trans rights activists. Why? You would think the idea that gender is something changeable, malleable, to be played with, would be welcome and liberating (that's how I see it).

by Anonymousreply 37July 10, 2022 8:03 PM

How did everday citizens come to believe that there is an "epidemic" of murder of trans people?

by Anonymousreply 38July 10, 2022 8:28 PM

[quote]How did everday citizens come to believe that there is an "epidemic" of murder of trans people?

Because of people in power who post shit like this:

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by Anonymousreply 39July 10, 2022 8:41 PM

And This:

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by Anonymousreply 40July 10, 2022 8:44 PM

R39, Jesus fucking Christ, can Kamala and Liz do math? 13 trans people getting killed by the third quarter of the year is NOT an epidemic.

by Anonymousreply 41July 10, 2022 8:46 PM

[quote]Jesus fucking Christ, can Kamala and Liz do math?

Of course they can. They’re pandering to Democratic voters they think are stupid.

by Anonymousreply 42July 10, 2022 8:51 PM

Of course, the real problem are psychopathic men who get off on murdering prostitutes but when has this problem ever been addressed?

by Anonymousreply 43July 10, 2022 8:54 PM

Has the TV chef exploded from eating her own homemade dog food?

by Anonymousreply 44July 10, 2022 8:56 PM

Who is the TV chef, R44?

by Anonymousreply 45July 10, 2022 8:58 PM

The morbidly obese Rachael Ray

by Anonymousreply 46July 10, 2022 9:03 PM

Race definitely has a biological component, i.e. bone structure, genetic similarity, etc.

by Anonymousreply 47July 10, 2022 9:09 PM

Blacks are obviously genetically adapted to the African climate with their dark skin.

by Anonymousreply 48July 10, 2022 9:11 PM

Yes, but skin color and bone structure are very superficial differences. The genomes of the various populations are 99.9% identical.

by Anonymousreply 49July 10, 2022 9:22 PM

Oooh, a circle jerk between crazed DL racists and even crazier DLs trans obsessives.

What more of a train wreck could anyone ask for?

by Anonymousreply 50July 10, 2022 9:26 PM

R33, liberals don't call themselves leftists.

Nice try

by Anonymousreply 51July 10, 2022 9:26 PM

R41, Republicans like you think a handful of kids going to drag queen shows is an epidemic. Republicans suck at math

by Anonymousreply 52July 10, 2022 9:27 PM

R51, outside of the United States we do. We even call ourselves Socialists. It's nice to expand your horizons. Try it.

by Anonymousreply 53July 10, 2022 9:38 PM

Why are radical feminist such virulent haters of bloody everything... even lesbian sexuality. Seriously, you ever get one started on dykes that enjoy more than scissoring... it's funny how many of them claim to be lesbian voices - although lesbians by their definition seems more akin to asexual, hate bisexuals and yet most of the top names gone off to marry men. Go figure.

At least the sex positive lot made a point of not trying to claim the thorny crown of lesbian oppression.. not that they were ashamed of it, on the contrary, but they understand the it's as wide an umbrella as trans has become. . . with ever shifting politics, alliances and allegiances.

It's odd how obsessed on trans they've been even before there was a significant number.

Or I suppose not really odd at all since they used the same rhetoric against gay men, even going as far to express outrage at the overturning of anti-sodomy laws.

Most of that lot doesn't hate trans... they just hate men. They especially hate gay men. It's a twisted bit where they claim the very same ideology they protest against. Their only problem with it, their schtick has gotten a reboot by trans+++

and then the right sided fringe... which are more obvious about it because their history has been stripped away, santiized, and hidden in plain sight... they don't get the soft treatment from former allies .

And the, the plethora of people that find themselves caught in the crossfire. . . forced to find a tribe because even among other women, females, there's only safety in numbers... or packs of viciious animals shredding the weak that dare question the orthodoxy

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by Anonymousreply 54July 10, 2022 9:39 PM

^hasn't been....

by Anonymousreply 55July 10, 2022 9:41 PM

could you imagine hating a group for 62 years?

That even with new data, not a single opinion evolves....

because they only look for their own biases to be confirmed.

Such crybullies when pointed out as the supremacists they are... they proceed to faint upon their chaise lounges and call out for a man to come protect them. Hence, why so many are here.

