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At Least 8 Dead at Houston Music Festival After Crowd Surge Causes ‘Panic’

At least eight people were killed and dozens more were injured at a music festival in Houston on Friday night after a large crowd “began to compress towards the front of the stage,” the city’s fire chief said at a news conference.

The crowd surge, during a concert by the rapper Travis Scott, “caused some panic, and it started causing some injuries,” said the fire chief, Samuel Peña. The concert was part of the Astroworld music festival.

Twenty-three people were taken to nearby hospitals by emergency responders, Chief Peña said, adding that of those patients, 11 were in cardiac arrest. Over 300 people were treated at a “field hospital” at the site, he said.

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by Anonymousreply 602November 9, 2021 12:11 PM

CNN article (non-paywalled)

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by Anonymousreply 1November 6, 2021 9:03 AM

I have never understood the appeal of concerts like this.

Isn't there a way they could set up barriers to prevent people surging like that?

This is the sort of thing that happens in India, not supposed to happen here.

by Anonymousreply 2November 6, 2021 9:05 AM

Stupid is as stupid does.

R2, Remember the Who.

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by Anonymousreply 3November 6, 2021 9:06 AM

How do we know they were crushed?....They could have collapsed from Covid...

by Anonymousreply 4November 6, 2021 9:06 AM

I cannot imagine who would pay to see Travis Scott Kardashian..

by Anonymousreply 5November 6, 2021 9:08 AM

R4, People posted videos trying to stop the concert...medics doing CPR on victims.

by Anonymousreply 6November 6, 2021 9:08 AM

They're cancelling the other two days! Bet the funders are PISSED.

Wonder if they will refund the ticket prices.

by Anonymousreply 7November 6, 2021 9:12 AM

On Twitter there were reports of laced pills being passed around all over the place. Also, there are videos of people overwhelming security and breaking into the venue several hours before the fatal incidents. How was this festival allowed to continue after that? Crazy story.

by Anonymousreply 8November 6, 2021 9:16 AM

Here is a vid of a person who tried to stop the concert and you can hear Travis on the mic refused to halt it.

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by Anonymousreply 9November 6, 2021 9:17 AM

A lot of this is coming from social media, so take it with a grain of salt, but attendees were saying that the medical staff barely knew how to do CPR.

by Anonymousreply 10November 6, 2021 9:20 AM

Travis fucking Scott? Not worth it.

by Anonymousreply 11November 6, 2021 9:51 AM

I'm old enough to remember the 1979 Who concert disaster and for some stupid reason I thought this kind of seating was no longer allowed at concerts. If I'd known about the 2000 Pearl Jam concert disaster I would have realized that no, of course this unassigned first-come first-serve seating hadn't been outlawed.

by Anonymousreply 12November 6, 2021 9:58 AM

I can't see who all is talking in the video at r9, who's saying "Who asked you to come?" Is that Travis Scott smarting off to the guy trying to get help?

by Anonymousreply 13November 6, 2021 9:59 AM

It's one thing to die seeing the Who. But to give your life up for that muppet?

by Anonymousreply 14November 6, 2021 10:04 AM

This video of people gang rushing the VIP entrance is wild.

When I saw the headline “8 dead at festival” I assumed it was a mass shooting.

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by Anonymousreply 15November 6, 2021 10:06 AM

Oh look, another HOMOPHOBIC RAPPER and a vile crowd killing each other to see him.

by Anonymousreply 16November 6, 2021 10:09 AM

[quote]Oh look, another HOMOPHOBIC RAPPER and a vile crowd killing each other to see him.

Travis is a piece of shit, but it was a festival with a bunch of performers, and Drake was there with Travis (or at least rumored to be showing up) so people weren't necessarily crowding around just to see him. I feel like Travis Scott himself could not have caused such a massive crush for the stage.

by Anonymousreply 17November 6, 2021 10:11 AM

R13, yes.

by Anonymousreply 18November 6, 2021 10:13 AM


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by Anonymousreply 19November 6, 2021 10:17 AM

R15 = Hilarious...I wonder if they even had tickets.

by Anonymousreply 20November 6, 2021 10:20 AM

[quote]Travis is a piece of shit, but it was a festival with a bunch of performers, and Drake was there with Travis (or at least rumored to be showing up)

Yes but Homophobe Travis was the headliner. AKA the main draw, the guy most people were there to see.

by Anonymousreply 21November 6, 2021 10:25 AM

Jesus F-ing Christ! R15, They look like Animals! Even people running away from the Twin Towers collapsing didn't run that fast.

by Anonymousreply 22November 6, 2021 10:30 AM

Thanks r18. Incredible how stupid and rotten to the core this kid is. Let's hope this is the end of his career.

by Anonymousreply 23November 6, 2021 10:30 AM

[quote] I feel like Travis Scott himself could not have caused such a massive crush for the stage.

The problem is, multiple people were doing anything they could to stop the concert, he noticed it and did not care.

There wasn't enough security and not enough was done to stop the people who rushed into the crowd. There also, allegedly, wasn't enough equipment to help the people who were injured.

This also isn't the first time he's been involved in something like this.

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by Anonymousreply 24November 6, 2021 10:32 AM

Travis is the ostensible organizer of the event. He's gonna get sued to high heaven. Pimp Mama Kris must be working overtime to ensure no K-cash gets touched.

by Anonymousreply 25November 6, 2021 10:34 AM

People seem to be dropping like flies at concerts these days. Phish, Abba and now this. Bad drugs? Or have people forgotten how to behave in public after lockdowns?

by Anonymousreply 26November 6, 2021 10:36 AM

R24, you're right, but you're quoting me as if I said Scott, security, the organizers, and the employees weren't the problem. I said no such thing.

What I said was very specifically directed toward someone who implied that this was caused by Travis Scott's homophobic fans, and I replied that I didn't think it was just his fans causing the crush because he's not that popular. That was it.

by Anonymousreply 27November 6, 2021 10:43 AM

Something happened at the same event a few years ago but not this bad. People rushed barriers or something. It was before Covid obviously.

by Anonymousreply 28November 6, 2021 10:51 AM

R10 they were saying the number of injured overwhelmed the medical staff. 8 dead and 300 injured, some seriously.

by Anonymousreply 30November 6, 2021 11:09 AM

R28 it's mentioned in the two articles above.

by Anonymousreply 31November 6, 2021 11:09 AM

R24 the news reports above said he stopped, confused, once he saw the ambulance - I don't think he realized what was going on until then.

by Anonymousreply 32November 6, 2021 11:11 AM

R29 is a Q loon, I already had him on ignore because he was insisting that Google was suppressing images that proved Clinton was involved in Epstein's pedo ring and that Biden was a pedo. Please consider FFing him.

by Anonymousreply 33November 6, 2021 11:12 AM

Let's see if this turns out to be a super spreader event.

by Anonymousreply 34November 6, 2021 11:15 AM

He WW'ed himself after you posted that r33, that's funny.

Anyway it's a stupid thing to say because you can see the people rushing the gates when the festival opens and there are a ton of white people. The photos of the crush show lots of white and Asian people as well. Racists are very stupid.

by Anonymousreply 35November 6, 2021 11:16 AM

Take a look at the videos of this concert crowd storming the gates...these are the lowest of the low socioeconomic members of society. No real loss.

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by Anonymousreply 36November 6, 2021 11:18 AM

I use to uber a bit as a side gig and drove some very young white affluent suburban HS kids to the event a few years ago.

by Anonymousreply 37November 6, 2021 11:23 AM

Were they rescue white affluent suburban HS kids?

by Anonymousreply 38November 6, 2021 11:25 AM

R38 if you read the comments you can see I'm commenting regarding a racist trumpturd's comment.

by Anonymousreply 39November 6, 2021 11:30 AM

Take a look at yourself R36. You seem expendable.

by Anonymousreply 40November 6, 2021 11:38 AM

The concert was heart-stopping.

by Anonymousreply 41November 6, 2021 11:40 AM

I see multiple comments responding to that one poster's two comments, I guess. Remember the DL rules, don't feed the trolls

Anyone with half a brain knows that people of all socioeconomic statuses go to these sorts of things. I know several ER doctors who are ravers and spent most of last year complaining that their events had all been cancelled, like Above and Beyond etc.

by Anonymousreply 42November 6, 2021 11:41 AM

r38 clearly didn't read the comments, someone implied they were all black, others implied they were "lowest of the low" as far as socioeconomic class goes. Neither seems to be true and people were pointing that out.

Trying to paint the victims as all poor, black, homophobic, or something along those lines, therefore deserving of being killed, is a weird thing that DL trolls do with stories like this and I've never understood it. I guess it's about trying to start a flamewar, but it almost sounds like they're trying to get people to stop talking about the news story in question for some reason.

by Anonymousreply 43November 6, 2021 11:42 AM

Two-day tickets cost $300 and VIP packages started at $750. People were outraged, but of course the event sold out. Alcohol + drugs + a ton of people pissed about being ripped off can end badly.

by Anonymousreply 44November 6, 2021 11:50 AM

R43 yes I think that was covered with far less verbosity in r39's response, which I assume you didn't see.

by Anonymousreply 45November 6, 2021 11:51 AM

Removed 8 people who pay money to listen to Hip-Hop.

Always see the positive side of a story.

by Anonymousreply 46November 6, 2021 12:06 PM

Evidently, it did not work out well for some of them.

by Anonymousreply 47November 6, 2021 12:11 PM

R19 looks like some morbidly obese people fell on others

by Anonymousreply 48November 6, 2021 12:13 PM

Although this video doesn't look good, as far as who is breaking the security perimeter.

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by Anonymousreply 49November 6, 2021 12:26 PM

And I wonder how many in the crowd were doing this:

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by Anonymousreply 50November 6, 2021 12:29 PM

We are still in a pandemic. This is not the time to attend these functions, I would not do it.Breaking into the festival before the doors open? People have no life, literally and figuratively.

by Anonymousreply 51November 6, 2021 12:29 PM

Americans prove time and again what stupid entitled garbage people we are.

by Anonymousreply 52November 6, 2021 12:33 PM

Festivals are my guilty pleasure. I'm way too old to try to get "on the rail" yet I feel compelled once I get there. When it all goes right, sometimes being in the midst of a crowd can feel almost transcendental. That being said, no concert goer is trampling people to get to Joy Division and Death Cab for Cutie.

by Anonymousreply 53November 6, 2021 12:36 PM

R52 fuck off with your America bashing. Crowd stampedes happen in a lot of countries.

So tired of idiots who rush to threads like this to post about how terrible America is. All entitled pricks who have no clue what actual discomfort is like.

by Anonymousreply 54November 6, 2021 12:46 PM

R54 I was referring to the gate crashers fucktard. And just because there is stupid behavior elsewhere doesn't mean that we in the US haven't excelled at or reveled even in our stupidity so fuck off.

by Anonymousreply 55November 6, 2021 12:48 PM

R55 you should learn to communicate then, you dripping pusbag, because you're doing a shitty job of it. I also suggest an education in something other than shitposting.

by Anonymousreply 56November 6, 2021 12:52 PM

There’s a very good 30 for 30 episode about the crowd crush at Hillsborough in which 96 people died. It is shockingly easy for this to happen, very quickly, if a venue doesn’t have good organization and crowd control. It was also notable to me that it doesn’t even look like much is going on even from a short distance away—it just looks like a fairly normal crowded area until you see the close-up video and can tell that the people pressed up against the fencing were dead. It seems unbelievable almost.

by Anonymousreply 57November 6, 2021 12:53 PM

I went to see The Who in the 80s and by then festival seating was allowed (not sure if it was totally banned here). We had to order tickets and we requested to NOT be on the floor, but they sent us floor seats anyway. We made sure to be near the sides close to an exit so that we'd not be crunched if anything happened. Can see better from there also.

by Anonymousreply 58November 6, 2021 12:57 PM

I'm a big guy, 6'4" 230lbs. I was knocked off my feet by a rushing crowd at a nightclub. Security at the stage began pushing people back and I was caught in the current. My friend caught me and kept me on my feet. Otherwise I would have been trampled by non-binaries on heels.

No more GA shows for me.

by Anonymousreply 59November 6, 2021 12:58 PM

It was good, r57. And I feel like people are saying the same things now as they did then. "They didn't have a ticket!" "They were drunk (high)!" All of that doesn't matter. Security is supposed to make sure these things don't happen.

by Anonymousreply 60November 6, 2021 1:03 PM

Ok when I am typing with gritted teeth and mentally summoning meteors it's time to log off for the day.

by Anonymousreply 61November 6, 2021 1:04 PM

These are stupid reckless kids. However one assumes it was GREEDY CYNICAL ADULTS who let the concert even start, after scenes like this.

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by Anonymousreply 62November 6, 2021 1:06 PM

R62 it was a few hundred of people out of 50,000. You don't cancel a festival of that size for a couple hundred people behaving like idiots. You wait until they kill 8 people and injure over 300 more. THEN you can use your insurance.

by Anonymousreply 63November 6, 2021 1:09 PM

Yes R60! The same narrative: rowdy kids, drunk people, cheap people, got themselves into this situation by gate-jumping and pushing.

Instead the documentary breaks down that for crowd control at an event like this, it’s the staff’s responsibility not to let the crowd overwhelm one area and to make sure the fencing is set up in a way that has some give in it for when the crowd expands. In an overwhelming crowd situation, the crowd is not something any one attendee can control and is stronger than the sum of its parts, and can move people inside the crowd almost like an undertow in water. It’s very scary.

by Anonymousreply 64November 6, 2021 1:11 PM

R19 Do people think Travis or his ilk care?? They are for money and drugs. They are ghouls. Adjacent to the queen ghouls being the Kardashians. This culture is trash. This is the outcome of the worship of trash, vapid, junkie, anti-intellectual consumer culture. Yes this has happened before but there is no denying the darkness that comes with this genre of culture. I hope the families can find peace. Or sue Travis into oblivion.

by Anonymousreply 65November 6, 2021 1:11 PM

[quote]the crowd crush at Hillsborough

Oof, I looked up photos of this and really wish I hadn't.

by Anonymousreply 66November 6, 2021 1:12 PM

Travis likely couldn’t even tell what was happening. A crowd crush is not obvious from a distance if you’re not trained to recognize it.

by Anonymousreply 67November 6, 2021 1:12 PM

Alec Baldwin's publicist is breathing a sigh of relief.

by Anonymousreply 68November 6, 2021 1:23 PM

No one still cares about that but the right wing, r68.

by Anonymousreply 69November 6, 2021 1:24 PM

How embarrassing to die at a Travis Scott concert.

by Anonymousreply 70November 6, 2021 1:24 PM

The problem is we know that at least one person got on stage and told him what was happening, r67. He just dismissed it.

There are also reports on Twitter that he stopped every so often when he could see something was going on, but then always started back up again.

by Anonymousreply 71November 6, 2021 1:24 PM

Someone must be blamed! Someone must be at fault! That guy, over there! Get him!

by Anonymousreply 72November 6, 2021 1:27 PM

Travis Scott knew what he was doing so hopefully he gets sued into oblivion. He was arrested before for egging on the crowd to surge to the stage and jump barricades at Lollapalooza. And Lollapalooza, even if its been around for decades, isnt exactly a model for crowd management. Crowd stampedes of up to 30-40 feet happened there regularly when I used to go and nobody did anything. Kids were regularly passed out on the lawn and nobody would even check if the kid has a pulse there. The fact that He got arrested there, he must have been really terrible.

by Anonymousreply 73November 6, 2021 1:28 PM

With all the armchair detectives in this thread, we should be able to solve the Zodiac murders in no time!

by Anonymousreply 74November 6, 2021 1:31 PM

There was a “very special episode” of WKRP in Cincinnati about The Who concert tragedy.

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by Anonymousreply 75November 6, 2021 1:32 PM

Re: the linked Twitter video: I’ve got to hand it to the young, completely outnumbered security guards. They didn’t give up and used their bodies to try to block as many people as they could (to no avail). It was an impossible situation for them to manage and they put themselves in real danger.

by Anonymousreply 76November 6, 2021 1:40 PM

Can you imagine if someone had pulled a tight piece of well-anchored piano wire across the area? It'd be like a horror movie.

by Anonymousreply 77November 6, 2021 1:57 PM

Eruv, R77.

by Anonymousreply 78November 6, 2021 2:15 PM

Did he knock up the Jenner girl?

by Anonymousreply 79November 6, 2021 2:18 PM

R78 Hah, I had to look that up, but it's fascinating the mental gymnastics people do so they can technically stick to doctrine even though they're violating the idea behind it.

by Anonymousreply 80November 6, 2021 2:20 PM

They already have one kid, R79. As much as I despise all those K people, I sincerely hope they have no more kids together.

by Anonymousreply 81November 6, 2021 2:28 PM

This reminds me of that time a dozen people died at one of my Vegas shows.

