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African-Americans are partly to blame for their stagnant socioeconomic status

I believe that one of the most factors for socioeconomic mobility is the home environment, namely one that promotes education and preferably with two parents. African-American households are undeniably lacking in this compared to any other racial/ethnic group in America. Instead of focusing only on how to retroactively fix misgivings of slavery and discrimination, we should put some energy into promoting education and home support. Have local and religious leaders start after school programs that focus on homework and cultural studies, similar to Chinese learning centers used by Chinese Americans. Start dismissing gangs and violent culture. Recent African immigrants (Nigerian, Ugandan, etc) have great family support and effectively used affirmative action to climb the social ladder much better.

Of course racial profiling and housing discrimination are also real and needs to reform but I feel like politicians and the African-American community do not address the need to fix the home environment and promote education enough. What do you think about this matter?

by Anonymousreply 101November 3, 2021 8:28 PM



by Anonymousreply 1October 28, 2021 6:19 AM

This thread is not going to end well, that I promise you.....

by Anonymousreply 2October 28, 2021 6:21 AM

Do not feed the trolls .

by Anonymousreply 3October 28, 2021 6:22 AM

For a 2am post, this is oddly beautiful...

by Anonymousreply 4October 28, 2021 6:24 AM

This reads like a junior high essay.

by Anonymousreply 5October 28, 2021 6:26 AM

I’m a Vietnamese immigrant that came to the US in 2002. Please don’t dismiss this as a troll or white supremacist post.

by Anonymousreply 6October 28, 2021 6:27 AM

yes you are a troll, you just don't realize that yet!

by Anonymousreply 7October 28, 2021 6:34 AM

Pointing out the importance of two-parent families and a more rigorous focus on education is racist!

It won't help a single black child have a better life, but it's still better to pretend none of this is true.

by Anonymousreply 8October 28, 2021 6:37 AM

[quote] Pointing out the importance of two-parent families and a more rigorous focus on education is racist!

Yes, this guy is racist.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 9October 28, 2021 6:57 AM

[quote] I believe that one of the most factors for socioeconomic mobility is the home environment.

A house is not a 'home'.

by Anonymousreply 10October 28, 2021 6:58 AM

The black community will never advance until it stops blaming everyone else for its misfortunes, starts taking responsibility for its behavior and actions, and stops being treated like defective children who must be coddled and excused.

by Anonymousreply 11October 28, 2021 7:04 AM

Not to be rude here. But the day afro Americans stop victimizing themselves and putting that energy in working hard and trying to make their lives better, things may change. I’m a female Latinx and came to this country with 200$ in my pocket and yes, I made my way up through hard work. That was decades ago and we had no chance in the job market. While my Afro and Latin coworkers were too worried about complaining of white privilege I was pursuing proper education - wasn’t easy and didn’t happen overnight. Took years until I could finally find my way in. Although I try to empathize with minorities I can’t help but think their reality could potentially be different if not for their insistence on wokeness and self pity.

by Anonymousreply 12October 28, 2021 7:09 AM

I don't know. I remember the positive things about Black militancy and the way it was violently dismantled by the federal government. I remember the Black Muslims and their crusade to build Black institutions with the Black dollar and the way Louis Farrakhan was demonized by white media into insignificance. Even someone like Jesse Jackson was refocused into a clown like hypocrite. I'm just saying that Black people get a pretty degrading reflection of themselves from the media when it comes to their power as a proactive political and social force. They are fed that their status as entertainers and criminals is their societal niche as scary jesters to stroke a white superiority complex.

by Anonymousreply 13October 28, 2021 7:33 AM

OP is trying to gain credibility by claiming something impossible to verify (Vietnamese immigrant). I'm confident OP is a white racist. The idea that black people are responsible for their misfortune because their culture is inferior is as old as the hills.

by Anonymousreply 14October 28, 2021 7:37 AM

Is this such a horrible thing to help elevate people from their perpetual victimhood? Go for it

by Anonymousreply 15October 28, 2021 7:38 AM

R12 "Im a female Latinx"

You're a white, male and obese troll

by Anonymousreply 16October 28, 2021 7:43 AM

r12 is a pathetic liar.

by Anonymousreply 17October 28, 2021 7:45 AM

R14 & R16 called it!

by Anonymousreply 18October 28, 2021 7:49 AM

Dumbass poster is so stupid that he/she doesnt realize or understand that its all connected. More black people were'nt able to develop the same emphasis on family and education as other Americans because they were too busy being treated like shit. Most black Americans descended from slaves . This is not their fault.

by Anonymousreply 19October 28, 2021 7:58 AM

Black people did build things, than a white violent racist mob came in and bombed & burned everything down to the ground. And the US Federal government did absolutely nothing about it.

