R176 is the same troll who say it is the "only black man" here and wants to "cut the throats of white fags." It is obsessed with filth and cannot post without sounding like it is using a nurse's stolen phone at the mental-health facility to do it. Uneducated, socially retarded and loaded with problems because of a broken home and bad diet is one thing. We have no use for the hate speech inevitably pouring out of this sad creature.
It complains that someone had the nerve to post twice on this thread. Here's ITS record here. F&F this POS.
She grows only the more beautiful for her suffering. A late in life Oscar and stunning success as a cabaret artist are in her future. Queen of Wands.
What a RACIST lying unnecessary piece of ASS is R98? Who the fuck says ghetto? Are there no Beyonce threads he can burn his KKKross on tonight?
Calling people's children ugly is equally grown and mature. What an old white RACIST fag piece of shit is that?
JLo is far more famous than Madonna in the real world. It's not 1988 anymore. Lopez has 20 X the followers of old lady madonna on both Insta and Twitter. Madge has 2.7M and JLo has 46 million on Twitter. Lopez is more famous by any metric to be honest. On instagram Lopez has 176M followers. She's as popular as Taylor Swift and bigger than Nike.
Barbra Streisand has a LOT less followers than Dolly Parton, Cher, Bette Midler or Nancy Sinatra too!
Don't correct me old white fag @ R126. Streizand is a antiquated woman with a dead career and persona. A Snooze is being too kind. She never did know how to sing but her style of murdering music is now without merit too. Nobody under 80 has any attraction to her. Her movies make people laugh. She made one ok one, her first. For historical purposes only. She doesn't even lip sync it well.
Dolly, Cher, Bette, and Nancy have many times Streizand's followers because they are more engaged, interesting, literate, funny, semi in touch with reality and warm human beings. Babara Streizand is the ultimate celebrity equalizer. Her name is famous, but she is not. Her work is dreck and her persona is loathed. No one cares about her at all except for 6,000 old rich Jews and 8,500 Ancient White Fags. They buy everything she croaks out. It's so expensive and the deaf are so loyal to her that she maintains her niche popularity. Jim Brolin buys the rest of her shitty music and products. With Streizand's money. She is grotesque. And the public agrees.
Lopez works hard for her popularity and cash and body and work. She's everywhere. Nobody ever said she was lazy. She can't hold on to the top spots much longer but she has the public attention and appreciation. JLo is more talented than Madonna, and much better looking. Sorry old fags - but no one is loving Madonna's minnie mouse music from 1986. I was three years old. Nobody in my house played Madonna. YUCK. She's catchy. Most y'all caught the same bug.
Your IQ and dick are fewer than mine R126. Trust that. You ARE at least 40 years older than me. Enjoy that.
You're an ANCIENT white RACIST FAG who is famous on this site, R170. You love to hate on Beyonce and JLo. And many other WOC. Bad taste? YOU smell BAD!
Some of us are men here. We're not old, we've fucked women AND have ethnic faces and beautiful bodies of our own. Suck my DICK. For $1,000. You're a pathetic piece of diaper drool & a piss scented sag of old man in the corner of a nursing home R170.
What the fuck is a ZsaZsa? Someone from the 1940s no doubt. What a pathetic piece of trash the men on this site are. R170 and R175 are the same poster. Gotta be far over 85 years old. Put the bottle down gramps and rest your fingers. Save up your opinions in your diaper.
Most of the ancient white fags on DL took more dicks inside them in one weekend at the bathhouse than Lopez has had in her life. You lived. STFU.