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"Rhoda" would have been better with the original sister

I've been rewatching The Mary Tyler Moore Show and just finished the episode where Rhoda had a different younger sister: Debbie, a perky, pretty girl played by Liberty Williams who was getting married before Rhoda. That caused her plenty of angst and made for a funny episode.

By the time the spinoff series launched a few years later, Debbie was gone and replaced by Brenda, a schlubby underdog played by Julie Kavner.

Critics then and now say Rhoda the show was fatally flawed because its premise made Rhoda boring—it married her off to a dull (but hot) guy and gave the schlubby younger sister all the good old Rhoda lines and situations. When network execs demanded Rhoda get divorced, it sent ratings into a nosedive but didn't make her any more interesting, because Brenda was still Old Rhoda. And a show that could have run eight years (based on how popular Rhoda once was) died after four-and-a-half.

But if the show had been about Rhoda living in New York and coping with her perfect younger sister and husband, along with their parents and dating, that would have been a better premise. More conflict, more comedy. No?

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by Anonymousreply 250March 8, 2022 11:38 PM

Rhodas husband Joe was very cute and hairy and sexy. Woof!!

by Anonymousreply 1February 6, 2022 6:08 AM

Joe was my next husband for a month until I moved on to someone else. He was hotter than fuck. I'm going to look him up and see what happened. The events leading up to the divorce were so sad. Like the weekend they spent apart. They were both lonely and called each other at the same time and the line was busy. That's so sad. I still remember it.

by Anonymousreply 2February 6, 2022 6:38 AM

Why didn't they spin off Georgette? Georgia Engel was brilliant.

by Anonymousreply 3February 6, 2022 6:45 AM

Because, R3, Georgia Engel couldn't even step up to be an adequate second banana on The Betty White Show (canceled after 13 weeks). She was a void (and, in fairness, only one of many problems with that show).

She was only capable of being a recurring character or guest star.

by Anonymousreply 4February 6, 2022 7:18 AM

She's a shiksa!

by Anonymousreply 5February 6, 2022 7:35 AM

Julie Kavner always struck me as odd. She hates appearing on camera these days and doesn't have to do promo work for The Simpsons (it's in her contract). I suspect she hates the show and is only doing it for the money (still nearly half a million per episode which earns her about 10 million per season).

She is so private that friends who have known her for decades said she has yet to invite them over to her house.

I don't know if she had a crazed stalker or if she collects nazi memorabilia (yes, I know she's Jewish) or what but it's just really odd that she's practically a recluse outside of work even for a (B-List) celebrity.

by Anonymousreply 6February 6, 2022 7:53 AM

"Rhoda" was managed so incompetently it's hard to believe it was overseen by the same people who revolutionized sitcoms with the MTM Show just a few years before.

There were the premise problems. The writers claimed they didn't know how to write comedy about married people. There are ways! The Dick Van Dyke Show managed it.

They didn't develop a bench of friends or neighbors for Rhoda. So when she got divorced and the actors playing her parents got lured away to do their own shows in the third season, she was twisting in the wind. When Rhoda departed the MTM Show, they brought in Sue Ann Nivens, a genius comic creation. When Rhoda's mom and dad left "Rhoda", they brought in ... Anne Meara, playing a younger version of Rhoda's mom.

Rhoda owning her own window-dressing business was boring. They could have given her a snobby primary client or something. And when she had to fold it and go to work for a costume company, it was depressing and made her look like a loser. Her boss there was just a lame, pale imitation of Lou Grant.

The whole show was just a compounding series of bad decisions. All in all, "Phyllis" was a funnier show, even if it lasted only half as long.

by Anonymousreply 7February 6, 2022 7:58 AM

R6 I had a friend who lived in LA for awhile, trying to break into the business. In the meantime, he was a barista. One day Julie Kavner came in for coffee and when she put her purse, a huge shoulder bag, onto the counter, it made a strange sound: plunk, rattle rattle.

When she opened the purse to get her billfold, he saw it was filled with prescription pill bottles.

by Anonymousreply 8February 6, 2022 8:09 AM

David Groh was a good actor and they should have given him more to do, instead of just making him cranky and kind of hard to get along with, then dumping him to try to save the show.

Between the divorce and losing her business, she came off as a loser like r7 said, and everyone wanted to see Rhoda win.

Brenda being slovenly and legitimately large and unlikable just made the audience realize that THAT was what the MTM showrunners had always intended for Rhoda to have been, the ugly wisenheimer sidekick with bitter, sarcastic cracks.

by Anonymousreply 9February 6, 2022 8:09 AM


by Anonymousreply 10February 6, 2022 9:17 AM

@r10, You talk too much

Julie sounds like she has a great life. She's the most famous cartoon mom in the world, makes $10 million a year, doesn't have to do any celebrity bullshit, no Daily Fail chasing her for "poor fat Julie" pics, all while high as a kite

I want her life

by Anonymousreply 11February 6, 2022 10:26 AM

The best "Rhoda" episode!

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by Anonymousreply 12February 6, 2022 10:43 AM

Sally Gallagher (Anne Meara) was the Che Diaz of 1976.

Viewers hated her and bitched so much that she was dropped from the show.

by Anonymousreply 13February 6, 2022 11:26 AM

Season 5 was just tragic. They decided to make Rhoda fat again, put her in tent dresses and gave her a terrible poodle perm.

The show dropped into the 80s in the ratings and was yanked midseason.

This character everybody loved and rooted for had become someone who was "going nowhere fast," as one critic put it. She was circling the drain in every aspect.

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by Anonymousreply 14February 6, 2022 11:33 AM

Didn't it end on a Sopranos-esque note? Brenda running away from her wedding to Benny, with no resolution?

by Anonymousreply 15February 6, 2022 11:37 AM

Jeez, Rhoda was larger in season 5 of her own show than she ever was on MTM.

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by Anonymousreply 16February 6, 2022 11:54 AM

[quote]Rhoda owning her own window-dressing business was boring. They could have given her a snobby primary client or something.

Or a wealthy dilettante assistant named Karen.

by Anonymousreply 17February 6, 2022 12:04 PM

They shoulda made her a lezbeen.

by Anonymousreply 18February 6, 2022 12:07 PM

Season 6 Rhoda finds out she was accidentally switched at birth and isn't Jewish after all. In fact she's half-Black.

by Anonymousreply 19February 6, 2022 12:15 PM

Why did they name her Brenda? What Jewish woman is named Brenda?!

by Anonymousreply 20February 6, 2022 1:07 PM

I loved Brenda. When I was a little boy I wanted to be Brenda. Sadly, I’m 50 now and I am Brenda.

by Anonymousreply 21February 6, 2022 1:14 PM

Julie Kavner won an Emmy for her role on Rhoda

by Anonymousreply 22February 6, 2022 1:16 PM

R20 The sister Brenda replaced had an even waspier name: Debbie.

The trouble with the show from the beginning was that Valerie Harper was sick of being schlubby, self-denigrating, unlucky in love Rhoda. So she insisted on a new wardrobe, new styling, and a new, hit man to fall in love with her.

The producers knew that the audience fell in love with the old Rhoda, so they attempted to fill the gap by replacing perfect little sis Debbie with even schlubbier than old Rhoda little sis Brenda. Rhoda had a fabulous look, a fabulous man, and no fodder for storylines, because conflict is what drives narrative.

The result was that Brenda became the most popular character on a show titled Rhoda. The end.

by Anonymousreply 23February 6, 2022 1:56 PM

R23 Debbie, short for Deborah, a female prophet in the Old Testament, is a WASPy name? Oh dear...

by Anonymousreply 24February 6, 2022 2:12 PM

You boys sound hungry. I got my special chicken in the oven.

