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Jim & Tammy Bakker and other Televangelist Scandals

The 80s was a big time for Televangelists, and I was not born until 1988 so I missed out on the huge influx of them then.

I know they used to bring in millions of viewers, especially Jim Bakker, who was huge all over the world. People loved him and his wife, and all his success got to his head and created a God complex.

I wonder if all the accusations against him are true...

What other scandals made headlines that involved Televangelists???

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by Anonymousreply 39January 24, 2021 3:10 AM

Op, would it have killed you to give us people born in the 90s some hint of the scandal without watching some Youtube clip?

by Anonymousreply 1January 23, 2021 10:22 PM

I’m excited about “The Eyes of Tammy Faye,” which will feature Jessica Chastain as Tammy Faye and Andrew Garfield as Jim Bakker.

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by Anonymousreply 2January 23, 2021 10:25 PM

Don't forget Jimmy Swaggart giving Tammy Faye (and Viola Davis) a run for the money in the ugly cry sweepstakes.

by Anonymousreply 3January 23, 2021 10:32 PM

In 1988, the year after the PTL scandal hit, televangelist Jimmy Swaggart was tailed by a private detective and caught with a hooker in a seedy motel in suburban New Orleans. (He was set up as revenge by a rival minister whom he had successfully drummed out of his church after exposing his affairs.) He subsequently cried crocodile tears to his congregation (see video), but he was ultimately stripped of his ministry by the Assemblies of God.

In 1991 he was busted by police in California with another hooker in his car. This time he told his congregation, "The Lord told me it's none of your business."

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by Anonymousreply 4January 23, 2021 10:33 PM

My dad, an avowed atheist , was sad about the scandal because he loved watching their show.

He loved all the singing and drama

by Anonymousreply 5January 23, 2021 10:34 PM

Tammy Faye actually walked the talk. She was a friend to gays.

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by Anonymousreply 6January 23, 2021 10:34 PM

R2, I loved the World of Wonder documentary that the upcoming movie is based on. It was narrated by RuPaul, aided by sock puppets.

by Anonymousreply 7January 23, 2021 10:37 PM

Tammy was such a sweet, incredibly naive lady. Jim should be the one six feet under, not Tammy. (She couldn’t sing for shit, though.).

by Anonymousreply 8January 23, 2021 10:40 PM

R4 Swaggart openly condemned and tore part Jim Bakker on national television for making televangelists look bad.

He then was caught with a hooker or something. But he wasn’t stripped of his ministry until 1991 after his second Hooker stint

by Anonymousreply 9January 23, 2021 10:42 PM

This was the kind of thing that most of us knew nothing about until the scandals hit. It seemed like a soap opera.

by Anonymousreply 10January 23, 2021 10:49 PM

Tammy Faye was nuts be she had a good heart.

by Anonymousreply 11January 23, 2021 10:58 PM

be = but

by Anonymousreply 12January 23, 2021 10:59 PM

[quote]This was the kind of thing that most of us knew nothing about until the scandals hit. It seemed like a soap opera.

As Stefon would say, the PTL scandal had [italic]everything:[/italic] adultery with an extremely sensual church secretary; intrigue and backstabbing; tacky opulence funded largely by people who could ill afford to give their money away; prescription pill addiction (with hallucinations, yet!); and rumored gay sexy times.

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by Anonymousreply 13January 23, 2021 11:00 PM

Tammy was a mixed bag and not naive. Her 2nd husband went to prison, too. She was very materialistic. However, she did seem kind and compassionate. Should have had more compassion for all the dumbos donating their retirement money, though.

by Anonymousreply 14January 23, 2021 11:01 PM

RIP Tammy

by Anonymousreply 15January 24, 2021 12:48 AM

The condo complex I am staying in for the winter was built for the PTL. The condo that Jim and Tammy Faye was built for was bought by a gay male couple. They turned the wine cellar in the basement into a S&M dungeon. A lesbian couple own it now and I believe the basement is back to being a wine cellar.

by Anonymousreply 16January 24, 2021 1:03 AM

Tammy was always pro gay. I believe Jim never denounced gays either, unlike most of the rest.

by Anonymousreply 17January 24, 2021 1:09 AM

Jim was suspected to be gay.

by Anonymousreply 18January 24, 2021 1:11 AM

I had several Tammy Faye cassettes and 2 of her CDs.

by Anonymousreply 19January 24, 2021 1:11 AM

R18 I never bought that. I feel the only reason people felt he was gay was because he was pro gay.

In many ignorant peoples minds you’re gay if you don’t denounce them, hence why straights always were scared to be too Buddy with a gay. Things are better now overall, but in the past that’s how it was.

by Anonymousreply 20January 24, 2021 1:13 AM

Lisa Whelchel promotes her Grammy nominated album on the PTL.