They tried to go to school. But because they weren't WASP, they were not allowed entrey. So they created HBCU's. After the Civil War, reconstruction was completely stopped, because whites in the south didn't like the idea of trying to rebuild the country to make it more equitable for blacks and whites alike. Than came 100 years of jim crow. And the black codes, and all of the various awful laws that were put in place to hurt blacksvetc.

I could go on and on. Shiting on Black Americans is a constant perpetuated American past time. But if you're going to shit on them, make sure you put it in context. White people love to shit on them, but love to leave out the intentional horrible conditions they created for them to live in, in the first place.

The cruelty and irrationality is the whole point, when it comes to white Americas relationship with Black America. African Americans have always been Americas favorite punching bag. Other groups get it too. But not in the same way Black Americans get it. There's a special type of cruelty perpetuated against African Americans, and it's been in place for centuries.

by Anonymousreply 20October 28, 2021 8:00 AM

R13 I agree with you that the media portray Blacks negatively a lot of times. I should rephrase my stance that Black leaders are promoting to advance Black lives as seen in the video in R9. The problem is that those speeches and efforts never stick around. Instead they get replaced by new outrage and anger driven by the media in a cycle of police brutality and protests. Never is there a lasting chance to discuss building up Black lives from inside. R14, yes, this is an anonymous board so I'm giving out my identity in hopes of gaining credibility. You and other posters are free to believe whatever. R5, it's true. I was never great in English class and essay writing. I still managed to finish healthcare professional school and get my masters.

by Anonymousreply 21October 28, 2021 8:01 AM

OP is a Meghan Markle hater troll, go check for yourself and see. Their most recent post was on "Twitter Data Has Revealed," saying that there are no anti-Markle troll groups on Twitter, it's just that Twitter has so few users it SEEMS like there's a group of trolls.

by Anonymousreply 22October 28, 2021 8:05 AM

I actually agree with this. I was very skeptical at first, assuming this was the post of a racist troll, but it is actually a nuanced point of view that acknowledges the importance of affirmative action and so I agree with it.

by Anonymousreply 23October 28, 2021 8:08 AM

[quote]OP is trying to gain credibility by claiming something impossible to verify (Vietnamese immigrant). I'm confident OP is a white racist. The idea that black people are responsible for their misfortune because their culture is inferior is as old as the hills.

I believe the OP because lets be honest, Asian who come here do far, far, better than a lot of minorities that have been here for generation. Heck, they do better than most white people I know. And yes, while some come here highly educated with some family money, the vast majority come with almost nothing add to that a language barrier. Yet they still make something of themselves within one generation. That's why they dont get how blacks cant pull themselves out of the gutter 5 or 6 generations after the end of slavery.

by Anonymousreply 24October 28, 2021 8:11 AM

Yes, R22, that was me. But I don't know why my dislike of half-black, half-white woman who married into a royal family with a history of colonialism disproves my points.

by Anonymousreply 25October 28, 2021 8:12 AM

OP actually has a reasonable premise, that the black community in th US should place great emphasis on family and education in any and every way possible, more so than is being done currently, in order to close the gap with other cultures in that regard.

Problem is, by titling his post and claiming that African Americans are actually to BLAME for not having done so completely negates the reasonableness of his overall premise and renders him a troll by default.

by Anonymousreply 26October 28, 2021 8:13 AM

[quote]I believe the OP

[quote]blacks cant pull themselves out of the gutter 5 or 6 generations after the end of slavery

It's been particularly bad around here on DL lately, anyone else noticed that? Was there some kind of mass week-long block that just expired, and now all these fuckheads are back all at once?

by Anonymousreply 27October 28, 2021 8:16 AM

You cannot compare African Americans to immigrants Indians and Asians etc. These are all completely different stories. This is something Asians and Indians even Native Americans along with Latinos have acknowledged in the last year.

African Americans have a completely different history then all of these other groups. And again, as pointed up thread. African Americans are the decedent's of slaves. Not all black people in America have that lineage.

The African American story is not a simplistic one. And shouldn't be discussed in a flippant dismissive way. There's layers to unpack here. And it's a long and dark history.

by Anonymousreply 28October 28, 2021 8:17 AM

Upon reflection, I realized I shouldn't have used the word 'blame' in a way that meant African-Americans caused their current situation in the US. I guess what I meant is that why is there not more emphasis on proactive policies towards advancement. You can work on ending discrimination while also work on self- improvement. Instead it's all a blame game and works to sow more division.

by Anonymousreply 29October 28, 2021 8:27 AM

[quote]You cannot compare African Americans to immigrants Indians and Asians etc. These are all completely different stories.

