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Let’s be Yassss Kweens

I’m the screeching of “Go off, Mama! Yasss! You betta werk, Sis!” at the most mediocre things in a drag show

by Anonymousreply 114February 12, 2024 3:10 AM

I’m the majority of gay men who don’t go to drag shows because of screeching, mincing, embarrassing and repulsive individuals like you, OP

by Anonymousreply 1January 27, 2022 11:09 PM

I'll be the meth addiction followed by a botched suicide that's flagged first on Instagram.

by Anonymousreply 2January 27, 2022 11:09 PM

I’m snapping to applaud someone

by Anonymousreply 3January 27, 2022 11:11 PM

I'm the "You go GURL!" at every mention of AOC on Twitter, yet I can't tell you anything she's ever done as a Congresswoman (which is nothing) plus I never vote anyway, but she's my QUEEN!!!

by Anonymousreply 4January 27, 2022 11:14 PM

I'm the chant of "transwomen are women" before never having sex with a transman ever.

by Anonymousreply 5January 27, 2022 11:16 PM

I’m the transition that would have happened if they were born after 2010.

by Anonymousreply 6January 27, 2022 11:18 PM

I'm the dreary virtue-signaling and vocabulary policing, yet 80% of my Instagram posts are me at the gym trying to look butch.

Extra credit if I'm vaguely Latino (BUT I'M BROWN!) and always whining about "White cis queers", yet I still model my entire life after them and for their approval.

by Anonymousreply 7January 27, 2022 11:24 PM

R7 they’re called Coattail Kweens. One of their middle class grandmothers, who they hardly ever saw and called “Gran”, was 1/2 Hispanic, but after BLM suddenly they’re suddenly fondly remembering her strife in life on Facebook and calling her “Abuela”. They’re also post slutty mirror selfies with #brownboyjoy tags on Instagram.

by Anonymousreply 8January 27, 2022 11:35 PM

I am the use of the word "sickening" to mean "beautiful" or "excellent."


by Anonymousreply 9January 27, 2022 11:35 PM

Boots the house down, HUNTY.

by Anonymousreply 10January 27, 2022 11:38 PM

R8: I suppose I am a "coattail kween". February 7th of this year, I will have been out of the closet for 35 years. In the late 80's, most Latin guys were not "out", so I didn't have whole lot of role models who looked like me. I always felt more accepted and welcomed by my LGBT folk. I was too "out" for most of my fellow Latin gays.

by Anonymousreply 11January 27, 2022 11:45 PM

I'm the O-kaaaaaaaaaay with the vocal trill.

by Anonymousreply 12January 27, 2022 11:49 PM

I'm a flyover fag who likes to say things like, "I know, right?", "We're standing on line" and various foreign phrases to sound all cosmopolitan.

He went to New York with the choir once.

by Anonymousreply 13January 27, 2022 11:58 PM

I'm the multiple tweets viciously attacking anyone who dares say anything slightly critical of adult millionaire women (Adele, Taylor Swift, etc...) who couldn't give a shit about her fans.

by Anonymousreply 14January 28, 2022 12:06 AM

*their fans

by Anonymousreply 15January 28, 2022 12:07 AM

I'm the lonely death in a nightclub toilet.

by Anonymousreply 16January 28, 2022 12:29 AM

I'm the overpowering resentment and hatred for existence that hides behind the performative effeminate sass.

by Anonymousreply 17January 28, 2022 4:51 AM

I’m the blind allegiance with any far left agenda regardless if it makes sense or not. If society switches gears I’ll act like I never supported the cause in the first place.

“Support Trans Rights for Babies!”

by Anonymousreply 18January 28, 2022 5:38 AM

I'm the over 60, fat, unable to get laid average DLer who is hitting on said yass queen twink who looks underage.

by Anonymousreply 19January 28, 2022 7:29 AM

I'm the "masc, straight-acting" corn-fed All American jocks from 80s vintage porn that DLers really fantasize about. I have no idea what the fuck "Yasss Kweens" are as I sadly succumbed to AIDS in the 90s.

by Anonymousreply 20January 28, 2022 7:58 AM

Am I evil for finding this thread hilarious?

by Anonymousreply 21January 28, 2022 9:02 AM

No just gay.

by Anonymousreply 22January 28, 2022 9:16 AM

R11 u sound like a load of work, gurl

by Anonymousreply 23January 28, 2022 9:49 AM

r13 I was unaware that there exists a part of country where a common expression like "We're standing on line" is considered putting on airs.

by Anonymousreply 24January 28, 2022 9:54 AM

"My issues are not being addressed in this discussion."