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by Anonymousreply 21January 24, 2021 1:15 AM

I have her autobiography, [italic]I Gotta Be Me.[/italic]

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by Anonymousreply 22January 24, 2021 1:16 AM

I hope you all appreciate my post at r16; I dumped my beautiful salad all over the floor after typing it.

by Anonymousreply 23January 24, 2021 1:19 AM

There’s a plaque at the Indio CA gas station/truck stop I use that commemorates the Swaggart hooker pickup.

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by Anonymousreply 24January 24, 2021 1:20 AM

Swaggart apologized after his first fuck up and was forgiven by his congregation and the public. It was after his second that he stepped down. He wasn’t removed, he chose to step down after embarrassing himself again.

The reason Swaggart’s first Hooker affair was a huge deal was not only because he’s a preacher, but right before he condemned Bakker on National TV for his sins.

by Anonymousreply 25January 24, 2021 1:25 AM

Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were a couple of freaks. How in the hell could anybody be so stupid as to send money to these two? I remember a clip of Jim Bakker; he was in tears (he and Tammy Faye ususually were) and he said something like "All I wanted was two hundred thousand dollars!" Or some such astronomical amount of money. There were always begging, begging for money. All those tv preachers did.

The woman who was the cause of Bakker's downfall, Jessica Hahn, was as disgusting and repulsive as he was. She claimed she was an innocent virgin (!) who was corrupted and raped by the evil Bakker. Actually, she was a whore. She did a nude spread in Playboy; she had small, sagging tits. Then she did another nude spread for Playboy where she had tits like volley balls. She was in a music video with the gross comedian Sam Kinison where they were rolling around on the ground swallowing each other's tongues. She had an affair with him. Well , of course she would. She went on talk shows and it was obvious she was batshit crazy. She and Joan Rivers got into it on River's talk show; that was pretty funny. Joan really told her off.

All those tv preachers were crazy. There was the loony Jim and Tammy Faye. There were Jimmy Swaggart and his hookers. There was Oral Roberts, who said God would kill him if his flock didn't send me a large amount of money. There was Jerry Falwell, who said homosexual "would kill you as soon as look at you." They were all nuts. Their followers must have been nuts too.

by Anonymousreply 26January 24, 2021 1:30 AM

Televangelist and Trump’s Christian Advisor has been making a fool of himself lately.

Only a matter of time he’s on his list

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by Anonymousreply 27January 24, 2021 1:31 AM

R26 they weren’t like that at first, but as time went on and their popularity grew they became more greedy and greedy.

They started holding televised fundraisers regularly for people to donate to their church and theme park. They were bringing in millions!!!

And their show was popular overseas too.

by Anonymousreply 28January 24, 2021 1:35 AM

Don’t forget the disgraced and bad-wig-wearing Ernest Angley.

by Anonymousreply 29January 24, 2021 1:40 AM

R29 all I remember is Tammy Faye's ridiculous fake eyelashes, and her eyes were a complete mess when she cried on camera, which she often did on tv.

by Anonymousreply 30January 24, 2021 1:49 AM

Their son Jay is a Pastor who is Gay affirming. He had to fire his entire staff because they were opposed to him being Pro Gay.

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by Anonymousreply 31January 24, 2021 2:00 AM

Jimmy Swaggart still has a church and a TV channel devoted to him. And of course the whole family is in on the grift, with his crotchety wife hosting her own daily show which is supposed to be about the bible but is basically Trump propaganda now.

by Anonymousreply 32January 24, 2021 2:02 AM

Jim Bakker is back on TV too. He was released after 5 years of his 45 year sentence.

by Anonymousreply 33January 24, 2021 2:04 AM

^ Also a Trumpster. I like to think Tammy wouldn't have supported him.

by Anonymousreply 34January 24, 2021 2:06 AM

Yes r32, Frances Swaggart anchors “Frances and Friends”. A Trump infomercial. And she is such a bossy old hag. Baker’s show is just a slop bucket infomercial with lots of conspiracy theories.

by Anonymousreply 35January 24, 2021 2:09 AM

I agree r35. Frances is mean ol bitch

by Anonymousreply 36January 24, 2021 2:18 AM

Jessica Hahn was not only a whore, she was the Whore of Babylon (Long Island).

by Anonymousreply 37January 24, 2021 2:47 AM

Those were good times for satirical tv viewing. There was also Kathryn Kuhlman who was a riot with her young stud/pianist Dino. Jim Bakker always struck me as gay. Hard to believe he's still around. When the PTL scandal broke, all the other televangelists swooped down to try and grab the ministry. You had to laugh. I was on the mailing list for a guy (name?) whose mission was to drop bibles behind the iron curtain back in the early 80s. He would actually send things to me, like a nail that represented the nail in the box of bibles to be airdropped, and one time a baggy of white powder that looked like cocaine which represented the frosting on his daughter's birthday cake. He was busted for using a hearing device which his wife would tell him things about audience members so he could appear to be psychic. They were all so shameless.

by Anonymousreply 38January 24, 2021 2:55 AM

So no one cares that I dumped my salad after typing in that juicy information?

by Anonymousreply 39January 24, 2021 3:10 AM
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