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by Anonymousreply 56July 10, 2022 9:45 PM

What are you babbling about, R54? This is a thread that discusses a specific question in a civilized manner. Why are you whipping yourself into a frenzy over imagined slights and starting a battle with the ghosts of your enemies? This is not the place for that.

by Anonymousreply 57July 10, 2022 9:45 PM

Rachel D is awesome. She is an artist, takes commissions and sells her own artwork.

by Anonymousreply 58July 10, 2022 9:46 PM

when they're not campaigning for lgb to leave the t, they're setting up petitions for L to leave the gbt.

But if this is the hill you choose to die on.. then I suppose the rest of your values don't matter.

Which is why so many have become magats.

by Anonymousreply 59July 10, 2022 9:46 PM

r57 Oh, really? I thought we all were talking to ourselves. It did rather read like a bunch of lasses farting on elevator and asking if anyone smelled it... and blaming it on the butchest one.

by Anonymousreply 60July 10, 2022 9:47 PM

[quote]when they're not campaigning for lgb to leave the t, they're setting up petitions for L to leave the gbt.

You’re confused. Everyone is campaigning for T to leave everyone else alone and never come back.

by Anonymousreply 61July 10, 2022 9:48 PM

Why is it acceptable for females to invade male spaces but women can do anything... can't handle an ugly broad in the next stall.

You know after

r61 No, I am not. You're misinformed. You can find evidence upon many petition sites going back years from many different rad fem organizations. Even including a couple members of the LGB allliance.

by Anonymousreply 62July 10, 2022 9:50 PM

^ you know after Obama passed that bill that not even trannies wanted... the back last led to mostly females being targeted as trans in the womens bathrooms... they really should have femmed it up a bit, I suppose.

by Anonymousreply 63July 10, 2022 9:52 PM

Alright, the trans loon troll has arrived. Ignore it, it can talk to itself.

by Anonymousreply 64July 10, 2022 9:52 PM

though rad fems, in particular, political lesbians wanted lesbians to remain separate as they saw the gay liberation front as the worst of the worst when it came to the patriarchy.

by Anonymousreply 65July 10, 2022 9:53 PM

r64 very well, that will make it much easier.. becuse I'd be more apt to post a few hundred vids... unless omeone can redirect me to their favorite DL gay porn thread.

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by Anonymousreply 66July 10, 2022 9:55 PM

In addition to the fact that Hillary sucked, Obama’s embrace of all things Tranny-bathroom in 2015, while ignoring and refusing to say Muslim terrorism…led to Trump’s election.

Ignore it at your own peril.

by Anonymousreply 67July 10, 2022 9:56 PM

R54 Facts. They hate men and reinforce all the gender essentialist crap they claim they are against. They never focus on trans men and it's always on about trans women who they see as men in skirts trying to prey on women. They also claim porn and prostitution is evil. They hate sex in general and consider all of it rape. They are homophobic and argue gay men don't have any legitimate oppression and by being attracted to men, they are deserving of the homophobia they receive. I don't understand what makes someone on transsexual but as a gay man I understand being hated for what I am and having to learn to accept myself. The anti-trans movement is toxic and useless and not going to help gays or women in any way. Especially since they are getting in bed with the far-right. People on this site are really happy Rethugs are trying to restrict puberty blockers and passing laws against trans people but ignore many of those laws are also targeting gays and lesbians too. They don't see us differently. Just like they don't see racial minorities are distinctive either. So division is counterproductive to getting the equal rights we want.

by Anonymousreply 68July 10, 2022 9:58 PM

[quote]Battle of the Rachels

Just wait a fucking minute here!

by Anonymousreply 69July 10, 2022 9:59 PM

from change.org [quote] We represent Lesbians who demand that the petitioned drop the L from their organisation names, and drop the L when reporting about any LGBT issues not directly related to lesbians since they do not represent our interests. The petitioned did not heed a petition to drop the T, leaving us with no choice but to remove the L from the LGBT.

and from the unchanging:

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by Anonymousreply 70July 10, 2022 10:02 PM
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by Anonymousreply 71July 10, 2022 10:03 PM

Please stop before you all embarrass yourselves. There’s only one “Rachel”

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by Anonymousreply 72July 10, 2022 10:05 PM

anti-trans idol

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by Anonymousreply 73July 10, 2022 10:07 PM
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by Anonymousreply 74July 10, 2022 10:07 PM

Anything that gets you a platform, eh?