They all died of natural causes, but still.

by Anonymousreply 82November 6, 2021 2:32 PM

[quote] I was referring to the gate crashers fucktard.

You may want to look up this summer’s Euro final at Wembley, fucktard.

by Anonymousreply 83November 6, 2021 2:36 PM

Is this like the gathering of the Juggalos?

by Anonymousreply 84November 6, 2021 2:37 PM

Waiting for the racism accusations

by Anonymousreply 85November 6, 2021 2:43 PM

R81, that slut is pregnant again.

by Anonymousreply 86November 6, 2021 2:43 PM

Decent security won’t work this kind of festival, so they get regular people off the street. Hence, some of these videos with the crowds rushing through and them being hapless to stop them.

by Anonymousreply 87November 6, 2021 2:52 PM

[quote]you should learn to communicate then, you dripping pusbag, because you're doing a shitty job of it. I also suggest an education in something other than shitposting. —or, just kill yourself, you irrelevant snatchstain

r56, you have some serious anger issues,

by Anonymousreply 88November 6, 2021 2:58 PM

A prime example of the all American Fuck Biden nobody's gonna tell ME what to do spirit.

by Anonymousreply 89November 6, 2021 2:59 PM

I’m surprised how many white people were at this concert!

by Anonymousreply 90November 6, 2021 3:00 PM

KArdashian=trump support

by Anonymousreply 91November 6, 2021 3:01 PM

The ghetto “security” seemed only to punch and shove whites and latins. Hmmmm

by Anonymousreply 92November 6, 2021 3:02 PM

Really, R90? most mainstream rappers have a largely white audience. That’s where their money and fame mostly come from.

by Anonymousreply 93November 6, 2021 3:03 PM

Thank god I’m not part of young crowd and only get exposed to this terrible music

by Anonymousreply 94November 6, 2021 3:06 PM

Very interesting footage of the stampede. Now parents can see evidence of their child stomping on another human being to see Travis. Fucking Scott.

by Anonymousreply 95November 6, 2021 3:17 PM

It seems like there was some mass "cardiac event" which may have had something to do with it.

Obviously drugs of some kind, or LETHAL BIOWEAPON GAS???

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by Anonymousreply 96November 6, 2021 3:19 PM

[quote]I’m surprised how many white people were at this concert!

As R93 said, rappers this mainstream have largely white audiences. Kanye West was a favorite of tech bros for years. We also can't forget the infamous Martin Shkreli paying 2 million for a Wu Tang album.

by Anonymousreply 97November 6, 2021 3:19 PM

yeah Im not at all surprised r90, Travis Scott is one of those rappers whose fans are mostly white, that's how they attain #1 albums

These images from earlier in the day should have triggered some kind of concern from the people handling and securing the event

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by Anonymousreply 98November 6, 2021 3:26 PM

This guy has some good video clips of stuff happening.

Ravers were jumping and dancing on the ambulances trying to get through the crowds to save people.

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by Anonymousreply 99November 6, 2021 3:35 PM

Was there a Best Buy to loot on the other side of those gates?

by Anonymousreply 100November 6, 2021 3:36 PM

Watch the video. Unlike 01/06/21, all ethnicities are represented in it.

by Anonymousreply 101November 6, 2021 3:38 PM

Hip hop plus general seating? What an amazing idea.

by Anonymousreply 102November 6, 2021 3:40 PM

TMZ is reporting someone "went crazy" and was injecting people with some kind of drug.

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by Anonymousreply 103November 6, 2021 3:46 PM

R98….Looked like a WalMart Black Friday event circa 2003.

by Anonymousreply 104November 6, 2021 3:48 PM

The “mass cardiac event” is people being crushed in the crowd. When you are unable to breathe, you go into cardiac arrest. It has nothing to do with drugs.

by Anonymousreply 105November 6, 2021 3:49 PM

Some of the comments in this thread are mind-numbingly stupid and bigoted.

by Anonymousreply 106November 6, 2021 3:50 PM

R101 true however the vast majority of the white people showed up near the end of the gate rush. I'm not trying to be racist here but it's pretty clear in the video who led the gatestorming.

Of course that's a totally separate issue from the cardiac events and stampeding in the crowd later.

by Anonymousreply 107November 6, 2021 3:52 PM

[quote]Some of the comments in this thread are mind-numbingly stupid and bigoted.

Hello R106, welcome to Datalounge! Don't just limit that line of thinking to THIS thread. You can find plenty of that in many of our threads here! Enjoy!

by Anonymousreply 108November 6, 2021 3:54 PM

R106 is pro “people being crushed to death in a general seating event.”

R106 thinks the same thing would have happened if this were the Boston Pops doing an evening of classical favorites.

R106 calls *other people* “mind numbing.”

by Anonymousreply 109November 6, 2021 3:54 PM

R107 to add to that, I think it is a cultural issue and not necessarily about race. Respect for authority vs. not.

by Anonymousreply 110November 6, 2021 3:54 PM

R105 did you read the Rolling Stone article above? It seems to indicate that the cardiac events came first, then the crowd crush.

by Anonymousreply 111November 6, 2021 3:55 PM

Too bad the concert was ruined. I like the set design - Wizard Oz meets Goatse's glowing gaped hole!

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by Anonymousreply 112November 6, 2021 4:01 PM

The TMZ report alleging someone was injecting the crowd with drugs says

[quote] the source is a key person involved in the festival

This is right out of the Hillsborough playbook and is a defensive spin to try and safeguard the concert organizers from being blamed. The truth is, you would be safe betting money that the cause of these days was a crowd stampede that would have been avoided if the organizers paid for property security and crowd control measures.

The Rolling Stone article is poorly written, but what that first responder is saying is that from his place toward the front, all the sudden he could see people along the front line go down and get worked on for cardiac arrest. He’s not saying this caused the surge, he’s describing the very first victims of the surge—the wave of crowd compression pushed these people up against hard surfaces, depriving them of air, causing cardiac arrest. It sounds like their friends then got them out and onto the ground to be worked out.

I’m turning into a Hillsborough troll now, but this is exactly what happened there and it’s not a sign of some drug attack/use, it’s a basic crowd crush.

by Anonymousreply 113November 6, 2021 4:02 PM

Also, in a crowd crush scenario, the individual people in the crowd, especially in the back half, can’t see and don’t understand the impact of the crowding on the people in the front. This is why it’s so essential that concert and event organizers plan for a crowd and take responsibility for managing its flow. All those kids stampeding into the back didn’t know what effect they were having on the kids in the front line who were getting crushed.

by Anonymousreply 114November 6, 2021 4:05 PM

R110 You're a racist piece of shit! Respect for authority vs not?

January 6th says hello asshole.

Most white people in America believe any type of government authority is government overreach.

The fuck out of here with that bullshit. White people are the first ones to buck authority if they don't like the rules. Aided by their White supremacist leaders Trump & Tucker Carlson etc.

by Anonymousreply 115November 6, 2021 4:09 PM

You think that's bad?

Wait till you get a load of me.

by Anonymousreply 116November 6, 2021 4:11 PM

R115 once again proves it is impossible to have any sort of reasoned conversation on the internet.

Merely mentioning race, or rather cultural issues related to race in America, does not make one a racist. Sorry to be the one to have to tell you this.

Please, explain to me the first hundred or so people jumping the gates. You can't watch the same video and not see the similarities.

by Anonymousreply 117November 6, 2021 4:13 PM

This needs to happen more at MAGA rallies.

by Anonymousreply 118November 6, 2021 4:14 PM

R113 there's actually been a bunch of cases of people getting jabbed in bars (mostly women) in the UK with date rape drugs recently (it's a current issue in the UK) so it isn't unheard of. Not saying it's what happened, just that it isn't out of the realm of possibility.

by Anonymousreply 119November 6, 2021 4:15 PM

Kardashian rumor mill (tmz) going full swing with bullshit stories so the event isn’t sued. They are absolute scum. Cut of the same cloth as trump.

by Anonymousreply 120November 6, 2021 4:17 PM

R120 and it's all irrelevant because what matters is what the inspectors find happened. Of course no one wants to wait for that and are already calling for Travis Scott's head.

by Anonymousreply 121November 6, 2021 4:31 PM

The tox results of the women claiming to have been jabbed came back negative.

by Anonymousreply 122November 6, 2021 4:38 PM

R120 Yes. I have “socially conscious” acquaintances in their late 20s and early 30s who are rabidly anti-Trump and anti-capitalism but who also follow the kardashians on instagram and take in this type of music. They are a generation of performative morons. So sick of it.

by Anonymousreply 123November 6, 2021 4:41 PM

Hope everyone at the top gets sued for this. May Travis Scott never perform again.

by Anonymousreply 124November 6, 2021 4:45 PM

8 panicked and 8 died.

by Anonymousreply 125November 6, 2021 4:46 PM

Some of the videos of the asshole crowd are horrifying. Even the workers were scared.

by Anonymousreply 126November 6, 2021 4:47 PM

One of the scariest ways to die

by Anonymousreply 127November 6, 2021 4:48 PM

This is monstrous. Just evil. Those fans aren't even human to them, just dollar signs and ego sources.

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by Anonymousreply 128November 6, 2021 4:48 PM

Have the Trumptards started using this to justify the Jan. 6th insurrection yet?

by Anonymousreply 129November 6, 2021 4:49 PM

But but TRAVIS SCOTT, R128!!!

by Anonymousreply 130November 6, 2021 4:50 PM

So Covid is over?

by Anonymousreply 131November 6, 2021 4:50 PM

Déjà vu cherie.

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by Anonymousreply 132November 6, 2021 4:50 PM

R128 not to burst your bubble but the fans were the ones jumping and dancing on ambulances trying to get through the crowd.

by Anonymousreply 133November 6, 2021 4:51 PM

I saw the stampede footage at r15 on the news this morning. It was pretty shocking even for a concert like this. It seems like they didn't have adequate crowd control staff.

by Anonymousreply 134November 6, 2021 4:51 PM

Those pyrotechnics remind me of the Station Nightclub disaster. Between that and the stampede it’s like they were trying to kill people.

by Anonymousreply 135November 6, 2021 4:54 PM

[quote] Take a look at the videos of this concert crowd storming the gates...these are the lowest of the low socioeconomic members of society. No real loss.

As others have said, Travis Scott is popular with upper middle class white kids, at least in Houston. I'm a teacher and I hear about this concert from my students every year.

by Anonymousreply 136November 6, 2021 4:54 PM

Yes, I realize that. A lot of those fans were children, one of the injured is only 10 years old. But who makes the most money from a concert? Who benefits the most? The one on stage had all of the control , the ONLY control at the time to stop what was happening. He did not. His camera man did not. This is on video tape, not an assumption. He had the power to calm things, to turn up the lights and refuse to lip sync until they calmed down . He chose not to stop it. He chose to continue knowing people were hurt. He is the most responsible in my opinion.

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by Anonymousreply 137November 6, 2021 4:56 PM

R135 I think we were only minutes away from the pyrotechnic tubes being pointed towards the audience, roasting them alive. The real goal of a mass ritualistic sacrifice was thwarted by the stampede happening too early.

by Anonymousreply 138November 6, 2021 4:56 PM

[quote] Kardashian rumor mill (tmz) going full swing with bullshit stories so the event isn’t sued. They are absolute scum. Cut of the same cloth as trump.

ITA. Next up, releasing video of Kim blowing Pete Davidson in the back of her Bentley with Pimp Mammy going on all the talk shows with her outrage that the private moment was leaked. 8 dead…..Oh well, splooge soaked Kimbo face…. OUTRAGEOUS!

by Anonymousreply 139November 6, 2021 4:56 PM

R137 thanks but I'll wait and see what the inspectors say actually happened before tarring and feathering some singer.

by Anonymousreply 140November 6, 2021 4:57 PM

People focusing on the individual kids are putting the blame in the wrong place. A crowd has a physical effect different than the sum of its parts. It’s like saying, why didn’t those drops of water pull back and stop that wave. It’s why good festival organizers plan crowd barriers and flow that will prevent a crush no matter how unruly the crowd gets.

by Anonymousreply 141November 6, 2021 4:58 PM

The video is out there for all to see. But it will not matter to some. They will continue to worship and defend a POS who watches them die and doesn't say a word.

by Anonymousreply 142November 6, 2021 5:00 PM

[quote] But who makes the most money from a concert? Who benefits the most?

These people make money off a festival: the performers and their agents, the event owners/organizers, the venue owners

Which of those groups is responsible for planning and funding security for the event? Who gains money if corners are cut on paying for good security? Not the performer.

by Anonymousreply 143November 6, 2021 5:00 PM

Concerts, festivals and some endurance sports events rely heavily on volunteers for jobs such as registration, ticketing and crowd control. These ‘volunteers’ have absolutely no training and are often ill-equipped to handle a sea of humanity coming towards them. They often abandon their posts because, after all, the only reason they are at the event is to volunteer in exchange for a free day pass or registration. It’s insane to watch.

by Anonymousreply 144November 6, 2021 5:02 PM

R141- The descriptions on Twitter are nightmarish. If you had your arms up you could not put them down. Not one inch of room, losing oxygen, sliding to the floor where you know you will probably die. Hideous death.

by Anonymousreply 145November 6, 2021 5:03 PM

R144- Someone on Twitter said they hire kids from high school, college campuses. Exactly what you said, zero experience.

by Anonymousreply 146November 6, 2021 5:05 PM

How sad really. A bunch of young people wanted to go see a concert and dance and have a good time and end up in this horror. I went to ONE concert in my entire life (Tom Petty) and decided right then and there those crowds were not for me. Its also why i quit going to Disney World. Too many fucking people unnerve me.

by Anonymousreply 147November 6, 2021 5:06 PM

I remember the good ole days, when yearly pilgrimages to Mecca would result in 10s of 1000s of people being crushed.

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by Anonymousreply 148November 6, 2021 5:08 PM

The closest I’ve come to this is the original Women’s March. It was just crowded enough that you started feeling people pressing up against you from all sides—nothing like feeling crushed, but when I looked around and all I could see was people crowded in every direction as far as my eye could see, that was panic-inducing.

by Anonymousreply 149November 6, 2021 5:09 PM

R147- Same with me. Especially now.

by Anonymousreply 150November 6, 2021 5:10 PM

I had a friend survive the Liverpool stampede. He has struggled with PTSD ever since.

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by Anonymousreply 151November 6, 2021 5:11 PM

What was on their iPods?

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by Anonymousreply 152November 6, 2021 5:12 PM

Bump this cunt

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by Anonymousreply 153November 6, 2021 5:12 PM


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by Anonymousreply 154November 6, 2021 5:14 PM

Thanks for your lesbian take on the situation R149

by Anonymousreply 155November 6, 2021 5:14 PM

Look at that crowd.

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by Anonymousreply 156November 6, 2021 5:19 PM

Sorry, just that quick and it was removed. 😏

by Anonymousreply 157November 6, 2021 5:20 PM

Sorry, just that quick and it was removed. 😏

by Anonymousreply 158November 6, 2021 5:20 PM

I just noticed that the television reporter is a busty blonde gal named “Mycah”.

by Anonymousreply 159November 6, 2021 5:26 PM

Also seems like MSM isn’t covering this too much which is weird. I

by Anonymousreply 160November 6, 2021 5:42 PM

What venue wants Travis Scott in their premises ever, EVER again?

by Anonymousreply 161November 6, 2021 5:50 PM

What artists would want to work with these festival organizers after this?

by Anonymousreply 162November 6, 2021 5:55 PM

"Also seems like MSM isn’t covering this too much which is weird."

They don't want to be accused of being racist.

by Anonymousreply 163November 6, 2021 6:00 PM

Guess the check cleared as Travis finally tweeted his thots and prayers

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by Anonymousreply 164November 6, 2021 6:09 PM


And you paint anyone who disagrees with you as a racist, which is a blatant lie.

by Anonymousreply 165November 6, 2021 6:19 PM

A source connected to Astroworld tells TMZ, someone in the crowd went crazy and began injecting people with some sort of drug, which caused panic and then a surge.

The source says authorities are trying to determine if those who went into cardiac arrest were the ones injected. We're told one of those who died is a 10-year-old.

The source says it appears to be a targeted attack.