It doesn't matter what the group it is or what the discussion is about. It could work colleagues in a office deciding where to go to lunch.

by Anonymousreply 25January 28, 2022 10:34 AM

I'm going from male to non-binary when my drag career flags. But I'm still only sucking dick and riding cock.

by Anonymousreply 26January 28, 2022 10:36 AM

I'll be your invitation to come through, mama.

by Anonymousreply 27January 28, 2022 10:44 AM

I’m “I’m screaming!”

by Anonymousreply 28January 28, 2022 7:54 PM

Damn. I wanted to be “Hunty.”

I’ll guess I’ll just be this kaween:

[quote] It doesn't matter what the group it is or what the discussion is about. It could work colleagues in a office deciding where to go to lunch.

Gurl! You needs to proofread, girlfriend! Proof, proof, proof, nah’m sayin’? Um hmm.

by Anonymousreply 29January 28, 2022 8:04 PM

[quote] mediocre things in a drag show


by Anonymousreply 30January 28, 2022 8:27 PM

I'm the prolapsed anus.

by Anonymousreply 31January 29, 2022 3:29 AM

I'm a black woman who's had it with white gay males appropriating her culture.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 32January 29, 2022 5:37 AM

I'm the man of the house, who warns her the queen has to be gone by the time he gets home.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 33January 29, 2022 5:53 AM

I'm the ball-tingling thrill I get when I utter the phrase "assigned male at birth" for the first (of many hundreds of) times.

by Anonymousreply 34January 29, 2022 6:15 AM

I'm the queen who breaks ranks and says "SEX IS A MATERIAL REALITY THAIT IS OBSERVED AT BIRTH, NOT ASSIGNED" then does a sassy 'cobra' head move and snaps her fingers to a chorus of obnoxious shrieking and effeminate affirmations.

by Anonymousreply 35January 29, 2022 6:40 AM

I’m the man who likes men, bewildered by all these cliché spouting halfwits co-opting our space, our history and our standing in society.

by Anonymousreply 36January 29, 2022 6:53 AM

I'm the first person in the world confirmed to carry every known strain of HPV in both my throat and anal cavity.

by Anonymousreply 37January 30, 2022 10:08 AM

Yaass queen @R37! Goals!

by Anonymousreply 38January 30, 2022 10:10 AM

I'm every reality TV show on my recording schedule.

by Anonymousreply 39January 30, 2022 10:14 AM

[QUOTE] then does a sassy 'cobra' head move


by Anonymousreply 40January 30, 2022 12:54 PM

I'm every season of RuPaul's Drag Race streaming on an endless loop.

by Anonymousreply 41January 31, 2022 11:04 AM

[R21], if you are, there's space in Hell for the two of us at least!

by Anonymousreply 42January 31, 2022 1:47 PM


by Anonymousreply 43February 23, 2022 11:41 PM

I’m the reverence for Marsha and Sylvia.

by Anonymousreply 44February 24, 2022 12:25 AM


by Anonymousreply 45February 24, 2022 12:27 AM

I am soooo bad !

by Anonymousreply 46February 24, 2022 12:33 AM

I'm the constant reapplying of lip gloss.

by Anonymousreply 47February 24, 2022 12:49 AM

I'm the praise critiquing someone's actions or performance. "Gurlfrind peed"

by Anonymousreply 48February 24, 2022 1:28 AM

I'm the guy who says "Daddyyyy!" when the music stops playing in the club in Party Girl.

[quote]a common expression like "We're standing on line"

Standing IN line is a common expression. Standing on line sounds odd.

by Anonymousreply 49February 24, 2022 1:34 AM

Standing “on” line is a NYC expression.

by Anonymousreply 50February 24, 2022 2:01 AM

I'm the Straight Man who is also a Yasss Queen. We've all seen them, hanging out with their gay friends at the drag play, shouting 'go gurl!'

by Anonymousreply 51February 24, 2022 8:37 AM

I'm the oversized 70s sunglasses.

by Anonymousreply 52February 24, 2022 9:48 AM

I’m the effeminate behavior.

by Anonymousreply 53February 24, 2022 12:43 PM

R1 is stupidly mistaking why most gay people don't go to drag shows.

And the ad hominem shit shows R1 to be.... unpleasant and unwanted.

by Anonymousreply 54February 24, 2022 12:52 PM

The entire reason reason there's homophobia is because people care so.much about where we're sticking our dicks or where dicks are being stuck. (Special mention for lesbians, of course.)

