File Under: "This scandal is Foo-King Ug-ly." This makes Adam Schiff's "wet for Russian Collusion panites" all dry and crusty & are chafing him back to reality. Tucker Carlson’s show is the number one cable news program in the country. Between those who tuned in last night and those who will watch Bobulinski’s interview via YouTube and other sites in the coming days, no amount of media suppression is going to stop this story from coming out. China Joe lied when he claimed he never discussed Hunter’s shady deals. He’s lying when he says he never made any money off of them. And he’s lying when he claims the story is Russian disinformation. There is no more plausible deniability for China Joe, no matter how much he denies it and no matter how diligently the media tries to protect him. Linky-Poo at R2 inside the thread -->
Maga Gays! Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinski Lifts the skirt of Joe's "Plausible Deniability" up over his head.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | October 29, 2020 3:45 AM |
Ugh, that picture!
by Anonymous | reply 5 | October 29, 2020 12:41 AM |
OP/r1/r2/r3/r4, is it physically painful to be as stupid as you are?
I certainly hope so.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | October 29, 2020 12:42 AM |
Now do the Trump family, then get back to us, troll.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | October 29, 2020 12:42 AM |
How nice, Magats have their made up scandal for the next little while.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | October 29, 2020 12:44 AM |
Stupid cunt at R7 they have done the Trump family and no collusion and no obstruction (he's still the pres)
by Anonymous | reply 9 | October 29, 2020 12:44 AM |
And yet, having known abou this for months they decide to release the story a week before the election. Sure, Boris.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | October 29, 2020 12:49 AM |
I'm sure you have plenty to say about this too, OP.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | October 29, 2020 12:53 AM |
R11 ah yes, open books where people were trading in her company, not selling access and skimming the top, but I will all come out in the trial.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | October 29, 2020 12:54 AM |
Trump paid more taxes to China than to the U.S.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | October 29, 2020 12:55 AM |
"It will come out in the trial."
by Anonymous | reply 16 | October 29, 2020 12:55 AM |
What was all that about Chinese business ties again? Hmmm?
by Anonymous | reply 17 | October 29, 2020 12:56 AM |
Oh, and about nepotism and corruption ... care to comment?
by Anonymous | reply 18 | October 29, 2020 12:57 AM |
Wait, where is Joe and Hunter's China tax info??? Oh, that's right
by Anonymous | reply 19 | October 29, 2020 12:57 AM |
Hmm, maybe having a president who owes tens of millions to the Chinese isn't such a good idea.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | October 29, 2020 12:58 AM |
Oh, don't bother replying. Dear old Auntie never engages. This is one genuinely stupid troll, not just because of the pathetically lame content but because the trolling is so obvious.
How horrible does your life have to be that the only way you can get attention and personal satisfaction is to troll DL?
by Anonymous | reply 22 | October 29, 2020 12:58 AM |
How about this, OP? No one gives a shit. The media covers for Joe, he gets away with it and you and the Magats seethe about it until you die. Sounds great!
by Anonymous | reply 23 | October 29, 2020 12:58 AM |
Night shift is off to an early start in the Kremlin tonight - must be putting in overtime!
by Anonymous | reply 24 | October 29, 2020 12:58 AM |
How about this classic from 2019 (seems like so long ago, doesn't it, OP)?
by Anonymous | reply 25 | October 29, 2020 12:59 AM |
He really admired China's response to the coronavirus, too!
by Anonymous | reply 27 | October 29, 2020 1:01 AM |
When he's not too busy defaming "Beijing Biden," Trump is on his hands and knees begging for Xi Jinping's help.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | October 29, 2020 1:02 AM |
That time when Trump called Xi a "great leader."
Had enough yet, OP? I could go on all night.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | October 29, 2020 1:02 AM |
And the world saw Hunter's dick, was impressed and moved on.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | October 29, 2020 3:40 AM |
So does somebody drop a house on AuntiePoo on November 4?
by Anonymous | reply 31 | October 29, 2020 3:45 AM |