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by Anonymousreply 25February 6, 2022 2:17 PM

Brenda Patimkin in "Goodby Columbus." Popular name in the early 50s.

by Anonymousreply 26February 6, 2022 3:13 PM

FYI, it's pronounced Brinda.

by Anonymousreply 27February 6, 2022 3:16 PM

@r24, Exactly, I know a lot of Jewish Debras (Debbie)

by Anonymousreply 28February 6, 2022 4:00 PM

R23, every other Jewish girl I grew up with was Debbie. The other was Lisa.

by Anonymousreply 29February 6, 2022 4:45 PM

"Lisa" was a generational name - not a Jewish one - in the 60s and 70s.

by Anonymousreply 30February 6, 2022 4:51 PM

We wanted ugly fat hopeless 😩 Rhoda

by Anonymousreply 31February 6, 2022 4:52 PM

I was so looking forward to this show in the fall of 1974. But the minute I heard that HORRIBLE theme song, I knew it was in trouble.

Count me as a gay who disliked Brenda. Joe was a bore. The doorman was tedious. I liked some of the supporting actors like Anne Meara, Beverly Sanders and Barbara Sharma. I wish Vivian Vance had become a regular. HATED Jack Doyle the Lou Grant-like boss they invented for Rhoda toward the end.

What saves the show from being a complete wasteland was IDA MORGENSTERN. Rhoda and her mother together made the show watchable (to a point).

by Anonymousreply 32February 6, 2022 4:53 PM

How To Destroy A Sitcom

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by Anonymousreply 33February 6, 2022 4:57 PM

DL Fave Linda Lavin made a guest appearance as Rhoda's old school nemesis - good episode

by Anonymousreply 34February 6, 2022 4:58 PM

Deborah is a legitimate Jewish name--it's in the Hebrew Bible. Deborah was a famous judge (or leader) of the jewish people.

Lisa and Brenda were trendy names for all Americans in the post-war era. They are not Jewish names, but were still popular names in Jewish families, as were other non-Jewish names like Alan and Steven.

by Anonymousreply 35February 6, 2022 5:01 PM

But who names their daughter Rhodant??

by Anonymousreply 36February 6, 2022 5:12 PM

Rhoda is the female version of...

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by Anonymousreply 37February 6, 2022 5:19 PM

[quote]Julie Kavner always struck me as odd. She hates appearing on camera these days and doesn't have to do promo work for The Simpsons (it's in her contract). I suspect she hates the show and is only doing it for the money (still nearly half a million per episode which earns her about 10 million per season).

She's on the spectrum....

by Anonymousreply 38February 6, 2022 5:20 PM

It would've been better with Shelley Hack!

by Anonymousreply 39February 6, 2022 9:20 PM

How I'd have fixed the premise:

Rhoda would have still married Joe, but this Joe would have been a really handsome and successful African-American. Then show would have been a sitcom about the various issues that interracial couples face, and how they (comically, in this show) deal with them, as well as a show about a Jewish family and a African-American family becoming one. It would have been so much better than the show we got.

Also, if 'Rhoda' had debuted this way in 1974, they'd have beaten 'The Jeffersons' in having the first interracial marriage on tv.

by Anonymousreply 40February 6, 2022 9:43 PM

Instead of the handsome prince type, they should have cast Joe as a scruffy New Yorker like Judd Hirsch. Hirsch guest starred as Rhoda's bf on a few episodes and it was a good pairing. Valerie Harper said that Rhonda-Joe as it was, was too "married married Sadie lady" to succeed.

by Anonymousreply 41February 6, 2022 10:05 PM

I always thought Debbie, Brenda and a brother would’ve been an interesting family dynamic for Rhoda. Nieces and nephews, Ida as a grandma, Rhoda as a step mother which they never really explored.

by Anonymousreply 42February 6, 2022 11:00 PM

They should have killed Joe off, it would have made Rhoda more sympathetic.

by Anonymousreply 43February 6, 2022 11:11 PM

Valerie wanted to be perceived as a glamour girl, and that’s that. And yes, 2/3 of the “Debbies” I have known have been of the Zucker, Levine, and Goldberg clans.

by Anonymousreply 44February 6, 2022 11:24 PM

When a sitcom star has a steady partner or spouse, it is deadly dull. As in real life, nothing interesting can happen to you when you're dragging a ball 'n chain.

by Anonymousreply 45February 6, 2022 11:35 PM

Rhoda should've joined a traveling circus as a seamstress for clowns and elephants.

by Anonymousreply 46February 7, 2022 12:23 AM

The show had a revolving door of head writers. Nobody could figure it out, so they kept handing it off to someone else.

Mitchell/Neigher engineered the disastrous divorce and got bounced. Allan Katz and Don Reo from MASH did season 4. Bob Ellison from the MTM Show did drain-circling season 5.

For some reason, Rhoda got the weaker writers in the MTM Productions stable. Phyllis had a surplus of great ones: Ed Weinberger and Stan Daniels (who would go on to do Taxi), Glen and Les Charles (who would do Taxi and Cheers), David Lloyd, Earl Pomerantz.

by Anonymousreply 47February 7, 2022 10:29 AM

What the show needed was a star with the balls of Roseanne. Apparently, Roseanne fought with everybody to make her show the best of its kind, firing producers/writers left and right until she got exactly what she wanted for the series.

Say what you want about her, but for somebody who really was kind of new to the sitcom world, she took no shit from nobody. You can actually see "Roseanne" get better and better as it moved up the ratings ladder. Valerie should have been the same way, it was her reputation on the line.

by Anonymousreply 48February 7, 2022 10:54 AM

Nothing could be done for Rhoda. She was interesting as a fish out of water in Minneapolis but, as soon as she went back to New York, she was done for. The show functions as a database of ridiculous 70s fashions like the head wrap with a little bun in back or a tie at the side.

by Anonymousreply 49February 7, 2022 4:59 PM

They could’ve come up with something for her as a married woman. I think viewers tuned out because it was been there, done that... and done much better on the MTM show. People didn’t want to see her single.

by Anonymousreply 50February 8, 2022 4:24 AM

Bren was America’s Hag

by Anonymousreply 51February 8, 2022 11:13 AM

When Rhoda first appeared on MTM in the fall of 1970, I couldn't help but think that if Miss Streisand was not a movie star at the time, Rhoda would have had a different accent, different background.

The real issue for me is that the character Rhoda needed a straight man to bounce off of. No one on her spinoff series fulfilled that role as well as Mary did.

by Anonymousreply 52February 8, 2022 1:08 PM

Mary wouldn’t never ever reward you with anal, Rhoda .......

by Anonymousreply 53February 8, 2022 1:17 PM

Buck never would've mishandled a sitcom.

by Anonymousreply 54February 8, 2022 1:21 PM

Thank you, R12. David Groh used to give me such hard-ons! Seeing that fit man once again in those tight 70s' trousers did it to me all over again!!!

What a beautiful butt he had!

by Anonymousreply 55February 8, 2022 4:00 PM

"Jeez, Rhoda was larger in season 5 of her own show than she ever was on MTM."

Valerie Harper was never fat, but her weight fluctuated quite noticeably on 'Rhoda.' She was painfully thin during the early episodes of S4; Winifed Hervey, who was an intern on the show, recounted that VH had been on a liquid fast that summer and was not in the best mood when she came back from hiatus. The drastic diet was not sustainable, and she regained weight by S5. She lost it all and then some for her swimsuit scene in 'Chapter Two,' filmed the summer after 'Rhoda' was cancelled.

I loved Julie Kavner as Brenda and think she was the character the writers most enjoyed creating stories for. Hervey wrote a 'Rhoda' script with Brenda as the lead that got her into the Warner Bros. writing workshop; she talks about it in her Television Academy interview.

by Anonymousreply 56February 9, 2022 12:29 AM

Been watching this on YouTube thanks to this thread (seen it before but forgot). The separation stuff was such a downer, no wonder ratings tanked. Rhoda finally got a happy ending and they pulled the rug right from under her. I can see how it turned off viewers back then. She also kept that insecurity. It was sad.