True but every one of those had deep challenges they had to overcome. You cant claim unique experience as an excuse forever. First generation, absolutely true, second generation still some spill over, but by the 3rd gen most people are completely assimilated into every culture they grow up in. At this point there really is no excuse. I am sure you disagree so lets do a though experiment. How about instead of 5 generations we say 10. Is a descendant of slave from10 generation still going to be in same minority victim of society as it is today? How about 20, 50, 100 generations from now. When will you admit it's time to let it go?

by Anonymousreply 30October 28, 2021 8:29 AM

R30 You still don't get it, but than again I don't expect you too.

Until you walk in those shoes.

by Anonymousreply 31October 28, 2021 8:32 AM

[quote]we should put some energy into promoting education and home support. Have local and religious leaders start after school programs that focus on homework and cultural studies

HOLY SHIT OP!! Where've you been all this time!! NOBODY'S EVER THOUGHT OF DOING THESE THINGS BEORE... EVER!!! And now you come in, for nowhere, and give the best ideas that, again, nobody's ever thought of!! Wow! Fabulous!

I sure hope that when you pitch this to gov't officials it's not pushed aside because "no funding" "no zoning" "need to focus on bigger issues right now" - but that'd never happen, right?

OR perhaps if you do get your programs up and running they're not smeared and ruined by fake scandals conjured up by scamming rightwingers - but, again, that'd never happen either, right?

Because, boy oh boy, you're sure on to some GREAT IDEAS nobody's ever put forth. GOOD LUCK TO YOU, you genius.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 32October 28, 2021 8:33 AM

Well put r28. its so easy to identify with one specific aspect of a person or groups experience (i.e., growing up poor, immigrant, skin color) and extrapolate that somehow that shared aspect signifies that they had the same opportunity, or lack of, as you did. Therefore, if you could do it, why can't they. Its very small minded, egocentric and ignorant. I actually believe OP is who he says, a vietnamese immigrant who thinks this way. The asshole who insists that people are trolls when they dont really know one way or the other is worse than some of the (actual) trolls. And I dont care either what he thinks about Megan Markle. I do however think he is small minded and ignorant as stated above, but has sincere intentions.

by Anonymousreply 33October 28, 2021 8:33 AM

Racist dreck.

OP is a Klan Granny probably posting from some gated community in the outer rings of exurbia.

by Anonymousreply 34October 28, 2021 8:36 AM

Look, if someone is saying that the grandchildren of slaves should have been "completely assimilated into the American culture" and if they weren't then it's their fault, IGNORE THEM because they are STUPID or TROLLING or BOTH.

Even the dumbest fucking person in the U.S. knows about Jim Crow laws, blacks not being allowed to vote, often not being counted as full citizens, being denied jobs, the list is endless.

by Anonymousreply 35October 28, 2021 8:36 AM

We actively have an entire political party working hard to undermine a group of people. That's something I believe a lot of immigrants don't get or understand about America and its history. Because they're looking at it from a an immigrants perspective. Of "why can't they."

We can't even get everyone in congress and the senate on board about police reform or an anti lynching bill. But they very quickly passed a stop Asian hate bill. Shit like that undermine African Americans constantly. They built thus country for free! And everyone shits on them. Even immigrants.

When America finally falls, it's going to fall Hard!!!!

by Anonymousreply 36October 28, 2021 8:37 AM

[quote]OP is a Klan Granny

Exactly. They literally ARE a Markle hater troll who is also starting racebait threads.

There are so many trolls and clueless dolts on DL that this shit WILL NOT STOP HAPPENING. OP keeps getting replies, even though anyone with at least one (1) functioning brain cell should know that replying in any serious way to this is useless.

by Anonymousreply 37October 28, 2021 8:40 AM

[quote]You still don't get it, but than again I don't expect you too. Until you walk in those shoes.

I tried walking in your shoes but they were cheap and ugly ;)

OK, snark aside, your line is a tired bunch of crap. I don't have to walk in a parents shoes to know they are bad parents if they are besting their child. "You don't know me" doesn't fly with people who want to get to the root of a problem. You're right, I don't know you, I haven't walk in your shoes but that doesn't mean we can not comment on how to fix the problem. By your logic, only that parent who is beat that child has the right to say anything about it.

by Anonymousreply 38October 28, 2021 8:54 AM

Hear hear, OP

by Anonymousreply 39October 28, 2021 8:55 AM

[quote] the way Louis Farrakhan was demonized by white media into insignificance. Even someone like Jesse Jackson was refocused into a clown like hypocrite.

Treatment richly deserved by Bigots Farrakhan and Jackson, along with the Sharpton. Black communal turds who believed they have achieved a modicum of "equality" with the White man through vicious Jew hatred.

by Anonymousreply 40October 28, 2021 8:57 AM

OP here. In response to the claims that I'm white, a troll, or Klan Grannie, I'll share my American experience.