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by Anonymousreply 75July 10, 2022 10:09 PM

The trans loon's rage against feminists, lesbians and women in general is very indicative of two things:

1. The trans hate women

2. The trans are VERY ANGRY people

Also, it's attempt to drown a perfectly peaceful and intelligent thread during primetime with its videos and inane ramblings show you all how the Trans debate - with bullying, drowning dissenting voices with their screeches and spam, and outhright lying, twisting the truth, fallacies and unbridled misogyny and anti-intellectualism.

You're digging your own graves,trans. YOU are making people hate you with your behavior. You sure turned ME from an ally into a full-blown TERF.

by Anonymousreply 76July 10, 2022 10:09 PM

from the rightwing heritage foundation

that has employed similar tactics to target lgb rights.

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by Anonymousreply 77July 10, 2022 10:12 PM

r76 I'm not trans at all.

But keep brigading...

keep accusing everyone of being a trans loon especially after you said you'd ignore them.

But you just desperately crave that attention, that platform. so enraged... can't even follow their own advice.

by Anonymousreply 78July 10, 2022 10:15 PM

I get it. You can't handle other views.

That's why you seek out people that share your own... and if they're on the right or even far right, then so be it...

you're one of the rare single issue voters.

You're willling to dismiss and sacrifice what mainstream feminism is afraid of because now you're afraid to even use your own bathroom and haven't showered inyears because what if you find a tranny in there!

Egad, look there it is.

Wait, no, that's just your reflection.

by Anonymousreply 79July 10, 2022 10:19 PM

Democrats went ALL IN in 2015 on supporting Tranny-bathroom bills. And now in 2022, Roe v Wade is gone. See how that works??

Democratic politicians DON’T CARE about issues that affect REAL WOMEN.

by Anonymousreply 80July 10, 2022 10:21 PM

Girls, girls, girls, girls,,

Why won't anyone think of the children and save them from this perversion?

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by Anonymousreply 81July 10, 2022 10:21 PM

Trans rights are being built up. Women's rights are being eroded. Is there a correlation there?

by Anonymousreply 82July 10, 2022 10:22 PM

r80 So, you're going all in with the republicans... like those on scotus because democrats don't care about real women...

can you explain that to me again?

by Anonymousreply 83July 10, 2022 10:22 PM

r82 what rights are being eroded?

if you'd prefer a gender segregated society, try advocating for that...

but it's far more difficult to be for something

than against,

isn't it?

by Anonymousreply 84July 10, 2022 10:24 PM

[quote][R80] So, you're going all in with the republicans... like those on scotus because democrats don't care about real women... can you explain that to me again?

Yes. Democrats control both houses of Congress and the Presidency, and Roe v Wade was taken away under their “leadership”. And we have the fucking Vice President ignoring it while talking about how there’s a “crisis” of Black Tranny Murders. Democrats don’t care about REAL women.

by Anonymousreply 85July 10, 2022 10:26 PM

You. Make. No. Sense, R84, etc. None. Zero. The only thing that's heard from your ramblings is the talking points: "Republicans... Radfems... Elections... Videos... Enemies...."

Just take the medications you so desperately need.

by Anonymousreply 86July 10, 2022 10:27 PM

r85 You've got to be a troll... I mean, that's just too spot on even down to racism.

Though I could believe if you were actually this nuts.

by Anonymousreply 87July 10, 2022 10:28 PM

white women relax, you're safe, OJ had a birthday and Adele is picking up the rest of the slack.

ain't no black trannies going to come get you.

by Anonymousreply 88July 10, 2022 10:29 PM

Yet you are still here, R88

by Anonymousreply 89July 10, 2022 10:31 PM

r89 Nah, I'm the one you'd suspect of being a terrorist but only on religious holidays or you're convinced I've been eyefucking the back of your uncovered hair in line... and I must be one of them. And trying to make you into my second, third, fourth wife.. which causes you to scream "NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER" like a lunatic but to no available. . . you've already lost, you've submitted, and you follow me out the door... only to be pissed off when I get in my uber without you.

by Anonymousreply 90July 10, 2022 10:40 PM

Mental illness is so sad.

by Anonymousreply 91July 10, 2022 10:46 PM

I prefer Rachel Dratch.