We have not confirmed this report, but the source is a key person involved in the festival.

by Anonymousreply 166November 6, 2021 6:20 PM

C'mon, let's not let this thread devolve into racist rants. I have been to my fair share of festivals, and for 2 and 3 day ones they usually have one closer who appeals to the same fans as Scott's. I have never felt any more or any less safe in those crowds. In fact, the only time I "noped" out was during a Fall Out Boy set back in the day. Teenage girls are scary.

by Anonymousreply 167November 6, 2021 6:20 PM

Army of hopeless losers. Every black woman must have 6 or 7 kids.

by Anonymousreply 168November 6, 2021 6:24 PM

I wonder who “the source” is R166.

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by Anonymousreply 169November 6, 2021 6:27 PM

They are revolting.

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by Anonymousreply 170November 6, 2021 6:33 PM


by Anonymousreply 171November 6, 2021 6:35 PM

I don’t know who this nando is, but he speaks for me with his tweet.

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by Anonymousreply 172November 6, 2021 6:38 PM

A 10 year old should not be in a place like that.

by Anonymousreply 173November 6, 2021 6:39 PM

He actually has been cited twice before for inciting a riot. Lalapalooza and in Arkansas.

He or his team also have been frantically scrubbing old tweets where he encouraged the behavior.

by Anonymousreply 174November 6, 2021 6:47 PM

For the iPod playlist ...

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by Anonymousreply 175November 6, 2021 6:48 PM

Herd culling.

by Anonymousreply 176November 6, 2021 6:48 PM

Too soon?

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by Anonymousreply 177November 6, 2021 7:10 PM

I watched the stampede at the gates. It was a mixed race crowd - looked 50% black 50% not black. So racists go fuck yourselves.

by Anonymousreply 178November 6, 2021 7:10 PM

Never too soon for Jennifer Paige. Her makeup and stylist are FAB U LOUS. 4 snaps and a drizzle of caramel goodness.

by Anonymousreply 179November 6, 2021 7:21 PM

I immediately thought of that Who show. I have lived in the midwest and attended a lot of concerts and after that tragedy they were handled in ways that enhanced crowd safety. Very sad that last night did not have those crowd protections in place, terrifying way to die, being crushed. I had a situation that started to get scary once at the old Meadowlands in NJ, crowd was being sprayed with water on a very hot night and footing got very slippery and people started to push. I have always been very careful since to stick to the edges of crowds at events and to have exit points in mind.

by Anonymousreply 180November 6, 2021 7:35 PM

Interesting, R174. I imagine there are screen shots.

by Anonymousreply 181November 6, 2021 7:37 PM


by Anonymousreply 182November 6, 2021 7:41 PM

Darwin wins. Those trashy people deserve it .

by Anonymousreply 183November 6, 2021 7:43 PM

I'm assuming there was a mad rush to flee the venue once the "music" started playing.

by Anonymousreply 184November 6, 2021 7:44 PM

The 30 for 30 documentary on Hillsborough is really, really moving. In the aftermath, a lot of people blamed the victims, but it was of course due to negligence on the part of the organizers. I don't care for disaster porn, but that documentary has stayed with me for a long time and it is definitely worth watching even if that's not your thing.

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by Anonymousreply 185November 6, 2021 7:47 PM

R178 yeah Travis Scott definitely appeals to the white frat bro douchebag type.

by Anonymousreply 186November 6, 2021 7:50 PM

I dont care that the Kardashians fuck black guys,but goddamn,are they ever going to fuck a good looking one ???

by Anonymousreply 187November 6, 2021 7:53 PM

I doubt someone was injecting people, think they were just crushed in the crowd. So sad. The promoters are responsible for the poor crowd control and security.

Live Nation sucks on many levels but you should be able to live though their overpriced shows.

Security often pulls people up and over barriers at the front if the crowd pushes. That people were crushed in the middle of the crowd was a poorly planned and managed event.

by Anonymousreply 188November 6, 2021 7:53 PM

Here's a list of stampedes from modern history for the racist fucktards in this thread.

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by Anonymousreply 189November 6, 2021 7:55 PM

[quote] Travis Scott knew what he was doing so hopefully he gets sued into oblivion. He was arrested before for egging on the crowd to surge to the stage and jump barricades at Lollapalooza.

They should arrest his ass after this as well.

by Anonymousreply 190November 6, 2021 7:58 PM

will this become a thing in America now? congrats to the youth of America

by Anonymousreply 191November 6, 2021 8:00 PM

Report from someone who was hospitalized.

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by Anonymousreply 192November 6, 2021 8:06 PM

I have hard time believing the guy up there yelling faggot and admonishing people for looking like queers gives a flying fuck about anyone but himself. He's probably disappointed he only caused 8 deaths.

by Anonymousreply 193November 6, 2021 8:08 PM

R9 According to Twitter, it was the camera person telling him to stop trying to stop the concert. Perhaps there is another voice that I didn’t hear?

by Anonymousreply 194November 6, 2021 8:13 PM


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by Anonymousreply 195November 6, 2021 8:16 PM

R192 that stupid cow praises God and thanks him for saving her, but not even one thank you to the “random guy” who actually saw her on the ground and who pulled her to safety before she could be trampled to death.

by Anonymousreply 196November 6, 2021 8:17 PM

I don't think the ten year old died. The mayor said the fatalities were between 16 and 23 years old.

by Anonymousreply 197November 6, 2021 8:21 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 198November 6, 2021 8:25 PM

It astounds me that given his history of being a complete cunt that anyone would defend him.

by Anonymousreply 199November 6, 2021 8:35 PM

The Kardashian Curse is alive & well

by Anonymousreply 200November 6, 2021 8:37 PM

R197 the mayor said "people as young as ten" when she was talking about deaths, at least that's what I heard her say on NPR.

by Anonymousreply 201November 6, 2021 8:37 PM

Hopefully, the 10-year-old’s death is a false report.

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by Anonymousreply 202November 6, 2021 8:40 PM

[quote] Concert-goers who died ranged in age from 16 to 23, said Turner, who called for a "detailed briefing" from concert organizer Live Nation, Harris County, NRG Park, Houston Police and Fire and the Office of Emergency Management, explaining how the event got out of control. Festival fans also stampeded the concert entrance earlier on Friday.

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by Anonymousreply 203November 6, 2021 8:41 PM

Grifters already grifting

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by Anonymousreply 204November 6, 2021 8:49 PM
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by Anonymousreply 205November 6, 2021 8:49 PM

Social media ambulance chasers

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by Anonymousreply 206November 6, 2021 8:50 PM

Even 14-16 year olds... what the hell were they doing there? Parenting has gone downhill.

by Anonymousreply 207November 6, 2021 8:52 PM

I only know of Travis Scott from his appearances with Kylie Jenner. In them, he looks “off”. Stoned? Drugged? Autistic? Dunno, but his body language screams pathology.

I have seen some reports in the news that he has been charged in the past with inciting riots and sued for physical damage (spinal damage) to a fan at a concert.

So this all seems up his alley.

What I have not seen evidence of, are accusations of a rape (from those who know him). Also, there are accusations that he is abusive to his staff: but again, I have not seen hard evidence of this. There are also accusations that he steals (music? ideas? ) from others.

Here is something by someone that worked with him (Shane Morris):

[quote] But you want a s***ty character move? You want to know what low, grimy motherfucker Travis Scott is? Late one night, we were all down in the Dungeon, up late, having a party. Music was playing, we were all having fun… and then I did what all epileptic people do from time to time: I had a seizure. You know what Travis Scott did? He left. He and his friend Tony left me. I eventually ended up at the hospital that night, but Travis couldn’t be bothered. I should mention at this point that during the week before my seizure, Travis and I were discussing me managing him. For almost two years, I had been working with him, building him up, and giving him guidance in music. To get left like that, when I’m having a medical emergency - that’s pretty cold. So the next day, I called Travis Scott while I was driving to see my friend Jenn. He explained to me that he didn’t want a manager that would be having seizures, and he didn’t want to bring T.I. around anything like that. “How do I know you’re not just gonna be shaking on the ground and s***?” I exploded. If there’s one thing you don’t do, it’s use my disability against me, as a reason to say I’m not worthy in my business. Travis Scott is the kind of person who discriminates based upon disability. He steals from the musicians around him. Then, he manipulates people into thinking he did it all on his own.

Not only is Travis Scott extremely unattractive, he seems to be a huge, huge loser.

What is Kylie Jenner thinking by procreating with this cretin?

by Anonymousreply 208November 6, 2021 8:55 PM

All of them have been coached by Pimp Momma to get knocked up by "low education" rich doofuses as a fallback for more cash.

by Anonymousreply 209November 6, 2021 9:01 PM

[quote]What is Kylie Jenner thinking by procreating with this cretin?

There’s lots of money to be made by marketing her crap to his fan base, and maybe she just wanted kids.

by Anonymousreply 210November 6, 2021 9:03 PM

I doubt he'll face charges. The mayor was quoted as saying "I know the Scott family and I've worked with his mother..." I can't remember where I read it today. I don't really know how Houston politics works, but imagine behind the scenes there's a big push to keep Scott out of it.

by Anonymousreply 211November 6, 2021 9:27 PM

If the Kartrashians were smart, they would have married some rich, handsome plastic surgeons, not ugly rappers and singers.

by Anonymousreply 212November 6, 2021 9:28 PM

Travis Scott is not ugly. If he lost those box braids and the grill he would look like a totally different person. Same with ASAP Rocky

by Anonymousreply 213November 6, 2021 9:28 PM


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by Anonymousreply 214November 6, 2021 9:29 PM

It was in the NYT:

[quote] The mayor said he has longstanding connections to Mr. Scott’s family. “I’ve worked with the family, I’ve worked with Travis, I’ve worked with his mom,” he said. “This is a tragic case and that’s why I want a very, very thorough investigation of this.”

[quote] Mr. Turner said that he believed that Mr. Scott was devastated by the event, but that he had not yet spoken to the musician or his family. “This is the last thing any of them wanted to see happen,” the mayor said. “I’ve sent him a text. I haven’t spoken to him personally.”

Scott is always trotted out as an exemplary Houstonian, and I've always found it irritating. I really hope he faces consequences.

by Anonymousreply 215November 6, 2021 9:29 PM

I don’t think anyone here is defending Travis Scott as a human being, we’re trying to point out that what causes deaths due to crowd crush is poor crowd control measures, which has nothing to do with the entertainer the crowd is there to see. Crowd control is handled by the venue or festival. It’s like trying to blame the Hillsborough disaster on the football team instead of the stadium.

by Anonymousreply 216November 6, 2021 9:33 PM

It is not as fun but seated shows and sticking to the sides and close to exits at festivals is so much safer.

TS did 2 or 3 shows in my city in a matter of months before covid, he seemed to have a really dedicated fan base, all sold out. This is such a shame. People are hyped to go out, the crowd can and should be managed in a way to make it safe. If he has a history of inciting crowd violence and aggression I hope he pays dearly for it. Sadly, it won't bring anyone back. They just wanted a fun night out with friends. Being crushed to death is a terrifying and horrific way to go. Even the RS stopped the show when someone was dying in the crowd at Altamont, WTAF was he thinking last night? I have been at lots of shows that stop until the crowd backs up. This was completely avoidable.

by Anonymousreply 217November 6, 2021 9:33 PM

R213 needs to have his eyes checked.

Travis got hit with the big ugly stick.

by Anonymousreply 218November 6, 2021 9:34 PM

I agree with you to a point, r216. The difference is a soccer team is at a farther distance, not facing the crowd, and no individual player has the standing or authority to halt the game. Scott was aware that people were in distress because he directed EMS to assist people in the front. It seems like a reasonable person would halt the concert if only until the crowd was again under control. Scott had been cited in the past for dangerous behavior during a concert, so he should have been even more aware than the average reasonable person.

by Anonymousreply 219November 6, 2021 9:38 PM

R213, ASAP Rocky is ok looking, but TS is ugly regardless of hairstyle. The Kardashian crew have never gotten with attractive men.

by Anonymousreply 220November 6, 2021 9:43 PM

Yeah even if he was an asshole on stage the artist never has consequences for stuff like this, especially when they have contracts with huge corporations like Live Nation. Live Nation will take the bullet and Im sure they have ironclad insurance to payout everyone. The venue, the contractors it hires manage the event are responsible for ensuring safety.

by Anonymousreply 221November 6, 2021 9:43 PM

Ugly or naw

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by Anonymousreply 222November 6, 2021 9:44 PM

Kris is spinning this thing like crazy over at TMZ…..like a whirling dervish. Pretty soon the story will be that Travis, Kylie and Stormi were all at Church and knew nothing about it.

by Anonymousreply 223November 6, 2021 9:59 PM

The Houston Rockets canceled Travis Scott Day and deleted their tweet offering a free Travis Scott t-shirt to the first 3,000 people attending the basketball game on November 10th.

by Anonymousreply 224November 6, 2021 10:08 PM

r223 🤣

by Anonymousreply 225November 6, 2021 10:09 PM

This all could have been avoided if Kendall had brought along enough Pepsi for everyone.

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by Anonymousreply 226November 6, 2021 10:10 PM

They willfully died--they were trying to get away from the shit music!

by Anonymousreply 227November 6, 2021 10:12 PM

Have no idea who Travis Scott is. When I saw this news, I assumed it was a country music festival.

Texas has become a major shithole state. So glad I didn't move there.

by Anonymousreply 228November 6, 2021 10:12 PM

Dying so a Kardashian can make a quick buck? Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates will have a laughing fit.

by Anonymousreply 229November 6, 2021 10:39 PM


by Anonymousreply 230November 6, 2021 10:41 PM

They fucking deserved it for having such terrible taste in music.

by Anonymousreply 231November 6, 2021 10:42 PM

Seeing the media blaming the fans/kids (and many really were truly "kids") for this, is again reminiscent of what happened at Hillsborough. The Sun, most infamously, laid all of the blame at the feat of the fans. Liverpool fans in particular. To this day, The Sun is boycotted or not carried at all in some areas of the UK.

by Anonymousreply 232November 6, 2021 10:46 PM

Ahem, FEET of the fans. Sorry.

by Anonymousreply 233November 6, 2021 10:47 PM

r219 people passed out at a concert is not unusual, esp. at a rave/hip hop event. Even if there were several people, that would most likely mean a bad batch, not an ongoing physical incident. From stage level he probably wouldn't have seen anything re: the crush itself.

This is like the Rust/Baldwin incident. Not that I agree with shaving safety margins, but it's done successfully all the time. If you're going to do things on the cheap/cut corners to try to compete, you have to have 3-4 experienced people in key positions. They're the "no" people who can assess and act based on experience; they're given power beyond their titles. A good Road Manager a/o Head of Security is worth his/her weight in gold, and should be paid accordingly.

This is also what happens when music becomes a PR vehicle for talentless influencers clothing lines. Too much style over substance focusing on the VIP aspects instead of the operational side.

by Anonymousreply 234November 6, 2021 10:51 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 235November 6, 2021 10:55 PM

The injection story is just BS obfuscation from the festival organizers.

by Anonymousreply 236November 6, 2021 10:59 PM

Giving drugs out randomly, for free? 😂 I don't think so.

by Anonymousreply 237November 6, 2021 11:00 PM

r234, you have a point, however, Baldwin was a producer on that film and Scott created the festival, as r235 said. I think that he bears responsibility as the founder of the festival, just like Baldwin as producer surely bears responsibility for the lax safety practices on his film.

by Anonymousreply 238November 6, 2021 11:01 PM

The people who died were all cutters?

by Anonymousreply 239November 6, 2021 11:04 PM

Baldwin is probably thrilled that this will speed up the news cycle. I agree the injection story is bizarre but I guess we will find out when the coroner's reports are released

by Anonymousreply 240November 6, 2021 11:05 PM

R214 aha! I said it was a blood sacrifice earlier in the thread!

by Anonymousreply 241November 6, 2021 11:05 PM

I was supposed to go see an advance screening of Red Rocket, the new film by Sean Baker of Tangerine/Florida Project..I only found out the other day that Travis Scott was going to do the Q&A with Simon Rex and the director but I'm guessing that's not happening now.

by Anonymousreply 242November 6, 2021 11:13 PM

He'll hide out for a month at least until the bloodthirsty mom calms down, if he's smart.

