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Elle Emhoff signs with IMG Models

I feel bad for truly beautiful girls. All it takes is to become a model is a famous last name.

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by Anonymousreply 136February 3, 2021 2:21 PM

Actually I’ve seen pics of her and she has a certain interesting look. A real beauty, no.

by Anonymousreply 1January 29, 2021 12:28 AM

It's not even a famous last name.

by Anonymousreply 2January 29, 2021 12:29 AM

She planned it that way. Smart girl .

by Anonymousreply 3January 29, 2021 12:30 AM

It literally takes almost nothing to become famous these days. Even Amanda Gorman, the poet at the inauguration just signed with a modeling Agency.

If your in the right position, everything is handed to you.

by Anonymousreply 4January 29, 2021 12:33 AM

She is unfortunate looking. Frizzy haired with severe eyebrows. She looks like somebody's weird roommate from Mt. Holyoke.

by Anonymousreply 5January 29, 2021 12:33 AM

Is she a lesbian?

by Anonymousreply 6January 29, 2021 12:34 AM

Amanda is a very good sign, however.

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by Anonymousreply 7January 29, 2021 12:34 AM

Really, really fug.


by Anonymousreply 8January 29, 2021 12:36 AM

What a fucking joke

by Anonymousreply 9January 29, 2021 12:36 AM

She’s a Stud Butch

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by Anonymousreply 10January 29, 2021 12:43 AM

You just know this bitch is a tattletale

by Anonymousreply 11January 29, 2021 12:46 AM

Yeah, I feel SO bad for truly beautiful girls! They worked incredibly hard to earn their looks. No blessings were bestowed upon them, huh? Let's face it, those truly-beautiful girls won the random-luck lottery, just as Ms. Emhoff did. The vast majority of girls are average in appearance with no connections. I wouldn't waste my tears on any such fortunate females. Yes, I type ugly, poor and bitter.

by Anonymousreply 12January 29, 2021 12:56 AM

I see know reason fashion has to be about ONLY beautiful young people. Freaks have been in fetish in fashion - briefly in the 60s, not so much in the 70s, then coming back in the 80s in Europe and then the 90s everywhere. Gautier has used freaks since the 80s, for example.

by Anonymousreply 13January 29, 2021 1:01 AM

"I see no reason"

by Anonymousreply 14January 29, 2021 1:02 AM

Oh for Christ's sake that is not a fucking model.

by Anonymousreply 15January 29, 2021 1:06 AM

Oh for Christ's sake that is not a fucking model.

by Anonymousreply 16January 29, 2021 1:06 AM

She's actually very pretty when all gussied up. Kind of reminds me of Chloe Sevigny. This was from her DNC speech:

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by Anonymousreply 17January 29, 2021 1:07 AM

She looks better in OP's pic than in her official IMG pic

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by Anonymousreply 18January 29, 2021 1:10 AM

[quote] I feel bad for truly beautiful girls.

Why, do they also have to drink muddy puddle water just to survive?

by Anonymousreply 19January 29, 2021 1:11 AM

The only reason she is signed is her connection to Mrs. Harris.

by Anonymousreply 20January 29, 2021 1:31 AM

What ever happened to the days when models were truly beautiful?

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by Anonymousreply 21January 29, 2021 1:35 AM

R20 exactly.. no better than the Hamlin/Rinna gargoyles or the Hadid troglodytes

by Anonymousreply 22January 29, 2021 1:35 AM

R17, it probably took 3 people, the better part of a day to make her look like that

by Anonymousreply 23January 29, 2021 1:38 AM

I guess there's a huge commercial appetite for Melanie Mayron circa 1978's Girlfriends.

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by Anonymousreply 24January 29, 2021 1:42 AM

I want to see Cole jerking-off on OnlyFans.