I immigrated to the US in 2002 when I was seven with my younger brother, parents, and two aunts. My uncle was in the S. Vietnam/US military during the war and escaped to the US as a refugee. We were able to immigrate via green card after a years-long process. My family originally lived in rural hamlet in Vietnam and sold their inherited plots of land to their siblings to gain capital in the US. We immigrated with around $1000. We lived with my uncle for a few months to get settled (my dad learned to drive, bought a used car, look for jobs, etc.) We moved into a two-bedroom ratty apartment. My aunts shared one room while my parents, brother, and I slept in a used king-size in the other. My parents worked like dogs to gain money. My dad worked12 hour night shifts six days a week and my mom worked 9-10 hours five days a week and took all the available weekend overtime available. They didn't know any English and were working in warehouses and factories making $9-10/hr. My dad would drive us to school after his shift and we would walk to the local library after school and waited for my mom to pick us up after work. My life at home wasn't always peaceful either. My parents were met via matchmakers and married after knowing each other for a couple of months. My dad was suspicious that my mom was having an affair with a coworker and constantly checked up on her. There was tension for years and small arguments. That's all settled now and they're content being together, but there was constant fear that they would divorce and split the family while I was growing up. I'm sure they stayed together to provide a stable home for my brother and I. Like most Asian families they stressed education. They encouraged me to take hard classed, they made sure we did our homework and studied even though they couldn't help us. We lived frugally for years and we saved up money. It was hard but I feel like we made it. We've had a house since 2007, I finished PA school, and my brother got his B.S. in Comp Sci and a job. We still have $60,000 of mortgage and tons of student loans but I think we have the earning potential to climb to the middle class.

I think deep down, I loathe the African-American community for their inability to improve and their sense of victimhood while also envy they're influence in politics. I accept that these feelings are racist and ignorant. I'm mad at how BLM (the organization) has done little to improve black lives and only further divide America. I'm mad at how much Americans fixate on race and skin color. I'm mad at how everything is so polarized and everyone has descended into tribalism. I'm mad at how the left is working to undermine education, the main vehicle for mobility for people like me, using arguments against standardized testing, defunding gifted programs, etc. I love America. I would not have the same higher standard of living and financial power in Vietnam. I'm eternally grateful for my opportunity and lot in life. I've been back to Vietnam a few times and seeing crippled elderly and small children sell lottery tickets to supplement their family income is disheartening.

I do agree that Blacks have it harder than Asians in America. While Asians are largely ignored and tolerated by both parties, Black have a party that hates them and a party they tries to kiss their ass to secure their vote because they can't win elections without it.

by Anonymousreply 41October 28, 2021 7:53 PM

OP, most people in America already know these things, but most don't really discuss it publicly unless they themselves are Black Americans. These days it's only Black Americans who can have these discussions without likely being cancelled or at least scolded on social media.

To be safe, don't discuss this with anyone outside of your family. You're asking for trouble if you do. Vietnamese people in America are already in the media's eye for older generations' support for GOP politicians.

by Anonymousreply 42October 28, 2021 8:02 PM

[quote] Black people did build things,

R20 Where?

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 43October 28, 2021 9:52 PM

Where, R43?

Here's the example that R20 was referencing. And even though it involved part of an entire American city being "bombed" into rubble by other Americans, it's still not taught in regular American History classes... for some reason.

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by Anonymousreply 44October 28, 2021 10:13 PM

[quote] "bombed"


by Anonymousreply 45October 28, 2021 11:38 PM

People will dismiss OP as a troll but they're actually right.

by Anonymousreply 46October 28, 2021 11:42 PM

If CRT was actually taught in schools, the OP may not have been stupid enough to start this thread.

by Anonymousreply 47October 28, 2021 11:47 PM

[quote] CRT

CRT is a theory. Schools should be teachings facts.

by Anonymousreply 48October 28, 2021 11:48 PM

Alright then let's teach the facts and see how well that works out for you.

by Anonymousreply 49October 28, 2021 11:50 PM

[quote] the facts

The crime statistics.

by Anonymousreply 50October 28, 2021 11:54 PM

R42, that’s what I’m talking about. People can’t talk about their identity or perspective anymore unless it fits a certain agenda. Yet they also claim to promote everyone’s ‘truth’. As soon as they hear something they don’t like and run out of rebuttals, they just shut troll or one of the -ists. The only time Asians are allowed to share our experiences are when we decry white supremacy and how it’s ruining the Asian lives and causing Asian hate.

And it’s true my parents thought Trump was better than Biden because they think he only cares about the blacks and welfare while doing nothing or worse Asians. Thankfully they don’t vote.

by Anonymousreply 51October 29, 2021 2:14 AM

[quote] Schools should be teachings facts.