The statement he released was textbook crisis PR.

by Anonymousreply 243November 6, 2021 11:16 PM

Shitty music that’s also deadly

by Anonymousreply 244November 6, 2021 11:17 PM


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by Anonymousreply 245November 6, 2021 11:34 PM

Astroworld security guard pricked in neck with needle, Houston police say

A “needle” wielding assailant suspected of injecting at least one person with a possible opioid may have sparked the panic that killed at least eight people and injured 300 others during a stampede at rapper Travis Scott’s concert in Houston, authorities said Saturday.

The tragedy happened Friday at NRG Park when a mass of people among the 50,000 concertgoers at the sold-out show “began to compress” to the front of the stage at around 9:15 p.m., sparking mayhem according to Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña.

The preliminary investigation found a security guard was jabbed in the neck while he was among the fans packed into the park for the first of two nights at Astroworld, a festival Scott founded in 2018, Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said at a Saturday afternoon press conference.

Police have not yet interviewed the guard, Finner said, but medical staff that treated him said he was administered Narcan, a drug used to revive people who have overdosed on opiods, and they saw what looked like a needle mark on his neck.

Narcan was used to revive some other concertgoers as well, Finner said, but he was unable to say how many.

“We do know that there were several, many, instances where they did administer Narcan on site,” he said.

“This is now a criminal investigation that is going to involve our homcide division, as well as narcotics,” Finner said during a press conference Saturday afternoon.

At least 11 of the 25 people taken to area hospitals were in cardiac arrest, Houston Fire Chief Samuel Pena said. Officials said 13 remained hospitalized late Saturday, including five under the age of 18 and at least one 10-year-old. Officials did not detail their injuries.

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by Anonymousreply 246November 6, 2021 11:35 PM

Hideous way to die.

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by Anonymousreply 247November 6, 2021 11:47 PM

Scott looks like a FTM junkie.

by Anonymousreply 248November 6, 2021 11:53 PM

[quote] Remember the Who.

Remember Pete Townsend skedaddled out of cincinatti ASAP and instead of cancelling the next night’s show in Buffalo (which would’ve meant forgoing a paycheck) refused to cancel and declared his paycheck…I mean “the Buffalo concert”…was “in honor” of the dead in Cincinnati. It was Townsjedns decision. People were very angry at him but, as always, Townsend spun it in a way to put himself in a sympathetic light claiming he couldn’t “disappoint his American fans” in Buffalo.

Townshend is going to have a lot to answer for when he shuffles off this mortal coil, including years of scrubbing interviews of his from the internet where he talks shit about female Who fans & young US groupies (who were mostly sexually abused runaway girls from broken homes).

But…whatever. He was doing research, you know.

by Anonymousreply 249November 6, 2021 11:53 PM

I don’t care what the NY Post says, I still doubt this needle theory.

by Anonymousreply 250November 6, 2021 11:57 PM

R249- He paid for child porn with his own credit card and nothing happened to him. I loathe him. R250- Kartrashian spin, imo.

by Anonymousreply 251November 7, 2021 12:03 AM


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by Anonymousreply 252November 7, 2021 12:13 AM

Seems fantastical that some crazed person was injecting random people with drugs.

by Anonymousreply 253November 7, 2021 12:13 AM

Needle Truther Troll, I'm with you! I think that it will prove to be bullshit. I'm surprised the police even released that information since it's speculative. I imagine this investigation is a shitshow since it involves someone so near and dear to the mayor's heart.

by Anonymousreply 254November 7, 2021 12:15 AM

This whole "needle" shit, which I have heard reported =in the UK, and now here I think is part of the "needle panic" aka antivaxxers who are trying to push their asscuntfuckdieinagreasefire antivax agenda.

Needles are the new guns, apparently. Or knives, or date rape drugs, or what ever account you are reading.

by Anonymousreply 255November 7, 2021 12:15 AM

r255, I have an antivaxxer friend in the UK, and he's been sending me links that say the large number of cardiac arrest cases is due to vaccinated people suffering complications at the concert.

by Anonymousreply 256November 7, 2021 12:19 AM

To clarify, the child porn was bought by Pete Townsend of The Who, he claimed it was for "research."

Travis has never been linked to child porn to my knowledge.

Get the vax debate off this thread cleaners and trolls. BS narratives, he had incited riots at his shows in the past and looked at dead bodies last night and still did not stop the show or try to manage the crowd. Stay on topic or be blocked as a cleaner.

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by Anonymousreply 257November 7, 2021 12:21 AM

Travis is not gonna have an easy time getting future tours insured. That is where all the $ is in the biz at present, live performances.

Drake was on stage with him last night, has he said anything?

by Anonymousreply 258November 7, 2021 12:24 AM

R257- I was referring to Pete Townsend, not TS.

by Anonymousreply 259November 7, 2021 12:24 AM

[quote] Get the vax debate off this thread cleaners and trolls.

Crazies are linking the disaster to anti-vax agenda. Simply discussing that fact here makes posters "cleaners" or "trolls"?

You sound smart.

by Anonymousreply 260November 7, 2021 12:25 AM

r256 Thanks for the report. This just in, humanity is basically FUCKED. What a fucking nightmare. Dark Ages, here we come. (Here we are?)

I have a tweep friend. Very science minded. Very together, sharp as fuck and he has become ONE OF THOSE! Last fucking person on the planet, and there he is, tweeting fake "facts" galore. I love the guy, and don't of course what him to get sick, but sometimes..... I'll leave it there.

by Anonymousreply 261November 7, 2021 12:26 AM

It seems that Kylie's fans are very angry at her. Will she stay with Travis if the negative publicity continues?

by Anonymousreply 262November 7, 2021 12:26 AM

This crowd smothering issue is one of those things where once you learn about, it’s impossible to forget, which is why so many posters here raised Hillsborough and are dismissing the needle claims. And the other facts reported are in line with a “typical” crowd smothering, down to the witnesses saying they didn’t realize that people were literally dying right next to them. Not being able to breathe is a silent death.

by Anonymousreply 263November 7, 2021 12:31 AM

the injection story is definitely BS prob fed by pimp mama kris to tmz

by Anonymousreply 264November 7, 2021 12:34 AM

The injection story is being spread by the Houston Chief of Police. Maybe the Kardashians are pushing the story, but they are not all-powerful, like some idiots believe. The blame here rests squarely with the Houston PD.

[quote] Police investigating a deadly crush that killed eight at a Travis Scott-headlined festival in Houston say a crazed man injected at least one person with opioids during the chaos.

[quote] Houston Chief of Police Troy Finner made the shocking claim at a press conference Saturday after hours of rumors about the Astroworld Fest tragedy, and Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner revealed the victims were aged between 14 and 27.

[quote] 'One of the narratives was that some individual was injecting other people with drugs. We do have a report of a security officer, according to the medical staff that was out and treated him last night,' Houston Chief of Police Troy Finner said at Saturday's conference.

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by Anonymousreply 265November 7, 2021 12:39 AM

Travis gave Kylie a $1.4 million Ferrari as a push present when their daughter was born. He’ll have to up the ante for this next kid.

by Anonymousreply 266November 7, 2021 12:46 AM

Is Live Nation going to pay?

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by Anonymousreply 267November 7, 2021 12:46 AM

If the needle report is coming from the security officer, it could be a Hillsborough situation of trying to deflect blame.

by Anonymousreply 268November 7, 2021 12:47 AM

"They were doing everything so that no one would notice them and were covered up so no one could see their reaction.

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by Anonymousreply 269November 7, 2021 12:48 AM

Wtf is he singing/chanting/moaning as he is watching a body being body surfed out? That is creepy af.

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by Anonymousreply 270November 7, 2021 12:58 AM

Yeah, the LAST fucking article I am going to read from to get some balanced "news" is from the fucking Sun.

by Anonymousreply 271November 7, 2021 12:59 AM

She took her daughter?! Her 3 year old? What a stupid bitch.

by Anonymousreply 272November 7, 2021 1:00 AM

Evil money grubbing cunts, the lot.

by Anonymousreply 273November 7, 2021 1:01 AM

People are pissed! I hope these worthless whores are over.

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by Anonymousreply 274November 7, 2021 1:06 AM

One of the victims: Franco Patino, a 21-year-old senior at the University of Dayton

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by Anonymousreply 275November 7, 2021 1:26 AM

Think it was his new song that just came out yesterday, R270. When people were dying he was singing "Escape Plan" and screens read "See you on the other side" in accounts of those who were there.

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by Anonymousreply 276November 7, 2021 1:30 AM

Escape ROOM not Escape Plan, sorry. I find his whole mumble delivery hard to pay attention to.

by Anonymousreply 277November 7, 2021 1:32 AM

Thank you for posting that song, r276. I have resisted my students' pleas to listen to Travis Scott, and now that I have listened to 30 seconds of that song, I never will again.

by Anonymousreply 278November 7, 2021 1:33 AM


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by Anonymousreply 279November 7, 2021 1:33 AM

The needle in the neck story is so out there, it was a crowd control issue. Why didn't he stop the show and get people to move back? It is really common for performers to do so. There were bodies and an ambulance moving through the crowd, why keep "performing?" Maybe some lives could have been saved.

by Anonymousreply 280November 7, 2021 1:37 AM

Another victim identified.

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by Anonymousreply 281November 7, 2021 1:54 AM

vapid cunts

by Anonymousreply 282November 7, 2021 1:57 AM

Houston is circling the wagons. Of course the Series had SEATS.

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by Anonymousreply 283November 7, 2021 2:06 AM

Why are these people idolized again? Their lives sound grotesque, and I wouldn't trade places for all their billions.

by Anonymousreply 284November 7, 2021 2:14 AM

I guess you could say this event was a Travis-ty

by Anonymousreply 285November 7, 2021 2:16 AM

Lots of Travis anguished boo-hoo posted on TMZ. Tots and Pears.

by Anonymousreply 286November 7, 2021 2:17 AM

This will be politicized in Texas. My Texan Trumper mother is all keyed in that the deaths are related to black people stabbing white kids in the neck with fentanyl.

by Anonymousreply 287November 7, 2021 2:19 AM

OT, but I wonder if this tragedy will have any impact on Coachella Music Festival.

by Anonymousreply 288November 7, 2021 2:25 AM

Coincidentally this happened on Kris Jenner’s birthday. Too bad she had to interrupt the celebration to figure out how to take the blame off Travis.

by Anonymousreply 289November 7, 2021 2:27 AM

World's smallest violin 4 TS

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by Anonymousreply 290November 7, 2021 2:34 AM

Wow that is a lot of $ to see TS

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by Anonymousreply 291November 7, 2021 2:38 AM

Stop blaming Kylie and Kendall. They are white and beautiful. They deserved an emergency airlift out of this mess.

by Anonymousreply 292November 7, 2021 2:40 AM

Travis speaks. It’s self serving bullshit.

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by Anonymousreply 293November 7, 2021 2:50 AM

The Houston Chronicle's reporting on this is excellent. It does not look good for Travis Scott.

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by Anonymousreply 294November 7, 2021 2:55 AM

I wish Covid had been as deadly as AIDS.

by Anonymousreply 295November 7, 2021 2:55 AM

PLEASE don't post that, in other news, the crime rate in Houston has decreased this weekend.

by Anonymousreply 296November 7, 2021 3:04 AM

Alec and his fake Spanish wife are happy!

by Anonymousreply 297November 7, 2021 3:05 AM

As seen on Twitter:

“the fact that this is what Kylie sees in missionary is disheartening.”

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by Anonymousreply 298November 7, 2021 3:08 AM

He clearly doesn’t give a shit and that post was a (failed) attempt at damage control. A bunch of kids died lining this POS pockets.

by Anonymousreply 299November 7, 2021 3:09 AM

"Travis Scott!? That bitch is singing off-key ON THE RECORD!".

by Anonymousreply 300November 7, 2021 3:10 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 301November 7, 2021 3:14 AM

This has nothing to do with race. People today are all just trash.

by Anonymousreply 302November 7, 2021 3:21 AM

Kylie and Kendall attended with six bodyguards each.

They were never in any danger although Kris will somehow spin it to say they were ushered out as the bad man with the needle was coming at them.

by Anonymousreply 303November 7, 2021 3:25 AM

Did he think that using a black and white filter on his video would make him come across as sincere?

by Anonymousreply 304November 7, 2021 3:28 AM

I was driving along Ft. Lauderdale beach today and there is chain link fence along a big portion. Apparently there is a country music festival with big names later in the week. We’ll see how that goes.

by Anonymousreply 305November 7, 2021 3:31 AM

R287 your mother needs to keep up. It was illegals from the cartel that injected people with their shitty fentanyl

by Anonymousreply 306November 7, 2021 3:54 AM

People dancing on the ambulance were clearly in his line of sight. Why not stop the show. Why not tell the crowd to step back so that people's lives might have been saved?

In that Hail Mary video he mumbled something about getting people help they need during his shows. An ambulance moving through a crowd signifies an emergency, not a dance off.

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by Anonymousreply 307November 7, 2021 4:23 AM

Drake kept performing too, it was not just Scott. There is a lot of video of both "singing" as ambulances struggle to move through the crowd and people are blocking them and dancing on them. People were DYING and they just kept on, it was right in front of them.

by Anonymousreply 308November 7, 2021 4:33 AM

Don't they advise performers to keep going to prevent mass hysteria?

by Anonymousreply 309November 7, 2021 4:40 AM

If the needle attack is a hoax, people will blame the lie on the Kardashian & Jenner clan. This is something that could make fans turn on their idol in a heartbeat.

by Anonymousreply 310November 7, 2021 4:41 AM

Creepy AF that he keeps singing "DEAD" over and over as a body is lifted out of the crowd right in front of him.

Is that a lyric to one of his songs?

No, R309, I have been at many shows where the performance is stopped and the crowd urged to move back, let medics through, etc.

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by Anonymousreply 311November 7, 2021 4:42 AM

Is anybody watching Big Brother Australia? Has Bruce been informed?

by Anonymousreply 312November 7, 2021 4:46 AM


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by Anonymousreply 313November 7, 2021 5:00 AM

A satanic ritual gone awry

by Anonymousreply 314November 7, 2021 5:00 AM

One theory is that the performance was not stopped because it was being streamed on an Apple platform.

Big audience for their ritual if R314's theory is correct.

Very low vibration music.

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by Anonymousreply 315November 7, 2021 5:12 AM

Lots of rumors that the number was higher than 8. Stories on Twitter, so, who knows?

by Anonymousreply 316November 7, 2021 5:18 AM

R313 Can you imagine the blow back if it was a white man calling for people to fuck up a black 10-year old?

by Anonymousreply 317November 7, 2021 5:26 AM

R36 It's what's in your soul, not pocketbook, that makes you a turd.

by Anonymousreply 318November 7, 2021 5:47 AM

R317 He won’t get cancelled and we know why.

by Anonymousreply 319November 7, 2021 5:54 AM

Blue Ice!

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by Anonymousreply 320November 7, 2021 5:19 AM

What is this foolishness at R313? That happened in 2015, in Switzerland, and it wasn't a child.

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by Anonymousreply 321November 7, 2021 5:32 AM

Wow I didn’t realize this terrible musician was actually calling for a kid to be beat up. Over a damn show too. And this is somebody who is having children…

by Anonymousreply 322November 7, 2021 5:53 AM

imprison travis scott !!!!

by Anonymousreply 323November 7, 2021 6:04 AM

What a piece of human garbage

by Anonymousreply 324November 7, 2021 6:24 AM

r308, that's where you need good HoS/Road Managers to deal with the talent. They're either unaware of the seriousness, too stoned, or legit too focused on their performances (for the real artists left) a/o too up their own asses to handle situations without a strong, experienced person to take charge.

It will be interesting to see the actual contracts re: who was responsible for what regarding security, medical staff, and emergency planning.

by Anonymousreply 325November 7, 2021 6:28 AM

Did he urge the crowd to surge towards the stage while on stage, or use social media to tell his followers to do so? If not, he's not going to be arrested.

I do think that like Baldwin, he's likely to be sued out the wazoo, especially if he actually does own part of the festival or the company promoting it, and hasn't just put his name on something he doesn't own. Because as an owner or manager, he could be held legally responsible for both his failure to stop the concert and for the inadequate crowd control and security arrangements, and personally I'd be happy to see him spend the rest of his life in court. Anyone know exactly what his relationship with this festival is?

by Anonymousreply 326November 7, 2021 6:29 AM

r326 Live Nation is the concert promoter and they had the responsibility of ensuring arrangements were made with the venue. The artists or their labels have contracts with the promoters absolving them from any responsibility for incidents, its only their obligation to show up and perform. Live Nation is a huge corporation and will dispatch their attorneys and insurers. The city also had hundreds of police and contracted security there. It will be interesting to see how it boils down, but ultimately the artist is not responsible for crowd control. The venue, the promoter, the city are.

by Anonymousreply 327November 7, 2021 9:49 AM

Nice try, that the artist signed a contract does not "absolve" them if they conducted themselves in a manner that caused harm or injury to others.

by Anonymousreply 328November 7, 2021 10:02 AM

Is Travis-Tigr?

by Anonymousreply 329November 7, 2021 10:36 AM

But *did* Scott conduct himself in a manner harmful to others, R328, or did he just fail to help when he should have?

