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David Banda is Transitioning and Madonna is Thrilled

She's delighted that he's a trans woman.

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by Anonymousreply 77February 17, 2022 11:19 AM

Is this the one that wanted to be a football star?

by Anonymousreply 1February 15, 2022 8:39 PM

Yes R1. Just a year or 2 ago.........*sigh*

by Anonymousreply 2February 15, 2022 8:44 PM

He should just carry a snack purse and go full EJ Johnson.

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by Anonymousreply 3February 15, 2022 8:45 PM

and is Madonna transitioning into an alien?

by Anonymousreply 4February 15, 2022 8:46 PM

Who’s That Girl?

by Anonymousreply 5February 15, 2022 8:53 PM

"From Adopted to Adapted, My Story"

by Anonymousreply 6February 15, 2022 8:57 PM

So blind I can't see. No one can help me now.

by Anonymousreply 7February 15, 2022 8:57 PM

Well, she's always been a trend thief, so she probably sees Angelina and Charlize and Cher all the other Hollywood BPD mothers cosigning their gender-picking children and wants to join.

by Anonymousreply 8February 15, 2022 9:00 PM

How else will he get any attention? When your 63-year-old mother is constantly getting her kit off for Instagram and Twitter, you have to do SOMEthing!

by Anonymousreply 9February 15, 2022 9:02 PM

Shopping at Hot Topic now equals Trans?

by Anonymousreply 10February 15, 2022 9:07 PM

It does not say anything about him being "trans". He is just a flamboyant little stunt queen. Madonna on the other hand, needs to lay off tinkering with her face for the rest of her life.

by Anonymousreply 11February 15, 2022 9:09 PM

She bought those kids for publicity. As usual, she was behind the trend. Now she wants a tranny. I guarantee you one of them will come out as trans.

by Anonymousreply 12February 15, 2022 9:11 PM

I guess his wannabe footballer phase is officially over to welcome in the most current trend to garner maximum attention.

by Anonymousreply 13February 15, 2022 9:14 PM

Girls don't usually add horns as accessories.

by Anonymousreply 14February 15, 2022 9:18 PM

He's probably one of those nonbinary confused youngsters who just haven't yet admitted they are gay. But they will. No one stays nonbinary.

by Anonymousreply 15February 15, 2022 9:19 PM

The things these poor kids have to do in order to make mommy happy.

by Anonymousreply 16February 15, 2022 9:26 PM

[QUOTE] guess his wannabe footballer phase is officially over to welcome in the most current trend to garner maximum attention.

He's decided he wants to be a cheerleader now, and is dressed as one.

by Anonymousreply 17February 15, 2022 9:35 PM

Kids and teens go through phases. What else is new?

by Anonymousreply 18February 15, 2022 9:38 PM

R18 = trans man

by Anonymousreply 19February 15, 2022 9:42 PM

David is appropriating L'il Nas X.

by Anonymousreply 20February 15, 2022 9:47 PM

When did Madonna transition into Janice from the Muppets?

by Anonymousreply 21February 15, 2022 9:50 PM

When did jigsaw the clown get blond extentions?

by Anonymousreply 22February 15, 2022 10:36 PM

I think he’s very cute.

by Anonymousreply 23February 15, 2022 11:20 PM

Leave Madonna alone.

She traveled all the way to Africa and paid good money for David. She can do what she wants with him.

by Anonymousreply 24February 15, 2022 11:23 PM

R24 sounds like modern day slavery

by Anonymousreply 25February 15, 2022 11:30 PM

He’s eventually going to snap and kill her while she sleeps, isn’t he?

by Anonymousreply 26February 15, 2022 11:42 PM

She still thinks she has legions of black faaans.

by Anonymousreply 27February 15, 2022 11:54 PM

That is a huge surprise, that it took that long, and there's only one

by Anonymousreply 28February 15, 2022 11:54 PM

You know she’s thrilled. More attention for me!!!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 29February 15, 2022 11:58 PM

Madonna has never been really in favor of gays . She is an opportunist

by Anonymousreply 30February 15, 2022 11:59 PM

If he were transitioning I think they would have announced it. He's probably just doing the Harry Styles thing currently en vogue.

by Anonymousreply 31February 16, 2022 12:08 AM

Madonna and son:

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by Anonymousreply 32February 16, 2022 12:30 AM

I wonder if his definition of femininity will be an honest one, beginning and ending with pounding grain into flour like the women in his native village? Or will he be a Medusa Gorgon birthed from his twisted stepmother’s wanton perversities?

by Anonymousreply 33February 16, 2022 12:40 AM

[quote] When did Madonna transition into Janice from the Muppets?

Sorry but that honor has belonged to Donatella Versace for decades.

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by Anonymousreply 34February 16, 2022 1:05 AM

Pathetic. She uses everything and everyone for her own profit. She's disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 35February 16, 2022 1:17 AM

This tweet has such little engagement meaning it's either your personal account or you went looking for a reason to get triggered. Get therapy.

by Anonymousreply 36February 16, 2022 1:23 AM

I don’t know if he’s tranning or not, but he’s Always been an obnoxious boy who craves attention. Seems like he’d do anything for camera time. He’s literally addicted to it.

by Anonymousreply 37February 16, 2022 1:34 AM

R37 Who did he learn that behavior from?

by Anonymousreply 38February 16, 2022 1:37 AM

Have you notice David is always ready to perform for her?

by Anonymousreply 39February 16, 2022 1:39 AM

Madonna tried to make Rocco feminine as well before he snapped and runaway to the UK.