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by Anonymousreply 25January 29, 2021 1:48 AM

How does that family have conversations without someone getting offended at every moment? It must be tiring.

by Anonymousreply 26January 29, 2021 1:54 AM

She’s being repped by IMG primarily for things like brand ambassador deals and commercial endorsements, not in the conventional sense of being booked regularly for runway, fashion editorial, or high fashion advertising. She’s not going to be taking any jobs away from people like Anna Ewers and Rianne Van Rompaey.

Big agencies like IMG are in many ways structured like talent agencies as much as “modeling” agencies. They have multiple divisions to handle different types of careers for people like Ella Emhoff that can benefit from deals with fashion related companies and need a negotiator just like a straightforward “model”.

by Anonymousreply 27January 29, 2021 2:18 AM

She’s gorgeous... she’s the next Sandra Bernhard!

by Anonymousreply 28January 29, 2021 2:21 AM

It has never been about good looks really. Especially now. Just create a good life story, some connections, and you're"in". But that ms Emhoff does have fast forward style!

by Anonymousreply 29January 29, 2021 2:26 AM

Even I'm at a loss as to what to do with that.

by Anonymousreply 30January 29, 2021 2:30 AM

But her face

by Anonymousreply 31January 29, 2021 2:46 AM

It’s interesting that she’s very Jewish looking while her brother isn’t

by Anonymousreply 32January 29, 2021 2:55 AM

Is Ella and Cole's mother Jewish?

by Anonymousreply 33January 29, 2021 3:23 AM

I don't see why [strictly] fashion models ever need to be beautiful, they just have to be tall and fit and thin and be a blank canvas for makeup. No one cares about the face, they care about the way the clothes look on the body. And these days it's more important for high fashion models to have an interesting or striking look than to be classically beautiful. It's not like with actresses where they need to be beautiful even with very minimal or no makeup for certain roles or scenes, or catalog models that need an unobtrusive, unmemorable kind of attractiveness.

by Anonymousreply 34January 29, 2021 3:26 AM

"I feel bad for truly beautiful girls"

LOL, that must be one of the dumbest things ever posted.

by Anonymousreply 35January 29, 2021 3:28 AM

I was so distraught over this ugly girl being signed that I almost ate lunch!

by Anonymousreply 36January 29, 2021 3:39 AM

R7 I would definitely NOT be signing that person as a Hand Model.

by Anonymousreply 37January 29, 2021 3:53 AM

R17 Comparing someone to the dead-eyed Chloe Sevigny is an insult IMHO.

by Anonymousreply 38January 29, 2021 3:56 AM

The fashion king. aka slipping the VP's family some good cash.

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by Anonymousreply 39January 29, 2021 4:01 AM


Are you kidding? If anything, she looks worse. All gussied up, Emhoff looks completely unremarkable, like a young housewife from the mid-West.

by Anonymousreply 40January 29, 2021 4:02 AM

I did not like that very unattractive coat she wore to the inauguration at all. Horrible looking.

by Anonymousreply 41January 29, 2021 4:02 AM

The bigger story is how Elle's father and Kamala are clearly in a loveless marriage.

by Anonymousreply 42January 29, 2021 4:03 AM

Models just ain’t what they used to be.

by Anonymousreply 43January 29, 2021 4:03 AM

Models should look interesting, not beautiful. They should also chameleons and the camera should love them.

by Anonymousreply 44January 29, 2021 4:10 AM

so edgy

by Anonymousreply 45January 29, 2021 4:11 AM

Feminist Statement

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by Anonymousreply 46January 29, 2021 4:13 AM

Serving young Miley Realness

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by Anonymousreply 47January 29, 2021 4:19 AM

[quote] It’s interesting that she’s very Jewish looking while her brother isn’t.

What’s interesting about it?

by Anonymousreply 48January 29, 2021 4:22 AM

[quote] The bigger story is how Elle's father and Kamala are clearly in a loveless marriage.