Just to play Devil's Advocate, I'm going to point out that It's not certain that Scott knew what was going on at the time those poor bastards were being crushed to death. It was dark and incredibly noisy, it's possible he couldn't see what was happening with in the crowd, and if people were climbing onto the stage and yelling at him about his fans being killed, it's possible he couldn't hear them over his own speakers.

by Anonymousreply 330November 7, 2021 11:09 AM

r328 like r330 said, his lawyers will just argue that he didn't know what was happening because of all those variables. And now that reports are out about the drug attack, his case would be even stronger.

Law enforcement, the venue and security are ultimately responsible for crowd control and ensuring there aren't too many people in the space crammed against each other. They had many warnings earlier in the day that things were getting out of control. This video from that afternoon are insane.

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by Anonymousreply 331November 7, 2021 12:26 PM

[quote]I was driving along Ft. Lauderdale beach today and there is chain link fence along a big portion. Apparently there is a country music festival with big names later in the week. We’ll see how that goes.

R305. They should be more worried about a lunatic opening fire, like that country fest in Vegas.

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by Anonymousreply 332November 7, 2021 12:37 PM

Maybe McDonald’s will do a memorial collab.

by Anonymousreply 333November 7, 2021 12:47 PM

Some video seems to show people collapsing at AW who were not in any kind of crowding or crushing situation.

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by Anonymousreply 334November 7, 2021 12:49 PM

I WAS that needle-in-the-neck girl! I barely escaped with my life!! Travis protected me by calming the crowd with his soothing lyrics like a snake charmer while my bodyguards carried my helpless sexy body to safety, needles flying in all directions!

by Anonymousreply 335November 7, 2021 12:58 PM

How soon until those who are against him are labeled "racists"?

by Anonymousreply 336November 7, 2021 1:01 PM

Race is not even being discussed as part of this story on the rest of the internet, only on Datalounge. This is how I know this site is mostly made of up the elderly and out of touch.

Gratuitous post of one of TS's jacked racially ambiguous fans going nuts at this festival

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by Anonymousreply 337November 7, 2021 1:09 PM

R337 if only you had been in the crowd. Think of the people you could have saved with your sense of self-righteousness and smugness. Oh and your lack of wisdom. A real trifecta!

by Anonymousreply 338November 7, 2021 1:11 PM

Bro culture is absolutely heinous

by Anonymousreply 339November 7, 2021 1:16 PM

The muscular Asian dude is probably pounding away on his buddy right now. In his head he knows HE is responsible for the deaths, somehow, and no amount of fucking will cause the Sperm of Guilt to flee his person! Yet he must... Keep.... Trying!!! Unghhhhhhh!!!

by Anonymousreply 340November 7, 2021 1:21 PM

lol r340

by Anonymousreply 341November 7, 2021 1:31 PM

337, you only posted a portion of the incident. The dude being fucked up had been provoking the crowd by throwing bottles into the group. Bare chest had had enough and pounded the fucker.

by Anonymousreply 342November 7, 2021 1:43 PM

Beginning. Can man deserved it.

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by Anonymousreply 343November 7, 2021 1:48 PM

So it’s another Altamont, only without the good music and colourful hippies and freaks. Travis Scott btw sounds like a Klonopin-addled Stevie Nicks queefing though a vocoder.

by Anonymousreply 344November 7, 2021 1:49 PM

[quote]Race is not even being discussed as part of this story on the rest of the internet, only on Datalounge.

Do you only read one site? Because it's being discussed all over.

by Anonymousreply 345November 7, 2021 2:18 PM

Those kids storming to the stage look and act like zombies. Dead-eyed and with zero enthusiasm.

by Anonymousreply 346November 7, 2021 2:34 PM

I think that the authorities knew the situation was dire but didn't know how to respond.

From the Houston Chronicle article I linked to above:

[quote] Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said he had enough officers onsite to handle the crowd of 50,000. But he also said he could not have abruptly ended the show for fear of sparking a riot his department could not control.

I am really surprised by the lack of professionalism of the HPD. First, Finner himself mentions the needle rumors, and then he makes the above comment which suggests the police didn't have control of the situation. Maybe they didn't, but it's not something you say in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy like this.

Troy Finner is new at the job. He replaces Art Acevedo, who was well-regarded and competent. Acevedo left Houston for Miami. He was fired by Miami, but it seemed that local politics and his failure to understand them doomed him there.

by Anonymousreply 347November 7, 2021 2:36 PM

The Houston Chronicle also interviewed people who explained what a performer like Scott would know during a concert.

[quote] Two veteran concert promoters of major shows — one with experience in Texas — said the plans and procedures between promoters, showrunners and local officials outline exactly how to pull the plug on a show. Neither would comment publicly because Live Nation, the company that managed Astroworld, is a dominant force in entertainment booking.

[quote] Often, a performer with a high-energy and complex performance such as Scott’s would have a direct line to a producer or stage manager via an earpiece. The producer/manager would be in constant contact and have the ability at practically any time to tell a performer what is going on and that a show is being abruptly halted.

[quote] Cancellation can come from various people along the process, ranging from the artists themselves to promoters and police. Stage crews can, in a matter of seconds if necessary, turn off all power to the stage and broadcast safety and security messages on video boards and over the audio system.

There is a tendency on DL to absolve performers of responsibility for accidents that happen around them. We saw it here with Alec Baldwin, too. But if a show is put on in your name, and you are a producer, founder or major organizer, you do bear responsibility.

We wonder why the rich and powerful get off scot free but then our our responses here explain it. It's easy for celebrities to deflect blame to those around them, and the public is all too willing to accept such justifications.

by Anonymousreply 348November 7, 2021 2:40 PM

well, he is a dumb cunt, he's a rapper, ain't a rocket scientist. Maybe a producer told him to kept performing. He should have stopped but he's a dumb cunt and probably too stupid or drugged up and high to notice or respond properly.

by Anonymousreply 349November 7, 2021 2:48 PM

This is great if it means he gets cancelled.

by Anonymousreply 350November 7, 2021 2:48 PM

not to worry, his whore is worth at least a billion, she will pay no problem.

by Anonymousreply 351November 7, 2021 2:52 PM

R17, apparently when Travis' on stage time 'dropped' on 'socials' - thats when the rushing, pushing started

by Anonymousreply 352November 7, 2021 2:56 PM

[quote]Do you only read one site? Because it's being discussed all over.

Race regarding this story, r345? Post links to those sites then.

by Anonymousreply 353November 7, 2021 2:56 PM

If the show was streamed on Apple Music how much of the danger was evident to viewers?

by Anonymousreply 354November 7, 2021 2:57 PM

I hope they identify the assholes who were jumping on the ambulance. We are F'd as a society.

by Anonymousreply 355November 7, 2021 2:57 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 356November 7, 2021 2:59 PM

wow, they refused to stop the concert. fucking assholes...I hope they get taken to the cleaners.

Do not even give these people money by supporting their projects, they don't give a shit about your precious lives.

by Anonymousreply 357November 7, 2021 3:03 PM

Did they figure out who the blood sacrifice was for? What entity, dimensional being, or Ancient One was being serviced?

by Anonymousreply 358November 7, 2021 3:03 PM

r352 that may have encouraged it, but there were so many warning signs earlier in the day that security was being overwhelmed and started using force to scare the punks. A kid got totally tossed over a barricade by a guard and it looks like the guy recording it got his ass handed to him as well.

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by Anonymousreply 359November 7, 2021 3:09 PM

“We gotta look out for safety first. For real. Nobody gets hurt. That’s #1.” - Chester Bennington stopping a concert to assist someone in the crowd.

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by Anonymousreply 360November 7, 2021 3:11 PM

R309, I saw some video posted of Playboy Carti ( Iggy Izealia's baby daddy) where there were crowd control issues.

The music was cut off and someone ran to tell him something in his ear. He then calmly told the crowd to take 3 steps back, so the music could continue.

by Anonymousreply 361November 7, 2021 3:11 PM

Scott really is a piece of shit.

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by Anonymousreply 362November 7, 2021 3:14 PM

I never say this, seriously, but he is a garbage person. You’d think given the past incident he’d be cautious but he was egging people on. Just disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 363November 7, 2021 3:29 PM

R361, I have been to dozens of shows where that exact thing is done. It lessens the crushing, allows those in distress to be more easily identified and chills out the energy of the mob. In this case, it would have allowed emergency vehicles and responders to get to those who were dying. Cutting the music and turning the lights on the crowd could have saved lives. If the choice was made not to do so due to the Apple stream, I hope evidence of that comes out in discovery.

Travis has a history of doing the OPPOSITE, repeatedly at multiple shows and had convictions for it. NOT common.

He is not a huge talent so whipping up the mob helps cover for that.

The promo materials for AstroWorld had some kind of sacrificial temple image on them, dude is fucked in the head.

by Anonymousreply 364November 7, 2021 3:29 PM

It sounded like he was chanting "dead, dead, dead" in the clip where an unconscious, likely dead at that point, body is being crowd surfed out, directly in front of him.

Is that a lyric to one of his songs?

Anyone hear something different?

by Anonymousreply 365November 7, 2021 3:31 PM

He needs to be cancelled, too bad his fans are just assholes like him.

How can you tell people to rush the stage?!?

His manager or lawyers must be pissed but he thinks he's above the law

by Anonymousreply 366November 7, 2021 3:33 PM

You can watch the whole concert here. At various points you can hear people screaming for help, at one point you can hear a little boy screaming for help. Travis saw the ambulance and heard people telling him to stop the concert and he basically laughed in their faces and continued. He sang while a dead body was being carried out. He has a history of encouraging his young fans to "rage" and break the barriers and cause mayhem and markets his music to young kids, like through Fortnite and mcdonalds. He was already being sued because he encouraged a fan to jump off a balcony a few years ago, saying fans would catch him and the fan ended up paralyzed. He has a song lyric like "it's not a mosh pit without injuries." he left his manager in a studio alone while the manager was havinf a seizure. Travis was informed by security at the concert that people were dying. He didn't give a shit.

Travis is a SOCIOPATH and should be charged with involuntary manslaughter

A 14 year old died and a 10 year old is in critical condition.

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by Anonymousreply 367November 7, 2021 3:40 PM

R327 LiveNation apparently wanted to stop the show and Travis refused

by Anonymousreply 368November 7, 2021 3:42 PM

R327, is that documented?

They should have cut power to his mic and turned the crowd lights up.

by Anonymousreply 369November 7, 2021 3:45 PM

Heres what it all really boils down to...He's ugly as fuck. If he was hot and sexy,you bitches would be tripping over your own feet to defend him. I had never even heard of him until this event,and if I were a betting man his team is LOVING all the press,negative or not. And that whore hes with is too. Neither nor,he means nothing to most people and never will. because hes UGLY.

by Anonymousreply 370November 7, 2021 3:47 PM

“Take note, performers - you often see things security cannot.”

If Travis didn’t see it, his whore filmed the ambulance in the middle of the crowd. Her security guards saw it. They then ushered Kylie and Kendall out. None of them made a move to help anyone in the crowd or tried to stop the performance.

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by Anonymousreply 371November 7, 2021 3:49 PM

Take your bullshit elsewhere R370.

You’re as despicable as he is.

by Anonymousreply 372November 7, 2021 3:50 PM

He is aggressively marketed to very young kids through McDonalds and the Fortnight game.

How does he keep getting insurance? He incites mayhem deliberately.

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by Anonymousreply 373November 7, 2021 3:54 PM
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by Anonymousreply 374November 7, 2021 3:58 PM

[quote] Travis Scott continuing his concert after noticing the ambulance. The ambulance continued to make its way through the crowd, though not without difficulty—it was surrounded by festival attendees, with some standing on the car’s hood as Scott continued through his set.

Seems like he saw enough. Had he stopped the show it likely would have saved lives. He continued to verbally incite a dangerous crowd.

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by Anonymousreply 375November 7, 2021 4:00 PM

With all these video clips as evidence, I’d venture that someone is going to jail

by Anonymousreply 376November 7, 2021 4:10 PM

In r367's video TS stopped the music around 29:00 after seeing the ambulance lights and saying "what the fuck". He stopped intermittently and he appears to be trying to read the crowd. He then asks everyone to give him the finger if they are ok. Then asks everyone to put two hands up.

This is a later clip of TS again stopping the show after a guy passes out and telling security to "get in there"(someone on twitter said this person was having a seizure and they got sufficient medical attention) It seems like he did try to (unsuccessfully) read the crowd for several minutes. He has obviously has grown accustomed to performing for insanely large groups of ragers and it clearly desensitized him to viewing kids being passed out. Unfortunately some of these people were actually dead. Horrible.

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by Anonymousreply 377November 7, 2021 4:12 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 378November 7, 2021 4:13 PM

More likely civil liability, R376. Houston officials were heavily involved, signed off on security plan, etc. Lots of powerful folks are going to muddy the waters re: criminal liability. That there were insufficient and untrained "medics" is quite surprising. Usually festivals have kind of a field hospital setup going. They deal with ODs, heat related injuries, etc and being CPR trained is a common skill.

by Anonymousreply 379November 7, 2021 4:14 PM

This is among the most chilling videos. It’s upthread but worth repeating.

These two kids tried to get the cameraman to get word to the stage.

“People are dying”

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by Anonymousreply 380November 7, 2021 4:18 PM

Good points, R377. That is the difference, other performers actively engage in crowd control, Cobain went above and beyond. Scott is used to seeing unconscious fans and regularly incites unsafe behaviors, so the goalposts are almost non-existent.

That LN is now claiming that they wanted to stop the show is interesting. CYA or true?

Drake came on at the end and performed several songs, people were dead and dying. Has he wisely stayed off social media?

He and Scott have young kids, do they want the mob to come over the barricades at their family? Or is it just the lives and safety of OTHER people's kids that does not matter?

This was not a performer with typical safety parameters for a show who had a tragic night, seeing unconscious bodies and ambulances in his direct line of sight and continuing to "sing" is astonishing.

The kids who tried to get the show stopped at least can know they tried.

Scott should never perform again but we all know that won't be the case.

by Anonymousreply 381November 7, 2021 4:19 PM

[quote] He (Travis) shared: "I am absolutely devastated by what took place last night. My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted by what happened at Astroworld Festival."

There’s no way Travis wrote that. If he had, it would’ve read:

Travis issued a statement on his Twitter page on Saturday to tell fans his prayers went out to the families involved.

“I am absolutely devastated by what took place last night and shit My prayers go out to the families and shit and all those impacted by what happened at Astroworld Festival and shit”

by Anonymousreply 382November 7, 2021 4:22 PM

Followed by "and I hope it does not fuck up my $$$" R382.

He is heavily promoted to young kids through tie ins with gaming and McDonalds. The clip of him urging the crowd to beat down a 10 year old is repulsive.

by Anonymousreply 383November 7, 2021 4:26 PM

if there is a god, travis scott will do time 4 this..

by Anonymousreply 384November 7, 2021 4:28 PM

[quote] if I were a betting man his team is LOVING all the press, negative or not.

Then you would lose the bet. Hip hop artists like this bank on their appeal to kids. That's why he's involved with Kylie Kardashian, another personality marketed to kids. When their parents pay $350 for the kids to see the show, and then the kids die, it is not good publicity. Yes the videos show assorted trash rushing the stage and gates, but this guy's bread and butter are kids. I've never listened to his music (except for the song posted above) but Astroworld plays on nostalgia for a now-defunct amusement park across from the Astrodome. It's a clever way to appeal to the parents of the kids who listen to this crap, because parents remember going to Astroworld when it was still standing.

by Anonymousreply 385November 7, 2021 4:29 PM

CNN’s bottom of the screen scroll just now said Houston authorities have not been able to identify one victim, described as “male, about 6 feet tall and 500 pounds…”

Surely this is a typing error??

by Anonymousreply 386November 7, 2021 4:30 PM

Not in Texas.

by Anonymousreply 387November 7, 2021 4:32 PM

No, the person was morbidly obese. I saw the weight listed as 498. Apparently no one has reported him missing.

by Anonymousreply 388November 7, 2021 4:32 PM

r381 that's the thing though, people are posting tiny clips of what happened. If you review the video posted at r367 you can see the full length of time he paused when there were signs things were getting out of control. It seems like there was no communication between him and the production staff, other than him giving queues to hold the sound. You can see the wheels turned in his head as he tried to read the crowd of people many feet away. Big breakdown of communication, these artists should not be the only ones controlling the flow of the production.

by Anonymousreply 389November 7, 2021 4:33 PM

The parallels with Jan. 6 just draw themselves. Narcissistic fuckwit egging fans on to horrific disaster for his own sadistic enjoyment.

by Anonymousreply 390November 7, 2021 4:37 PM

[quote]No, the person was morbidly obese. I saw the weight listed as 498. Apparently no one has reported him missing.