You bitches need to get over it before all that's left is the worms going over the dirt in your graves.

by Anonymousreply 55February 24, 2022 12:52 PM

I’m not r55.

by Anonymousreply 56February 24, 2022 5:37 PM

I’m listening to shitty music like Ariana Grande and acting like it’s Mozart

by Anonymousreply 57June 16, 2022 2:58 PM

I'm the 70 year old white, cis-male elder gay looking sickening in my YASS KWEEN sleeveless t shirt. Periodt.

by Anonymousreply 58June 16, 2022 3:24 PM

I'm the mincing behavior that makes other gay men cringe.

by Anonymousreply 59June 16, 2022 4:09 PM

I’m watching the QAF reboot.

by Anonymousreply 60June 17, 2022 3:23 AM

I'm Ari Melber, clapping back.

by Anonymousreply 61June 17, 2022 3:45 AM

[quote]I'm a black woman who's had it with white gay males appropriating her culture.

So retarded as usual.

"Her culture"! Tell black women or really anyone, it is impossible to appropriate something of which there is an unlimited supply.

by Anonymousreply 62June 17, 2022 4:34 AM

I'm the stating of my PRONOUNS!

by Anonymousreply 63June 17, 2022 4:37 AM

"Let’s be Yassss Kweens"

But ya are, Blanche!

Ya are!

What's more boring that a queen doing a Judy Garland impression?

It's not me anymore.

by Anonymousreply 64June 17, 2022 7:33 AM

I'm Gaga's Spotify page. And I'm tired.

by Anonymousreply 65June 17, 2022 7:48 AM

I'm the shit stained undies of the sloppy bottom KWEEEEENNNNN.

by Anonymousreply 66June 17, 2022 8:45 AM

I’m the prolapse

by Anonymousreply 67November 12, 2022 5:10 PM

I’m the werk.

by Anonymousreply 68November 12, 2022 6:05 PM

I’m the vodka soda sloshing everywhere.

by Anonymousreply 69November 16, 2022 1:20 AM

I'm in the DL posting a million Sydney Sweeney threads a week! SLAY, SIS!!!

by Anonymousreply 70November 16, 2022 1:25 AM

I’m a Broadway gurl

by Anonymousreply 71December 29, 2022 3:29 PM

I'm the younger generation of Yasss Kweens with our own jargon and unique vernacular expressions, various flamboyant personal styles, and ways of enjoying ourselves. We might be aware that we offend and irritate many of the Older Gay Generations, but honestly, we don't care about their dreary opinions on social etiquette. Most of the time, we forget they exist. Time is a harsh mistress and youth is wasted on the young. Oh well!

by Anonymousreply 72December 29, 2022 6:12 PM

I’m the smell of BO covered by a dousing of Bath & Body Works sprays

by Anonymousreply 73January 13, 2023 4:39 PM

I’m the day job as a Sephora shop bottom.

by Anonymousreply 74January 13, 2023 4:46 PM

True story: mediocre bar in the midwest decided to try and boost their image by having a drag show (with local talent). The place has a back area usually reserved for bands, so there was a stage and a ton of room in front. The first problem was that there was no runway, so they used the main area and set up folding chairs for the audience (it looked like a church service!). The other issue was that there were no stage lights for the runway, so they turned on all of the house lights (not flattering). And finally, the only gay men in attendance were IN THE SHOW (except me, whose str8 BFF's girlfriend was doing costumes). Everyone was a frau who thought they were on RuPaul! Every "yasssss Kween!" line mentioned above was shouted numerous times. It was so ....so.... I don't even know how to describe it.

I just hope they were paid well (they did make a lot of tips, though!)

by Anonymousreply 75January 13, 2023 7:53 PM

I'm booty shorts and a mesh crop top.

by Anonymousreply 76January 13, 2023 8:15 PM


by Anonymousreply 77January 13, 2023 8:19 PM

I’m the loud clacking of oversized folding fans.

by Anonymousreply 78January 13, 2023 8:36 PM

[R75] here. For any Cincinnati dataloungers, the second booking of the event I described above is happening at Legends bar in Cheviot this Saturday, February 4th!

by Anonymousreply 79January 30, 2023 12:33 AM

Dayum. R16 went dark.