Oh, please. They actually seem like a very solid couple and the whole family, including the ex wife and Kamala’s sister, seem unusually close and happy.

by Anonymousreply 49January 29, 2021 4:27 AM

R46 Surly face, hairy armpits and dirty arms.

by Anonymousreply 50January 29, 2021 4:27 AM

[quote]It literally takes almost nothing to become famous these days. Even Amanda Gorman, the poet at the inauguration just signed with a modeling Agency.

Stop right there.

Amanda Gorman was chosen to read at Biden's inauguration because she had already established herself as a poet and activist. She wasn't just randomly picked. She had to work to even get to the point where she'd be noticed without connections.

That's a bit different than Elle Emhoff whose step-mother is the VP.

by Anonymousreply 51January 29, 2021 4:29 AM

LOL, r12. Ms. Emhoff is no great beauty, but there are worthier people to feel sorry for than those poor beautiful girls who don’t get to be models (as if all of them even aspire to that).

by Anonymousreply 52January 29, 2021 4:29 AM

[quote] No one cares about the face,

Oh, R34! The industry must have been doing it wrong for the last century.

by Anonymousreply 53January 29, 2021 4:30 AM

OP can save her sorrowfulness to herself though.

by Anonymousreply 54January 29, 2021 4:31 AM

Is this person Gender-Fluid yet?

by Anonymousreply 55January 29, 2021 4:32 AM


In that interview that Emhoff and Harris did recently, they acted like siblings, not like a couple in love.

by Anonymousreply 56January 29, 2021 5:31 AM

[quote] Amanda Gorman, the poet at the inauguration just signed with a modeling Agency.

She was really pretty and graceful, that doesn’t surprise me.

by Anonymousreply 57January 29, 2021 5:44 AM

"Ugly models" periodically cycles in and out of modelling trends.

by Anonymousreply 58January 29, 2021 5:56 AM

Amanda Gorman had that "regal" presence when she stood there and read her poem, I am not surprised she was signed by some agency, she is very suitable for spokesperson roles for some organization or initiative.

by Anonymousreply 59January 29, 2021 6:03 AM

"She had already established herself as a poet and activist"

and we all know how much talent those things require.

by Anonymousreply 60January 29, 2021 6:15 AM

Is this person trans? My guess is yes (because it seems obvious), but I've been wrong before.

by Anonymousreply 61January 29, 2021 6:22 AM

R56 I've always thought Kamala was a lesbian. I guess she still very well may be.

by Anonymousreply 62January 29, 2021 6:27 AM

You can't blame her for wanting to monetize her 25 minutes of fame and get a few $$$$ into her bank account.

by Anonymousreply 63January 29, 2021 6:28 AM

Amanda Gorman is stunningly beautiful and elegant and lovely. Especially when she wears her hair in locks, she looks like an African queen. I'm not at all surprised she was signed.

by Anonymousreply 64January 29, 2021 6:28 AM

Amanda Gorman is an attractive person.

by Anonymousreply 65January 29, 2021 7:14 AM

Uglies are in. Anything can be a model these days

by Anonymousreply 66January 29, 2021 7:26 AM

The brother is the attractive one.

by Anonymousreply 67January 29, 2021 7:28 AM

I want to see and hear more about her brother, Cole! He's 24? Is he out of college yet? Does he play sports?

Time for Cole to Present Hole!

by Anonymousreply 68January 29, 2021 7:53 AM

r62 The lezzies would be happy to have her as one of their own.

by Anonymousreply 69January 29, 2021 8:10 AM

She's actually hideous.

by Anonymousreply 70January 29, 2021 8:57 AM

She's a good looking young woman, you all need to post pictures of your ugly bitter selves right now.

by Anonymousreply 71January 29, 2021 9:01 AM

She's tremendous!

by Anonymousreply 72January 29, 2021 9:23 AM

Loveless marriage? Gurl please. They have chemistry and look very much in love.