Apparently Houston PD has posted a picture of his face which is now floating around twitter, as in the guy is dead and they took a picture of his lifeless face for the public to ID him. I've never seen anything like this done. WTF???

by Anonymousreply 391November 7, 2021 4:38 PM

It is also on the Daily Mail website, r391.

by Anonymousreply 392November 7, 2021 4:39 PM

Same, 391.

by Anonymousreply 393November 7, 2021 4:47 PM

R391 It happens when someone is a John Doe and no one claims the body & there's a lot of public attention. What should they do, bury him in a pauper's grave and call it a day?

by Anonymousreply 394November 7, 2021 5:10 PM

[quote]The clip of him urging the crowd to beat down a 10 year old is repulsive.

You don't need to keep shaving a decade off the guy's age to make Travis Scott's idiocy stick. He's doing a good enough job without your help.

That was no ten-year-old and you know it.

by Anonymousreply 395November 7, 2021 5:24 PM

hope travis does jailtime for this. but he wont....not in this day n age.

by Anonymousreply 396November 7, 2021 5:30 PM

[quote]What should they do, bury him in a pauper's grave and call it a day?

r394 the man just died on Friday night. I would give it a least a few days for an acquaintance, coworker or family member to notice that he's missing, instead of posting his face online for the entire world to see the next day, to become part of the sensationalized event. Good lord. They could've held this photo until next week while keeping his body in the morgue. Finding out your loved one is dead by viewing their lifeless face on social media could cause permanent psychological trauma, to his family members if he had any.

by Anonymousreply 397November 7, 2021 5:45 PM

If true, that the show continued for 40 min after LE declared it a "mass casualty event" and asked that it be stopped, lawyers for the various insurance policies will have a field day denying or minimizing coverage. The end is when Drake appeared with Scott, wonder what he and his team knew and when they knew it.

Huge civil payouts will not bring anyone back. But, insurance companies will not be the only ones on the hook financially, that will include Scott and likely the taxpayers of Houston whose officials signed off on plans for this fiasco.

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by Anonymousreply 398November 7, 2021 5:57 PM

Needle story is smoke being thrown up by his people.

by Anonymousreply 399November 7, 2021 6:03 PM

I can't believe Drake played...I guess he gotta perform to get paid right?! He should be cancelled as well.

by Anonymousreply 400November 7, 2021 6:30 PM

I am completely blanking on the name of this band and too lazy to look them up but they played at ACL before Paul McCartney a few years ago. Anyway, it was very, very warm and the man in front of me was older and started turning green and swaying. His wife asked him to drink some water but he very quickly became unresponsive. I guess we were about ten rows from the stage so about seven or eight of us started jumping up and down and pointing to the man until the lead singer saw us and called EMTs. From start the finish, it was maybe five minutes and the man was taken out on a stretcher. (Think the band was The National.) The difference is that the sun was still up and it was a pretty mellow crowd but I will never forget how quickly the entire situation played out. I hope that guy is OK but I know he and his wife must have been really bummed to miss Paul.

by Anonymousreply 401November 7, 2021 7:40 PM

The National is my absolute favorite band. I went to the festival they put together (Homecoming) and they are the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. Some of the guys and their families walked around and talked to us. I totally believe Matt would do whatever he could.

by Anonymousreply 402November 7, 2021 8:08 PM

I don’t know how Kylie Jenner is with this guy. I know she’s not a rocket scientist, but this guy is borderline illiterate. Same with Khloe when she was dating French Montana. Say what you will about Kanye, but at least he is somewhat well spoken.

by Anonymousreply 403November 7, 2021 8:15 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 404November 7, 2021 8:16 PM

can't believe the stupid whore is having another child with this cunt, he's fucking evil.

by Anonymousreply 405November 7, 2021 8:18 PM

R404 poor guy.

by Anonymousreply 406November 7, 2021 8:21 PM

r404 I feel bad for that guy. He must have gone to the concert alone or his friends forgot all about him.

by Anonymousreply 407November 7, 2021 8:22 PM

Not sure if this was mentioned upthread, but damn. I don’t know how anybody could still attend one of his concerts, let alone allow a 14-year-old go unaccompanied. He really is garbage with no soul.

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by Anonymousreply 408November 7, 2021 8:31 PM

Kids were dropping left and right!!

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by Anonymousreply 409November 7, 2021 8:44 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 410November 7, 2021 8:51 PM

Was there any backlash against the Houston PD for posting the poor man's photo? What a horrifying thing to do. It hasn't even been 48 hours.

by Anonymousreply 411November 7, 2021 8:51 PM

That was pretty ghoulish.

by Anonymousreply 412November 7, 2021 8:55 PM

[quote]He must have gone to the concert alone or his friends forgot all about him.

I feel bad for him too, but one doesn't simply misplace a 500-pound man.

by Anonymousreply 413November 7, 2021 8:59 PM

Where are these pics of him?

by Anonymousreply 414November 7, 2021 9:00 PM

r411 that was gross and unnecessary-I hope the family/friends launch a complaint.

r413 You're underestimating the chaos in a scene like that. If he came w/anyone, they could've been injured a/o assumed he got out OK.

by Anonymousreply 415November 7, 2021 9:01 PM

CNN is going with this bullshit story that there was someone running around injecting narcotics into peoples’ necks at this concert. The Houston fire chief too. It wasn’t Travis’s fault, guys!

Unbelievable and pathetic.

by Anonymousreply 416November 7, 2021 9:04 PM

He was identified. He had traveled alone from Washington state where he was a Comp Sci major. Only 21. The article isnt clear how he came to be identified. Apparently the police made it hard for them to file a missing person's report because he lived out of state.

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by Anonymousreply 417November 7, 2021 9:07 PM

I mean, didn't he carry ID?! credit cards etc?

by Anonymousreply 418November 7, 2021 9:09 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 419November 7, 2021 9:19 PM

[quote]Pimp Mama Kris must be working overtime to ensure no K-cash gets touched.

Kris is no dummy. She makes the daughters dump their black thugs the second they become a financial liability. She got rid of Kanye A$AP.

by Anonymousreply 420November 7, 2021 9:23 PM

Musical festivals can happen without any bullshit! This is one of them happening THIS weekend. Rich Brian was the headliner. I love it @ 6:20.

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by Anonymousreply 421November 7, 2021 9:28 PM

^ music festivals.

by Anonymousreply 422November 7, 2021 9:31 PM

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by Anonymousreply 423November 7, 2021 9:42 PM

r416 it is being reported in the media that ONE security officer was pricked in the neck and had to be revived, not "people". It really has nothing to do with the rest of the people that were killed, and its totally believable seeing how unruly the crowd was, dancing on ambulances.

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by Anonymousreply 424November 7, 2021 9:59 PM

How embarrassing to have the whole world know that you paid money to attend a Travis Scott concert.

by Anonymousreply 425November 7, 2021 10:08 PM

One women who attended said people were stepping on those who were down. Barbarians.

by Anonymousreply 426November 7, 2021 10:22 PM

sorry if already posted! =================

Alarming video shows first-responders drop Astroworld victim on her head

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by Anonymousreply 427November 7, 2021 10:33 PM

[Bold] Will they march for the victims?

by Anonymousreply 428November 7, 2021 10:48 PM

[quote] At Least 8 Dead at Houston Music Festival After Crowd Surge Causes ‘Panic

The word 'music' doesn't belong in the title of this thread.

This is music—

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by Anonymousreply 429November 7, 2021 10:58 PM

Were any of the victims trans?

by Anonymousreply 430November 7, 2021 11:08 PM

Will the company who insured him have to pay if he is found to be responsible/complicit for the deaths in anyway? He is just fucking evil. As rich as that Kartrashian bitch is and THAT is the best she can do?! Wtf?

by Anonymousreply 431November 7, 2021 11:17 PM

ETA: His "music" sucks. Those poor people having to hear that as they die. No wonder the survivors said it was like being in hell. Hellish and demonic atmosphere, and I am an atheist.

by Anonymousreply 432November 7, 2021 11:31 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 433November 7, 2021 11:40 PM

[quote] inciting the crowd

Their job is to incite the crowd. That is expected.

They are there to incite the crowd of ordinary people into a state of hysteria,

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by Anonymousreply 434November 7, 2021 11:51 PM

"Drake and that gremlin, Travis Scott, are now being sued for inciting the crowd."

Jeez, those ambulance-chasing lawyers move fast!

by Anonymousreply 435November 7, 2021 11:53 PM

Thomas J. Henry looks like a formidable attorney. And so it begins. I hope they bleed him dry. I hope lunkhead drops his ass. I hope he loses everything. Those 8 kids lost their young lives. Fuck him.

by Anonymousreply 436November 7, 2021 11:58 PM

Thomas J. Henry is a rich and respected attorney. Lololol!

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by Anonymousreply 437November 8, 2021 12:21 AM

Dear God, R427, you really are completely on your own in these situations. I had not heard about that. I hope she survived and did not suffer a TBI, which can be life altering. Yikes.

by Anonymousreply 438November 8, 2021 12:41 AM

This almost happened to me, Clay, Marcy and Cynthia at a Nelson concert in Amarillo in 1991.

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by Anonymousreply 439November 8, 2021 12:51 AM

He's fugly low class sociopathic trash. So are the Kardashians. Sad that people died...but you know what kind of environment you're walking into. He's incited crowds before.

by Anonymousreply 440November 8, 2021 12:58 AM

What happened to Thomas J. Henry's wannabe-Kardashian show, [italic]Hangin' With Los Henrys,[/italic] on Youtube? It was a mess, and it seems to have completely vanished from the internet.

Liam Payne-obsessed Dataloungers will no doubt get the vapors remembering the Henry daughter, Maya.

by Anonymousreply 441November 8, 2021 12:59 AM

The lawsuits will be flowing in like water. 300 people injured, 8 people dead and 11 people still in the hospital. WTF?

I hope this ends his career and adjacently ruins Kylie and her despicable family.

by Anonymousreply 442November 8, 2021 1:03 AM

I’m a terrible person for saying this, but I would love the Kardashians to be involved in a scandal so big that they all get cancelled and we never hear from them again.

by Anonymousreply 443November 8, 2021 1:19 AM

I know they aren’t known for being amazing compassionate people but the Kardasian women really seem to choose emotionally damaged men.

by Anonymousreply 444November 8, 2021 1:22 AM

R397 You realize there are people who remain John Does for decades, right? Police did the right thing by releasing his image; he may never have been identified otherwise. Poor guy went to the concert alone.

by Anonymousreply 445November 8, 2021 1:29 AM

[quote]Police did the right thing by releasing his image; he may never have been identified otherwise.

Imagine if you'd been looking for your loved one who hadn't come home from the show. Better to release the photo and have the family find out what happened rather than being in limbo for days.

by Anonymousreply 446November 8, 2021 1:45 AM

R443- No, you are not a terrible person, THEY are terrible people. Complete garbage and a horrible influence on young people.

by Anonymousreply 447November 8, 2021 1:56 AM

The people there described feeling like they were in hell and there were demonic forces at play.

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by Anonymousreply 448November 8, 2021 2:16 AM

I hope he goes to jail.

by Anonymousreply 449November 8, 2021 2:44 AM

I understand that Datalounge does not enjoy the Kardashians and black rappers, however, there are more people here responsible here other than Travis Scott and Drake. The city and the security should have shut this thing down that afternoon when thousands of kids broke through the barricades.

r445 & r446, he would not have been missing for "decades". The media said today that his family knew what happened, but had difficulty filing the missing persons report because this didn't happen in the victim's home state. By today they could have positively ID'd him, without the awful image of his lifeless body being on the internet for eternity. It was totally not worth releasing that photo of him.

by Anonymousreply 450November 8, 2021 2:47 AM

R448- When he was standing on that stage chanting as the a body was crowd surfed right in front of him, it was creepy as hell. The other video of him laughing as people were screaming for help and dying was evil. Greed makes people evil. Money , the root of all evil.

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by Anonymousreply 451November 8, 2021 2:55 AM

This NYT update is an eye opener. It's a horror show. How could this be considered normal operating procedure at a concert. The carnage went on for hours. not a couple minutes at the end.

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by Anonymousreply 452November 8, 2021 2:58 AM

This black kid recounting his time at the concert like it was a living hell. The crowd surge started when Travis came on stage and this kid felt like he brought in demonic forces as people were literally drowning in the crowd. He tried to pull out as many kids as he could, people yelling to Travis to stop the show but Travis ignored them.

Ignore the fat guy who is the host of the video.

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by Anonymousreply 453November 8, 2021 3:05 AM

R488 You are a fucking moron. When did SO MANY in this country become SO STUPID? This was not a "sacrifice" you fucking QAnon loon.

Also, on a legit news station, they were touting the notion that several people had been unwillingly injected with some drug. Fucking INSANITY- they scenario they described made absolutely no sense.

The concert organizers were greedy. The performer is stupid, and selfish. This concert should've been called off the second security was breeched earlier in the day. Hundreds, maybe thousands of extra people who didn't buy a ticket? No fucking WAY that concert should have happened.

by Anonymousreply 454November 8, 2021 3:11 AM

He was chanting "dead" yes? Did anyone hear something different? Just "dead" over and over while he looked at the body in front of him. That he is marketed to very young kids, elementary age, through McDonalds tie ins and gaming is very disturbing.

by Anonymousreply 455November 8, 2021 3:12 AM

r450, of course there are others to blame for this shit show and some with more power and responsibility for the shows downfall. BUT those two are the biggest names in the game so of course they will be named FIRST. Duuuuuuuuuuuh !!!!!!!!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 456November 8, 2021 3:12 AM

He does seem to like images of portals, from his shirt to his set design.

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by Anonymousreply 457November 8, 2021 3:16 AM

I'd never heard of Travis Scott before yesterday. And he seems like a moron. But, I'm not quite so quick to condemn him for keeping the show going. I don't know how aware he really was of what was happening. If it comes out that he was explicitly told that people were being trampled, and dying, I would agree he is partly to blame. But remember, The Rolling Stones kept playing at Altamont after someone was stabbed a few feet from the stage.

R457 So the fuck what, dude? The "hell" shit is big now. Lil Nas, all that crap. That doesn't mean this was a "sacrifice." I swear to Christ people are getting dumber in this country at an alarming rate.

by Anonymousreply 458November 8, 2021 3:19 AM

Drake had not even performed in several years. Then he pops up and joins in in inciting a mass casualty event.

I wonder how much viewers on the Apple Music stream could see of the horror.

The guys dancing on the ambulance need to be arrested too. That also seemed to go on for a surreal amount of time.

by Anonymousreply 459November 8, 2021 3:22 AM

R454 read the NYT update article I just posted. They used vast doses of naloxone and ran out before the end. Everyone was on bad drugs. People were dropping for hours. Not just the stampede.

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by Anonymousreply 460November 8, 2021 3:23 AM

[quote] I swear to Christ

You may love your Lord Jesus Christ, R458, but the Lil Nasty loves Satan.

And Satan hates Jesus!

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by Anonymousreply 461November 8, 2021 3:42 AM

There was/is a 10 year old who is currently in the hospital. WTF is a 10 year old doing at an AW concert?

by Anonymousreply 462November 8, 2021 3:44 AM

R450- Did he not have ID on him, a wallet? If not he was probably robbed as he was dead or dying. There are videos of people (staff?) taking cell the cell phones from the injured/dying/ unconscious victims.

What a surprise. He is a homophobic POS too.