I really think writers who say they can’t write a married couple are cop outs. I remember hearing that about with Sam and Diane on Cheers had they gotten married. I loved the show Wings and they did a great job of the on/off again relationship, then finally getting them together and showing their married life. It can be done.

by Anonymousreply 57February 13, 2022 2:25 AM

I disagree with OP. Julie Kavner was inspired casting for Brenda, just as Nancy Walker and Harold Gould were as Rhoda’s folks.

David Groh didn’t work from the beginning. The audience didn’t buy the two of them as a couple (they had no chemistry) and actively disliked Groh.

by Anonymousreply 58February 13, 2022 2:32 AM

[quote]I remember hearing that about with Sam and Diane on Cheers had they gotten married. I loved the show Wings and they did a great job of the on/off again relationship, then finally getting them together and showing their married life. It can be done.

I am watching Wings on Hulu right now and they did do a good job with Helen and Joe. They got together pretty quickly the first time, and after the break up, once Helen worked through her anger they did not revisit it with a lot of will they or won't they get together teasing and simply reunited them when they were ready to put them back together for good without 800 false starts (hello Ross and Rachel). Joe and Helen worked well as a married couple, because besides having good chemistry they seemed like a good match. I am not sure that would have worked for Sam and Diane, because while they had good chemistry and I do think they cared for each other in their own way, they could be pretty toxic to each other. Still, I do prefer the Sam and Diane years on Cheers.

by Anonymousreply 59February 13, 2022 3:12 AM

There were several shots of Harper in tights during the first season and while not exactly fat, she was definitely stocky in the legs.

by Anonymousreply 60February 13, 2022 3:24 AM

By the fourth season Harper was skinny. Even Julie Kavner lost quite a bit of weight in season 4 and 5.

by Anonymousreply 61February 13, 2022 3:31 AM

I'm sorry, but the out-of-tune kids on Rhoda's theme song was awful. Couldn't listen to it. My ears are allergic to bad notes.

by Anonymousreply 62February 13, 2022 3:45 AM

They should’ve given Rhoda a post-Joe-divorce girlfriend.

by Anonymousreply 63February 13, 2022 4:25 AM

R63 = Cynthia Nixon, showkiller

by Anonymousreply 64February 13, 2022 4:28 AM

R59, very true. They knew exactly the right tempo to hit with Joe and Helen. I love Wings and think it’s so underrated. As for Sam and Diane, I will never forgive the producers for at least not having them get together in the finale. Yes, they were a mismatch and the writers went for realism, but damn if they couldn’t just give us a happy ending.

by Anonymousreply 65February 13, 2022 5:00 AM

I remember Ida hugging her daughters "Rhoda Faye and Brenda Faye." Rhoda said "Ma, if you liked the name Faye so much why didn't you just name one of us Faye>" And Ida said "I didn't like it THAT much."

by Anonymousreply 66February 13, 2022 5:12 AM

Wasn't Rhoda's middle name on the MTM Show alternately Mae, Louise, and Roberta? That was a major continuity error.

by Anonymousreply 67February 13, 2022 5:16 AM

Another continuity error on MTM was one episode Lou said his daughter was dating someone (maybe living in NY too), they always said all his daughters were married. I always thought it was strange they were all married with children seemingly in their early 20s.

by Anonymousreply 68February 13, 2022 5:34 AM

David Groh was so sexy. I think he and Val had nice chemistry, but there was really nowhere for the writers to go once Rhoda attained a good deal of self-esteem and achieved her goal of a happy marriage. Her character arc was basically over the minute she said "I do."

by Anonymousreply 69February 13, 2022 6:55 AM

Too bad there many times in bed where she said she don't.

by Anonymousreply 70February 13, 2022 2:49 PM

Maybe Rhoda and Joe should have had a baby. It worked Lucy and Ricky.

by Anonymousreply 71February 13, 2022 2:59 PM

Rhoda would've been an awful mother, fat-shaming her kids and projecting all of her insecurities onto them. And the kids would've been subjected to a hypercritical grandmother. Would've made some therapist very, very wealthy.

by Anonymousreply 72February 13, 2022 3:55 PM

I know, I know! Rhoda and Joe should've opened up a half-way house for a whole bunch of cute delinquent kids!

by Anonymousreply 73February 13, 2022 7:54 PM

I remember one of Brenda's funny lines. Referring to the sister's weight problems Brenda said that people would comment "What a shame, Rhoda has such a pretty face. With me they'd say "What a shame."

by Anonymousreply 74February 13, 2022 8:05 PM

[quote]David Groh was so sexy. I think he and Val had nice chemistry

I disagree about the chemistry, but is there anyone here agrees with me that David Groh was just not a skilled actor? Maybe he was just lacking in comic timing, I though he was pretty lame on Rhoda. Certainly no match for Valerie Harper.

R72, I think Rhoda would be an overly concerned Jewish mother spoiling the kid to no ends, even if the child was chubby and dateless. It usually works that way, Rhoda wouldn't want a mini-me.

[quote]She lost it all and then some for her swimsuit scene in 'Chapter Two,' filmed the summer after 'Rhoda' was cancelled.

Valerie in Chapter Two was a sight you don't ever want to see. She was anorexic looking, and everyone - from critics to Rona Barrett to my neighbors - commented on it.

by Anonymousreply 75February 14, 2022 1:03 PM

There is going to be a marathon on Decades this weekend.

by Anonymousreply 76February 19, 2022 12:08 AM

David Groh sucked at comedy.

They should've cast Lorna Luft as Brenda.

by Anonymousreply 77February 19, 2022 12:16 AM

^ Thank you for your contribution, Lorna.

by Anonymousreply 78February 19, 2022 5:06 PM

So I’m watching the marathon and they definitely shouldn’t have made her and Joe divorce.

by Anonymousreply 79February 19, 2022 11:24 PM

[quote] I had a friend who lived in LA for awhile, trying to break into the business. In the meantime, he was a barista. One day Julie Kavner came in for coffee and when she put her purse, a huge shoulder bag, onto the counter, it made a strange sound: plunk, rattle rattle. When she opened the purse to get her billfold, he saw it was filled with prescription pill bottles.

Julie Kavner reminds me of Penny Marshall. After PM died, Anjelica Huston said that PM did too much coke, sat in her basement, watching QVC & buying Beanie Babies.

With $10 million per year, I wonder what Julie K. does with her money.

by Anonymousreply 80February 19, 2022 11:59 PM

R80 There's an actor named Steven Kavner who did bit parts on 3 episodes of Rhoda. I wonder if he is her brother. Julie is so private that I can't find anything on the web about whether they are brother and sister. Steven is married per IMDB, so it's possible there are nieces and/or nephews that might inherit a lot of money from their aunt Julie.

by Anonymousreply 81February 20, 2022 8:30 AM

I think I’m the only one here watching the marathon, some of these eps for the first time. Observations now into S3. You can tell by S2 they had no clue what to do with Rhoda and Joe. It was all about Brenda and sometimes even outside characters. Secondly, I can’t believe how they made Joe disappear. One ep they are in marriage counseling, the next he’s gone, no mention of him again in the next episodes and Rhoda is acting single. They definitely were trying to paint him as a jerk, but oddly consistent with him never wanting to be married. Which is also strange since he did go through with the marriage, then he says he wants to just date!? Very backwards. The entire thing was weird and badly done.

by Anonymousreply 82February 20, 2022 3:34 PM

Does anyone know where to get good DVDs of Rhoda? I understand the one put out a few years ago weren't re-mastered and look like shit.