Hilarious, but dark.

by Anonymousreply 80January 30, 2023 12:45 AM

I'm the Asian yaaaasss kween who only dates white guys.

by Anonymousreply 81January 30, 2023 1:45 AM

I'm the maxed out credit cards, overdue rent and grift that keeps on grifting.

by Anonymousreply 82January 30, 2023 1:49 AM


by Anonymousreply 83January 30, 2023 2:01 AM

I am the constant dramatic pretense that boundaries have been broken tonight for the first time in human history, even if everything that happens around us has happened in actuality a million times before.


by Anonymousreply 84January 30, 2023 6:13 AM

I'm the back flips.

by Anonymousreply 85January 30, 2023 7:18 AM

I'm the poz-pig with dry cum chaffing my thighs and a blown out bussy, how dare you sex shame me by not fucking me bareback.

by Anonymousreply 86January 30, 2023 7:38 AM

I’m the RSS feed to Tom And Lorenzo.

by Anonymousreply 87January 30, 2023 9:46 AM

I’m the one who asks “What’s the tea” and uses “coin” instead of “money” (“If she wants my coin she better deliver.”)

by Anonymousreply 88January 30, 2023 12:17 PM

I’m the stupid leg drops.

by Anonymousreply 89January 30, 2023 12:17 PM

Most accurate R1 in a long time

by Anonymousreply 90January 30, 2023 12:21 PM

Let's not.

by Anonymousreply 91January 30, 2023 12:22 PM

I’m the douching expertise.

by Anonymousreply 92January 30, 2023 1:03 PM

I’m the mortgage payment dropped on Beyoncé Renaissance tour tickets.

by Anonymousreply 93February 2, 2023 9:14 PM

I’m the rose gold iPhone with one of those holder ring things on the back.

by Anonymousreply 94February 2, 2023 9:18 PM

[quote]You betta werk, Sis!”

it's werq, bitch

by Anonymousreply 95February 2, 2023 9:18 PM

“I’m Trans!” 🏳️‍⚧️

“Oh my followers didn’t go up?! We’ll… I’m non-binary! Still nothing? I’m a Trans, non-binary, neurodivergent, disabled, Black,, Jewish convert, BIPOC, Latinx! Yay! 356 new followers! It finally werqed! Yassss!”

by Anonymousreply 96February 2, 2023 9:25 PM

Auntie grrrrl, your face is beat hunty! Flawless & fierce, yet I’m turnt!

by Anonymousreply 97February 2, 2023 9:28 PM

I use reading and shading interchangeably because my Insta followers don't know the difference so why bother? Hunty.

by Anonymousreply 98February 2, 2023 9:40 PM

Gurl, I liiivvve!

by Anonymousreply 99February 2, 2023 10:49 PM


Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 100February 2, 2023 10:50 PM

I’m a TERF, lurking Lex Luthor-ishly in the TikTok comments

by Anonymousreply 101February 2, 2023 11:14 PM

I'm the nailpolish that has become a required to complete a yaaassss kween's "lewk".

I'm also an inappropriately long dangly earring in one ear.

by Anonymousreply 102February 3, 2023 2:50 AM

I’m the anal bleaching and bronzer.

by Anonymousreply 103February 3, 2023 11:58 AM

I’m the breathless clamoring (mostly on social media) for Britney to be freed from her oppressive conservatorship, followed by the silence in the wake of her recent antics, now that they’ve got their wish and she's left to her own devices.

by Anonymousreply 104February 4, 2023 6:17 AM

R104 the rabid T supporters 5 years from now should take notes

by Anonymousreply 105February 4, 2023 2:48 PM

I’m the bar back job at Rumors.

by Anonymousreply 106February 4, 2023 3:24 PM

I'm Serge's boyfriend.

by Anonymousreply 107February 6, 2023 9:10 PM


by Anonymousreply 108February 6, 2023 9:12 PM

I’m the lerwk. It’s an outfit from Zara with old Doc Martens.

by Anonymousreply 109March 14, 2023 4:31 PM

I’m the chipped nail polish.

by Anonymousreply 110March 14, 2023 4:32 PM

I’m the unwashed undercarriage

by Anonymousreply 111February 11, 2024 3:16 PM

I'm the really non-existent social skills!

I eat all of my meals from plastic or cardboard to-go containers with plastic utensils.

by Anonymousreply 112February 11, 2024 9:50 PM

Let's be the OP of this thread and anyone going along with the premise imminently committing suicide.

by Anonymousreply 113February 12, 2024 12:28 AM

R113 you first

by Anonymousreply 114February 12, 2024 3:10 AM
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