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by Anonymousreply 463November 8, 2021 4:00 AM

R462, Scott has been marketed to kids that age through gaming tie ins and deals with McDonalds.

by Anonymousreply 464November 8, 2021 4:05 AM

You can take the thug out of the Ghetto but you can't take the Ghetto out of the thug. Anyone who has ever dealt with an insurance company knows they NEVER want to pay. And when they do it's the bare minimum. Thuggy better get his checkbook out.

by Anonymousreply 465November 8, 2021 4:09 AM

Degenerate rapper is a homophobe? Shocker!

by Anonymousreply 466November 8, 2021 4:11 AM

Travis Scott = Noisome Noise.

by Anonymousreply 467November 8, 2021 4:14 AM

454- Reading comprehension must be a bit difficult for you. I think many people are evil. I think people do evil things. But nowhere in my post did I mention one word about a fucking human sacrifice ritual, ffs! How absurd! However, TS most certainly uses demonic imagery in his "music", but then many other, actually talented musicians, have done it before him and much better. The Stones, Ozzy Osbourne, ECT. So do not ever accuse me of being an ignorant, paranoid, shit for brains Q-tard.

by Anonymousreply 468November 8, 2021 4:19 AM

There's a lot of videos of concert-goers talking about how the atmosphere was different, eerie and they've been to previous AW concerts before.

Here's proof that I hope incriminates the MF and bring criminal charges against him. He's being told by staff (this was probably when cops told him there was a mass casualty and to stop the show) and he refuses. There are other vids where the crowd is yelling for the show to stop and another where he was asked by concert-goers to stop the show.

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by Anonymousreply 469November 8, 2021 4:21 AM

R469 = Video is gone. Did the Kardashians get it yanked?

by Anonymousreply 470November 8, 2021 4:23 AM

R469- I think he is a sadistic psychopath. The fact that he targets young kids is absolutely vile and disturbing, but they are the only fan base he is capable of cultivating. He has no talent at all. Idk what they admire about him. The hateful rebellion he promotes and encourages? I have no idea because adults just see a disgusting asshole loser with no talent in anything. And he is terminally ugly. And he looks like he reeks of body odor and foul smelling breath. 🤢

by Anonymousreply 471November 8, 2021 4:39 AM

I know a couple old old hippies who were at Altamont, they were a long way from the stage and had no idea there was a murder happening until they saw the news the next day. As far as they knew that night it was just a great concert, and if I'm not mistaken the Rolling Stones had no idea either, they didn't see the murder from the stage and didn't know until they finished their set.

So while I'm perfectly willing to believe that TS is a dirtbag, I mean look who he associates with, I'm still not convinced he was aware of what was happening in the crowd or was indifferent to the unfolding tragedy.

by Anonymousreply 472November 8, 2021 4:46 AM

[Quote] . WTF is a 10 year old doing at an AW concert?

Typical asshole white parents who have spoiled the kid rotten because they want to be his best fffrrriiieeennndddssss!!!

by Anonymousreply 473November 8, 2021 4:47 AM

More detail on who was in charge of safety and security

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by Anonymousreply 474November 8, 2021 4:55 AM

I think that if a piece of garbage like so many of these rappers like to normalize the word faggot then the word nigga should be just as normalized. This word is not special and has been used in literature for many years. So one word used to demonize people is evil and another word is ok. We've all been hoodwinked that this is a word so terrible that people can't even use in a scholarly context. This type of cancelation only encourages the vile behavior of the people. Black people say to one another -Don't you be acting like no nigga! They smells niggas. And I've heard this on streets-It is infused in the pop music people listen to and then all of a sudden it can't be said? That's total garbage. These musician should have it thrown back in their faces.

by Anonymousreply 475November 8, 2021 4:58 AM

[quote] he reeks of body odor and foul smelling breath.

Yes, 471. He's noisome.

by Anonymousreply 476November 8, 2021 5:14 AM

Well, perhaps this will distract the conspiracy theorists from politics for a bit.

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by Anonymousreply 477November 8, 2021 5:25 AM

[quote] Travis Scott: “My fans really mean the world to me,” he said. “I am honestly just devastated. Any time I could make out anything that was going on, I stopped the show and helped them get the help they need,” he added.

Liar. There were more than 2 ambulances in the crowd. His PR team is working full-time. He stopped the music for a couple of seconds and that's about all. People were pleading for him to stop the show and he ignored them.

He's either really dumb, autistic or simply does.not.care. Didn't the sight of more ambulances and lifeless bodies being carried off set off alarms? The man is not a decent human being and needs to be cancelled, his career over.

by Anonymousreply 478November 8, 2021 5:26 AM

The man is not a decent human being and needs to be excommunicated, toot sweet.

by Anonymousreply 479November 8, 2021 5:37 AM

He will be facing numerous multi-million dollar lawsuits for the next 10 years.

by Anonymousreply 480November 8, 2021 5:47 AM

I don't advocate violence. But if someone were to beat him within an inch of his life I don't think I'd shed any tears.

by Anonymousreply 481November 8, 2021 6:02 AM

I feel like a huge burden has been lifted

by Anonymousreply 482November 8, 2021 6:03 AM

There are no atheists in trenches. Alec now says evening prayers thanking the good Lord..

by Anonymousreply 483November 8, 2021 6:06 AM

The video of the police pulling that girl on a stretcher off the platform with nobody to grab it at the other end dropping her on her head is something out of the Keystone cops or Buster Keaton. Texas tax dollars at work.

by Anonymousreply 484November 8, 2021 6:16 AM

I'm definitely feeling the generation gap. I remember my grandparents being my age and getting riled up over some trend the media claimed kids were into, when in reality it was a very specific subset of kids. They though "kids today" (80s) were all f.ckin' and started at age 13.

One thing really getting to me in all of this is seeing brutal, stupid YouTube and other social comments from young minds. They suggest a lot of people have been raised with ZERO regard for life and have been inured to violence.

by Anonymousreply 485November 8, 2021 6:17 AM

R484 I was shocked to see that foitage. All fairness to taxpayers, weren't those rent-an-EMTs?

by Anonymousreply 486November 8, 2021 6:20 AM

Some of those medics weren't really medics. They were probably high school kids told to distribute water. The ICU nurse who was knocked out for a while, woke up and started helping with CPR. Those medics didn't know how to properly do CPR and didn't know what an AED bag was. They were performing CPR on someone with a pulse! She more or less took over and triaged the injured.

by Anonymousreply 487November 8, 2021 6:52 AM

who cares about a bunch of dead texas twats?

by Anonymousreply 488November 8, 2021 7:14 AM

^^^would probably have stomped on the dead teens while raving and drugged.

by Anonymousreply 489November 8, 2021 8:07 AM

This is as disturbing as Jan 6th

by Anonymousreply 490November 8, 2021 8:39 AM

. I'm from Houston - don't be fooled by the "Oh, Travis gives so much back to the Houston community!" bullshit, either - the school visits, etc., are just priming the pump to get the permits necessary to put on that shitshow every year. And make no mistake - the Jenner whore should be very nervous because you KNOW she's got a financial stake in this mess. Personally, I'm happy to see her getting dragged for being there (and dragging the brat along, to boot) like she's some kind of queen.

People who are wondering why this happened have only Scott to blame. He chose to put on this abortion of a "festival" to make money and stroke his ego.

by Anonymousreply 491November 8, 2021 12:50 PM

The use of past demonic images should come as no surprise, did people genuinely believe Scott has ever had an original idea?

Whatever his intentions and purposes in using the same, it sure did not bring a wholesome vibe or an environment with care for fellow attendees, at least not from the folks running it and Scott. The faces of those in the front and pushing are so blank, not at all what I would have expected. More like zombies than people having a great time at the show. Interestingly, a music photographer felt so unsafe that she noped out very early on and refused to return the next day, a first. That is someone used to being in crowds at shows, up close to the stage, and she felt profoundly unsafe. Because she was a photographer and not just some poor schlub who paid for a ticket, she was gotten out of the situation while that was still possible.

R491, the pols and officials who get kickbacks for those permits want t keep the grift rolling and cover their asses. Being Texans, they are not at all subtle. Problem is there is a LOT of video footage and the reality of the crowd being out of control from 2pm on.

If LE and LN wanted the show stopped, who exactly made the call not to do so? Scott, like all performers, was wearing in ears, who was talking to him through them? There were so many cameramen for the Apple stream, many knew exactly what was going on, who decided getting to put Drake on for the last segment of the show mattered more than lives? Teachers, life guards, many peopel have CPR trraining. Who decided to have "medics" without even that most basic skill?

The spot Jenner and her sister were in did not look all that secure either and Kylie looked quite nervous. The kid was not up on the riser with them. Probably in a more secure area. I wish I believed that would be his last show but it won't be. His corporate sponsors like McDonalds and Fortenight need to be pushed hard to cut ties. If the relentless promo to elementary school kids stops they will move on to someone else and his career will fade.

by Anonymousreply 492November 8, 2021 1:40 PM

I hope Pimp Mama Kris has her lawyers ready to file for a child support arrangement, because this dude is about to be BROKE.

by Anonymousreply 493November 8, 2021 1:55 PM

^Yes, the lawyer who's already filed a case against these people knows that he is in a race to the finish line with many, MANY other plaintiffs. The first one to get a judgment or a settlement is likely to get the lion's share of the assets.

by Anonymousreply 494November 8, 2021 1:59 PM

R481 🙄

by Anonymousreply 495November 8, 2021 2:20 PM

What was that 14 year old who died doing there and who paid hundreds of dollars for his ticket?

by Anonymousreply 496November 8, 2021 2:36 PM

"There are no age restrictions for Astroworld Festival, however children 2+ will require a ticket."

by Anonymousreply 497November 8, 2021 2:44 PM

R496 I'm sure he made that money through his paper route!

by Anonymousreply 498November 8, 2021 2:57 PM

R491, it was apparently a (badly thought-out) birthday present.

by Anonymousreply 499November 8, 2021 2:57 PM

^sorry, that should have been R496

by Anonymousreply 500November 8, 2021 2:58 PM

Imagine dying for travis scott and drake, two of the biggest jokes in music.. 🤡

by Anonymousreply 501November 8, 2021 2:59 PM


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by Anonymousreply 502November 8, 2021 3:01 PM

My parents took me to see Hello Dolly for my birthday and probably paid $3.00 for the second balcony at the St. James. I seem to remember a couple of waiters falling into the orchestra pit when they attempted those leaps and didn't quite make it. I understand they expired then and there but Channing said under no circumstances would she end the show. She was a trouper.

by Anonymousreply 503November 8, 2021 3:07 PM

Lawsuits flooding in

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by Anonymousreply 504November 8, 2021 3:46 PM

Dropped off or kicked off?

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by Anonymousreply 505November 8, 2021 3:46 PM

It's not hard to grasp. Not sue "experts" are needed to understand being trampled or lung compression.

General admission tickets or events can seem more exciting but they are far more dangerous than seated events. I posted earlier about having attended many shows in the midwest, where The Who tragedy took place. All tickets were seated and you stayed at your seat, there was overt and pretty strict crowd control entering, leaving and during the show. This was many years after the deaths in Cincinnati.

The main problem here was Scott and how he connects with his fans and exhorts them to "rage" and create mayhem. It masks his lack of talent and creativity. It is also why he pitches to elementary aged kids.

Very sad. But, not unexpected. Esp after one entrance was stormed at 2pm. They were on notice from past arrests and from events that day. Drake is going to really regret his actions, he had not been on a stage in years then jumps in to help incite a melee in Tx.

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by Anonymousreply 506November 8, 2021 3:55 PM

Pretty minimal gesture

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by Anonymousreply 507November 8, 2021 4:03 PM

he's going to jail for sure.

by Anonymousreply 508November 8, 2021 5:30 PM

Festivals like Glastonbury have 150k crowds in GA yet seem to avoid crushes.

by Anonymousreply 509November 8, 2021 5:55 PM

Kylie's going to have to bankroll him through this. She's worth 900m to his 60m.

by Anonymousreply 510November 8, 2021 5:57 PM

[quote]Kylie's going to have to bankroll him through this. She's worth 900m to his 60m.

She’s not bankrolling shit.

by Anonymousreply 511November 8, 2021 6:30 PM

If they are married isn't she liable as well? This is going to cost a helluva lot more than 60 million if the lawyers are halfway decent.

by Anonymousreply 512November 8, 2021 6:38 PM


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by Anonymousreply 513November 8, 2021 6:48 PM

Totally cool idol for the average 5th grader.

Where does Travis get all this imagery, some kind of consultant?

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by Anonymousreply 514November 8, 2021 7:55 PM

More souls! More!!

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by Anonymousreply 515November 8, 2021 8:12 PM

R514 whoever is narrating that video - what an obnoxious slow, ponderous, annoying babble. And that's without even considering what he is saying! The delivery is annoying.

by Anonymousreply 516November 8, 2021 8:19 PM

[quote]who cares about a bunch of dead texas twats?

You forgot to sign your post, Gov. Abbott. Or Senator Cruz. Or Lt. Gov Dan Patrick…

by Anonymousreply 517November 8, 2021 8:31 PM

[quote] Festivals like Glastonbury have 150k crowds in GA yet seem to avoid crushes.

English people know how to queue.

English people, on the whole, know about manners.

by Anonymousreply 518November 8, 2021 9:12 PM

According to the previously linked Daily Fail only 1 young woman is among the 8 victims.

However a concert goer who's also a nurse described in a Channel 8 news story trying to give CPR to multiple females, and that not all made it. Smelling a cover-up to prevent a Houston PR disaster.

by Anonymousreply 519November 8, 2021 10:05 PM

R518 has never heard of Hillsborough.

by Anonymousreply 520November 8, 2021 10:06 PM

That nurse and her fake eyelashes have been all over the media. I'd take what she says with a grain of salt. This is not the kind of thing they can cover up.

by Anonymousreply 521November 8, 2021 10:07 PM

Fucking tards thinking this was a "demonic sacrifice"

by Anonymousreply 522November 8, 2021 10:07 PM

R522 yes your outrage is so well placed,

by Anonymousreply 523November 8, 2021 10:22 PM

I enjoy the demonic sacrifice theories. It's a fun way to look at the world.

by Anonymousreply 524November 8, 2021 10:27 PM

All the attacks on black people are weird since most of the victims are white

by Anonymousreply 525November 8, 2021 10:27 PM

[quote] All the attacks on black people are weird since most of the victims are white

R525 Are you referring to "attacks" here on Datalounge?

by Anonymousreply 526November 8, 2021 10:30 PM

R521, Instead of criticizing the concert goer/nurse's makeup choices, why not consider the statistical probability that only ONE young woman was among the 8 victims?

If you saw attendees entering the venue a significant portion were female. Being shorter and less physically strong than most men they'd more likely to be crushed by the crowd.

by Anonymousreply 527November 8, 2021 10:34 PM

[quote] [R521], Instead of criticizing the concert goer/nurse's makeup choices, why not consider the statistical probability that only ONE young woman was among the 8 victims?

As a short woman who went to a large number of punk shows in my day, I can say that statistically it's far less likely that women are going to be up in the front where the crush occurred. I don't know how you think the police can cover up a DEATH when deaths are public record and with all the attorneys circling this tragedy.

by Anonymousreply 528November 8, 2021 10:40 PM

Women with a dash of IQ and spideysense do NOT rush to the mosh pitts and the crushed "raging" parts of the crowd. They know they are doomed. I used to know punks back in the day, and women who got in on the action get hurt. They learn to stay out of that.

by Anonymousreply 529November 8, 2021 10:43 PM

"As a short woman...."

LOL, I love it when DLers pretend to be female to dodge accusations of misogyny

by Anonymousreply 530November 8, 2021 10:44 PM

R526, there are tons of people upthread making generalizations about black people

This is 14-year-old white kids

by Anonymousreply 531November 8, 2021 10:45 PM

jail him

by Anonymousreply 532November 8, 2021 10:48 PM

R523 the tragedy is terrible, but yes, I'm worried about idiot bible thumpers turning the world into a witch trial.

by Anonymousreply 533November 8, 2021 10:50 PM

From what I saw, there were 2 female victims. Also, I remarked to my husband the male victims, aside from the 14 year old, seemed really overweight. Less lung capacity? Unable to maneuver out of a dangerous situation? Less stable, so once fallen, unable to get up as well as people unable to help get them up again?

by Anonymousreply 534November 8, 2021 11:32 PM

Oh, r4! Everybody in my FB Q-Group knows that nobody died! They are Crisis Actors hired by the Joke Bide-A-Wee Care Home Administration!

by Anonymousreply 535November 8, 2021 11:45 PM

R527 Throughout history, no doubt, women have avoided large crowds of angry young men. I wonder why that is?

by Anonymousreply 536November 8, 2021 11:46 PM

'Instead of criticizing the concert goer/nurse's makeup choices, why not consider the statistical probability that only ONE young woman was among the 8 victims? If you saw attendees entering the venue a significant portion were female. Being shorter and less physically strong than most men they'd more likely to be crushed by the crowd.'

