Im the beer cooler sitting on top of a nascar towel
Let’s be a white trash day at the beach
by Anonymous | reply 93 | November 5, 2021 10:34 PM |
I am the loud blast of crap music bothering everyone else
by Anonymous | reply 1 | October 27, 2021 3:19 PM |
I’m the fishing poles stuck in the sand.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | October 27, 2021 3:23 PM |
I'm the sandy fried chicken from KFC.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | October 27, 2021 3:26 PM |
I'm the slimming Miraclesuit.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | October 27, 2021 3:26 PM |
I’m the American flag swim trunks with a 52-inch waist.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | October 27, 2021 3:28 PM |
I'm the gun rack on the back of the pick up truck!
by Anonymous | reply 6 | October 27, 2021 3:28 PM |
I'm the confederate flag sticker right next to the Trump 2020 sticker on the bumper.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | October 27, 2021 3:29 PM |
I'm the beach. Call me Myrtle.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | October 27, 2021 3:30 PM |
I'm woke who tells you it's racist to say white trash.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | October 27, 2021 3:30 PM |
I am an over-stuffed day-glo bikini with matching gel nails.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | October 27, 2021 3:32 PM |
I'm the dog leash left on the front seat of the pick up truck.
The owner lets his dog run free on the beach, barking and scaring small kids and annoying at everyone else.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | October 27, 2021 3:34 PM |
I am the sunburnt skin of all the idiots who are anti-suntan lotion.
They think skin cancer is a hoax started by the Democrats to make the GOP look bad.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | October 27, 2021 3:36 PM |
R11 I am the dog hating frau Karen, who want to keep all these beasts on the chain in backyard.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | October 27, 2021 3:36 PM |
I'm the empty beer bottles and other trash left by the trash!
by Anonymous | reply 14 | October 27, 2021 3:37 PM |
I'm the screaming of "Get the fuck over here or else you're gonna get an ass whoopin' when we get home!" to obnoxious kids who want to run all over the place.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | October 27, 2021 3:37 PM |
I am the Confederate flag bikini worn by the daughter.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | October 27, 2021 3:39 PM |
R13 is the inconsiderate fucker who thinks the beach is his personal property and apparently can't read the signs at all beaches that say:
"Dear ignorant trash, please keep your fucking dog on a leash!"
by Anonymous | reply 17 | October 27, 2021 3:40 PM |
I'm the rolls of fat underneath the tiny bikini top.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | October 27, 2021 3:41 PM |
I am ‘the wedge’. Pussy wedge, butt wedge, wedge being pulled and picked.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | October 27, 2021 3:43 PM |
I am the fully dressed trash on lawn chairs in prime spots at the edge of the water but have no interest in getting in the water.
I'm basically there to block the people who actually wanna get in the water or play in the wet sand and build castles etc.
Yeah I am a real asshole and I will be in that spot all day!
by Anonymous | reply 20 | October 27, 2021 3:44 PM |
R17 The pity there isn't the sign: "Dear insufferable Karens keep your annoying mouth shut."
by Anonymous | reply 21 | October 27, 2021 3:44 PM |
People who let their dogs off leash at a public beach are trash. That has nothing to do with them "chained in the back yard at home." R13
by Anonymous | reply 22 | October 27, 2021 3:45 PM |
I'm the spare jar of Miracle Whp, in case my fourth husband in five years gets drunk on ice beer and cheap tequila again and drops the other one on my eldest, no, wait, second eldest daughter I had by my first, no, wait second husband.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | October 27, 2021 3:48 PM |
If Karens didn't think the public beach was THEIRS and that they're "entitled" to infringe on everyone else's enjoyment by not controlling their animals then there would be no need for signs to tell the dumbasses to keep their pets on a leash.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | October 27, 2021 3:49 PM |
I'm the potato salad that the rednecks left outside the cooler all day that will get the kids sick and have them throwing up all over the beach.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | October 27, 2021 3:51 PM |
I'm the cop that will have to break up the fight when two rednecks get drunk and decide to go at it.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | October 27, 2021 3:53 PM |
I am one of the fifty kids each the white trash seem to have.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | October 27, 2021 3:57 PM |
I'm any beach in the US, on any given day, at any given hour.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | October 27, 2021 3:57 PM |
I am the lunch of miracle whip and olive loaf on wonder bread sandwiches, jug of Mountain Dew and Little Debbie cakes.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | October 27, 2021 3:58 PM |
I'm the pictures posted on Facebook so Aunt Crystal and my best friend, Tammy Lynn, can see how cute Brayleigh and Kayleigh look at the beach.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | October 27, 2021 4:09 PM |
R20 And I’m the giant ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ flag that guards that spot.