R48, the Tulsa Massacre of 1921 is a fact (see R33) - yet far too many Americans never learned about it in any schooling - but they did recently learn about it on a fucking HBO superhero show in 2019.

The problem is, and always has been, when it comes to history, schools HAVE NOT been teaching facts. They've been teaching a whitewashed, gentle to men and white people, version of history.

Plus, schools teach theories constantly. The "theory of relativity" is taught (it's also used to program satellites and why your gps works). The "heliocentric theory" is also taught, it's the "theory" that the planets travel around the sun.

Don't confuse theories and hypotheses in academia and science, In academia and science, a theory has been researched and reproduced to the point of general acceptance. A hypotheses, on the other hand, is what laymen like us usually mean when we say we " have a theory."

Schools need to be teaching reality.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 52October 29, 2021 2:22 AM

[quote]I think deep down, I loathe the African-American community for their inability to improve and their sense of victimhood while also envy they're influence in politics.

No. You loathe African Americans because you think it makes you more accepted and closer to white (will never happen) and envy their cultural influence in America because, let's face it, African American culture dominates disproportionately.

You also said in your OP that recent African immigrants use affirmative action to get ahead. That's not true. First and second-generation Africans in America are the demographic with the highest rate of completion of graduate degrees in America. Higher than even Asian Americans. What your comment proves is that even when black people become accomplished, their achievements will always be dismissed as attributable to affirmative action.

by Anonymousreply 53October 29, 2021 2:47 AM

^ Another thing OP/r41. You are racist scum.

by Anonymousreply 54October 29, 2021 2:49 AM

And the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action were white women. If real history was taught in schools, you might know that.

by Anonymousreply 55October 29, 2021 2:55 AM

An old white man once told me. It doesn't matter where you fall in the population percentage in America.

But if you're not Black White or Native American, in America. You don't really matter. The reason being Is, those are the three ethnic groups that have always been the stars of the story of America. The genocide of the natives. The enslavement of the Africans. And colonization perpetuated by white settlers.

Everyone else invited themselves to something they were never supposed to be apart of. I've heard a lot of people say this very thing in various ways throughout my short life. It's largely true, even if a lot of the other ethnic groups have been around for a while too. It still remains, the original Golden three are the original stars in the story of America and the formation of the founding of the United States. Natives Blacks & whites sit very prominent all throughout American history.

No one else really matters. It's pretty much true!

by Anonymousreply 56October 29, 2021 4:16 AM

[quote] I don't know. I remember the positive things about Black militancy and the way it was violently dismantled by the federal government.

This is true, but I just want to clarify in case our OP doesn't understand.

They literally dropped a bomb from a helicopter in Philadelphia to kill one small group of black militants. Not only did that bomb take out their one house, it took out the whole neighborhood of houses. This was the US response to a very small amount of political power being built by blacks.

They also murdered many black leaders in the 60s and 70s who were doing absolutely nothing illegal.

by Anonymousreply 57October 29, 2021 4:25 AM

R56 comes from 500 generations of white cunts. She's very proud of it.

by Anonymousreply 58October 29, 2021 4:26 AM

I don’t mind the insults. I’ve already accepted that my line of thinking is racist to people. No I don’t want to be white. But that’s the thing, Asians have no identity in America. We aren’t considered white by white people and we’re slowly being pushed out of BIPOC status too. We have no voice in America, barely any representation in the media, and barely any representation in politics. No one cares about us. When whites voice their grievances, the right advocates for them. When non-Asian minorities voice their grievances, the left advocates for them. No one cares about Asian problems except Asians but we have no power.

by Anonymousreply 59October 29, 2021 5:29 AM

Whenever I see BIPOC, I automatically think Bisexual People Of Color. I can't even remember what it's really an acronym for anymore.

by Anonymousreply 60October 29, 2021 5:34 AM


It's not that you're racist--it's that you're so incredibly naive.

by Anonymousreply 61October 29, 2021 5:38 AM

Nobody wants to hire people who only speak AAVE (African American Vernacular English) the fancy new term for Ghetto, or Ebonics. Period!

Good spoken communication skills represent your whole business and nobody wants to have you "axing" them dumb questions.

There is massive resistance for many reasons why black people have ZERO interest in speaking English properly, mainly because it sounds too "white". Great, go for it. Keep yourselves down forever!

by Anonymousreply 62October 29, 2021 6:30 AM

Here's the example that [R20] was referencing. And even though it involved part of an entire American city being "bombed" into rubble by other Americans, it's still not taught in regular American History classes... for some reason.