by Anonymousreply 92July 10, 2022 10:59 PM

I avoid the whole trans conversation for the most part. I don't understand it at all to be honest but they've never done anything to harm me personally. Setting that aside I always thought there was something very nasty and mob like the way the media shredded Dolezal to bits. What she did was wrong but it was so icky watching the same press corps who slobber over war mongering assholes act like she was evil incarnate. It just seems there's a social environment where mistakes made for complex reasons by nobodies are deemed pure wickedness while rich people who destroy countries and economies are always given second chances and a benefit of a doubt.

by Anonymousreply 93July 10, 2022 11:04 PM

You’re almost entirely correct, R26, he was a “pioneer”, which I don’t agree with or get. I think his resurgence has a lot to do with the trans stuff, absolutely.

I don’t know if he operated on gay men but he referred gay men to this Nazi treatment and destroyed them, more or less. He also collected testicles, probably from gay men to study.

He’s a monster in my view. No different than Mengele.

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by Anonymousreply 94July 10, 2022 11:06 PM

[quote]Of course, the real problem are psychopathic men who get off on murdering prostitutes but when has this problem ever been addressed?

It was addressed in 1910 when prostitution was outlawed nationwide. The black trannies who choose to break the law and get killed in the process… do so at their own risk.

by Anonymousreply 95July 10, 2022 11:06 PM

This thread shows how trans rights activists shut down debate, which is to enforce an ethos of non debate. Fill the thread with accusations of right-wingery, which is insane, given that most feminists pushing back against gender ideology are themselves left-wing. And accuse feminists of being closet Heritage Fundies, also facetious, because mainstream outlets like CNN and MSNBC won’t give the debate a platform.

Deny: “what women's rights are being eroded?” Seriously?

Deflect: some lesbian a century ago wanted the L out of LGBT.

Then top it off with unintelligible nonsense. r84 r88 r90 for ex.

Transgenderist ideologues must be getting desperate. They won’t debate, because they can’t. However, the tide is turning. The dominoes are beginning to fall. TRAs are panicking. Which is very welcome indeed.

by Anonymousreply 96July 10, 2022 11:10 PM

That's a bit victim blamey, R95. At least it puts the onus of stopping this type of crime entirely on the potential victims.

by Anonymousreply 97July 10, 2022 11:11 PM

People hate women more than they hate blacks.

by Anonymousreply 98July 10, 2022 11:15 PM

They really can't, R96, that much is painfully obvious. But is the tide really turning? I wish I could be as optimistic as you are but, apart from myself, I don't see many people clued in to the true mess of trans politics today.

The well-meaning liberals just support them without questioning anything. Conservatives generally oppose them mainly due to general hatred of LGBTQ...

I wish more people like us saw the actual problems in trans politics and addressed them. Because the outcomes of this unprecedented trans offensive I see at the moment are not pretty at all.

by Anonymousreply 99July 10, 2022 11:17 PM

[quote]That's a bit victim blamey, [R95]. At least it puts the onus of stopping this type of crime entirely on the potential victims.

Yes. The black trannies could consider getting a real job and not breaking the law, you know… like a real woman would. Of course, everyone knows they’re really black men, who are genetically predisposed to breaking the law. And black men have the lowest life expectancy of any group in America, so it’s not surprising that black trannies, WHO ARE REALLY BLACK MEN, also die at young ages primarily due to their embrace of criminal behavior.

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by Anonymousreply 100July 10, 2022 11:23 PM

Note everyone, the trans loon troll uses anti-feminism as a dividing tactic and will spam the shit out of any thread it latches onto. So the random rants about feminism being the root of all evils that started at r54 and continues on endlessly.

It is a trans activist and is here for one purpose, to derail the conversation and try to change the subject. That is it. This is just one of a handful of different tactics it uses. Of course it has the side "benefit" of making random lesbians who visit the DL think that the DL hates women, because the poster is so prolific.

Just punch and delete, or pick the first post and F&F it to oblivion so it can't post for awhile. It is relentless and will be here until this thread dies, and by that point 30% of the thread will be its posts.

by Anonymousreply 101July 10, 2022 11:31 PM

Misogyny and homophobia are at the heart of the trans movement, and r54 is invoking both to try to turn us against each other, or at the very least, disrupt the thread.

by Anonymousreply 102July 10, 2022 11:32 PM

R76 is correct, add what I said above to his post.

by Anonymousreply 103July 10, 2022 11:35 PM

Okay, R100, racism is not OK and not welcome on this thread.

by Anonymousreply 104July 10, 2022 11:36 PM

[quote]Okay, [R100], racism is not OK and not welcome on this thread.