Guys, this poster is a false flag loon. As if Travis would fake a fucking surge and get himself sued for millions.

by Anonymousreply 537November 8, 2021 11:46 PM

The majority of Travis' fans are MALE. He's not Harry Styles, a cute pretty boy interacting and loving the crowd. He's in his own stoned world and his songs are very difficult to get into. Hardly catchy like Watermelon Sugar.

by Anonymousreply 538November 8, 2021 11:47 PM

Why yes, the littlest Kardashian IS married to that trashbag rapper! I wonder how she'll get out of being sunk financially by all the lawsuits against him, without admitting that she isn't nearly as rich as she claims?

Claim they aren't legally married? Produce a prenup he doesn't remember signing? "Give" all her assets to a charitable foundation which she runs, and whose money she can spend where she likes?

by Anonymousreply 539November 9, 2021 12:00 AM

Kylie Jenner is NOT married to Travis Scott. They only just got back together after a long split. She's worth 900m so he probably wishes he had married her.

by Anonymousreply 540November 9, 2021 12:02 AM

I knew there were a lot more than 8 dead and 11 others injured/stricken when they set up a reunification station at a nearby hotel and started a hotline to call to either report you were OK or ask if someone you knew was among the dead.

That's not done for just 8 dead people. That's what gets set up when the dead and injured count in the dozens--or more.

by Anonymousreply 541November 9, 2021 12:02 AM

They are NOT married. And he will not be getting ONE CENT of Karda$hian money.

by Anonymousreply 542November 9, 2021 12:04 AM

Kartrashian Marital Status

Kris - dating goldigger Corey Gamble

Kim - trying to get psycho Kanye to sign divorce papers

Kourtney - engaged to Blink 182's mega fug Travis Barker

Khloe - on and off with her baby daddy, gigantic Tristan Thompson

Kendall - datiing NBA player Devin Booker for the last two years

Kylie - dating BUT NOT MARRIED to Travis Murderer Scott and expecting her second child with him in about three months

by Anonymousreply 543November 9, 2021 12:08 AM

She has enough money to pay for a private late term abortion…

by Anonymousreply 544November 9, 2021 12:17 AM

When do the marches start?

by Anonymousreply 545November 9, 2021 12:18 AM

"I knew there were a lot more than 8 dead and 11 others injured/stricken when they set up a reunification station at a nearby hotel and started a hotline to call to either report you were OK or ask if someone you knew was among the dead."

Interesting, but I don't know why the authorities would want to cover up deaths, but I sure believe it about the "11 injured". That probably means that 11 people were injured badly enough to need hospitalization, but a lot more were injured less severely or frightened out of their wits.

by Anonymousreply 546November 9, 2021 12:18 AM

First someone says that TS was told that police declared a mass casualty and he refused to stop the concert. Now they're saying the police told him there was mass casualty but told Travis not to stop otherwise there'd be a riot.

TS is good friends with the mayor and police chief- both black-- so I sense a cover-up to save his ass and also the police and fire department. The judge now requests an independent investigation.

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by Anonymousreply 547November 9, 2021 12:34 AM

I wonder how many of the hospitalized are on life support, with their families coming to terms with the situation. It will be a miracle if there are only 8 casualties out of nearly 50,000 people.

by Anonymousreply 548November 9, 2021 12:35 AM

Loads of vids in this thread

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by Anonymousreply 549November 9, 2021 12:46 AM

The minute those people crashed through the gates, they should have called the whole event off.

by Anonymousreply 550November 9, 2021 12:53 AM

With the Apple live stream and his singles having just dropped, $$$ to be made, R550.

by Anonymousreply 551November 9, 2021 12:59 AM

Then the people can sue Apple, R551

by Anonymousreply 552November 9, 2021 1:06 AM

[quote] TS is good friends with the mayor and police chief- both black-- so I sense a cover-up to save his ass and also the police and fire department. The judge now requests an independent investigation.

I've been saying something along these lines from the start in this thread. I don't think there's a coverup-- there are far too many people involved to hide what happened. I do think that the police and the mayor are working to muddy the waters and protect Scott. The Fire Chief and Police Chief seem to have been at odds from the start. And as I've said in this thread, the Police Chief has made a lot of idiotic moves (raising the needle theory, stating that the cops were afraid to stop the show, and releasing the photo of the dead guy-- sorry, but that is not something authorities do in the first days after a disaster).

There is no way that they can hide deaths. That's not the kind of thing you can hide in the US-- especially with all the pending litigation. What they CAN obscure is the timeline, what Scott knew, and when and who had the authority to end the show. Scott will not face charges but he should.

by Anonymousreply 553November 9, 2021 1:07 AM

Travis Scott is pretty creepy looking honestly. His eyes are creepy. I only saw him when he preformed on SNL and he has dead eyes. Kylie’s sisters are dating/dated some decent looking to handsome black dudes. Why she stuck with this one.

by Anonymousreply 554November 9, 2021 1:11 AM

I don't think they're trying to protect Scott, I think they're trying to cover their asses. Astro World is dead, protecting Travis Scott won't help the city.

by Anonymousreply 555November 9, 2021 1:14 AM

Is he the one who knocked up the one whore or the other whore?

by Anonymousreply 556November 9, 2021 1:15 AM

I don't see how Apple has any liability for decisions made on site.

by Anonymousreply 557November 9, 2021 1:21 AM

[quote] I wonder how many of the hospitalized are on life support, with their families coming to terms with the situation. It will be a miracle if there are only 8 casualties out of nearly 50,000 people.

I'd like to know if the 10 year old boy is alright. The last report said he was in critical condition.

WTF would a 10 year old boy be at Astroworld? Parents who are so concerned about CRT need to focus on what their children are listening to. The lyrics to some of these rappers are so violent, misogynistic and too sexual. And will McDonald's finally drop Travis Scott and get rid of the TravisBurgers? He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children. He should be CANCELLED.

by Anonymousreply 558November 9, 2021 1:24 AM

The easiest way to cover their asses is to throw Scott under the bus, but they aren't doing that, at least not now.

According to the Houston Chronicle, a 9 year old is in critical condition.

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by Anonymousreply 559November 9, 2021 1:33 AM

A "powerful message" from presidential hopeful Gov Abbott:

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement after the tragic event that took place last night at the Astroworld Festival in Houston. Eight people are reported dead and several others injured after a crowd surge.

"What happened at Astroworld Festival last night was tragic, and our hearts are with those who lost their lives and those who were injured in the terrifying crowd surge," said Governor Abbott. "Thank you to the first responders and good Samaritans who were on site and immediately tended to those who were injured in the crowd. The State of Texas is ready to assist in the response, and I have directed the Texas Department of Public Safety to make state resources available to support the investigation. I ask Texans to join Cecilia and me in lifting up in prayer those affected by this tragedy."

by Anonymousreply 560November 9, 2021 1:36 AM

Don't speak for me. I don't give a shit about no rap concert.

by Anonymousreply 561November 9, 2021 1:38 AM

Scott was directly marketed to 10 year olds through the McDonalds deal and Fortnight game.

by Anonymousreply 562November 9, 2021 1:44 AM

[Quote] He should be CANCELLED.

There have been zero large gathering and protests against AW. People don't care about the victims. It's fucking sad. TS will never be cancelled .

by Anonymousreply 563November 9, 2021 2:12 AM

Thread App linked above cited the media reporting 11 deaths and many injuries.

Other posters then stated that there were a whole lot more than just 11 deaths.

Bet we'll know a more accurate count when the big lawsuits start re wrongful death et al. Or will they try to settle quietly?

by Anonymousreply 564November 9, 2021 2:26 AM

R563, it's only been 3 days. The wheels are starting to churn. If that little boy with the sweet face dies or ends up being paralyzed (a second paralyzed victim), then he should be ostracized forever.

1. He's been dropped or he withdrew from a festival in Las Vegas next weekend 2. A petition has been started on Change.org to drop him from Coachella festival next year 3. Spotify users are boycotting his music.

McDonald's needs to get rid of their Travis Burgers.

by Anonymousreply 565November 9, 2021 2:27 AM

What is Kamala doing about this Houston Apocalypse?

by Anonymousreply 566November 9, 2021 2:31 AM

R565, Thanks for telling me about the anti-Travis Scott petitions. Signing immediately and trying to spread the word.

Petition to Aeg, Goldenvoice, Paul Tollet Remove Travis Scott as a Goldenvoice performer …With the recent tragic and unnecessary death at Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert, due to Scott’s… Sendero Secreto United States 12,435 supportersCreated Nov 6, 2021 Petition to Goldenvoice, Lvpd REMOVE TRAVIS SCOTT FROM DAY N VEGAS … Astroworld that left 8 dead and hundreds more injured, we are calling on Goldenvoice to remove Travis Scott … witnessed last night could have been avoided and stopped, however, Travis wanted the show to keep going… Sydney Jarvis Irvine, CA, United States 2,675 supportersCreated Nov 6, 2021

by Anonymousreply 567November 9, 2021 2:33 AM

AstroWorld lawsuits hit 19 and counting. They also include Drake.

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by Anonymousreply 568November 9, 2021 2:37 AM

Online petitions are pointless, but if it makes you feel better, go for it!

by Anonymousreply 569November 9, 2021 2:40 AM

R565 I ordered a Travis burger the other day, but was surprised when it had far more red sauce than it should have, and I started speaking in tongues afterwards. The French fries weren't bad though.

by Anonymousreply 570November 9, 2021 2:42 AM

What exactly is a Travis burger and how the fuck did McDonald's go do a thing like that?

by Anonymousreply 571November 9, 2021 2:45 AM

I’m sorry but no 9 year old should have been there to begin with. Yes, I type old.

by Anonymousreply 572November 9, 2021 2:45 AM

Fortnite has removed Travis Scott's emote.

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by Anonymousreply 573November 9, 2021 2:48 AM

I watched a few legal experts weigh in on the story this morning, ultimately it is not the responsibility of the talent to do crowd control, that is the on the venue and the promoter. Most of these lawsuits are being filed by ambulance chasers looking to make a buck off these poor kids. I hope some real ligation happens with Live Nation and the city.

by Anonymousreply 574November 9, 2021 2:59 AM

Scott made a lot of $$$ from the deal with McDonalds

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by Anonymousreply 575November 9, 2021 3:06 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 576November 9, 2021 3:10 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 577November 9, 2021 3:12 AM

Can't even take a week off from slut posting.

by Anonymousreply 578November 9, 2021 3:14 AM

I agree she should probably stay off social media for a week at least, but since they are all influencers they have products they're paid to shill at certain times.

by Anonymousreply 579November 9, 2021 3:16 AM

They’ve brought in the big gun….Kim K. is bereft.

So bereft that it took her three whole days to comment.

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by Anonymousreply 580November 9, 2021 3:18 AM

People are giving her shit already for even mentioning it, because it's Twitter.

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by Anonymousreply 581November 9, 2021 3:24 AM

She’ll be getting naked soon. Like she did when she had to take the heat off of Kanye.

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by Anonymousreply 582November 9, 2021 3:25 AM

The trending topics on Twitter earlier were all shilling for Travis. So pathetic.

by Anonymousreply 583November 9, 2021 3:29 AM

9 year old boy fighting for his life.

He was at the concert, sitting on his Dad's shoulders. Because of the pressure from the crowd, the father couldn't breathe and passed out and the boy fell into the crowd.

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by Anonymousreply 584November 9, 2021 4:15 AM

If that boy dies, that would be tragic. Please let that be the end of Travis and Kylie and her horrible family that we will never see again.

by Anonymousreply 585November 9, 2021 4:22 AM

As long as every thug's ambition is to be a rapper cancelling this one won't help a lot

by Anonymousreply 586November 9, 2021 4:29 AM

[quote] What exactly is a Travis burger and how the fuck did McDonald's go do a thing like that?

r571 It appeals to the trashy crowd. Not that anybody deserves to die in this way due to their horrific tastes.

by Anonymousreply 587November 9, 2021 4:30 AM

I just watched the video R584 posted. That poor child. What he and his father endured is horrifying.

by Anonymousreply 588November 9, 2021 4:40 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 589November 9, 2021 4:41 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 590November 9, 2021 4:49 AM

a 9-year old is in critical condition after being trampled at the Festival

by Anonymousreply 591November 9, 2021 5:25 AM

This video is going to haunt him. Fans pleading and begging for him to stop the show and he says, "who told me to stop the show?" he mumbles something like no and then continues to sing.

That night, he's on Instagram, sobbing, "I would do anything for my fans." Pathetic Liar.

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by Anonymousreply 592November 9, 2021 6:43 AM

Someone needs to cut the timeline of people dying and pleading for him to stop with him saying fuck it and going on. In sequence.

by Anonymousreply 593November 9, 2021 7:06 AM

What selfish piece of crap beings a child to a concert full of pornographic imagery and violent language and known for its rowdy antics and mosh pits?

What chance did that kid have with a father like that. He was doomed from the start.

How did the kid even get into the concert? Shouldn’t something this ratchet be 21 and up?

by Anonymousreply 594November 9, 2021 9:01 AM

R590 he was too busy "y'all"-ing at the crowd.

R583 probably because of the over-the-top bloodthirsty crowd that like many of the posters in this thread wanting his head on a platter. At some point it becomes tiresome and the pushback begins of "if everyone is acting this unhinged against this person, maybe he's not that bad".

When you have people posting performative "if he was here I'd beat him within an inch of his life"-type posts, all trying to outdo each other to show how Concerned and Caring they are, it gets ridiculous fast.

by Anonymousreply 595November 9, 2021 11:15 AM

He'll win several Grammys and give a tearful speech. The woke crowd will forgive him, demonstrating that they are not racist.

by Anonymousreply 596November 9, 2021 11:21 AM

r595, as the days go by, I'm slowly rethinking my stance on Scott. As I said upthread, I attend a fair number of festivals and shows throughout the year, and I gladly pay my money because I know touring is about the only way most musicians (though perhaps not Scott) make money these days.

Before I attend, I usually take a look at their setlist from the days before, and I always feel a little bad seeing how long they've been on the road, day after day, venue after venue. Going on stage and bringing your A game has got to be hard. Acting like you're so excited to play the same damn songs isn't my dream, that's for sure.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to go out there, do your job, and expect the venue to take care of the rest. I don't blame an artist if they perform drunk or high if that's what it takes to keep doing what they're doing and they put on a good show. So I can't then expect them to also be on crowd control.

If it comes out that he heard from the police, security, etc. that he needed to stop and he didn't, well that's another matter entirely.

by Anonymousreply 597November 9, 2021 11:57 AM

Yes it's really best to give Travis Scott the benefit of the doubt when 8 are dead and scores injured. I also don't think he really meant all those times in his career to encourage chaos and risk taking and to put people in danger and have injuries. Those were just artistic metaphors and his audience took them literally, unfortunately for them. But its not really Mr. Scott's role to babysit teenagers.

by Anonymousreply 598November 9, 2021 12:02 PM

Travis is deviated? Really? These phony whores dont even have good lies anymore. Here's a though, put your money where your mouth is Travis. Instead if "thoughts and prayers" cough up a few million for EACH victim BEFORE you get sued into doing it. No one is stopping you. You are a "artist" think outside the box. Where is your creativity now? Or right, your just a greedy narcissist homophobic ghetto hack.

by Anonymousreply 599November 9, 2021 12:03 PM

All and all Scott seems like a pretty good dude, father, artist, and entertainer. He's certainly made a lot of money, and he gets to fuck a beautiful Kardashian, so he must be doing something correct. Finally I think I really like him, though I'm a little bummed out about this event.

by Anonymousreply 600November 9, 2021 12:05 PM

[quote] But its not really Mr. Scott's role to babysit teenagers.

Actually it is, your audience, you are in control, just like not screaming fire in a crowded theater, the performer has the RESPONSIBILITY to control the crowd or stop the show if the crowed gets out of control. It's been done may time by many other artist much bigger than he could even dream to be.

by Anonymousreply 601November 9, 2021 12:08 PM

[quote] I also don't think he really meant all those times in his career to encourage chaos and risk taking and to put people in danger and have injuries. Those were just artistic metaphors and his audience took them literally,

You expect ghetto trash who act like animals to see your concert to get what a metaphor is? LMFAO

by Anonymousreply 602November 9, 2021 12:11 PM
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