Actually I learned about it in public school back in the late 70's. I dont know who all these people are saying they never heard about it. I grew up in small town in California so maybe that had something to do with it. And I would say the racial makeup was about 70% white, 29% Hispanic and maybe 1% black.

by Anonymousreply 63October 29, 2021 9:11 AM

r59 Save us the woe-is-me-no-one-cares-about-Asians bullshit. Every struggle in human history has had traitors, betrayers and weak links. Look up stereotypical depictions of "house negros" during slavery. Many of your people think being racist to black people will hasten their acceptance into whiteness. That "model minority" shit would make me cringe so hard if I were Asian because it's racist as fuck, but some of these people are so eager for white approval they don't notice.

OP, You're far from the only Asian who thinks like that and, as a matter of fact, I think you were raised to think that way. The guy in this video could be you, for all we know.

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by Anonymousreply 64October 29, 2021 10:54 AM

[Quote]I think deep down, I loathe the African-American community for their inability to improve

R41 OP, you need to stop loathing Black Americans for the challenges many of them still face, and start understanding why they have them. There's a horrid American history that explains its cause.

Also, many Black Americans (or African Americans; I use both) have done very well for themselves, as well as you, and also better. Your loathing of struggling or unambitious Blacks is seemingly causing you to also hate the successful Blacks who HAVE become accomplished individuals.

Lastly, Blacks ARE aware of the issues facing their community. They're actively discussed in many social settings, in the Black church, and in venues which have been filmed and broadcast. Blacks want progressive outcomes as much as you.

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by Anonymousreply 65October 29, 2021 12:25 PM

This is one of the major things that black people and gay people, and a few other select minority groups, have in common. We are always judged by the worst of us.

You're black, you walk into a room, and you're bringing all black people into that room. They may not know you from Adam, but they see the skin color and their brains go-a-workin'. And then, when they do get to know you and who you are and how you act doesn't match up with their perceived notions of a black person, the first thing they will say and they really think they're complimenting you, "but you're not really black".

Same thing for gays. They find out you're gay and every negative thing about gays floods their brains and they graft it on to that person.

I'm black and gay and I never play the o poor victim me card, because what's the point. I've worked hard and have built a good life for myself. But it does anger me that so much of history is just white-washed to not give people a clear picture of how we ended up here.

People ask why isn't there more black home ownership. They don't understand the practice of redlining and predatory lending practices and race codes that existed all over this country to stop black home and business ownership.

People don't know that a lot of southern cities fucked up their public transportation so that black and whites wouldn't have to ride together.

And that stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

Same thing for gays. People don't know half the shit that gays in this country have gone through. Most gay men are not wealthy and vacationing every other week. A lot are struggling mentally and financially because of shit from the past, that doesn't get taught.

by Anonymousreply 66October 29, 2021 12:53 PM

[quote]There's a horrid American history that explains its cause.

And that "horrid American history" was the same for Jews, East Asians, First Nations, Hispanics, gays and women, all of whom were and still are discriminated against in "horrid America". Including by the black community And yet the only group that relentlessly expresses "we're owed" outrage is the black community.

by Anonymousreply 67October 29, 2021 1:00 PM

R67, you are just straight up racist.

by Anonymousreply 68October 29, 2021 1:06 PM

R68 And you are a hypocritical, ignorant racist.

by Anonymousreply 69October 29, 2021 1:13 PM

R68 50 years old and still mindlessly spewing childish pejoratives. Shame!

by Anonymousreply 70October 29, 2021 1:19 PM

[Quote]And that "horrid American history" was the same for Jews, East Asians, First Nations, Hispanics, gays and women

R67 With the exception of Indigenous Americans, absolutely NOT. Yes, other groups in the US were mistreated, and suffered for it, but not to the same extreme as the Blacks and Indigenous Americans. Asians, due to the strength and cohesiveness of their respective cultures, were able to battle American discrimination very well.

Lastly, Asians CHOSE to settle here, so that motivated many of them to strive for success. The Africans were brought here as slaves, and the Indigenous were slaughtered and displaced. Their circumstances were very specific and unique, and the resulting trauma led to the innumerable struggles many of their descendants face today.

by Anonymousreply 71October 29, 2021 1:41 PM

R71 You're rationalizing. And worse, diminishing/dismissing the discrimination and persecution suffered by other minority groups. No, the black experience in the US was neither unique nor their discrimination somehow more traumatic than other minorities. Neither is the black community above inflicting trauma on other minority communities through its discrimination and persecution.

by Anonymousreply 72October 29, 2021 1:58 PM

Damn, you're stupid R72. Seek help, immediately.

by Anonymousreply 73October 29, 2021 2:00 PM

R73 So childish!

by Anonymousreply 74October 29, 2021 2:02 PM

[quote]Lastly, Asians CHOSE to settle here, so that motivated many of them to strive for success. The Africans were brought here as slaves,

Chinese were used as slave labor in the 1800's. They were not owned the same way but basically the same thing they are considered Indentured Servants. Brought to the Americas in the 100's of thousands with no guarantee or paid way to get back home. They built most of the railroads in the west.

by Anonymousreply 75October 30, 2021 3:32 AM

On top of being a racist, r75 is also a revisionist. The Chinese were not "brought". They came.

by Anonymousreply 76October 30, 2021 3:51 AM

Semantics R76, Chinese basically slave labor. Just like what's going on now in Dubai and Indian labor. Once they get there, no way out.

by Anonymousreply 77October 30, 2021 6:00 AM

People also forget. The civil rights movement which was started and Speerheaded by African Americans. Opened the door for every other ethnic minority group to also stand up and start voicing their grievances about how they were being treated in America etc.