Stating that black men have the shortest life expectancy of any group in America… is a FACT and not “racism”. Try again.

by Anonymousreply 105July 10, 2022 11:38 PM

"race" is not real. It is a construct that acts like a proxy for many things but essentially it is made up bullshit.

Gender is quite similar--made up construct about ways of being, acting and supposedly "feeling" tacked on to someone's biology. It's also mostly made up bullshit, but essentially trained and reinforced from before we are born (when parents start picking names, decorating the nursery and buying clothing and toys) so it becomes "real" acting it out. Similar to race in that it becomes "real" when people keep to stereotypes or reinforce them, or even when they choose to call themselves by something that doesn't really exist.

Biological sex is a fact, and people should just learn to live with that. Dress and act differently all you want.

Freedom of speech and thought is a legal and social right. I don't have to partake in your illusions about yourself and neither you do mine.

by Anonymousreply 106July 10, 2022 11:42 PM

It was not that statement I was referring to, R105. Let's not get into this. It's a whole other debate for a whole other thread. Let's not derail this one, it's important to try and have a rational discussion about trans politics and culture.

by Anonymousreply 107July 10, 2022 11:42 PM

They’re both totally equal…equally mentally ill.

by Anonymousreply 108July 10, 2022 11:44 PM

R99 the pushback is coming because the trans activists went after the children.

Setting aside the suspiciously large numbers of trans women who have been charged with pedophilia (link for examples just within the UK alone!), the fact that the trans activists decided that there were such a thing as "trans children" and essentially saying that the type of toys you play with and interests you have make you a girl or a boy and not your sex, and flooding the schools and teachers' organizations with gender identity dogma, they went too far.

People may not have cared as much about womens' rights being infringed, they may not have cared about gay men and women being told they are actually the opposite sex because they like their same sex, but they do seem to care and notice the high numbers of people claiming they are trans and the social contagion effect that seems to be happening, especially in girls' schools.

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by Anonymousreply 109July 10, 2022 11:45 PM

The statistics at R109 are very sobering.

by Anonymousreply 110July 11, 2022 12:14 AM

Forget those two. I wanna see Maddow vs. Ray.

by Anonymousreply 111July 11, 2022 12:17 AM

Your question is a good one, Alexander from Bulgaria, because it puts a spin on the usual question, which is: if a white person pretending to be black is unacceptable, then why isn’t a man pretending to be a female also unacceptable?

The answer is that they are not the same thing. Dolezal pretended to be black. Her offense of appropriating black identity was compounded by lying about it. Rachael Levine is not pretending to be a woman but rather is proudly identifying as *transgender*, with the implied decades of misery and fear involved in being dysphoric and wishing he had been born female. Therefore he reaps the social benefits in our enlightened era afforded those who have actually been oppressed. That's why he is lauded.

Side note: Given that he transitioned in 2011 (born 1957 according to Wikipedia), after decades of successfully pursuing a career in pediatrics/public health as an American male, the degree of actual oppression Levine suffered is questionable.

Plus, for the vast majority of adult FtM trans, pretense is out of the question, because they went through male puberty. They can’t pass. Nor do the vast majority actually want to BE women, because they don’t want to physically be emasculated.

If Levine is pretending anything, it is pretending to have been oppressed—and guilty also of appropriating the historical oppression, fear and misery experienced by gays and lesbians, because of the supposed association between LGB and trans in the general public's eyes.

by Anonymousreply 112July 11, 2022 12:21 AM

[quote]Rachael Levine is not pretending to be a woman

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by Anonymousreply 113July 11, 2022 12:36 AM

R112 what about the trannies who get murdered because they pretend to be women? Are they worthy of scorn too? The public sure doesn't treat them the way it treated Dolezal.

by Anonymousreply 114July 11, 2022 12:42 AM

Because one is Jewish.

Thread closed.

by Anonymousreply 115July 11, 2022 12:47 AM

Oprah at r133 does this look like someone pretending to be a woman?

