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Iguana bites lady on the beach

Her reaction is priceless

(make sure the audio is enabled in the video)

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by Anonymousreply 54August 28, 2021 10:00 AM

Was it at night?

by Anonymousreply 1August 22, 2021 1:09 AM

she check her phone, instead of protecting herself.

by Anonymousreply 2August 22, 2021 1:18 AM

Damn! Her bark was worse than my bite.

by Anonymousreply 3August 22, 2021 1:29 AM

"priceless" = boring as hell

by Anonymousreply 4August 22, 2021 1:35 AM

She shouldn't have docked the yacht for lunch. The townspeople better lock their nursery windows.

by Anonymousreply 5August 22, 2021 1:38 AM

Which beach was that? My nephew and his wife just took my three-year-old grand-niece on a long weekend trip to Siesta Key. If it's there, I need to text them ASAP.

by Anonymousreply 6August 22, 2021 1:39 AM

Oh my god did the iguana scream when she threw sand at it??! 😂😂😂

by Anonymousreply 7August 22, 2021 1:42 AM

She should be glad I didn't bite her in the pussy!

by Anonymousreply 8August 22, 2021 1:47 AM

Perversely, her first name is I'Gwanah.

by Anonymousreply 9August 22, 2021 1:59 AM

That's pretty funny.

I bet people/tourists hand feed those things all the time - It saw her outstretched hand and thought THERE BE FOOD!!

Iguana bites do hurt but tend to be semi-harmless. If it happens to you, the wound should be cleaned out with an antiseptic and treated with something antibacterial for sure.

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by Anonymousreply 10August 22, 2021 2:06 AM

LOL R6. You think there are Iguanas in Siesta Key?

by Anonymousreply 11August 22, 2021 2:23 AM

I love how when she called it a son of a bitch, and threw sand at it, it just sauntered a few feet away, and sat there, all like, "whatchoo gonna do, lady? Whine and cry, that's what."

by Anonymousreply 12August 22, 2021 3:09 AM

R11-Actually, R6's concern is valid. Apparently the iguana population has been increasing in the area (according to a FB post from the Sierra Key Association) and they've rapidly spread as far north as St. Armands Key. The linked article from 2009 states that 16 were removed in a year.

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by Anonymousreply 13August 23, 2021 8:04 PM

I’d be having me some roasted iguana for lunch. Yum yum.

by Anonymousreply 14August 23, 2021 8:10 PM

Since when do Iguanas bite?

I thought they were harmless.

by Anonymousreply 15August 23, 2021 8:11 PM

The iguana was sick of her attention whoring !

by Anonymousreply 16August 23, 2021 8:20 PM

She probably lost her finger due to Iguana bite disease.

by Anonymousreply 17August 23, 2021 8:24 PM

Iguanas carry staph and e-coli in their mouths.

If one bites you, it's absolutely necessary to wash the bite IMMEDIATELY, and then put disinfectant and ointment on it.

I would take antibiotics too, just in case.

They're filthy creatures.

by Anonymousreply 18August 23, 2021 8:44 PM

namaste, cunt!

by Anonymousreply 19August 23, 2021 9:26 PM

😂 That was hilarious. Thanks, OP.

by Anonymousreply 20August 23, 2021 9:31 PM

He obviously thought she was holding food, r15. He didn't go over to just bite her.

by Anonymousreply 21August 23, 2021 9:31 PM

She's super annoying.

by Anonymousreply 22August 23, 2021 9:36 PM

I like that the iguana moves out of her range, but doesn't run away - like he's considering taking another big chomp of her

by Anonymousreply 23August 23, 2021 9:41 PM

[quote] She's super annoying.


by Anonymousreply 24August 23, 2021 9:59 PM

What exactly is annoying about the person in that video r22? Other than its a female and a black and that's a trigger for you?

I mean she got bit and screamed and threw sand, I don't see it.

by Anonymousreply 25August 23, 2021 10:10 PM

I like how the second iguana in the background kept walking, minding her own business - "My name's Bennett and I ain't in it."

by Anonymousreply 26August 23, 2021 10:10 PM

[quote] Iguana bites lady

That is no lady.

by Anonymousreply 27August 23, 2021 10:11 PM

Charlie Bit My Finger 2021

by Anonymousreply 28August 23, 2021 10:19 PM

[quote] What exactly is annoying about the person in that video

The Iguana lives on that beach. The tourist is the interloper on the iguana's territory.