Attack the fugly hairy Brooklyn stepdaughter - agreed - but you bitter queens leave Kamala and Doug out of it. I like them as a couple. And I love a childfree woman who marries later and seems to love her husband. They used these step kids for the campaign to make her less threatening (“she isn’t a mother? Gasp!!”) but I doubt Kamala has much to do with them. Would put money on the fact that she’s still fucking Doug though.

by Anonymousreply 73January 29, 2021 9:36 AM

I agree r73 also her nieces children helped to soften up her image, those are cute little girls. Her niece is a bit too thirsty though.

by Anonymousreply 74January 29, 2021 10:48 AM

For god's sake, she's not "fugly" or "hideous." There's a difference between pointless bitchery and lying about how someone looks just because you're a bitter old bitch.

by Anonymousreply 75January 29, 2021 10:49 AM

R4 Ella and Amanda both signed with the same agency, IMG.

I wish Ella would blot her greasy forehead.

by Anonymousreply 76January 29, 2021 11:02 AM

R75 Yes she is.

by Anonymousreply 77January 29, 2021 11:59 AM

"Amanda Gorman was chosen to read at Biden's inauguration because she had already established herself as a poet and activist. She wasn't just randomly picked. She had to work to even get to the point where she'd be noticed without connections."

She was chosen because she was black.

by Anonymousreply 78January 29, 2021 12:01 PM

Perhaps we're too much into drag culture. Where we think been a model is a humongous hair and going stomping around like she-hulk

by Anonymousreply 79January 29, 2021 12:26 PM


Fuck off racist white supremacist troll.

by Anonymousreply 80January 29, 2021 12:27 PM

[quote] Is this person trans?

No, just a hipster making herself look awful on purpose. She used to look better. I’ll try to find a picture.

by Anonymousreply 81January 29, 2021 2:14 PM

"Fuck off racist white supremacist troll."

It's true . Is it right to have chosen her? Sure, why not? Just don't pretend her race didn't play a major role in her selection.

by Anonymousreply 82January 29, 2021 2:28 PM

Amanda Gorman is really beautiful and Ella is pretty too ... but I’ll admit I was kind of like “oh really?” - the first thing we see these two girls do is become models ...

by Anonymousreply 83January 29, 2021 2:35 PM

Does she know her stepmom's a whore who slept her way to get where she is?

Even puts Madonna and Sharon Stone to shame

by Anonymousreply 84January 29, 2021 7:28 PM

R2 It’s a good alliterative name though. It sounds like a model’s name.

by Anonymousreply 85January 29, 2021 7:30 PM

[quote] Perhaps we're too much into drag culture. Where we think been a model is a humongous hair and going stomping around like she-hulk

Nah. That’s just styling. Most of us understand that working models tend to be chosen for their clothes hanger figures above anything else. A pretty face is a bonus, but a plain face will do as long as they’re think enough, the right height, and can walk.

This woman is just ugly. Ugly expression, ugly style. Her neon knitwear— like a hipster take on the granny afghan— has been done many times before. The only reason she got booked is because of whose kid she is, same when she inevitably lands some rich kid fashion job.

by Anonymousreply 86January 29, 2021 7:37 PM

[quote]I want to see and hear more about her brother, Cole! He's 24? Is he out of college yet? Does he play sports?

He’s 26.

by Anonymousreply 87January 29, 2021 7:58 PM

She’s supposedly in school for fashion design. She should focus on that. She’s not model material.

by Anonymousreply 88January 29, 2021 8:23 PM

[quote] school for fashion design

School for scammers. Selling rags to fools.

by Anonymousreply 89January 29, 2021 8:43 PM

Cole Emhoff is a furry little monkey.

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by Anonymousreply 90January 29, 2021 8:50 PM

This has to be one of the ugliest fucking cunts I have ever seen. She looks like Doris Finsecker from Fame and Corky from Life Goes On had a baby.

by Anonymousreply 91January 29, 2021 9:20 PM

[quote] It's true . Is it right to have chosen her? Sure, why not? Just don't pretend her race didn't play a major role in her selection.

