R191 all Ani & Padmé had in common were eugenical fascist leanings, pretty looks, and a liking for taboo sexual partners.
[quote] The Jedi Council, for no logical reason at all other than to maintain the plot, think Anakin’s ready and that he should go with Padmé. Two young star-crossed lovers should go on this romantic getaway, when romance and love is forbidden, and leads to the Dark Side.
[quote] The very first thing that comes out of Anakin’s mouth is a very awkward and inappropriately placed compliment. “So have you… Grown more beautiful, I mean.” Inappropriate compliment. Padmé smiles and dismisses it as nerves. Women don’t mind an initial nervousness from a guy. It’s complimentary and cute to them, but it gets old real fast! Assertiveness needs to take over quickly, BUT too much assertiveness —and arguing with your boss to impress her—comes off as a pathetic and desperate attempt for attention.
[quote] Women like when you ask them questions about things. They like to talk about themselves. For example, Padmé mentions how she’s worked for a year on legislation to oppose the Military Creation Act. Even if you could care less about this shit, you just pretend like you do, and say, “Well that sounds interesting. Tell me about this piece of legislation.” Then she’ll start running her mouth, and you can think about sex while she’s talking. Occasionally you should nod and always be prepared with some follow up questions. Instead Anakin misses this very obvious lead, and immediately starts talking about himself and his Jedi stuff. “I am truly thankful to be his apprentice.” She doesn’t care. Then it gets worse! He starts bitching and complaining about his job and his boss, almost to where it seems like he’s gonna start crying. “He’s overly critical, he NEVER listens, he, he doesn’t understand! It’s not FAIR!” Keep in mind that this is only like their second scene together. I can only imagine what she’s thinking, “HOLY SHIT! This guy is a fucking, annoying whiner! I really can’t see myself with him.”
[quote] Creepy sex looks. If woman ever says you’re making me uncomfortable, “It makes me feel uncomfortable...”, it’s not a good sign.
[quote] Anakin tries to discuss politics, and admits he supports a fascist dictatorship.
[quote] Later that night – he starts crying, “The closer I get to you, the worse it gets.” Then he starts begging for sex, “I will do anything that you ask.”
[quote] Next Anakin murders women and children, brings a corpse home, and goes on a psychotic megalomaniacal rant. “I will be the most powerful Jedi ever!” “I will even learn to stop people from dying!” “He’s JEALOUS!” “I killed them.” “They’re dead.” “And the children too.” “I slaughtered them like animals!”
[quote] Even though Anakin’s strikes far outweigh his successes, Padmé still marries the guy after knowing him for only like 3 days.
[quote] The thing is that both characters have no reason at all to love each other, other than the fact they are simply physically attracted to each other. So instead of making the story about them just fucking like wild rabbits, the-they imply some kind of deeper, emotional connection that has never been established, BECAUSE they don’t know each other. It’s what they call a… Contradiction. To Lucas, love seems to be only something from like Romeo and Juliet. “See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek.” Somethin like an alien or a robot would view human love as. Like a guy who hopelessly pursues a woman by saying clichéd love dialogue.
[quote] This is movie romance at its most superficial, and one-dimensional. Two attractive people in beautiful locations: They must be in love.
[quote] These characters are so flat and uninteresting, and Lucas doesn’t seem to know how to write dialogue between two real people. “I WISH that I could just WISH away my feelings.” Then we basically have to be TOLD that they’re in love. We can’t actually experience it or feel it, because I suspect he doesn’t know how to convey it.