R126: No, it didn't, because his comment history shows he takes himself way too seriously. Twice he's started a sentence with "not to be judgmental," then proceeds to pass judgment.
Some examples:
On the macaroni & cheese thread, he thinks that if you eat it, you must be fat and at death's door. I participated in that thread. Even after several posters told him they were at a healthy weight, exercised, and only indulged in junk food once in a while, he insisted that they were morbidly obese. He couldn't grasp that people could eat in moderation.
To him, promiscuous gay men are sexually deviant and the older ones are all HIV+. "...what I am is a physically and emotionally healthy mature adult. Not to judge, but the same can't be said for the majority of the posters in this thread. I'm probably only tiresome to people who can't divert their attention from smut and filth and pornography, or refrain from fornicating, long enough to take stock of themselves."
Yet in another thread, he says: "I'm fucking my straight married neighbor in my complex. Alpha bro type. Wifey-poo is a nurse who works varied shifts. He comes to my place to fuck, and sometimes we fuck in their bed. Straight married guys make the best fuck buds, and I'm gonna milk this for as long as possible." What a hypocrite. And those married guys aren't straight. They're closet cases.
Of course he worships everything straight: ". . .I have a weakness for handsome, straight-acting alpha douchbro/fratboi types." And: "Most younger gay men my age enjoy living 'heteronormative' lives. I know that word is anathema to old gays, but we're here. We've overcome. We're just like everyone else. We no longer need to eroticize every damn thing."
His comments reveal an outlook that reduces things to black and white, either/or. You are healthy if you only eat baked salmon, quinoa, and broccoli. You are a fat slob if you eat macaroni and cheese, no matter how infrequently. If you are gay, you are either a caricature of a straight guy (macho, alpha, douchebro) or a caricature of a woman (queeny and flaming). There is no in-between with this fool.