by Anonymousreply 83February 20, 2022 3:40 PM

I'm watching a post-divorce episode. Wow is it tedious.

by Anonymousreply 84February 20, 2022 4:10 PM

The character of Rhoda worked best in doses as a supporting character on MTM. Whose bright idea was it to center a series around her?

by Anonymousreply 85February 20, 2022 4:41 PM

Rhoda is more than enough likable to have a series build around her. Phyllis, on the other hand...

by Anonymousreply 86February 20, 2022 4:43 PM

"Rhoda" the series was TOO New York (code for TOO Jewish) to be likeable.

by Anonymousreply 87February 20, 2022 4:45 PM

Joe was a really good guy; there was no conflict between him and Rhoda and conflict is what makes tv sitcoms funny. I heard that the writers had a hard time coming up with ideas while Joe and Rhoda were married but after they divorced they were brimming with them.

by Anonymousreply 88February 20, 2022 8:56 PM

R83 Amazon has the DVDs (released by Shout! Factory) of all 5 seasons. I've seen them, and they are high-quality transfers from original source material.

by Anonymousreply 89February 21, 2022 3:27 AM

R86 The best thing about the Phyllis spinoff was the opening number. I haven't been able to watch beyond the first 5 episodes of Phyllis recently, even though I watched many of them when they aired originally. As I mentioned above, I've re-watched all the Rhoda episodes in the past few years, even the numerous subpar episodes. It seems to me that Phyllis was a narrowly-written character whose principal job on the MTM show was to be a self-obsessed and annoying comedic foil to all the other characters. Rhoda started that way on the MTM show but was re-written to become Mary's self-disparaging best friend. In my opinion, the Phyllis character was very funny for a few minutes in every few episodes of MTM, but 23 minutes of her in every episode was tedious. If a fantastic actor like Cloris Leachman couldn't make it work, no one could have done it.

by Anonymousreply 90February 21, 2022 3:47 AM

I always wondered how Rhoda and Joe l6ived in apartment 9D of that 6-floor building...

Were the writers trying to tell us Rhoda was delusional?

Was it all some St. Elsewhere fantasy that Rhoda had when she blew a fuse in her tiny apartment in Minneapolis?

Was Carlton the voice of an EMT trying to revive her?

by Anonymousreply 91February 21, 2022 6:28 AM

I think Joe should've started earning money as a gay porn performer to support his construction business...

it would've created a lot of interesting conflicts

and a lot more excuses for Joe to be nude with other hot men

by Anonymousreply 92February 21, 2022 6:33 AM

I don't know if Valerie really like David Groh that much...

IIRC, she wrote in her biography that David came in all excited at the start of the new season talking about buying a house in Hancock Park

They sat down to the do the table read of the script and it was about Rhoda and Joe separating

Valerie wrote something that came across as kind of unsympathetic - like no one told him to buy a house

by Anonymousreply 93February 21, 2022 6:36 AM

I loved Rhoda! I loved that she was the bitter, ethnic, loser, woman who was skinny and pretty and nearly fashionable but somehow destined to fail in America. It was reassuring in a very precarious moment in my prepubescence.

by Anonymousreply 94February 21, 2022 6:40 AM

Brenda’s apartment was so weird. Why did she have TWO beds?

by Anonymousreply 95February 21, 2022 7:38 AM

R91 Maybe the 6 came lose on the door, and Carlton came up and nailed it back into place.

by Anonymousreply 96February 21, 2022 7:41 AM

Phyllis was very funny, but mostly because of the two female supporting characters - her idiotic mother-in-law and Mother Dexter.

by Anonymousreply 97February 21, 2022 11:11 AM

David Grohl seemed to be a very good sport about being unceremoniously let go from a show that he had every reasonable expectation to stay on indefinitely.

by Anonymousreply 98February 21, 2022 11:22 AM

[quote]Brenda’s apartment was so weird. Why did she have TWO beds?

Look (she) got a lot of action...but keep it on the dl...we don't want Ma to know

by Anonymousreply 99February 21, 2022 12:19 PM

Julie Kavner sighting!

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by Anonymousreply 100February 21, 2022 12:37 PM

Were the writers the same as MTM? There was an episode where Rhoda was dating Judd Hirsch (who I read on IMDB originally turned down the role of Joe) which was similar to Mary’s storyline where the guy didn’t want commitment and she just accepted it. It made no sense on MTM and even less on Rhoda since it was the same as Joe and the relationship ended in divorce. You’d think she’d run first chance and not accept seeing someone every two weeks. They clearly didn’t know how to write long standing relationships because Mary never had one either.

I did think there was more chemistry with Hirsch. Interestingly both he and DG were Jewish in real life but not on the show. I think they should’ve had her date a toned down Johnny the lounge singer. He had personality at least. After Joe they didn’t have her seriously date anyone. Rhoda was sort of ill conceived, Harper became a supporting player over the course of the show. They probably should’ve kept the married sister and had Rhoda sort of stay Minneapolis Rhoda instead of introducing Brenda.

by Anonymousreply 101February 21, 2022 2:01 PM

So basically, Rhoda was an ill-conceived show that became unwatchable once they married her off. Is that what y'all are trying to say?

by Anonymousreply 102February 21, 2022 2:05 PM

Really, R89? I just read some of the reviews on Amazon and they're supposed to be shitty.

by Anonymousreply 103February 21, 2022 2:29 PM

Groh was also a public relations nightmare. He did the Cher Show on his own network and then did an interview in TV guide trashing it and Cher.

Phyllis had trouble recovering once Barbara Colby was murdered and they replaced her with the inept Liz Torres, whom I like but not in that role. They made up a lot of ground when they switched to the councilman's job and the ensemble got much better and the situation that Phyllis was a demented MTM in a demented WJM worked, almost like Newhart.

by Anonymousreply 104February 21, 2022 2:41 PM

Where's the appreciation for Groh's delicious chest?

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by Anonymousreply 105February 21, 2022 2:46 PM

Start a new thread, R105.

by Anonymousreply 106February 21, 2022 5:14 PM

Groh had issues.

After he got bounced from Rhoda, CBS put him in a show called Another Day that they had high hopes for. It was about a suburban family after the wife goes back to work. Groh was the dad and Joan Hackett was the wife. It was supposed to take their prime 9pm comedy slot on Monday.

Groh and Hackett got into some feud. At one point, Groh overturned a table onto Hackett. CBS quietly burned the show off on Saturday nights.

by Anonymousreply 107February 21, 2022 5:26 PM

^ Sounds like a asshole

by Anonymousreply 108February 21, 2022 5:44 PM

So much to unpack here.

1. Once again I am astounded by the Eldergay ability to remember intricate plot points of a largely forgettable show that first aired 48 years ago. That's like someone in 1974, the year the show first aired, remembering details of shows from 1926.

2. I am also blown away by the inability to comprehend that a name like Debbie or Lisa could be both (a) popular in general, and (b) popular with Jewish families in particular versus other popular names of that era.

by Anonymousreply 109February 21, 2022 6:32 PM

(R7) I whole heartedly agree! Clearly one of my favorite characters lol

by Anonymousreply 110February 21, 2022 6:49 PM

^ Fails to understand what a TV MARATHON is, run the other day.

by Anonymousreply 111February 21, 2022 6:49 PM

[quote]He did the Cher Show on his own network and then did an interview in TV guide trashing it and Cher.

What did he say, r104?

by Anonymousreply 112February 21, 2022 6:53 PM

I'm going to go out on a limb R111 and say that most of the 100 or so people posting on this thread did not watch that marathon.

by Anonymousreply 113February 21, 2022 6:53 PM

[quote]Once again I am astounded by the Eldergay ability to remember intricate plot points of a largely forgettable show that first aired 48 years ago.

