Meet Jessica "La Bombalera" Krug. Raised in suburban Kansas City by wealthy white Jews, Krug spent her teen years evolving a secret trans-racial identity. As she progressed through two colleges, and then to graduate school, she honed her fictional backstory. It worked for several years, until it ended in a blaze even hotter than Rachel Dolezal's pathetic whimpering. That bitch was downright mentally ill. This one is just a poser.
To hear her tell it:
-She was raised in Da Bronx by a Latina hooker who smoked the crack and smacked her around.
-Said mother died of AIDS in the 90s, chica!
-Jess was descended from Afro-Caribbean, Algerian, and Puerto Rican stock. And yes, it IS racist to ask her any more questions.
-La Bombalera got tenure at GW, spoke Spanglish in class, and wore chola eyebrows that she said were HER culture!
-When this came out, a string of ex-roomies and ex-lovers came forward with bits and pieces of her messy, totally-bullshit life.
-She resigned in disgrace, and hasn't really been seen since. All we've been able to determine from satellite photos is that she's not living on anybody's roof.