Let me guess: you say the same thing EVERY time a black person lands a good job, yet you're willing to overlook 250 years of mediocre white dudes landing jobs they never would have been considered for if they weren't white and male.

by Anonymousreply 92January 29, 2021 11:35 PM

Where is there bio mother? Is she alive? It seems like the dad raised them.

by Anonymousreply 93January 29, 2021 11:45 PM

their* bio

by Anonymousreply 94January 29, 2021 11:46 PM

Gauche. My god.

by Anonymousreply 95January 29, 2021 11:49 PM

Nepotism is alive and well. Almost every “model” today got hired based on being related to someone famous.

As for this gal, what is she going to model? Face masks?

by Anonymousreply 96January 29, 2021 11:56 PM

Didn’t she design a pants line? I remember seeing something. All hip her video was.. acting like her ugly bell bottom high waisted creations r the first pants ever.

by Anonymousreply 97January 30, 2021 12:06 AM

The striped yarn pants with black penny loafers. Close up of cunt and 1970s styling

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by Anonymousreply 98January 30, 2021 12:14 AM

You guys are out of touch. Gen Z-ers were fixated on Cole & Ella Elmhoff, Amanda Gorman and the Biden grandkids at the inauguration. Ella & Amanda got massive hipster/style points. This generation lives on TikTok and Instagram, and isn't used to seeing anyone relatable in DC politics.

Their idea of fashion and models isn't the traditional cover girl or guy. it's unsurprising that major agencies are jumping on these kids - the fashion industry is in freefall, and conventional fashion, like runway shows, isn't going to recover. It's all about digital identity and branding now. Anna Wintour et al are deader than dinosaurs.

by Anonymousreply 99January 30, 2021 12:26 AM

Her brother interests me, but she does not.

by Anonymousreply 100January 30, 2021 12:30 AM

R33 Wikipedia says that their mother, Kerstin (née Mackin), is a Lutheran of Swedish descent. I guess that the (very dishy) Cole takes after her side of the family.

by Anonymousreply 101January 30, 2021 2:23 PM

It's nice that the ex-wife was invited to attend the swearing-in. Seems they get along.

by Anonymousreply 102January 30, 2021 2:28 PM

The idea that these kids call Kamala 'Momala' - which the Vice President even claims in her Twitter bio - is the most phony crap I've ever heard in my life. I understand that Kamala had to distract from the fact that she doesn't have kids (and I admire her for just doing her thing and climbing the political ladder), but anyone who would believe that they actually call her that needs to have their head looked at.

by Anonymousreply 103January 30, 2021 2:31 PM

She's so unattractive.

by Anonymousreply 104January 30, 2021 2:38 PM

And in other news, Hunter Biden just signed a longterm contract with justusboys.com.

by Anonymousreply 105January 30, 2021 2:45 PM

R101, Cole is a disappointing 5'6".

by Anonymousreply 106January 30, 2021 2:46 PM

Any Cole nudies or dick pix?

by Anonymousreply 107January 30, 2021 2:53 PM

Those yarn pants are going to fall right off! Oops there goes my pants dropping to my feet, oh my. Elle will be in line at the grocery store and those pants are gonna fall right off and expose her cheeks.

by Anonymousreply 108January 30, 2021 3:01 PM

That wouldn't bother me, R106 ;) He's much better looking (pound for pound) than his boss-eyed sister.

by Anonymousreply 109January 30, 2021 4:03 PM

R5 !!! Marry me! You MUST marry me!!!!

by Anonymousreply 110January 30, 2021 4:24 PM

Ella is so visually impaired, her glasses are very thick and magnify her eyes. As a result, she looks "special". And she's ugly as hell. A smile might help. What's with all the brooding?

by Anonymousreply 111January 30, 2021 8:09 PM

I need to see this hair suit shirtless now.