Rhoda, the MTM Show, and even Phyllis have been rerunning on various cable networks pretty consistently since the mid-'90s, and have been on YouTube for years.

by Anonymousreply 114February 21, 2022 7:55 PM

Phyllis only ran for two seasons, so there's little chance people saw it on TV but YT and DM keep it readily available.

by Anonymousreply 115February 21, 2022 8:06 PM

I don’t know why they saddled Rhoda with a divorced guy with a kid. Did they think the kid would be comic conflict?

That Girl was able to do five seasons of NYC with a steady boyfriend and interfering parents. And while some episodes are pitiful at least some episodes were fun.

Since Rhoda was a window dresser, why didn’t they have her work in a major department store that has loads of opportunities for quirky stock characters. The snooty gay store manager always there with a withering quip, the sexpot girl in ladies lingerie, the guys in the sports department always talking sex, the old man in accounting always trying to pinch Rhoda’s bottom.

There were many situations they could have put Rhoda in in 1970s NYC and could have thrown in some great cultural references.

I just saw that new movie “Annie Hall”. Diane Keaton was dressed like my Uncle Leopold. Who knew The Cossacks would one day have their own fashion line? [cue laugh track]

by Anonymousreply 116February 21, 2022 10:05 PM

[quote] Rhoda, the MTM Show, and even Phyllis have been rerunning on various cable networks pretty consistently since the mid-'90s, and have been on YouTube for years.

In that case I am even more baffled by the fact that Eldergays will seek out a forgettable 50 year old sitcom on random cable channels and YouTube given all their other options.

Though most of you don't do streaming and still regularly watch network prime time, so maybe not so surprising.

by Anonymousreply 117February 21, 2022 10:54 PM

R117/R109/R113, why don't you take a hike?

You don't like old sitcoms, you don't like "elder gays," you're a grouch. I'm happy you feel superior, but this is not the place for you. You're NOT winning.

by Anonymousreply 118February 21, 2022 11:33 PM

I was on the fence about Groh, but, I'm sorry you don't eff with Joan Hackett. He's cancelled to me!

by Anonymousreply 119February 21, 2022 11:55 PM

Groh was great as wife beater D.L. Brock on General Hospital in the mid-1980s.

by Anonymousreply 120February 22, 2022 12:06 AM

But I am #winning R118 - look how wound up I've got you!

I am living inside your head and you will hear my mocking you every time you turn on your TV to watch an old sitcom.




by Anonymousreply 121February 22, 2022 12:09 AM

^ Anyone want to take this?

by Anonymousreply 122February 22, 2022 12:11 AM

[quote] Since Rhoda was a window dresser, why didn’t they have her work in a major department store that has loads of opportunities for quirky stock characters. The snooty gay store manager always there with a withering quip, the sexpot girl in ladies lingerie, the guys in the sports department always talking sex, the old man in accounting always trying to pinch Rhoda’s bottom.

IIRC, Rhoda Show was mostly set in her NY apartment. Maybe they didn't want to spend $ on a workplace set. Frankly, the MTM work / WJM set looks downright flimsy, but somehow worked.

by Anonymousreply 123February 22, 2022 12:13 AM

OP good call. It would have worked so much better. Although I loved Julie Kavner's Brenda it limited Rhoda.

by Anonymousreply 124February 22, 2022 12:39 AM

[quote] The wedding episode featured guest appearances by many of the main characters from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, including Mary Richards (Mary Tyler Moore), Lou Grant (Edward Asner), Murray Slaughter (Gavin MacLeod), Georgette Franklin (Georgia Engel), and Phyllis Lindstrom (Cloris Leachman). The only major characters who didn't attend were Ted Baxter (Ted Knight) and Sue Ann Nivens (Betty White).

I guess I can understand why Sue Ann wasn’t invited by why wasn’t Ted there?

by Anonymousreply 125February 22, 2022 2:20 AM

Rhoda hated Ted. She even dated him once. Phyllis wasn't invited either, but she crashed it.

by Anonymousreply 126February 22, 2022 3:31 AM

[quote] I just read some of the reviews on Amazon and they're supposed to be shitty.

R103 I rented the DVD sets of seasons 1, 2, and 3 from Netflix in 2019. I purchased the DVD sets of seasons 4 and 5 (the Shout! Factory releases) from Amazon in 2019 and 2020. They all looked great to me, but keep in mind that I saw them previously in 480i resolution on cathode-ray TVs via analog over-the-air transmissions (remember snow and ghosts?) in the 1970s. I watched the DVDs on a Blu-ray player that upscales non-HD content. All I can say is, the shows looked a hell of a lot better now than they did then! The first season consisting of 4 DVDs costs $9.99 at Amazon at the moment, so it's a relatively small price to pay to find out if the quality is OK for your viewing situation.

by Anonymousreply 127February 22, 2022 3:45 AM

R102, what you wrote makes no sense. It was ill conceived because the creators/producers intended to have a show centered around Rhoda being married. Instead they couldn’t write for a couple and had her divorced after 2 seasons. That’s ill conceived. Then she basically became a supporting character to Brenda. Like the other poster said, they could’ve modeled it after MTM, with Rhoda working at a big department store with a core group of co-workers and she could have a home life too. If they kept her divorced or never married, they could’ve developed a relationship for a season or two also.

by Anonymousreply 128February 22, 2022 4:05 AM

[quote]Rhoda Show was mostly set in her NY apartment. Maybe they didn't want to spend $ on a workplace set. Frankly, the MTM work / WJM set looks downright flimsy, but somehow worked.

It was interesting/weird that Rhoda didn't have a workplace to start, because that was part of the MTM house style as set by Grant Tinker: All of their sitcoms were to have a home and work setting. MTM, Bob Newhart, Phyllis, The Tony Randall Show (very underrated) and even flops like The Betty White Show and Doc all followed that formula.

by Anonymousreply 129February 22, 2022 4:10 AM

An NYC department store in the '70s would've been a very plausible career path for Rhoda and a great source of storylines and characters. They were dumb not to go that route. It could have been as classic as MTM.

by Anonymousreply 130February 22, 2022 4:15 AM

Hey cunty millennial - if you were in grade school in the 70s, and were the kind of kid who liked sit-coms, there really weren’t that many to watch. Lots of straight guys have and insane amount of childhood sports stats / trivia at the ready - remembering things you really enjoyed growing up in great detail seems to be a make trait.

Also MTM / Rhoda / Bob Newhart & the Lear shows were what the culture at large was watching & discussing - mass media was much more monolithic back then. And if you think our grandparents weren’t also discussing the pop-culture of the 20s & 30s with us at the time, because we didn’t KNOW what we were missing, then I’m not sure what kind of home you grew up on, but it seeks like it wasn’t much fun.

by Anonymousreply 131February 22, 2022 4:16 AM

^* male trait.

by Anonymousreply 132February 22, 2022 4:18 AM

Rhoda never could have been as classic as MTM because they didn't even have a decent idea of what they were going to do. As such, the characters even became jumbled. Rhoda Girard was not Rhoda Morgenstern. She was just boring.

by Anonymousreply 133February 22, 2022 4:20 AM

[quote]It was interesting/weird that Rhoda didn't have a workplace to start because that was part of the MTM house style

Rhoda and Joe's relationship vs. Rhoda dealing with her family (Brenda/Ma/Pop) kind of stood in for that dual focus. Maybe that's what they were going for.

Problem was, when Nancy Walker and Harold Gould left and they split up Joe and Rhoda in season 3, there was no show left.

by Anonymousreply 134February 22, 2022 4:21 AM

Rhoda got a job at Bloomingdales in that season 3 episode where she contemplates moving back to NYC. They should've run with that idea when it came time for the spinoff the following season. Would've been fun seeing Rhoda working in a NYC department store. It would've been comic gold with the right mix of characters.

by Anonymousreply 135February 22, 2022 4:23 AM

"Rhoda" did have a lot of potential. I like the mother (Ida / Nancy Walker) and father characters & the actors who played them. Brenda as well.

