My favorite Faye story, posted at Broadway World in 2006:
[quote]I had the distinct displeasure of having her as a customer at two separate retail jobs I held back in the '90s. (Just my luck, I guess.) She was, by far, the most AWFUL person I have ever met . . . basically she's just a horrid snobby bitch who treats everyone like crap and then the next day has her assistant return everything she made you waste 2 hours finding for her. (That was the first experience, at the Pottery Barn in the Beverly Center.)
[quote]The second one was worse:
[quote]I was working alone in a very ritzy boutique in West Hollywood/Beverly Hills. I had only been working there a few weeks, so I was very conscious of making sure I made a good impression on all the celebrity clients who came in. (I mention this to explain why I let this woman treat me like excrement instead of ignoring her or telling her off.)
[quote]As I said, I was alone in the store (the owner and manager were downtown on a buying trip), and she came in. She was looking for a suit. We carried lots of suits. She started pulling things, handing them to me, until I had a very large and heavy pile of clothes in my arms, and she said, "Hold these for me." I assumed she meant to put them "on hold" for her while she went and ran another errand, so I started to lay the things down on the counter and organize this huge pile of clothes so I could neatly hang them and hold them for her. She noticed what I was doing (she was about 20 feet away at this point), and literally screamed at me, "[bold]I SAID HOLD THEM FOR ME! WHILE I WALK AROUND THE STORE! ARE YOU STUPID?[/bold]" (I'm not kidding. this happened.)
[quote]So, being young and new to the job, I did. I followed her around the store like a human coat rack, as she threw more and more clothes on top of me. Then, after about 2 hours of dealing with just general unpleasantness as she tried things on, she finally bought one suit. Not a great sale at all, but whatever . . .
[quote]As she left, I went into the dressing room, which of course was an utter disaster—not one thing on a hanger, everything crumpled all over the floor—and as I was cleaning up, I noticed she'd left her sports bra on the bench in there. So, being nice, I ran out front (her Mercedes was parked directly in front of the store) and gestured to her through the passenger side window, being sure to be discreet about the bra. Well, she got all angry again, and started very aggressively gesturing for me to come around into traffic so I could hand her the bra through the driver's side door instead. Yes, that's right, her power trip is so extreme that she refused to roll down the passenger side window to let me hand her her bra and made me walk into traffic to hand it to her through the driver's side.
[quote]The kicker is, after all that, the owner returned to the store, and I told her that Ms. Dunaway had been in, and before I could go on she said, "Oh god, we hate her. You don't have to help her if she ever comes in here.” So, I'd been scraping and bowing for no reason. HA!