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by Anonymousreply 112January 31, 2021 6:22 PM

Ella made it clear that she is not Jewish and threw her dad under the bus by saying that he only started studying Judaism in the last few years when she did not live with him! She does not want to be identified as Jewish and will take no further questions! Def makes me wonder who came up with ‘momala’! I get that they felt the need to tie a female candidate to children but was anyone who would gasp at a childless woman ever going to vote for Biden anyway?

This Ella kid was always going to end up in a rich kid fashion job anyway. Dad makes 3 mill a year as a lawyer, mom has her own production company and is a Cannes judge. Ella’s parents pay for her to live in Bushwick, attend Parsons and cosplay as a poor person even though her silver spoon can be seen from space. I mean for me she’s just the same as all the other rich, connected kids who have been taking all the “cool” jobs in theatre, art, film, fashion, writing, music and the mediocre upper middle class dudes who snatch up the good corporate jobs. It’s always been like this in my lifetime so I have long made peace with those doors being shut for my working class ass 🤷‍♂️ I’m just slightly shocked that the Twitter kids are only just starting to go “wait ..... class/wealth is really the big divide rather than race” No shit!

I do hope she and Kamala’s attention seeking niece and the Biden kids don’t give Facebook and Fox News a bunch of shit to talk about. If I was Kamala I would tell this little rich kid to sit her ass down, lay low and do her thing without releasing press releases but then that’s probably why I’m single!!

The poet looks like Eddie Griffin although she is very elegant but does everyone need to be an influencer/model? I guess so. I’d rather she go and focus on her writing career rather than shilling some brand that sells $1,000 T-shirts but what can you do.

by Anonymousreply 113February 1, 2021 2:38 AM

Doug has very strong genes because both kids are his mini mes. Cole doesn’t do anything for me, he gives me flashbacks of too many smug 20 something nepotism hire managers I’ve had to work for! But he’s definitely DL bait. His girlfriend is kinda cute, she looks like a mix of Zooey Deschanel and Suzanne Pleshette.

by Anonymousreply 114February 1, 2021 2:42 AM

Shirtless Cole. You’re welcome

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by Anonymousreply 115February 1, 2021 2:56 AM

This is the kid who came to NYC 3 years ago

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by Anonymousreply 116February 1, 2021 3:04 AM


She reminds me of a skinny version of DL fave Lens.

by Anonymousreply 117February 1, 2021 3:09 AM

Agreed that Elle was not blessed with good looks, but I don’t get the Cole thing. Yes, he’s cuter than Elle, but still very average.

by Anonymousreply 118February 1, 2021 3:22 AM

Those shirtless photos did not disappoint.

Now someone put Elle in a sack and drown her in the river. It's not too late.

by Anonymousreply 119February 1, 2021 3:45 AM

Model doesn't need to be beautiful, you just need to be tall and skinny and have a board shoulder. Many ranway models are just walking hanger and they know it. Modelling is a terrible profession which slowly suck the life away from the braindeads. Many ex-model turned youtuber has some bad stories about modelling.

by Anonymousreply 120February 1, 2021 3:59 AM

You don't have to be beautiful, but you also shouldn't make the entire front row of fashion week want to vomit when you strut down the catwalk.

by Anonymousreply 121February 1, 2021 4:06 AM

God there are some true drama queens in this thread. She's not even remotely ugly, she's just average and not model material. Cole is as average looking as they come. It's no wonder white boys are so smug when even the mediocre ones are held up as handsome and genius despite clear evidence to the contrary.

by Anonymousreply 122February 1, 2021 6:14 AM

Her dress in OP's pic looks like an elf sneezed on a librarian.

by Anonymousreply 123February 1, 2021 6:39 AM

Oh, so Cole went to (likely even graduated?) Colorado College in Colorado Springs? That's a small liberal arts college with a low acceptance rate.