As an aside, I think the Gadsden Project was a socialist/liberal/BLM/Obummer plot to destroy Roy Moore.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | October 27, 2021 4:15 PM |
I'm the cutoff jeans worn instead of swim trunks.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | October 27, 2021 4:16 PM |
I am the Maryland state flag swim trunks and the Old Bay Seasoning beach towel.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | October 27, 2021 4:24 PM |
R33 Ocean City
by Anonymous | reply 34 | October 27, 2021 5:15 PM |
We're the plastic bay windows on all 8 sides of the large, blow-up octagonal beach hotel enveloping our contractors owners, all huddled on this fine seaside day inside around a firepit while roasting marshmallows and talking selfies.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | October 28, 2021 4:47 AM |
^ Is this a thing - where? Not doubting, just curious.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | October 28, 2021 1:06 PM |
I’m the ungodly amounts of saggy, sunburnt flesh on display.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | October 28, 2021 1:11 PM |
I’m the litter
by Anonymous | reply 38 | October 28, 2021 1:16 PM |
A thread full of racist scum.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | October 28, 2021 1:19 PM |
Triggered Karen at R39.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | October 28, 2021 1:23 PM |
Racist turd at R40.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | October 28, 2021 1:23 PM |
I'm crabs both the crustacean and louse varities. We're everywhere!
by Anonymous | reply 42 | October 28, 2021 1:35 PM |
I'm the pasty white Canadians running around in Speedo banana-hamocks thinking they look good
by Anonymous | reply 43 | October 28, 2021 1:44 PM |
We’re Brylee Riley Ryland Kaylee Brynlin & Brandon. Our father Wayne ‘Scooter’ Foote Jr. is yelling at us for kicking the ice out his Styrofoam beer cooler.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | October 28, 2021 1:46 PM |
I'm the turkey dogs Uncle Barry brought, not because he's health-conscious but because he's illiterate.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | October 28, 2021 1:48 PM |
I'm the unlicensed white trash t-shirt vendor selling all kinds of shit outta my van.
Everything has a price, even personal items not intended for sale.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | October 28, 2021 2:59 PM |
I’m the very high volume level every talks at
by Anonymous | reply 47 | October 28, 2021 3:03 PM |
I'm these, and I've never seen so many of me gathered in one place at one time. It's like a convention.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | October 28, 2021 4:15 PM |
I'm their dirty flip flops scattered all over the beach!
by Anonymous | reply 49 | October 28, 2021 4:20 PM |
Oh here we go again. You boys mock everything that has to do with America, guns, God, middle class, and family values. I'm sorry your family's rejected you because you were "different", but you don't need to take it out on normal folk. Your just sad and pathetic.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | October 28, 2021 4:22 PM |
^ I think we found the white trash posting from Panama City Beach
by Anonymous | reply 51 | October 28, 2021 5:48 PM |
I’m the frau who thinks racism is a contest.
I’m fat and sunburned, but I’m still sitting in the sun drinking beer, belching, and getting pinker and pinker.
After a while, the belches turn to farts.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | October 28, 2021 5:51 PM |
R50 Normal? LOL
This is why we can't have nice things. This was to be a light-hearted conversation. But since you want a more serious tone, here we go...
Please explain to me what is normal about being Racist, Xenophobic, Unnecessarily Violent, Warmongering, Entitled, Hate-filled, Anti-family, Anti-Women, Anti-gay, Anti- American, Anti-Science, Anti-Education, Willfully Ignorant, and oh did I mention Racist?
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
If I was born into a family of White Trash, I guarantee you I would fight like hell to get out!
I would feel like Marilyn Munster being born into a family who thinks they're "normal" and I'm the freak but they're actually a bunch of MONSTERS!
by Anonymous | reply 53 | October 28, 2021 6:07 PM |
I’m the hair on the back, the beer bellies, and the excessive tattoos.
And the men are even worse!!
by Anonymous | reply 54 | October 28, 2021 6:14 PM |
I’m the undercurrent of white supremacy and homophobia. I’m considered perfectly normal by the denizens, who are unable to realize they are a minority in this country.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | October 28, 2021 6:19 PM |
I'm the huge man-boobs, bobbing and squirting away.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | October 28, 2021 6:23 PM |
I'm the catfood factory explosion smell that occurs every time, R50 peels off her bikini for some serious daddy-fuckin'.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | October 28, 2021 6:24 PM |
I am Chuck's thinkin' that Jaylee in her bathin' suit looks like she sure done grew herself a nice set of tits.
The fact that Jaylee is 13 years old and Chuck's daughter don't bother him none.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | October 28, 2021 6:26 PM |
I am the giant Ford F350 with TRUMP 2020 and FUCK BIDEN flags attached to the back as I sit on the beach with my iPhone out just waiting to film a confrontation.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | October 28, 2021 6:26 PM |
I’m the loud talking & the white trash laughing next to you. God I hate the way they laugh it’s so fucking redneck
by Anonymous | reply 60 | October 28, 2021 6:26 PM |
I'm the idiot who thinks it's cool to drive and park on the beach and has no idea what an incoming tide means
by Anonymous | reply 61 | October 28, 2021 6:28 PM |
Im the set of keys that the fat girl next to you is twirling around in her hand as she talks to some other fat girl. She has about 17 keys and a rabbits foot on the ring. She also has a rabbits foot connected to her iPhone
by Anonymous | reply 62 | October 28, 2021 6:29 PM |
I’m the hot AF 20 yr old that clearly does not belong. i wonder if those retards knows he’s gay.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | October 28, 2021 6:32 PM |
We’re the gays at this beach. We don’t get out of the car. We just laugh and point at the freaks who think they’re normal, then drive to a much better beach down the road.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | October 28, 2021 7:01 PM |
I’m the smug feeling of superiority, based only on a shared lack of melanin
by Anonymous | reply 65 | October 28, 2021 7:05 PM |
I'm skin cancer.