African Americans made a lot of the things possible for all ethnic minority groups today as far as opportunities for education affirmative action, which heavily benefits white women. As a matter of fact. Lesley Stahl from 60 minutes & Judy woodruff from PBS news hour both said they got their starts in the news business because of affirmative action. The video is on YouTube with the two of them sitting together talking about their careers and Trump etc. So white women have definitely been the main benefiters of that program.

The civil rights movement also open the door to womens liberation, the feminist movement, the gayb rights movement immigration & it even helped Asians come to America and have all kinds of opportunities made available to them.

So again, African Americans make it all happen and people come right along and shit on them. I really believe there's some unfounded reason people hate black people. I just can't figure it out. The level of hate black people receive is abnormal in my opinion.

Even immigrants have the audacity to come to America and shit on a group of people who are the descendants of the people who built thus country for free against their will. And join in the bullshit with whites and created the unforgivable conditions they still live with today.

Sick as fuck!

by Anonymousreply 78October 30, 2021 8:10 AM

R75 r77 The colony of Virginia was first to legalize the enslavement of Africans, in 1661. The other colonies followed suit. Slavery in the former Confederate states ended in 1865, when they lost the Civil War. During this time, these Africans, and their descendants, were enslaved, unless otherwise freed by manumission.

The Chinese who came to United States in the mid-1800s were never enslaved. Neither were their descendants. They chose to come here, although most they ended up working under very unfair and harsh conditions. You might consider that as slave-like, but it wasn't slavery. In fact, the Chinese went on strike in regards to their work conditions, which was something the Black slaves could never do.

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by Anonymousreply 79October 30, 2021 8:51 AM

Both R78 and R79 suffer from the disease of blinkered history, seeing only what suits their agenda.

R78 The "modern" feminist movement was started in England in the 1880s. Women miltated for equal rights and the vote long before the "civil rights movement." One outcome of that militating was that women and servants were granted the right to vote in England in 1918 and the US in 1920. Same with the gay liberation movement, started in the 1920s, again long before the "civil rights movement". And since this is a gay board, if the face of Gay Liberation had been black, gays would still be trying to decriminalize homsexuality.

R79 continues to discount and dismiss the discrimination suffered by non-black minorities. Freed black men were granted US citizenship, the right to own property and vote in 1866. Women of all races/ethnicities weren't granted the right to vote until 1920. First Nations weren't granted citizenship until 1924 and the right to vote until 1947. East Asians weren't granted citizenship and the right to vote until 1952.

In addition, black people could own land. East Asians and Hispanics were barred from owning land in the US until after WWII. Hispanics in the western/southwestern US had their land confiscated by various US laws, such as the Homestead Act.

All minorities - Jews, First Nations, Hispanics, East Asian, women and gays - have suffered and continue to suffer legal, social and cultural discrimination. All have fought and continue to fight battles for legal equality and and end to social/cultural discrimination. To claim that discrimination against blacks is paramount or somehow unique is to shamefully ignore the trauma and struggles of those who suffered similar fates.

by Anonymousreply 80October 30, 2021 10:07 AM

[quote]the Chinese went on strike in regards to their work conditions, which was something the Black slaves could never do.

R79 Pity you've never heard of Nat Turner. Or the Stono Rebellion.

by Anonymousreply 81October 30, 2021 10:16 AM

[quote]African Americans make it all happen and people come right along and shit on them. I really believe there's some unfounded reason people hate black people. I just can't figure it out. The level of hate black people receive is abnormal in my opinion.

It's quite simple, really. They want to curry favor with the racist white establishment because to them, siding with and getting approval from the oppressor is a sign they've made it in America.

by Anonymousreply 82October 30, 2021 12:08 PM

[quote]siding with and getting approval from the oppressor is a sign they've made it in America.

Exactly like blacks do with Jew hatred. Gives them a leg up in white America.

by Anonymousreply 83October 30, 2021 12:11 PM

[Quote][R79] Pity you've never heard of Nat Turner. Or the Stono Rebellion.