Good Division 1 college hockey program.

by Anonymousreply 124February 1, 2021 9:02 AM

[quote]I feel bad for truly beautiful girls. All it takes is to become a model is a famous last name.

I feel bad for your parents. They raised an asshole.

by Anonymousreply 125February 1, 2021 9:21 AM

She’s not going to be a catwalk model. They are going to get her “influencer” work - commercials, brand sponsorships, print ads etc. I would imagine that industry is indeed a big soulsuck and not at all glamorous like kids might believe but this girl was always on the path to using her family connections to make money and her fashion designing to be something that didn’t need to pay a living wage. How many Elle’s are in the NYT property pages showing off their 5 million brownstone and their job description is “artist” and the boyfriend is a “jazz musician”. Would most of us born into her circumstances follow in dad’s footsteps and get a law degree and a job at a firm that pays several million a year like dad? I think so but looking at how this kid transformed since mom dropped her a her dorm you can tell she thinks her world of privilege in Brentwood was something to overcome and no doubt at Parsons and in Bushwick she’s around lots of wealthy white kids who are rebelling against their backgrounds while still drawing from the bank of mom and dad.

by Anonymousreply 126February 1, 2021 11:54 AM

Cole graduated a few years ago. There’s a pic of him working for his mom when he first graduated but I don’t know where he works now.

The mom is cool and lives a fabulous life. It’s also clear she and Doug were always friends and they are not pretending now. They went to Soul Cycle together in 2015!

by Anonymousreply 127February 1, 2021 12:00 PM

I don't have a problem with rich kids rebelling against their wealthy families if it means they do something positive with their lives. Elle is young and could do good things, and it's way too early to be trying to completely crush her because you've decided she's a bad person.

The backlash against her is almost entirely from sore-loser leftists and bitter old goats who complain about anything "Millennial," where "Millennial" means anyone under the age of 50, which is another reason to disregard it. At least let's see what she does, maybe you'll actually have something to complain about eventually.

by Anonymousreply 128February 1, 2021 12:02 PM

[quote]cosplay as a poor person

Yeah, some dirtbag leftist craphead said that on Twitter yesterday, now people like you are parroting it left and right, but it doesn't seem to be true. It very much sounds like someone decided her quirky clothes in some photos meant she was pretending to be poor, but no one with any sense thinks Ella is pretending to be poor, especially not after seeing her in a Miu Miu coat that cost thousands of dollars.

by Anonymousreply 129February 1, 2021 12:06 PM

R122 Have you ever seen a young woman? That thing isn't "average."

by Anonymousreply 130February 1, 2021 12:29 PM

So now we’re moving from people screaming “Trumpist” at posts they don’t like to “leftist” LOL Only on DL!

by Anonymousreply 131February 2, 2021 12:01 PM


by Anonymousreply 132February 2, 2021 12:47 PM

It's like the Democrats have decided to see Trump's bad moves and nepotism and raise him- idiot Ivanka wants to be a White House advisor? Fine, then Elle Emhoff's is a model. Trump courted the far right paramilitarists? Fine, Trans in the military- don't ask, we're telling!

by Anonymousreply 133February 2, 2021 1:13 PM

[quote] Fine, Trans in the military- don't ask, we're telling!

Transgender soldiers had been serving legally in the military for about two years before Trump banned them. It’s not a new thing under Biden.

by Anonymousreply 134February 3, 2021 4:28 AM

Also, the Democrats didn’t sign Ella Emhoff to a modeling contract. Did you think the WH had its own agency? EE most likely got that contract because of who her stepmother is, but it’s not nepotism. And , really, what kind of idiot would see an unattractive girl with a modeling contract as a bigger problem than an unqualified twat as a WH advisor?

by Anonymousreply 135February 3, 2021 4:39 AM

We are all very concerned, said no real model ever!

by Anonymousreply 136February 3, 2021 2:21 PM
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