It's the same situation as this—

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by Anonymousreply 29August 24, 2021 12:42 AM

I refuse to go anywhere those hideous critters lurk. I hear they fall out of trees frozen in Florida. Just Gross.

by Anonymousreply 30August 24, 2021 2:14 AM

R25 She's entitled. Annoying because she should do her bullshit attempt at yoga at home or in a studio. Leave the beach to the iguanas, they were here first.

by Anonymousreply 31August 24, 2021 3:12 AM

Shame the iguana didn't bite her fingers off.

R31 is right---a totally dumb bitch exhibitionist doing her crap yoga on a beach! And how stupid to yell at the creature--as if it gives a shit.

by Anonymousreply 32August 24, 2021 3:29 AM

i feel bad for the Iguana. She threw sand at it. Is this harmful? Instead of moving away, she checked her phone.

by Anonymousreply 33August 24, 2021 7:39 PM

Someone in comments said that they were told not to wear open-toed shoes with painted nails because iguanas would they think they were berries.

That comment was funnier than the video.

by Anonymousreply 34August 24, 2021 7:45 PM

She is a typical stupid narcissist, too busy displaying herself to notice that she's actually enticing a reptile. She deserves worse than she got.

by Anonymousreply 35August 24, 2021 8:06 PM

"You bit my fucking finger!"


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by Anonymousreply 36August 24, 2021 10:10 PM

The temptress and the animal

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by Anonymousreply 37August 24, 2021 10:31 PM

Bite of the Iguana!

It's cute, though.

by Anonymousreply 38August 24, 2021 10:35 PM

Iguana be your boyfriend!

by Anonymousreply 39August 24, 2021 10:48 PM

getting to close to a animal for a selfie, what could go wrong? Have some respect for animals.

by Anonymousreply 40August 25, 2021 3:13 AM

R22 She needs to scream louder, and longer and more pointlessly.

by Anonymousreply 41August 25, 2021 5:58 AM

R10 has it. (So don’t sleep with him.) This is what happens when people habitually feed wild animals. They associate people with food. If they see a person (food), but they aren’t fed, the investigate more closely.

This woman was reaching her hand out in the same way a person would if offering the iguana some food.

by Anonymousreply 42August 25, 2021 6:09 AM

Stupid woman.

by Anonymousreply 43August 25, 2021 6:39 AM

I've goggled but can't find any reference to on which part of the body the beach is located.

by Anonymousreply 44August 25, 2021 6:58 AM

I wish they killed and ate her.

by Anonymousreply 45August 25, 2021 7:04 AM

Makes me miss Daniel Boon.

Wonder if he still posts here.

by Anonymousreply 46August 25, 2021 7:24 AM

[quote] He didn't go over to just bite her.

You never know, R21 — he may be a DataLounger.

Anyway, Iguanas are funny animals, but their bites are nasty. Luckily the woman sat right next to the ocean: Perfect salt water to rinse out the wound before heading to the doctor.

by Anonymousreply 47August 25, 2021 7:44 AM

R13- Party pooper. Shut up.

by Anonymousreply 48August 25, 2021 12:54 PM

R45 is the voice of gay men everywhere

by Anonymousreply 49August 26, 2021 4:42 AM

R14- Can you really eat them?

by Anonymousreply 50August 27, 2021 5:17 PM

[quote]Can you really eat them?

I think people eat them in Mexico & Central and South America. Apparently it tastes like chicken (everything always tastes like chicken)

by Anonymousreply 51August 27, 2021 5:26 PM

Didn't Florida send out a PSA telling people how to humanely kill and discard iguanas (because of the rise in iguana #s)? I thought I read that here on DL not too long ago.

by Anonymousreply 52August 27, 2021 6:28 PM

Next time she comes iguana kiss her on the ass

by Anonymousreply 53August 27, 2021 6:47 PM

[quote]Didn't Florida send out a PSA telling people how to humanely kill and discard iguanas (because of the rise in iguana #s)? I thought I read that here on DL not too long ago.

I don't FL *humanely* does anything. If anything, DeSantis would issue some call to bring your guns to the beach to shoot iguanas (or other people, if you feel like it)

by Anonymousreply 54August 28, 2021 10:00 AM
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