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by Anonymousreply 40February 16, 2022 1:43 AM

How many Hollywood stars have adopted male African children? 2 transing (if he is) seems statistically improbable.

by Anonymousreply 41February 16, 2022 1:46 AM

That young man is one of the global super rich yet his look is on par with poor tacky clubclub from the 90s. Even if the accessories might be cast off luxury designs from Mommy, it all looks super cheap.

by Anonymousreply 42February 16, 2022 1:50 AM

*club kid

by Anonymousreply 43February 16, 2022 2:08 AM

r14 The ones who shop at Hot Topic do.

by Anonymousreply 44February 16, 2022 2:19 AM

I still think he's cute.

by Anonymousreply 45February 16, 2022 2:25 AM

Hollyweird at it again. It’s understandable. These kids of super rich parents have never lived in the real world. They are just props for their delusional parents.

Wish him well though.

by Anonymousreply 46February 16, 2022 2:26 AM

She probably wants to make him into the next Lil Nas X. Her ego probably wants to produce a superstar. Lola and Rocco were duds.

by Anonymousreply 47February 16, 2022 3:08 AM

[quote]David is appropriating L'il Nas X.

Ding, ding, ding!

by Anonymousreply 48February 16, 2022 3:46 AM

She needs to send him to live with Jackie Beat then. He'll need a 'mother' on his road to discovery.

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by Anonymousreply 49February 16, 2022 3:52 AM

Since when did Rocco take up art?

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by Anonymousreply 50February 16, 2022 4:07 AM

Madonna looks like Lil Kim after her last cosmetic intervention. Not as pretty though.

by Anonymousreply 51February 16, 2022 4:24 AM

I wonder if you punched Madonna in the face if it would pop. She’s such a gross cunt of a human.

by Anonymousreply 52February 16, 2022 4:34 AM

He's a handsome young gay man.

by Anonymousreply 53February 16, 2022 4:38 AM

Her hairline has heavily receded due to decades of using bleach and having four facelifts. I'm surprised that she chooses to wear wigs that won't give her a normal looking hairline.

by Anonymousreply 54February 16, 2022 4:41 AM


by Anonymousreply 55February 16, 2022 4:44 AM

She did say she wanted to raise her (then unborn) son as gay.

by Anonymousreply 56February 16, 2022 4:44 AM

Can she still marry him? I mean, they're not related..

by Anonymousreply 57February 16, 2022 4:47 AM

Oh FFS, OP please go fuck off and die in a grease fire and then go to fucking hell. If you are that Twitter account or if you're not and are just linking it here, either way you are a piece of shit. That Twitter user is a homophobic, antivaxxer conspiracy theorist. However anyone feels about Madonna and/or her kids, please don't feed this fucking troll. She is getting exactly the kind of responses she hoped for.

by Anonymousreply 58February 16, 2022 4:51 AM

Run away, David, come to dad's house

by Anonymousreply 59February 16, 2022 5:00 AM

Only 15 but fully developed

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by Anonymousreply 60February 16, 2022 5:10 AM

R58 = transitioning

by Anonymousreply 61February 16, 2022 8:22 AM

R58 = misogynist and homophobic. Calling gay men "she" and "her" to insult them is '50s self-loathing and sexist behavior.

by Anonymousreply 62February 16, 2022 11:03 AM

^ Yep, the only thing worse than being a Gay man is being referred to as a woman...

According to you

by Anonymousreply 63February 16, 2022 11:09 AM

David compares his mother to Da vinci

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by Anonymousreply 64February 16, 2022 11:22 AM

R64 At least he's appreciative, gives her the respect she deserves!

by Anonymousreply 65February 16, 2022 12:35 PM

[quote]She bought those kids for publicity. As usual, she was behind the trend. Now she wants a tranny. I guarantee you one of them will come out as trans.

You imagine her sitting them down for a family meeting "okay, kids, time to earn your keep. Someone needs to be trans to keep up with the other celeb moms. Now, I know Lola is the logical choice because she already has a mustache, but she's said no. She model now (snorts!). David, you're mummy's favorite - it's got to be you!"

by Anonymousreply 66February 16, 2022 12:55 PM

oh please, she's letting him be himself whatever that is or will be.

what gay boy would not want that?

by Anonymousreply 67February 16, 2022 1:01 PM

If anything Madonna has been too laissez-faire with her kids. We were told she was strict but the 2 she pushed out are kind of duds. If none of the 3 younger crop show working brain cells and the pursuit of significant educations and careers, she will have failed. She hardly seems like the type to encourage a kid to be a tranny.

by Anonymousreply 68February 16, 2022 1:01 PM

She had her very own minstrel show with her adopted kids, she always wanted them to performed in her presence.

by Anonymousreply 69February 16, 2022 1:33 PM

Madonna is turning into Kris Jenner?

by Anonymousreply 70February 16, 2022 1:44 PM

Funny how some DLers here pretend they know her and her family personally 😂. How pathetic

by Anonymousreply 71February 16, 2022 2:20 PM

R71 is a Madonna apologist. How quaint.

by Anonymousreply 72February 16, 2022 2:39 PM

@r67, "oh please, she's letting him be himself whatever that is or will be. "

Madonna has never allowed anyone to be anything other than what she wanted them to be. Ever

by Anonymousreply 73February 16, 2022 4:58 PM

you would know...

by Anonymousreply 74February 16, 2022 5:08 PM

R73 even her own daughter called her a “control freak”.

by Anonymousreply 75February 16, 2022 7:14 PM

Mads is delighted to have Baby Nas X in her family.

by Anonymousreply 76February 17, 2022 10:43 AM

Toxic mother. When she can't get loyalty, respect or the attention she believes she is entitled to from one son, she considers him of no use to her, discards him and plays favorites with the son who will cater to her every need and whim in an attempt to try and make the other son feel bad or guilty.

by Anonymousreply 77February 17, 2022 11:19 AM
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