They always do that to women characters: get them married for immediate ratings, but then sacrifice more interesting story lines.

Yeah, a department store workplace might have been funny with a few different characters (coworkers) to counter Ida, Brenda, and Dad (home life).

by Anonymousreply 136February 22, 2022 4:26 AM

MTM felt they hit their stride in the final seasons when they focused on the Newsroom and Mary's relationships there. Rhoda did not have that kind of luxury because the show was poorly conceived but was also an instant hit. Also, we knew Rhoda from MTM so they had to find situations to place the character in and it just didn't wash.

by Anonymousreply 137February 22, 2022 4:37 AM

Why were Ted and Georgette never spun off into their own show? Ted Knight and Georgia Engel were huge fan favorites too.

by Anonymousreply 138February 22, 2022 4:37 AM

R138, Ted was integral to the MTM Show, as were Lou and Murray. IMO.

by Anonymousreply 139February 22, 2022 4:42 AM

The successful Lear spin-offs took secondary or even less frequent characters out of the mix - so the characters were less familiar - thus more malleable, and their absence didn’t hurt the show that much. MTM’s spin-offs broke both those conventions.

by Anonymousreply 140February 22, 2022 4:47 AM

Ted wasn't spun off because the (genius) ending of the MTM Show had him being the only person who wasn't fired from WJM.

More practically, he was too much of a buffoon to be the lead, even if his character had been softened. By the time MTM was ending, execs could see where Phyllis was going as a softened character on her own show (south in the ratings).

by Anonymousreply 141February 22, 2022 4:48 AM

Today, we're used to seeing buffoon-type news readers, anchors, etc. Back then, Ted was an embarrassment, a symbol that WJM was a small, underdog, striving new channel. There were a couple of episodes that featured WJM's competitors' news anchors. Very dignified. Even Gordy the weather man (WJM) was very dignified, esp. compared to Ted.

by Anonymousreply 142February 22, 2022 4:53 AM

Georgeanne just wasn't very funny.

by Anonymousreply 143February 22, 2022 5:00 AM

[quote]I just read some of the reviews on Amazon and they're supposed to be shitty.

I seem to remember the first season DVD release had episodes sourced from broadcast video tapes rather than the original masters as that was all Shout Factory could find. I think there were episodes that were edited for syndication as well (which seems to be a very common problem for TV shows on DVD.) I may be remembering incorrectly but I think from season 2 onward they were able to use the original master tapes and the quality was much better.

by Anonymousreply 144February 22, 2022 5:37 AM

On MTM Show, Rhoda also refers to a brother who is never seen or heard of again. The thing with switching the younger married sister for spinster Brenda was weird too.

by Anonymousreply 145February 22, 2022 6:34 AM

Last summer, the Hollywood Reporter interviewed Charlotte Brown, Rhoda's executive producer, "the first woman running a network TV show."

Somehow they glossed over her fucking it all up.

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by Anonymousreply 146February 22, 2022 8:08 AM

Rhoda was so dull by the time they spun her off. They should've spun off Barbara Colby's Sherry instead. An ex-hooker in the dress design business with a withering sense of humor in NYC would've opened a host of comedic possibilities.

by Anonymousreply 147February 22, 2022 2:34 PM

The apartment wasn't exactly inviting either, although it was probably accurate in its depiction.

by Anonymousreply 148February 22, 2022 2:48 PM

The whole show was sort of drab, but I assume that was 70s decor of brown and orange. The only nice apartment was Rhoda and Joe’s. It was an ok show, but I think they should’ve left her on MTM. They could’ve married her off there.

by Anonymousreply 149February 22, 2022 3:28 PM

[quote]Why were Ted and Georgette never spun off into their own show?

At the time, I read that was being considered, but Ted is such an unsympathetic asshole it wasn't plausible.

by Anonymousreply 150February 22, 2022 4:05 PM

As I recall too the character of Joe was not intrinsically "funny". Most memorable sitcom characters are funny for some reason, whether they are needy, self-deprecating, foolish, airheaded, etc. He was just Joe.

by Anonymousreply 151February 22, 2022 4:07 PM

Joe could have been a straight man for Rhoda, but they wrote her so desperate even with marriage, it wasn't funny. Joe had almost no personality except to say "babe" to her every now and then.

by Anonymousreply 152February 22, 2022 4:11 PM

[quote]At the time, I read that was being considered, but Ted is such an unsympathetic asshole it wasn't plausible.

I like Georgette/Georgia Engles, but she also works better in smaller doses. The two of them as the tent pole for a show would have been painful.

by Anonymousreply 153February 22, 2022 4:26 PM

I hated the Georgette character with that baby voice. The Ted character got even more dopey vis-a-vis the Georgette character.

Sue Ann Niven probably saved the show, absent Rhoda and Phyllis (loss of funny female characters).

by Anonymousreply 154February 22, 2022 4:28 PM

Interesting AV Club article - How the producers of Rhoda killed the show by making it better...

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by Anonymousreply 155February 22, 2022 4:35 PM

Do you think Mary was livid when Rhoda posted hiring ratings it first season than the MTM Show?

by Anonymousreply 156February 22, 2022 5:00 PM

No, R156, it was more money in Grant Tinker's pocket for the upcoming divorce settlement.

And Mary wasn't feeling much of anything at that point—she was drunk as a skunk every night, by her own later admission.

by Anonymousreply 157February 22, 2022 7:22 PM

CBS was so disrespectful to Rhoda. They didn't even give it a proper final show to wrap things up after over over 100 episodes The Jeffersons got similarly disrespected after 11 seasons. It's like they didn't even care.

by Anonymousreply 158February 23, 2022 1:24 AM

Network suits “caring” about creative?

Oh my sides!!

by Anonymousreply 159February 23, 2022 3:12 AM

Debralee Scott would've been better as Brenda than Julie Kavner.

by Anonymousreply 160February 23, 2022 3:19 AM

Debralee Scott was TVs ultimate “easy” girl. No way would audiences buy her as the unattractive wallflower when she’d made a career as the unattractive sure thing.

by Anonymousreply 161February 23, 2022 3:31 AM

R151 Allan Carr wanted her for Marty in Grease

by Anonymousreply 162February 23, 2022 4:18 AM

[quote]Do you think Mary was livid when Rhoda posted hiring ratings it first season than the MTM Show?

WHY? She was happy the show was succeeding. That's how real life outside of a daytime soap opera works.

by Anonymousreply 163February 23, 2022 12:42 PM

They made Joe act like a big baby at times. Nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to join Rhoda in holy matrimony. He acted as if being married to her was a punishment of some kind. It wasn't like he wasn't married before to Miss Joan Van Ark. He knew exactly what he was getting into. They should have come up with a more plausible explanation for their separation and divorce. Perhaps it would have been better for them just to kill the character off thus preserving his integrity. Also he had a son named Donnie who liked Rhoda and was never mentioned again, we never heard about his reaction to the divorce.

by Anonymousreply 164February 23, 2022 3:20 PM

They should've had Rhoda get pregnant. The pregnancy weight would've re-triggered her weight/self-esteem issues, which could've been interesting.

by Anonymousreply 165February 23, 2022 3:37 PM

R164, as I recall, it was very much a Rhoda guilt trip situation. It was a punishment because he wasn't ready for it and told Rhoda so but she insisted on marriage. It was a terrible start to an obviously doomed marriage.

by Anonymousreply 166February 23, 2022 4:16 PM

[quote] They should have come up with a more plausible explanation for their separation and divorce.