R81 I have heard about them. I also know the difference between them and the Chinese railway workers' strike. Pity you don't.

by Anonymousreply 84October 30, 2021 1:16 PM

R84 A "strike" or a "rebellion" is the same thing. People refusing to accept the status quo. But I understand your disinclination to see it. It doesn't fit your agenda.

by Anonymousreply 85October 30, 2021 1:20 PM

There's a cultural gap here. The Asian way is obedience and deference to authority. The OP sees African Americans refusal to take all the shit thrown their way as ingratitude. But it's not in black peoples' nature to just roll over.

by Anonymousreply 86October 30, 2021 3:04 PM

It's just like what was posted at R56. Native Americans Africans & white settlers are the original players in the story of America. Everyone else invited themselves to something they weren't invited to.

So why show up to a country that didn't invite you and complain? Why not go back to Vietnam and help improve the quality of life their? Never understood people who come to America ragging on other groups of people who have had to live through and face horrible challenges & still do. When you clearly don't understand every knuck and crany of American history in a country you have zero history in.

by Anonymousreply 87October 30, 2021 6:12 PM

I was just about to post that r56's point perfectly encapsulates America's story. Native Americans displaced and disposed of their lands; European settlers who colonized it and enslaved Africans brought against their will. The rest are irrelevant.

by Anonymousreply 88October 30, 2021 6:33 PM

r88 that is a profoundly ignorant statement. Nobody else is "irrelevant" in American society. The US is a nation that has constantly evolved and changed.

by Anonymousreply 89October 30, 2021 6:45 PM

That Teddy Roosevelt statue in NYC that people want removed sums this up perfectly.

You have president Teddy who is a white man on a horse, with a black man on one side & a native American man on the other side.

The three original stars of American history.

R89 you're right. America has involved and continues to. But the fact remains. That those three groups are the original players in the founding history of America. With all three having very prominent places in American history. Something other ethnic groups don't have. That was the point being made.

by Anonymousreply 90October 30, 2021 7:22 PM

Yes, r90 is correct. The Teddy Roosevelt statue is truly one of the best symbols of the story of America. And r89, I agree "irrelevant" is the wrong word, maybe replace it "fundamental".

Is the statue still there, by the way? Where is it going?

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by Anonymousreply 91October 31, 2021 10:06 AM

The truth is, there's nothing new about OP's sentiments amongst immigrants from Asia. Which illustrates why blacks and Asians can never really be allies. Their natural instinct is towards conservatism and authoritarianism and most are raised to think that way. Identifying with the white conservative establishment is what gives even recent Asian immigrants to tell blacks to "go back to where they came from" disregarding the fact that communities of enslaved Africans have been documented here since 1619 before the country was founded.

by Anonymousreply 92November 2, 2021 2:00 AM

Let me tell you something. We were slaves in Egypt for 400 years and you know what? We fucking got over it.

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by Anonymousreply 93November 2, 2021 2:15 AM

[quote] The civil rights movement which was started and Speerheaded by African Americans. Opened the door for every other ethnic minority group

But not for gays. That kind of discrimination was totally fine with them.

by Anonymousreply 94November 2, 2021 10:32 AM

R94 It's not the responsibility of oppressed marginalized blacks to fight for a bunch of gay white men. Why is that the responsibility of black people. And furthermore, they never said anything against gay people.

That was a weird troll comment. Stand up and fight for yourself.

by Anonymousreply 95November 2, 2021 9:32 PM

Especially when white gay men were part of the oppressors.

by Anonymousreply 96November 3, 2021 1:14 AM

Black are just as guilty of slavery. They just dont want to talk about it. Many former black slave ended up being slave owner themselves. Some considered even curler than the white man.

"By 1850, Ellison had 37 slaves while his sons owned another 16. He was one of about 180 black slave masters in South Carolina at the time"

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by Anonymousreply 97November 3, 2021 8:26 AM


by Anonymousreply 98November 3, 2021 8:28 AM

Slavery and the slave trade have never been practised on the scale as happened in trans Atlantic. Just like there have been many genocides in history, but the Jewish holocaust is the one that stands out.

by Anonymousreply 99November 3, 2021 1:32 PM

Funny how people always want black people to just move on and get over the evil done to them.

No other group is ever told to get over the horrible things done to them.

by Anonymousreply 100November 3, 2021 6:56 PM

[quote]No other group is ever told to get over the horrible things done to them.

I think the Holocaust deniers would disagree with that.

Drive through the south west in small towns you you will encounter bitter white trash angry at the hand full of Native Americas because of taxes, they thing they are all rich with Casinos. Most tribes do not, and are still dirt poor. But they are supposed to "get over it" since SOME tribes after 10 generations of poverty figured out a way to make some money.

by Anonymousreply 101November 3, 2021 8:28 PM
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