I'm a millennial.
- Phonebooks / Home Shopping Networks / Paper bills (viewing online is better for the environment) / Potpourri - obselete.
- Jorts / Dad Slacks / Dressing like a tourist / Crocs - Who cares?
- 24-hour news networks (TV) - Technically the networks all stream so many people still watch these, they just don't do it on TV.
- Hawaiian shirts - They're a fun novelty.
- Cursive - Block script is universally easier to read. Everyone develops their own style of cursive over time. It should be reserved for signatures because of that. However, no one will hit you over the head for writing in cursive. I learned it in school and by the time I got my first job after graduation from college I stopped using it.
- Velcro shoes - for kids they're fine but most people are expected to know how to tie their shoes or they get slips.
- Sending emails - Still important for business matters. Text is for personal matters that don't require involved discussion, things that can't be said out loud because the person is somewhere public, or things that need to be written down to be remembered
- Cruises - Please, people still go on cruises. I also consider a party boat that's out for 12 hours a cruise.
- All-you-can-eat buffets / Fuzzy toilet covers - Insanitary!
- Knick knacks - People of all ages still buy these.
- Bar soap - People use bar soaps even if (IMHO) liquid is more efficient & easier to share. It's also a bit more sanitary.
- Sweepstakes - Have moved online and still happen often.
- 9-5 work weeks - Still normal for all ages but I never thought it should be.
- Blaming millennials - I hate this only because most of the time people should be blaming Gen Z who are 24 and under or Gen X who are 41 and up.
- Toast / Racquetball / Patterned wallpaper - What? Also, the only reason not to use wallpaper is that it's a bitch to remove most of the time. People still use it.
- Cop dramas - Plenty of people still watch these. "Reality Show" cop dramas are out.
- Word art on walls - I don't even know what this is?
- Ironing - I haven't owned an iron in years. My clothes aren't wrinkled. I wash things in the washer, dry them in the dryer then hang them up. They're wrinkle-free. I think R127 is onto something. I had a fancy cotton shirt once years ago and that damn thing was always wrinkled. That doesn't happen with my other clothes unless I (IDK why I would) ball them up.
- Mrs. Dash - There are other alternatives.