Rhoda, after many hours of agonizing, I have come to the realization that I’m gay. I want to dance with the Village People. I want to say to my best friend, “Yes, girlfriend!” I want to dance shirtless at the International Stud.

Spin-off: Joe in the Village It’s 1980 and stud Joe is free to live his best life.

by Anonymousreply 167February 23, 2022 4:26 PM

When you have to practically beg a man to spend more time with you and force his hand by dating their marital counselor you know it's a sign the things are not working out the way they should.

by Anonymousreply 168February 23, 2022 4:31 PM

The production values looked really cheap compared to MTM and Bob Newhart Show.

by Anonymousreply 169February 23, 2022 4:44 PM

Groh was one hot Jewish daddy!

by Anonymousreply 170February 23, 2022 6:21 PM

R160 Julie was great as Brenda. No one else would have been as funny as she was.

by Anonymousreply 171February 23, 2022 6:47 PM

Kavner was about as funny and entertaining as a tooth extraction done with pliers and without anesthesia.

by Anonymousreply 172February 23, 2022 6:52 PM

In the beginning of Rhoda, Joe's workplace was often shown with characters played by comedy actors Scoey Mitchell, Candice Azzara and even Cara Williams for a couple of shows. But that scenario didn't work because Groh couldn't do comedy.

Valerie Harper later praised Mad About You and said its depiction of a New York marriage was exactly what she had wanted for Joe and Rhoda, but the network had refused her ideas.

Again, that wouldn't have worked because Groh couldn't do comedy.

by Anonymousreply 173February 24, 2022 2:17 PM

Could Groh do anything? From what I saw, she couldn't do either comedy OR drama. He was hired for his looks.

by Anonymousreply 174February 24, 2022 3:58 PM

Groh had a rather busy career guesting on TV drama and cop shows. He also taught acting classes in LA.

He died of kidney cancer at 68.

by Anonymousreply 175February 24, 2022 4:22 PM

^^ After the Rhoda mess died down, Groh found a niche in TV dramas and police shows and kept fairly busy for several decades. He was especially adept at playing TV cops. He also taught acting classes in LA.

He died of cancer at 68.

by Anonymousreply 176February 24, 2022 4:30 PM

I can't be sure but it seems like David Groh may have died.


At age...68, I think?

by Anonymousreply 177February 24, 2022 4:36 PM

They chose awful leading men for Val. What genius picked the block of wood soap actor Josh Taylor to be her husband in Valerie's Family? She had less chem with him than she did with Groh.

by Anonymousreply 178February 24, 2022 5:33 PM

Taylor was hot though. I wanted to live in that testosterone filled house as a kid.

by Anonymousreply 179February 24, 2022 6:01 PM

Valerie's real-life husband (divorced in 1978), actor Richard Schaal, was on the MTM Show quite a bit. He was hilarious, IMO, but old-looking (even back then). I'm guessing he was way too old-looking to play Rhoda's husband.

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by Anonymousreply 180February 24, 2022 6:04 PM

Is David Groh still with us? Does he like Shamrock Shakes?

by Anonymousreply 181February 24, 2022 6:15 PM


by Anonymousreply 182February 24, 2022 9:29 PM

Tina, the groovy chick in Season 5, was played by Nancy Lane, who was in the original Broadway cast of A Chorus Line.

by Anonymousreply 183February 24, 2022 9:43 PM

David Groh died of cancer at age 68. Too young to go.

by Anonymousreply 184February 24, 2022 10:28 PM

Tina was annoying as hell. She was the nail in the show's coffin.

by Anonymousreply 185February 24, 2022 10:33 PM

I dunno, R184. He couldn't do comedy and sanked what could have been a good spinoff sitcom.

by Anonymousreply 186February 24, 2022 11:48 PM

He could’ve just played the straight man, he didn’t really need to be funny.

by Anonymousreply 187February 25, 2022 12:44 AM

I think you need to understand comedy, though, to be a straight man. Unless it's camp, like Charlton Heston.

by Anonymousreply 188February 25, 2022 2:09 AM

They should’ve brought in Sandy Duncan to save the show.

by Anonymousreply 189February 25, 2022 3:18 AM

R187 meet R52

by Anonymousreply 190February 25, 2022 4:10 PM

The issue with Rhoda too is that the characters just weren't very likable. They were all just very shrill.

by Anonymousreply 191February 25, 2022 5:34 PM

Didn't David Groh play in Nirvana and Foo Fighters?

by Anonymousreply 192February 25, 2022 5:38 PM

Rhoda needed a sassy black friend.

by Anonymousreply 193February 26, 2022 2:14 AM

R189 She certainly saved The Hogan Family. Val stunk in that too. She was only ever excellent on the MTM show.

by Anonymousreply 194February 26, 2022 3:11 AM

They should've had Rhoda working in the Garment District where she would butt heads with that bigot Joanne Forbes.

by Anonymousreply 195February 26, 2022 3:25 AM

I was going to say, a female boss would’ve worked better than the Lou Grant wannabe they cast in the costume shop.

by Anonymousreply 196February 26, 2022 3:34 AM

R194, I agree regarding Valerie’s Family (Valerie, Hogan Family etc), and MTM (her best work on TV) and really she was THE breakout star of seasons one & two of MTM.

On ‘Valerie,’ it always seemed like she was the odd man out, but I think that’s because the material was beneath her. Those last four seasons of The Hogans weren’t classic ‘MTM’ or golden era CBS quality. Valerie was above that. That aside, Josh Taylor was SO HOT, the kids were great, Mrs. Poole was perfect as a kindlier & less nosy ‘Mrs. Kravitz’ and by the time Sandy Duncan dropped in with her box of Wheat Thins, it all had gelled.

On Rhoda, she was still “Rhoda,” but her life was not aligned with her lifestyle. She was like a satellite thrown out of its orbit.

by Anonymousreply 197February 26, 2022 6:13 AM

[quote]She was only ever excellent on the MTM show

Valerie Harper was a very good dramatic actress if you didn't know - stage and TV. She was particularly good in a TV movie about a woman driving alone being chased by a killer. Like all actors, she needed writing. Val wasn't a stand up comic who wrote her own material.

by Anonymousreply 198February 26, 2022 12:49 PM

Valerie Harper played everything from Tallulah Bankhead to Pearl S. Buck.

by Anonymousreply 199February 26, 2022 1:07 PM

The problem with Rhoda - It was NEVER a good show from the start.

by Anonymousreply 200February 26, 2022 1:10 PM

I don't care how bad the show was. There are TV people I like to spend time with, and one of them is Rhoda.

by Anonymousreply 201February 26, 2022 1:16 PM

[quote] There are TV people I like to spend time with, and one of them is Rhoda.

I think this sums up the problem.

We loved the Rhoda of the MTM shows. She was creative, could throw out some great zingers, and yet was vulnerable in her self-consciousness. A lot of that was lost when she moved to her own show.

by Anonymousreply 202February 26, 2022 1:22 PM

R202- Even the VERY first episode of Rhoda she was more self confident then she ever was on MTM- and attractive.

by Anonymousreply 203February 26, 2022 1:27 PM

I tried to wear my hair like Rhoda in the 70s and it never worked. Then I saw the show again and realized she was wearing wigs!

by Anonymousreply 204February 26, 2022 1:39 PM

[quote] Even the VERY first episode of Rhoda she was more self confident then she ever was on MTM- and attractive.


There was one episode of MTM where Rhoda was saying she went to school with Barbra Streisand and she started harmonizing with her. We needed more of that Rhoda.