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by Anonymousreply 116July 11, 2022 2:09 AM

^^^ r113 not 133

by Anonymousreply 117July 11, 2022 2:10 AM

Um... yes? Unsuccessfully but yes, lol

by Anonymousreply 118July 11, 2022 2:11 AM


by Anonymousreply 119July 11, 2022 2:17 AM

[quote] Why is it that a white person claiming to be black or Asian is offensive because a white person doesn’t understand their struggles, but it’s okay to be “trans,” even though a man has no idea what it’s like to be woman?

r8 Simple. One does include & affect men and the other does not. White frauds claiming to be black (grifting from the fake oppression narratives with their fake identity) also hurt and negatively affect black men (same goes for Asian, etc.). Therefore white imposters cannot get away with it.

Trans cult extremely benefits men. Male whites (overwhelmingly), incels, misogynists, homophobes, men's rights activists, etc. Also benefitting non-white men with such characteristics. It also makes it super easy to put women in their place, at the bottom. & producing much more mentally ill, easily manipulated female doormats and unhealthy, mutilated women.

Now, you can freely attack, threaten, blackmail, lynchmob, witch-hunt the resisting (not the right kind, politically incorrect, etc) women and get widely and wildly celebrated for it, all in the name of being on the right side of history, defending human rights, oppressed minorities, progress, etc.

by Anonymousreply 120July 11, 2022 5:42 AM

R120 is absolutely spot on!! I fear that, astoundingly, it will be the trans who will plunge us into the Handmaid's Tale - not the Trumps. (Although they will probably help.)

by Anonymousreply 121July 11, 2022 7:40 AM

Dolezal is harmless

by Anonymousreply 122July 11, 2022 3:39 PM

Why is it that it's always the people who are neither black, nor trans, who are the most rabid and vocal supporters of these two causes? THAT is something I have never been able to understand.

by Anonymousreply 123July 11, 2022 5:24 PM

R122 I really have no issue with it either.

R123 they are rewarded for their participation in displaying public virtue. They are also misogynists, and save their most bile to attack women, because the crowd gives them an excuse to treat them as they actually see them, which is to say, sub-human. They relish it and get off on it. Then their peers flatter them and praise them for it. It's a twisted, sick system.

I also think some have truly been swept up in the gender religion. Since less people are religious nowadays because it became unpopular, they have substituted those eternal desires for belonging by becoming members of the cult, spreading its doctrine far and wide, getting pleasure from "educating" people and relishing the chance to take out their suppressed hatred and be as nasty as possible, all the while getting social clout from their peers.

by Anonymousreply 124July 11, 2022 10:05 PM

My personal belief is that gender dysphoria is the result of early in life enforcement of stereotypes. People like figure skater Johnny Weir have been asked why they don’t transition; and he doesn’t because liking what he likes doesn’t stop him from liking his body. Removing body parts and replacing them with synthetic parts might be part of the pursuit of happiness for some people, but at the end of the day synthetic parts are synthetic parts. It doesn’t mean the body is a social construct.

The studies that quantified detransition regret as extremely low only after defining it in an returning to your original clinic to change back with more hormones aren’t objective on the face of it - it would be like returning to a church after switching religions. The very small number of people who go back to the same clinic haven’t stopped their original beliefs; they detransition for other reasons. But the clinics lose track of large numbers of people.

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by Anonymousreply 125July 12, 2022 2:58 PM

There have been a lot of settlements that are “dismissed with prejudice” which doesn’t refer to “prejudice” as anti-trans discrimination but as the legal term for not being able to file the same suit again later once it has been settled.

The pattern in Oregon as a pioneer of including the gender instruction in schools is that now 8 percent of kids in the schools have a trans identity. It’s mostly girls, and up exponentially from the .003 percent that was supposed to define gender dysphoria in girls(FTM). So any flaws in these methods - like how in some states even lipid tests are not required for FTM trans, making data hard to track and impairing possible data from future studies - could result in a catastrophic failure of policy if future unknowns turn out to be awful.

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by Anonymousreply 126July 12, 2022 3:26 PM

R122 I agree, I have always thought that she's harmless.

by Anonymousreply 127July 12, 2022 3:34 PM

“The data suggest that natal females seem not to be helped at all, in terms of self harm, by being either “stealth” trans or passing as male. (This is the opposite finding from that of natal males.)“

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by Anonymousreply 128July 12, 2022 3:56 PM
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