I love these people.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | October 28, 2021 7:07 PM |
I'm Gordy's estranged slut wife Treena, who he's never divorced because he's such a lazy ass, sauntering UNINVITED over a dune heading in a beeline for the beer chests and Gordy's brother Shane, her kid (NOT Gordy's, as is plain to a blind man, if you know what I mean) in tow, chewing his nails to the cuticle.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | October 28, 2021 7:22 PM |
I'm Ab, 23, built, bricklayer. Only my girlfriends notice I'm always staring at the guys over a ways playing power-sand volleyball.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | October 28, 2021 7:29 PM |
We're the Latinos, African Americans, Asians, and Liberal White people riding past taking pictures for our social media and for cocktail party fodder. We're happy to be disassociated with this mess.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | October 28, 2021 8:04 PM |
by Anonymous | reply 70 | October 28, 2021 8:05 PM |
I'm the Hoppers branch of the family.
We come rolling up in our all-terrain handee-capped vans because we all have an extra vertebra in our spines, double-jointed kneecaps and impulse-control deficits. As we descend on one side from THE most eminent Southern families looping through each other like the weave of a Mongol's coat, we are dangerously inbred.
Our relatives call us "the Floppers" behind our backs, but we don't notice it, even when Aunt Rae yells out, "Hazel! Get those plastic forks and knives away from the Floppers NOW! Spoons only!
We will eat sand if we want to.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | October 28, 2021 8:25 PM |
I'm 1/2 of the people on a Jersey beach, making 3/4 of the noise and leaving 3/4 of the beach trash by the time we are ordered to leave at 11.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | October 28, 2021 8:27 PM |
I'm sand flies and to me you are ambulatory carrion.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | October 28, 2021 9:06 PM |
I'm the disgusted looks given to Black, Hispanic, Arabic, and Asian people at the beach.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | October 29, 2021 12:19 AM |
I'm the farmers tan on all these pasty-ass hillbillies!
by Anonymous | reply 75 | October 29, 2021 12:57 PM |
I am the uncontrollable erection on the teenage son. I am constantly readjusting it when I get out of the water.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | October 29, 2021 1:03 PM |
I’m the garish and super revealing JJ Malibu speedo on the prissy, condescending OP that the “white trash” beach goers rightly mock
by Anonymous | reply 77 | October 29, 2021 1:52 PM |
Im the ‘ I love you to the moon and back’ swimsuit.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | November 4, 2021 3:55 AM |
We're the cigarette butts poking up everywhere out of the sand.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | November 4, 2021 4:41 AM |
I'm the lifeguard.
Of course I'm not at the beach.
My uncle works for the city and got meet the job.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | November 4, 2021 4:43 AM |
I’m the dog’s crap buried under an inch of sand.
by Anonymous | reply 81 | November 4, 2021 4:52 AM |
I'm that food stain on the front of the tee shirt of every white trash who is also a fat fuck!
by Anonymous | reply 82 | November 4, 2021 2:03 PM |
I'm all the incredibly witty people wearing "Let's Go Brandon!" t-shirts.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | November 4, 2021 3:19 PM |
R83 Don't laugh! I'm the guy selling them. If only I could keep them in stock.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | November 4, 2021 4:23 PM |
I'm the white-trash family group upset because a black family has arrived a quarter mile down the beach.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | November 4, 2021 4:55 PM |
We fishin'. Not fer fun. Fer dinner!
by Anonymous | reply 86 | November 4, 2021 4:56 PM |
I'm the Styrofoam or neoprene beer can holders with trashy slogans on them.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | November 4, 2021 5:21 PM |
I'm the classic rock blaring across the beach. No one aside from white trash has purposely listened to me in 30 years.
by Anonymous | reply 88 | November 4, 2021 5:22 PM |
We're the three teeth left behind, two due to a fight over the last Pabst and the other one falling out of its own accord due to MeeMaw's gum disease.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | November 4, 2021 5:22 PM |
I'm the speedboat docked at the nearby marina. The trashy family can only afford me because grandpa died in a house fire and they made out with insurance. Later, they'll take me for a ride, I'll be too powerful for the beer-bellied, tattooed father to handle so he'll run me on some low spots and destroy my hull or crash me into a breakwater and kill his entire clan. Either way, I end up as scrap.
by Anonymous | reply 90 | November 4, 2021 5:28 PM |
R8 wins. Myrtle beach is ground zero for white trash.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | November 4, 2021 6:05 PM |
I'm the miles of stretched out tattoos of morbidly obese bodies.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | November 4, 2021 6:05 PM |
r8, I'm the shore. Call me Dinah.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | November 5, 2021 10:34 PM |