I never understood why they didn’t use more characters of her childhood. She’s moving back to where she grew up. Why not have a character that was either a best friend or nemesis…or both characters? There’s perfect material for Ida to invite over a friend of Rhoda’s who Ida thought was perfect. “Remember Celeste from your high school? She married a doctor. I’ve invited her to lunch so she can give you tips on how to find a husband.”

by Anonymousreply 205February 26, 2022 1:40 PM

R205, lord I can already tell what a drag that would have been. Ida was even softened for the series because she would have been insufferable.

by Anonymousreply 206February 26, 2022 2:15 PM

[quote]I never understood why they didn’t use more characters of her childhood

There was one excellent episode where Linda Lavin played a uppity character from Rhoda's school days who still intimidated her - Linda Monroe.

by Anonymousreply 207February 26, 2022 2:56 PM

Even though they divorced they still could have kept Joe on as a side character.

by Anonymousreply 208February 27, 2022 1:45 AM

Joe was lousy as a lead character, he would have been worse as a supporting character. He was decent on drama but terrible on comedies.

by Anonymousreply 209February 27, 2022 2:09 AM

They didn't give Joe any funny lines. There was only so much he could do. Who could have played that part better? Ed Marinaro?

by Anonymousreply 210February 27, 2022 2:15 AM

Groh was charmless and had no personality. They could have hired a block of wood and it could have done as good as he did.

by Anonymousreply 211February 27, 2022 2:20 AM

Joe was written into a corner by being head of a demolition company. They should have made him a doctor with patients that got on his nerves or something like that. What's so funny about demolishing buildings?

by Anonymousreply 212February 27, 2022 2:23 AM

Joe as a cook with political ambitions = endlessly funny

by Anonymousreply 213February 27, 2022 2:50 PM

R203, are you sure? I haven’t watched the entire run, just random eps during marathons. From what I’ve seen she was super insecure with Joe. When he was upset about something, she automatically thought he was cheating and leaving her. Then when the marriage was actually breaking down, she was a puddle of insecurity and could barely confront him.

by Anonymousreply 214February 27, 2022 2:58 PM

Rhoda was kind of a boring, fill-in-the-black character by the time they spun her off. She was really no longer interesting. She overcame her weight and self-image issues, and once that was done, there was nothing really interesting about her. They tried to use her as the sane one in a sea of quirky characters, like they did with Mary Richards, but MTM was better able to carry off that "straight man" role than Val. Rhoda the series was a mess.

by Anonymousreply 215February 27, 2022 5:10 PM

The show ran well over 100 episodes so she must have been doing something right.

by Anonymousreply 216February 28, 2022 12:34 AM

I think they needed to get to the magic number of 100 to make it viable for syndication. Looking back, once they got past the wedding, it wasn't a terribly good show. The wedding episode was absolute genius.

by Anonymousreply 217February 28, 2022 1:24 AM

^ Bruce Willis

by Anonymousreply 218February 28, 2022 1:30 AM

Would Judd Hirsch have been a better Joe if he wanted to take the part?

by Anonymousreply 219February 28, 2022 1:34 AM


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by Anonymousreply 220February 28, 2022 1:46 AM

Rhoda's original sister was very funny on Three's Company in the episode a camping we will go.

by Anonymousreply 221February 28, 2022 12:55 PM

R221, she looked very young in that episode as well. She held her own with John and Ann and that's pretty impressive.

by Anonymousreply 222February 28, 2022 3:07 PM

Like Bess Armstrong she should have been a bigger star.

by Anonymousreply 223February 28, 2022 3:10 PM

[quote] heard that HORRIBLE theme song

The absolute worst of all time.

by Anonymousreply 224February 28, 2022 7:53 PM

La la la LA la, la la la LAAAAAAA... 🎶

by Anonymousreply 225March 1, 2022 12:13 AM

I thought the version of the intro where she tried to throw her hat in the air, as a parody of the MTM intro, was kind of clever.

by Anonymousreply 226March 1, 2022 2:24 AM

Whatever happened to Windows by Rhoda?

by Anonymousreply 227March 1, 2022 3:05 AM

Whatever happened to her plant shop that was such a big success she hired Georgette

by Anonymousreply 228March 1, 2022 3:27 AM

What happened to that yellow Oldsmobile Rhoda gave to Mary? We saw it once and never again.

by Anonymousreply 229March 1, 2022 12:00 PM

[quote]They should've had Rhoda working in the Garment District where she would butt heads with that bigot Joanne Forbes.

Better yet...they should've had Rhoda working in the Publishing Industry where she would butt head with that bigot Barbara Thorndyke.

by Anonymousreply 230March 1, 2022 3:13 PM

[quote]What happened to that yellow Oldsmobile Rhoda gave to Mary? We saw it once and never again.

I remember when Rhoda paid the down payment on yellow Ford Mustang convertible for Mary...

but I missed the "yellow Oldsmobile" episode

by Anonymousreply 231March 1, 2022 3:16 PM

You're confused, R231. The Mustang was white, and the car Mary drove to Minneapolis in over the titles. The car Rhoda put a down payment on was no Mustang, it was enormous yellow thing.

by Anonymousreply 232March 1, 2022 4:03 PM

^ I'm sorry R232

You mean this huge 1973 Ford Mustang convertible yellow thing?

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by Anonymousreply 233March 1, 2022 4:34 PM

The plant shop was so successful that Rhoda even began dressing differently as seen in that capture.

by Anonymousreply 234March 1, 2022 4:38 PM

Ford provided the cars for the MTM show

Rhoda said her car that was in the shop needing repairs was a Falcon.

by Anonymousreply 235March 1, 2022 4:42 PM

While I was "confused"

it apparently escaped R232's notice that the 1973 Ford Mustang was bigger than previous models.

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by Anonymousreply 236March 1, 2022 4:45 PM

Then there was this car in later opening credits.

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by Anonymousreply 237March 1, 2022 4:56 PM

Maybe Mary traded the yellow Ford Mustang for a blue one...

She wasn't really crazy about yellow.

by Anonymousreply 238March 1, 2022 5:15 PM

R208 Stan from the Golden Girls was funny, Joe was not.

by Anonymousreply 239March 1, 2022 5:20 PM

THIS is Mary's white Mustang - 1970

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by Anonymousreply 240March 1, 2022 5:25 PM

IIRC, Rhoda owed Mary $ b/c Mary lent R money to start her plant shop. Mary is irritated that Rhoda is not paying back the loan, but R ends up paying Mary back by putting a down payment on a car. And Mary is apparently happy about this form of repayment.

That was a really weird episode. Who wants someone else choosing a car (ugly color) and then encumbering them with a 3-5 year loan.

by Anonymousreply 241March 1, 2022 5:31 PM

That was a very strange episode, and was one of the few that Jay Sandrich didn't direct. John C. Chulay directed that one. Louise Lasser steals the entire episode from under everyone as the bank VP.

by Anonymousreply 242March 1, 2022 6:04 PM

Why weren't Gavin McLeod and DL fave and icon Joyce Bulifant spun off into their own series? Now THAT I would've watched! They could've called it something like "The Bald and the Beard."

by Anonymousreply 243March 1, 2022 10:59 PM

^ with Joyce shitting in the purses of all the women she resented and was envious of

by Anonymousreply 244March 1, 2022 11:13 PM

[quote]And Mary is apparently happy about this form of repayment.

Do you not understand this is a SITCOM? None of it should make much sense.

by Anonymousreply 245March 1, 2022 11:44 PM

MTM was an intelligently written sitcom. Everything should make sense.

by Anonymousreply 246March 2, 2022 1:29 AM

The origin story.

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by Anonymousreply 247March 2, 2022 5:59 PM


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by Anonymousreply 248March 2, 2022 7:43 PM

It was weird they shot all those San Francisco location scenes for the Phyllis intro and then immediately changed her hairstyle.

by Anonymousreply 249March 2, 2022 10:32 PM

Maybe they should have kept the original sister and brother as well.

by Anonymousreply 250March 8, 2022 11:38 PM
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